☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby SqueakerTheBun » Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:07 am

kori (core-Ē)||tags: human group (and anyone else with them)||location: the mansion

they were almost there! just a couple seconds and they’d be in the mansion. crazy to think about it, really.. he squeezed audrey’s hand a little, and yes, he still refused to let go of her. he’d continusly thought about ellis and was very concerned for them, so he’d been looking at them every few moments. each time he’d been relieved to see they were still.. erm... ok.. or as ok as you can be while in extreme pain from a werewolf bite. that was oddly specific-..

he stepped into the mansion, watching his feet, the cool air giving him a chill. he fidgeted with his free hand. he was not aware of the presence of the other creatures in the room, until seraphina spoke. at her words, he followed her gaze slowly, and looked at the two residents. he was too tired for all this.. “i just wanna go home..” he whispered. he looked as if he might cry.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby cocogerber13 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:23 pm

Nikolav // Werewolf // ♦︎ // location: woods outside the mansion // tags: Cecil, (?) Atlas

Niko could sense the bodies around him shifting around and leaving, but he paid them no mind as his eyes frantically searched the forest for any sight of the beast who was challenging him. Even Nyx, whose scent usually made even his werewolf form uneasy, was overlooked when he was frozen from the growl. The literal chill in the air likely helped this, although as soon as everyone else had escaped and the dragon finally revealed itself, Nikolav finally had the guts to move again.

Ferocious barks rang from the werewolf's throat, which sounded a little less impressive with the bells on his collar chiming along with them. The tail that had been tucked in between his legs in fear was now excitedly wagging, moreso from not wanting to look weak than something more enjoyable. Nikolav dropped back to all fours when a large, scaled talon was placed on the ground and the reptile arched its neck to its full height. The wolf cowered for a moment as shivers ran down his spine- from the realization of just how immense this creature was or the icy aura that seemed to accompany it, Niko could not say.

The blood-stained beast was just beginning to think that it had bitten off a little more than it could chew when its opponent's throat took on a luminous quality. This spurred an immediate instinct: run away. Just as Nikolav turned to do so, his shoulder hit a wall of ice and he slipped with a yelp. The slick surface of the substance slowed his recovery of scrambling to his feet, and in a burst of adrenaline he dashed down the path towards the town. Heavy breaths and the jingle of bells accompanied him as he fled, ensuring that a stealthy escape would not be possible.

Nyx “The House Master” // Witch // ♦︎ // location: Mansion (front yard > entry) // tags: Maria, human group,

Nyx watched Maria's reaction silently, her golden eye scanning the canine over thoroughly before carefully setting her back down on her feet. "... very well. You look fully transformed by now, and stretching your legs will make you more comfortable. If you think you can control yourself then you can follow your friends inside- if you feel any degree of uncertainty, however, please stay out here." The witch held the wolf's face in her hands as she simplified her instructions as much as she felt was needed, then took them away and briskly walked to the front door after the others had made it inside.

A concerned stare was fixed on Ellis and the dragon standing next to him before it moved to the hungry vampire. Nyx tightened her jaw as she thought for a moment, then sighed in defeat. Her heels clicked as she stepped inside again and stopped by one of the spiral staircases. She pulled a book-disguised lever on a bookshelf and with a soft -click- it revealed the classic hidden staircase downward. Finally, the witch looked back and addressed the room.

"Please do not leave the house. You two, and anyone else who got hurt, follow me. The rest of you stay up here." She looked back to Eventide and Ellis and gave a flick of her finger to prompt them to follow her and gracefully disappeared into the darkness. Although she was not visible anymore, she added a quick, "My familiar will keep you company. Ask him for help should you need it."

The black cat that was curled up on the floor by the door did not look all too helpful, but his wide eyes made it evident that he was at least paying attention to the situation.

Audrey // Human // ♦︎ // location: mansion entryway // tags: human group, Nyx, Bryce, Silver, Xanthe

Audrey panted in the doorway of the house, her vision spinning from the effort of making it over. Kori's hand was still held very tightly although the girl had released her grip around his torso, and her now free hand grasped the wall for support. She barely registered much about the sight inside until Seraphina spoke and Audrey finally looked up.

