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⧼ ➴ ── i'm ’bout as broken as i confess !! 」17

Postby hellb0und » Thu Mar 08, 2018 3:35 pm

        ( 🔥. // !)
        name. // aurora lane. x x gender. // female. x x species. // werewolf x x rank // fighter. x x tags. // theo.
            “𝘪 𝘢𝘮 𝘢𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧.”

          I’d watched from afar. A looming black shadow, so to speak. Unable to be seen for now. I’d convinced myself all it took was one swift, quick snap of my powerful jaws down on his neck and he’d be a goner. Until I examined him further, contemplating my plan meanwhile, and saw the large array of tactical gear he’d pulled from the vehicle. Now my suspicions were confirmed, he sure as hell was one of them, and while the utter mastication of his neck would do something, I wasn’t so sure how I’d get past the rest of his armor. Coward. I was full-aware there was no way he’d be put on anything phony or cheap. This was attire built for the sole threat of werewolves, us. If I could catch him off guard, despite where the unbreakable gear had been placed, some parts of him were still left exposed. If I’d had my bow, ending this ass would be much easier. Though I was always up for a good challenge. Not like it’d be that challenging, anyway. So I did it. I leaped from the underbrush, a mass of black fur and fury, long and sharpened canines bore, bloodstained claws out, and a vicious and burning glare fit for that of Satan himself. Snarling and growling in a mix of discombobulated sounds, daring him to take a step nearer. I’d fit every part of the description, a bloodthirsty monster. Vengeful and filled with hatred. I was so far gone at this point I was nearly convinced I was one of the ”other kind”. Wasting no more time, I charged at him. Plunging my haunches into his lower torso.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Fri Mar 09, 2018 9:10 am

Theodore Ford I Human I Blade Operative I Tags; Aurora
In the movies, a shooter always shot up and a little to the side, to account for wind and gravity. That was total bull. The crosshairs were never wrong.
He pulled out the sniper rifle from the backseat, loaded it and adjusted his SIMRAD scope to the conditions, climbing up into the back of the truck and resting the rifle’s bipod legs on the roof, lowering his head to the scope and settling down for what could have been a long wait.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t.
Theo fell back with a yelp as he saw the crimson heat signature of the beast thundering towards him across the snow, faster than should have been possible, barely fast enough himself to avoid the hind claws that skidded across his body armour (?). He pulled the tactical knife free from his boot and stumbled back as far as he could, trying to put the truck between him and the monster without exposing his back. Normally, the length of black steel was a comforting weight in his hand, but compared with the wolf, it was no more than a flimsy piece of metal, despite the silver-plating he’d recently added to the blade.
He didn’t like his chances.

Blair Strong I Werewolf I Fighter I Tags; Aspat
The surge of feral pleasure, mixed with human relief, that hit her as her teeth sank in and bones began to crack, shattered as the knife he held in his other hand arched down and carved a deep furrow across her shoulder, scarlet spraying the snow underpaw and misting in the frigid air.
She let out an inhuman screech and let go, rolling away from his knife hand before he could strike again. The wound burned.
Blair almost turned and ran, while she had the chance, in the hope he’d be too distracted to aim a decent shot at her, but the unforgettable scent of the cooling body, only feet behind her, drove her forward into a second attack. This monster would not get away while she still drew breath. Still wary of the knife in his good hand, she lunged for his legs in an attempt to knock him down, claws spread and jaw wide open.

Emmelene Tersen I Werewolf I Hunter I Tags; Adam, Luka, Saturn, Skylar, Mark, Jason.
Emmy’s head shot up as Jason carried the fallen blonde past, eyes wide in shock. “Skylar!” She half-swung herself out of bed, grimacing as the movement jarred her own injuries, and watched as a dimly familiar figure was assisted in after them by Luka, freezing as she recognised the former Beta and registered the blood on his clothing. “What happened?!”
Tue teenager tugged off her oxygen mask, letting it dangle around her neck, and shot a look of panic at Adam. She didn't know what to do.

