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beinethiel - captain of the guard - post uno

Postby norm » Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:46 am


captain of the guard

age: twenty two
gender: female
kingdom: istoth
rank: captain
mood: eager and spitfired
action: leading the army; firing them up




The young, female elf reined the stallion to the left sharply as they rounded the corner towards the battle field. Her face was covered in a smug expression. As they marched on, the horse underneath her keep prancing sideways in excitement. Eventually getting control of the red roan paint mix, Beinethiel gathered the leather reins into a bunch and tied them short, hooking them onto her saddle. This was to keep the horse from going crazy when the battle started and so he wouldn't jerk her around while she was trying to shoot her bow.

After a few more tense moments they arrived at the battle scene. The others were already here. Great. Shaking the thought from her mind, Bay clenched her jaw. "Halt!" She shouted above the murmuring voices of soldiers. "Our opponents are tough." She paused a slight gleam of wrath in her eye. "But, we are tougher!" Her voice echoed across the plain and into the ears of the enemy. "Now, show these weak, mindless, b-s-a-r-d-s what we are made up and we will not give up with out a fight!" Beinethiel's voiced rained down on the men like lightning in a thunder storm.

The reins were jerked back, making the large stallion come off his tow from hooves. Therefore, rearing. That was when her bow pointed North towards the enemy. "Let's kill all of these *curse words insert here*!" She yelled, kicking the horses sides with a hard blow to the ribs. The horse almost flew forward to the direction of opposing kingdom's soldiers. "CHARGE!!!" Bay's horses hooves dung into the ground, kicking up bits of loose dirt and rocks. A notched arrow laid calmly in the bow, ready to pierce one's heart.

(I started the battle. Btw's. Sorry mine is short. I skipped all the getting dressed and stuff.)
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Postby Keriae » Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:02 am


male :: royal :: twenty :: seulghem
tagged - aeron

    The general rules of battle: common foot soldiers could be cut down without a second thought in the name of protecting his own kingdom. Anyone who claimed they were important would be bound and gagged and dragged away from the fighting and shut securely in a tent until the battle was won and they returned to the Castle. Those who swore fealty would join them for fighting against them, an act of treason, unless it was someone they knew to be a spy within the ranks of their opponents. The rules of the game never changed but breaking the rules had dire consequences, and so Alvere tried not to break them.

    Before he could respond, however, it seemed that Istoth could not bare to wait and stare for any longer. He saw their ranks swarming down the opposite rolling hill and a sharp metallic whistle announced his sword as it was withdrawn from the scabbard hanging from his hip. It was held in a firm grip and he swung it around over his head in order to warm up his arm. They could not afford to wait and as such the Royal Guard turned to look back at their own ranks. "Today many will loose our lives: but we will not loose the will to live! We will cut down those who oppose us and we will show them just what we are made of - and more!" A quick nod to his fellows on the Guard and they urged their horses into a complete circle around their monarchs. Alvere move so he was one of the ones at the front and dug in his heels harshly as he helped to lead their own charge, a battle cry bubbling from his throat.
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Postby Dark. » Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:13 am

Pʀɪɴᴄᴇ Aᴇʀᴏɴ ᴏғ Sᴇᴜʟɢʜᴇᴍ
Currently;; Battling | Tagged;; -

    His eyes watched the opposing troups. Movement. War horns bellowed on both sides, a signal that battle was commencing. The Royal Guard formed around him and his father, taking their positions. Aeron grabbed his mares reins tightly and effortlessly he thrust Widowmaker high into the air above him and yelled, "For Seulghem!" His voice was commanding and confident; the longsword glinted in the sun.

    He drew his mares reins tighter, ignoring her protests, and gave her a hefty kick in the ribs. The white horse drew up in an impressive rear; letting out a shrill scream, before launching forward. Aeron loosened her reins slightly, allowing the mare to lower her head into a streamlined gallop. He knew the army would be following; that was the least of his concerns. The air whipped at his face; blood pounding in his ears. Aeron's sealskin cloak billowed out behind him, despite the sheer weight of the thing.

    It seemed like a lifetime before he reached the front line of the Istoth army amongst his comrades. His mare plowed through the first few lines of footsoilders like they were bowling pins. Quickly, he drew her to an abrupt halt, allowing his battle senses to take over. Spinning the mare, he slashed around him with Widowmaker, cutting down anything that met the blade of the longsword.
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Postby Dragonette_11 » Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:23 am

| |

At the
Battle Field


Single &
No Crush
And so the battle begun. Two forces hurtling at each other. Which side would win, Elizabeth knew not. But she did know that she was going to truly fight for her kingdom this day.