To say the least, the entryway that they had stepped into was not the one that she had expected; it was far more comfortable than the usual abandoned building. The outside of the house gave no indication that the inside was as brightly lit than it was, even if that light came from an array of a chandelier, candles, and different styles of antique lanterns. The wooden structures were not rotten in the slightest, and the furniture was barely (if at all) dusty. If Audrey hadn't looked into the history of the house beforehand to make sure that it was long empty, she would have sworn that someone were still living in it.

Sure enough, two people were standing there to greet them. and then a third appeared right as the rest of the group was filing in. Audrey's hazel eyes grew wide as she observed the strange characters- mostly Bryce and Xanthe, since Silver appeared to look quite normal. As if Bryce's outfit weren't eye-catching enough, his twitchy attitude and red irises were sure to draw any attention his way. The brunette very quickly realized that these people were probably actors or other kids that were set up here by the person who had posted the "invitation", which was made even more evident by the mothman's implication that they weren't human. Audrey did not voice this assumption just yet since she could not find as easy of an explanation for outside- something very real had taken a bite out of Ellis' shoulder, and she had found their reaction to be awful genuine.

"Sorry- there's-" Audrey started to explain themselves, still in the midst of catching her breath. "Werewolf-" the girl eventually got out, her eyes pleading as she looked towards Silver and hoped that she believed them. "Our friend- do you have a first aid kit or something? We have to call an ambulance-" She started to panic a little bit, especially when she realized that her phone was not with her anymore and swore under her breath. There was no way she was going to go back out for it, although this discovery did make her feel even more anxious (if that were even possible at this point).

She was snapped out of her hopelessness at the muttering of the boy next to her, and in a moment of courage she didn't know she had, Audrey raised their still-clasped hands. "Hey, hey, we will. Soon. Everything is going to be fine and we'll figure everything out and get back, okay?" Her eyes rose to Nyx and watched what she was doing, then shook Kori's hand again. "See? They're going to help Ellis. They're strong, they'll be all right." The teen murmured, trying to convince herself of the same thing.

Eventide (Vin) // Dragon // ♦︎ // location: mansion entryway // tags: human group, Nyx, Bryce, Silver

Ellis' "thank you" right next to Eventide's head caused an expression of regret force itself onto their face. "No, I'm... I'm sorry." He mustered out with a shaky breath, closing an eye in effort when they made it to the steps by the door. "This is all my fault. I..." Vin trailed off. It seemed like they were going to say something else but thought better of it, and eventually they just shook their head. "I'll tell you later. Let's get you fixed up first."

The lavender-haired dragon slowly brought Ellis inside, ignoring what was either sweat or blood drenching their clothing. It meant little to them either way. Even when it could have meant Ellis losing more blood Vin didn't know why they couldn't bring themself to shift forms, but that didn't mean that they wouldn't give it their all in their current one. When the person dressed as a witch from before gestured for them to follow her into an extremely suspicious cave-looking passage way, Eventide felt that they couldn't refuse. The sensation this time was stronger than when she had pushed him before, actually, and the teenager could have worn he felt a thread on his chest pulling him along. As gently as he could, Vin helped Ellis down the stairs.

The sight at the bottom was... kind of exactly what one might expect in the basement (or dungeon..?) of a haunted house. The room looked like the lab of a mad scientist, boasting all kinds of strange contraptions and mixtures. There were also a number of empty cages, ones that Vin sincerely hoped wouldn't be put to use any time soon.

The dragon held their companion a little tighter when they looked back to the center of the room, stiffening at the sight of Nyx expertly mixing a few fluorescent liquids in flasks. "What are you planning on doing with those? Shouldn't we get something to stop the bleeding?" Vin couldn't hide the outrage in his voice, though did his best to lower his volume for Ellis' sake. Their pupils had also narrowed quite dramatically as they got defensive, along with a few iridescent scales becoming a little more obvious.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby SilverWoes » Fri Aug 13, 2021 12:10 am

✼ S I L V E R ~ ✼ Location: downstairs - Tags: Bryce, Nyx, Xanthe, human group - Feeling: S T R E S S E D -

Well, it took a bit to startle Silver but the situation at hand was certainly startling enough. She was enjoying the pleasantries with Bryce, nodding along quietly. "If you lunge for someone, don't be offended if you get hurt in the process of me trying to stop you.." she replied, half joking half serious. She was confident that she could at least do that, though entertaining a group of teenagers was a bit harder, surprisingly. As they watched the group approach, rather frantically at that, she began to question a LOT in a bit of a panicked way.

