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[two] Pale-butt

Postby emblo » Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:37 pm


name ;; Adrian Vhen
age ;; twenty three
species ;; werewolf
status ;; loner
mood ;; shocked, excited
location;; human village
tags ;; Ashton

              The white canine spent several more minutes sitting under the branches of an oak tree, situated neatly between two of the massive plant's large roots. He let out a long breath slowly through his muzzle, previously studying the dirt at his paws but now looked up to carefully survey his surroundings. Oddly, it felt peaceful here, even so close to a human village. Over the past few days he hadn't had much time to simply relax, or rather, wouldn't allow himself to do so. It was all just traveling. Wake up, walk for miles, hunt, sleep, repeat. He didn't mind it too much, but it was endlessly repetitive, so needless to say he was relived to finally break that routine he had constructed. Raising to his feet, Adrian let out a small yawn, his jaws opening wide to show his glistening sharp teeth. Stretching his front paws forward they were raked through the dirt, his paw pads creating two parallel lines indented into the ground. His back legs stayed where they were, causing his rump to raise up in the air.

              Collecting himself back into a standing position, his eyes slowly scanned the forest once more. Faint sounds of human life her audible from the distance, but they were far enough away to where Adrian felt relaxed being in his current form. However, he wouldn't dare go much closer before shifting. He began walking forward once more, his pale ears perked for any new sounds that may be too close for comfort. There was, of course, a few birds and small ground animals that were making a ruckus, but he simply ignored them, as they were not of his concern. The canine slowed once more as he came closer to the village, his keen eyes trained on the path in front of him. He was slightly hesitant to shift, just because his coat was fairly scruffy and the scratches on his face didn't help his appearance. He probably looked like some outlaw.

              Just as Adrian was deciding to shift back human, for the first time in almost a month, something caught his senses. The oddly familiar scent of a wolf was being blown towards him in the slight breeze. His head lifted and quickly turned in that direction, confused on how he had not been able to track this before now. He was somewhat disappointed in himself for being taken off guard, but at the same time intrigued. What was a wolf doing in a place like this? Unless it was not in fact, just a wolf. With newfound interest, he slowly began to follow the scent. Something about it triggered a nostalgic feeling, but he couldn't put his finger on why. He was cautions about how close he was getting to the village, now almost sure this was another one of his kind. No wolf would willingly travel right into the heart of a human establishment. He paused as the scent changed. The trees were thinning and a few buildings were now visible.

              Letting out a slight growl of annoyance, having hoped he could figure this out before entering the village, he figured he'd have to shift after all. Even though he had done this probably a thousand times in his life, it always left him pretty sore. Within just a few seconds he was standing on two feet again, a bit shaky but he soon reestablished the rhythm of walking without the aid of two extra paws. As he traveled out of the line of the trees he strode confidently into the village, his eyes scanning the area in front of him for the alleged werewolf. It took him a few moments to decide where they had walked off to, but was soon following behind that path.
              He passed several humans on his way. Some he noticed spent a few moments to watch him, probably simply because they didn't get too many visitors, but Adrian ignored them, focused on his mission. After just a few minutes of walking, he suddenly stopped, seeing an all too familiar male in the distance. Adrian must have appeared shocked and although he could only see the back of him, whom it identified as was unmistakable...but it had been years, how could he be here now? What were the slim chances of such a thing happening? No, it couldn't possibly be anyone else. He smelled the same, as odd as that sounded.

              A few moments later he was quite literally, tackling him to the ground. Adrian had bolted towards him, maneuvering in front of him at the last moment so he could land on top of him. He ignored any other individuals around, who probably thought the man was being attacked by some stranger. At the moment though, he didn't care. After successfully crashing onto the ground with Ashton underneath of him, he grinned down at his old companion. Adrian's hands were at his wrists, holding them above his head. However, his grip was loose and it wouldn't be difficult for him to get thrown off, which he was expecting. His knees were on either side of his body with his hair hanging slightly in his eyes. "Hey loser! What are you doing here?!" he spoke loudly, now consciously aware of the few around them so didn't add the last, 'living with all these pathetic humans.' The journal that had previously been in Ashton's hand was skidding several yards across the hard ground to come to a stop against some building.
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Re: [✧] gay flower - two

