` [ sick little games, ] ⊱ \\ open

For roleplayers who want to write longer detailed posts using advanced language and grammar. Anyone can create a topic here, but joining these RPs is by application-only so that RP owners can control the literacy level they're comfortable with. All content must remain child-friendly at all times.

Postby goneleft » Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:00 pm

( V A L E R I E ! )

( 20 | mood: flustered | tags: judd | location: somewhere )

      The breathing was ragged and heavy, and the chest heaved with effort as if they had ran a ten mile lap, and was now planted in the dirt, yet they were actually shaking, and their eyes were closed tightly, arms scrunched up to their sides. "Dad? Dad? Dad- where are you?" All was bleak as the young girl stood in the yard, wailing pitifully as she sunk to her knees and shriveling up against the grass, as her heart twisted and turned with a sadness that soon overtook her at the loss of her father. It had been almost two days and he had not shown. Her mother had come to advise her that the hospital called, giving condolences, and sharing the loss of her father. Her father was a safety engineer for the local power lines, yet he stood just below and it crashed down on him, fracturing most of the bones in his legs, and his ribcage quite fearfully, which ended to be the death of him.

      The girl curled on the grass, sobbing as a wail escaped her, unable to grasp the idea that her father was dead after going to work like an average day. Yet, her mother stepped out, obviously crying, yet guided her back inside the house.

      With a flash, her eyes fluttered open and she was left with watery eyes, but a sensation took over. She was not in the same place. Yet, the flashback she had did not make any sense to her, and she was left wondering about where she was, and who she was. The girl wracked her brain, yet she had no clear memory of who she was. But flashes of her mother, father and brother came back. Who was she? Valerie Hallaway. Somehow it had come to her, but she searched vigorously, as if it were there, but escaping her. Pushing herself from the ground and leaning almost like a pushup, somehow Valerie felt an overcoming feeling of strength rise through her, and to groan from the pain her body had, it turned out as a sharp, high cat growl. Her ears flattened--ears? When could she control her ears? There were always the creepy geeks at school who could wiggle them, and she could never.

      Trying to push herself up, she realized, that she did not have hands, but paws. Instantly her claws retracted and she jumped backwards, fur raised, back arched, mouth curled into a snarl. Obviously her body had some very heavy testing.

      Yet there was something else; tuned, sharp hearing, and her ears flicked forward as a deep, rumbling roar echoed throughout. Leaping forward without much thought, the cat was in leaps and bounds until she came across a young man planted in the dirt. Where did it come from? She opened her mouth to let her own growl rumble, as if deeming her presence to the man, as she towered over him, shoulders hunched, tail low to the ground and her eyes never leaving his body and watching every movement he may have made.

( I A N ! )

( 20 | mood: imacat | tags: | location: somewhere )

      The man had awoken sometime after, and was left in the dust, groaning. Flopping onto his back with a heave, he stared at the sky as the winds blew softly. This was nice.. real nice.. where was he anyways? Wasn't like anywhere he had been. Yet as he was, he would make the most out of it. Pushing himself upwards, he made no time for a name, or who he was, where he was, or the other animals around him.

      His gate flexed into a sprint, and he took off into the grass, but what happened before him was shocking. As he hit the ground, there was a larger, flexible foot and he leaned forwards, as his body morphed into a sandy cat, now running on all fours. It was an amazing sight. A muscular sandy colored cat bounding through the fields as if he were running after his prey, yet in all of his life, he had never felt so free. He didn't even know what he was, but when lifting his head to let out a yell, it was a shrill and sharp cats call. His eyes widened, body tensing, yet his back legs propelled him forward quicker and stronger, bounding forward and across. His face was tense and strong, and his tail splayed out before him, as he skidded a bit slower, but made a turn the other way to keep going. No doubt he would grow tiresome after a while, but now he wanted to be a cat, and a vicious predator, nothing he had ever been before.
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anabelle \\ one

Postby button. » Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:33 pm

in the forest | feeling confused | tagged no one

    High above the soft grass of the forest on thick branch of a tall oak tree laid a girl. Her petite body seemed to fit on the thick branch with ease, giving her room to move without fear of falling. Her brown hair cascaded over the edge of the wood like a waterfall, and the only emotion present on her face was one of calm serenity. No dreams invaded the mind of the girl, and she might have even slept for a few hours longer if the sudden caw of a bird had not woken her up. Blue eyes opened with a start, her head raising slightly as the grogginess was chased from her body. The calm expression that had once graced the face of Annabelle was quickly replaced by one of confusion as she took in her surroundings. After just waking up, Anabelle had no idea where she was or what she was doing so high up. Wait what? More alert than before, Anabelle finally took in the tops of trees that were directly in her line of sight. Then, against all instincts, she looked down. Fear took over her body. Not daring to move, the brunette wrapped her arms around the bark as tightly as she could, fearing the 80 foot drop that would at least break a few important bones in her body. The fact that she couldn't remember anything, including her name, caused a dizzying new wave of fear in the girl. 'What is happening to me?' The thoughts raced in her head. The usual quick witted and intelligent Anabelle was unable to come up with any sort of reason as to what was happening, causing frustration to arise. 'And how a I even supposed to get down from here! If only I were a bird...'

