Don't Open-Dead Inside *Zombie RP* *O&A*

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Don't Open-Dead Inside *Zombie RP* *O&A*

Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:17 am

What happened....
The dead started to live again. A hunger for people, and a bite that could make you one of them.
There used to be a time when these things were just something you watched on a television show. But that was years ago, and now you are stuck in a life where there is no trust, no love, and no humanity, and every day is a fight for your life whether against the dead or the living.
Some say it was a disease, some say it was an act of God, others blame the government, but in the end, all that matters is if you see tomorrow.
Will you make it? Will you give up your humanity to do so?
Only you can decide...
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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:17 am

~All CS/Tess' rules apply
~No god-modding/power playing
~Currently 4 character limit
~Ages between 17-24
~No Gary/Mary Sue's
~No power playing/god-modding
~No OP characters
~Drama and Fighting encouraged
~No killing characters off without permission from Roleplayer
~Try your best to keep genders even
~Try you're best to not have 1 liner
~Please post forms and OOC on the Discussion thread
~LGBTQ+ Welcome
~Please only use real people in your forms, I have nothing against Anime but just not for this RP, Thanks!
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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:18 am

Miya Daulton|18|Female|Heterosexual|AlphaOfThePack21
Aria Daulton|21|Female|Heterosexual|AlphaOfThePack21
Griffin Hayes|23|Male|Heterosexual|AlphaOfThePack21
Axton Hunt|20|Male|Heterosexual|BeyondTheShire
Evangeline Davis|19|Female|Bisexual|BeyondTheShire

Ray Wells|22|Male|Bisexual|strawbs.
Leah Griffith|20|Female|Demisexual|strawbs.
Ezra Duncan|24|Male|Heterosexual|strawbs.
Oliver Wolfe|21|Male|Heterosexual|*Lovel*
Katharina Wolfe|23|Female|Heterosexual|*Lovel*
Lillian Whitecrow|24|Female|Demisexual|Sicarius.
Zuri Blanchet|20|Female|Bisexual|Sicarius.
Ronan Finnegan|23|Male|Heterosexual|Sicarius.
Luca Rivera|22|Male|Bisexual|Sicarius.
Elinna Winters|19|Female|Demi-Sexual/Romantic|ApocolypticEclipse
Nicolas Bennet|21|Male|Heterosexual|ApocolypticEclipse
Archie Beckham|22|Male|Bisexual|carotid
Mabel Pearce|22|Female|Bisexual|carotid
Lewis Morgan|35|Male|Asexual|nyctomancy
Joel Ortiz|17|Male|Homosexual|nyctomancy
Brooklynn Delvina|24|Female|Hetero-Demisexual|AlphaOfThePack21
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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:18 am

Related =|Likes [one way] >|Like eachother <>|Together +|Broken up /


In this section it will explain who is in a group together, if someones not up here they are on their own.

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Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:19 pm


What is the plot?
Well there really isn't a plot here to follow, its a clean slate, the only thing is obviously you are in a post-apocalyptic world.

Where is this based?
I would say something between a Rural and Suburban setting in New York. Not too far from the city like maybe a few miles from it.

Are there animals?
Yes, plenty of animals are alive for you to hunt and have moved into places where they didn't inhabit before so you may stroll across things like Buffalo and other animals not native to NY.
The virus although doesn't make animals or pets into one of the dead, it can cause some to become more aggressive, causing them to be more in touch with their wild tendencies- like attacking people or things for no reason.
Animals can transfer the disease to humans via a bite, [the disease may not always be effectively transferred from animal to human though, so not everyone bit by an animal will become one of the dead.] and most animals have given in to the aggressive nature that the virus makes them act, so any pets seen will either run away or attack. Having the virus in them does not protect them though from being attacked by zombies, they are still alive and the zombies will still try to get them. Animals can be safely eaten as long as they are cooked thouroughly!
With that, the find of food like canned items are more scarce to come by and have been raided mostly at the beginning of all this. Though you may be lucky and stumble upon a large find here and there. The same goes for gun shops and things like that.