Postby iaan » Fri Aug 28, 2015 5:36 pm

( ASHTON ! )
( role;; spy mood;; frantic + surprised tagged;; adrian song;; lets kill tonight )

      xxxxxxxxxxxxin a tired, frustrated manner, he furiously rubbed at his eyes. despite being sleepy, he was still up and about like the rest of the humans. curse them, they seemed to like to wake up early. it was a little worrisome how lax ashton had become, but nothing interesting had been going on lately, and it gave him the chance to relax. which isnt all that good, but then again he need a break once in a while. surely if his alpha and beta were aware of his lazy behavior, theyd scold him, even though it was only a one time thing. to help concentrate better, he closed his eyes several times, squeezing them shut tightly. he was getting a head ache, and it really wasnt helping his already crappy mood. the next person who would approach would surely get an earful from the boy. deciding to get his mind off of it, he opened up his leather journal and took a pencil from his behind pocket. looking for a suspect, he found a fairly young girl eating a muffin, if he recalled correctly, her name was gracie... and while there wasnt anything suspicious of her - other than the fact she was eating a muffin without any coffee, who does that? - he still decided to write down his observations. she seemed to have dressed in a rush, but it didnt necessarily mean she was running from something. maybe she was rushed by her family members? who knew, and who cared? ashton sure didnt. deciding it wasnt worth his time, he sighed and tucked his pencil into his back pocket once more and shut the journal. the journal was too unreasonably big to shove into his pocket, so he'd have to carry the darn thing all day. as he kept walking, he couldnt help but feel highly uneasy, something was off. he highly doubted that someone had gotten banished, as he didnt recall any suspicious villager behavior yesterday. running a shaky hand through his hair, he nervously swallowed, had he missed something important? was he forgetting something? if he did he was majorly screwed, his one job, was too watch the citizens of the town. for god's sake, he felt the bile rising in his throat. he hated to admit it, but ashton easily got scared if he messed up something that lots of people expect him to do a good job at.
      xxxxxxxxxxxxuneasily, he turned around with the intention to go back to the village but he was suddenly stopped. all he saw was a blur of white hair and pale skin rush towards him in record speed before crashing into him. subconsciously, ashton had thrown his hands in the air and had tried protect his face when he saw the man barreling at him. this ended up in the journal being flung helplessly to the side, smacking against a building and thudding to the ground. but that wasnt his main concern, it was in fact, figuring out who the hot stranger was. and why were they straddling him? that was no way to introduce yourself to someone, even an incompetent monkey knew that...okay no..maybe not. a monkey probably has no idea what manners are... his head was just slammed into the ground, cut him some slack! his already pounding head and achy back were just body slammed into the ground by a boy who looks like they weighed two times less than him! " What the living - who ar- why did yo-? ", ashton screeched incoherently, feeling dazed and disoriented. it wasn't until his vision cleared and his mind settled down that he realized just who had tackled him. and he honestly didn't know how to feel. an array of emotions pumped in his veins, mainly confusion and glee. his mouth gaped open and closed, much like a fish's. ashton saved the boy off of him, and got up in a flash - ultimately responding in a dizzy moment. regaining his balance, he pulled his old buddy off of the ground and gave him a tight hug. he was the taller one, at a whooping 6'3", and it was no surprise he towered over adrian. nearly smothering the boy into his chest, he could help but let out a small whimper of happiness. this boy, adrian, could possibly be the last remaining part of his childhood. who knew what happened to his parents, he didn't really care. all ashton was focusing on wad the night he decided to accompany the older boy in his escape, without knowing what they were really doing. it had been a scary moment for ashton, adrenaline had been pumped in his system and he was beyond angry at his family for treating him horribly for simply being who he was. following adrian when he left the pack could have possibly been the best thing he could have done.
      xxxxxxxxxxxx and now, the person who helped him find a better life was in front of him. without adrian, ashton could imagine he would have lost his mind a long time ago with his former family.
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|| noemi ; the healer

