For roleplayers who want to write longer detailed posts using advanced language and grammar. Anyone can create a topic here, but joining these RPs is by application-only so that RP owners can control the literacy level they're comfortable with. All content must remain child-friendly at all times.


Postby aberdeen » Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:14 am


"I fought the war, I fought the war, but the war won."

name: Alexander Ryan Smith
age: eighteen
gender: male
sexuality: straight
relationship: single
    Alex could be the poster boy for wasted potential. He was raised in a lower middle class family, if you ask him he will tell you he had a great childhood, which is true. He was raised by a busy single mother after his dad walked out on them when he was six but that has never really bothered him his mother is a great person and raised him well even on her own. Nothing really came easy to them so Alex had no problem learning to work for everything he wanted. Like getting a job at a young age to help pay bills or for his extracurricular activities that his mom couldn't afford. He was always mature for his age and never resented his mother for that. They get along very well. It was no surprise when he signed up for the national guard in order to be able to go to college.
    Before he left for Afghanistan Alex could be described you're average high school kid for the most part, he wasn't perfect by any means he went to parties and skipped class every once and awhile. However he was intelligent, friendly very social he had a diverse group of friends and wasn't into the cliques or anything like that, Alex even played on the school football team since freshman year and he wasn't to bad either. His future was promising he didn't know what he wanted to do with his life but wanted to go to college and make something of his life.
    When he returned home from his tour after being shot and coming so close to dying Alex feels like a shadow of the person he used to be. He's a mess of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and almost constant anxiety. Half of him wants to try and get better but most days he can hardly function enough to get through a full day at school without leaving or having a breakdown. The randomest things can trigger him, sudden loud noises are the worst. He feels helpless and constantly on edge like something terrible is always about to happen. For someone who used to have sure discipline not even being to control his own emotions or thoughts is torture enough. He doesn't talk about what happened to him, he gets to relive the experience enough with vivid nightmares or unwanted flashbacks he's not about to open up and share his sob story with just anyone. He wants to be normal again and forget what happened, to move on but nothing seems to help. Maybe he's not trying hard enough with therapy, he thinks that's a bunch of [censored] anyway and as put it all on himself to get better. Alex his quieter now, he distances himself from people because he feels he can't relate to them he's alone a lot of the time. Actually he's gotten quite bitter and his once sarcastic sense of humor is now just used to insult people and get them away from him. He has less patience with not only others but also himself, Alex has a short temper and takes out his own problems on other people. His relationship with mostly all his friends and family is ruined. He's broken but not beyond repair.
"I fought the war but the war won't stop for the love of God! "

Last edited by aberdeen on Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:36 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby L0v3 I$ Rar3 » Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:28 am


extra info;
role// "Well, My social ranking is popular. So
I guess thats a start in what role I have."
favorite movie// " Well I enjoy dance very
much, so really any move associated with dance. There
an inspiration for me I guess, seeing some of the stories
of the best dancers. I think, just because I had a bad
start like some of these dancers donesnt mean I can't
be sucessful."

issues// " If you want to hear them that bad...
Due to dancing I need a tiny body, so in every sport where
image means a lot to your coach and judges, I have an eating
disorder. There are many of them so the one I have, the
technical term is bulimia. This is where I sometimes throw
up aftereating any meals. Yet I partly did this to myself in
some ways. One more thing I have is tire marks. also known
as I cut myself. I don't know why I do it, but i do and hate
it so much! The scars haunt me, I guess its addicting."

occupation// "Dance? I sometimes get
paid to preform in shows, and I get featured in
dance magazines. I make a nice amount of money
there, the endorsements are nice too."

fears// " Well i fear spiders, that's a big one.
There legs are long with the prickly dark hair. There big beedy
eyes scare me too, they show no emotion at all......
I also fear failure. I just don't want to be the girl that failed
in life, or burned out. I want to suceed and win in this dog
eat dog world. I have a fear of the ocean too. I fear
a shark will kill me, I just hate the idea of it. I had
this fear when I was little too, and watching shark
week never helps this fear go away either."

