Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland (accepting!)

Fantasy animal roleplays featuring animals with special abilities/powers, or fantasy creatures such as dragons, unicorns, etc. However this category does not include fandom-based roleplays such as Warrior Cats or Pokemon


Total votes : 6

Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland (accepting!)

Postby Sonder, » Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:18 am

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Re: Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland

Postby Sonder, » Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:33 am

        Glowing Eyes:
        Some creatures, including wolves, develop eyes that emit an eerie glow in the dark, granting them enhanced night vision. As a character, you may find yourself relying more on your nocturnal senses and strategizing nighttime hunts to take advantage of this adaptation.

        Exoskeleton Growth:
        Insects and arachnids near the power plant have developed thicker exoskeletons, making them more resilient to physical damage. This could pose a challenge during encounters, requiring you to adapt your hunting techniques to exploit weaknesses or avoid direct confrontation altogether.

        Increased Size:
        Certain species, like rodents and birds, have experienced rapid growth due to the radiation. Larger predators pose a greater threat, forcing your character to be more cautious and possibly seek out alternative prey or form alliances with other wolves to take down larger mutants.

        Toxic Secretions:
        Some mutated creatures excrete toxic substances, either for defence or as a byproduct of their altered biology. This presents a new danger during hunts, as well as the potential for poisoning if not careful when consuming prey. Your character may need to develop ways to detect and avoid contaminated food sources.

        Extra Limbs or Appendages:
        Mutated creatures may possess extra limbs or appendages, granting them increased mobility or additional methods of attack. This means your character must be prepared to face unconventional opponents and adapt their combat tactics accordingly, focusing on agility and exploiting vulnerabilities.

        Psychic Abilities:
        A select few creatures may develop psychic abilities as a result of the radiation, such as telepathy or mind control. This introduces a new level of danger, as your character must navigate encounters not only based on physical prowess but also mental fortitude, guarding against psychic manipulation and deception.

        Accelerated Healing:
        Some mutants exhibit accelerated healing abilities, allowing them to recover from injuries at a rapid rate. This complicates hunts and battles, as your character may need to deal sustained damage or employ tactics that prevent the enemy from regenerating health.

        Unnatural Camouflage:
        Certain creatures develop camouflage abilities that blend seamlessly with the irradiated landscape, making them nearly invisible to the untrained eye. Your character must rely on keen observation skills and heightened awareness to detect hidden threats and avoid ambushes.

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Re: Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland

Postby Sonder, » Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:39 am

        Chameleon Fur:
        Mutation: Your wolf's fur can change colour to match its surroundings, providing unparalleled camouflage for hunting and evading predators.
        Drawback: However, maintaining this ability requires intense concentration and energy, leaving your wolf exhausted after extended use. Sudden changes in temperature or emotional stress can also trigger involuntary colour shifts, compromising its effectiveness at crucial moments.

        Regenerative Healing:
        Mutation: Your wolf possesses accelerated healing abilities, allowing it to recover from injuries at an astonishing rate. Wounds close rapidly, and broken bones mend within days.
        Drawback: However, this heightened regeneration comes with a cost—your wolf's metabolism increases significantly, requiring a constant intake of food to sustain the energy needed for healing. Overexertion or prolonged starvation can slow down the healing process, leaving your wolf vulnerable during periods of scarcity.

        Bio-luminescent Markings:
        Mutation: Your wolf's markings emit a soft bioluminescent glow, illuminating its path in the darkness and mesmerizing prey during hunts.
        Drawback: However, this luminosity can also attract unwanted attention from predators or rival packs, making your wolf a target in the shadows. Additionally, the glowing markings may inadvertently reveal your wolf's position to prey, making stealthy approaches more challenging.

        Mutation: Your wolf develops the ability to navigate and locate objects using echolocation, emitting high-frequency sounds and interpreting the returning echoes to create a mental map of its surroundings.
        Drawback: While this skill enhances your wolf's perception in dark or obstructed environments, it also disrupts its natural hearing, causing temporary disorientation and sensitivity to loud noises. Extended use of echolocation can lead to auditory fatigue and impaired communication with pack members.