Getting up, she looked down at herself. She had no sort of armor on. Nothing at all. Just simple clothing you could find on commoners. Armor, in her opinion, slowed her down, though she'd at least like some light armor to protect her vital parts. There was her leather corset, which could somewhat protect her middle, but yet it was still only leather. Laughing a bit, she smiled brightly and looked up at the battle. "Oh they'll laugh at me. What will they think of a woman dressed in a pirate-like fashion fighting in such a battle?" she questioned herself allowed. Elizabeth then braided her hair into a single braid, the bangs at the side of her face still free.

Elizabeth had now gone back to her horse, AIden, mounted him, and was riding towards the battle. She had every weapon of her possession on her, Aldair, her sword, her bow, a quiver full of arrows, and daggers. The thunder of the battle rose the closer she and Aiden got. The sound of the stallions galloping faded into nothing because of the sound. Upon just about driving her horse through the battle, she yanked his reins to stop him before she leapt off of him, purposefully rolling across the ground. She'd risk her life, but not Aiden's. The stallion whinnied and galloped away. The next thing she knew was that she had bounced to her feet, sword drawn, and was slashing away at any of Seulghem's ranks.

Hello everyone! I'm Dragonette_11, but you can just called me Dragon.

I've role played on Chicken Smoothie off and on for years now.

Like.. I mean YEARS... Five to be exact c:

Speaking of which, I want to get back into role playing on here again!

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Postby Greenleaf » Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:16 am

uilinnor wallowflight

an elf of Seulghem

      T he warhorn rang out over the fields, blasting through the air so fiercely that Tuilinnor briefly stopped his ears, irritatedly wondering how on earth did the loud trumpeting sound not seem to faze the other warriors of both realms. His thoughts died, however, as he watched the two armies briefly bellow obscenities at each other before charging down upon each other. The horses of both armies neighed in half-mad voices, and the sun glinted off the metallic gleam of swords and spears being unsheathed as they charged off to war.
      It seemed that one Istoth soldier noticed him, before coming charging over to his half-concealed point in the grass. He quickly drew an arrow and shot the warrior down, and couldn't help but grimace slightly when his arrow missed the head and instead closed itself on the warrior's throat, sending the man down in a flurry of armor, screams, and blood while the horse bolted. Not the cleanest kill he had ever made, but he had little other choice; he had made the decision to come observe the battle without being properly armed, so he might as well have to deal with it.

      The only warning Tuilinnor had of danger was the soft sound of footsteps and the swift snick of an arrow being nocked to a bowstring, when suddenly he was being shoved from behind and a silver-shafted arrow was being held to his throat. He let out a choked cry and jerked stiffly forwards, narrowly avoiding slicing open his own throat on the gleaming point of the weapon being bared towards him.

      A quiet but lethal voice with a grim undertone breathed into his ear, "You only have a few moments to explain who you are and what your business is before I'll slice your windpipe." When he finally dared to open his eyes, he was locked gazes with two icy-blue orbs glaring out at him from a surprisingly feminine face. Since when did the Seulghem army accept females as warriors?! was the first startled thought that pierced his mind.

      When he got over the initial shock, he relaxed his stance a bit. He gingerly leaned backwards and edged the arrow-point away from his throat with careful fingers, eyeing the sharpened end with a mixture of apprehension and fascination; this was a true weapon, unlike his own hunting arrows. "Calm yourself, my lady," he retorted to the woman, getting a good look at her for the first time; her ears were pointed, so she was definitely an elf (he noted this with relief), and with her dark hair and keen eyes, he realized that she probably didn't look to much different than himself. As she had seemingly come from their side of the border, Tuilinnor deduced that the woman was most likely of the Seulghem allegiance; not an intruder, then.

      "I am not of that Istoth scum, but am a Seulghem citizen, as you are," he explained cautiously, hoping he'd be able to convince the other elf not to kill him. "I mean no harm to anyone of Seulghem, and am naught but a hunter." He left out the parts about him trading his prey to the black market of the kingdom; for some reason he didn't believe that this female warrior would appreciate that much, and he certainly did not anticipate being arrested.

