rearrangement - four slots available

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winter follows you around | 01.

Postby ethereal . » Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:44 am

๐‰๐Ž๐’๐„๐๐‡๐ˆ๐๐„ ๐‚๐€๐‘๐“๐„๐‘
๐—น๐—ผ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป; ๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐˜„๐—ฏ๐—ผ๐—ฎ๐˜ > ๐˜€๐—ต๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ | ๐—บ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป๐—ฒ๐—ฑ; ๐˜€๐—ถ๐—น๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ๐—น๐—ฎ๐—ธ๐—ฒ ๐—ฝ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ธ | ๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ด๐—ด๐—ฒ๐—ฑ; ๐˜€๐—ถ๐—น๐—ฎ๐˜€ | ๐˜„๐—ฐ; 925

      never in a million years did josie think she would find herself in a situation such as this one. arms wrapped tightly around her body, sitting in the bottom of a stolen rowboat. as if it would do her any good. everyone who always said the sea was unforgiving was telling the truth. she'd lost count hours ago of how many times she'd been knocked against the side of the boat and doused with water so cold it stung on impact. at this point she couldn't even feel the limbs that were fighting so hard to keep her body warm. maybe it didn't help that she had been sitting still for so long, but what else was she supposed to do. most of the oars with the other boats were either missing or rotted through and through, and they only had so much time before they would attract eyes. even if they did happen to find any still intact, there was no way she could keep up with silas's unrelenting pace.

      her eyes lifted to watch as silas chopped and tore through the water like a madman in a rage, considering the fact that he was just that. he'd always had an air about him that josie could only describe as fearfully protective, but this was something entirely different and understandably so. though she had to admit, she probably wouldn't be this close to mckenzie island if she was accompanied by the man in a rage. she trusted him and he had gotten her this far. whatever he was dealing with internally was not something she needed to fix.

      she never thought she would find herself in a situation like this, but situations like this are what make her think of what she could have done to prevent it if at all. what was it exactly that led her to this point in her life. was it the night she was bitten after deciding to walk the streets of st. louis alone? or maybe it was long before that, when she cheated on her math final her senior year of high school. what could she have done differently? it was something she thought about often, but always came to the same conclusion. nothing, because she would never know.

      the only thing that stopped her thoughts this time around was the feeling of being thrown onto her side as the boat hit land. of course, the one time she wasn't paying attention. "jesus chr-" she huffed and struggled to push herself back to a sitting position, her hands feeling like static on a tv screen against the bottom of the boat. she had half a mind to glare up at the side of silas's head, but his focus wasn't on her anyways. it's the thought that counts. there was hardly any time for her to gather her bearings before he was shifting from his spot for the first time since the started on the other side. "silas what are you-" fantastic. he's in the water. "alright. mhm. this is great." she knew her words were basically white noise to him, but she could care less at this point.

      there wasn't even a moment for her to climb out before he was dragging them to shore and then even further. multiple times her lips parted so she could say something, and every time she ended up pressing them back together. there was no use anyways if he wasn't going to hear her. her hands gripped the side of the boat and she stared blankly ahead as she swayed and jerked with the movement of the boat. if she closed her eyes and mustered up every last drop of her imagination it was almost like the worst children's ride at the county fair. one that called for a sigh of relief the second it ended.

      "okay so what's the plan exactly? should we stay put or look around to see if we're not the first ones here?" silence, and then a deep growl that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. all she could do was watch and he tore across the shore after god knows what, leaving her there alone. the only thing she heard while she sat there was waves crashing against the pebbles, and frankly it was making her a little uneasy. "okay. fine." the grumble left her lips as she stood and climbed over the side of the boat, sinking the slightest bit into the ground beneath her. "i swear- you know what-" despite the fact that her sweater was drenched, she shoved her hands into its pockets. "i don't care if i die. it'll be worth it the next time i get my hands on him."

      josie was frustrated to say the least, but in all honesty it was mostly because she felt lost without the rest of the pack. silas had been her only connection and he just disappeared into the forest ahead. trailing after him had definitely crossed her mind, but at least one of them had to stay on the right track. whatever that might be. she took a moment to take a few deep breaths, nodding to herself. she shouldn't stay in one place for long. mckenzie island wasn't a safe haven for the silver lake pack alone. there was bound to be others around somewhere. kicking herself into gear, she took long and determined strides along the shore. if it truly was a safe haven then there had to be some kind of shelter.
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final waltz [001]

Postby `silver » Tue Oct 19, 2021 5:58 pm

๐€๐Œ๐˜๐€๐’ ๐Š๐€๐๐„
tags; silas location; States > Canada > Mackenzie Island mentions; percy [npc] word count; 1,797

Stagnant undergrowth shuddered with life, pawsteps thrumming against rich loam with their rhythm approaching with purposeโ€”loudening, maddening. They taunted her by beating at the incessant rhythm of the undulating ache crawling throughout her skull, amplifying the roaring of blood in her ears and trapping her in an eerie state of awareness in how her entire body felt as if it were crying out. It was crying out. The howls of yearning had her wrapping her arms tautly around her abdomen, the nausea starting up again after she'd suppressed it's presence for the fifth.. no, sixth time in a row in the last few days. The pull to shift had been stronger than normal after she'd heard rumors of an island that was supposed to be a type of 'paradise' for werewolves looking to escape the clutches of the government. News spread fast of lycanthropy running amok within humanity, causing a rise in suspicion and a tightening of security across the nation. Amyas was lucky to have even made it past the Canadian border. She'd given in to her wolf back then, but it wanted more than just a few hours of running free and it was going to get it out of her whether she liked it or not.

