ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Tonic_Memories » Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:47 am

name; Benji Hutcherson
age; 35
species; werewolf
rank; medic
tags; Jason

Benji let out a soft snort, nodding his head as he did so. While Jason didn't talk much, both of them were around each other a lot, which made communication easier between the two. They were partners. Although Jason was younger than him, Benji was still training under him. He still had a lot left to learn when his brother passed away, so he's continuing his training with Jason. The newer medic could never be as good as his brother, be he would try his hardest to be the best and care for his pack. Speaking of which it seemed he wasn't as late as he thought, seeing as most of the pack hasn't arrived yet. "And I thought I was late." He chuckled with a shake of his head. "Why don't you go sit down darling. I'll be with ya in a moment." Benji ushered Blake towards the seats before turning to his partner. "Honestly, I'm just as confused as you are. Things aren't right. Hell, half of this doesn't make any sense." He quietly vented to the younger medic while scrubbing his face with his hands. It seemed to be a habit of his when he was stressed. And boy was Benji stressed, and tired. It was written all over him. The former fighter just looked exhausted.

name; Blake Hutcherson
age; 7
species; werewolf
rank; pup
tags; Jason, open

With a small chuckle Blake grinned as she fist bumped Jason, making sure to add explosion sounds when their fist collided. The seven-year-old was innocent enough when it came to the matters of the pack. She didn't full understand how things worked, nor did she really seem to care. Blake was just happy enough to be around the pack and play whenever she could. "Awe, but Uncle Benji.." She softly whined, not wanting to be apart from her family member. However that didn't deter her Uncle from softly pushing her towards the seats. Nervously avoiding other people as she made her way to the seats Blake eventually found a few untaken spots. Sitting down she waited for her Uncle, or anyone that look familiar really, to appear. Brining her knees to her chest, she rested her chin on her knees and attempted to bring any unwanted attention to herself from strangers.
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( ♚ ❝ she's a beast, i call her karma !! ) 002

Postby hellb0und » Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:05 am

        ( 🔥. // !)
        name. // aurora lane. x x gender. // female. x x species. // werewolf x x rank // fighter. x x tags. // none.
            "i am as deadly as fire itself."

      I remain silent, instead carefully watching the large crowd of people who snap photos and hold out microphones. They go about asking stupid questions. I snap at one reporter, telling him to back the hell off. He gets the idea and hurries away. At this point I'm beyond irritable, and I swear to god if someone else comes up to me, I'll kill them here and now. A scowl is outwardly plastered on my face. Then again, I'm often told this is always the expression I'm wearing. Either way I scan the crowd of people and watch for anything out of the ordinary. Thus far, I haven't seen anything. Just news reporters and townsfolk. Getting up out of my seat, I walk over and pour myself a glass of water. Drinking it and then throwing the disposable cup away. I immediately regret not wearing something which was warmer. I didn't have much of an option though, as it was a formal event. Quite frankly, I didn't want to come at all and wouldn't have. Why I even came is still a mystery to even myself. I see a few pack members which I manage to recognize talking in a small group. The rest are nowhere to be found. I walk through the crowd as though they are beneath my notice, looking straight ahead.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby littlewolf5000 » Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:31 am

✦ Kathrine Kingston ✦
Species- Blade I Role: Agent I Tags- D'arc, Theo I crush: open
The feeling in the truck was much more relaxed and comfortable then that of the cabin moments ago, for i too was singing along and dancing in turn with the music, ocasonally chuckling and amusedly rolling my eyes at the male in the seat beside me, i had my legs crossed over one another below the dash, one hand on the downed window and the other resting on the center consile, though even as we had a minature dance party in the old beat up truck i was taking note of the surrounding area, from the signs leading into town, to the seemingly inhabitated forestation surrounding it, a seemingly quite town this seemed to be, even with all the deaths happening lately, Theo had a point why were they so quite? it didn't make sense as the radio was turned down i looked over at him silent for a moment trying to come up with any explination to give the male but nothing came to mind, doing nothing more then shrugging my shoulder i bushed a few locks of my hair that had flown up from the wind flooding the car behind my shoulder before speaking up "i've noticed this is a quite town, it doesn't make sense, even the slightly curious would be out trying to solve the mystery,
unless.. the police covered it up, brushed it off as a natural death or hunting accident, not wanting to rile the people up"
i finally concluded as i ran a hand through my hair once more, a habbit i could never seem to break. As silence over came the truck once more i began tapping my foot to the next few songs, most of them well known but a few newer that even i dont know that well,once they came on my foot stopped moving and i just staired out the window. As time passed i saw the truck begin to reach the more inward roads of the town and i glanced at ford "Alright hot wheels don't hit anybody, i'm sure that wouldn't be what D'arc meant by blending in" i shot over with a playful glint in my eye