As they came in with one bleeding, the rest panicked and Nyx telling them to stay put, the only thing that Silver really registered in her mind was Xanthe showing up and asking if there were humans. "Humans.. yeah these guys are teenagers.." she responded, before looking at the group. She could say something, like really say something and help the situation. Despite the anxiety bubbling up in her, she would try, and try she did. Opening her mouth, she said something, something alright, "Hello.." and that was all she could get herself to say as her hands began shaking, she internally facepalmed and looked at the shocked group before her. Maybe that was enough, who knows.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby gray~ » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:42 am

Bryce Heathcliffe - he/they - vampire - Location: The Lobby - Tags: Silver, Xanthe, the humans

Bryce gave a wry smile to Silver when she spoke - he could sense the serious undertone to the joke, and truthfully expected nothing less. A part of him, likely what mortal part of him was left, doubted she could really hurt him if she tried, but he'd long since learned that people in this world were very rarely what they seemed. In fact, he was certain that many men had thought the exact thing about him, moments before he drained their life force. So he wouldn't underestimate the woman, and instead was glad she was there to keep him in check. He took a deep breath as the first of the humans entered the house. So far so good - as the first few humans took their refuge, Bryce got himself under control. He could hardly even smell the blood in the air anymore over the smell of fear radiating off the teenagers that were piling in, clearly out of their depth. And, perhaps more importantly, none of them had moved to attack him or Silver yet. They seemed to be keeping it together surprisingly well. Bryce tried to give them all a welcoming smile, pointedly hiding his fangs, as he didn't want to scare them all too much. At least not yet anyways.
He was as surprised as anyone when the dark-haired person ran into the room, talking about 'humans'. Well, so much for taking things slow with the group. He debated introducing himself to them, or dealing with new company, but seeing Silver floudering a bit, he decided to do what he did best and stepped in.
"Alright, come on in everyone, there's space for everyone," he opened, ushering people further into the front hall so they didn't crowd at the door. The smell of blood was stronger now, and glancing about the crowd he saw the source of it - a nasty looking wound on one of the older ones. Involuntarily he hissed quietly, mouth twitching and revealing his sharp fangs until he forced himself to tear his eyes away and composed himself. This whole thing really could have been going better. He was grateful when Nyx did show up, and lead the bleeding person into the basement, taking some stress off of Bryce. He focused his attention on the one young lady of the group who actually spoke up, to some extent anyway. When she mentioned 'werewolves', he couldn't help the eyeroll. The animosity between vampires and werewolves was largely fictional, and blown out of porportion considerably, but a part of Bryce still wasn't surprised that it had been one of them at the centre of this mess. He addressed her, trying very hard to pretend that he hadn't just bared his fangs at the group moments ago.
"A werewolf, hm?" he responded, standing as casually as he could. "That's certainly a shame, I'm glad you all came out unscathed - at least mostly. That's no small feat, you know. But don't worry, your friend is in good hands - The lady of this house is a very impressive woman, and should fix up a little bite like that in no time at all." Truthfully, he had no idea how long a werewolf bite took to heal. But he did know that saying anything with enough confidence tends to make people feel a little bit better. He stood back to address the whole group, deciding to take up hosting duties, despite barely knowing the house better than their new guests.
"Well, welcome to our home, I suppose. My name is Bryce Heathcliffe, if you need anything you can just let me know. Um..." He glanced around. Did he even know where the living room was on this floor? He was suddenly very much wishing he'd got that tour from Nyx earlier... curse their timing. "I suppose my associate Silver can show you all to the living room? Get you somewhere to sit before the inevitable questions start coming. It's better than standing around here any longer, hm?"