She'd grown used to the shadows that weren't truly there, darting her alerted gaze towards them knowing that they'd go away right after. Sheโ€™d even shoved away the scents of those bound within the depths of her memories, but what she wasn't prepared for was the idea of armed humans herding away those that she cared for to some unknown demise. The idea had originally been an afterthought that her mind, maybe her wolf, swiftly took advantage of and shaped it to be something that struck her with a desire to protect without hesitation or regard for what may happen to herself. The one she'd pushed away out of fear from growing too comfortable, the other that had taught her to come to a better understanding of how to be a wolf, and the first wolf she'd createdโ€”all carried an importance that couldn't be explained in mere words. Fingers gripped viciously at her sides now, her body folded over amongst the encircling oaks as her skin felt hot, uncomfortableโ€”easy to tear. They're in danger, what would you do?

A warning bark from the approaching wolf had morphed into the sound of a gunshot in her disoriented ears. She didn't hear the guttural roar that burst from her own lips, only felt the cracking of her bones as they reshaped themselves, feeding off the fire of the shift that replaced her clothes and skin with a blazing white coat. The unknown werewolf had lunged forward as a means of readying for a first move, but Amyas had already been tearing into his inky pelt. Her body moved of it's own volition, pushing past her foe's agile movements and absorbing all attempts to parry her blows until the haze cleared and a flood of mundane thoughts shattered the instinctual mirage. The wolf had never been fighting her in the first place. In fact, they lay in a bloodied heap looking about half dead already if it werenโ€™t for the way their eyes were scorching with a mixture of confusion and anger. The iron tang of blood that drenched her mouth dripped like acid in her throat as she stood over the wolf, her heart pounding in her chest at what sheโ€™d done. They were entirely innocent. Her wounds were nothing in comparison to theirโ€™s. The wind carried multiple scents, all of which combined together to register in her mind as run, now. Thoughts of responsibility or concern were overshadowed when she abruptly raced off in the opposite direction of the sounds trampling through the nearby vegetation, her footfalls somehow carrying this fresh burden that oozed into her fragmented self-image.

She didnโ€™t know how long sheโ€™d been running for. Emerald firs and evergreens whisked past her in blurs of verdant, waving in the frost-bitten breeze that she pulled desperately into her lungs as the distance she covered paired with the panic that failed to cease itโ€™s assertion of doubt and blame into her animalistic mind. Rest only came when she could advance no further. Her obstacle was a pebbly shoreline where scattered sandbars were graced with tufts of green as they perched just above frothy, clear water that blew salty caresses at her senses. Her ears pricked at the flicker of images that had her wading impulsively into the frigid ocean, shuddering at the chill that greeted her bones, but relishing the memories that were being uprooted. Scenes of laughter, bodies shifting close yet sweeping past each other guided by firelight, and the splashing of seawater whilst gentle words were exchanged in blithe. It filled her chest with an inexplicable warmth even as she tucked further into the deepening waters, wondering if maybe, just maybe, those feelings would decide to stay trapped there forever and the memories would finally cement themselves so that she could shed away the painful husk of reality. If I could just reach it.

The sandy floor beneath her sloped down drastically, her maw suddenly filling with the oceanโ€™s salty presence and her head diving under as the inviting call of the sea turned into more of a merciless embrace. Wounds that hadnโ€™t completely healed lanced stinging pain through her thrashing body, paws churning desperately through the waters as her mundane sense of fear burst from her in the form of a gurgling howl for help. There was no one around, she knew this, so why did she still cry out? Amyas felt herself being mentally snatched away by an overwhelming force when her entire body submerged beneath the waters, numbly fading away as her wolf took the reins and swept her to the side, pushing her into a soundless, never-ending void.

Amyas awakened with a start, her flanks shuddering as she hacked up a mouthful of water and braced herself on unsteady paws splayed against yet another pebbly shore. Except.. this one was different. Blinking away the burning sensation in her eyes, she took in the scents that her surroundings offered, flicking her ears in reaction to the nearly non-existent trace of humans. This place must've been untouched for a long time. She grumbled at the waves lapping at her paws, slowly getting up and shaking out her fur to rid herself of the chill that clung to her dense coat before wading through the shallow pools to investigate just where exactly she was. The sun was just barely creeping out from the horizon, tossing weak shows of pale luminescence onto thick firs lined with traces of a strengthening frost. Sheโ€™d never been somewhere so cold before. The scents radiating from the earth spoke of no recent wolves having come this way, assuming she was even on the right island. For a brief moment, she stared into the mouth of the forest lined with protective, possibly sheltering foliage as a place to be wary of. Instincts whispered of an impending danger, but her senses were flooded with nothing of the sort. You brought me here didnโ€™t you? I didnโ€™t know you could swim. Amyas huffed irritably, knowing her wolf wouldnโ€™t answer her while they shared the same form, but she couldโ€™ve sworn that an image of a wolf with eyes full of mirth had flashed into her mind. It looked like she would have to deal with the cards sheโ€™d been dealt.

A stumble forward and she was off stiffly making her way through the arbors, noticing just how worn she was already feeling. Her wolf mustโ€™ve swam at least a few miles against unpredictable currents, if not more, before simply tiring out. Had it turned back and edged the territory instead? Or had they both knocked out and somehow made it alive? Whatever the situation was, lengthening her strides and ducking through the strengthening patches of sunlight were bringing her some form of relief from the aches and pains. Eventually, her paws carried her to a small clearing within the trees in which light sifted through canopies with ease, her fur bristling up as she took a moment to stretch her limbs. Sunlight melding with the scent of the ocean threatened to stir feelings that rivaled the warmth of the sun, her eyes shutting as she was awash with sentiment once more.

