war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humanoids | o&a

Fantasy animal roleplays featuring animals with special abilities/powers, or fantasy creatures such as dragons, unicorns, etc. However this category does not include fandom-based roleplays such as Warrior Cats or Pokemon

Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | o&a

Postby Stargazingwithbees » Fri Jul 19, 2019 8:29 pm

    . ── M O O L E T T I A K A R V I N K
    ( 24 ) ( female ) ( Ryna-human hybrid ) ( Telepathy, mind-reading, illusions ) ( Valgrave Highlands ) ( tags: Aldara, Akuji and Aynur )
    . ── You guys realise we gave up home to protect this idiot, right?

    Moolettia wished Akuji would shut up before he said something he'd regret, but the red Dragon seemed to have lost his brainvells. Probably when he took a dip in the ocean. As Aynur stood, Mool flinched in surprise, watching as her usual cheerful glow damped to almost black.

    She instantly went to stand, only to pause and look at Aldara as she swept her tail towards her. Her violet eyes met Blue as the dark scaled dragoness straightened. Hesitantly she took her place on the floor once more, passing her staff from one hand to the other nervously.

    She may know these dragons to the thought and touch, but they were still wild animals, not to be tampered with. She had no control over them, she didnt want control either. Slowly her eyes turned to the hostile posed red dragon once more.

    . ── A L D A R A
    ( 20,629 ) ( female) ( dragon ) ( Echolocation, supersonic shriek, human transformation.) ( Valgrave Highlands ) ( tags: Akuji, Moolettia and Aynur )
    . ── Are all humans stupid or am I just lucky enough to get stuck with the one?

      Aldara cringed slightly as the tension began once more. at the corner of her eye she spotted Moolettia move, sweeping her tail over the floor she warned the woman to sit once more. Akuji would not hesitate to attack her in this situation, she knew that. Unfurling her wings she sat up, raising her chin to stare at them both.

      The dark scaled dragoness lashed her tail over the floor slowly, watching them both as they insulted each other, with a sigh she stood, moving between them and flapping her wings out to either side of her, ultimately hitting them both in the snouts. She showed her annoyance in a sharp hissed thrill, the fire along her form turned from its normal soft glow to a more aggressive lashing posture.

      'What are you both? Dragonets?' her voice hissed through their shared mental link, obviously tempered. 'You're arguing like it. We all have mixed emotions on the quest, I get that. But it doesnt mean we have to fight over it.' she looked to Aynur, gaze sympathetic, then to Akuji, who received a much more firm glare.

    ❄️. ── A K U J I
    ( 30,794 ) ( male ) ( dragon ) ( Mind control, ice breath, color changing scales, human transformation ) ( Valgrave Highlands ) ( tags: Aldara, Moolettia and Aynur )
    ❄️. ── Is this a quest or a suicide mission? Because i can't tell over your stupidity

      Akuji snapped his head to the smaller dragoness as she stood, he hissed, sweeping his tail up, posing his barbed tail towards her as he stood to glare down at the smaller, he was a good five feet taller that her. "What? So i have to lie to our little pet?" he snapped back, arching his wings. "Well im sorry, let me just fill her with false hope." swinging his head down to glare at Mool as she frowned at him sadly, "You're going to be absolutely, perfectly fine. The humans will definitely believe you and your wonderful fairytales. Maybe you'll become the town storyteller?"

      his tail lashed over the rock, jerking back as Aldara intervened. He hissed at her, bristling. "Oh I've had enough of this," whirling, he stalked over to the entrance, "Im taking first guard-duty, I'll hunt for myself while im out." he took no time to wait for a reply, springing into the air with another hiss as the rocky overhang vanished from over his head. .

    . ── G L I T C H
    ( 24 ) ( female ) ( human ) ( shapeshifting ) ( her house ) ( tags: open )
    . ── Shut up unless you accidentally want me to feed you poison.

      Glitch swept her eyes over the vast arrangement of bottles, all different shapes and sizes, filled with different liquids or substances. Well, all in all it wasnt that bad, but for her it just looked chaotic. she moved forwards, glancing at labels and dates scribbled onto small pieces of parchment stuck to them with small pieces of clay.

