☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Thu Dec 31, 2020 5:24 pm

Shaia Aia m- homosexual; Alois is crush- 22- Moon rabbit- leadership, rabbit transformation/communication, jumping- Tags: Alois

The brown eyed and black furred rabbit squeaked a bit as he looked up at him. His black tail twitched and moved a bit, then he stopped it. The face scarred male (when in humanoid form) sighed. He quickly turned back to humanoid form, and straightened the blue top. The sweet and caring but naive and wild male looked at Alois. He tilted his head as he asked "Shouldn't you know us all by now? Wait, how long have you been here? My name is Shaia," he then told the male, whom he believed was a demon if he remembered correct.

Jeshika Jesh f- has to bond; Peter- 14- Kitsune- Foxes and dogs gravitate to her, great with kids too, fox transformation, fox communication, fire (but super weak)- Kyubi the fox- Tags: Peter, Lucian

The sweet and gentle but shy and nervous brown eyed ginger hummed. Her brown ears and white tipped tail moved a bit, and she glanced to her fox. She hummed and smiled at the black and white fox. He wagged as he looked up at her. She watched Peter’s ears perk, and grabbed his hat if it fell off. She tilted her head, then said “Yes.” She hummed as her own tail flicked and waved a bit.

She hummed as she saw him turn to make sure she was following. She saw him smile, and felt her heart beat faster. “Were...it, and have to find the humans?” she asked. “Okay!” she cried, thinking they really were just playing. She then quieted down, remembering her mom saying they had to sneak around humans...She shook her head, following him and looking too.

Viti Vi Genderfluid- guys; Nikolav- 18- Neko- Jumping, swimming, cat communication, can turn into cute kitty- has two cats- Tags: Niko

The bluish eyed light brown and light purple haired one hummed a bit. The ears and tail gently moved as they hummed. The mochi loving quiet and mature one sighed and shook their head. They heard a commotion outside. They shifted forms, the brown cat rushing to the door. They shifted again, opening the door and seeing their crush there. They quickly shut the door then crouched. They saw he was clearly in pain, and asked “Do you need water?!”

They then shook their head, sighing as they tried to calm down a bit. They then looked to the werewolf once more.

Sokka So Agender- nope- 20- human- Animals really like, great with children, swimming, intelligent- has dog and cat- Tags: open

The blue and gold eyed brown haired human hummed and sighed a bit. They hummed as they looked to the black cat and gray and white husky. Yes, they bring them to the shop. They smiled a moment, then went to the back to check stock.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby owl0430 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:09 pm

Seraphina Lux- 19- female- human- tagged: Humans & Serenade
Even inside the manor, with the door locked, she still didn't feel safe- the adrenaline was still coursing through her veins, all her senses on high alert- though she could easily tell that, between fight or flight, she would definitely go with flight. Still, after a few moments, despite the growling she could still hear outside the doors, she managed to calm herself down enough to take a loot at her surroundings. The guy at the door was busy fiddling with a multitude of locks- more than she would have originally thought necessary, but didn't mind at the current moment- though like many of the people here that weren't part of their little group, he was dressed in a peculiar fashion. But if this was a party, where were the decorations? or the music?

Icarus Nightingale- 21- male- ghost- tagged:humans
There was nothing he could've done at that point to keep the humans away- though Frederick, much as he hated to admit it, had a point about the families of the children and Nickolav. " Very well. If they are going to be here, might as well make it interesting." he muttered, mainly to himself, hoping Frederick would keep the door locked and blocked. Attempting to put a friendly expression on, walking over to the human that had sat down on the floor. " No need to worry- we're just glad you lot are safe...wouldn't want anything to happen, now would we? " he then crouched down, offering out a hand to the human. " The name's Icarus- welcome to the manor" of course, if the male happened to actually try to shake his hand, he would find there was nothing to actually grasp. Though, in that scenario, just to add to the effect a bit- he would take just the slightest bit of life energy- it wouldn't do any harm to the male, just add a slight jolt to the normal shock of passing through a ghost.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby SilverWoes » Mon Jan 11, 2021 4:32 pm

✼ S I L V E R ~ ✼ Location: Front area - Tags: Humans, Fredrick, Icarus, Serenade - Feeling: Mild panic -

Staring at the humans with wide eyes as the realistion that they were actually inside set into her brain, a million different warning signals went off as she took a step back, anxiety beginning to creep up her chest as she worried that something bad would happen to them rather than just spooking than humans, what if word somehow came out after they were gone that everyone was living there..? The female didn't know what to do or say, so she watched on with wide eyes as Fredrick and Icarus interacted with the humans, looking over them and noticing how panicked the kids seemed to be.

