`❈. ( 戦争と平和 // war and peace )

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`❈. ( 戦争と平和 // war and peace )

Postby dorkasaurus » Sun Sep 04, 2016 7:36 pm



( feudal japan )
( 300+ words )

with tensions high in fragmented japan, any sign of possible peace was clung
onto desperately not only by the humans but also their mortal enemies - the
yōkai. six noble beings from various backgrounds reveal that they have been
marked with the sun goddess amaterasu's seal and must meet their destinies.


while these six stand as a symbol for peace, it's difficult to overlook the crimes
plaguing everyone's pasts. instead of uniting the country, it seems as if their
gathering will spark the war everyone has feared rather than stop it. will the
six heroes manage to bring harmony to japan or bring its ultimate downfall?


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`❈. ( 戦争と平和 // world info )

Postby dorkasaurus » Mon Sep 05, 2016 5:17 am



( setting )
( world info )

i. set roughly around the heian period ii. capital city is heian-kyō (modern day
kyōto) iii. shintoism and buddhism are the main systems of belief iv. rice is the
main currency v. imperial house is at the height of its power but the fujiwara
clan wields great power and some married into the imperial family vi. x info


vii. the imperial family are descendants of amaterasu viii. weak yōkai usually
gather under stronger ones to form clans ix. shinto priests train to exorcise
yōkai through channeling life energy called reiki x. humans may learn how
to use spiritual arts but few are gifted enough xi. weak yōkai may be tamed


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`❈. ( 戦争と平和 // rules )

Postby dorkasaurus » Mon Sep 05, 2016 5:26 am



( rules )
( follow 'em )

i. as usual, follow all cs rules ii. each character's post should have at least 300
words iii. try to post at least once every week or two iv. your activity isn't as
important as communication. i will try to keep this alive, and i ask that you do
the same v. all sexualities are welcome; please do not join if you're against it


vi. please pm me reserves; i won't respond to reserves on the discussion thread
vii. have as many characters as you can handle viii. it doesn't matter if there's
a difference in estrogen and testosterone levels ix. post all forms here and all
discussion here x. disable sigs on main thread xi. animanga/unrealistic fc's


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`❈. ( 戦争と平和 // the six heroes )

Postby dorkasaurus » Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:32 pm

( tsukihito misaki // dork )
the only legitimate child of the late
emperor, she acquired the title of e
mpress after the early death of her
father. she's still young and naive bu
t nevertheless, tries her best. as the
current head of family, she inherited
the legendary kusanagi-no-tsurugi.

( muto "daijiro" tadayuki // worry )
they're someone who hasn't been se
en for years after an incident occurr
ing in them as being seen as a traito
r and ally of the yōkai. they fled whi
le they still had the chance, but they
are doubted as a true hero even with
amaterasu's mark.

( miyagi hideto // ink )
with only small pockets of land to ru
le over, they lack influence; but wha
t they lack in power, they make up fo
r with their wit and ability to adapt. t
hey acquired respect so quickly that t
hey are suspected of being a yōkai. th
ough morally ambiguous, they're kind.




( kuroki rem // oppa )
a powerful yōkai known by all of m
an and other yōkai alike. they lead
the largest clan and have been part
of the tension for several generatio
ns but have not made a move yet, s
o humans have suspected they just
lead a cult. their base is in nagoya.

( oleg seiho // mask )
while they aren't as strong as the ki
ng, they are infamous for their tend
ency to fight humans. they are loyal
to the king only out of respect for th
eir differences in power. they intend
to use this as a chance to take the k
ing's position for personal reasons.

( igarashi mai // grim )
they're an enigma, a yōkai nobody w
as even aware of prior to them being
a chosen one. they have the potentia
l to become strong but lack proper in
struction. they seem to have been liv
ing undercover among humans and sh
ow little interest in being selected.
Last edited by dorkasaurus on Sun Sep 25, 2016 3:31 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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`❈. ( 戦争と平和 // their allies pt. i )

Postby dorkasaurus » Tue Sep 06, 2016 8:45 am


( ueno ichirou // weeping willow )
a childhood friend of the empress, t
hey were welcomed into the counci
l by her father. though they're suppo
sed to guide the empress, they have
shown to be rather controlling and a
damant about warring with yōkai. t
hey're skilled with channeling reiki.
( hayashi mizuki // sleeper )
they're a mysterious new addition to
the imperial staff yet managed to g
ain the trust of the empress quickly.
they seem to hold a deep-set grudge
against yōkai for hidden reasons but
still remains obedient to her, acting
as a confidant instead of the adviser.
( fujiwara yuu // celliur )
as an heir to the fujiwara clan, they
were promised the empress's hand i
n marriage by the late emperor. tho
ugh, they are not suited to become
emperor and are simply following t
heir family's instructions. they wish
to lead a simplistic life.
( tatsukawa kagari // grim )
the tatsukawa fam has been in serv
ice to the tsukihito fam for genera
tions, and he's the last surviving me
mber of the legendary blacksmith f
amily. despite his age he's a master
in his field and prides himself in his
work. his loyalty is unwavering.



( muto madoka // flightoftheowl )
following in her sibling's footsteps,
she became a fearsome onna-buge
isha. due to the shame the samura
i brought to their family, she feels
conflicted about supporting him o
r trusting him but does so because
of her faith in amaterasu's choice.
( muto kuma // wolfdoglover )
compared to his sister, he kept an o
ptimistic outlook on their sibling's d
isappearance and rumored betrayal.
he trained with priests to use his rei
ki and now subjugates yōkai in his t
ravels. he only slays dangerous ones
and has faith in his sibling's virtues.
( mizukami amaya // mythic )
during the samurai's escape, they ca
me across this yōkai. they saved and
treated the samurai from their breth
en and decided to accompany them
despite the samurai's insistence othe
rwise. they remain free to leave wh
enever they wish but remain loyal.
( suigin katsu // oppa )
she's one of the original members of
a assassin clan but after the clan br
oke apart from the rumor of war sh
e fled and in attempt to blend she j
oined a small group lead by a rouge
samurai. she has a deep appreciatio
n for the group and follows willingly.