↩ Adam Hale ↪
Species:Werewolf I Role:Guard I Tags: Skylar, open I Crush:Open
Merely smirking at her response i walked along with her skyler wasn't necessarily feared by the pack, but she was respected, that was for damn sure, there wasn't a doubt in my mind she'd be the alpha this pack needed, though with that said,
i could also see what she was talking about with asking what someone saw in being alpha, sure it had its perks, but it also had responsibilities, which more times then not got overwhelming, not to mention the well being of the pack sitting in you're paws,
you had little room for error when you were a alpha. At least thats what i had gathered with my short time in the pack. It was only as the sun finally made its appearance into the sky did i notice my head was still throbbing like a bi!ch, groaning nearly silently i closed my eyes for a split second, pulling the hood of my jacket up before reopening them damn hang overs, being a werewolf did subside some of the after math of course, due to our high tolerance but it could still be felt more times then not, as i reopened my eyes i noticed we were just outside her house now, apparently we were closer then i had thought. Taking another drink i followed her up to the well built shelter, meeting her gaze as she turned her attention back to me i glanced down, just as she gestered to her outfit and nodded understandingly, though as she questioned wither i'd join her into town, or go by myself i thought about it for a moment before shrugging, a smirk still upon my lips "hmm, i think i will accompany you on this little expedition" i informed her, teasing lightly as i leaned against one of the trees awaiting for her to change so we could set off,
she had mentioned we had to pick up some other members and with the time quickly ticking down to when the memorial was to begin we'd have to get moving
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Postby .Spaceman. » Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:13 pm

xx Hanjin Min · 27 · Blade · Second-in-Command · Pansexual · Tags; Adrian, Theo, Katherine

Jin leaned against the wall in the corner, arms crossed, watching the morning unfold. He smirked at the exchange between Katherine and the leader, which ultimately ended in the girl having to go back and change her clothes. He would have volunteered to go pay respects but he had decided against it. Besides, Theo and Katherine were already well on their way. "Bye kids," he murmured quietly, waving as he watched them leave. He was pretty sure Katherine was older than him, but it had been a playful remark anyway. As soon as he heard the car engine start up, his hand dropped to his side and he frowned at Adrian. "She must like you better, seeing as she only made enough coffee for one cup." Not that he had really spoken to her that morning, or that he was actually a coffee person anyways. The fake hurt on Jin's face faded quickly as he spun on his heels to go into the kitchen. He went to the refrigerator and opened a box he had labeled "Han Solo's Smuggled Goods" and grabbed a carton of chocolate milk from it. Satisfied, he returned to the room with D'Arc, occasionally taking a sip of his drink. "So then, what's next on the agenda?"

xx Tuomo Latvala · 24 · Werewolf · Fighter · Heteroflexible · Tags; Open

Tuomo hadn't been very keen on going to the dedication, mostly because there was going to be a bit too many people there for his comfort. Of course, when he arrived, he found that there was even more there than he had imagined. He hung on the outer edge of things and definitely didn't look to get involved in anything. These had been trying times for the pack and the amount of news people around didn't help anything. Especially the growing feeling of anxiety in his chest. It was enough for him to handle, though, since he wasn't awkwardly conversing with strangers. Tuo took this opportunity to think over the recent killings, digging his hands into his coat pockets and giving a blank expression as he fell into thought.

