T W I S T || Mutant Wolf RP

Fantasy animal roleplays featuring animals with special abilities/powers, or fantasy creatures such as dragons, unicorns, etc. However this category does not include fandom-based roleplays such as Warrior Cats or Pokemon

T W I S T || Mutant Wolf RP

Postby Departed » Thu May 13, 2010 7:55 am

In a small stone den, an elderly female wolf begins her age-old tale to the young pups after a gathering of all but one of the packs in Eden.
“Long ago”, begins the Elder, “when we first came to these lands, the three original packs were formed. These were called Blue, Green, and Red. These are the biggest and most powerful packs to date.
“More packs were formed over time, like Yellow, but the one of legend, the one of this tale is named after what its standing in society today is. Nothing more than twisted tales, absurd myths, stupid legends or Chinese whispers...
“It is the Pack of Whispers” says the old wolf, getting into the story, “And a very strange pack they are too...
“The pack is made of wolves that started out normal, but something to do with this land changed them. No-one knows how they did it, but do it they did. Some of these powers, or mutations, gave the wolves distinct advantages, but others endangered the wolves and their packs.
“One powered wolf decided to create a pack for all those who had mutated. Her name was Silent. Many joined the pack, and left this part of the forest to find new territory. They were never heard of again...
“It sounds harsh, no? But loyalty and love for their pack-mates made mutants go and look for the pack. None returned, so we normal wolves assume that they found the pack of whispers.
“Mutants today still search for the pack, and only mutants can find it, it seems” continues the female, “If any of you become mutants, the pack of whispers are the only ones who could help you. “ The story finally ends. “And now it’s time for bed...”

The Pack of Whispers is trying to survive in a world of ordinary wolves. Trying not to draw attention to themselves. Trying to keep as whispers in the forest. They have to train to use their extra-ordinary powers, and not draw attention to themselves and avoid the ordinary wolves if possible. But sometimes it’s hard, and as more and more wolves are joining, the secret of the Pack's existence is harder and harder to keep. In the pack the wolves fight each other, and love each other, but is this the right way for the pack of Whispers to stay? Should they reveal themselves from hiding?