A distant snarl invoked arcs of golden flame to come alight when her eyes snapped open. It came from a direction adjacent to where sheโ€™d just come from, but not in a way that sheโ€™d been followed, it seemed. Had it been a wolf that exclaimed? Or perhaps there were bears somewhere nearby. Whatever the case, that someone or something was now crashing through the trees and they were headed straight for her. Can't get a break, can I? Her body reacted instinctively when a sable mass barreled into her, teeth narrowly missing her throat as they instead latched onto the side of her neck and sunk deep.

The warmth sheโ€™d been willing to embrace was cast aside for a feral haze that paralleled the autumn chill in the air, a guttural snarl ripping from her lungs as she tore savagely into the flesh of her foe before shoving into them testily. The action gave her a split second to glance at her opponent, her ears pinning back at the sight of another werewolf. Couldn't it have been something more interesting, like a bear? But why me? A wild light flared into her eyes as her face twisted into a mask of distrust, fangs brandished whilst her mind buzzed with rational thought. They approached with purpose of some kindโ€”they werenโ€™t trying to protect this land and their scent barely registered a place in her mind. The wolf's scent melded with that of the firs entrenching them, potent and citrusy yet laden with a certain heat. I don't know you. The words echoed in her thoughts, her eyes darkening in realization that because this wolf meant nothing to her, there would be nothing to lose. If he killed her, then so be it, but he'd definitely have to give it his all if he believed her to be an approachable target. Her expression lost it's twisted appearance, instead being replaced with raw nonchalance and contempt for the brute as she darted forward, her wounds all but forgotten when his blood rushed into her mouth. She'd probably regret the overexertion later but right now, all she wanted to do was to concede to the urge to fight.
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hanse 01. royal blood

Postby mtuan, » Wed Oct 20, 2021 8:04 am

      .. ๐‰๐„๐Ž๐๐† ๐‡๐€๐-๐’๐„. ๐™ˆ๐™Š๐™๐™„๐™‘๐˜ผ๐™๐™€๐˜ฟ, ๐™๐™ƒ๐™„๐™Ž ๐™„๐™Ž ๐™‰๐™Š๐™ ๐˜ผ ๐™‚๐˜ผ๐™ˆ๐™€, ๐™„'๐™ˆ ๐˜ฟ๐™€๐˜ผ๐˜ฟ ๐™Ž๐™€๐™๐™„๐™Š๐™๐™Ž !!

      (tags) amyas (ment
      (misc.) vaguely shru
      gs, 1,010 words

      mtuan, kim mtuan




      Rough waters meant a challenging swim for Jeong Hanse early in the morning, the sloshing of seawater crashing into his ears, nose and eyes, as he fought against the currents attempting to drag him back towards the land he'd been escaping from. It doesn't take long to break from the feeling, dragging against his fur and plastering against his muscular frame, once he's out far enough, however. The only dread to replace the lone wolf being that of the unknown likely lurking underneath his paws. Perhaps waiting for an easy meal on a wolf that struggled through the endless waters.

      Chills spike through Hanse's nervous system, despite the strong paddling of all four paws against the water down below. The werewolf feels the resistance so strongly, knows he's moving along at a pace he can only cope with. However, it doesn't feel fast enough. Especially when off in the distance, Hanse thinks he vaguely could hear the buzzing of machinery at work-- perhaps a fisherman of some sort, coasting along the shorelines behind him. The thought makes Hanse's ears pin. I swear to god, if some government human comes for me or a shark takes a nibble off my feet, I'm gonna lose it, today-

      Perhaps I should have just thrown some stupid human off of their boat and stolen it across, why did I think being nice and swimming across would suffice, jesus christ. Hanse finds himself rumbling onwards, a huff exhaling from his snout just as it dips under an oncoming wave. The bubbles immediately lift towards the surface, breaking with a pop every time they touched-- much to Hanse's amusement if not for his current dilemma. He finds himself tiring, his shoulders and haunches beginning to burn with the stress of trying to swim across the damn ocean. The threat of what lied beneath his feet never wavered, the deep vastness of the ocean never seeming so apparent. Somehow, some way, Hanse had found himself in this dilemma and god forbid-- if sharps really began circling around him-- it would really only end in two ways. One. Hanse gets eaten and comes back to haunt whoever decided this was a good idea- maybe his creator, if he was petty and sulky enough to. Two. The werewolf equally comes crawling out of the ocean alive for the time being. And if the government doesn't catch up to him- find his creator and still sulk pettily for the distress they'd put him in. Either way, he was going to find Amyas and kick her ass. (Little does he think to regard the stupid bond they have, how, perhaps his wolf wouldn't let him even get that far-- but in spirit, he was still going to snap. Oh Hanse just knew it.)

      It doesn't take long for the werewolf, despite his displeasure and complaints, to make it onto the island he'd hoped to seek refuge out of. Unscathed, but exhausted, the sandy beaches and round stones hitting his legs and rolling under his paw pads are a welcomed feeling. Hanse doesn't hesitate to shake his dark fur off of water, resisting the urge to lick through himself as he usually would- knowing he'd be thirsty after that saltwater bath. Shaking his head out, Hanse could almost feel and hear the way the heavy droplets fly from his body and land in every direction- if someone had the misfortune of standing close by- surely they'd be equally damp. Ah yes, transfer of discomfort.

      Sniffing the air, unfamiliar scents flood through his nose and into his brain that's working hard to decipher each and every one. It's tough on a new, unexplored island. Vaguely, Hanse finds himself grateful to be in his wolf phase, the swish of his tail and swivel of his ears as he tilts his snout into the air providing comfort in the way he knows his sense had become increasingly sensitive to change and danger. Though, if not for the bite scars sinking into the delicate skin of his human, mortal, form, Hanse wouldn't have caught himself in this refugee situation either. Tch.