    The thought barely danced across her mind before the pain set in. A dull burning in her back turned into a sharp pain. The girl felt herself curling up, almost as if she was shrinking. She attempted to cry out in pain but the sound that came out of her mouth was an inhuman shriek. The pain slowly subsided, and the girl found herself weak and without energy. Old sounds of the forest became clear to her, almost as if she was near all of them at one. She dared to open her eyes, and found the world painted in a new clearer picture. Dully, Anabelle attempted to raise her arms. Only, the things that she moved were not arms. A light brown dusting of feathers in the corner of her eye made her flinch, only until Anabelle realized it was her wing. 'I have ... a wing?' With a new burst of energy the stood up and moved every inch of her body, feeling the new ways that she moved. No toes, only claws that dug into the soft bark of the tree. Her arms were replaced with a great set of wings, nearly twice the size her body seemed to be at this moment. 'I must be dreaming.' The girl said to herself. 'So if I'm dreaming, I must be able to fly with this new set of wings.' The thought brought a new terror to the girl as she peered over the branch onto the ground. But the only way down seemed to be through the air. Taking a deep breath, the girl mentally prepared herself for what she was about to do. 'C'mon, you've never been scared of heights. And you've always wanted to fly. So now's your chance. Just do it!' She yelled mentally, trying to find the courage to go through with her plan. Finally, after a lot of reasoning with herself and realizing it was the only way down, Anabelle jumped.

    That first second in the air was pure terror. The feeling of falling formed a pit in Anabelles stomach, nearly causing her to throw up. Soon she started to flail, not knowing what to do with her new found set of wings. Eventually the girl found a pattern that kept her a float, as if some instinct was telling her what to do. The feeling of terror was replaced with a feeling of being weightless, like she was actually free. Pure joy took over as she soared through trees, gracefully swaying from side to side to avoid a crash.

    The image of a snow leopard approaching a boy killed the joyous mood Anabelle had been feeling. That meant she wasn't the only person in here. Maybe he was a shifter too. The thought to approach the stranger was slowly killed by realization that she didn;t know how to stop flying. Sure, getting up and flapping your wings was easy, but landing gracefully? That was a whole other story. Concentrating as hard as she could, Anabelle slowed her wings and extended her talons, reaching for the ground. Unfortunately, she did not slow down as much as she should have. Her talons gripped the ground and effectively stopped her lower half. Her upper half, on the other hand, was thrown face first into the cold hard ground. A screech of pain came out of her beak without her approval, echoing throughout the forest. Slowly, the bird picked herself up and shook out her feathers. 'I seem to be okay...' she said internally, looking around at the greenery. Now, if only she could change back.
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    ` [ crasher's, ] ⊱

    Postby xxxxxx » Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:49 pm


    name alaska marie belrose
    age twenty one
    shift brown bear
    talents drawing, organizing
    phobias water, the dark
    quirks used to be makeup artist
    main trait lovable
    + traits thoughtful, artistic, cute,
    open-minded, considerate, playful
    - traits dramatic, neurotic, overly
    sensitive, weak, naive



    face claim; alexa poletti



    name charlie dillon knokes
    age eighteen
    shift snowy bunny
    talents singing, guitar
    phobias thunder, clowns
    quirks loves korean pop music
    main trait cold
    + traits extremely intelligent,
    forward thinking, inventive
    - traits harsh, insensitive, self
    centered, untolerating, easily
    annoyed, doesn't play well w/
    others, rude



    face claim; tony perry
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    Re: ` [ sick little games, ] ⊱ \\ open

    Postby Heda » Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:55 pm

    A T T I C U S
    age ;; nineteen
    gender ;; male
    crush ;; tba
    animal ;; jaguar
    tags ;; open