      "I was, er, curious, so I came to watch the battle, he chanced these words, and winced at his own speech; he had given half the truth, at least, but it still sounded artificial and far too suspicious to his own ears.
tags: Merideth

(EDITED so I could clean up grammar mistakes, remove my signature and edit the overall post so it could fit in the new battle correctly. ;P sorry.)
Last edited by Greenleaf on Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:03 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby nymphadora. » Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:19 am

Ryder Serilda Linstrim

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Kingdom: Istoth
Job/Rank: Soldier, Assassin, Spy
Species: Dragon Shifter/Fire Element Controller
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: Crushes are for children
Tagged: Open

I rode my horse into battle with ease. This was something I had always been good at, battle. When an arrow plunged its way into my horse's neck I didn't waste a second mourning I just jumped off hitting the ground hard. I saw a man coming at me and I instantly took out my sword slashing at him. It took me a few minutes but he was dead on the ground. I looked around and realized we were terribly loosing, something we couldn't allow.

I looked around for the general, never had we been loosing a battle so badly. I knew the king would hate me for turning into a dragon and giving away the only secret weapon our fine kingdom had but I was so close to just allowing myself to morph. I heard someone scream behind me and I turned around quickly. They were coming fast and I didn't have time to pull out my sword. I sent some fire at them and they fell to the ground shrieking curses. I rolled my eyes and pulled my bow off my back before notching an arrow and firing at certain people.

Eventually I noticed the prince on a steed and I smirked. I could try fighting him, maybe take him prisoner. I sent an arrow at his horse not knowing if it would hit or not, not caring either. Maybe it would be lucky enough to hit him. I turned and looked around. Terribly loosing rang in my ears terribly. No, we couldn't loose... No please. I frowned and looked around. Where was the general when you needed her? I glanced around my perfect black hair was beginning to fall out of place and this just annoyed me. I ran a hand through the stray hairs and sighed angrily. Someone came at me again and I laced an arrow through their heart easily. This was becoming to easy, apparently not for others. I felt a sword slash my arm and I turned around to get myself into another easy sword battle. Even if my arm hurt I still won it.

{ Sorry this is a Removed post, my last post makes no ounce of sense since someone is playing a female general now. I am just trying to make sense and if someone wants to battle her as long as they don't power play I am fine with it, I also wouldn't mind having Ryder be captured but I was thinking she would be told to turn into a dragon beforehand as my idea for her was. }
Last edited by Pandle on Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Inappropriate language removed.
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Postby duckworth » Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:29 am

((Hopefully these posts are decent. I'm pretty sure they followed the rules, but if they didn't, I'd be glad to edit it. I'm no good at fighting posts. ;w;))

Princess Evangeline "Evan" Blythe
female | eighteen | Isoth
tagged: Aeron

at the battlefield
fighting in the battle
no crush & single

What's a few broken ribs to me?
format © vita.anima
    Evangeline felt a thrill rush through her veins, her adrenaline beginning to pump as she heard Prince Aeron call out from the enemy army to charge, shouting, "For Seulghem!" I have to respectfully disagree with you, Prince Aeron. I fight for my own kingdom, Evan thought to herself darkly before letting out a hoarse shout of her own, making sure to keep her voice as low as possible so no one would recognize her.
    Evangeline had the dangerous honor of marching in the front, but she didn't mind. She relished the action, drawing her bow and letting an arrow fly through her fingertips, shooting a man on horseback before he could reach the Istoth army. Then, the two armies met, in a horrible ringing of clashing steel and screaming horses and men. Putting her bow away because it would be use in such close combat, Evangeline drew her sword instead, swinging at the nearest with all her might, aiming for the chinks and weak spots in the armor. Stabbing quickly and fiercely, Evan managed to cut down the enemy soldier quickly enough, dodging attacks with her nimble feet darting around on the ground, quicker than her opponent could swing his blade.
    Evangeline was unscathed, at least, until Prince Aeron himself came riding in on his impressive horse, swinging his fabled sword Widowmaker, destroying an entire row of Isoth soldiers in the blink of an eye. Swallowing back panic, Evan tried not to scream when Aeron's mare bowled her over, knocking her to the ground and trampling her stomach. Evangeline felt a few ribs break, but kept her emotions in check, desperately not trying to think about the pain rushing through her stomach and body.
    Shouting, Evangeline used up the rest of her strength to draw her dagger, concealed in her boot, and nick the mare in the hind leg. Evan had lost her sword after being trampled. She could see it now, glittering among the dust that had been kicked up in the battle, but didn't have enough energy in her body to try and grab it. So Evangeline settled for giving Aeron's horse a quick stab to the back leg, although she didn't cut very deeply. It was really more of a scratch than anything else, but hopefully it would at least bother the horse a little bit. Evangeline hated to hurt an animal, but it was her only option as she lay on the ground, attempting to get to her feet.
    Finally, after some internal struggle and a lot of agony, Evangeline staggered to her feet, the dagger still in her hands. Her sword lay a few yards away, but Evan felt her vision growing a little fuzzy. Gasping in pain, Evangeline clutched her abdomen, feeling her broken ribs, but kept walking, trudging determinedly towards Prince Aeron. "P-Prince! Prince A-Aeron!" Evangeline screamed, forgetting to lower her voice as her words came out in her regular feminine alto. Gritting her teeth, Evangeline remembered too late to speak a little lower. Still, as she opened her mouth again, switched her voice to an imitation of a deep man's voice. "Get off your horse and face me like a man," Evangeline insisted, although she knew she stood no match for the uninjured, physically-able prince of Seulghem. Still, she wanted to distract him, keep him from hurting more of her Istoth people.
    "Fight me!" Evangeline shouted again, this time with a little bit of desperation in her voice as she faced the prince on horseback, clutching her dagger with her right hand and her broken ribs with her left.