Postby nimrod. » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:38 am

        n o e m i
          tags; draytonxxxxlocation; her cabinxxxxfeeling; concerned

          xxxIt was a day like most others, Noemi awoke in the small cabin she knew as her own, eyes peering over to take sight of the day in which the window made way for, sighing as she took in the ever so beautiful sunset, wishing she would have rose earlier so that she could have watched from start to finish, alas, she was too late. “There is always tomorrow,” she murmured softly to herself as she sat up, pushing the blankets off of her before stretching her arms out over her head, her body tensing as the cold enveloped her petite frame, desiring to return back underneath the warmth and comfort of her blankets in which she had left behind. Standing from where she rest, she hummed softly under her breath as she walked lightly across the rug on her wooden floor, chewing on her lower lip softly as she made her way to her dresser, pulling out a change of clothing in which would enwrap her in warmth. She held herself in delight as the soft sweater embraced her delicate frame, slipping into a pair of moccasins before Noemi left the comfort of her cabin, stepping out into the chilly air.
          xxxNoemi took in a deep breath, savoring the scent of the forest around her, glancing around for a moment as she considered where she might possibly go in search of much needed supplies. There were common things used on a daily basis by fellow pack mates, one concoction being one in which they could eat as a filler, so that even when hungry, it did not cause for an unsettling, empty stomach. She stepped down off of the few steps that led from the door of her cabin and to the earth, her feet trailing gently across the surface as she neared the edge of the forest, heading towards a cave in which was located near a stream, knowing that she often found various plant life growing in the area, as well as a few fungi when times were damp enough. Anything she could busy herself within which would benefit her pack made her more than pleased to do this, even though she was alone and rather chilled. In the back over her mind, she busied herself by worrying about her pack mates’ wellbeing, being as for quite some time now, she had been having tense feelings, which typically alarmed her that something was close to happening. As ridiculous as it may sound, her instinct always remained true.
          xxxNearing the stream in which ran under the entrance of the cave, she knelt down, her eyes narrowing as she examined the layer of leaves in which rest upon the forest floor, gently brushing the material away to reveal the treasures hidden underneath. Spending a large part of her morning by gathering various materials, she eventually decided she had enough for what would be needed in the near future, and began her trek back to her cozy cabin, following the scent of smoke that was emitted from her chimney. This reminded her that later on she would need to head out and try and gather some material to burn, unable to cut firewood on her own, she lacks the strength and stamina needed. Reaching the cabin, she opened the door, shuffling inside and quickly closing it behind her so that the warmth wouldn’t escape outside. Whistling softly under her breath, she made her way back to the small storage area in which she kept the materials deemed a part of her work, prepping the various items before putting them away in their designated locations. A small smile illuminated her beautiful face as she exited the room, making her way over to her small bedding area, and taking a towel, wiping forest debris off of her hands as she sat on the edge of her bed, watching out her window, reluctant to head back out into the forest after what she had just experienced.
          xxxWhile Noemi had been collecting the various items, she had the oddest sensation that she was being watched. The young fae had continuously looked around her, the instincts within her begging for her to flee, yet she had pushed the feeling aside, finding that she was simply getting spooked over nothing. That was until a twig had snapped under the weight of a large frame, her head whipping around and catching sight of a human passing behind her, though obviously no intentions towards her. After catching sight of the person, she had frozen, waiting until it passed and was no longer in her near presence before she reminded herself she had no true need to worry, being as she too was in human form. Though of course, what was the man doing on their land? And how long might he stay present? Almost immediately after regaining her bravery, she had convinced herself that the shelter of her cabin would be best to seek, and in a silent, light stepping manner, rushed back to the shelter she had come to appreciate so greatly for offering her a sanctuary. Noemi loved being the healer, for sake of not needing to face many other strangers. She adored her pack mates, but anyone otherwise frightened her greatly.
          xxxAs she sat, wondering over what she had just seen moments ago, she froze in complete alarm as she heard her door open, tensing as she sat upright, slowly standing though careful not to create any noise. Noemi stepped quietly across the wooden floor, reaching to open the door and peer out into the main area, but she watched in horror as someone on the other side began to open it. About to begin and plea for her safety, her eyes caught sight of an ever so familiar wolf, practically melting as she took in the sight of Drayton before her. “Oh Drayton,” she breathed out as she reached for him, wrapping her arms around the large wolf, seeking the familiar comfort he offered her. Of course, they weren’t all too close, but after what she had just experienced, she felt a desire to be near one of her beloved pack mates. Upon recalling whom it was she was holding, she quickly ended the embrace, face heating up ever so slightly as she gave an apologetic bat of her eye lashes. “I assume you are here due to your previous wounds,” she mused aloud with a soft sigh as she reached a hand out, tenderly pressing it against the areas in which the brute had been hurt not long ago, her eyes searching his handsome face for signs of pain.
          xxxStanding up, Noemi took a few steps away from him, showing a kind smile, though her body trembled ever so slightly, a mixture of fear from before, but also from the fact that her beta sat before her, the male in which captivated her for so long, yet she hadn’t a nerve within her to ever try and show her affection, for fear it may not be returned. “If you wouldn’t mind transforming for me,” she trailed off with a raised brow, waiting expectantly for the young man to appear in his ever so handsome, human form. She adores both sides of him, though there was something more awestriking about his tall, stunning build as a human. Noemi always found his wolf to be ever so inviting, as it had been for her just moments ago. The only reason she truly requested the change, was so that she could have a better look over his injuries without fur being in the way. There was only so much she was capable of doing, but it may surprise a lot of humans how much knowledge she holds, and the various things she is capable of. Noemi is of course modest about her work, always brushing off praise being as it is what she loves to do.
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[three]➳Pale-butt [two]✞Gravedigger