      How annoyingly irritating this was. Stupid girl. Stupid werewolf disease. Stupid government. Stupid universe.

      Rough and calloused pads pawed their way up the beachy site, the lure of simply collapsing against the warmth of the sun for a bit far too tempting, if not for the overriding fear and sense of survival that kept Hanse going. Either it was survival instincts of really, pure spite at the moment.

      Something within the wolf felt very wrong, however. As if something was creeping up- something big, that he didn't know of. It causes the hair on Hanse's body to rise to a full stand, ears pinning when he whips his large head around, lips curled in threat. Only to be met with nothing and nobody. Hm. Creepy... tch.

      The deeper into the island territory the golden and cream wolf crept, the worse the feeling became. It grew exponentially. Yet somehow, he kept going. Maybe it was the saltwater waterlogging his ears that broke his sense of survival (yeah, sure- he'll blame it on that-), but something compels the man onwards.

      Until Hanse had found himself creeping through the underbrush, the sound of two creatures beginning a tussle- or something like that, the only cause of him to slink under and stay there. Sharp eyes observe the scene, but the werewolf hears it before he sees her.

      A vague, distant, voice catches Hanse's attention. Yet... it wasn't spoken out loud- he sees no other human here- where? Who? Pointed ears swivel, brushing across a leave that rustles, much to Hanse's distaste. Smooth.

      I don't know you.

      The voice. Far too familiar to forget. Amyas.

      Just who he'd been looking for.

      Except she looked to be a little... busy right now.

      Still picking fights with people, aren't you? He grumbles inwardly, wondering if she'd pick up on him as well.

      Clearly their bond wasn't broken or severed in the slightest. Much to Hanse's great distaste.

      Or so he thinks.
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Bishop [I]

Postby Crono » Wed Oct 20, 2021 1:29 pm

๐•ญ๐–Ž๐–˜๐–๐–”๐–• ๐•ฒ๐–†๐–—๐–‘๐–†๐–“๐–‰
Male ~ Thirty-Five ~ Loner ~ Profile
Location: Shore House Dock -> Path to the Shore House ~ (Tags:Riley) (Mentions: /)

Getting to the island via Fishing Boat was their best option, Bishop stood by the plan they'd come up with. Yet within minutes of setting out the man had felt the rumbling from his stomach. The majority of the boat ride was spent with him attempting not to hurl, so he'd stayed near the edge of the boat just in case. It was embarrassing really, becoming seasick so easily. Bishop kept his back straight and eyes forwards over the shining water whilst trying to keep anyone from noticing. Especially his current travel companion and ex-fiancรฉ Riley Winchester. Their relationship was still new as well as confusing but there was a kinship he felt with the younger woman. Something about the fact that they were both shoved towards one another simply because their family's wanted to further their own agenda's while not giving them a say so. Well, maybe it had pushed the pair further from their own blood and somehow closer together. Still it hurt to some extent, leaving his family, his siblings, behind. Especially given they may never speak to one another again. The bond hadn't been a particularly strong one, but it was there and it was complicated.

When Bishop had found out about his arranged marriage he'd been confused then furious. No amount of talking changed his parents mind's though. So he'd made the decision that he was done with the family, he'd cut himself off. But before he pulled the plug the man decided he owed it to the woman on the other side to at least meet. What he hadn't expected was how badly she wished to escape her own family. So here they were, two Werewolves just trying to make it in a world that didn't want them. Without knowing it she'd given him a direction and just a little bit of purpose, where before he'd expected to be lost and alone.

When the boat lurched to a stop for them to disembark Bishop could remember few other moments where he'd been so happy. Just the sight of land had been enough to settle his stomach for the most part. Grabbing his large duffel bag, Hop threw the strap over his shoulder and looked back at the boats captain with the intent to thank him yet the man was clearly avoiding the eye contact. Thus Bishop held his tongue and stepped off following after Riley, only halting as the woman hesitated. From their interactions he learned Riley was the kind of person that required a sense of patience, to allow her to speak her words. Hop let out a soft breath at her question, it wasn't one he knew the answer to. Ever since she'd mentioned Mackenzie Island the man had the paranoid thought that maybe this was a ploy by the worlds Governments to trap Werewolves by whispers of a safe haven. Still, he wasn't going to let her potentially go alone. Not to mention he didn't have any other ideas or plans of his own. "There's only one way to find out."

The buzzing of the boats motor picked up as the Fishing Boat disembarked for it's return trip. Bishop merely glanced in the direction before turning his attention back to Riley. The man attempted a warm smile, "What's there to be afraid of? We're the things that go bump in the night after all." It was his way of making light of what they were whilst trying to keep her mind elsewhere. Though it seemed clear she still had her reservations, Bishop shrugged slightly to adjust the strap on his shoulder to a new spot for comfort. "Well for what it's worth you aren't doing this alone." With that he moved past her on the path, offering to take the lead. Merely waiting for her to take the first step before the pair began traversing the wooden path towards the large cabin.