    G U L B E R R Y
    The screaming doesn't stop, it goes on for so long its like a ringing sound. It seems like the screaming is coming from all around, there is no exact source of the sound. I stand and look around, darkness surrounds me. So dark I can barely see but I keep walking, I can't control myself, It's like my body isn't my own anymore. The woods seem to get darker, likes that even possible but they do. My strides are swift and soundless, I keep walking not sure as to where I am exactly going but my legs seems as a voice calls to me and the horrible screaming stops. The woods are silent, no sound at all is heard except for the voice that call my name again. It is a deep haunting voice and I don't want to follow it but something tells me I should, my legs start to work on their own like they did before but this time walking in a different direction; towards that voice. As I keep walking the darkness seems to fade in one spot. A small clearing has a bit of light, almost like moonlight but there's no source. In the middle of this clearing there is a large stone, on top of the stone a dark figure stands perfectly still. I can't see their face and soon I find myself calling out to whom ever it is. "Hey!" I yell and stop only a few feet away from the stone. "Hey! You! Can you tell me where I am?" The figure turns and looks at me but I still can't see the persons face, it jumps off the rock and the figure starts to walk towards me, I try to move but my feet won't budge; I'm stuck. As I watch it the person shifts, they shift into an animal! A large black cat, a jaguar I believe but I really don't care what it is but the things teeth are showing and before I know it the animal is on me. Its paws pressing against my neck, I feel my breath slipping away and I can't breath. I try to fight it but my body isn't my own, its getting dark my vision is clouding I can't.....I can't...

    Atticus shoots up, his hands grabbing his neck his breath heavy. He looks around franticly, "Where am I?" he mumbled as he tries to regain his breath. He tried to remember how he got here but it was all a blur. He stares at the ground and frowns, "My name is Atticus Guldberry, I am 19 years old, my birthday is on December 31. I hate chocolate, I came from......." he sighs. He can't remember, why can't he remember? All he knew is that it was frustrating him, he remember labs and people but thats about it. A deep growl forms in his throat and he stops himself, "What the hell was that?" He was sure he was going crazy but he needed to know who he was and how he got here. "Think, think, think." he would mutter as he stared at the he never really took in where he was, Atticus was just so busy wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't notice that he was sitting in a small clearing......like the one in his dreams. He stood and looked around, he could hear someone yelling but he was still trying to figure out what was this.

    Atticus felt like screaming! He could feel his frustration building up inside him, he knew someone did this to him put him/her but who? And why was a better answer, the anger he was feeling was good and for a brief moment he felt like something wanted to get out, this distracted him from his thoughts and he shook his head. What was going on? Why was this happening? He wanted to go home, to his mother and his siblings.....Aha! He remembered something I guess, his mother was Stella, his brothers were Jonathan, Barret, and Mitchell and his sister was Abby but thats all that came to him; oh and that his father was as jerk and he hated him but he really didn't know the reason at the moment. Why couldn't he go back to them? He had to find away out of where ever he was but that involved figuring out where this place was. Although he kept hearing noises and it was somewhat annoying him, he didn't enjoy it because it was pretty distracting. He wasn't sure if he really wanted to go towards the sound anyway but he found himself walking through te woods toward it, although when he noticed everybody he decided to stay out of site. Staying in the tree line and observing was fine for him, for now.

    A S P E N
    age ;; eighteen
    gender ;; female
    crush ;; TBA
    tags ;; OPEN

    O ' F L Y E N N
    (I was kick off the computer so I couldn't write hers up and had to end Atticus' fast. So I couldn't spell check or anything but after school I'll fix everything up tomorrow an get something up for Aspen).
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    ` [ caspian, ] ⊱ \\ uno

    Postby charmey » Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:21 pm

    post format to shay

            memory loss had never been something to worry too much over as far as caspian was concerned. it was a part of him. a part that he hated because it proved the one thing in his life that he couldn't control, but a part nonetheless. over the years he had just learned to accept it. his adoptive parents had paid for weekly therapy sessions after his accident, but it was evident no amount of talk about his feelings or identifying ink blots were going to fix his broken head. he was used to the fuzziness, the vexation. what he wasn't used to was the giant black nose clouding the better bottom half of his vision.

            now caspian knew confusion. he knew frustration. and he certainly knew fear, the fear of not knowing. but what he didn't know was this kind of confusion. the perplexity of waking up in an entirely different body of an entirely different species. who was he? what was he? his heart was beating in shaky and rapid ticks. it was going off like firecrackers in his ears. he could hear everything. he could smell... everything. he blinked down at his giant bear paws. all sense of caspian's classic poised and perfect stoic demeanor was cast aside as he let out a scream. well, it would have been a scream if he wasn't, y'know, a bear. instead his panic was portrayed in a distressed scratchy roar, which only panicked him further.