» AURA READER: In which one can touch living objects or regular objects, and gather their 'memories', or read which auras have recently passed by. Memories and auras of nonliving things do not last more than 24 hours. Can only see into the past. (Rare)
» BLOODWRATH: Afflicted characters will go into a berserk rage when in battle, enabling them to inflict a vast amount of damage on the enemy. This is simply because they are unable to feel pain in the Bloodwrath state and will keep going even when mortally injured. Often the character will see red while in the state and be unable to distinguish friend from foe. (Uncommon)
» BURROWER: Gives character the ability to dig burrows like a rabbit. Characters with this ability are usually small with powerful legs. (Common)
» CAMEL: The ability to store nutrition in one's body. Enables characters to go without eating or drinking for long periods of time, as long as they don't use up too much energy. (Very common)
» CHAMELEON: The character will blend with their surroundings. A character with Chameleon who stands completely still and makes no sound is invisible to others. (Very Common)
» CLIMBER: Allows one to easily climb and navigate trees with excellent balance. Users tend to leap between treetops and sometimes don't ever touch the ground. Even allows the user to sleep in sturdier trees. (Very Common)
» DREAMKEEPER: Visit and create the dreams of others. (Rare)
» EXTREME SENSES: Gives your character senses that are elevated to an extreme level. They will be able to see, hear, feel, and smell things that other wolves can't. However, may be more of a curse than a blessing. (Rare)
» GHOST: It allows a wolf to be invisible at any time as well as phase through objects, but there is a very huge drawback that makes it more of a curse then a gift. The magic is very unpredictable and even when a wolf takes years to control it, they never gain complete control. They will sometimes flicker when they are suppose to be invisible or show completely where they aren't suppose to be or they will just be having a friendly chat and suddenly disappear. They might also phase through a wolf when they need to help a wolf by healing a wound or carrying them back to camp or for any other reason. The magic seems to have a mind of its own and never seems to listen to what the wolf wants. (OMG SO RARE!!)
» HEALHOWL: The ability to heal through "singing" various pitches, depending on the injury. The better the voice, the better the healing. Healhowl has a tendency to drain the user of energy. (Common)
» HURTHOWL: In which singing in different pitches can injure other wolves nearby. Opposite of Healhowl. Experienced users of this power are affected at least half as much as their victim, inexperienced or unskilled users often receive the same amount of damage- killing solely by Hurthowl is not possible! (Common)
» LIFESPARK: Where the wolf can 'feel' electric currents of life beneath their feet, allowing them to sense all life forms (including those under hidden magic/mutations, such as Chameleon). (Common)
» LIE DETECTION: The ability to tell when another is lying. (Very Common)
» RUSH: In which the wolf goes through an intense adrenaline rush, using countless amounts of energy in the process. Unlike Bloodwrath, the wolf has control of their actions. It increases speed and awareness of their surroundings, but the wolf is usually left unconscious after wards from the amount of energy used. It is only triggered in intense situations when the heart is beating fast. (Rare)
» SONAR: (Think of bats!) Sonar, of course, may allow even the blindest of wolves to detect the shape of their surroundings by emitting a certain pitch. By singing, they can also create silver images, or "memories," that may be passed on to others. These sonar memories are useful for showing maps and other interesting images. (Uncommon)
» TELEPORTATION: Disappear from one place and reappear in another. One other character may be taken at a time. Loud noises, random clouds of sparkles, and leaving part of one's body behind are known side effects. (VERY rare)
» WATER WALKING: Pretty self-explanatory: this power allows the wolf to walk on water. Less experienced wolves would have to stick to still water, like a pond while the best water-walking wolves can even walk up raging waterfalls. The wolf's scent is usually washed away in a water source allowing easy escape from tracking enemies. (Rare)
» CRUSHJAW: In which the wolf has a large jaw, like a direwolf. These jaws can crush through bone, unlike regular jaws. (Rare)
» ELEMENTAL PROPERTIES: You may pick an element for your character and give them properties of that element- does NOT allow control over the element. For example, Ferris has the metal elemental property, so he rusts when he gets wet. (Uncommon)
» GILLS AND/OR FINS: Like a fishy :3... (Uncommon)
» GLOW: Allows all or part of a character to glow. (Common)
» HORN(S): Classified as being on the head. Wolves born with this mutation(this is VERY rare) usually don't know they have a horn unless someone tells them. (Rare)
» RETRACTABLE CLAWS: Think of cat claws, but on a wolf. (Very common)
» SABRE FANGS: Think of Sabre Toothed Tigers, these come from the top set of teeth. (Uncommon)
» SPIKE(S): Classified as being on the body (usually on lower back or ''rump'' xD). (Common)
» TOUGH HIDE: Skin that seems rock-hard and is quite difficult to penetrate. Tends to be inflexible and will slow the character down. (Rare)
» TUSKS: As seen on an elephant or boar. Wolves with tusks are usually altogether larger and have necks with more muscle. Not to be confused with sabre fangs. (VERY rare)
» WINGS: ONLY type allowed is bone wings, you CANNOT fly with the wings, but they can increase your speed sometimes(like if you are running down a hill). (OMG SO RARE!!)

>Only one mutation and ability per character.
>Do not abuse powers.
>Challenges for higher ranks must be approved and watched by alphas. Alphas will decide the winner.
>Tess' rules apply.
>Correct grammar is expected.
>If you choose to be a normal wolf, you can NOT be in the pack of whispers.
>It is encouraged for you to say if your wolf is a he or a she in their history/personality since there is no 'gender' section in the form.
>Any other rules will be added if needed.