✼ K e n z i e ~ ✼ Location: With the other humans lol- Tags: Humans, "Monsters" inside- Feeling: Worried -

Stumbling inside with the others, Kenzie moved closer to the others in the group as she bent over, gasping in air as the adrenaline began to calm down and her other senses began to come back to her. Looking around at the other people, she felt her blood run cold as she realised the woman from earlier was there, not sure how that'd work out. Frowning, she looked at Tyler as he answered the person who was interrogating them, hoping he'd see the concern in her eyes. "What is this place.. like why do you guys live out here in the woods.. the middle of the woods, in a creepy looking house with a crazy looking dog thing outside??" She asked, her voice rising a bit towards the end before she took a breath and calmed herself, "Have you seriously never seen something that crazy before.. in your own woods..?" she asked, looking away from Tyler and focusing her gaze on glancing between the two guys who were closer to the group than the rest, a bit weirded out that they hadn't seen whatever the creature outside was before since it was so large.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby Panda-Love-100 » Wed Jan 13, 2021 9:17 am

e v e r e s t | 17 | female | heterosexual | human/semi angel?? | location; forest | tagging; anyone nearby??

Everest could feel the cool breeze brush against her back as she stepped into the forest, the shadowy branches of the trees surrounding her. This place is super creepy! she thought as she pushed aside a shrub. Note to self, if you are running late to some weird get together in the middle of the woods, just stay at home instead! She looked up just in time to see the moon, round and full, be shadowed by a cloud, making the woods even darker. She felt her heart start to pound as she heard a rustling beside her. She reached up and touched her neck, feeling for the familiar stop of her scars. What if next time I’m not so lucky... she shook her head trying to clear it. Stop. You have to focus and not let there be a next time. “Hello? Anybody there?” she called into the darkness around her, part of her hoping for a reply, some reasonable explanation. The other part, was so terrified it didn’t even want to know. She peered into the night, trying to find something, anything, that might have been the cause, but all she saw was the cold shadows of the forest. She took a deep breath and started on, wondering what else might be in store for her, hoping she wasn’t going the wrong way. I’ll find the others soon, she tried to comfort herself. Before something finds me here all alone...
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby Tropicalpeacock » Wed Jan 13, 2021 2:54 pm

Zayn - Male - 19 - Zombie/Skeleton Creature - Tags: Humans, Serenade, Fredrick, Icarus, everyone near the front door.

Zayn watched everything play out in the area, flinching slightly when Nikolav got pepper sprayed in the face. He tilted his head to the side a bit, letting out a slight grunt as the smile faded from his face. His attention turned back to the humans and he kind of just stared at them blankly once they were let inside and the door was locked. He listened to the conversation around him before venturing to step closer to the group. "Humans..." he grunted, a smile coming across his face that could be mistaken as something sinister but really, he was just mischievous and thinking about the fun and scares they could have with the human teenagers that were now locked inside with them.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby cocogerber13 » Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:23 pm

Fredrick // ?? // vampire // feeling: mischievous // tags: Mansion entryway, Kenzie

Fredrick watched almost triumphantly as his housemate reluctantly agreed with him and went over to talk to one of their new “guests”. Icarus seemed to have an idea of his own now too, what with his muttered comment. Even if the ghost wouldn’t outright admit it, Fredrick bet that he would have just as much fun scaring people and he would. I mean, isn’t that one of the main things ghosts do?

The vampire left him to deal with the guy that had planted himself on the floor, turning his head to address the girl who had pretty quickly stepped up to ask questions of her own. He admired her boldness in this scenario. “Do you normally immediately insult someone’s house after being invited in?” Fredrick interjected. He was quite good with falsifying his expressions, this time wearing a look of confused outrage complete with an arched eyebrow. “And what’s with blaming us for the wildlife? Do you do that with city people and the geese on their lawns too? I don’t think they’re any less aggressive.” The man pointed out, finally leaning his body weight off of the door when the creaks and growling had stopped for a little while. “I’ll forgive you this once since you were literally just chased, but usually when people get saved from a dog-polar bear-thing they say thank you... probably?” As if to check if Nikolav was still there, Fredrick moved to peer hesitantly out the window. He was admittedly caught off guard a little bit at the high schooler’s next question, quickly thinking some excuse up. “We knew there were wolves and occasionally bears but they normally try to avoid people. Maybe you provoked it or something? Or it was starving?” The man pulled back from the window, his gaze moving back to Kenzie’s and then over to the entire group- supernaturals and all. “That animal is still out there but it doesn’t seem to be working on the door, just sniffing around I think. I think we should all go in the main room so it doesn’t try going after the door again. Plus maybe we could get you guys some water or something?” A look of concern had overtaken the vampire’s features, though it was more Fredrick wondering when he could drop the act than any worry about the werewolf outside.


