Awakening of the Ancients - wolf rp (ACCEPTING PLEASE JOIN!)

Fantasy animal roleplays featuring animals with special abilities/powers, or fantasy creatures such as dragons, unicorns, etc. However this category does not include fandom-based roleplays such as Warrior Cats or Pokemon

Re: Awakening of the Ancients - wolf rp (ACCEPTING PLEASE JO

Postby theoutcastfromhell » Fri Mar 30, 2018 11:48 am

Shadow /female /4 yrs / power: manipulation of light and shadow/ mate and or crush: open

Name/age/gender/power/crush or mate/

Shadow opened her eyes, she didn’t know where she was, or even who she was. All she remembered was her name, and that she was a hunter. She glanced up at the sweltering sun, she just wished it would go away, and then, amazingly, it did. She was plunged into pitch black darkness, unable to see anything. Come back! COME BACK! She thought. As soon as she said those 2 words, the sun reappeared, shining on as if it hadn’t seemingly died a moment ago. She glanced down at her paws, staring at the black and grey fur as if it might save her from having to think about what she had just done. Of course, it didn’t. But the white markings that were scattered across her body did. She stared at them, knowing in the back of her mind that they were important, that they had some meaning; she strained her mind trying to remember, she couldn’t. The only thing she retrieved from her mind was a warning, a mere five word warning, but a chilling one nonetheless. You don’t want to remember. Then another message came with… you tried so hard to forget.

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Re: Awakening of the Ancients - wolf rp (ACCEPTING PLEASE JO

Postby xXshewolvXx » Sat May 12, 2018 9:11 pm

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Re: Awakening of the Ancients - wolf rp (ACCEPTING PLEASE JO

Postby Twisted Wolf » Sun May 13, 2018 4:53 pm

Sorry just so Ik is this still active/open?]]
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Re: Awakening of the Ancients - wolf rp (ACCEPTING PLEASE JO

Postby xXshewolvXx » Sun May 13, 2018 5:05 pm

I think so... we are starting back soon I’m pretty sure...
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Re: Awakening of the Ancients - wolf rp (ACCEPTING PLEASE JO

Postby Keesa » Sun Jun 10, 2018 1:24 pm

Veratrum - camp - tags: Nayden, the pack
She looked over the gathered wolves and despite the grave news felt an overwhelming surge of pride towards her pack and a smile curved at the edge of her muzzle, though it faded into a more serious expression when it was time to address them. “Thank you all for coming, I have some news to share with you. As you know, my brother Nayden has the gift of a seer and lately has been experiencing some visions since the barrier disappeared which he has agreed to share with you-” She looked over at her brother, queuing him to talk but he seemed distracted so she nudged him with her tail

Nayden - camp - tags: Zephyr, the pack
He saw Zephyr in the crowd of assembled wolves and tried to relay what Veratrum was saying with his thoughts but wasn’t sure if she heard, he still didn’t quite know how her powers worked. Feeling foolish, he flinched at the touch of his half sisters burning tail and remembered what he was here for. The large wolf took a deep breath trying to contain his nerves. “S-so, we all know t-that we are the descendants of the gods who sealed the forest away from the rest of the world, I-I started having these visions of them lately, o-of how their power started to drain away a-and to escape it t-they created the forest, our forest and cut it off from the world. I-I believed, well, I-I saw, that magic will start dieing again if we don’t find a way to stop it.” There, he said what he had come to say, well, most of it anyways. He looked over at Veratrum who was still surveying her pack, looking to see how they would react.

Veratrum - camp - tags: the pack
She nodded when her brother was done speaking, “Now, there is no reason to panic yet, we still don’t know how any of this will play out, or if any of this will come to pass. I did not choose to tell you this to scare you but there is nothing to be gained through keeping you in the dark, I want everyone to be prepared.” She paused, “I have one more thing to tell you,” she said, her voice slow and deliberate. “A prophecy was passed down through the alphas of the pack since its founding; Before the gods disappeared, they promised that should anything happen to the forest they would return. To prove the need was dire an alpha must travel to the deepest part of the forest there they will find how to awaken the ancients.” In truth this was the shorter version of what her father told her and having been young when she learned it didn’t remember the finer details, though it seemed straight forwards enough. She didn’t put much faith into fairy tails for puppys but this one had an eerie ring of truth to, exspesouly with what had been happening in recent days. Still, Veratrum didn’t have any intention of leaving her pack but wanted to know what they thought on the matter.
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Re: Awakening of the Ancients - wolf rp (ACCEPTING PLEASE JO

Postby Lucky_Gray » Sun Jun 10, 2018 1:45 pm

Alan - 2 years - Healer - Tags; The pack
Alan padded out of the den just in time for the announcement to start. As they were saying how their powers could disappear, he felt conflicted. On one hand, the powers given to them were the foundation of this pack, and without them hunting and other essential things could get a lot more difficult. On the other, they've discovered that wolves without powers have survived fairly well, so why couldn't they? The only thing Alan could do was furrow his brow in contemplation, thinking of the pros and cons of this.

Mara - 2 years - Fighter - Tags; The pack
Mara sat near the back of the area, not wanting to be seen. The part about the possibility of powers disappearing was worrying. Without powers, she would be just as useless as those... outsiders. She wouldn't stand for that! A growl rumbled lightly in her throat. She would march over to those 'ancients' or whatever their called and wake them up herself! Mara refused to be non-gifted.

Harika - 4 years - Male Beta - Tags; The pack
Harika, honestly, didn't care about powers. Then, maybe their wouldn't be as much evil, since a power's strength varied greatly. Plus, some of his issues might go away because of that! However, it might take a while for the pack to get used to such things. But even so, he already knew that the popular opinion would be to awake the ancients. He just hoped that the ancients' reaction to them is 'Oh, they've come to seek my help', not 'Oh, they look tasty. I am rather hungry after that long nap'.