The closer they got the more the hazy fog seemed to clear allowing them to see further around their surroundings over the water. With the rocks on the left Bishop stayed listening for anything that would give them a reason to sprint back towards the dock and try flagging down the fishing boat before it was too late. That said he doubted it would be necessary, or even possible. No, they were committed at this point. If there was a trap of any kind they'd already bought it hook, line, and sinker. "How many of our kind do you think came here for refuge?" He asked curiously, without halting in his steps. Not that they'd have somewhat of an idea when they got up to the cabin, or at least the coming days.
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Re: rearrangement - four slots available

Postby sloanghost » Wed Oct 20, 2021 5:29 pm

Jude Leland; tags: Asha; location: Mackenzie Island shore; mentions: Elk Springs Pack (general); WC: 343
๐“ˆ๐“‰๐“‡๐’ถ๐“… ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’๐“ˆ๐‘’ ๐“‡๐‘’๐“‚๐’ถ๐’พ๐“ƒ๐“ˆ ๐“‰๐‘œ ๐‘œ๐“Š๐“‡ ๐’ท๐’ถ๐’ธ๐“€๐“ˆ ๐’ถ๐“ƒ๐’น ๐“‚๐‘œ๐“‹๐‘’ ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐“‡๐‘œ๐“Š๐‘”๐’ฝ ๐“‰๐’พ๐“‚๐‘’

I think I forgot how to do this.

It's an absurd thought to be having at a time like this--too little too late, for one thing, seeing as he's already churning his way through icy water toward an unfamiliar rocky beach. Two years with a pack; is that all it takes to tame him? He's grown fond of his routines, and regardless of his particular relationships with the other wolves of Elk Springs, he's at least fond of the fact that they exist, enough so that the unexpected separation has him shaken.

But not to worry, he isn't alone. He found the she-wolf in the forest, frozen on unfamiliar ground, and headed to the same place he is (away from the men with their darts and metal crates and computerized lanyards). She needed a hand--or rather, a belt--to lead her to safety. A quick shift and that's accomplished (and it doesn't much matter how well his jeans fit when he's a wolf). In the urgency of it all, it doesn't even occur to him to wonder exactly how many blind werewolves are wandering this wilderness until they're paddling side by side, one end of the belt in his mouth and one in hers, both gripping gingerly and praying that their teeth don't part the leather.

By the time the shore seems within reach, he's beginning to make the connection.

I know you. He thinks it to himself, not to her. He doesn't know her name, having never asked, but this close he can scent the parts of her that are above the water and there's no mistaking it. Is there a word for what they were? Pack? Playmate? Does it matter?

For the first time since his life shattered into chaos, he feels something a little like hope.

They're exhausted by the time they drag themselves ashore, but Jude can't help himself. After shaking as much saltwater out of his fur as he can, he dips his front legs into a bow and yips twice, high and sharp.

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asha ;; 001

Postby azhefa. » Thu Oct 21, 2021 3:45 am

๐€๐’๐‡๐€๐‘๐€ ๐†๐‘๐„๐˜
asha โ— 29 โ— female โ— silver lake omega โ— 90% blind โ— demisex/panrom โ— single
    location; swimming > shore
    tags; jude, others mentioned

    to say it was tough trying to swim blind is quite the understatement. asha has never enjoyed swimming or really the feel of water aside from bathing, it was too stimulating to her other senses. yet here she was, paddling for her life with a belt in her mouth and a strange wolf leading her through the bottomless ocean.

    she had thought her pack would have a raft or boat ready at the shore, that there would be others there to help guide her, but there was no boat and no one else around when she made it to the shoreline. it was easy to find the water with its smell and sounds, but crossing it without help was impossible as she was more likely to swim in circles and drown than make it across to the island her pack had planned to settle on. after a year with her pack, one would think they would have taken into account their blind packmate, but to no surprise she was once again left abandoned. it hurt to find herself alone on the shoreline, only traces of her packmates' scents lingering on the damp earth. she had given them a chance and it seems she was wrong to do so.

    asha had curled up in a bush to wait for a packmate to help her across, but after night fell, the sense of urgency to flee really started to pound at her mind. she had attempted to swim a few times, but always chickened out before her paws left the safety of the shallows. it was by pure luck and happenstance that a stranger appeared and offered to help her across to the island. at the time, she didn't realize the fellow wolf didn't speak aloud and with his coat muddied and wet, she didn't recognize his scent, but felt she could trust him all the same. which leads to the present moment of them reaching the island safely.

    when she feels the rocky bottom of the shallows, the pale she-wolf nearly trips, but catches herself before she could be submerged. she quickly wades out of the water and shakes her pelt repeatedly trying to get as much water off as she could, the feel of it making her uncomfortable. she would have returned to human form, but this was an unfamiliar place and it was far safer to have her teeth and claws even if she can't fight very well.

    asha shakes again before remembering the belt in her jaws and drops it, her sightless eyes scanning nothing since the sun was still rising and there wasn't enough light to illuminate shadows and figures yet. the wolf who helped her swim across can be heard shaking his own pelt before he suddenly yips at her and speaks. it makes her step back a bit and twist her head around as if trying to listen to all directions.
    "remember you?" what an odd thing to ask someone, she thinks to herself while trying to place the familiar voice.

    it takes her a few moments to dig through the maze that was her mind, cluttered with stress and anxiety, but she eventually does remember the male before her.
    "wait, jude? it really is a small world, huh?" it was a big relief to know that the wolf wasn't just some stranger, but an old friend. at least she wasn't alone anymore.

    speaking of being alone, where was the rest of her pack? did they make it to the island? where there other packs on the island now too? jude had joined a different pack when they went their separate ways years ago, was his pack now here too? the urge to howl was so strong it nearly chokes her, but she remains silent since alerting strange wolves to her position could get her and jude hurt or worse.

    the deep ache to find her pack was strong and couldn't be ignored so she shakes her fur out once more before turning to put herself parallel to the shore, one ear listening to the waves while the other is turned inland.
    "let's see if we can find any others, my pack or yours, i can't stand this ache anymore." though she may be blind, asha trots on ahead following the odd boundary line between water and land. her sight was gaining shadows as the sun rises, but it was still easier just to listen.
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Re: rearrangement - four slots available

Postby sloanghost » Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:31 am

Jude Leland; tags: Asha; location: Mackenzie Island shore; mentions: Elk Springs Pack (general); WC: 317
๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐’ฝ๐“Š๐“ƒ๐“‰๐’พ๐“ƒ๐‘” ๐‘”๐“‡๐‘œ๐“Š๐“ƒ๐’น ๐“ˆ๐“Š๐“‡๐“‡๐‘œ๐“Š๐“ƒ๐’น๐“ˆ ๐“Ž๐‘œ๐“Š ๐“๐’ถ๐’น

She can't see him gamboling about like an oversized pup, except for maybe the movement of his shape in the growing light, but she'll hear the crunch of his paws in the pebbles, the little clatters as one strikes off to the side.