Tyler Martin // 19 // human // feeling: grateful, suspicious // tags: mansion entryway, Icarus

Tyler was doing nothing to hide his discomfort with the situation. His eyes flickered nervously between the two who had been at the door after seeing his worry reflected on the faces of his classmates. The guy who he was pretty sure had told them leave was speaking now, and even as he approached Tyler and offered his hand, the late teen simultaneously pushed himself to his feet. Although his words were warm, this entire experience was far too strange to go around trusting people randomly. Even IF these people technically just saved them from a weird wolf(?) creature. “T-Thank you for letting us in... and it’s nice to meet you. If you guys don’t mind my asking, why- err, what exactly is going on here..? Like... isn’t this place abandoned? Did you just move in? Or-“ While Tyler has started directing his questions to the ghost, he trailed off a bit as he appeared to notice the others watching the group for the first time. Kenzie seemed to have the same idea, firing off questions of her own. Tyler nodded fervently after she finished, adding on a quick, “And are you sure that thing is isn’t going to claw it’s way in?” He questioned, dark eyes moving back to the front door. The dark haired guy from before had locked it up pretty tight, but it wouldn’t do anything if the creature just tore its way through the wood.


Gabriella (Gabby) Evans // 16 // human // feeling: nervous // tags: mansion entryway, Seraphina, Silver, Zayn

Gabby continued holding her pepper spray tightly in her hand justttt in case one of these shady characters tried to harm some of them. She was watching Icarus extremely carefully when he offered his hand to Tyler, grateful that he hadn’t tried anything weird. Once she was sure that the other mansion residents were pretty much only interested in spectating for the moment, the girl wandered over to stand near Seraphina. “Hey!” She whispered discreetly, taking the other’s hand in her free one and giving her a reassuring squeeze. Whether it was for Seraphina or herself, Gabriella didn’t know. “This is really weird, but I don’t think these people are bad...” she commented quietly, chocolate-coloured eyes meeting with those of one of the residents. The other girl appeared to be around their age, and her hair was a very light shade of blonde. She also looked quite startled herself, so Gabby gave a hesitant smile. “And... technically, wasn’t coming in here what we set off to do anyway..?” He wondered a little louder, turning back to look at her friend.

Gabby then shot a glance back to Kenzie, then Tyler. Both of them were so courageous to voice their concerns, especially when their voices were wavering. Gabby only wished she could say the same about herself. Her doubts gave way to a bolt of fear when she heard a weird grunt and stared over at its source, finding a boy in an extremely convincing zombie costume. “Oh... oh wow! You look so cool!” She blurted out without realizing, her timidness melting away a little as she admired the really realistic makeup. “I love zombies!” Gabby said in a hushed, but excited tone after her outburst. People she met didn’t usually have the same enthusiasm for the genres of books and movies she she liked, and this guy’s cosplay(?) was absolutely killing it.


Nikolav Weiss // 17 // werewolf // feeling: tired, grateful, worried // tags: mansion front, Viti

Nikolav stiffened when someone came and seemed to crouch next to him, the scent of a familiar cat-shifter wafting off of them. “V-viti..?” Niko barked aloud, the name coming out more as ‘Riri’ with the limited dictation of a wolf’s maw. He searched for the face of the other through watery eyes, the darkness dimming the brown and purple pigments that make up Viti’s hair. The white wolf scrambled to his feet, his tail subconsciously moving between his legs as his focus returned to the humans. He was scared for his housemates and himself now that they had discovered and entered the mansion, and scared for the humans themselves for what dangers might befall them if any of the supernaturals restricted them from leaving.