Can I have pets?
I will have to say no, mostly just because it can sometimes make the RP confusing or people tend to RP with themselves with animals. You can have an animal as a source of transportation but nothing more. Sorry :(

What can get infected?
Humans, animals if they are bitten [Even if they are dead already.], water sources if there is one of the dead in it, basically anything that lives and breathes.

What does it look like?
The world is overrun by nature, as vines, grass, and trees engulf what used to be structures of the old life, some buildings are rotted and falling apart, making them dangerous to go in.
Electricity has been down for years and so has cell towers and radios.

How long ago did the virus start?
It started about 5-10 years ago. The reason is because Viruses take time to spread so if it started in NY, it could take a while to reach places across the globe from there.
Last edited by AlphaOfThePack21 on Wed Oct 28, 2020 1:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Don't Open-Dead Inside *Zombie RP* WIP Do not post

Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:22 pm

~Incase something is to be added~
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Re: Don't Open-Dead Inside *Zombie RP* *O&A*

Postby AlphaOfThePack21 » Wed Oct 21, 2020 7:17 am

Miya Daulton
Tags: Nicolas, Axton
Location: Rundown building edge of the city
The girl sat there, her back up against a wall as she sat with her knees pulled up to her chest, her arms folded over each other on top of her knees as her head rests on her arms. Clutched in one hand was a large hunting knife that she usually holstered on her hip in a leather holster, but due to being in a place that was falling apart and surrounded by the dead, it seemed like a good idea to keep it on hand. Her light wavy hair draped around her, darker than normal from being dirty. She had a what used to be a clean white see-through elegant shirt on, underneath it was a black tank top, going down she had a pair of dark grey jeans on, they were ripped at her knees and thighs her tattoo of the octopus on her left upper thigh peered through teasingly.

The night had been rather quiet and the morning was just now coming, usually, they take turns keeping watch but she found herself not very tired from the recent nightmares that have been haunting her, it had already been years since she watched her sick father and her step-mother be turned into one of those things, and she didn't have the guts to kill them, and these nightmares still come almost every night to the point where she just doesn't even want to sleep anymore, they had been gone for a few months and she thought she had gotten over it, but now it doesn't seem like it.
She had no idea if Aria was dead or alive, but she just assumed dead mainly because she knew that Aria was not the best to handle gore and such. Her grey eyes looked tired, exposing her lack of sleep. They then wandered over to the two boys she was traveling with. How in the world did I get stuck traveling with these two, out of how many other people are left in the world. she thought to herself as she watched them. Axton was new to the group, and even though she had been traveling with Nic for almost a year now, she still hasn't warmed up to him or trust him either. But that's just how she was and Both of them tend to annoy her, she always found herself with a headache and sometimes a feeling of wanting to knock them upside the head. Though she couldn't really complain, they were better company than those that weren't alive. She could hear the groaning and growls from outside the building, they went to the third floor of this 15-floor building. Having a little bit of height from the ground was nice, they didn't have to worry about windows, being seen by other people who potentially weren't friendly, and going to high always brought that fear of falling through the floors or the building collapsing.

The building had definitely seen better days, with vines and grass growing through it, cracks and holes in the floors and ceilings that weren't too big but put enough pressure on them and you'd fall through and make the hole bigger or worse, bring the whole building down with you.
She slowly stood up now as she walked quietly over towards the window, looking down towards the small horde that wandered, they seemed to be heading away from them and towards the city, that would make things much easier when they decide to leave.

Aria Daulton
Tags: Open>Eventually Oliver
Location: Woods near hospital
Ari was always wearing the most inconvenient clothing, her clothes were very expensive it was the only thing she could control. She lost everyone, Miya, her mom, her step-father, they were all gone the only thing she could keep the same was the clothes she wore. Her shirt was a lace-like material, delicate and beautiful, white with gems scattered around her chest area and the shirt rode up a little showing her stomach slightly, it was a spaghetti strap and had these practically see-through sleeves. Her pants were jeans, gray color with a belt with matching gems like on the shirt, and then came the shoes, they were heels and not ideal to run in if there were to be any trouble. She had her red-brown hair down, it was slightly dirty which gave the illusion that her hair was a bit darker.