Jason Loen I Werewolf I Medic I Tags; Emmy, Adam, Skylar, Mark, Luka, Saturn.
Jason zoned out. Digging out a blanket to preserve his Beta's modesty, he stripped off the bloodied clothes and took out the bullets, eyes narrowed in concentration. In truth, he needed another pair of hands. Badly. But it looked like he'd have to cope.
He stuck a small dose of adrenaline into her wrist through another IV tap, hoping - most likely in vain - that it'd deal with the silver poisoning, and dug out the second set of artificial respiration apparatus.
The abdominal wound wasn't as bad as it had first looked. A minor artery had been damaged, by the look of it, but he could cauterise it if he had to. Her organs seemed fine - nothing that wouldn't heal itself in a few hours. He rinsed the injury out with saline, administered a local anaesthetic shot and antibiotics.
The hip wound was what worried him. He cursed under his breath. The bullet appeared to have gone almost all of the way through her back and out, only stopped by her pelvis.
Almost definitely a fracture, possibly some nerve damage. The nerve damage would probably heal itself after a few shifts, but the fracture would only get worse, considering how stubborn Skylar was.
Goddamit, he needed better equipment. A x-ray machine, or an ultrasound scanner at the very least.
He made do with tentatively manipulating the joint once he'd - after a few seconds of hesitation - proceeded to cauterize the other injury. He'd have to slap an entire bottle of iodine onto the sealed wounds to stop them festering, but as much as he hated the idea of burning the wounds shut, he knew there was nothing else that'd stop the bleeding - not when those bullets had been in there for so long.
Jay finished up quickly after that, and pulled the gloves off with shaking hands to run a hand through his hair. He hadn't done a very good job. Barely able to hold a cotton swab steady, he set about cleaning away the gore on the female with the leftover iodine and saline solution, dumping her ruined clothes into a plastic box to be burned later.
"Saturn, or Adam, I don't care who, go and get some of Skylar's pijamas. Button ups and loose pants, if she has any. Secondly, she's going to need a transfusion. I'm going to need those records from wherever the hell Benji put them."


back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
please feel free to shoot me a dm over on discord at amar#8393. my inbox here
is still swamped and i'm a little too intimidated to go wading through it


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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby L U C I F E R » Fri Mar 09, 2018 9:44 am

☆|Aspat Hawking|☆|Male|☆
☆|Single|☆|Werewolf Hunter|☆
☆|Tags: Blair|☆

Every instinct screamed at him to call out in pain as the strong jaws crunched down on his forearm, splitting bone and breaking skin. He dropped his gun as his hand became momentarily crippled from the pain. He growled and held his knife up. He knew he'd hurt the creature but no well enough. It was coming back. Hed had plans of flaunting the death of them rich werewolves whole he killed her but plans had changed and he needed a way out.

Aspat chucked the knife slightly so he could catch the end of the blade. He through it as the wolf charged for his legs.

At that moment, he didn't care if it was a killing blow or one that just simply hurt a buttload, either way, he could make a dash.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:21 am

Blair Strong I Werewolf I Fighter I Tags; Aspat
She didn't see the knife until it was too late.
It flew straight into the she-wolf's foreleg, tripping her as her paws hit the ground and only met blood-slickened ice.
Blinded by the sudden pain, she tore out the knife and staggered to her feet, holding the injured leg aloft and trying to keep her balance. The hunter was already making his retreat. She couldn't catch him now, and it would be foolish to try. But she'd get him one way or another, if it was the last thing she did.
I will hunt you down, and I will kill you. Whoever you are. You won't get away with this. I swear it.
Ears down and trembling all over, Blair fell to the ground beside the butchered child and raised her head in an anguished howl, before she collapsed into broken sobs.
I'm sorry, Blake. I'm so, so sorry.

back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
please feel free to shoot me a dm over on discord at amar#8393. my inbox here
is still swamped and i'm a little too intimidated to go wading through it


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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby L U C I F E R » Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:04 pm

☆|Aspat Hawking|☆|Male|☆
☆|Single|☆|Werewolf Hunter|☆
☆|Tags: Reserved|☆

Aspat hadn't been able to grab much as he made his dash. Hed scooped up his bag with his good hand and managed to pick up his gun. He could get another knife but right now his main priority was getting as far from that wolf as possible. It wasn't often that he failed to kill werewolves but there had been a few times and he knew how vengeful these creatures were. He made his way towards his cabin. He had to get into town and to the surgery but he couldn't just stumble in, toting a gun and bleeding out from his fractured forearm. He contemplated just bandaging it up hinself but that wasn't really an option.

The hunter got to his cabin. Hed been careful to bind his arm in his shirt. It hurt like Hell as the pieces of bone jabbed at his arms but stopping his blood leaving a trail was a priority. It was hard to track through snow but easy when you leave a trail of your blood leading towards your home.

Aspat cradled his arm as he dumped his weapons before making his way out from his cabin and into town. He wasn't a regular sight but when he did come in, He usually came bearing wounds so this was no surprise. He made his way to the surgery.

After half an hour of stitching and a further hour of applying a cast, Aspat came back out. He didn't look pleased at having his right arm stuck in plaster. He looked about the town and decided to get something to eat.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Sleeping With Issues » Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:20 am

Alexa Katia Blake
crush/mate; open

Alexa paces the ground a bit more restlessly before walking further away from camp, she knew it was risky due to all the resent attacks. She lets out a small rumble that was the closet she could get to a growl in her human form continuing to walk to town. She arrives quicker than she thought she would’ve and before she knows it ends up in a small cafe she liked to drop in on the rare times she came to town. Usually she wouldn’t have thought it busy but today it was packed with people, “perfect,” she grunbles to herself before going to order. Alexa placed her order and scans the place for an open seat that wasn’t next to someone who looked with ill intent, she finally spots a man sitting alone and walks over to him, “Sorry to bother you, but do you mind if o sit with you?” She motions to the crowded place then back to him, “it’s a bit fuller than I had anticipated.”