xx Sophia Alessi · 21 · Human · Citizen · Heterosexual · Tags; Open

Sophia had honestly been very frightened since the eleven murders in Jasper. She wasn't able to move away, but she also wasn't sure about attending the memorial. She hadn't known anyone who died. Instead, she decided to go out around town. Not for her usual jog in comfy athletic clothes, though. She dressed androgenously and tried to hide inside a hoodie as she walked down the streets. She enjoyed feminine clothes, but she felt unsafe and would rather appear as a random person strolling than a potential target. If she was being superstitious, she didn't know. Sophie just wanted to get some fresh air and exercise. Maybe she would even stop by the park after all.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Thu Oct 26, 2017 1:39 am

Jason Loen I Werewolf | Medic |
tags; Benji

Jason didn't reply immediately. He watched Blake and the rest of the crowd, almost nervously, as she moved away, barely resisting the urge to follow her. Leaving a child unattended- no. Knock it off. You're being paranoid. Again. Look. Aurora's over there. Blake's fine.
Once the kid was out of earshot, Jason licked his dry lips and sighed before he spoke.
"Maybe Lady Militant - sorry, Aleksandersen - thinks it sends a message?" he suggested feebly, pretending he hadn't noticed how tired and worn down his partner was. It seemed everybody was stressed, but it was clear that Benji had been worse hit than most of the pack.
"And I agree," he finally added, voice hoarse, "things aren't right."

Theodore Ford | Human | Blade | tags; Katrine, open
"Well, duh, they're covering it all up. Rabid wolf attacks, serial killers, everything but the truth. They've doubled police patrols and told people to keep out of the woods, and everything. Really gone the whole nine yards." He shook his head. The sudden seriousness didn't suit him." And if any of the cops realise what could really be going down, they're obviously smart enough to keep their mouth shut. We really don't need a mass panic."
Theo sighed again, emitting a low whistle. "My point was that, whatever killed these people, nobody seems particularly perturbed." Big words didn't suit his facade, either. He made a mental note to be more careful as he finally pulled up and parked, leaving the car with practised ease, automatically scanning the crowd for concealed weapons and threats. These people were under his protection now, he realised. And he would not let them down.
"Okay. Meet you back at the truck in an hour?" Not waiting for an answer, he let himself disappear into the crowd. Split up,
cover more ground. Simple.
He paused just behind a group of state news reporters, then decided to take a seat. They were mostly full, but he found a few in the row behind a small blonde girl. Jeez, who were these people? All this for a couple of socialites? He let his gaze wander, still scanning for anything abnormal.
And, anyway, who is she calling "hot wheels"? Please. I'm fabulous.

Adrian D'Arc I Human | Blade | tags; Jin
Rian didn't look up from his papers, partially to hide the silent laughter on his face. He didn't laugh a lot. He never had. It wasn't a very "Agent D'Arc" thing to do. But, between Jin and Ford, he was learning.
"She must have some sense, then," he teased half-heartedly, finally looking up and sipping his own drink. "So, Mr Solo, you memorised the street plan yet?" He pointed to a four-by-five-foot paper map on the other end of the table. It was already covered in pencil scribbles and highlighter, but underneath the new graffiti it showed Jasper and the few homesteads in the woods around it. "Could you that on the wall? Wherever you feel is most appropriate. That'd be great."
He placed a typed police report from two years previous - borrowed from the JPD servers - onto the "possible lead" pile.
"Then we need to start working on patrol routes. I think Ford marked the attack sites on there, but I didn't really want to leave something like this to Goof Street and Miss Vogue."