The canine gave a low whine of concern, then nuzzled Viti’s face with his nose. Since Niko couldn’t exactly use his words to articulate his request, perhaps miming it out would work better? He gave a vigorous nod when the half-cat mentioned water, panting as if to convince him, then gently took the collar of the other’s shirt with his teeth and gave a weak tug. It hopefully wouldn’t take long to realize that he was asking for clothing; entering the house at all as a wolf could potentially spell the end for the newcomers. His eyes stared into Viti’s pleadingly, ever grateful that the other had come to check on him.

The wolf’s ears twitched in the next second however, and having heard a called out greeting from the woods, Nikolav’s head snapped around the face it. Had the group of teenagers left one behind?
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:56 pm

Shaia Aia m- homosexual; Alois is crush- 22- Moon rabbit- leadership, rabbit transformation/communication, jumping- Tags: Alois

The brown eyed and black furred rabbit squeaked a bit as he looked up at him. His black tail twitched and moved a bit, then he stopped it. The face scarred male (when in humanoid form) sighed. He quickly turned back to humanoid form, and straightened the blue top. The sweet and caring but naive and wild male looked at Alois. He tilted his head as he asked "Shouldn't you know us all by now? Wait, how long have you been here? My name is Shaia," he then told the male, whom he believed was a demon if he remembered correct.

Jeshika Jesh f- has to bond; Peter- 14- Kitsune- Foxes and dogs gravitate to her, great with kids too, fox transformation, fox communication, fire (but super weak)- Kyubi the fox- Tags: Peter, Lucian

The sweet and gentle but shy and nervous brown eyed ginger hummed. Her brown ears and white tipped tail moved a bit, and she glanced to her fox. She hummed and smiled at the black and white fox. He wagged as he looked up at her. She watched Peter’s ears perk, and grabbed his hat if it fell off. She tilted her head, then said “Yes.” She hummed as her own tail flicked and waved a bit.

She hummed as she saw him turn to make sure she was following. She saw him smile, and felt her heart beat faster. “Were...it, and have to find the humans?” she asked. “Okay!” she cried, thinking they really were just playing. She then quieted down, remembering her mom saying they had to sneak around humans...She shook her head, following him and looking too.

Viti Vi Genderfluid- guys; Nikolav- 18- Neko- Jumping, swimming, cat communication, can turn into cute kitty- has two cats- Tags: Niko

The bluish eyed light brown and light purple haired one looked to the wolf. The ears and tail gently moved as they hummed. The mochi loving quiet and mature one tilted their head. They assumed he’d been trying to say their name. Therefore, s/he nodded and said “Yes, it’s me.” S/he jumped a bit when he scrambled up, then noticed his tail go between his legs.

S/he made a small sound when he put his nose to their face. They squeaked and blushed a bit, lowering their head a moment. S/he looked up in time to see him nod about water. The neko said “Okay,” then gasped when he tugged their shirt. They finally realized he must want to transform. He’d need clothes if he wanted to do that. They hurried to the side door, slipped inside, found his room, and found some clothes. S/he went to the kitchen, and grabbed a bowl. They filled it with water, and got a rag. S/he hurried back out to Niko, not hearing the call obviously. S/he said “I’m back, will you let me wipe your eyes and face?”

Sokka So Agender- nope- 20- human- Animals really like, great with children, swimming, intelligent- has dog and cat- Tags: open

The blue and gold eyed brown haired human hummed and sighed a bit. They hummed as they looked to the black cat and gray and white husky. Yes, they bring them to the shop. They smiled a moment, then went to the back to check stock.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby SilverWoes » Wed Jan 13, 2021 5:51 pm

✼ S I L V E R ~ ✼ Location: Front area - Tags: Humans, Gabriella, entryway - Feeling: Worried -

Looking at Gabriella, Silver half-smiled back but shuffled her feet awkwardly, "Wasn't your fault you ended up in here.. but you shouldn't be in the woods this late, it's dangerous.." the female said quietly, looking over at Zayn as well when she noticed the human's gaze went that way, nodding along as she picked up the last part of Fredrick's sentence, hearing about the water. Water would be good for everyone who just came in, and it'd probably be for the best to settle them down before they could get them to leave. Well, if there was any chance they could get them to leave, it seemed like the other residents had some antics planned to mess with the humans. That didn't seem like the best idea to her seeing how skittish the humans were, but who could blame them? Silver didn't want to encounter Nikolav in the painful state he seemed to be in.