Leonidas "Leo" Gorgon
male | twenty | Seulghem

on the battlefield
cutting down enemy warriors
no crush & single

All around me, there is death.
format © vita.anima
    Leonidas briefly considered turning into his form as a large dire wolf, the same dark brown color as his hair and his striking blue-green eyes. About as big as a pony in his dire wolf form, Leo was stronger, faster, and more ferocious in his predator shape. However, Leonidas would prefer to keep his shapeshifter abilities a secret for now. He would use his powers when the time came. Only as a last resort, Leonidas decided before drawing his sword and continuing the march to the enemy army. Leonidas never ran in war. He didn't run to the enemy and he didn't run from the enemy unless he had explicit orders to charge or flee. Instead, Leo took his sweet time, saving his energy before the storm hit and the armies collided as one. In the front lines, Leonidas would reach them soon enough. Conserving his energy was always a good idea, especially when fighting against such a formidable opponent.
    Taking a deep breath, Leonidas gave his sword a few practice swings in the seconds before the armies finally met. Leo put on a brave smile and braced himself for the collision.
    Flashing steel, clashing shields, whistling arrows, and ringing swords greeted him when Leonidas stepped forward, swinging his weapon high above his head and cleaving through an enemy's helmet. Letting out a few war shouts, Leonidas easily beat back his enemies, all his years of training paying off. He hadn't met his match yet, fighting with all his might. Leonidas felt the familiar thrill of being back in war. It was a feeling he both loved and hated. He loved the adrenaline pumping through his veins and giving him extra bursts of energy that made him feel excited, with the basest animal instincts guiding him through his fight. But also, he hated taking lives. Leonidas could kill, and did it well, but he never enjoyed taking individual lives. He loved to protect his people, but didn't feel war was right or justified. It was necessary in his eyes, though, because how else would Seulghem protect its people? Still, Leonidas tried to ignore the guilt in his heavy heart as one of his victims, an enemy soldier, met eyes with him. Gritting his teeth, Leonidas kept swinging his sword, shield on his left arm and weapon in the right.

((Evangeline took all of Leonidas's muse. D;))
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beinethiel - captain of the guard - post dos

Postby norm » Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:07 pm


captain of the guard

age: twenty two
gender: female
kingdom: istoth
rank: captain
mood: eager and spitfired
action: leading the army; firing them up




Both armies seemed to clash in a fury of weapons and blood. A sword whisked inches from her nose and made a deep scratch on her right cheek. Blood oozed from the cut, crimson blood running down her cheek covering her neck with a steady flow. Shaking away the pain she quickly ended the soldiers life with a arrow to the chest. Beinethiel glanced around quickly, catching sight of Ryder having somewhat of a hard time. Making her way gracefully through the battling ranks, she reached the girl and touched her bleed shoulder lightly. "You okay?" She asked, voice laced with worry. Bay shot a few more arrows one missing and the two others hit directly on target. "Now I'm only asking this for winning purposes. I hope your up for shifting today." The elf smirked and patted her friends shoulder, backed away and waited for her to shift.

