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Skyrim RP \\ Post 124 \\ Hanzar

Postby Durnehviir » Tue May 09, 2017 11:47 am

    Hanzar \\ M \\ 26 \\ Argonian \\ Tags: Ravager
    The argonian nodded. "Yeah. It's made.. stealing a lot easier. Though I'd like a good challenge. It's getting quite boring being able to walts into a home, take something, and leave like nothing happened. There is almost no skill in thieving anymore which is starting to give 'names' to thieves that are amateurs or just young reckless kids. It's quite sad really." Hanzar looked to the male as he tossed him a horse blanket. He didn't care for the material but it was definitely going to keep him warm and he wouldn't complain. Drapeing the thick blanket around himself and secured it around his neck like a cape. "Yeah, we do. Thank." Hanzar chuckled slightly. "Being cold blooded isn't always fun. You freeze no matter how many blankets you keep on you. I'm surprised my species doesn't reside in deserts. Though marshes arnt all too cold either." He chuckled again before shifting his swords and letting them dangle safety at his sides.
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Re: Skyrim RP \\ Post 51 \\ Durak ~ Markarth

Postby Durnehviir » Tue May 09, 2017 11:47 am

Durnehviir wrote:
    Durak \\ M \\ 24 \\ Orc \\ Tags: Apocrypha
    The orc nodded as they walked through a set of tall metal doors. Inside the room there was a broken piece of a wall on top of some overhang. There were steps to his left and to his right. As he walked forward and took the steps to his left, the room was blocked off by another set of doors. The large orc walked up to the doors and pulled on them, but this time, they were locked. A master lock pick would have trouble picking this lock. The door lock was different from the others and Durak knew nothing about picking doors. He turned his head to the bird with a large frown on his face. "Now what?" Durak asked in a slight angered tone.
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Skyrim RP \\ Post 38 \\ Shade

Postby Durnehviir » Tue May 09, 2017 11:54 am

    Shade \\ F \\ 23 \\ Dark elf \\ Tags: Eden
    Shade nodded as she listened carefully; highly interested in what the meals had to say. "Interesting. I could never see myself without my boy. It makes for quick and easy killing in all honesty. I could be meters away and my enemy would have no idea who shot them, and then killed them. I like the element of surprise and it doesn't leave any trail marks. Nobody knows if it was me which helps me out a lot." The dark elf smile slightly at her own dark secrets but kept them to herself. "Though if I need too, I do have my sword which is my second best skill. My arms get tired from the heavy metal which makes it hard for me to fight for very long. I'm almost always in the back, shooting from above." Curiosity soon peeked the dark elf's interest. "Are you affiliated with any... factions?" It blurred out even before Shade could think of what she was saying.
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Re: Life in Tamriel \\ A Skyrim RP \\ Open & Accepting

Postby uncommon » Wed May 10, 2017 9:56 am

Ravager - M - 223 (appears to be: mid thirties) - Bosmer/Vampire - Road - Tags: Hanzar
"Yeah, I've never been to Blackmarsh. I couldn't manage to find an idiot to transport a vampire out of Skyrim. The man I found in Cyrodil to take me here ended up being killed after the guards traced my trail. He was murdered for bringing me to the wonderful land of Tamriel." The Bosmer's eyes lit up as he saw an angled building up ahead. It was a massive tower, though it's structure was falling apart. It tilted to the left, threatening to fall into a bottomless lake below the mountains they were traveling over. Water slowly dripped from the sides, adding on to the rust and moss that covered the building. It was obviously abandoned, but fresh blood marked a path up to it's crooked wooden entrance. It was an eerie place, too eerie for even bandits to claim. It was completely empty..

.. and explorable.
Last edited by uncommon on Thu May 11, 2017 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Skyrim RP \\ Post 125 \\ Hanzar

Postby Durnehviir » Thu May 11, 2017 1:09 pm

    Hanzar \\ M \\ 26 \\ Argonian \\ Tags: Ravager
    The argonian chuckled slightly before nodding. "That's understandable. Normally only argonains know how to get back to Blackmarsh as it's generally the only species that resides there. So you would have to ask an argonian wanting to go back-
    But good luck. If one of them came to Skyrim there is a good chance they left for a reason and do not want to return."
    Hanzar shrugged slightly before glancing around and noticed the building that the vampire was helplessly staring at. "That would seem like a nice place to sleep." His comment was rather sarcastic, but there was a slight uncertainty to his voice.
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Re: Life in Tamriel \\ A Skyrim RP \\ Open & Accepting

Postby uncommon » Thu May 11, 2017 1:33 pm

Ravager - M - 223 (appears to be: mid thirties) - Bosmer/Vampire - Road - Tags: Hanzar
Ravager immediately nodded at the argonian's suggestion. "Yeah, seems cozy!" His foot absentmindedly tapped the ribs of his horse and he sped up, going from a trot to a jog toward the building. He slid to a stop in front of the entrance, glancing over it. He inspected the rusty door's hinges, trying to piece together what the building was once used for. Unable to come up with a conclusion, he lazily nudged open the door with his fist. Dismounting, he peered inside. Inside seemed to be nothing but darkness and the faint sound of water dripping. It looked dangerous, uncomfortable, and certainly unforgivable.