      She began placing the bottles in their designated places, taking notice of how risky it would've been if she hadn't double checked labels. She really had to remember to keep poisons and remedies away from each other. But the thought was far too casual for it to be normal. She shrugged it off as she placed each where they were supposed to be and disposed of the single out of date one.

    . ── T I C K - T O C K
    ( Unknown) ( Gender-fluid) ( Ryna ) ( Umbrageous teleportation/ manipulation, Cursed immortality, Time-corruption ) ( cavesystem ) ( tags: closed )
    . ── You dont kill a king in the dark, you kill him in the courtyard where everyone can watch him bleed out.

      The young Jani zipped through the tunnels in search of his Synoc leaving Ticktock to twitch his tail and debate on his next move. It couldn't be that obvious, if the hybrid and her dragons were tracking his moves he had to be an inconspicuous as possible. Twitching his ears in annoyance he sighed, shaking his head and standing, moving down the tunnel before him.

      The longer he padded down the tunnel, the brighter it got, until he entered a cavern with an underground river. He raised his head, looking at the glowing water as it cascaded downwards like a waterfall and deeper into the tunnel. He padded up to the edge of it and sniffed at the surface, the tips of his whiskers brushing the liquid.

      Along the surface he had touched a light, sky blue appeared, dotted with soft puffy clouds. A tall city stood there, walls battered by time and attacks, Pirenne. His tail flicked around his paws as he studied it. There was no sign of Ryna activity yet, giving him hope that Moolettia and her group hadnt arrived in Pirenne yet, hopefully they got lost.

    🍁. ── M I L A G R O
    ( 656,984) ( male ) ( dragon ) ( Human shifting- Aeroportation) ( Amestham Wilds ) ( tags: Vulpes )
    🍁. ── Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage. Not weakness.

      Milagro turned his head to look at Vulpes as he entered the room once more. He quirked an eyebrow at his request, letting a smirk filter over his face. "Gee, at least ask me out on a date first." but he complied, slipping the fabric item off and placing it on his lap.

      He turned his own head to study the injuries, frowning softly. They weren't as bad as he thought they had been, but that didnt lessen the sting. There were only a few serious ones, but overall the majority of them just seemed to be small, desperate scratches. He guessed they were from when they were jumping onto his back. He twitched uncomfortably at that thought, frown deepening.
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | o&a

Postby multicurious » Tue Jul 30, 2019 3:36 am

    "Oh, should my people fall,
    then surely I'll do the same."
    ────────────────────── ──────────────────────
    [ title. the queen ] [ tagged. open | mentioned: n/a ] [ location. throne room ]

      ─────As expected, the Master of the Treasury and his council were already gathered around the long table that ran the length of the throne room. And I thought the boring part was over. She thought, flashing a small(fake) smile at the lord. Lord Davrus was a wiry looking man, long and thin with frazzled gray hair and a permanent worried look etched upon his face. He and his coalition of servants all stood as she entered the room, all looking quite morbid. Lirian felt a hint of concern at their faces. Was the economy's outlook really that bad? Then again, The queen quickly reminded herself. These are treasurers. Quite the stingy lot. Once they had all sat down again, Lirian took a deep breath before starting the process. As it turned out, the reason for all their downcast faces was because a member of the treasury had been with the caravan. While the news was sad to hear, hiring new members to the treasury is tedious work. Trusting someone to keeps tabs of all the money was difficult, trusting someone not to steal it? Even more so. After reassuring Davrus that their finances were fine in the most patient tone she could muster, she signed the stack of papers he had handed her and promptly dismissed them.

    "You're the pretender.
    What if I say I will never surrender?"
    ───────────────────── ───────────────────────
    [ title. the vengeful ] [ tagged. vienna | mentioned: n/a ] [ location. misty hill woods ]

      ─────"How about..." Xelzric began, sizing up the carriage and its contents with a quick once-over. It was mostly gold and jewels, stacked up in piles around the portly man's trembling body. "...we go for a fly?" Without waiting for answer from either of them, Xelzric flared his wings and flew up high enough that he could grab the top of the carriage with his hind claws, and then began flapping vigorously. He slowly rose above the treetops, taking the carriage with him. It was slightly heavier than he had expected, but it wasn't going to stop him. Xelzric climbed until he thought they were high enough, and then leaned into a dive. For a second, Xelzric thought the human had fallen out of the carriage, but then he heard the man's horrified screams and laughed. Right before they hit the treetops again, Xelzric snapped his wings out and began a quick glide over the forest.