Skylar Aleksandersen I Werewolf | Beta |
tags; Adam

She almost slapped the can out of his hand. He was a guard and he was drinking? Instead, showing remarkable self control, she passed him the keys to her Defender and pointed to the barn it was stored in. Normally, it was reserved for pack meetings, but she'd decided that the day may come when she wouldn't have time to de-ice it. Besides, the barn was plenty big. "Fine. Wait for me in the car, if you like. Or you can stand out here and mess up my driveway. If you can call this dirt track a driveway. But I'm driving."
She took her boots off at the door and took the stairs two at a time, swearing in norsk now Adam couldn't hear her. Technically, she had no formal clothes, but she found a dark grey button-down shirt and a pair of tailored black trousers, which she decided looked okay. With slightly shaking hands, she tugged her tattered blonde hair free of the ponytail and brushed it through. Yes. That was good enough.
She left the house and was just locking the door when her phone buzzed again. Blair. "I'm only a mile or so from the service anyway. I'll walk from here. You'll be late otherwise. Thanks, though."
The Beta signed and shoved the phone back into her pocket as she entered the barn. Alone with Adam. Great.
"Change of plans. We're going straight there."


back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
please feel free to shoot me a dm over on discord at amar#8393. my inbox here
is still swamped and i'm a little too intimidated to go wading through it


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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Tonic_Memories » Thu Oct 26, 2017 2:40 am

name; Benji Hutcherson
age; 35
species; werewolf
rank; medic
tags; Jason

Benji opened his mouth to speak, but paused and waved a dismissive hand instead. “We can discuss this later. When we are in a more...private area.” The larger man was obviously uncomfortable with this large crowd. In fact, as Benji did a quick look of the land, it seemed as though almost all the pack members were uncomfortable with this. He saw one News Report try to question Aurora, but the female was quick to snap at them. “Kid’s got spunk.” He chuckled, nodding his head towards the obviously angry pack fighter. As Jason and Benji talked the older male would occasionally glance at his niece, just to make sure she was okay. The tiny blonde was just sitting and fussing with her dress every once in a while. However his eyes narrowed when another man sat behind her. “Come on, let’s go sit down.” He grunted. Turning towards the seats he began to walk, trying his hardest to hide his limp.

name; Blake Hutcherson
age; 7
species; werewolf
rank; pup
tags; Theo, open

Well, this was no fun. Her Uncle shooed her away to talk with Jason, and so now she’s sitting here all by herself with nothing to do. A few people would pass by and give her looks of pity, or compliment her dress. She refused to respond. Blake didn’t know these people, so why should they be talking to her? With another huff Blake tugged at her dress in annoyance, clearly unhappy with her attire. The seven-year-old couldn’t wait to change into some normal clothes. All wrapped up in her thoughts she hardly noticed a person sit behind her. It wasn’t until she caught a whiff of his scent did she turn around. He was different, that’s for sure. Not from around here at all, his weird scent gave that away. Wrinkling her nose she squinted her eyes at him with a soft glare. “Who’re you?” Blake demanded. Maybe it wasn’t the most polite way to start out a conversation, but outsiders almost never come to town.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby amarok. » Thu Oct 26, 2017 3:28 am

Jason Loen I Werewolf | Medic |
tags; Benji

He nodded wordlessly in agreement and followed, strategically moving in close to his partner's weaker side to help shield his limp from sight, letting his gaze wander back to Aurora with a chuckle. It was good to know that somebody was standing up to the reporters, even if he didn't have the nerve to himself. There really weren't many seats at all now, he observed. He didn't mind the big crowd all that much - he loved people - but couldn't help thinking that a huge memorial would really do the city much good.
It wasn't until they got through a crowd of reporters that he noticed what had had Benji moving so quickly, though. Blake was now talking to some random guy seated behind her. His own anxiety jumped up a notch. Sure, he looked harmless enough, but where Blake was concerned, he knew better than to expect Benji to take chances.