            the boy, er, bear, pushed himself up in a rush and crashed on his back onto the forest floor. he scrambled further back for no sensible reason -- the thing he was scared of was himself, after all. and there's no running from yourself. it took casp another ten minutes to realize that. once he finally got his breathing steady and his thoughts somewhat in order (a massive understatement of the reality, honestly) caspian rested, surprisingly comfortably, on his big bear haunches. "okay, casp, okay. its okay. you're okay. everything is oka --"

            without warning the fatty cushion of fur and muscle was yanked out from under him and he was back-down in the dirt once again. casp sat up and rubbed the back of his head with a groan. he glanced at his arm which was assaulted by needle marks and there was just the strangest --

            caspian froze. his arm. it was, well, an arm. and his head. he was rubbing hair. human hair. casp squeezed his brown eyes shut and opened them widely as if his surroundings would change with the pressure. the forest scene in front of him, around him, above him, below him, remained. he could cognitively put together only one group of words. "what. the. hell."
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    Skyelit [1] Talon [1]

    Postby heartless, » Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:31 pm

      kyelit alentine
      eurasian lynx nineteen tagged; Ian location ; in the arena
          The girl breathing was slow in calm, she was in a peaceful sleep with a wonderful dream. In her dream she was in a beautiful field of roses, pink and red ones to be exact. Everything was perfect when she had her brother with her at her side. It was a place her and brother visited often when they were at home, it was a get a way for them when their parents were fighting, with was daily. Talon and Skyelit were closer than most siblings, they hardly ever fought and were with each other every moment of every day.

          The blonde haired girl opened her blue eyes. She blinked a few times getting them use to the bright sun light. She sat up in confusion wondering where she was, the place looked unfamiliar. She looked around worriedly until her eyes fell onto her twin brother, Talon. She got up and walked over to his body laying on the cold a few feet away. She kneeled down shaking him to wake him up. "Talon, wake up!" When her brother eyes opened and calmed down a bit. "I don't know where we are, or how we got here." She explained, she hoped he would know the answer. When her brother looked just as confuse as her she frowned. It looked like they both had no idea what was going on.

          Her blue eyes glanced around the arena and tensed a bit when she saw other teens around her. She even saw a few animals wondering around just as confused as her and Talon. A feline was getting awful close to her and Talon and it freighted her a bit. "Stay away!" She said loudly, knowing it would probably not listen. She crawled closer to her brothers side finding comfort in his warmth and protection. She felt anger now building up inside her, she hated being afraid. She felt angrier than she has ever felt before.

      alon alentine
      eurasian lynx nineteen tagged; none location ; in the arena
          Talon was awoken by the soft shaking of his twin sister. He opened his green eyes and looked up at her face and saw the confusion. "I wish I knew where we were." he said sitting up beside her looking at their surrounding. "I don't remember coming here." He said looking back at her, she frowned when he saw the confusion on her face. "At least we have each other." Talon only cared about one person in his life and that was his sister.

          Talon's eyes widen when he saw the feline getting near his sister and himself. "Back up!" He said wrapping his arms around Skyelit. "It will be okay." He said sweetly knowing the cat shouldn't get to much closer, if it didn't feel threaten it would not attack them. This all felt like a nightmare to him, he hated being in a unfamiliar place with no shelter or protection. Something inside him felt different, he couldn't control the anger. Before he could blink he felt himself changing. He looked at sister with confusion and heard her scream in fear. He didn't know why, he looked down at the ground and saw furry paws.
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    Re: ` [ sick little games, ] ⊱ \\ open

    Postby ~Atlas~ » Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:02 am

                ❈ Skylar Woods ❈ ||
                ||Age~ 17 ||
                || Spirit animal~ Seneca white deer ||
                ||Tagged~ Annabelle ||
                || Feeling~ Afraid and confused ||
                ||Location~ Arena ||

    She stayed in place, her knees on the ground, her body shaking. What was wrong with her? What was she? One minute a girl, and the next a doe. It was unnatural, not human, and not right. It explained the various puncture wounds on her arms, but... Who had done this to her? Not to mention, the shift from human, to doe, and then back to human had left her with depleted energy, weak and tired. She could barley lift her head without feeling as if she were swimming, and her anxiety wasn't helping. Wait, since when did she have anxiety? All of the conflicting thoughts and emotions surged in her like waves, uncontrollable and powerful. The tender girl placed her head in her hands, her rapid, frantic breaths growing more sporadic and fearful. she wanted to go home, she wanted her father, she wanted resume to normality. "This isn't real," she gasped in between her dry sobs, trying to convince herself otherwise of her insane situation. But... She wasn't alone, right? She was uneasy about this, and although it was comforting not to be the only one, she was still shy in the presence of others. She had no idea if the had bad intentions, or if they were even slightly friendly. She was a deer stuck in headlights, too terrified to move, too bewildered to make sense of it all.