As the battle raged around them, she got lost in a slow motion war. They were loosing. That was just the outcome the Gods gave them this very day. A strange breeze floated through her long dark auburn hair as she gazed around, glossy eyed. Then, a grim smile was spread across her face as she caught sight of the princess, Evan challenging the prince. "Maybe there is hope after all." She muttered to herself and snapped back into reality. Beinethiel exhaled heavily. Gripping the notched bow tightly she aimed for a man, walking slowly into battle killing people left and right. A smug smirk came across her face as she aimed for the man (Leonidas). Beinethiel let the tightly strung white arrow go. It whizzed past the man's ear missing by a quarter of an inch. She stood proud, straight, and brave in the middle of the battle, meeting eyes with him with a strong glare.
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Postby Dark. » Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:42 pm

Pʀɪɴᴄᴇ Aᴇʀᴏɴ ᴏғ Sᴇᴜʟɢʜᴇᴍ
Currently;; Battling | Tagged;; Evangeline

    The sound of steel on steel rang so furiously that it had just become one drone of white noise. Everywhere he turned Aeron was greeted by the melancholy symphony of screaming horses and the wails of dying men. Bodies had begun to carpet the floor, and he took a moment to try and count the colours. He couldn't be sure which side was winning or losing, for as a each body fell, another charges in to take it's place. All the while, the Prince continued circling and slashing. Widowmaker would live up to her namesake today, he had no doubt.

    Something whistled dangerously close to his ear, clanging strait into his throat. Had it not been for his steel gorget, the arrow would have pierced straight through; severing his windpipe and killing him for certain. However the impact of the steel on his thin gorget was still enough to cause him to swallow hard; momentarily losing his breath. As the arrow fell to the flaw he whipped his head up, tearing his eyes across the battlefield in a desperate attempt to identify who had fired such a shot. It was a futile attempt. Whoever had fired the arrow was lost amongst the throngs of savage men. Aeron turned his mount and lowered Widowmaker, spurring her on in another destructive charge through the enemy footsoldiers.

    His mare rocked slightly beneath him, dropping her back leg. Aeron kept his seat well, reining her to a halt. The mares chest was heaving, her brown eyes weary. Bloody froth streamed from her bit and lined both of her flared nostrils. A slick coating of sweat covered her neck and pricks of blood welled on her flanks. For her first battle outing, this certainly was challenging. Aeron had tightened his reins and was beginning to charge again when a voice met his ears. A challenge. Directed a him. He spun his mount, turning to face the would-be hero. He laughed when he looked down a saw the short foot soldier in-front of him. At first the voice had sounded feminine but now he wasn't so sure. Perhaps it was a dwarf. Either way, the challenger was stupid. He almost pitied them.

    Aeron never was one to back down from a challenge. Even when the odds weren't in his favour, it was unheard of for the Prince to say no; and on this occasion, the Prince was confident he knew the outcome. Slowly he dismounted his war mount. It would have been convenient if she stayed, however it didn't surprise him in the least when the young mare turned and galloped off in the direction they had come. Aeron turned his sole focus onto the foot soldier, swinging Widowmaker loosely in his right hand. With his left, he reached up and undid the clasp of his cloak; allowing the thick sealskin to cascade down in a neat pool of black cloth behind him. The thing had been suffocating, and was far to restricting for on foot combat.

    The upper portion of his face was well-shadowed by his pike half-helm; save for his two piercing blue eyes. His chin was clearly visible, his lips drawn into an over-confident smirk, "You either fancy yourself a hero or your just plain stupid! Either way I admire you - you know who I am and you still challenge me in combat!" he let out a laugh. Aeron then gestured to her small dagger, "I was taught never to fight an unarmed man, yet you seem to have an adequate weapon right there. Find redemption in the fact that your death will be quick." he paused, and grinned menacingly, "But I can't promise it won't be painless." With that he swung Widowmaker at the foot soldiers head. Aeron liked to play with his victims and look them in the eyes when he killed them, so instead of simply cleaving the soldier's head in two, he decided to shift his blow; so his longsword tipped the helmet, lifting it clean off her head. Aeron lifted his eyes to meet hers, and his raised Widowmaker for the death blow then stopped, his blue eyes widening in recognition. Could it be? Was it the Princess?
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Postby duckworth » Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:19 pm

