into the void [high fantasy rp] [open & accepting]

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

into the void [high fantasy rp] [open & accepting]

Postby multicurious » Sat Jan 08, 2022 9:16 pm



After a series of earthquakes that are only increasing in instensity, the Archmage of the human Magocracy has reached out to the other races in hopes of finding their source. But old rivalries still stand in the way, and the other races are not quick to trust the human government. It is rumored that the tremors are caused by something in the Void of Stars, a mysterious canyon full of magical energy. The Magocracy is considering sending a team of volunteers to investigate, but little is known about the Void. Those who have been there and lived to tell rarely remember anything about it, but were granted great magical powers upon their return to society. When the quakes started, large tendrils of that energy began slowly crawling out of the abyss. The debate of sending anyone down there is a controversial one. Is it worth it, considering they may not remember what happened should they even return at all? If it is, what will they find?
____ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ____--------___ ______
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Re: into the void [high fantasy rp] [lore]

Postby multicurious » Sun Jan 09, 2022 6:26 am



Eons ago, our world was flat and undistinguished. There was no variety, no life, and no culture. The rich world we live in today was barren and cold. And then the giants came. Like mountainous conquerors, they set their camp down on that cold, barren wasteland and began to do what conquerors do best. They fought. And their long, brutal war soaked the ground in the blood of giants, giving life where there was once none. From their blood grew grass and herbs. Trees almost as tall as the giants themselves took root and shaped boundless forests and jungles. Fallen giants would break open the earth and mold abyssal canyons from stone. From their buried dead came mountains, deserts came from their ashes. Rivers, lakes, and oceans forged from their tears.

And then the king of the giants broke open the world's core with his spear and gave us magic, creating the Void of Stars. Legend says that those who seek knowledge of the arcane may travel to this place if they dare, and see if the abyss deems you worthy to be granted such power. Those who try and are not worthy... perish. Eventually, the giants died out. Whether it was from their bloodshed or not remains unclear. They were gone, and other races emerged from underground to explore their new world. Elves, the lithe and cunning, and dragons, the proud and passionate, emerged first and took refuge in the forests and mountains. They lived together in harmony and grew to be strong allies. Then came the humans in their vast numbers. Ambitious and adaptable, they settled down on whatever piece of land suited them. They unearthed the very first skeleton of a giant and began mining it for its strength. This was met with open hostility from the elves, who hold the bones as sacred. While tensions remained high, another race came from the mountains. Tall, muscular, and warlike, the orcs are a fearsome sight but are people just like the others. They settled in the jungle, and there was an uneasy peace throughout the land for years.

Then one day, the humans chose a leader: a man who was born with the gift of magic. They called him the Archmage, first of the Magocracy, and he was hellbent on seeing his people prosper above all others. He commanded his troops to forcefully take the giant's skeleton from the elves and sparked a war between the two people. The elves called on their allies, the dragons, for aid and together they warred against the humans for half a year. However, the orcs had grown restless and begun to crave war. They admired the dragons' strength and, seeing them as a worthy opponent, attacked them. The dragons were unable to fight two wars at once, so they regretfully withdrew from the elves' conflict to fight their own battle. Unaided and vastly outnumbered, the elves were defeated and forced to give up the giant's bones. Human forces moved them out of their lands and the elves scattered.

The dragons were able to bludgeon their foe into a stalemate, and both sides agreed to settle their conflict with a duel of champions, which the dragons won. Ever valorous, the orcs gladly withdrew. But that was all centuries ago. Fast forward to the present day, and much has changed. Over the years, humans dug up more giant bones, elves still hate them for it and grow ever more reclusive, the dragons and the orcs grew to have an odd sort of alliance that kept the orcs from razing the countryside, rumors spread of something mysterious lurking in the Void of Stars, and the humans spread their Magocracy across the lands, and even gave our world it's own name: Talamnh.

lore tldr wrote:
Our world is called Talamnh, a fantastical land shaped by an ancient race of giants. When they died out, the modern races emerged from underground: elves, dragons, humans, and orcs. Giant bones are a valued resource to humans, and elves see them as sacred. When humans took them by force, it sparked open warfare between them and the elves. Humans won that war, and the elves scattered to the winds. Orcs waged war with the dragons as a test of strength, gracefully losing and entering a pact with the dragons. The human Magocracy is the strongest seat of power spanning the entirety of Talamnh. A precarious peace hangs over the races, but rumors of something sinister lurking in the Void of Stars threatens to tip the balance.

____ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ____--------___ ______
Last edited by multicurious on Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: into the void [high fantasy rp] [rules]

Postby multicurious » Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:03 am

01)) all cs rules apply here, please make sure to follow them at all times.
02)) please try to use correct grammar and punctuation.
03)) you may have as many characters as you can handle.
04)) at least 3-4 sentences per post please. i understand writers block.
05)) please post all forms and ooc on the discussion thread.
06)) drama/violence/romance all encouraged, pm me for plot ideas.
07)) be active. let me know if you're going away for a while.
08)) attempt to keep races varied. we don't want too many of one if possible.
09)) keep signatures disabled on the main/discussion thread.
10)) no seriously injuring or killing another character without permission.
11)) your character is welcome to have magic & powers, just be
mindful of being too overpowered.
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Re: into the void [high fantasy rp] [races]