nicknames// " Well people call me Abi. which is
actually very common. Those who know I dance
call me the black swan. I like that one a lot for
some reason, it pretty much sums me up.

likes//" I only like one thing in this world really. Dance.
Its one of the only places I fit in. I'm so
good at it, dance is instinct. I'm not
being being labeled by the kids at school,
I'm not being called the cold one. It's
my home, and that's the most important

theme song// "ed sheeran - angels to fly"
favorite movie character// "Easy. Any shirtless guy."
crush// " Everyone pretty much has a dream guy. My dream guy
is tall and muscular. He would have to be interested in dance
just like i am. He has blue or gray eyes, maybe brown? I don't
really know. It's not something i think about... I really
don't have any crushes. I have no boyfriend or love interest.
So ' i'm on the market' as one would say. But you need to impress
me before you can truly earn my affection."

family// "There all dead. The living one is dead to me."
siblings// "Dead...."
pictures// copy right to original owners
form// copy right to brittle & Ms. Mercenary!!
use with// permission!
notes from author// Enjoy.



Completely Mad.

main information wrote:ᴬᴳᴱ"I was born on June the
seventeenth of the year nineteen ninety five. So that
makes me sixteen years of age, which is still rather

ᴺᴬᴹᴱ " Well my name is quite simple to say. Abigail Rose Watson.
You could probably tell by my last name that I am British
Well to start my first name comes from my grandmother
on my mums side of the family. Even in her old age she had
a light blonde colored hair. It was short where mine goes
down just past my shoulder blades which are very
easy to spot because i'm a rather petite girl. It is naturally
wavy, I wouldn't say I have curls.My middle name is Rose,
the grandmother on my fathers side, that was her name.
My mum didn't like it at first, but then it grew on her.
Granny Rose was about my height,5''9, when she was young,
and had the same dark brown eyes with streaks of black
in them. My last name comes from mum, Scarlet Marie
Watson. Most people just call me Abi , which is fine

ᴳᴱᴺᴰᴱᴿ "It's also quiet obvious I'm a female, everyone
knows this by when they look at you. There are hints
you know."

Hᴵˁᵀᴼᴿʸ " Anyway, about my past life first. Alright here goes nothing.
My life, it was all going good. Until that one fateful night.
That horrible night, it took the life of my mother and my
younger sister. I was seven years old, and my parents had
sent me to bed early. Because they were fighting, and my
mums didn't want me to have to put up with it. But I didn't
actually go to bed, I sat by the other doorway to the living
room. And I listened to their conversation. It ended with
my dad screaming, and he stormed out of the house.
And my mum, she fell to her knees crying. And I crawled
into the room, and hugged her. She looked at me as tears
stained her cheeks. She picked me up, carrying me to my
room. And she laid me in the bed, and laid down next to me.
I curled up in her arms, as she cried. After a while her sobs,
turned into her soft voice singing me to sleep. I fell asleep
no problems. And I woke up in the middle of the night to
hear my mothers screams, I crawled out of bed, and walked
down stairs. I hid not wanting to be spotted as I watched them.
Those horrible, men. Murder my mother, there was two of them.
But one was doing the dirty, he looked a lot like my father. But
I couldn't tell. After they left I crawled over to my mom,
sobbing and screaming her name. She hushed me and said,
it's alright baby girl. Don't worry about mommy, I love you.
I love you soo much, take care of yourself and your sister.
Don't let no harm come to either of you. She said then she
kissed my cheek, and she stopped breathing. My mother
died in my arms. And I knew what I had to do, I ran
upstairs to get my sister, and I heard her cry's coming from
her room. I walked over, and opened the slightly ajar door.
And what I seen, was the worst thing you could ever imagine.
The guy who murdered my mother, bashing my sisters head in.
I ran out the front door, and to my neighbors. I knocked on the
door, rapidly, and until they opened it. They looked down at me,
and asked me whats wrong leading me into the house. I explained
to her, while her husband called the police and the ambulance.
It didn't matter though because my sister and mom were dead
already by the time they arrived. They questioned me and for
me being seven I was calm. I answered their questions truthfully.