        Psychic Empathy:
        Mutation: Your wolf develops the ability to sense and manipulate the emotions of those around it, influencing the mood and behavior of both pack members and adversaries. By projecting calming or intimidating auras, your wolf can defuse tense situations or gain a strategic advantage in confrontations.
        Drawback: However, prolonged exposure to strong emotions can overwhelm your wolf's empathic senses, causing emotional exhaustion and difficulty in distinguishing its own feelings from those of others. Additionally, the manipulation of emotions may strain relationships within the pack, leading to distrust and resentment if used excessively.

        Venomous Fangs:
        Mutation: Your wolf's fangs secrete a potent venom capable of incapacitating or even killing prey with a single bite. The venom induces paralysis and disorientation in the victim, making it easier for your wolf to secure its meal.
        Drawback: However, producing and delivering the venom consumes considerable energy, requiring your wolf to regulate its usage to avoid exhaustion. Moreover, the venomous bite poses a risk of accidental poisoning to your wolf if not handled with caution, as exposure to its own toxin can result in severe illness or death. Additionally, the venom may provoke aggressive retaliation from larger predators or rival wolves, escalating conflicts and putting your wolf at greater risk.

        Extra Tail
        Mutation: Some wolves may develop an additional tail due to the mutation, providing them with enhanced agility.
        Drawback: However, these mutations could also be cumbersome or cause coordination issues, if they use their mutation to move too sharply.

        Chitinous Armor
        Mutation: Some wolves might develop a tough, chitinous exoskeleton covering parts of their body, providing natural armour against physical attacks.
        Drawback: However, this armour could also restrict their movements and agility, making them slower and less manoeuvrable compared to other wolves.

        Mutation: Wolves with this mutation possess highly elastic muscles and tendons, allowing them to stretch and contort their bodies in ways that normal wolves cannot. This flexibility grants them agility and manoeuvrability in tight spaces or complex terrain.
        Drawback: However, it may also make them more susceptible to dislocations or injuries if they push their bodies too far.

        Bioelectric Charge
        Mutation: Wolves with this mutation can generate and discharge bioelectricity from specialized organs in their bodies. This electrical shock can stun prey or adversaries, providing an advantage in hunting or combat.
        Drawback: The uncontrolled discharge of electricity could also pose a significant risk to the wolf itself, potentially causing muscle spasms, nerve damage, or even cardiac arrest if not properly regulated.

        Hydraulic-like Limbs:
        Mutation: Wolves with this mutation possess limbs powered by natural hydraulic pressure, granting them exceptional strength and speed in movement. This adaptation allows them to leap great distances or exert tremendous force in combat,
        Drawback; However it requires precise control to avoid injury or overexertion of their hydraulic systems, which can be easily done.

        Omnivorous Diet:
        Mutation: Radiation-induced mutations could lead to wolves with a broader dietary range, allowing them to digest and derive nutrition from a wider variety of food sources, including plant matter or scavenged carrion.
        Drawback: While this flexibility in the diet enhances their survival prospects in resource-scarce environments, it may also result in competition with other species or conflicts within the pack over food resources.
Last edited by Sonder, on Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland

Postby Sonder, » Thu Apr 18, 2024 3:59 am

Tiernan | male | 8yrs | Regenerative Healing | solyn
Elizabeth | female | 6yrs | Bio-luminescence | Furrydogs12

Arcturus | male | 4yrs | ecolocation | Sonder,
name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user

HUNTERS [unlimited]
Amalie | female | 4.6yrs | Chameleon fur | solyn
Diablo| male | 2.3yrs | chameleon fur | Furrydogs12
Persephone | female | 3yrs | mutation (optional) | LunaClaw
name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user

SCOUTS [unlimited]
Sibylline | female | 2.3yrs | bioluminicent markings | Sonder,
Sloane | female | 3.6yrs | Psychic empathy | solyn
Oliver | male | 3.6yrs | Venomous fangs? | rogan
name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user

Agathi | female | 5.10yrs | mutation (optional) | rogan

name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user

GUARDIANS [unlimited]
Rainier | male | 3yrs | Venomous fangs | solyn
Maverick | male | 4yrs | mutation (optional) | LunaClaw
Abraxas| male | 5.6yrs | Regenerative healing. | lykos brethren
Arlowe | male | age | Chitinous Armor | Cammeraugepony
name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user

    Juliette | female | 5yrs | Psychic Empathy | Furrydogs12
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user