Code: Select all
Level of control (Novice/Intermediate/Advanced):

Silent (Matriarch/Alphess)
Demon (Fuerre/Hunter)
Fawn (Nuncio/Ambassador)
Jasimine (Lai/Bard)
Shadow (Tyke/Pup)
Naphiro (Senex/Historian)
Belle (Tyro/Adolescent)




Tabby (Matriarch/Alphess)


|ECHELON: Leader Ranks|

The pack's leader and highest ranking member. The Patriarch (or Matriarch, depending on gender) is considered an esteemed and dedicated position that demands the respect of all underlings. Silent's history originally had the leader rank split into three positions: M/Patriarch (the "warden," or guardian), Shaman (a skilled healer), and Sentinel (a prestiged warrior). The ranks were eventually combined into one, and the wolf possessing it is expected to be able juggle the three positions decently. The M/Patriarch judges accepts newcomers (and has the authority to dismiss any disrupting members from the pack), settles pack matters and disputes, assumes negotiations with other packs (assisted by the subleaders, Nuncio, and co-rank Ambassador), and overall takes care of the pack. As expected, the M/Patriarch is wise, careful, and attentive. In general, what they say goes -- no exceptions.
Current Matriarch:
Current Patriarch:
SAVANT (Beta) - 1-2
The pack's second-in-command, working under the M/Patriarch. Serves as leader when the M/Patriarch is unavailable, manages pack events and duties, can accept newcomers, and negotiates with other packs. Generally speaking, the Savant is the M/Patriarch's assistant, filling in when the leader is unavailable and otherwise helping in the upkeep of a busy, thriving pack.
Current Savant(s):
PUNDIT (Delta) - 1-2
The pack's third-in-command and the last leader-ranked wolf. Can also serve as M/Patriarch or Savant in times of emergency or absence, greets and accepts newcomers, assists with scheduling pack duties and events, and often does more tedious, smaller work. Since is it rare for Whispers to have more than two leaders at a time, Pundit-ranked wolves are relatively uncommon unless they move up to Savant.

|DIVAN: Master Ranks|

SENEX (Historian) - 1
Equal in rank to Praeas and Nuncio. The Senex is a longtime member of the pack, usually very well educated in the pack's traditions, history, and morals, and is thus responsible for withholding and enforcing the pack code. This rank is also responsible for introducing the pack code to pups. The Senex is a great go-to member as they are knowledgable in several different aspects of the pack. Often, this rank doubles as a pupsitter because of its tendency for wise, sage-like characters. Corresponds with the leaders directly.
Current Senex:
PRAEAS (Guardian) - 1
Equal in rank to Senex and Nuncio. The Praeas is an honorable rank, often given to well-seasoned warriors or those who have otherwise proven themselves physically. The Praeas manages the Tutela, Locum, and Fuehrer and is their direct advisor; this said, the Praeas should be able to fill in any of these positions should there be an absence. Corresponds with the leaders directly.
Current Praeas:
NUNCIO (Ambassador) - 1
Equal in rank to Praeas and Senex. The Nuncio is responsible for keeping tabs on neighboring packs and territories and reporting their statuses back to the leaders. The Nuncio is the pack's eyes and ears, the master of gossip, the go-to guy when it comes to the world outside of Whispers. The Nuncio is expected to know the ins and outs of a very wide range away from Whispers. The Nuncio is allowed to speak to other packs in place of the leaders when the need absolutely arises, but will be severely punished if they make direct answers without the leaders' discretion. The Nuncio rank is also expected to educate pups and scouts (Tenens).
Current Nuncio:

|CORONES: Lead, Training, & Starter Ranks|

TUTELA (Lead Ranger) - 1-2
Equal in rank to Locum and Fuehrer. The Tutela manages the Tueris ranks. Tutelas are chosen for their above-average skills in scouting outside the territory, their knowledge on the landscape and neighboring areas, and their experience dealing with other packs. Tutela also know shortcuts to and from the pack and are the pack's eyes when it comes to strangers near the borders. They are charged with passing on their knowledge to the Tueris. Often, the Tutela advances into the Nuncio rank.
Current Tutela(s):
FUEHRER (Lead Hunter) - 1-2
Equal in rank to Tutela and Locum. The Fuehrer is the pack's lead hunter, often a skilled tactician and a strong, audacious character. The Fuehrer has proven himself from fellow Fuerre through his strength, quick wit, and charisma. The Fuehrer is charged with arranging hunts, supplying the pack with food, and also knowing the prey in and around the pack area. The Fuerher is often a well-seasoned warrior as well and often progress into the Praeas rank.
Current Fuehrer(s):
LOCUM (Lead Scout) - 1-2
Equal in rank to Praeas and Tutela. The Locum is the pack's lead scout. Instead of watching the borderlines and outside territory like the Tutela and Tueris, the Locum is responsible for knowing the territory within the pack's borders. The Locum is responsible for knowing den locations, gathering areas, and territories. Because of their extensive work inside the packlands, leaders often turn to the Locum for information on pack members, both personality-wise and where they regular. Locum are also responsible for finding intruders and removing them appropriately as well as teach the Tenens, their direct underlings, to do the same. Locum often progress into the Senex rank because of their increased pack knowledge.
Current Locum(s):
TUERIS (Ranger) - unlimited
Equal in rank to Tenens and Fuerre. The Tueris is a training rank, assigned to members who have shown potential in scouting and archiving. The Tenens report back to the Tutela, their leader and mentor, and aspire to eventually reach their rank. The Tenens are usually assigned duties pertaining to gaining information on surrounding areas. The rank is often selected for sheltered, awkward, or socially uncomfortable members who need to get out into the world in order to grow.
Current Tuerises:
FUERRE (Hunter) - unlimited
Equal in rank to Tenens and Tueris. The Fuerre is, as one would expect, a hunter. The rank is selected for members who have shown potential in hunting, leading, and strength. They report back to the Fuehrer, who teaches them hunting tactics, prey weaknesses, and where/when prey can be found. Members who are weak, easily frightened, or brutally reckless are often placed here in hopes that through their rough training, they can be tamed into a calm, strong warrior.
Current Fuerres:
TENENS (Scout) - unlimited
Equal in rank to Fuerre and Tueris. The Tenens is the pack's scouts. Tenens are responsible for learning the land and the pack's members. Tenens have probably the most relaxed training out of the three training ranks, but are responsible for more overall knowledge and are expected to be close to experts on Phoenix Valley's land and members by the time their training ends. Tenens are also taught by their mentor, the Locum, about the changing seasons, the landscape, and the pack's territories. Because Tenens often and are encouraged to work very closely with one another and their mentor, they usually develop tight bonds with each other and later progress into the Locum rank.
Current Tenenses:
GENUS (Rookie) - unlimited
The Genus rank is for wolves who are not completely new in Silent, but are still too inexperienced to be placed in a training rank just yet. They are, however, showing potential to become either a Tenens, Fuerre, or Tueris depending on their skills and personality, and will be placed there when they are ready. Members in the Genus rank are responsible for getting to know pack territory, its members, and its leaders Members who OOCly consistently keep an above-average post count during their training ranks are liable to be promoted to a mentor rank (Fuehrer, etc.) faster than usual.
Current Genuses:
LOAS (New Member) - unlimited
The Loas rank is the general placement for brand-new members who have yet to impress or show potential to the leaders. The rank is usually a temporary one; its main responsibility is to meet fellow members, get to know the territory, and learn about neighboring packs. New members will remain in the Loas rank until they have proven themselves worthy to the leaders. Once moved out of the Loas rank, members do not usually re-enter it; for older members, Genus is technically the lowest rank before falling into danger of removal.
Current Loases:
SULEIN (Omega/Punished) - unlimited
The Sulein rank is reserved for members who have fallen from grace, seriously broken pack code, brought harm to other members, or have otherwise committed a disgraceful crime that no longer deems them trustworthy. These members are the lowest of the low -- there is no rank lower than Sulein. With enough effort and good karma, the member can eventually be allowed back into the ranks, starting only at Genus. This rank is entirely an in-character rank: it has nothing to do with post counts and depends only on the activities and behavior of the character.
Current Suleins:

|SCIONS: Puppy Ranks|

TYRO (Adolescent) - unlimited

The older pup rank, the rank of Tyro is given to pups 4-7 months old. Pups don't have many responsibilities other than to respect their elders and be cute. Most of the adult ranks will make an effort to teach them the ways of the world, however. Upon reaching 7 months of age, those in the Tyro rank will be placed in the Genus rank and move up from there.
Current Tyros:
TYKE (Whelp) - unlimited
Tykes are pups aged from birth to about 4 months of age. Pups aren't responsible for much, just being cute and not getting into trouble. Tykes will move up to the Tyro rank when they reach 4 months.
Current Tykes:

|ELDEN: Elderly Ranks|
WHILOM (Retired) - 1
Unless it is occupied, the Whilom rank is not listed on the rank table. The Whilom rank is typically occupied by longtime members, often once leaders, who have stepped down from their lofty ranks to retire to a life of peace in the pack. Still loyal to the pack code, the Whilom is usually considered a leader still, apt to replace one of the subleader ranks. The Whilom is typically an older wolf, wise and loyal, whose knowledge and experience is vital to the pack.
Current Whiloms:


Lai: Bard or musician. Musically skilled and often performs for events or just enjoys performing.
Current Lais:
Parere: Babysitter. The Parere is responsible for the pack's pups when their parents are not around.
Follis: Jester. The Follis is a happy-go-lucky member who makes an extra effort to cheer up the pack.
Apothecary: Healer. This co-rank often goes to priests/priestesses, but anyone experienced in the healing arts can fit.
Captain: Protector. The Captain is in charge of emergencies, evacuation procedures, and overall basic safety of the pack.
Guardian: Protector's assistant. The Guardian assists co-rank Captain in times of emergencies, but pays particular attention to elders and pups.

''I didn't think it would end this way.'' Said Belle. The whispers pack was about to face a mighty task, and all hope seemed lost.

"End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.'' Silent replied.

''What? Silent? See what?'' Belle asked quickly.

''White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.''

''Well, that isn't so bad''

''No....no, it isn't.''


If you decide to kill your wolf off, but still want to keep playing it, you can:
1. Talk to your wolf's friends or family in dreams
2. Roleplay your wolf in Heaven
3. Have you wolf be born again--reincarnated.

Remember, Death is not the end.

||My Form||
Username: Times Number 1 Fan
Age:3 years
Powers: Bloodwrath, Crushjaw
Level of control (Novice/Intermediate/Advanced):
Description/Picture: {x}
History: See above.
Personality: Silent may seem very friendly and caring on the outside, but do not be fooled, she is actually a insane. Bloodthirsty warrior. Silent grins a lot, and when she does, it is so wide that it is classified as a Cheshire grin. This intelligent and bright yet mischievous and troublesome female is known to fool and help. You can never tell when she will lie, and when she will be honest.

She is quite outgoing but she prefers to be cooped up in a den all day long, doing well, almost nothing. The female does not have any fears that are noticeable. In fact, no one has EVER seen a scared expression on her muzzle. That's just not Silent. But even though she seems like the type that likes to be alone, that is her biggest fear. Being alone. Inside, she also has a secret fear of the dark. Even though, she seems to love to be in dark places.
Other: In Whispers pack of course.


Code: Select all

''Powers'' Idea © Times Number #1 Fan
All other © Kat Shadow
Last edited by Departed on Tue May 25, 2010 4:55 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: T W I S T || Mutant Wolf RP

Postby Geronimo. » Fri May 14, 2010 12:17 am

Just call me Kat.