Aria isn't a fighter, she was a person who could only offer some medical attention, and it wasn't like she could fix something huge, mostly just broken bones, cuts, and stitching. When it came to fighting, she couldn't, and when it came to danger, she would freeze like a deer in headlights. She only thing she had to protect herself was pepper spray, but who knows if that would even work against the dead.

As she walked she made sure to keep her steps as quiet as she could, keeping away from anywhere she could hear something move or groan. This was life now? She questioned. Was she the only one left? Are others out there? She sighed to herself as she walked, but now wasn't the time to get down in the dumps, she needs to look for people, people she can help, someone who can look out for her, and she will do the same to the best of her ability.
She walked uncomfortably in her heels through the woods, the sun shining through the trees as she raised her hand to block it. She has been alone for a few years now, it has been years since everything went down for her, years since Miya died [so she thinks]. Some twigs and fallen leaves crunch beneath as she continued. She could see the hospital in the background as she walked away from it, she had just come from that direction, it looked a lot like the hospital in Seattle, though all hospitals probably look relatively the same anyways.

Griffin Hayes
Tags: Open
Location: Hunting in woods near a gas station
He had an arrow ready to fire in his crossbow. He had been tracking and hunting down this deer for a few days now, lucky it strayed away and got lost from its herd. His dark green eyes scanning the woods, spotting a gas station that slightly peered through, maybe it was in there? He searched the ground as he found a hoof mark. Placing his hand near it as he crouched down before looking up and standing slowly walking with the crossbow raised pointing towards the entrance of the station.

He had his normal black timberlands on, along with a pair of dark jeans, that looked rather new, he had just found a pair at a clothing store a few days ago, getting lucky they had anything in his size. He had his usual brown button-up sweater on and a black t-shirt and his wedding ring on. On his black leather belt was a holster for a hand gun, and a knife that was strapped nicely to his calf, near his ankle, he also had a rifle at his backpack but he didn't use guns often mostly because of the noise and the attraction of the dead from using them, he learned very quickly in the beginning when he had been hunting for a week straight and then used the rifle and then the dead got to it before he could, resulting in him not eating for what seemed like forever, now he was like a veteran to living in this world, it had been quite a few years since the disease started, 5 years maybe? He lost count, he just had been alone for a long time, but that was okay with him, he didn't have to worry about taking care of and protecting another person, or losing them if he got attached.

He cleared his mind as he walked forwards, there was broken glass all over the ground and inside the store, along with the front door being quite a way away from where it's supposed to be, leaving a gaping hole where the door is supposed to be. He looked down, blood. Seemed that the deer did come this way and slipped on the glass. The dead's blood wasn't red anymore, it was like a brownish color, almost black so it wasn't a zombie, unless it was a hurt person. He doubted it, he has gone almost 3 years without running into any others. The last ones being some pillagers who thought it would be fun to test his patience and take from him-they all ended up dead. But that was a story to tell another time.

He continued forwards avoiding the glass the best he possibly could, it was very quiet. And before he knew it out came the deer from the darkness of the gas station, he reacted quickly and shot the arrow, and the deer fell quickly. That was it, now he would create camp probably on the roof of the gas station and cook up his catch. He ran back towards the place he left his bag and rifle and slung both over his shoulder as he went back to the deer tying a rope to its back legs and then pulling it towards the back of the gas station to the steel ladder that would lead to the roof.
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Re: Don't Open-Dead Inside *Zombie RP* *O&A*

Postby Binx_It » Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:32 am

~[url=link]xxx[/url]~Female~19~Demi~Location:Abandoned Barn/Dirt Road Near Woods~

Eli was curled up on her side, keeping her arms tucked inside her hoodie for warmth. She had been staying at this abandoned barn for a little under a month. It wasn’t to bad, it provided a semi safe place to sleep. A groaning came not to far away causing her to jump from her sleep, looking around she saw one of the dead moving around slowly on the ground. She quickly grabbed her hunting knife and climbed down the latter, making quick work of it. After she dragged its body out of the barn and threw it in the pile with the others. Glancing out across the field, it appeared as if it was alone and just wandered off.
Eli gazed up at the sky, the sun was lightly lighting up the sky. She let out a deep breath, before turning back to the barn. She climbed back up the latter, getting herself ready for the day. She grabbed her hand gun putting it in her holster, and putting her belt on, then making sure her necklace was on the right way. She then put all her supplies in her hiding spot she dug out of a hay bale, then grabbing her empty bag. She exited the barn, ready to go search the left over houses about a mile down the road for anything useful she could find. She got to the road and began her long walk along the edge of the woods, listening to the birds humming their morning songs.