    She wasn't the only one up. Others began to stir around her, and her ears picked up the smallest sounds of it. Her body was still trembling immensely, still had not left her area. Memories flooded in her ears and mind. They were painful, leaving her craving home and her father.

    She was twelve, and in a familiar setting. Her small, dainty room, covered with fake flowers and silk-like curtains. as usual, she was lying in bed her cheeks bright with a fever. She felt terrible, her breathing uneven and hoarse. Although her body was ailing, her mind was still trying to advance. A book was in her tiny hands as she tried to be productive in such an unfortunate situation. It was no different, after all. Illnesses occurred often, and they were just something she needed to push through, like everything else. Although she didn't have the most friends, or the healthiest body, she was still secure and safe. The creaking of the door announced an entrance, and the sick girl eagerly looked up from her book to view her company. As she suspected it was her father, looking concerned with the ever-furrowing brow of his. However, a smile was plastered upon his face, as he carried a tray of food for his daughter.

    The concerned man took a place upon the bed, sitting close to his ill daughter, a sight that he hated to see. She was so fragile, yet still making the best of an unfortunate situation. "Hi Daddy," she whispered, her voice weak, yet still enthusiastic and happy. He responded with the concerned and worried voice of his own, and then instructed her to eat. Although he could see that she had no appetite, his obedient daughter quickly attempted to eat as much as she could. Only making it about a quarter of the way through her soup, she gently placed the bowl back upon the tray. It wasn't much, but it was definitely better than nothing. Her father then resolved to his playful side, making gentle jokes with his daughter, anything to keep her spirits up. he was met with the soft, gentle smile of hers, genuine and appreciative. No one truly understood her like her father, and even though she had no mother, she was blessed to have him. Eventually, Andrew Woods began to read to her, his voice soft and lulling, and even though she tried her best to focus on the words, she felt her eyelids fluttering shut. Before she fell into a fevered sleep, however, Skylar was able to murmur out an "I love you" to her father, one to which he would affectionately respond to. She was soon asleep, feeling terrible, yet more loved than ever.

    The memory brought a sob to the girl as she remembered her father, who was most likely frantic with worry. Why was she here? She just wanted to go home. However, she couldn't keep crying fro long. The sound of a roar pounded into her ears, sending a chilling fear into her heart. Before she even knew what she was doing, she felt the ground growing closer once again. The transformation had hurt once again, yet had been less painful than the first time. The roar sent her scattering through the forest, running blindly to escape the noise. She was terrified; what on earth could have produced such a loud sound? Just now, it occurred to her that the others most likely could shift as well. That had been the roar of a predator, and she was merely the meat, the prey. Her white legs began to churn dirt underneath them, running at a speed she had never before run. Her asthma was soon forgotten as she felt her staggering gallop grow stronger, not yet affected by her terrible lungs. Perhaps it was the fear driving her forward, or perhaps it was her new form, but somehow the startled girl was able to keep running and running. Well, until a unexpected animal was dropped in her path.

    In her frenzy, Skylar didn't notice the grounded owl until it was almost too late. Her hooves planted firmly into the ground, attempting to bring the charging doe to a stop. Like the barn owl, her lower half was stopped firmly by her hind hooves. However, the frontal part of her body went plummeting to the ground, and upon impact causing her to shift back to her human form. Winded, the girl was sprawled on the dirty ground for several moments, until she was able to glance up at whatever had fallen into her path. Her pale blue eyes landed upon a disheveled owl, ruffling its feathers and looking quite lost. Perhaps this owl was a person as well? It was s strange, to think in such a way. Weakly, Skylar was able to pull herself up in a sitting position, her eyes remaining on Annabelle the whole time. "I-I'm so sorry," she stuttered in apology as she glanced at the bird. Human or not, she'd feel guilty at nearly flattening the animal either way. "A-are you hurt? Are y-you a human t-too?" she continued to stutter, firmly hoping that her assumptions were correct. She'd look awfully stupid if she was just talking to a plain owl. However, there was something that told her otherwise. Intuition perhaps? Her eyes fell to the ground, feeling embarrassed and guilty that she had nearly trampled the other animal in her state of fear.