✼ K e n z i e ~ ✼ Location: With the other humans lol- Tags: Humans, "Monsters" inside, Fredrick, Tyler- Feeling: A bit on edge, tired -

"It isn't like you had much of a choice to invite us in.. I mean, we could've been mauled.. and who even lives in a place like this in the woods too?? How do we know you aren't a bunch of serial murderers, do people thank the creepy people in the woods during horror movies?" She retorted, frowning at the guy in front of her, "I think that I'll forgive you for assuming all geese are aggressive.. I don't know what kind wouldn't be if they were in the city which has a bunch of cars.. but I guess creepy water from your creepy house would be fine if it's drinkable..?" Kenzie said, trailing off as Tyler spoke up and she nodded firmly, "Mr, it'd be nice to know your name and maybe have some water if you can tell us that we're all safe from that what did'ja call it.. dog-polar bear thing? And then yeah, you can explain what's going on here.." she finished off, putting a hand to her head as she felt a small wave of exhaustion come over her. Clearly, the fright from outside and tromping through the woods had done a number on her energy levels, and the idea of water suddenly became a whole lot more appealing even if it was from this creepy house.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby Panda-Love-100 » Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:46 am

e v e r e s t | 17 | female | heterosexual | human/semi angel?? | location; outside mansion | tagging; Nikolav, Viti

“Hello?” she called into the darkness. She thought she heard voices up ahead. “Is anyone out there? It seems I have gotten a bit lost.” She chuckled to herself, shaking her head. “I’m not very good with directions as you can probably tell.” She pushed aside a branch and saw a bit of light up ahead. Maybe she really has found her way to the mansion. She smiled to herself as she walked up to the sturdy stone walls of the building. It was beautiful, with the forest surrounding it almost as if the trees and shrubbery had grown with the mansion. “Wow,” she breathed, not yet aware of the presences near her. She heard a twig snap and whipped her head around to see a huge wolf. Her eyes widened as she saw what she could only describe as a cat-person. “Supernaturals...” she whispered, taking a step back. Not again, she thought to herself as she glances around, trying to find some way out of this situation. The only way she could go was inside the mansion. She was trapped. “P-please.” She tried to back away, but felt the cold stone of the walls pressed up against her back. “D-don’t hurt me. I-I’m just trying to find th-the others,” she stammered, hoping they’d understand. She began to tremble and she cover her eyes with her hands, waiting for whatever was coming. “I-If your going to k-kill me, p-please do it q-quickly,” she begged.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby owl0430 » Thu Jan 14, 2021 9:20 am

Seraphina Lux- 19- female- human- tagged: Humans & Serenade

She smiled back at Gabby, briefly squeezing her hand in return. " Weird is putting this experience nicely...but I don't think you're wrong. But...something just not right about them either." Which was exactly why she was trying to listen to everything as carefully as she could, eyes flicking across the room, carefully observing the ongoing. " Nonetheless, at least we did make it here I guess- and we'll have one heck of a story as well." She had to do a double-take when, thanks to Gabby, her attention was drawn to what appeared to be by far the most realistic zombie costume she had ever seen. Even the ones in the movies didn't look this realistic. Zombies weren't exactly her favorite movie genre, but she had to give the guy credit for a job well done.

Icarus Nightingale- 21- male- ghost- tagged:mansion residents, Gabby, Tyler, Fredrick

He frowned briefly when the human didn't accept is gesture, but nonetheless resuemd the somewhat-friendly expression he had been wearing. Though his voice was rather quiet, when responding to the human's questions. " I don't think you have anything to worry about from the creature, at least not anymore, so long as you're in here. Looked like it was more trying to scare you lot off like a territorial animal more than trying to hurt you, though I can't say after your little friend over there sprayed something in its eyes. " a part of him felt bad for referring to Nickolav as a 'creature', but he would have to wait to apologize til later. " But as for your earlier questions, I suppose the question you should be asking is what isn't going on here, rather than what is, but either way you'll have to wait and see. It's more interesting that way- but I'm sure you lot will get quite a kick once you find out. But at the very least I can tell you that some of us have been here for quite some time, other only got here recently. Personally, I've been here for a long time, but I don't mind the occasional guests. On that note I must agree with Fredrick though- we'll be better off in the main room in case the creature does decide to try and get in." All the while he spoke, he felt eyes on him. Come to find the one who had sprayed something at Nickolav was watching him, seemingly with scepticism. Not that he could blame her, or any of them, really. Still, he tried to give her a polite smile, a small sliver of moonlight ever so briefly messing with his form before returning to its solid-looking appearance.
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