Your pack coming this way? Mine too. We were coming together, but--didn't work out. Even mentally, he's terse, always has been, but as a wolf he's much more expressive than he's ever been as a human, mood and meaning coming through in his inner voice and his movement. He's happy to see her, but there's still tension. Is Elk Springs expected to share the island with another pack? Historically, it's the kind of situation that doesn't always end well. It could start not ending well at any moment, specifically for him, the second they find her pack.

This sobers him, and his leaping subsides into a more cautious gait. He remembers how this goes: he doesn't step too quietly, ensuring Asha can always track his movements.

Smell anything?

The morning air is still chilly, but the sun is out, drying his cream-colored pelt into stiff, unappealing hunks, shedding crystallized salt like sparkling dust motes through the air as he walks. He scents the air: wildlife, trees, the sea, a rotting fish just to the northeast. More distant...fresh blood? Cooking meat? Both signs of life, but not necessarily friendly life. Potentially tasty, though, which appeals even more after that vigorous swim. He begins to slaver as he walks, but--the trouble is, werewolves aren't the only things that know how to grill, and humans are an uneasy prospect just at the moment. It could even be a lure, drawing them in just to catch them in the crosshairs of a dart gun and load them into a crate into a truck into a--something. Nothing good. Jude begins to growl softly under his breath.
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๐Ÿ”ฅ i

Postby Zyn » Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:28 am

๐Ÿ”ฅ Dษพฮฑส‹าฝษณ Cิ‹ฯ…ษพฦˆิ‹ ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Bitten Werewolf || Loner || Male || Twenty-Eight || Pansexual || wc: 1,474

๐Ÿ”ฅ Location: The Island
๐Ÿ”ฅ Tags: Jack
๐Ÿ”ฅ Mood: ... I hate this

    Draven hadn't left the moment he heard about the video that had been leaked. In fact he had lingered in the hotel a couple more days, if that was because he was sure about leaving or he wanted to appreciate basic amenities then even he wasn't sure. He had been a loner for so long that he rarely stayed in hotels anymore, even the ones that look questionable were expensive. It was hard to stay places when ones income was essentially nonexistent. When he did come up one a lump sum of money he found it hard to justify staying at hotels when he could either be saving it or using it for other things. As a wolf he hardly needed to sleep in a bed every night, there were other places where he could sleep. In the end he only really used the money to get food and occasionally when he wanted to feel what hot water felt like again he would go to a hotel. At the beginning he had found that those hotel nights had been more often than he would have liked to admit. Always finding a reason to get a room for a night and promising himself that it was the last night. As he had slowly gotten used to being alone he had slowly lost the urge to be around and near people. Now he could easily got months on end with the only source of cleaning being the rivers nearby. Which is why his struggle to leave the hotel had come as a surprise to him. When he had finally parted ways he had dragged his feet the whole way. Images of his brother being snatched in the night haunted his every move. Images of Billie or Jack or Amyas getting injured and captured filled his mind. If any of them had been injured he would never be able to forgive himself. It might have been ten years since he had seen Billie or Alastair but neither were far from his thoughts.

    The thought of the government rounding them up made him want to vomit. There was no way that a government that would round of people would round them up in a peaceful way. The urge to protect the ones he cared about urged him to return, to make the journey back to their side. To place himself between them and danger, to sacrifice himself should the need arise. However he couldn't imagine how they would react if he showed up on their doorstep to quote on quote save them. Would they appreciate the thought or would they just see him as attempting to be the savior. Would they view it as a good thing or would they resent the fact that he had returned and wish he had stayed away. After all if he couldn't forgive himself for leaving them behind then he could only imagine that they despised him. Not that the thought wasn't mutual. The self hatred the dogged his every step was like ever present reminder of the past and all he had done wrong. A feeling that was constantly at war with the side of him that boiled with fury that he couldn't understand. The long trek with his little back pack clutched in his jaws had given him a long time to dwell on those who had been left behind and his past. A part of him hoped that when he showed up on the island that they would all be there and another part hoped that they had all headed to a different island. The idea of facing those he had pushed away out of fear made his stomach twist into knots. By the time he had arrived at the shore he had worked himself into a nervous wreck. Yet he still slunk along the pier searching for the perfect boat. He had found a boat that was for sure, if it was the perfect one then that was up for debate. Draven had managed to find the singular canoe in the whole pier, attached to some fancy boat. If he had any idea on how to actually steer a boat he would have taken the fancy. The prospect of rowing across the sea wasn't the most appealing one. But it was his best option.