Postby emblo » Sat Aug 29, 2015 2:06 pm


name ;; Rhett Wilson
age ;; eighteen
status ;; gravedigger
mood ;; calm, happy
location;; market
tags ;; Magnus

              Rhett sat alone in peace, her dark clothing blending in with the colors of the cemetery. After a few minutes as the sun rose higher into the sky, it was able to overcome the cluttered branches of the the trees and warm her with its rays. She smiled just slightly to herself, slouching down on the bench so she could lean her head back against the wood. Even though she was still cold, it felt nice. She was always envious of those accustomed to the cold, as she always had to bundle up to even feel comfortable. Nonetheless, she still preferred it to the heat of summer, besides what it did to her plants. At least a half hour passed and she was still sitting there. Although she was content, she figured she should actually get up and do something. Otherwise, she may just fall back to sleep. Letting a long breath escape her mouth she sat back up straight and took a quick glance around before standing. Clasping her fingers together she stretched them out in front of her body as she began walking back the way she came.

              Heading up the stairs she was more careful, not wanting to take another tumble. She took a left once she reached the top and passed through the back lawn of the church, away from her own house. Although she wasn't exactly sure where she was heading, it was better than just sitting around. She walked past a few more buildings and also a few people, but other than some friendly waves and greetings, didn't stop. That was, until she came to Magnus' house. She paused momentarily, taking a few seconds to deliberate, then changed directions to head there. Walking up towards the front door she was just raising her hand to knock when movement caught the corner of her gaze. She slowly lowered it again, glancing around before giving a small grin. Assuming it must be one of the twins, Rhett found her way along the side of the house. In doing so she realized there was no light coming from inside, which she should have took note of before.

              Just as she was nearing the end of the house, the young girl popped out, causing her to let out a small noise of surprise. Rhett laughed, holding her hand over her heart as she looked down at the other female. "Jeez Clary, you scared me...Magnus home?" she questioned, but only got a small shake of the head. "Hmm...alright, then where is he." She shrugged then seem to think for a moment before pointing back where Rhett had came from. "Fishing?" Nope. "Anywhere on the water?" No. She game a small sigh as she studied the younger girl, whom seemed to be entertained. After several seconds Rhett seemed to have it and pointed a finger. "The market?" she asked, which received a nod. She smiled but soon realized the kid most likely wanted to go back to whatever she had been doing prior. "Alright well thank you! See you later." she spoke and gave a small wave, which was reciprocated before the Clary darted off.

              Rhett raised her eyebrows before turning and walking back towards the more populated section of the town. She sure was an odd little girl, but she was cute. She slowly traveled through the paths between buildings, eventually making it to where she was heading. It was quite a large area, so she wasn't sure if she would be capable of finding him. For a few minutes she wandered around specifically looking for him, but after that she began looking at some of the items people had to trade. It's not like she was actually interested in them, simply bored. And of course, that was when she spotted him. His back was to her but Rhett was still fairly certain it was him. Not too many guys had hair as long as his. Walking quickly, she headed towards him, a small smile finding its way onto her face. Although she wasn't entirely sure why he was here, she could guess and she hoped she wasn't intruding on anything. "You ever going to cut this Mag?" she teased, her smile growing and she lifted her arm an ran her fingers through the back of his hair. "Clary told me you'd be here." she added.


name ;; Adrian Vhen
age ;; twenty three
species ;; werewolf
status ;; loner
mood ;; curious,
location;; approaching
the human village
tags ;; n/a