Theodore Ford | Human | Blade | tags;

The couple behind him were talking in hushed voices. Bending down in his seat to retie his shoelaces, he listened in, only to hear a small voice.
He looked up to the girl in front of him, somewhat taken aback at being called out but mostly a little ticked. The couple behind him stopped talking as he sat up, rubbing innocently at his cheek as if he was tired. "Apart from being incredibly cool, you mean?"
He smiled cheerfully at his own joke and sat back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other. "I'm Theo. I'm staying in town with a few friends of mine for hunting season, but... Well, we're not really supposed to be in the woods anymore and when we heard about why, I thought I'd better come and pay my respects to..." He let himself trail off, as if he was too horrified by what had happened to finish his sentence, and shook his head with a brief shudder.
"I didn't expect this many people to turn up, though. Was Mr Steel really this important around here?"
The words had barely left his lips when he saw two guys, one haggard and slightly older than the other, moving briskly towards them. The older one was limping, almost imperceptibly. Neither of them appeared to be armed, but they didn't look happy.

back after a long/involuntary hiatus! bear with me while i get my bearings again.
my pronouns are she/they.

i left a lot of stuff here unfinished and can't remember most of what i was up to.
please feel free to shoot me a dm over on discord at amar#8393. my inbox here
is still swamped and i'm a little too intimidated to go wading through it


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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby Tonic_Memories » Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:03 am

name; Blake Hutcherson
age; 7
species; werewolf
rank; pup
tags; Theo, Jason

Even though Blake was young her parents were sure to drill pack rules into her before they passed away. She knew to never talk about the pack to others, especially strangers. She also knew that a hunter was a dangerous person. When Theo mentioned him and his friends were in town for hunting she couldn’t help the fear pool into her stomach. Her eyes widening at his words as alarms went off in her head. Before she could talk about his activity Theo’s question took her off guard. Important? Of course he was important! He was the Alpha, and he was friends with her mom and dad. “He was the most important person.” She replied, a bit shocked this man would even question something like this. Before she could ask him a question she caught sight of her Uncle out of the corner of her eyes. The girl smiled happily when her Uncle scooped her into his arms.

name; Benji Hutcherson
age; 35
species; werewolf
rank; medic
tags; Jason, Theo

Benji moves through the crowd, his eyes never leaving Blake as she talked to this stranger. What was a man doing talking to a little girl anyways? Maybe he was some weird reporter? With a shake of his head he marched right up to his niece and scooped her into his arms. “Hey baby cakes.” He cooed as he placed her on his left hip. “Making some friends?” He questioned as he stared down the new man. Blake cupped his ear and whispered one word ‘hunter’. “A hunter, eh!?” Benji remarked so Jason would hear. Shifting about he sat down and placed Blake on his lap, turning to face Theo he gave the young man a toothy grin. “What kind of game do ya hunt? Plenty of deer ‘round here.” The thought of another hunter in town was alarming, but Benji decided to question him before jumping to conclusions.
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Re: ʜᴜɴᴛᴇᴅ | ᴏ/ᴀ

Postby littlewolf5000 » Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:05 am

✦ Kathrine Kingston ✦
Species- Blade I Role: Agent I Tags- D'arc, Theo I crush: open
I had no time to respond to the change in theo's speech before we came pulling up to the memorial spot, more people had shown up then i had thought, looked as if most of the town to be in fact, huffing i looked myself over quickly in the mirror as i fixed my hair, freeing it from the mess the wind had made it before stepping out of the truck. Gazing over the already medium sized crowd nothing about them seemed threatening, or dangerous in the least, little did i know though people weren't always as they seemed. My attention switched from the group of townspeople to theo as i heard him speak,
instucting we meet back up in a hour, i knew D'arc had instructed me to keep a eye on him, but before i could protest he was off, leaving me alone in this whole drawn out process. Shaking my head with a roll of my eyes i watched him sit near a young girl, whom couldn't possibly be older then ten, what was a young offspring like her doing in a place like this? the thought alone of the young kid being involved in all this mess made a frown show on my face so young and she was seeing things i had wished i could unsee. Scoffing i continued to look through the crowd, most of whom were speaking amungst themselves, not one caught my eye, that is until i saw him.. standing with a few other people whom i couldn't seem to recconize, what was he doing here? he was supposed to be far from here, making a happy, peaceful life for himself, this town was everything but that with the recent attackings. He didn't look much different from when we were kids, his hair was what caught my attention, the soft locks i always ran my fingers through despite his annoyed protests as he played his video games. Just the memories of our innocent years made a bittersweet smile appear on my face before fading, smiling isn't blending in kat i silently scolded myself as i sighed, running a hand through my own locks as i pushed through the crowds, and past.. him, not saying anything i was here on a mission and i wouldn't let myself become distracted, however i couldn't say the same for Theo, he had already been involved in a conversation with two males whom seemed rather displeased he was near the young girl, Narrowing my eyes i kept myself where i always had a good view of the four, ready to step in had i been needed, even if Theo had just joined i had grown protective of him, he was part of the team now, he would be treated as the others were. I had found myself near the outside of the group of people one arm crossed against my chest and the other resting on it while my hand played with the ends of my hair. Silent as i observed trying to get a feel of this town we'd be calling home for who knows how long, and of course, keeping a eye out for what we suspected comited these mass murders.