                Judd Harris➳ ||
                ||Age~ Nineteen ||
                || Spirit animal~ Lion ||
                ||Tagged~ Valerie ||
                ||Feeling~ Dazed and confused (haha, geddit?) ||
                ||Location~ Arena ||

    A crazed feeling of euphoria fell upon Judd, as he continued to lie in the dirt. He was a lion, a giant freaking lion. "If only the guys on the team could see me now," he breathed out, his voice shocked, incredulous, and elated. Although others weren't taking so kindly to their new forms, Judd was quite the opposite. Even though shifting into a lion at will was something he would have never imagined, it was happening. Either that, or he was having a helluva good dream. "Oh my god," he muttered again, pulling himself up out of the dirt. However, as he began to make subtle movements, he heard a growl sound off near him. Instantly wary and defensive, Judd jerked himself up, his sharp eyes scanning the area. However, his eyes fell on nothing more than a feline, crouched low o the ground, watching his every move as well. He felt extremely silly and stupid for becoming so wary; it was only a cat, after all. Even though it probably had wicked sharp claws, he was the one who came on top in the situation. If a battle between a cat and a lion ensued, it was practically guaranteed that he would win. However, even the aggressive young man didn't want trouble to ensure; he didn't want to have to needlessly start a fight, and kill the cat in the process.

    It was amusing, seeing how cranky this cat seemed to be. It had not even dawned on him yet that the cat might be like him, human on the inside, stuck in another body. He reached his hand out, being careful and slow with his movements. He knew how apt cats were to become startled, and he was in the mood for being friendly. No matter what this cat had on its agenda, Judd wanted to get a few good rubs in while he could. He bean to purse his lips together and make kissy noises, in an effort to get the cat to approach him. "Here, kitty kitty," he called, trying to seem friendly, open, and non-threatening to the feline. "C'mere kitty kitty. Did you here a loud roar? I bet you did. I'm king of the jungle, but you can be my companion, if you want. C'mon, be a good kitty," he soothed, rambling on as he went about. How foolish he must have seemed to an animal that was as human and intelligent as he was.

    (Sorry Judd's sucks, I didn't know how to respond).
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    anabelle \\ two

    Postby button. » Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:25 am

    in the forest | feeling confused | tagged Skylar

      A screech of surprise came from the owls mouth as the white deer came charging in her direction. Fear struck her unable to move, and wide eyed watched her fate approach her at an alarming speed. Suddenly, the deer tumbled just as Anabelle had, falling face first onto the ground and tumbling over. Fear was replaced with amusement as Anabelle got a look first hand at what she had looked like only moments ago as she catapulted herself into the ground. Only this time, when Anabelle looked over at the animal, it was no longer such a creature. A fragile looking girl sat in front of her, a look of concern on her face. Although she shouldn't have been, the girl almost seemed to be afraid of Anabelle, a thought that struck her as odd. Opening her beak to respond, she uttered out a shrill call instead of words. 'I'm...I'm still a bird!' She thought, panic setting in. How did the girl do that? Change back and forth between human and beast? Attempting to speak once again failed her, leaving her nervous and confused. A million thoughts raced through her head trying to figure out the mess she had landed herself in, causing her wings to spread out next to her.

      Before she was barely an inch off the ground, Anabelle once again felt the sharp pain in her lower back and arms as she touched back on the ground. Within seconds, Anabelle lay on the ground with the body of a human once again. Shaking her head, Anabelle managed to sit up and make eye contact with the girl. "Yeah, I'm human. For now." She muttered, not sure how or why she was able to transform into a bird. It was driving her crazy not knowing the answer to her problem, as usually in her dull life the answer came to her rather quickly. "I'm Anabelle. She added, flashing a quick smile before her blue eyes drifted away from the girls face to take in the surroundings.

      It appeared to be a normal forest. Tall thick trees that had to be at least 50 years old. Wildlife was plentiful; birds sat perched high up in the greenery and little mice scurried along the grass. It was strange how realistic this all seemed, yet Anabelle had a feeling none of this was a natural forest. The bruises on her arms and legs gave away how she had been treated before she was let out into the 'forest', even if she couldn't remember anything other than her name. There had to be some reason they were in her, and Anabelle was almost positive it wasn't so they could all frolic around and be free as their half human half animal selves. Sighing in defeat, Anabelle glanced back over at her new company, waiting for a response.
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      post two » valerie » ian

      Postby goneleft » Tue Jan 06, 2015 10:18 am

      ( V A L E R I E ! )

      ( 20 | mood: how dare thee call me kitty | tags: judd | location: somewhere )

          The cat's posture was hunched as she sat, head tucked low, with one ear forward and pointing to the man, while the other was flat against her head. Yet when he started cooing and calling her 'kitty' and giving kissing noises directed towards her, Val's nostrils flared. Kitty? Kitty? Maybe it was just her pride talking, but she thought that this wasn't an ordinary housecat, more as a camouflaged cat that stalked against the rocks, and the snow was her home. And what was he, apeman? Inwardly, Val chuckled at her joke but it sounded more like a range of humming, and her eyes narrowed in a vicious look, yet it was supposed to be gleeful. It was going to be hard to get the body language down, and figuring out how to portray her emotions, without looking like a vicious beast. But talking was the best option now, because she didn't think she could talk in her animal form, so she decided it was time to shift back into human form, if she knew how.