Ellis Harlowe - they/them - human - Location - the basement - tags: Nyx, Eventide

Ellis' brow knitted in confusion as Vin apologised. They may have been barely lucid at this point, but they were lucid enough to pick up that it was certainly odd. Was he maybe just the type of person who apologised for everything, believed everything was his fault? What was he going to 'tell them later'? As many questions as they might have had, now was not the time to ask. Like Evan had said - they had more pressing priorities. They pushed on into the house, and took note of their bizarre new surroundings. Everyone had said the house was abandoned, in disrepair. In fact, half the reason the adults had forbid exploring the place was that it was 'unsafe' and 'decrepit' - so they hadn't been expecting a pristine, beautifully kept, well-lit interior, and they certainly weren't expecting company. Maybe it was the blood they'd already lost, but even Ellis was surprised at how quickly they accepted their new reality. A monster had attacked them, and now they were in a haunted house, complete with some weird goths and a woman in a witch hat. They were, in this moment, fully on board that the supernatural existed, and they were surrounded by them in this house. They allowed themself to be lead after the witch, leaning on Vin as they struggled down the stairs.
"I honestly don't know what I'd do without you," they half laughed when they reached the bottom, holding on to Vin's hand gratefully and following the witch into the basement. They watched as she pulled out a number of potions, and weirdly found themself perfectly okay with whatever she was concoting. Distantly, they wondered if a spell had been put on them, but realistically it was probably a combination of the pain in their shoulder and the weird situation they'd been thrust into - Ellis was ready to just accept anything right now. They only realised something may be amiss at all when Vin started demanding answers from her. They turned their head to watch him as he spoke, and was shocked to see his skin.... shimmer? Appearing almost in iridescent violet scales... Now Ellis was certain they were losing it slightly. Thank god Vin was there, because clearly they couldn't even trust their own eyes right now. They'd just have to trust their friend to look after them.
Last edited by gray~ on Sun Aug 15, 2021 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:44 am

Viti Vi genderfluid- 18- guys; Nikolav is crush- Neko- jumping, swimming, cat communication, cat form- Mochi lover, loves purple- Tags: Silver, humans, Maria, whoever else

The blue eyed brown and light purple haired one hummed a bit. They rubbed the vitiligo of one arm, then shook their head. Their ears and tail moved, a bow on said brown tail. They touched the choker, then looked up. They heard voices, including Nyx, and made a small sound. They turned into their cat form, which didn’t include the purple.

They also didn’t seem to have the vitiligo in this form. The bow was still on their tail, and the choker now looked like a collar. The brown cat mewed as they ran down the hallway. They skidded to a stop when they saw the humans, and mewed.

Maau M; Kirin prince m- 18- homo; Zayn for now- Kirin- Leadership, turning into dragon horse whatever, horse and dragon communication, floating, holy fire- really likes carrots (lol), Chinese, dances sometimes, likes water- Tags

The tan skinned and brown eyed beauty was wearing bottoms, a t shirt and a flannel. The flannel was tied around his waist. The sweet and gentle but wild and crazy sometimes one smiled. Since he was in the house, he was showing the brown antlers. They stuck out of his silver ended long reddish brown hair.

He had the deep blue pendant from his mom on, as well. He hummed to himself as he began to walk down the halls. He was happy here, and he had a great life so he liked it here.

Leslie White Les, Lie agender- 16- girls; open- human- swimming, intelligence, writing, running- likes red and brown, German and Russian- Tags: the group, Nyx, Silver and others, Viti

The five foot four and one sixteen pound light skinned beauty sighed. The reddish brown eyed white blonde one entered the house. They watched the witch open a passage and take the others. They checked them self, but were pretty sure they were fine. They made a small sound when Audrey spoke. They shook their head a bit, because it had been a white wolf.

They looked to the two or three residents, obviously they lived here. “Hello,” they said shortly, then looked at the cat. They looked at the golden brown and white wolf. They then looked over as another cat made noise, seeing the brown cat.

Maria Athos Mare f- 18- lesbian; Nyx- werewolf (turned)- speed, wolf form, intelligence, swimming- Affiliation: the human kids, for now- was turned by a friend, Favorite colors: green and brown, likes ice cream and meat loaf- Tags: the group, Nyx, Viti

The green eyed white marked golden she wolf twitched her brown ears. She squeaked as her face was held, not sure how she made that sound. She’d never known wolves could squeak. She nodded to the other female to show she understood. She also thanked the lord up in heaven she had fur to cover the blush…She watched the witch then walk inside. She hesitated a moment, then decided she’d be fine.

She followed the witch inside, whining softly as she saw Ellis and Vin. She trotted over to touch their hands with her nose. She licked their hands because she didn’t know what else to do. She then watched a lever be pulled and a door open. She watched them go down, then looked to the others. She then turned her gaze to Silver and the other(s). She winced when Audrey said werewolf singular…Would they think it was her that had done it, then?