    PUPS [5]
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user

    OMEGA'S [3]
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user

    Judiah | male | 3.5yrs | mutation (undicided) | Sonder,
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user

    LONERS [unlimited]
    Seraphina | female | 4.3yrs | Regenerative healing | Furrydogs12
    Astrid | female | 3yrs | mutation (optional) | lykos brethren
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user
    name | gender | age | mutation (optional) | user


        Alpha: The leader responsible for strategic decisions and overall pack well-being.
        Beta: Second-in-command, assisting the Alpha and leading in their absence.
        Hunters: Wolves tasked with providing food through successful hunts.
        Scouts: Stealthy wolves monitoring the territory for threats and opportunities.
        Healers: Knowledgeable wolves treating injuries and illnesses within the pack.
        Elders: Experienced wolves offering wisdom and storytelling to younger members.
        Guardians: Fighters defending the pack's territory and den against intruders.
        Adolescence's: Aged 6mths-1year. They learn everything they can before they find a role suited for them.
        Pupsitters: Wolves caring for and protecting the pack's young pups.
        Pups: newborn wolves under 6 months of age.
        Omegas: Submissive wolves fostering social cohesion within the pack.
        Initiates: Recent additions learning their roles within the pack.
        Loners: Independent wolves roaming alone or forming temporary alliances.

Last edited by Sonder, on Thu May 02, 2024 5:53 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland

Postby Sonder, » Thu Apr 18, 2024 4:09 am

        1. Respect others and their characters.
        2. Stay true to your character and avoid overpowering them.
        3. Get consent before involving others' characters in major events.
        4. Collaborate with others and follow the plot.
        5. Communicate openly with moderators and members.
        6. Respect the established lore and world-building.
        7. Each person is allowed one mutation per character.
        8. Disable signatures on the main thread to maintain immersion.
        9. Post all characters and discussions in the designated discussion and forms page.
        10. Write clearly and have fun!

Last edited by Sonder, on Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland

Postby Sonder, » Thu Apr 18, 2024 4:23 am

        Forest Territory:
        The roleplay is set within a sprawling forest surrounding a defunct nuclear power plant. Twisted metal structures loom ominously amidst overgrown foliage, where nature has reclaimed the remnants of human civilization. The landscape pulsates with an eerie glow, a haunting reminder of the catastrophic leak that has forever altered the land.

        Wolf Pack Den Site:
        The pack's den site is situated above ground, nestled amidst the heart of the forest. Rocky outcroppings dot the landscape, providing natural shelter for the wolves. Within these rocky formations lie a few small caves, serving as sleeping quarters for the pack. Overhead, the canopy forms a natural shelter, filtering dappled sunlight and casting shifting patterns of light and shadow upon the forest floor.

        Major Landmarks:

        Contaminated Lake: Nearby, a stagnant lake shrouded in mist reflects the twisted shapes of the surrounding trees. This lake is believed to be the source of the wolves' mutations, its waters tainted by the lingering effects of radioactive contamination.
        Ruins of Human Settlement: Further afield, a series of crumbling ruins mark the remnants of a once-thriving human settlement. Now reclaimed by nature, these ruins are overrun with mutated creatures, serving as a haunting reminder of humanity's impact on the world.
        Glowing Clearing: Deep within the forest, there lies a clearing where the radioactive fallout has accumulated in the soil. Here, the ground glows faintly with an otherworldly light, illuminating the surrounding area with an eerie aura.
        Collapsed Tunnel Network: Near the power plant, a collapsed tunnel network snakes beneath the earth, remnants of the facility's infrastructure. These tunnels now serve as dangerous traps, inhabited by mutated creatures and concealed hazards.
        Overgrown Watchtower: At the forest's edge, an overgrown watchtower stands as a sentinel of the past. Climbing to its peak offers a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape, providing valuable insight into potential threats and resources.
        Crystalline Grove: Hidden deep within the forest, a grove of crystalline formations sparkles with a mesmerizing beauty. These radiant crystals are believed to possess mysterious properties, drawing both curiosity and danger to those who seek them out.

        Weather Forecast

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Last edited by Sonder, on Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland

Postby Sonder, » Thu Apr 18, 2024 4:32 am

Credits: [ Sonder, ]
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Re: Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland (accepting!)

Postby Sonder, » Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:10 pm

Last bumped by Sonder, on Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:10 pm.
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