    So under the cover of night he had shifted back into a human and tossed his back pack into the canoe. The waterproof back pack had been the best investment he had ever made. It was large enough to fit a few days worth of outfits and several extra pairs of socks and under garments. Toiletries were stuffed in the top as well as a couple non perishable items of food, enough to keep him going if he couldn't find a store in time and didn't fancy chowing down on some rabbit. The top was a seal that was then rolled down and buckled in place. The only electronic he had on him was an old Walkman with all his favorite songs downloaded that he might have pirated. He had charged it at the hotel before he left and it was at the very top of his bag along with his ear buds. Draven would have liked to listen to music during the hours that he rowed in what he had hoped was the right direction but the idea of it falling over board was too scary. So instead he had been left to his own thoughts. He had hit an unlucky patch when a storm rolled in and the waves had capsized his boat. The shock of the water had him shifting into a wolf faster than he could blink. Lucky too since he had just enough to snatch his backpack in his jaws before it was dragged away. His boat on the other hand had be dragged to far away and didn't have enough confidence in his swimming as a human to turn it over and weather out the storm that way. Instead he had barely kept himself afloat until the storm had passed. A tiring task all on its own, made even more tiring by the fact that he knew he would have to swim to shore after. A shore that he had no idea if it was close or not. When the clouds finally cleared he found himself swimming in what he hoped was the right way. His muscles ached as his paws churned through the cold water. Bright blue were fixed on the horizon as he swam, his mind focused only on the way his paws shifted through the water.

    Just when Draven was certain that his limbs wouldn't be able to carry him any further the best thing came into view. Far in the distance the blur of shore came into view. With renewed vigor he struck out with powerful strokes. Before long his paws were touching the sand and a tired wolf staggered onto land. His head dipped low as unceremoniously dragged his bag behind him. Each step was torturous for the exhausted wolf and his one crooked ear lay even more crinkled against his skull and his good ear drooped pathetically. Even his tail hung limply as he dragged himself away from the water. All he wanted was to find a nice place to rest after a long and torturous journey. Each paw step was heavier than the last and he was beginning to wonder if he would even make it to a nice soft place to settle down. That is until his paw caught on something big and he crashed forward, flopping down onto something. As chin rapped sharply against something, he vaguely registered the pain that flared along his paw and jaw. The wind was driven from his lungs in a whine that came out much more high pitched and pathetic than he would like to admit. He lay there his chin resting against the strange object until he was able to drag more air into his lungs. A moment after that he gathered up the strength to shift his head until he could peer at whatever had the audacity to lay there. Shock ripped through him at the sight that greeted him. The form was all to familiar despite the time that had passed since the last time he had seen them. Jack. The last time he had seen them he had blown up at them for the worst reason possible, a very selfish reason. He recoiled violently, flinging himself away from the male. As he shot backwards his bright blue eyes flared with anguish and fear and beneath that guilt. He wanted to scream to the stars above his sorry but he also wanted to whip around and flee into the waters. Draven didn't want to see the expression on Jack's face.
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โš•๏ธ i

Postby Zyn » Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:29 am

โš•๏ธ ๐”…๐”ฏ๐”ข๐”ซ๐”ก๐”ฆ๐”ซ ๐”๐”ž๐” ๐”Š๐”ฆ๐”ฉ๐”ฉ๐”ข โš•๏ธ
Born Werewolf || Medic || Male || Thirty-Six || Demisexual-Homoromantic || wc: 2,042

โš•๏ธ Location: The Island
โš•๏ธ Tags: Asha & Jude
โš•๏ธ Mood: How did this happen?

    With one hand clasped against his side and the other slipped into the carrier beside him and comforting the sleeping animals within, Brendin found himself starting at the sky wondering. Wondering how on earth he had found himself in this very situation. When he had set out on his journey to become a doctor all those years ago he could have never seen where it would have taken him. Fifteen year old Brendin had only been thinking about what was happening in the moment. Only the excitement over going to university so early and his parents both allowing him to attend as well as funding his education. It had taken a lot of convincing to get them to allow him to go. Brendin could have never have known when he had finished his residency at the ripe age of twenty four that he would be so far from home only nine years later with what would feel like nothing to show for it. He had no clinic to show off or even a job. He didn't even have his status as the future alpha to fall back on. All that had been ripped away in a single night. Perhaps he could have used that as a chance to rebuild his life but there were several hoops to jump through and he hadn't had the mental fortitude to do that. In then end it wouldn't have mattered anyways since he would have wound up right where he was anyways. With a small grunt of pain he shifted slightly so that he could grasp his side tighter and his eyes slid shut. Just a moments rest whilst he waited for this small portion of his journey to be over. A journey that had started with panic and blood a tears.

    It hadn't been all that long ago that Brendin had found out about the video that had been leaked. He had been finishing setting a young wolf's dislocated shoulder, when another pack mate had hurried into his makeshift clinic. He had sent the young wolf out before turning his attention to the blond wolf, panic had been rolling off of them and making his own heart race at the sheer force of the emotion. Kaidan had always been known to be a bit on the more dramatic side and so he hadn't really taken the young wolf seriously at first. After all it had to be another thing that they had just blown out of proportion, it couldn't been anything serious. Brendin had sat the boy down in one of the arm chairs he had bought to help patients feel more at ease while they talked and he had leaned against his desk his arms folded as he regarded the panicked wolf. Even as he was presented with the grainy video there had been a part of him that hadn't been able to believe that this was all really happening. It had to be some elaborate prank that either Kaidan was playing on him or someone else was playing on Kaidan and he was just caught in the middle. Regardless he had agreed to allow Kaidan to stay with him and the cats for following couple days just to be safe. Then the rumors had started, word had it that the government was rounding up the wolves that they could get their hands on and dragging them who knows where. The panic had started to rise from there. Ever diligent Brendin had started to pack things up, carefully protecting the delicate medical equipment and taking everything he could fit in his bikes buggy. The medical supplies and cat items had taken up the majority of the space and left little room for essentials.