    "You break me down, you build me up,
    believer, believer!"
    ──────────────────── ────────────────────────
    [ title. the vampire ] [ tagged. open | mentioned: n/a ] [ location. town of amestham ]

      ───── To avoid the suspicion of the locals, Morrigan rented a room in the tavern to wait out the day in. She was inexplicably tired suddenly, and found herself asleep on the less-than-comfortable bed in short order. If anyone were to walk in to her room, they might mistake her for a corpse. They wouldn't be far off, honestly. Deathly pale, with sunken features and a ghastly scar marring her throat, Morrigan's appearance was mildly startling. It was why she chose to wear her hood so often-- well, that, and the new threat of being incinerated via sunlight. She was assured by Panouk that, in time, she would return to looking mostly like her old self if she "adhered to the law of vampirism", as the god had said. Whatever. She was too agitated to care. Her dreams took her back to her life before. She saw glimpses of her time at the Academy; her painful expulsion when they burned through the mark on her hand, all for dabbling in arts they did not understand. Then her family, looking at her as if she were a stranger and sending her away. Finally, her last battle. She desperately rose the bones of a long-dead dragon to defend her from assassins, sent by an unknown client. A mistake, since doing this depleted her life force so thoroughly she could not maintain the enchantment. Too weak to fight back, an assassin drove a dagger across her throat with ease. And then she was awake again, brought back by a malevolent god and pressed into his service. Morrigan's dreams eventually faded into misremembrance, and she was able to drift back into restfulness.

    "In the end the choice was clear.
    Take a shot in the face of fear."
    ───────────────────── ───────────────────────
    [ title. the scout ] [ tagged. open | mentioned: n/a ] [ location. the grasslands by the valgrave highlands ]

      ─────Don't fall. The wind was turbulent this close to the mountains, threatening to shake Askari off of her perch, one of the lone trees dotting the grasslands. Gusts of the cold wind buffeted her wings, and she briefly wondered how different it was in the mountains, where dragons made their homes. But that was why she was here, no? To scout the mountains. The big, tall, dragon-infested mountains. Every time Askari thought she heard a roar or saw something move, she found herself reaching for her rapier, for all the good it would do. The scout had pretty good reflexes, and could probably take down a fellow human(provided they didn't use any powers), but they would be best put to use fleeing from a dragon. The branch she was crouching on creaked as the wind howled again, and actually cracked down the middle. Time to go! Askari leaped into the air just as the branch gave out, struggling to remain in control as the wind caught in her wings. Flying low to the ground, Askari began her approach to the mountains. She wouldn't be entering them, of course, she wasn't suicidal, and besides, that wasn't her mission. Her orders were to find a potential breach in the mountainscape, whatever that meant. Something the army could use to route the dragons out of their hiding places. Personally, Askari would prefer it if they just stayed hidden and not out... eating anyone.
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | o&a

Postby axelandria » Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:36 am

vienna ── | vee | dragon | 6034 | ── tags;; xelzric

    Vienna flew up alongside Xelzric, and watched from just above the treetops as the younger dragon terrorized the human. She held back a grin. "How lovely. I'm impressed, well done."

halligan north ── | hallie | soldier | 17 | ── tags;; open

    Thwump. Hallie reloaded her arrow. She'd hit three bulls-eyes already. Hallie had woken up early to get to the shooting range before everyone else. She enjoyed the silence and peacefulness.
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | o&a

Postby Romeo Montagu » Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:20 am


✴ Bioluminesence Healing Human Transformation ✴

✴ Appearance Dragon ✴ Location Valgrave Highlands ✴ Tags Aldara and Moolettia ✴

✴ Count 117 Words 659 Characters ✴

    Aynur lets out a sigh of relief once Akuji leaves, she feels like she should be ashamed of her outburst but can't find the heart to do so because of Akuji's false anger towards her fated one. Turning to Mool she pads up to her quietly and curls her frame around her treasured one. Huffing, Aynur murmurs, "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to concern you or scare you. It's just," She sighs, "He shouldn't have said that to you, because if you did get hurt, and if I couldn't help you..." Aynur trails off sadly, not wanting to finish her thoughts, appetite completely was gone. Curling closer, protectively around Mool she watches the cavern's entrance.