              The young male raised his eyebrows slightly as he listened to the other werewolf's stuttering speech. Of course, that simple gesture was blocked by the veil of his his bangs, which were currently getting in the way of his vision. However, his expression clearly showed his amusement. A large grin had made it's way onto his features, along with a slight sparkle to his gaze. This was the first time in probably years that he had really got to look at Ashton, even if it was in a rather unconventional manor brought on by his excitement. He wasn't completely sure how long had passed, since it was difficult to keep track of time when you spent the majority of your life as a wolf, but it felt like forever. Adrian had half expected to be on top of a complete stranger, since the chances of such a thing happening were slim to nothing. But now as he got to take in the other male's face, along with his reaction, all doubts were thrown away. His features were clearly more mature than they had been when they parted, but the same immature child lied under there. It was very strange really, and he couldn't help but suddenly become nervous about how Ashton would reciprocate their sudden reunion. Clearly, he was shocked, his facial expression worth any action that may follow it. Adrian couldn't help but laugh at this and was still doing so as he abruptly got shoved off.

              Pulling his shoulder in towards his body he was able to smoothly roll onto his back, looking up at Ashton with that same taunting grin. He wasn't sure what to expect. He could possibly be either punched or welcomed, and both sounded equally reasonable and possible. However, as the other man helped him to his feet, he decided it was most likely the latter. Grabbing his hand, he quickly stood and was about to step back a few feet when he was pulled into a hug. Adrian couldn't help but feel small, only reaching about to his chin. Although standing next to most people he was fairly tall, it still wasn't anything compared to his old friend. When they were children, or even in their early teenagers, he had always been the taller one, but now clearly that wasn't the case. He didn't embrace him back, simply stood there with his arms awkwardly out forward for all of two seconds.

              "Damn man, when did ya' become such a giant?" he questioned, maneuvering his hands between the two of them and shoving him away. Adrian wasn't one to relish in physical affection, even if it was something as simple as a hug between previously separated friends. He glanced over Ashton's form before around at the village, frowning slightly. One girl, whom had clearly thought the man was being attacked, was just moving on after realizing she had been mistaken. "Really though Ash, what are you doing here demeaning yourself around...them?" he asked, making a slight face of disgust before composing himself once more. He caught himself at the last moment form saying humans instead, though that was clearly what he meant. He didn't have anything specific against their kind; they just seemed so...plain. Humans were boring to him, which was most likely why he couldn't stand to be around the same ones for more than a month. Werewolves were different, but for some reason he still ended up leaving those too.

              Giving a small "hmmm" of thought, he pushed his pale hair back from his face with a swift flick of his wrist. His eyes quickly scanned the ground around them, trying to pinpoint whatever had been in Ashton's hand prior to his attack. Adrian had been too caught up in the moment to realize what it was, but now he was curious. Without leaving much time for him to even answer his question, Adrian suddenly began walking away, locating a leather-bound journal against the side of the nearest building. Although he wasn't a hundred percent sure this was indeed what he had been carrying, it seemed like the only reasonable thing around. Bending down, he quickly snatched it off the ground. Without thought that Ashton may not want him to look in it, he flipped it open to look at one of the pages near the middle. His back was previously to the other male, but now he turned around, looking a couple times from Ash to his journal. What the hell was this? Cocking one of his eyebrows up, he returned his attention to the words, which seemed to be going several ways at once. He slowly flipped through them until he came to the ones that were yet to be filled, finding them all the same. Lifting it closer to his face, he turned it back and forth before actually trying to read a few lines of the written text.
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Re: Banished

Postby Cyphron » Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:26 pm

Drayton Severin
The simplicity of being unknown and forgotten....

I am~ ”In Noemi's cabin.”
Feeling~ ”Apathetic.”
Rank ~ ”Beta.”
Tagged~ Noemi

Sitting down silently Drayton's ears twitched as he heard Noemi sigh out in relief and noticed her eyes were wide open in what looked like fear. Tilting his head even further to the side to the point where it was touching his shoulder in mild curiosity, the brute remained still when Noemi rushed towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Stiffening, his entire body went rigid instantly, muscles tightening and fur raising along the straight path on his spine. Shaking his head slowly he shoved away his instincts and forced his body to relax along with his fur to resume to being flat on his body. It wasn't long though before Noemi released her hold on him and as quick as the hug was received was as quick as the healer unraveled herself and took a step back. Rising up to his full height the wolf shook out his light colored pelt, body shaking rapidly to the sides as he attempted to shake off his uneasiness from the unexpected physical contact. He didn't enjoy being taken off guard even if it was from a pack mate, he preferred to have an inkling when something was going to happen and this time he had no idea. Groaning when the rapid movement from his shaking caused a sharp pain to course through his chest and down towards his ribs, Drayton stopped and stood still, taking in the time to breathe in slowly and then exhale. When he had been wounded it had been hard to breathe, the elk bull having kicked him hard in the chest and then the trampling from the other bull was no help.