( sadako kira // ibuki mioda )
the only reason they are engaged to
the lord is because they lost everyth
ing to yōkai. the lord offered to mar
ry them so they could have a similar
lifestyle before the yōkai attack by
the king's sword. they are grateful
but have yet to repay the lord.
( akiba kenshin // dork )
they did not commit senpukku when
their former master died for they ha
ve yet to fulfill their wish. their cho
ice to live brought them great sham
e and nobody but the lord has welco
med them into their household. they
work for themselves but might help.
( family given // roleplayer )
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
( family given // roleplayer )
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
Last edited by dorkasaurus on Mon Sep 19, 2016 12:58 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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`❈. ( 戦争と平和 // their allies pt. 2 )

Postby dorkasaurus » Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:56 am


( family given // turtle )
the king's greatest supporter is none
other than their twin. though, this y
ōkai pales in comparison to the king'
s strength, they are very wise and h
elp their twin make decisions in pol
itics among their own kind or conce
rning warfare with the humans.
( fukuhara cho // f o x )
this yōkai is unquestionably loyal to
the king and is always at their side.
they were saved from humans by th
e king and taught their ideals. they
do not get along with the king's sw
ord as the two frequently compete f
or the king's attention.
( family given // roleplayer )
while loyal to the king, the spy is 1
00% human. they dislike both yōkai
and humans, most notably the feud
al system, and believes that the kin
g can give them the revenge they d
esire. they have infiltrated several
households and report back to him.
( mizushima ameryuu // kuudere )
this yokai unlike others was born int
o the human world with only her gra
ndmother as the yokai she knew. tho
ugh a pureblood they have always be
en the enemy of humans because of
the stereotype of futakuchi-onna kill
ing their lovers and being psychotic.



( oshiro sora // feather )
captured by humans to make use of
their healing abilities during warfar
e, this neutral spirit has sworn loya
lty to the sword after being saved b
y them and given the chance of fre
edom. they are one of the few to s
ee that the sword can be good.
( ashikaga tsukahara // woofer )
like the spirit, this yōkai was rescue
d by the sword when they were you
nger. since then, they have seen the
sword as an older sibling or mentor
and fiercely admires their fighting p
rowess and abilities. they are easily
jealous by those close to the sword.
( family given // roleplayer )
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
( family given // roleplayer )
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss



( hamakawa hinata // feather )
they're the kind of person to think y
ou're friends just by making eye con
tact, and much to the half-blooded's
annoyance, that's exactly what hap
pened. they lack any helpful talent
but have a big heart and have stuck
with the half-blooded for years.
( hirase shiki // riparian )
he's serious with rare and reserved s
miles. he thinks more than he speak
s and has an instinctive distrustfulne
ss towards yokai & (mostly) humans.
he's excellent in combat and despis
es unnecessary bloodshed. his thoug
hts are his power and bane.
( arisaka seiko // ink )
hardened by their past, this half-blo
od has both seen and caused death.
however, they've tried a more peace
ful approach to life and have taken
a liking to shinto. in their efforts to
stay peaceful in such times with hig
h tensions, they stick with mai.
( family given // roleplayer )
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
Last edited by dorkasaurus on Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:03 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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`❈. ( 戦争と平和 // the others )

Postby dorkasaurus » Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:25 am


( yu-hei // thunderga )
an umagami yokai, with a repressed
desire for vengeance towards human
s. he's taken it upon himself to prote
ct horses. prideful and unyielding wi
th the things he cares about, he can
be more than fairly closed-minded. i
nterested in the chosen's sign/power.
( kuromi // dork )
a fearsome karasu tengu. she fough
t her way to the top. most of her ti
me is spent settling clan feuds desp
ite preferring to toy with humans,
a typical pasttime of yōkai of her
calliber. the heroes have managed
to catch her attention.
( sorata yui // theshippingqueen )
this yokai has a fear of causing othe
rs harm. they've been trained to use
a katana but they've never touched i
t after the training. they're a weake
r yokai and stay living by avoiding al
l other yokai. they've made a living
by working on a nearby farm.
( divina // oppa )
divina is one of the few jorōgumo in
this world but also happens to be on
e of the first of her kind. she is cunn
ing, powerful, and known for her lu
sterous ways. she is the temptress a
bove all else and one of the stronge
st magical beings known to man.


( konishi kai // ink )
this yokai is one of the few to live p
eacefully among humans. they mak
e a living as a merchant but deals in
more than just the typical weapon o
r medicines. they're a keen dealer o
n information and will gladly excha
nge their goods for it over rice.
( family given // roleplayer )
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
( family given // roleplayer )
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
( family given // roleplayer )
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
make your own info that fits thisssss
Last edited by dorkasaurus on Sun Sep 25, 2016 3:24 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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`❈. ( 戦争と平和 // extra )

Postby dorkasaurus » Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:25 am

res. just in case
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`❈. ( 戦争と平和 // extra )

Postby dorkasaurus » Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:28 am

res. just in case
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`❈. ( 戦争と平和 // status )

Postby dorkasaurus » Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:05 pm


Last bumped by dorkasaurus on Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:05 pm.
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