"It's perfect!"
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Skyrim RP \\ Post 126 \\ Hanzar

Postby Durnehviir » Fri May 12, 2017 7:27 am

    Hanzar \\ M \\ 26 \\ Argonian \\ Tags: Ravager
    Hangar raised an eyebrow and watched the vampire curiously. "I'll take that as a yes then." The argonian stated out loud. With a slight kick the horses side he quickly found himself beside the stallion and he dismounted. Tieing up the horses before slowly walking up to the door that Ravaged aimlessly walked through. "Ravaged, just.. Watch out for traps. You never know what could be here or who.." His voice was hushed as he slowly walked into the crumbling building. There was a rather particularly smell to the building, one that one tell someone that it had been inhabited for a very long time. It was a slight musty, stagnant type smell and it slowly calmed the argonian. Despite his skepticism, there was clearly no signs of any life inside of this building. Water trickled down the sides which gave off a slight chill in the room, but one that wouldn't be overtaken by a nice warm fire. Hangar undraped the blanket from his shoulders and folded it neatly on a dry table that looked as if it would topple over with any extra added weight. The wood was clearly rotten and dirty looking but he didn't care. Hangar shuffled over to Ravager. "Perfect you say?" His tone was very curious and almost confused. He wasn't sure why the vampire was interested in an old run down building, but maybe he would know soon enough.
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Re: Life in Tamriel \\ A Skyrim RP \\ Open & Accepting

Postby uncommon » Fri May 12, 2017 10:07 am

Ravager - M - 223 (appears to be: mid thirties) - Bosmer/Vampire - Road - Tags: Hanzar
Ravager rolled his eyes. "Ok, maybe not perfect, but this is the kind of place us vampires like to hang out. And, don't worry about anyone trying to sneak up on us. I'll smell them a mile away. Unless they're undead, in which case they kinda blend. I'll leave it up to you to spot the walking talking corpses." He paused to take the chance to glance around the tower, studying it's vague features. "But.. I'm particularly excited about this place because it looks familiar. I'm not sure how, but I have a feeling I've been here before. Maybe back when it was in it's prime? I don't know, but I'd like to find out. Would you care to join me as I take a look around?" Ravager smiled at the argonian, though it wasn't exactly a welcoming smile. It was more of a mischievous smile, a smile that carried a hint of danger and threat. A smile that indicated that the vampire was up for a little adventure. "And don't try to bail by saying 'oh oh, I'm not immortal, I need sleep..' I know you can make it, we haven't been at it for that long. Besides, it's Khajiit that need the extra rest. Lazy cats."
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Skyrim RP \\ Post 127 \\ Hanzar

Postby Durnehviir » Sat May 13, 2017 4:16 am

    Hanzar \\ M \\ 26 \\ Argonian \\ Tags: Ravager
    The male narrowed his eyes at Ravager before equipping his sword and stepping forward. "I'm not some coward." He stated through gritting teeth before taking a deep breath. "Plus I'm up for some excitement in my life. It's been a grueling few weeks and I havnt been myself lately. Lets go and see if we can kill something shall we?" Without another word, the argonian walked around a corner and began to walk down a spiral set of stairs. Once when he got the bottom he waited patiently for the vampire to catch up to him. There was a closed door that seemed ajar and slightly off its hinges. There could be a good possibility that something was down here resting or just not present at this point in time.
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Re: Life in Tamriel \\ A Skyrim RP \\ Open & Accepting

Postby vega. » Sat May 13, 2017 4:43 am

    (i'll get Celenr up later)

    A L T A V I A
    seventeen - breton - location: Winterhold, College - tags: Nicholas

      As the regard woman neared Altavia only paused briefly to acknowledge it. Then it was back to adjusting her spells and drilling. Her partner was fast, clearly more experienced in destruction than alteration, but Altavia had a fast enough reaction time to even counter the spells in her own. It was multitasking to counter attacks and keep up your own defense at the same time, but you should only ever use defense if you must, she thought.
      Behind her Tolfdir greeted someone else, and turning to see she noticed it was Nick. That was fast, she thought. While she was distracted her partner managed to smack her in the shoulder with a ball of fire. Gratefully her armor was still holding up, so she only rubbed the hot area with a sharp glance to the girl who did it.
      "Not unless you want us to." Altavia replied for Tolfdir, straightening herself.
      "Now I know we had uneven numbers for our exercises. How able are you with Alteration, Nick?" He asked the necromancer after a blink of amusement with the young breton.

    F A O L A N
    sixteen - nord - location: Whiterun - tags: Akadar

      The younger brother laughed, "Come on, that was only as far as a watchtower. Technically it's still Whiterun," he pointed out teasingly. Faolan could understand why his brother didn't want to leave Whiterun, but he couldn't figure why he wanted to stay so badly either. "To be honest with you that wasn't my favorite trip either. But did you sea the harbor? All those ships coming in from foreign shores? That was the best part. You didn't even know so much water existed, I recall." He leaned back in his seat as he watched Akadar cook, wondering exactly how many meals he cooked for one. Faolan couldn't cook for his life, but he could bake, in courtesy of his aunt who taught him. His arms crossed at the thought of showing him how well he could whip up a batch of sweet rolls. That got a girl's attention for sure, he sighed to himself.
      Akadar said something over his shoulder and Faolan sat up in his chair. After registering what it was he became conscious of himself and shrugged it off, "When my voice dropped like a stone and I finally started losing baby fat," he explained, throwing his hands up in a loose gesture, "And please, when do I have time to shave out on the open road?"
      He wouldn't add that once he fell into a river, and lost his shaving knife that way. Turning himself a little away he muttered "Besides, I want grow it out more.", crossing his arms once again.
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