She looked to the black cat, trotting over to sniff him and tilting her head. She then heard a mew and turned to see a second cat. That one was brown, and she stared at it. She wondered if it lived here or if it was also the witch’s.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby owl0430 » Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:31 pm

Seraphina Lux-17-female-human- tags: the group, Nickolav

What exactly was reality, anyways? How much of their world did they truly know? Was reality naught but a philosophical concept determined by the individual based on their own desires and ambitions- what they beleived, or wanted to beleive, to be true? Were these people before them actors, or creatures of the unknown? Most of them looked to be relatively humans. Just small actions or phrasing that seemed simply...not.

None of which she wanted to answer at the present. Or have answered. In fact, she didn't even want a hint, finding the concept of 'being in the dark' to such information to be far more appealing than being privy to it.

Easier said than done, however. Maria... was a wolf creature now. Or at least looked to be. Ellis was wounded. There was some sort of witch lady who could practically dissappear at will, casually carrying what she thinks is Maria, an individual who seemed interesting enough until you saw his red eyes, some other girl, and someone wearing sunglasses. At night. Not to mention that their apparent new-emergency go-to was a cat. A CAT. Nor that it wasn't an adorable little feline, but. It's a CAT.

Releasing Audrey so she could further comfort Kori, the female spoke up. " Honestly? I can't speak for the rest of us, but right now.. I just really need to sit down." I need a moment to process this insanity she didn't add. . The immediate danger had worn off and, despite everything taught by horror movies, she felt drained. Physically and mentally. Truth be told, she wasn't sure how much fight she had left in her if something else were to happen. She'd probably just leave it to instinct and hope for the best.
Cecil Neoma-20-male-Dragonewt- tags:Nyx, Nickolav, the humans

Had his plan backfired? Slightly. Did he at least succeed in keeping Nikolav away from the manner? That much is a yes. Only now the werewolf was heading for the town. Aside from the human Nickolav bit- the town was much worse. Far more people...some potentially with weapons. More risks....the potential for more investigations towards the manor, which would be problematic for all of them. A fate with far dire consequences than a group of deliquents.

But with as fast as Nikolav was moving, it was only a matter of time til they got to the now. A rather short amount of time. Peaceful resolution would have been best- but to catch the wolf, more..extreme measures would need to be taken. Thankfully, at least, the bells made it easier to follow which direction Nikolav had gone in, and the size of his true form exceeded that of the wolf, allowing him to keep up despite being slower. Afterall, he was trying to weave through the dense trees- much easier said than done when you had wings.

But it wasn't enough- the wolf was agile and slender compared to him. If he went through the wrong pair of trees, he'd loose him. Or if the forestation got any thicker. Therefore he readied another shot of ice to block the wolf's path, making sure he outstretched his wings as best he could, hoping to make it at least appear that there was no path out.

Pressing himself to the ground, he attempted to show the wolf he wasn't a true threat- he had no intentions of causing it harm....granted that likely seemed the opposite when he extended his neck and reached for the wolf with open jaws- attempting to pick the wolf up that way so he could carry him and simply drop him into the spectral cage. No more running through the labyrinth of trees, trying to avoid the town and any other humans that could be wandering about.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Sat Aug 14, 2021 11:39 am

Atlas O'Hara
Location: Woods
Tagged: Niko, Cecil
He had just begun to relax a little - this walk didn't even seem so bad, almost relaxing, in fact. He made a mental note to try and take forest walks more frequently. Little did Atlas know, things were about to be shaken up for him very soon.
It started with him hearing the jingling of... bells? Confused, he slowed down his walking, wondering where it was coming from... and why it was getting steadily louder - in the sense that it was getting closer. This was getting weird, he thought. Ugh, why did he even begin to think he could relax? He half-thought that maybe he was just hearing things, and pressed on. He had to find the others, anyway, he reminded himself. At least, anyone who was still remaining, still not convinced that the house was safe - if he even found it, that is.
Anyway, that sound was getting closer, and he could now hear it was accompanied by heaving breathing and something rhythmically thudding against the path up ahead - like footsteps. Atlas felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle, and he felt an almost overwhelming sense of dread. Maybe he should just turn back and go back to town, and to heck with whatever the others might think of him? As much as he thought about it, though, he just couldn't quite make himself turn around, as if a part of him wanted to find out what was ahead and wasn't going to let him leave. He... wasn't quite prepared for the scene he'd stumble upon.