Feeling Noemi touch the tender flesh where his wound was located the brute inhaled sharply but remained silent, feeling the familiar dull ache in his ribs as the healer looked at him for any indication of feeling pain. But the beta didn't show any as he hated showing weakness, even if it was to a healer who had to know if he was in pain or not. Hearing Noemi take a step back Drayton raised his head up and kept his hollow gaze on her, nostrils flaring as the sharp smell of fear reeked within the air. Fear which was being emitted from Noemi and a small rumble came from within his chest and echoed around the small room, animal instincts rearing up as the smell pulled at him to react like a true wolf. He refused though and once again forced down his natural instincts which he found himself doing a lot at the moment. Snapping out of his thoughts his attention was placed back onto his pack mate and his ears swiveled in her direction as he picked up on her sentence. Immediately he took a step back and growled softly, his inner wolf voicing out his thoughts as the two were on the same page on shifting back into human form, neither of them liked it one bit.

Its been months since Drayton had last shifted, having spent most of his life in wolf form he grew use to being on four legs and covered in fur. It was natural to him and he never took a liking to being in his human form, it may be his first form but it didn't mean that it would be the one he'll resort to. Knowing though that Noemi would have an easier time assessing his wound the lad sighed and gave a small, stiff nod as he complied to her suggestion. Closing his eyes he exhaled softly as his body began to transformation from canine to human, bones cracking and shifting, organs moving around and fur sinking back into his skin. A small growl of pain and frustration emitted from his throat, teeth gritting and back arching as the shift kept at a slow pace rather than a usual fast one. Its been awhile since the beta had last shifted and now he was paying the price by his body taking in the pain from not being use to the extensive toll of the shift. Feeling his spine crack and extend to resume him back to his tall height as a human Drayton swallowed down a howl of agony and instead dug his sharpened nails deep into his newly transformed palm, concentrating on a different source of pain in order to distract himself from the greater deal. Once the transformation was complete the lad exhaled softly and opened his eyes before rising up to his impressive 6'1 height on shaky legs. Blinking to readjust to the different level of vision Drayton looked around, bright amber eyes narrowing as he scanned his surroundings. For some odd reason unlike other werewolves the beta's eyes stood the same as his wolf's and the sharp canines from his wolf form adjusted to fit to with his other teeth. No matter what he always kept those two features and never found out why they stayed, he could only guess that one way or another he still had some canine in him.

Swaying gently Drayton reached out for the table in front of him and leaned against it, bending down so his forehead could rest against the cool wood. He stopped though when he noticed the coloring on his arms and chuckled softly when he realized what it was. He had forgotten that he had tattoos all over his arms and hands along with a few on his shoulders. It certainly has been awhile since he was last in this form. Flexing his fingers to get use to the sensation he slowly raised his head up and casted his amber gaze over to Noemi, raising an eyebrow towards her before smirking. The only clothing he had that stood with him from his last shift was a black wife beater, dark colored jeans and combat boots. Simple and efficient, which would also certainly make things easier for Noemi to asses his wound and he could only guess how much more the healer was going to get flustered around him. Chuckling softly Drayton remained silent and simply kept his eyes on her, just waiting and watching.
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Re: Banished

Postby prince of heart » Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:07 am

Toni Michell
Recruiter | 22 | Female
In the woods; Tatum
Toni hummed slightly as she walked through the woods, keeping to her human form for the time being. The fae was easily distracted, staring about at anything that caught her eye. There were not set patterns to her daily walks about the forest, though she did stay away from the human village. It wouldn't be good for someone to see the daughter of the long banished village tailor after all. The years may have passed, but Toni looked almost exactly like her father, and it would be clear to anyone who knew him. Distracted by the rare thoughts of her family, it took Toni a minute to realize that she had been following a scent trail. Pausing, she took a few breaths before a wide smile crossed her face. It was Tatum, probably out hunting. With a new purpose to her steps, she followed.

It was the work of a few short minutes for Toni to come bounding out of the trees, nearly running directly into Tatum. She belatedly hopes that Tatum wasn't tracking something, as Toni would have scared it away long ago with all the racket she tended to make. Still, Tatum would forgive her if she did. Eventually. "Tatum my dear darling hunter, how has your day been so far?" She started as soon as she cleared the trees. If there was one thing Toni Michell could do, it was talk.