Luka Adam Blake
tags; Jason, Mark
crush/mate; open

Luka nods to Jason and quickly moves to Mark, “I’m gonna have to carry you I’ll be as gentle as possible but I need to get you to the infirmary and warm as soon as possible.” He quickly bends and picks up the larger male a small grunt leaving his mouth, as soon as he has Mark balanced he begins to sprint back to the pack house, “it’s good to see you, Mark.” He says in between breaths. Soon Luka Barrels through the door to the house with the medical supplies grabbing the foiling blanket and heating pads before running to the infirmary and setting Mark down. Luka quickly gets to work on slowly warming him making sure he wouldn’t cause Mark to go into shock.



Hi! I'm Sleeping With Issues but you can call me Issues or Bell.
My messages are always open so shoot me a pm if you'd like to talk.
I like multiple bands usually ranging from punk rock to screamo.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby L U C I F E R » Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:15 am

☆|Aspat Hawking|☆|Male|☆
☆|Single|☆|Werewolf Hunter|☆
☆|Tags: Alexa|☆

Aspat had sat at a table alone and was waiting for his order of a bacon and cheese toasted panini. He had been looking around, tapping his cast on the table as he waited. His mind wandered to the thoughts if the two werewolves dying. He knew it couldn't be anyone local - he knew the local hunters and they weren't that obvious but maybe-

His thoughts were interrupted as a shy voice spoke up. He looked up and waved his injured arm towards the chair in a silent 'sure'.

Aspat understood what she meant. He often saw this cafe and it was rarely this full, perhaps something special was happening. Looking up now, he met her eyes. She was pretty - he'd give her that - and she seemed nice.

"I'm Aspat, by the way." He smiled, offering his left hand for her to shake.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Sleeping With Issues » Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:44 am

Alexa Katia Blake
crush/mate; open

Alexa mutters a quick than you as she sits down on the other side of the table. She listened to him carefully as he spoken it was a habit learned especially as a hunter, to flllow commands as well as you need to listening closely to everything was key. Alexa figured he seemed nice enough and a small smile filed her face, “I’m alexa,” she says pausing to look him over again, “it’s nice to meet you.” She notes at that minute his broken arm, “do you mind if I ask what Happened?”

Luka Adam Blake
tags; Jason, Mark
crush/mate; open

Luka nods to Jason and quickly moves to Mark, “I’m gonna have to carry you I’ll be as gentle as possible but I need to get you to the infirmary and warm as soon as possible.” He quickly bends and picks up the larger male a small grunt leaving his mouth, as soon as he has Mark balanced he begins to sprint back to the pack house, “it’s good to see you, Mark.” He says in between breaths. Soon Luka Barrels through the door to the house with the medical supplies grabbing the foiling blanket and heating pads before running to the infirmary and setting Mark down. Luka quickly gets to work on slowly warming him making sure he wouldn’t cause Mark to go into shock.



Hi! I'm Sleeping With Issues but you can call me Issues or Bell.
My messages are always open so shoot me a pm if you'd like to talk.
I like multiple bands usually ranging from punk rock to screamo.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby L U C I F E R » Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:32 am

☆|Aspat Hawking|☆|Male|☆
☆|Single|☆|Werewolf Hunter|☆
☆|Tags: Alexa|☆

Aspat dipped his head with a smol. Hed been expecting a question aboit his arm and he had an answer lined up. It was stupid but it was better than saying what really happened.

"I was fixing the roof on my cabin but some snow fell off the edge and took me with it. Don't remember much if what happened but 27 stitches and a lot of plaster later, here I am." He smiled as he studied the cast.

He chuckled lightly. It seemed so pathetic but how else do you swing it? He didn't want to scare her off, maybe he'd tell her another time.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Crono » Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:50 am

Mark Holloway ~ Male ~ Thirty-Three ~ Werewolf ~ Loner/Former-Beta
Location: Skylar's Home/Infirmary ~ Tags: Infirmary Crew

Mark constantly dodged and dismissed Luka's multiple attempts to get him into one of the beds in the infirmary. Though he'd given in and let the younger man help him out of the worst of his wet clothes, given how long it took him to get the buttons from his shirt. The man wrapped himself in the foil blanket Luka handed to try and start warming himself back up, but it also helped cover himself up. Finally he'd stepped into the infirmary just inside the doorway all the while watching Jason work on Skylar, aware that other members of the pack were in the room. Emmelene, another of the kids was receiving treatment as well as questioning him on what happened. Mark paused before speaking, considering if he even wanted to try and talk though his body's shaking had slowed. Narrowing his eyes towards her he spoke, "Y-you tell m-me. Why-y was sh-she in the middle of the w-woods alone with a g-gun, shooting at armed hu-hunters?"
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