Atlas finally stopped walking, only because he was so shocked at what he was now looking at. A large wolf creature, looking frantic - and was the source of the jingling, he noticed - but even more shocking was a large dragon, far bigger than the wolf. His eyes widened. "What the..." he murmured, too distracted by the dragon to even really notice anything else now, and he took a slow step back.

Xanthe Chicane
Location: The House
Tagged: Bryce, Silver, Humans!!
It seemed they'd arrived just in time, because the group of humans was just filing into the house. One of them had appeared to be hurt, but was soon getting attended to. From the looks of things, the humans seemed like they were all teenagers. Ah, curious high schoolers. Xanthe was sure that they'd overheard some talk of a walk to the house when they'd last been in the town - this must be that very group. His eyes widened a little when one member of the group mentioned a werewolf. Uh oh - had their secrets been given away already? They didn't think that it would be a good idea to show their own true form just yet... they didn't want all these new potential friends leaving! But it was going to be difficult, considering they were very excited to be this close to humans and talking to them.
Xanthe tried to act casual, especially as they had glanced towards Bryce and saw that he'd just shown his fangs to the humans. Maybe none of them had noticed.
"Yes, yes! To the living room with Silver." Xanthe jumped in, although they knew that they probably could have led the group themselves. They had chosen to not comment about any of the previous statements - they weren't sure they could be convincing enough to make the humans think that they'd only encountered a regular wolf rather than a werewolf, and the hurt human was already being seen to at this point. It was, in their opinion, perhaps best to just try and move the conversation on.

As Xanthe started to gesture for the humans to step further into the house - so that there wouldn't be anyone hanging around in the doorway - they looked up as well, looking directly at some of the light fixtures. They focused on a particularly bright light fixture, and was almost immediately mesmerised by it. "Oooh..." Xanthe murmured, staring at the light from behind their sunglasses. They mostly frozen in place, aside from their hand, which they were slowly moving towards their sunglasses, as though they were going to remove them for a better look at the light.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby cocogerber13 » Sat Aug 14, 2021 9:36 pm

Nikolav // Werewolf // ♦︎ // location: woods outside the mansion // tags: Cecil, Atlas

The wolf bounded forwards, the thundering of gigantic steps behind him spurring him onwards despite his depleting stamina. Niko had spent the majority of his energy already that night and he was (rightfully) worn out. This meant that the human that he would have otherwise plowed straight into was safe from harm- at least, until a blast of ice blocked their exit and the canine skidded to a stop.

Nikolav rounded on his assailant, giving a rush of aggressive barks before whimpering and snapping at the dragon’s head that was about to make him into a midnight snack. This threat did not work very well on a dragon ten times his size, however, and despite the obvious size difference between werewolves and humans, Niko elected to hide behind the newcomer. The large animal whined at Atlas from behind him, pressing himself into the human’s back while he watched from older his shoulder.

Nyx “The House Master” // Witch // ♦︎ // location: Mansion (front yard > entry) // tags: Ellis, Eventide

Nyx looked up sharply at Eventide’s outburst, continuing to pour and mix liquids from various Tupperware containers and potion bottles. “Yes, it would be wonderful if you could grab a bandaid for that werewolf bite.” She quipped sarcastically. “And to answer your question,” Her eye went back to the finished “liquid”, which glowed a soft cyan hue- “I am ‘planning’ to stop the curse of lycanthropy from claiming your friend- unless they’d like to sign up for the monthly subscription of Wolf™?” She sneered, sprinkled a few unidentifiable ingredients into the bottle, corked it, and shook. In a few seconds Nyx slid the turquoise bottle over the counter to the two, taking another moment to retrieve a folded cloth and slide that over as well.

“Make your decision quickly- it is still the full moon, after all. If you’d like to remain human, then wipe the wound with that. Then we’ll get to wrapping you up.” The witch turned on her heel again, checking a couple of cabinets and intentionally leaving the room to give the two privacy to talk- although not before setting a roll of gauze and bottle of disinfectant by them. Truly such a thing as a health potion did technically exist, but it would have been counterintuitive to give it to them without the wound being cleaned first.