          She tried to gather the scraps of strength and resistance she could, making it somewhat hard to shift into human form, but she did. Standing before him was a girl with a scraggly torn shirt, jeans, dark black hair that ended just above her armpit, and a silver strand in the left side. She had an array of tattoos on both arms, yet the right only accumulated a few. Val's eyes were a shady, blue-green colour that would often change due to the lights or her mood. Sometimes they would look a pure blue, and other times a green. Hair fell slight into her eyes, and it brushed across her nose, as she reached up to run her slender fingers straight through her hair, pulling it back.

          With long strides, Val closed the gap between them, only standing a few feet away, a smirk fiddled upon Val's face as she looked up at the man. "Kitty? I really doubt I look that sweet, hm?" It depended. She had seen snow leopards before on television, and they did look like they had soft, plush fur, but sharp claws and teeth- it wasn't a good pet. But she was one, and she wasn't going to attack anyone. Even if her temper bubbled out badly.
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      Re: ` [ sick little games, ] ⊱ \\ open

      Postby ~Atlas~ » Tue Jan 06, 2015 11:13 am

                  ❈ Skylar Woods ❈ ||
                  ||Age~ 17 ||
                  || Spirit animal~ Seneca white deer ||
                  ||Tagged~ Annabelle ||
                  || Feeling~ Afraid and confused ||
                  ||Location~ Arena ||

      The owl let out only a screech in response to Skylar's question, causing her pale cheeks to redden slightly. She should have known better; it looked to be just a plain owl. However, it seemed to have comprehended her question, and she couldn't mistake the look of fear on its face. Maybe she wasn't so wrong after all? The owl flapped maybe a foot off the ground, and Skylar recognized it as the beginnings of shift. Sure enough, where a small owl had been standing, frantically screeching, a girl was now lying in its place. She looked just as disheveled as Skylar, with mused hair and somewhat shocked features. Now that she could speak, she brought an answer to Skylar's question; she was obviously a human. "O-oh, good," she breathed in response, nodding and feeling somewhat relieved that she wasn't the only one cursed with this strange affliction. The girl introduced herself as Annabelle, her response short, yet not too intimidating. It was now that Skylar realized that she hadn't had communication in a long time. By the way her mouth tried to work and her dry throat tried to produce sound, it was obvious that it had been a very long time since she'd spoken. How did one have a conversation with another? These questions rapidly assaulted the nervous girl's mind as she desperately tried to produce her own name.

      After a few moments of searching, she was finally able to utter,"Skylar." She noticed Annabelle's eyes leave hers as she began to search the forest and all of its majesty. Under normal circumstances, Skylar would most likely been enraptured with the forest and all of its life. Other animals surrounded them, seemingly normal and benign. The branches of the trees nearly blocked out all rays of sunlight, and let glimmering, faltering ray in as they swayed in the wind. A sign from Annabelle sounded, as she glanced back over at Skylar. That's right, it was Skylar's turn to say something. Awkwardly, the fragile girl fumbled with her words, her hands nervously playing with her light blonde hair as she racked her mind with something to say. What was there to say to the other girl? I'm looking so stupid right now, she inwardly berated herself as her mind was working at a mile a minute, trying to think of something to say. Finally, the girl uttered,"I hope you aren't hurt. I'm so sorry, I guess I was," she faltered with her words, trying to explain why she had been charging at the girl. "It's just.. there was this loud roar. It just surprised me is all." Her voice was gentle and soft, her eyes rarely leaving contact with the ground. The newfound sensation of burning anxiety remained in her stomach, while her hands trembled slightly. She had no idea why she had become so anxious; she'd never been this way before. Perhaps it had something to do with the unexplained scars on her body?