Magnus Fray
Fisher | 23 | Male
In the Village; Rhett
Magnus stepped back in shock slightly as a man was tackled to the ground in front of him. For a brief moment he thought Leo had decided to arrest him, before realizing that the stranger was not Leo. Magnus stepped forward to help, but the two were abruptly hugging. Giving up and deciding that he would just never understand some people, he returned to his original spot, continuing to look around the market place. He had to buy a few things, of course, but he was also here to sell some fish, and should really set up his stall. Before he could get started however, he felt a slim hand running through his hair.

Turning to face Rhett, he smiled, laughing slightly as he too ran a hand through his hair. "You'd miss petting me if I ever did" He teased slightly, smiling. He tilted his head at her explanation, frowning slightly. "She talked to you? Or did she play charades again?" He asked,blinking briefly. Someone shoved by, and he stumbled into her, giving a yelp of surprise. He withdrew almost instantly, blushing slightly as he began to apologize. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." He began, shifting his weight slightly
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Re: Banished

Postby Shadō » Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:03 pm


xx Form Male Twenty-One Human Jacobson Family The Builder Location; Town Tags; Open

Hammering noises came from a house down at the end of one of the town's streets. It was a fairly new one, looking as though it had just had its walls and roof put on. Leaning against one of those new wall was a ladder, tall enough to reach the roof. And on that roof, there was a young man with light brown hair going around and hammering down nails that would hold the shingles of the roof down. Will stood and took a break to stretch his back and wipe a small bit of sweat off his forehead. Aside from the inside furnishings and stuff like that, there was not much more to do. He had been up earlier this morning, holding in mind the goal of getting the house's outside done by the end of today. So far, he seemed to making pretty good time and progress. There was only half the roof left to do, and then all he needed to do was patch up a few holes in the one wall, where there had been a slight mishap involving a small tree, and make sure things functioned properly.
The inside of the house was pretty plain. It had a kitchen with kitchen cabinets, a sink, a toilet, a dining room with some chairs, nothing too fancy and pretty much the normal stuff one would need to live comfortably. However, as this wasn't Will's job, he didn't worry too much about the interior. That was mainly for someone else, aside from installing the things that kind of needed to be built as part of the house. Once he finished up on the roof, he climbed down the ladder carefully and landed on the ground. He went around to patch up the wall that had been slightly damaged by the tree, which took only about 5-10 minutes, and then went and sat down for a bit to admire his hard work. It looked good, or at least it did on the outside. Perfectly presentable with a nice front yard to accompany it.
Finally, Will decided he had to get up. There was enough time to grab a quick snack before waiting for his father to arrive to inspect the house. It was kind of the family business, and though he was perfectly independent and on his own for the most part, he still worked for his father, building and repairing houses. Will didn't see much of an alternative outside the business, knowing that his father would want him to take over the business eventually. But for now, he put those worries behind him as he headed into town to see what he could find to eat and maybe walk around a little before returning to meet his father.
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Re: Banished

Postby masochisticAphasic » Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:46 pm

    тαтυм αcє ριєяcє - the hunter
    age;; nineteen tags;; toni crush;; open location;; woods

      It didn't take long for the loneliness to catch up to Tatum during her afternoon walk. Her knife sits heavily in her left boot, tucked neatly in it's black sheath so as not to hurt her. It has happened before thanks to her carelessness, but it won't be happening again. One too many mistakes can cost anyone their lives. With a sigh, Tatum stop leaning against the tall tree she had rested against just minutes earlier. The thick foliage provided a perfect getaway from the oncoming heat, and because of that, Tatum can't help but want to return home as quickly as possible. There's no use in keeping away any longer, so she stretches out her legs, reaching down to grab a piece of grass, straying a little to the left comparing to the others. oh look at you, you little rebel. fighting the wind like a brave little soldier She chuckles at her own stupidity, then drop the piece of grass back on the ground. Tatum's steps carry he back to her prey, looking up and spotting the roped rabbit still in the same spot she left it. Good. If the spot would have been empty she would have been pissed.
      It takes her less than five minutes to take the thing down and tie the rope to a belt loop. With the rabbit hanging off of her pants oddly, Tatum turns to head in the direction of camp, but a sudden familiar voice she wasn't expecting stopped her in her tracks. It's Toni. Oh, hey Toni. I caught a rabbit and was heading home now. I'm bored. What about you? Tatum wipes some sweat off of her forehead that lines her hairline. Gawd, I hate the sun. Even when it's not really hot it's still hot.
ooc;; ------------------------------
Last edited by masochisticAphasic on Sat Sep 05, 2015 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Banished