    He had been nearly done with packing, almost ready to go join the rest of the pack, when the unthinkable had happened. The panic that Kaidan had buried themselves in had spiraled out of control. Perhaps a bond being severed had been the last straw but Brendin would never know, the young wolf had shifted into a wild beast. Brendin had done his best to try and restrain the grey wolf from bolting, despite it being dark he didn't want the wolf to draw attention to itself. After placing himself between a frantic wolf and the only escape his memories went a bit fuzzy. All he could recall was the flash of claws and the glint of teeth. He must have put up quite the fight because when he came to the room looked like a hurricane had ripped through it. Broken furniture and bloody paw prints and streaks were the tell tail sign that there had been a vicious struggle. It had taken a lot of effort to drag himself to his feet and stagger into his clinic. He had neither the strength to follow the wolf nor the certainty that he would have been able to find them. There was no telling how long he had lay on that cold floor before coming to. Brendin could only hope that the pack had found the young wolf and that the government had been the one to find the scared wolf. His thoughts had lingered on the pack and Kaidan as he had shakily stitched his wounds. His right side had taken the brunt of the attack, though he had a few scratches that were steadily healing. A gash on his cheek and what appeared to be claw marks on his left arm. He didn't bother stitching those up since they showed signs of healing.

    Brendin had gone about mindlessly finishing packing, which had mostly meant gathering up the cats and getting them comfortable in their carrier. He had been smart at some point and had picked up a couple of portable fans to stick in the buggy to keep the cats, who would find themselves stuck in both the buggy and their carrier for while, cool. He didn't want to start out the journey with Caydran and Kieron overheating. He cared far too much about them to let them even get a little too hot. After he had gotten them comfortable he had set out, thankful for the cover of darkness to ease his departure. It was too late now to try and find the pack to travel with them. Besides whatever plan they had come up with would not account for his heavy as heck bike. His electric bike had been the best purchase, right after the boys, that he had made since coming to the states. He hadn't gotten much use out of it the past year or so but it was sure proving it worth now. With the assistance of the motor he was able to coast fairly easily without putting too much strain on his new wounds. A true gift given how much of a pain it would be to have to stop and stitch his side back together. Pausing would take too much time and if he got caught because of those dang wounds he would be furious. He hadn't survived the coup just to be caught by the government and shoved into some shoebox sized cell. After what felt like a lifetime of traveling he arrived at the dock and had found a fisherman with a big enough boat and had shoved and impressive amount of cash into the fisherman's hand and had secured himself passage to Mackenzie Island. The hardest part had been lifting the dang bike into the boat, the thing weighted so much and even with his enhanced strength he had struggled a little. The moment it had been on board he had grabbed the cats and found a comfortable spot to settle down. He would be of little help on a boat that he knew nothing about.

    Brendin was pulled from his musings when a hand clasped his shoulder, slowly he opened his eyes until a face could be see peering at him. Concern was etched like deep lines in the mans brow as they leaned towards him. "You okay?" the man asked the concern as clear in his voice as it was in the lines on their face. Instead of replying verbally Brendin gave the man a curt nod to tell them that he was fine. He didn't trust his voice to fool the man into thinking he was fine, he was sure that there would be traces of the pain that he was in. The pain killers he had taken to get him through the bike ride had long since worn off and he was just hanging in there. Before the man could press further he shifted so that he could see over their shoulder and in the direction that the boat was head. His gaze lit up slightly at the tell tale sign of land. It wouldn't be long before they were hitting land. Ready to be off the boat Brendin slipped his hand free from the carrier, eliciting tiny mrows of irritation from the furry inhabitants. Zipping the carrier shut he slung it over his shoulder and pushed himself to his feet as the man hurried back to the wheel. Staggering he made his way over to his buggy and slipped the carrier in and making sure everything was still secure. It wasn't long after he had finished triple checking everything that they arrived at a tiny pier. After much struggling with the heavy bike and the bike Brendin found himself on land again for the first time in what felt like forever. His legs were wobbly and he struggled to regain his land legs once again. It took another lifetime to hook up the buggy to the bike once more. By the time Brendin had finished hooking up the bike the boat was already headed back out. He barely had enough time to wave before the boat was too far away for the fisherman to notice. Panting he had watched as the boat slowly chugged out of sight before kicking off.

    The first few feet had been the hardest, despite being on a wooden pier it wasn't long before the wood had turned into sand. Biking in the sand wasn't something that he really fancied and had opted to just push the bike instead. Which is how he found himself trudging along the beach. Finding the rest of his pack took priority over everything else. He could only hope that they had decided to come to this island. If he was lucky they had found out about his supposed safe haven and decided to head here. If he was unlucky they had either chosen another island or they had been caught. The second option had his stomach churning. Thankfully the first good news of the day came in the form of a scent drifting over the wind. It had taken a moment for him to work through the scent that had been blown towards him. Familiar enough that he had latched on, after a long moment of rummaging through memories he was able to pin point the scent. Asha. The nearly blind omega of Siler Lake, the woman had arrived at the figurative packs door step a year ago. Worry sparked in the pit of his stomach at the strange scent with her. Picking up the pace he hurried towards them. It wasn't long before he spotted the two, Asha with a strange wolf by her side. He picked up the pace again, ignoring the flare of pain in his side that should have been a warning. The moment he was close enough he knocked the kick stand out and took but a heartbeat to make sure the bike would stay upright before rushing over. "Ashara!" he gasped as he closed in. Within moments he was stopping in front of her. Folding his arms across his chest he stood before her. "Are you okay? Your not injured right?" his voice was gruff and if one were to judge just based off his body language and tone of voice they might have assumed that he was irritated. However for those who knew him they would know based off the speed he had hurried to her side and the furrow in his brow that he was worried.
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