✴ Transformation Contracts ✴

✴ Appearance Human ✴ Location Amestham Wilds ✴ Tags Milagro ✴

✴ Count 109 Words 642 Characters ✴

    Vulpes, let out a small chuckle at Milagro's joking, only for it to fall short at his injuries. Wincing internally he quickly cataloged them. Opening the medkit he pulled out various ointment an herb mixes, getting up he grabbed some spare cloth and a water basin. "This may hurt a bit... Please try to bear it." Vulpes started dabbing the water-soaked cloths on Milagro's wounds, making sure they were adequately clean before applying the ointment and herb mixes to the lesser wounds. Looking at the greater wounds, he internally grimaced. "These are gonna hurt a lot more, I might have to do stitches... Do you want a breather beforehand?"

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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | o&a

Postby Stargazingwithbees » Wed Aug 14, 2019 4:51 am

    . ── M O O L E T T I A K A R V I N K
    ( 24 ) ( female ) ( Ryna-human hybrid ) ( Telepathy, mind-reading, illusions ) ( Valgrave Highlands ) ( tags: Aldara and Aynur )
    . ── You guys realise we gave up home to protect this idiot, right?

    Moolettia raised a hand to carefully stroke her scales cheek, "It's a very slim chance, Aynur, you know that. We'll be fine, you'll see." she attempted to reassure her, tracing her scales with a finger. "We've got through worse, haven't we? and we're more prepared this time. We actually have an idea of what we are facing." she referred more to Ticktock than Pirenne, although the thought of meeting these people did unsettle her. They all knew that the civilisation wasn't the most Dragon friendly, they'd have to take a more cautious approach.

    . ── A L D A R A
    ( 20,629 ) ( female) ( dragon ) ( Echolocation, supersonic shriek, human transformation.) ( Valgrave Highlands ) ( tags: Moolettia and Aynur )
    . ── Are all humans stupid or am I just lucky enough to get stuck with the one?

      Her tense form dropped when her brother fled, tail swishing over the floor gently. Glancing down to the duo Aldara attempted a reassuring purr, giving Aynur a soft nudge of comfort. "It'll be okay, just give him some time. He's still not happy about leaving home." she hummed, settling down beside them, leaving the fish on the floor beside her as she tried to even out the rocky feelings.

    ❄️. ── A K U J I
    ( 30,794 ) ( male ) ( dragon ) ( Mind control, ice breath, color changing scales, human transformation ) ( Valgrave Highlands ) ( tags: Askari )
    ❄️. ── Is this a quest or a suicide mission? Because i can't tell over your stupidity

      Akuji had been flying low to the ground, not really taking care to watch where he was going. His scales constantly changed colours to match his surroundings, creating a rippling affect as he went.
      It was a while before he noticed another sign of life. A small scrawny looking sheep, on its own. He stilled for a moment before deciding this would probably be the best meal he will get offered and started to circle.
      Only to have his attention flashed to another moving shape, the sheep also seemed to notice the winged figure and fled. His eyes trailed after the sheep but his curiosity got the better of him and he moved to investigate the small winged figure.

    . ── G L I T C H
    ( 24 ) ( female ) ( human ) ( shapeshifting ) ( her house ) ( tags: open )
    . ── Shut up unless you accidentally want me to feed you poison.

      Glitch swept her eyes over the vast arrangement of bottles, all different shapes and sizes, filled with different liquids or substances. Well, all in all it wasnt that bad, but for her it just looked chaotic. she moved forwards, glancing at labels and dates scribbled onto small pieces of parchment stuck to them with small pieces of clay.

      She began placing the bottles in their designated places, taking notice of how risky it would've been if she hadn't double checked labels. She really had to remember to keep poisons and remedies away from each other. But the thought was far too casual for it to be normal. She shrugged it off as she placed each where they were supposed to be and disposed of the single out of date one.

    . ── T I C K - T O C K
    ( Unknown) ( Gender-fluid) ( Ryna ) ( Umbrageous teleportation/ manipulation, Cursed immortality, Time-corruption ) ( cavesystem ) ( tags: closed )
    . ── You dont kill a king in the dark, you kill him in the courtyard where everyone can watch him bleed out.