Postby Muke. » Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:13 pm

gender; femaleage; twentyspecies; werewolfrank; fightermood; neutralcrush; pendingtags; open

leaning against the tree she sighed, so many memories had played through her head. there's nothing i can do about it she thought to herself, trying not to think about her past she continued to watch the leaves fall off the as the wind would blow them to the ground. kristy used the tree to help her stand, looking over at where the stream of water ran she smiled for a brief moment, if it wasn't for her running away and finding this pack she calls family she would've been controlled, locked away from others. perhaps a run will clear my mind, getting down on all fours she felt the adrenaline of the change start to occur, hands and feet turning into paws, her skin growing fur as her ears turned into furry wolf ears. soon enough she was cream coloured wolf, feeling the urge to howl kristy controlled herself,bolting off into the forest she felt the cool breeze pierce her skin. wondering where the other pack members were kristy lowered her pace, seeing the stream of water she was sitting near as a human the creamy fae walked up to the water. lowering her head she began to lap up ounces of water, licking the side of her muzzle she watched the ripples fade into clear water, wanting to go find the others she started to make tracks once more and head of towards the forest. changing back into a human kristy put on a pair of leggings and a black singlet, knowing that she wasn't going any place fancy she didn't really care what she wore, at least for now. going off into the forest to explore she sighed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear kristy stopped, seeing the human village she didn't know whether to keep on going or to go another way. being lost in her decisions she observed the village, however just outside the village she saw ashton with adrian, having a temptation to go over there and see them she had a bit of hesitation going through her mind, making up her mind she decided to move closer. although she didn't want to interrupt them because for all she knew they could've been doing something important, letting out a sigh she stayed near the large tree that she lent on as she looked around at her surroundings.
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charlotte jones - post two

Postby tsunami, » Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:03 am

❝ the doctor ❞
▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂
species: human
age: twenty
feeling: content
tagged: gracie

              in the end, it seemed like Milo was the one to lead her on the walk rather than herself doing so with him. he was a curious lil' fellow, greeting just about everyone with a wag of his tail and a sniff of his small black nose. he was the friendliest dog that Charlotte's ever know, hence the reason why she adores him so much. the only time he became hostile would be when he sense that she was in danger, but then again, that rarely happened. strolling casually along in the streets of the village, she decided to make a quick stop at the market. she was running low on a few things, and now would have a perfect time to stock up.

              on her way there, she passed by the town square only to see a dear friend of hers sitting alone. she took a moment, mentally debating whether or not it would be best for her to approach the girl, or just allow her some alone time. eventually, she came to the conclusion that perhaps some company would do the girl some good. tugging gently on the leash to notify Milo that there would be a change in direction of their course to the market, she walked over to Gracie. she slid down next to her on the bench, whilst her dog laid down by her feet. "Good morning." she chimed, rubbing her hands together to warm them up a bit. "How've you been?' she asked, trying to continue the conversation. she enjoyed having Gracie as company, as it could get a bit lonely with only her pets to talk to at home. there weren't many people that she was super close with, so if she ever really needed to talk, she would find herself confiding in Gracie.

              "If you've got some time, you could accompany me to the market." she added, a small smile gracing her face. it was then that she took a moment to look around a bit. the town square was a fairly pretty place, and sometimes she did enjoy going there to sit and merely watch as everyone else went by. though, she rarely did get some time to herself these days with the number of townsfolk falling ill from the cold weather. but, now that it was starting to warm up a bit, she reckoned that she would be able to be out and about more. if she listened carefully, she could hear the faint sound of hammering in the distance. if there was one person in the town to be doing such a thing, it would be Will. even if she couldn't see him, she could at least take her best guess considering that was what his family was known for; building.

              it was then that she sheepishly remembered that she wasn't alone that day, in fact, Gracie had been sitting beside her the whole time. she cast her attention back at her, taking in her features in the least stalkerish way possible. CJ had always thought that Gracie was a pretty girl, and had once envied her a bit. but in the end, she would always be able to overlook that small pinch of jealousy and be the friend that she believed everyone needed to have.
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