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Re: T W I S T || Mutant Wolf RP

Postby Fully Alive » Fri May 14, 2010 3:06 am

Username: Snowest
Name: Demon
Age: Adult-4 Years
Powers: Ghost
Level of control (Novice/Intermediate/Advanced): Novice
Description: At first glance, Demon appears to be a solid black, but take a closer look and you can see a hint of his light brown under coat shining through. During the hot season it is more obvious, as the top layer thins and he looks a smutty tan. His eyes are a light yellow color gives them a piercing quality, and at times, like when it's dark, they are the only thing you can see. Covering his body are a splattering of scars, most of the visible ones covering his legs and face. During his second year of pack life, another wolf had attacked him, and although his thick fur mostly hides it, his left eye has been left almost useless, along his ear having multiple notches and parts missing. But despite the scars and battle-wounds one could consider Demon a normal looking wolf, maybe a bit battered, but ordinary loo
History: Demon was an ordinary wolf, but one day he suddenly changed, He started fazing in and out of objects, and suddenly disappearing. He hated this power, and one day walked into the woods alone. He then found the pack of whispers, Where he still remains today. He's still a novice at controlling his power, and he tries hard to try and control it.
Personality: Dallas is the jump-before-you-think type of person, He lashes out to almost anyone, no matter who they are, and Attacks those who are often stronger then him leaving him injured. But there's more to Dallas, other then his grumpy attitude and big mouth, He cares deeply about other living creatures, leaving him unable to hunt or kill anything. He starves himself on a diet of berries and fruit, only eating meat when he comes across an abandoned carcass. He is deeply embarrassed about this, as it makes him appear weak, but he likes nothing more then to sit watching the deer graze or to sit by a stream and watch the fish swim by.
Other: Nope
Telling Layla's story spoken
'Bout how all her bones are broken
Hammers fall on all the pieces
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Re: T W I S T || Mutant Wolf RP

Postby Departed » Fri May 14, 2010 3:15 am

((Accepted, do you wish to be a loner or would you like me to place you in a pack(if so which would you prefer?))
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Re: T W I S T || Mutant Wolf RP

Postby Fully Alive » Fri May 14, 2010 3:19 am

{Thanks^^, Could you put him in the pack? I don't mind what rank, But I think it should be something low-down, Since he has an 'omg so rare' Power XD

I think this is a really good idea, as soon as I saw it I had to join}
Telling Layla's story spoken
'Bout how all her bones are broken
Hammers fall on all the pieces
Two months in the cover creases

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Re: T W I S T || Mutant Wolf RP

Postby Departed » Fri May 14, 2010 3:22 am

Snowest wrote:
{Thanks^^, Could you put him in the pack? I don't mind what rank, But I think it should be something low-down, Since he has an 'omg so rare' Power XD

I think this is a really good idea, as soon as I saw it I had to join}

(Alright, I'll put him in Whispers, and decide on a rank^^)
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Re: T W I S T || Mutant Wolf RP

Postby Fawnie » Fri May 14, 2010 3:31 am

Username: GypsySong
Name: Naphiro
Age: 3
Powers: Aura Reader; Mutation: Wings. (In the picture they are feathery, let's just say they ARE NOT.)
Level of control (Novice/Intermediate/Advanced): Advanced
History: You won't see him talking about it.
Personality: Naphiro is mellow, good-spirited. He is very wise and mature. He has a great sense of humor once you get to know him, and his level of friendliness is remarkable. He is very trust worthy and most wolves come to him for advice, needing someone to talk to, etc. But, he can be a smart-alec.
Other: Whispers Pack. Raven is his sister.

Username: GypsySong
Name: Raven
Age: 2 1/2
Powers: Healhowl; Mutation: Elemental Properties (Her element is light)
Level of control (Novice/Intermediate/Advanced):
History: N/A
Personality: (I''m at school so I'm out of time Ill FINSISH LATER)
Other: Whispers Pack.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
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Re: T W I S T || Mutant Wolf RP

Postby Departed » Fri May 14, 2010 3:43 am

(GypsySong :: PENDING until you're done with your form.

Added Rank descriptions, edited join form.

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Re: T W I S T || Mutant Wolf RP

Postby Fully Alive » Fri May 14, 2010 4:11 am

{Could I make another character? If that's all right with you^^}}
Telling Layla's story spoken
'Bout how all her bones are broken
Hammers fall on all the pieces
Two months in the cover creases

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Re: T W I S T || Mutant Wolf RP

Postby Departed » Fri May 14, 2010 4:15 am

(Snowest - That's fine ^^)
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