And since my father was the only family I had left, I was forced to
live with him. He got remarried, not even a year after. I didn't like
the woman he married she was so cruel to me. But her son, who was
five years older than me, was kind and protective of me. One night
he stayed at a friends house, and my stepmom was at the bar probably
getting drunk. My father abused me all threw the night until my stepmom
came home, and they got into a fight. Then it was her turn to hurt me,
she always beat me. Because she blamed every mistake, and everything
she did on me. By this time I was thirteen, and my brother was eighteen
and moving out. And he took me with him, cause he didn't like to see me
hurt. But I always had to stay home, because he couldn't afford to send me
to school. And when he left for college I was left on the streets, because he
lost the house. And the people wouldn't let me stay with him there. Eventually
I started working, and I turned sixteen. The day before my sweet sixteen
though, my brother was on his way down to surprise me. When he got
into a car accident. He was badly injured and ended up dying, a week later.
He left me everything he had. Money, car, most of the main things I need
to survive. I started to pick up dance, thats where the extra money came from.
That's my past, it's in the past. And that's we're it's gonna stay."

I'm not really much of a nice person so don't cross me. Normally, if you don't
mess with me, I won't put a snake in your bed. I'm extremely brash and I
don't think things through very often either, especially when I speak. I'll
say whatever is on my mind and if it makes someone cry, too bad because
it was probably the truth. I don't do a lot of lying unless I seriously have
to so if I say something to you, I'm probably being totally honest. My temper
could use some work considering the fact that it doesn't take much to set
me off. The last thing you want to do is make me mad because nine times
out of ten, I'll throw the first punch. If that doesn't do it, I like to get my
revenge in other ways. On occasion you may see some of my old self come
out. I can be sweet and shy when I need to be but any other time, I'm the
person you might wanna avoid especially if I'm depressed because at that
point, I'll lash out at anyone. "

ᴰᴱˁᶜᴿᴵᴾᵀᴵᴼᴺ " My hair goes down to below my rib cage, so its
actually quiet long. It's bleach blonde with a few streaks of black
here and there. My hair is quiet thick and my hairline is on the
side of my head. My eyes are dark brown like chocolate, and
there streaked with black, which I think is rather interesting.
I have very profound cheek bones, and am rather skinny. Some
of my bones are visible, but i'm boney and tiny because i'm a
dancer. I have a big white smile any tiny feet, yes I said
tiny feet.I have long legs and am actually very muscular. I'm
5''9 at about 117 lbs. I have tattos on her wrists to hide the marks
of cutting. I Like how i'm tall and skinny with long blonde hair
and brown eyes.

ˁᴱˣᵁᴬᴸ ᴼᴿᴵᴱᴺᵀᴬᵀᴵᴼᴺ " Straight as a board."


A marvel.

Thousands of
years ago,
cats were
as gods.


L0v3 I$ Rar3
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Postby Wolfsabre » Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:18 am

(I think I'm going to move this over to AS. If I go over there, who would come with me?)
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Postby L0v3 I$ Rar3 » Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:59 am

>> I will If I knew what it was..

Thousands of
years ago,
cats were
as gods.


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Postby Wolfsabre » Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:02 am
It's an rp site for literate role players. It allows sex, violence, drugs, ect as long as it is role played maturely. But that isn't the theme of the site. The site is about literacy, there are no illiterate members on there.
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Postby L0v3 I$ Rar3 » Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:06 am

>> O.K as long as its mostly clean i'm joining right now.

Thousands of
years ago,
cats were
as gods.


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Postby Wolfsabre » Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:10 am

Depends on the rp you join, most rps with intense sexual or violent content have some kind of warning to keep people from coming across them but yeah, most rps aren't like that. Cool, see you there!
What about the rest of you, what do you think?
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