      The young Jani zipped through the tunnels in search of his Synoc leaving Ticktock to twitch his tail and debate on his next move. It couldn't be that obvious, if the hybrid and her dragons were tracking his moves he had to be an inconspicuous as possible. Twitching his ears in annoyance he sighed, shaking his head and standing, moving down the tunnel before him.

      The longer he padded down the tunnel, the brighter it got, until he entered a cavern with an underground river. He raised his head, looking at the glowing water as it cascaded downwards like a waterfall and deeper into the tunnel. He padded up to the edge of it and sniffed at the surface, the tips of his whiskers brushing the liquid.

      Along the surface he had touched a light, sky blue appeared, dotted with soft puffy clouds. A tall city stood there, walls battered by time and attacks, Pirenne. His tail flicked around his paws as he studied it. There was no sign of Ryna activity yet, giving him hope that Moolettia and her group hadnt arrived in Pirenne yet, hopefully they got lost.

    🍁. ── M I L A G R O
    ( 656,984) ( male ) ( dragon ) ( Human shifting- Aeroportation) ( Amestham Wilds ) ( tags: Vulpes )
    🍁. ── Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage. Not weakness.

      The only sign of pain at the dabbing of the cloth was an occasional twitch of his hands or a faint hiss under his breath. When Vulpes spoke to him once more he frowned, "Well it can't hurt anymore than getting the actual injury now, can it?" he asked evenly, but still took the chance to prepare himself. "Let's just get this over with I guess." he muttered, fiddling with the fabric on his lap.
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | o&a

Postby multicurious » Fri Aug 16, 2019 7:51 am

    "Oh, should my people fall,
    then surely I'll do the same."
    ────────────────────── ──────────────────────
    [ title. the queen ] [ tagged. open | mentioned: n/a ] [ location. throne room ]

      ───── As expected, the Master of the Treasury and his council were already gathered around the long table that ran the length of the throne room. And I thought the boring part was over. She thought, flashing a small(fake) smile at the lord. Lord Davrus was a wiry looking man, long and thin with frazzled gray hair and a permanent worried look etched upon his face. He and his coalition of servants all stood as she entered the room, all looking quite morbid. Lirian felt a hint of concern at their faces. Was the economy's outlook really that bad?

      ───── Then again, The queen quickly reminded herself. These are treasurers. Quite the stingy lot.

      ───── Once they had all sat down again, Lirian took a deep breath before starting the process. As it turned out, the reason for all their downcast faces was because a member of the treasury had been with the caravan. While the news was sad to hear, hiring new members to the treasury is tedious work. Trusting someone to keeps tabs of all the money was difficult, trusting someone not to steal it? Even more so. After reassuring Davrus that their finances were fine in the most patient tone she could muster, she signed the stack of papers he had handed her and promptly dismissed them.

    "You're the pretender.
    What if I say I will never surrender?"
    ───────────────────── ───────────────────────
    [ title. the vengeful ] [ tagged. vienna | mentioned: n/a ] [ location. misty hill woods ]

      ───── Xelzric snorted, suddenly growing bored of the man's whimpering. He looked around for a place to set the carriage down on. Of course, he could just drop it. But where was the fun in that? No, he wanted to make sure this human was good and terrified long after his departure. Then, he spotted it: a large tree that towered over the others. It looked strong enough, so he curved towards it and put the carriage, man and all, right on it's top. The carriage was balance precariously on top of the leaves. Perfect. With his face plastered with a smirk, Xelzric flew low enough where he could see the human's terrified face.

      ───── "Don't move too much, now. I'd hate to see that your squirming caused you to fall to your death before I returned." His voice was laced with fake concern, because he knew that he would not be returning for this pathetic ape.