      It had been long enough that she'd been sprawled out on the ground, like a newborn foal learning to walk. It was time to stand. Her body felt weak after the ordeal, and she slowly put her hands in front of herself, and pushed up. Her legs trembled as she slowly rose, looking like a toddler taking its first steps. A light gasp escaped her as she wobbled, her vision swaying slightly. However, the assistance of a tree trunk was there for her to use, and she wrapped her arms around it as she became her steady. In the simple process of standing up, the color had been washed out of her face, leaving her looking more pale and vulnerable than ever. She turned her gaze back to Annabelle, who was still lying on the ground. Tentatively, Skylar offered her hand to the other girl. She probably wouldn't be much help in helping the other girl to her feet, due to her limited strength. However, it seemed like the appropriate thing to do in the situation. While she waited for either the acceptance or rejection of help, she asked,"D-do you think there's others here? Are we all animals?" She continued to ponder on the question, her mind looping back towards its questioning, inquisitive state. "Do you remember anything? I-I don't," she stuttered, trying her best to think back onto why they were placed here. However, it was to no avail, as her memory unusually provided her no answers.

                  Judd Harris➳ ||
                  ||Age~ Nineteen ||
                  || Spirit animal~ Lion ||
                  ||Tagged~ Valerie ||
                  ||Feeling~ Dazed and confused (haha, geddit?) ||
                  ||Location~ Arena ||

      The kitty -- more like snow leopard -- didn't take well to his kissy noises and cooing. In fact, it merely curled its lips in dissatisfaction, as if it could actually understand what he was saying. "Hmm, you don't like that? Smart cat," he chuckled, still pushing his luck. It was clear that it wasn't a mere housecat, but he still enjoyed calling it such. Maybe he could make it his pet? However, his reverie and 'dreams' of owning an interesting-colored animal as it changed from beast to human. The features of Judd's face relaxed slightly in embarrassment and surprise as he realized that the snow leopard that he had been condescendingly cooing to was actually a young woman. He made in inaudible curse as he felt overwhelmingly stupid. However, he knew it was necessary to gain back his cool aura of confidence, so he crossed his arms and gave a small wink at the girl, who was just adjusting back to her human form. She didn't look too leaned up, but then again, did any of them? Unbeknownst to Judd, his human form wasn't faring too well. Like Valerie's, his hair was messy and unkept. In addition to messy hair, Judd had the stubble of a beard growing over his chin, where he had usually kept clean-shaven. His jeans were torn at the knee, and his navy blue tee shirt was covered with dirt. However, this did nothing to diminish his confident swagger.

      Even though she was just as unkempt as she was, she still looked pretty good. On his scale of evaluating girls, Judd would have probably given her a 7 1/2, a good ranking considering that she hadn't been cleaned up. She had tattoos, giving her a cool appearance, one of daring young woman. Judd had a few of his own, but they were small and not very visible at a first glance. As previously noted, her black hair was scraggy and tanged, her clothes ripped in various spots. Her eyes were an interesting color, a blue that still had aspects of green in them. His own green eyes gazed into hers, lightly twinkling in amusement. A smirk was plastered upon his face, and it only grew wider as she spoke. "Yep, kitty. I dunno, you look like you could be pretty cute with some smoothing down around the edges," he responded evenly, his voice flirty, although he didn't have much interest in her, other than appearances. "Now, if you want me to stop calling you kitty, why don't you give me your real name?" he pressed, taking a step closer to the girl. He wasn't at all nervous or apprehensive that she could shift at any time and turn on him. His hubris was a blinding factor, and although his animal had the larger body and power, he could still likely be bested by the nimble snow leopard with sharp, piercing claws. Still, what was the possibility of that? She looked like a spitfire, but he highly doubted that she'd be able to do such a thing.

      He kept his arms folded as he came closer, his eyes scrutinizing her, and then glancing around at their surroundings. After a good 360 degrees of surveying, his eyes came back to hers, his cocky smile still plastered on her face. "I'm Judd Harris, just so you know. I've got a lion," as he referred back to his stunning, surprising animal that resided in him. He scratched his head, and continued,"Do you have any idea how we got here? I don't remember a thing." He sighed, as he tried to consider their situation. Was there food, or water in this strange arena? What were they expected to do? Still, being given a magnificent creature of a lion was a fair enough trade as any. He considered the others that he'd seen lying about, ones who had dispersed about the arena. Upon gazing around more, he spotted a young man, sitting on the ground and rubbing his head. He'd seen him as a bear moments ago, grunting and chuffing in a confused manner. However, he'd found his way back to his human form, and was presumably freaking out. "Hey!" Judd shouted, his hands cupped over his mouth, in an attempt to get the other man's attention. Judd had no intention of becoming buddy-buddies with anyone, but it was always a good idea to get to know enemies. "C'mere!" he shouted, motioning towards himself and the other girl who had not yet introduced herself.
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