↩ Adam Hale ↪
Not paying attention to the girls actions until the jingling of the keys rang in my ears before promptly being shoved into my hands my gaze shifted to her, glancing at the barn in which the car was kept as i listened, saying nothing as i nodded other then a "yes ma'm" i watched her walk off, up the stairs to the house we all often met at and into the rooms held within before turning though not to fast as i didn't want to get dizzy and wind up on my ass what a sight that would be. Shaking the embarassing thoughts away i headed towards the shelter that held the defender whistling softly as made my way over, Once i had reached the massive doors i swung them open, they gave no protest other then a squeak from their hinges and a soft thud against the wall, whoops. Shaking my head i walked in. As soon as my eyes landed upon the box like car i couldn't help but smile, sure it wasn't anything fancy but it was a fine specimen indeed, giving a content sigh i walked over, hearing it chirp as i unlocked it made my grin widden before i pulled open the passenger door and hopped in. Admiring the view from inside i stuck the keys in the ignition, the roar it made as it came to life was music to my ears, and with that i laid my head against the headrest and awaited the betas approach, which had come just a few minutes later, hearing her entering my eyes flew open and head turned to face her, taking in her outfit i nodded in greeting the clothes she wore now much different then the ones from earlier, she cleaned up nice. I was drawn from my thoughts when i heard her inform me we would be the only ones on the way there. Earning a simple nod as she got in "they decide to hike there?" i joked lightly as i sat up, securing the seatbelt in its clasp as we headed off
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( ♚ ❝ i played on my own, i survived !! ) 003

Postby hellb0und » Thu Oct 26, 2017 1:55 pm

        ( 🔥. // !)
        name. // aurora lane. x x gender. // female. x x species. // werewolf x x rank // fighter. x x tags. // none.
            "i am as deadly as fire itself."

      I sit down after maneuvering my way through the bustling crowd. Observing as I had done before. The idea of an attack runs through my mind yet again. I remain alert to those who've collected around me in large or small groups. Those that are pack members are identifiable. Though who knows, they can't be trusted either. One of them could be hiding a much darker and deeper secret. Managing to keep themselves under control until they finally lose it again, and end up slaughtering everyone here. That would undoubtedly make headlines. We'd all be sent to solitary confinement for the rest of our lives. Or, those unlucky enough would end up being tested on. It wouldn't surprise me if I was among them. There was also the almost certain possibility of death, simple and plain. It'd be much easier to round us all up and kill us off one by one. So why don't they just kill us now? The answer is simple, we have yet to be identified. Upon realization of how deep in thought I am, I snap out of it and turn to find a female who looks to be about forty seated further away from me. She pays little attention to me which suits me just fine. Afterward, time continues to drag on and I stare at the plaque which has been placed in their honor. Of course, nobody's actually aware they were werewolves. The media's definitely completely oblivious. They're too naive to figure anything out anyway. All they worry about is what type of a dress a celebrity is wearing. People continue to come and go, placing flowers by the tree. Paying their respects and leaving.
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