Postby multicurious » Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:55 am

In no way are these the only races allowed in the roleplay, but they are the ones that are focused on the most.
    Humans. Humans are the most numerous,
    yet also the most contentious of all the races of Talamnh.
    They unite under the Archmage, but there is always infigh
    ting. And they also seem to keep pushing their limits with
    the other races. Human territories are everywhere, and all
    races are welcome to visit and trade, if you don't mind the
    occasional odd look. The average human lifespan can reach
    between 95-115.
    Elves. Elves are typically smaller than
    humans and have a slender, lithe build, and their characteristic
    pointed ears. They are generally reclusive in nature, traveling
    in nomadic groups or even all alone. They tend to hold quite a
    grudge towards humans, who tend to view them as second-class
    citizens. Elves often live for centuries, the oldest being 500
    before they pass on.
    Dragons. While they may appear more bestial than
    the other races, they are anything but beasts. They don't have a
    government as we understand it, but they unite under the guidance
    of their elders in times of crisis. They are naturally attuned to the
    elements, their breath weapon and powers depending on which one
    they're connected to. They also have a unique ability to share half
    of their heart with a non-dragon race, usually to save their lives.
    This is a very rare occurrence, and those that find themselves
    bonded to a dragon in this way share in the dragon's immortality.
    They gain the ability to communicate telepathically with each
    other and also share in each other's pain. The non-dragon may
    also find themselves with new powers according to which element
    their dragon friend is attuned to. Dragon sizes range between 8 to
    15 ft, and they are immortal unless killed.
    Orcs. The orcs are large, muscular, and have gray-ish
    to dark green skin tones. The orcs value war and combat
    as a true test of honor, and often seek battle to sate their
    restlessness. This is why the dragon-orc alliance is so
    important: the dragons keep the orcs satisfied with
    tournaments held annually. Their close proximity to the
    Void of Stars has led the orcs to develop some natural
    magical ability. Their mages are treated as wise elders,
    often acting as shamans and healers. They have a
    lifespan similar to a human's, though shorter on average
    due to their battle-seeking culture. The orcs are led by a
Last edited by multicurious on Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: into the void [high fantasy rp] [map]

Postby multicurious » Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:16 am

01)) The Heartlands are what make up the majority
of Talamnh's landscape. Vast forests, plains, and hillscapes all
make it up. Mage's Peak, capitol of the human Magocracy, lies
in the middle of Gallanfell Lake. A serpent bound to the
Archmage guards the city from the depths of the lake.
02)) The Drakespyre Highlands are an immense mountain
range that is exclusively home to dragons. it is where the
majority of dragons make their home.
03)) Ataraxis Isles are floating islands off the shore of
the highlands. It is a popular spot for dragons to raise their
young, therefore it is heavily guarded from the other races.
04)) The Burn is a patch of barren, burned
wasteland. It is a casualty of the war between dragons and
orcs. Every year, dragons and orcs meet here for an annual
competition of champions.
05)) Emerforte Ice Fields is a biome full of ice and
snow, and are home to nothing but tundra animals and
the hardiest of folk.

it is currently;
() Winter--------------------() Morning
() Spring---------------------(X) Afternoon
(X) Summer-----------------() Evening
() Fall------------------------() Night
01)) Mesabet Jungle, named for the fallen giant that was found there,
is richly populated with untamed wildlife. The trees are gigantic,
and living there provides a suitable challenge for the orcs that makes it their home.
02)) Oldview Valley is a stretch of hills and pastures west of Mage's Peak.
It is a popular hunting ground for all races, occasionally leading to some
03)) The Western Shore is a small chain of islands mostly home
to fishers and sailors. It is a steady source of fish for most of Talalmnh.
04)) The Wolf Wilds are not named for the animal that
roams within them, but for the rumors of werewolves that originate from
them. They are the original home of the elves, and house one of the first
known giant skeletons.
05)) The Rolling Shallows is a peaceful lake in between the
Northern Taiga and the Wolf Wilds. It is a popular fishing and hunting spot,
as well as a major source of lumber.
06)) The Northern Taiga is the last hospitable area before
reaching the ice fields. Home to deer, moose, and the occasional bear.
Last edited by multicurious on Sun Jan 09, 2022 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: into the void [high fantasy rp] [characters]

Postby multicurious » Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:31 am

xxx Characters xxx ( 2/8 )
  • lanawyn .. elf .. 23
  • acanthus .. dragon .. 100
  • ater rex .. human/elf .. 29
  • era anumbra .. human/elf .. 23 (deceased)
  • eydis .. human .. 24
  • vakein kolakanath .. orc .. 30
  • hawk steindreher .. nephilim .. 28
  • mitzi brassbutton .. halfling .. 25

xxx 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐒 ( 2/8 )
  • ignis caister .. cambion .. 25
  • viktor lisa .. high elf .. 110
  • leon scott .. centaur .. 20
  • dahlia valentine .. human .. 22
  • kassandra valerius .. human .. 29
  • name .. race .. age
  • name .. race .. age
  • name .. race .. age

xxx 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐒 ( 2/8 )
  • name .. race .. age
  • name .. race .. age
  • name .. race .. age
  • name .. race .. age
  • name .. race .. age
  • name .. race .. age
  • name .. race .. age
  • name .. race .. age
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Re: into the void [high fantasy rp] [updates]

Postby multicurious » Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:53 am

  • the roleplay has not started.
  • now accepting forms, to be posted on the discussion thread.
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Re: into the void [high fantasy rp] [open & accepting]

Postby multicurious » Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:01 am

This is now open and accepting! Head over to the discussion thread to post forms!
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