Princess Evangeline "Evan" Blythe
female | eighteen | Isoth
tagged: Aeron

at the battlefield
no crush & single

format © vita.anima
    Evangeline barely heard anything other than a dull roar in her ears. A thin veil of black was covering her eyes, mixed with some streaks of red. What was wrong with her? Evan was feeling so weak right now. Maybe it was the pain, or maybe it was just an overwhelming sense of hopelessness. The broken ribs definitely didn't help her right now. Actually, it was her just her ribs at first. But then, she had the idiocy to shout out and challenge the prince of Seulghem, of all people. On his twitchy little horse, with his obnoxiously shiny armor and stupidly named sword, Evangeline just felt a surprisingly overwhelming sense of hatred towards the cocky man. Only two years older than her, and he acted like he owned the place, but in Seulghem, he probably did. Evangeline could never act so arrogant, even though she was princess. Then again, she didn't really act much like a princess most of the time, so maybe that was just her.
    "I know who you are," Evangeline managed to gasp out, still clutching her stomach. The broken ribs made it hard to breathe, but she ignored the pain as best she could. "You're the scumbag prince of Seulghem, whose head is a bit too inflated for your own good." She spat at his feet, staggering forward, trying to look as threatening as possible, but in her current state, she probably looked as dangerous as a pointy sack of flour.
    Princess Evangeline was about to insult him with many highly politically incorrect profanities, but was too shocked to say anything when Prince Aeron knocked her helmet off. She met his gaze, and maybe it was just the nausea from her injuries, but Evan suddenly felt lightheaded, looking at the arrogant enemy prince. Glaring at his blue eyes—they were really the only things she could see underneath his ugly helmet (what was that anyways, a fish?)—she found her voice and yelled at him again, even though he had paused his sword, probably out of surprise at seeing the princess in battle. "W-what are you w-waiting for, Prince Aeron?" Evangeline said, in a mocking tone, "Aren't you going to kill me yet?" The dagger fell from her grasp as her hands began to shake, feeling too weak to even hold her small weapon anymore.
    Evangeline couldn't take the pain anymore, and clutching her broken ribs, stumbled and collapsed to the ground, fainting and allowing the darkness to swallow her.

Leonidas "Leo" Gorgon
male | twenty | Seulghem
tagged: Beinethiel

in the woods around the battlefield
no crush & single

Oh dear gods, I think I just killed an elf!
format © vita.anima
    Leonidas was just finishing killing a new enemy soldier, swinging his sword quite ferociously as his sword cut deeply into the other man, when he heard the familiar whistling of an arrow come shooting towards him. Too stunned to react quickly enough, the arrow whizzed just by his ear, missing by less than an inch. Swallowing fear, Leonidas steeled himself and forced himself not to get skittish or nervous. Archers would of course be here. You just had to get used to being shot at, if you wanted to survive in war.
    Looking around for the shooter, Leonidas met eyes with a female elf. Leo wasn't surprised to see a woman in combat, especially since she was an elf. Elves, famous for their impossible beauty and inhuman strength, were widely respected and feared among the human kingdoms. Even female elves could overpower strong human men, so it was no shock that she was here, fighting for her kingdom. Leonidas respected women very much, elf or human or anything in between, whether they were average housewives or captains in the army, like this specific female elf. Still, Leonidas still had that traditional sense of treating women differently. He considered killing a woman a much bigger crime than killing a man, although he tended to respect both genders equally and in the same way. He tried not to discriminate, but something just bothered him about hurting women, elf or not. It was probably just chivalry talking, but Leonidas hesitated before drawing his own weapon.
    Swallowing, Leonidas concentrated and cleared his mind, finally convincing himself and calming down enough to draw his own bow in one single, fluid motion, an arrow strung tightly. Returning the elf woman's strong gaze, Leonidas let his arrow fly, striking her in the shoulder. Drawing as quickly as possible, he aimed another arrow and shot it as well, this time hitting her in the chest.
    Suddenly realizing the seriousness of what he had just done (he did think that hurting women was much worse than hurting men, especially if that woman was an impressive elf), Leonidas put his bow away and rushed towards the female elf.
    "Please tell me I didn't kill her," Leonidas whispered to himself, running forward and kneeling down beside the female elf. "Are you all right?" Leonidas moaned, running a hand through his hair nervously. Cursing under his breath, he took off his own helmet and put it on the elf to protect her head. He saw the two arrows embedded in her body, but he couldn't very well perform first-aid in the middle of the battlefield. So Leonidas picked her up, taking her to the woods surrounding the battlefield.
    "Please don't be dead," Leonidas murmured, glancing down at the heavily bleeding female elf. Carrying her in his arms, he laid her down to rest beneath some large trees, positioning her so that the pair were hidden from view of the battlefield.
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