~[url=link]xxx[/url]~Male~21~Hetero~Location:Rundown building, edge of the city~
~Tags: Miya, & Axton~

Nic was sitting up leaning against a wall, across from Miya. He has one leg out straight, the other bent. His left arm resting on his knee, other dangling at his side. His head tilted up, eyes closed as he tried to rest a bit. He wasn’t able to sleep but her could at least try to relax for the short time left before they started moving again. He sighed gripping a knife that was in his hand, keeping his guard up just in case something was to happen. He lifted his hand off his knee rubbing his face a bit, while glancing around at the two who were there with him. Laying his head back again and closing his eyes, he wanted to sleep but felt a little to paranoid to.
His thoughts ran back to before this apocalypse occurred, when he was a mouthy brat telling off his father. What he would give to hear his father scold him again, and his mother trying to comfort him after his fathers bad guy routine. They really were like a good cop, bad cop duo. He chuckled to himself thinking about it, then thinking about their dog Bruno a golden lab. The most hyper and playful thing in the world, loyal to the end. Bruno had lost his life defending his home, it killed Nic to leave him but he had no choice once those things had their hands on him. Nic sighed again, moving away the thoughts of what he had lost. He had a new life now, one were most actually fear death since it wasn’t a pleasant way to go.
Nic had finally decided to open his eyes and sit upright, he thought about trying to crack a joke but decided against it. Just glancing around the room, looking at both his traveling companions. He didn’t mind them, they weren’t bad people even though Axton had just joined them he didn’t seem like a threat. Although he had been with Miya almost a year she still seemed to well not be fond of him. He tried his best to be friendly, but most of the time he ended up being quiet and following in silence.
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Re: Don't Open-Dead Inside *Zombie RP* *O&A*

Postby *Lovel* » Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:52 am

|| Katharina "Kat" Location: Store by Gas Station|| Tags: Open (Griffin mentioned)||

Katharina was camping out in a little market near a gas station. She swore she heard the sound of clanging metal come from the gas station next door. For a moment she thought about whether or not to go out and see if it was another person or one of the dead but, she decided against checking it out. Her legs and body were completely exhausted. She had been walking for days, maybe weeks, she couldn't tell anymore. At least she wasn't wearing her work outfit which consisted of black dress pants, a white flowy blouse, and heels. She had switched her outfit out for more realistic attire. She managed to ransack a thrift store and get ahold of dark denim skinny jeans (which now we're frayed at the bottoms and had rips in the knees), a white long sleeve t-shirt, a burnt orange vest with a matching beanie, and some tan hiking boots. Instead of her hair being in a neat bun she now wore it in two messy light brown side braids. She was thankful for the beanie hiding her roots which were very oily due to lack of washing. She thought she'd maybe find a travel size shampoo to at least wash her hair in a sink but she had no luck. The shelves were almost bare except for a few cans of Spam and a frozen mixed bag of veggies. She sighed, she needed to sleep. Sleeping had grown to be a difficult task, she was too anxious to get more than an hour or two each night. At this point though her body couldn't stay awake any longer, her eyes felt heavy. Soon they slowly closed and her body finally relaxed.

||Oliver||Location: Woods by the Hospital|| Tags: Open (eventually Aria)||

Oliver woke up to beeping, he looked at his watch and turned the alarm off quickly as to not attract any unwanted attention. He untied himself and climbed down from the branch of the tree he had been sleeping in. He got the idea from a movie he'd seen, it worked to keep him away from the dead grasp. Even though he had built a make shift alarm system with string and empty cans making a perimeter for his camp he still wanted to be more cautious. Once he jumped down he straightened out his burgundy hoodie and black jeans, he made sure his white converse were tied before grabbing his bookbag and headed towards the road. He had made a routine of doing radius checks till dusk looking for new supplies and his sister... Or anyone for that matter.
Last edited by *Lovel* on Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.


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