Mallory - 6 months - Loner - Tags; Silky

Mallory looked away, and looked back at the older wolf. He decided to go with her, after all he could barely take care of himself, however he wont get close to her. "I guess... M-my name is Mallory. Whats y-yours?" Mallory decided that he trusted too easily. After all, just when he thought he found a new mother figure as soon as he fell asleep, she was gone.
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Re: Awakening of the Ancients - wolf rp (ACCEPTING PLEASE JO

Postby Serpantdragon » Sun Jun 10, 2018 1:48 pm

Zephyr- tags; Nayden, pack

Zephyr understood about half of what was going on and was panicking because she didn't fully know how bad things were. Her wide eyes turned towards Nayden and she whimpered softly, not understanding what was going on anymore after Nayden finished talking. Zephyr flattened her ears against her head and backed away to the back of the pack every few seconds bumping into another member. She hoped Nayden would explain what was happening after this because she was getting scared.
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Re: Awakening of the Ancients - wolf rp (ACCEPTING PLEASE JO

Postby Dracowolf » Sun Jun 10, 2018 2:48 pm

Fighter - Stone Spikes/Does not sleep
Tags: The Pack

Leon listened carefully to what was said. He didn't exactly think too much about the news, it just meant more time watching the came and that was something he already knew had to be done. If he was asked to help with something else, he of course would do it, that had always been his job. He heard something just beyond the camp wall, turning he growled, fur standing on end.

Fighter - Frost walk
Tags: The Pack

James listened to what the alpha and Nayden had to say. His ears twitched slightly, so there is a reason the barrier suddenly disappeared. He couldn't decide if it was tied to their abilities or not, he figured they had to be. By the sounds of it, it was possible that they may also lose their powers. Then what? There might be more and that was more than a tad concerning. Reasons for the forest to be hidden, reason for the barrier not just to keep those who found the powers strange out, but what if it kept others out? What if there was more they didn't know? James knew he shouldn't panic himself with such questions.

Talia (Natalia) and Bane
Shadow Walk and Mimic and Shapeshift
Former Fighter and Former Healer
Tags: Open - Out of camp

They hadn't seen any patrols since crossing in, of course the howl that echoed through the air might have had something to do with that. Talia was aware of exactly how dangerous this had just become. The entire pack would be there, if they acted with hostility then not even the threat of Bane's shift would not be enough to stop them. She breathed in deeply, she knew the camp entrance lay just ahead, this would be it. There was no turning back now. She looked briefly over at Bane who followed along.

Bane was just as concerned at Talia as they approached. Part of him was excited to see the others. The other part knew this could never end well. Even with their reason being a good one, how could anyone forgive what they did? They left. The things Talia had said before going about the acceptance of the outsiders. He wasn't sure the pack could ever forgive that. Still, this was the right thing to do. He could hear the growls from the camp, someone must have heard them approach.

"Stay behind me," Talia's muttered the command out as she continued to approach.
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Re: Awakening of the Ancients - wolf rp (ACCEPTING PLEASE JO

Postby DarkBloodMoonRising » Mon Jun 11, 2018 5:31 am

Thunder - Fighter - 6yrs - Crush: Open - Tags: the pack
Thunder shook his coat as they were told the news of losing their powers. So what, then they'd be like normal wolves. He didn't see anything wrong with that. Yawning slightly he goanced around taking in the others reactions. Some seemed worried whiles others didn't seem bothered, now that didn't mean he wouldn't miss his super speed. What it did mean though was he'd work to get it back on his own, more training would come to play.

Sky - Healer - 5yrs - Crush: Open - Tags: the pack
Sky frowned slightly at this news, if he lost his powers then he'd have to hunt for the herbs. Not to mention stock up for the winter, that would be a pain. He wasn't sure if the speech was over but while he still had his powers he was going to start growing a lot of herbs.. Growing a bunch of them at once would take a lot of energy though.

Ginger - Hunter - 5yrs - Crush: Open - Tags: the pack
Ginger's eyes grew wided at the mention of losing their powers, not that she fully relied on her powers. But they did come in handy when she went on a hunt by herself. It gave her the ability to take down larger prey without help from other wolves. She shifted from one paw to the other, she'd have to be more careful in case her powers vanished suddenly on her.

Silky - Loner - 6yrs - Crush: Open - Tags: Mallory
Silky smiled slightly as the pup cam around, "My name is Silky. It's an odd name to have but when I was born I was wrapped in a silk cocoon. It terrified the pack my parents were in and they keep coed them out. My parents decided to call me Silky after that. Even though it put them in some hard times they were always there for me. Though they were way to protective so I tend to stay away from wolves." She shook herself slightly, "Anyways my point is not parents should ever leave their pup or pups. Are you hungry? I was just about to go hunting when I came across your scent."
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Re: Awakening of the Ancients - wolf rp (ACCEPTING PLEASE JO

Postby xXshewolvXx » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:13 am

Kylie I Female I Beta I tags:The pack, Zephyr

She felt indifferent to losing her powers. She couldn't remember the last time she used them...
She felt a body crash into her, and still having some difficulties since she had been attacked, she fell over, unable to keep her balance.

Alistair I male I beta I tags:The pack

He listened intently, hoping to know why this was all happening. He didn't react to having no power, his was quite weak in his opinion. He wondered how Zephyr might feel, and he felt sympathy for the wolf. He didn't know how it felt, but it couldn't possibly be good.
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