    "You break me down, you build me up,
    believer, believer!"
    ──────────────────── ────────────────────────
    [ title. the vampire ] [ tagged. open | mentioned: n/a ] [ location. town of amestham ]

      ───── To avoid the suspicion of the locals, Morrigan rented a room in the tavern to wait out the day in. She was inexplicably tired suddenly, and found herself asleep on the less-than-comfortable bed in short order. If anyone were to walk in to her room, they might mistake her for a corpse. They wouldn't be far off, honestly. Deathly pale, with sunken features and a ghastly scar marring her throat, Morrigan's appearance was mildly startling. It was why she chose to wear her hood so often-- well, that, and the new threat of being incinerated via sunlight. She was assured by Panouk that, in time, she would return to looking mostly like her old self if she "adhered to the law of vampirism", as the god had said. Whatever. She was too agitated to care. Her dreams took her back to her life before. She saw glimpses of her time at the Academy; her painful expulsion when they burned through the mark on her hand, all for dabbling in arts they did not understand. Then her family, looking at her as if she were a stranger and sending her away. Finally, her last battle. She desperately rose the bones of a long-dead dragon to defend her from assassins, sent by an unknown client. A mistake, since doing this depleted her life force so thoroughly she could not maintain the enchantment. Too weak to fight back, an assassin drove a dagger across her throat with ease. And then she was awake again, brought back by a malevolent god and pressed into his service. Morrigan's dreams eventually faded into misremembrance, and she was able to drift back into restfulness.

    "In the end the choice was clear.
    Take a shot in the face of fear."
    ───────────────────── ───────────────────────
    [ title. the scout ] [ tagged. akuji | mentioned: n/a ] [ location. the valgrave highlands ]

      ───── So far, the mountains had seemed to be nothing short of impenetrable. Askari had increased her altitude since she began her scouting, if only to get a better look around her. She felt skittish, afraid that a dragon might jump out at her at any moment. Every gust of wind sounded like a roar, and she could swear that she heard wingbeats.

      ───── Calm down. You're just paranoid. She constantly told herself, although she found herself looking over her shoulder more often than not. A chill went down her spine as the biting wind ruffled her feathers. She found herself feeling exposed in the air, and decided the land on a ledge not far from her position. She would continue on foot, at least for a while.
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | o&a

Postby Dragongirl00100 » Thu Aug 22, 2019 6:35 am

    Gender: Male | | Species: Dragon; Dragon>human form
    Powers: Human Transformation, blending into darkness | | Rank: Outcast
    Tags: Jorn; open | | Location: Amestham Wilds

    ─────Ciar snorted in absolute exasperation, wings stretched to their fullest as he chased after yet another horse his foolish human friend rode to their meeting place. It was, what, the fifth? Sixth? Twentieth, maybe? He couldn't remember. Of course it threw Jorn and bolted like every horse does when faced with a dragon; really, what was that boy thinking? Ciar thought he should've learned by now, yet here he was having to catch the human's escaping steed. Again.

    ─────The human whooping on his back certainly did not help assuage his frustration.

    ─────Couldn't he at least take this somewhat seriously? Ciar thought. He dove abruptly in a cheap form of revenge and chucked the human from his back into the empty sky. Jorn's whoop of exhilaration quickly morphed into a yell of surprise, and Ciar grinned. That's a bit better, he thought, grabbing the back of his shirt in his mouth. Jorn shouted something about the horse, which Ciar could still hear galloping in the distance. No matter, he could catch it easily. Slowing to a hover, he dropped as low as he could without slamming his wings into the treetops and deposited his human friend in the top branches of a tall tree. Ignoring him for the moment, he sped after the still-fleeing horse, catching up to it within a few minutes. He flew past, landing a ways ahead of the horse and blending into the lovely shade provided by the trees. After a short while the horse came past, trotting and huffing from fright, he reached out in his human form and managed to grab a hold of its reins. Having caught the animal, he turned it around and began the somewhat long walk back to its rider.

    Gender: Male | | Species: Human
    Powers: N/A | | Rank: Soldier; off duty
    Tags: Ciardubhan; open | | Location: Amestham Wilds

    ─────Jorn found himself caught completely off guard when Ciar dove and then bucked him off just as the horse they were chasing had done minutes before. "Ahhh!" he yelled, feeling his stomach turn from the drop until he was abruptly snatched from the sky by the back of his shirt. "Hey, the horse!" Jorn said, pointing in the direction it went. Suddenly, he felt his stomach turn again as Ciar dropped lower and tossed him into the branches of a tall tree. His arms wrapped around a branch, Jorn watched as Ciar rapidly flew after his mount. Sighing, he began slowly clambering down the branches, sticking close to the trunk as he went. The sun had dropped a noticeable amount by the time he reached the lower branches, settling down on a wider branch to wait for Ciar and his horse.
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | o&a

Postby Stargazingwithbees » Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:43 am

    ❄️. ── A K U J I
    ( 30,794 ) ( male ) ( dragon ) ( Mind control, ice breath, color changing scales, human transformation ) ( Valgrave Highlands ) ( tags: Askari )
    ❄️. ── Is this a quest or a suicide mission? Because i can't tell over your stupidity

      The reptile swooped after her, landing a decent distance off so she wouldn't get blasted by the wind his wings caused. He moved closer once more, careful not to let his claws make too much noise but occasionally they would hit the floor with gentle taps. As he approached he was struck with that same odd scent that Mool carried, but different in its own unique way. Hang on a secound, was this winged creature a human?

      He managed to track her down, crouching on the opposite side of the area she'd begun walking along. He stilled, watching as she walked before deciding to have a bit of fun with her. He inhaled softly, letting the cold frost form in his throat, but before it could fully form he breathed out, creating a gust of cold wind to ruffle the humans air. The wind was so cold little bits of frost began to appear along her feathers and on a few strands of her dark hair. It wouldn't hurt her, just be mildly uncomfortable.
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | o&a

Postby multicurious » Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:09 am

    "You're the pretender.
    What if I say I will never surrender?"
    ───────────────────── ───────────────────────
    [ title. the vengeful ] [ tagged. open | mentioned: n/a ] [ location. misty hill woods ]

      ───── Now that he had gotten rid of his baggage, Xelzric had dropped below the treetops again. He weaved between the trees, his body close to the ground as she maneuvered with a serpentine grace. He kept his senses alert, but allowed his mind to wander, becoming astutely aware of his hunger. He hadn't eaten since early in the previous day, his mind having been occupied with various other activities--like scaring humans. Nothing stopping him form going on a hunt now, though. Focusing in on himself, he shrunk until he had shifted completely into his snake form. He flicked his tongue out, smelling the air for any prey nearby. This was the easiest way to hunt, in his opinion. A quick bite was all it took, and a larger prey animal like a deer or a cow would not pay much attention to him as long as he was careful.

      ───── He caught the scent of something nearby, elk or something similar, and began to follow it. It lead him down a rocky hill and across another human path. Eventually, he came upon the creature: a lone cow elk that seemed to be injured, if the limp was anything to go by. It seemed that Xelzric would be doing this animal a favor. The dragon-in-disguise slithered up behind the elk, and delivered a quick and precise bite right above one of it's hooves. The elk bucked in distress, narrowly missing Xelzric's head, and ran off. It didn't matter. All he had to do was follow.

    "In the end the choice was clear.
    Take a shot in the face of fear."
    ───────────────────── ───────────────────────
    [ title. the scout ] [ tagged. akuji | mentioned: n/a ] [ location. the valgrave highlands ]

      ───── Askari didn't think too much of it when she began shivering, at least not at first. It was cold in these mountains, after all. It wasn't until she saw the frost on her hair and forming on her wings that she grew worried. Sure, it was cold, but not that cold. And she didn't think the weather could change that dramatically. And there was no new frost forming anywhere else. At this point, Askari was almost certain there was something watching her, somewhere. And it had a sense of humor. Feeling a little peeved, Askari drew her rapier, astutely aware that the blade would do zip against a dragon. But it made her feel a little safer. Just a little.

      ───── Emas help me... Askari lamented internally, taking tentative steps forward.
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Re: war of pirenne: revived | dragons vs humans | o&a

Postby Stargazingwithbees » Sun Oct 06, 2019 4:57 am

    ❄️. ── A K U J I
    ( 30,794 ) ( male ) ( dragon ) ( Mind control, ice breath, color changing scales, human transformation ) ( Valgrave Highlands ) ( tags: Askari )
    ❄️. ── Is this a quest or a suicide mission? Because i can't tell over your stupidity

      Akuji smothered an amused snort and leaned back to watch her move forwards a bit. He slinked after her, sweeping his tail around to poke her back with the tip gently, sweeping it away quickly. He lowered a talon and, with little hesitation, plucked her up into the air, letting his scales shimmer into view. He raised the other talon and sat back on his haunches, wrapping his claws around her body, pinning her wings back with albeit of difficulty. "Hm, you're an odd human. what are you doing up here on your own?" he cooed, almost mockingly as he scraped his tail over the floor behind him.
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