Eventide (Vin) // Dragon // ♦︎ // location: mansion entryway // tags: Ellis, Nyx

Eventide’s expression turned grim at Ellis’ grateful comment and refused to make eye contact with the other. It was, after all, his fault that they were even in this situation- which meant that the answer to it would’ve been “safer”.

The scaled teen felt a bit sheepish after Nyx explained something that was quite well-known as far as werewolf lore, feeling a bit embarrassed that they hadn’t considered the possibility before. The way the witch had addressed them did make him a bit irked however, and he could feel the tip of his tail involuntary flick back and forth in irritation. Vin stiffened as he felt the familiar weight of a tail behind him, and hurriedly brought a hand to his head to feel the smooth texture of his anthers. Fear struck his heart as he did what he could to get behind Ellis while still supporting him, bringing him closer to the counter that the supplies were on. “S-sorry... and thank you for helping us.” Eventide said curtly, forcing themself to change back to “normal” before pulling out a stool for Ellis. They then uncorked the bottle and soaked the washcloth, about to bring it to the still-bloody bite marks before they hesitated. “Eh... um... did you... want... to be a werewolf..?” They questioned with quiet awkwardness, unsure if they should have just wiped the wound and gotten it over with. It was a crazy question to ask, especially after Ellis themself had just gotten mauled by one, but since Nyx had opened it as an opportunity Eve figured it was up to them.


Audrey // Human // ♦︎ // location: mansion entryway // tags: human group, Bryce, Silver, Xanthe

More and more from watching these... people(?)s reactions, it seemed less and less like some kind of elaborate prank and more like... a dream? She couldn’t for sure put a finger on it, but as someone who had extensively studied films for fun this... didn’t seem to be the usual formula for a horror movie. At the same time though, there was something of a trope where the main characters are forced to take refuge in some dangerous building. The hair on the back of the girl’s neck stood up at this realization, and still holding Kori’s hand tightly, silently ran through the scenario in her head. Typically horror movie protagonists split up, right? Which meant that they just had to Not do that-

A sinking realization came to Audrey when her glance fell on the secret staircase downward; they had already been split up. She felt that, even if she tried to go down there, with or without the rest of the group, it would be too risky. They might even be met with an extremely gruesome sight- the only thing that kept her from freaking out then and there is the lack of screams or other creepy noises. Ellis and Eventide were also on the older end of the group, so they Had to be ok, right? Audrey gulped, but looked up when the vampire-looking guy responded to her earlier outbursts.

She felt relieved- although perhaps also a little surprised that the one introducing himself as Bryce acknowledged their experience and hadn’t laughed them off. And the praises of the strange witch lady definitely didn’t seem misplaced- at least, not intentionally. Audrey mustered up a shaky smile as the three gave friendly greetings. She was still trying to wrap her head around the situation, and though she had many questions, she didn’t feel right barging into someone’s house and interrogating them. Especially since they appeared just as surprised as they were.

“Hello... thank you for your hospitality, and I’m sorry about all of this. And... I can wait with the other questions, but... are you saying that what happened out there was real?” The brunette glanced doubtfully at the door, which had a strange lock on it now that she had apparently missed before. Her hazel gaze then fell upon Maria, unable to deny that this werewolf seemed way too similar to the human she had met before just to be a coincidence. “And Maria..? Is that really you?” The girl inquired, squatting down to the other’s level. As she waited for the wolf to respond, Audrey’s attention went back to Seraphina and she stood back up. “Y-yeah, I think that would be nice.”

The girl became a little surprised at the eagerness the person with the sunglasses sported, offering a confused grin. She was definitely out of her element here, and there were so many things to be confused and freak out about, so their attitude was... a refreshing change of pace. At least until they they maybe tried to eat them or something. Audrey hesitantly took them up on their offer, bringing Kori with her and glancing back to Seraphina and Leslie when she did make her way closer to where a large doorframe seemed to open up to an even larger room. “So... Bryce, Silver, and..?” Audrey trailed off as she waited for the mothman to introduce themself, only to look back at them transfixed on one of the lights above them. “Um...” she followed their gaze, then looked back to Xanthe and scratched her head. “Is there something up there?”

Spider (Nyx’s cat)

The cat lazily got up to stretch, making eye contact with Seraphina as it finished. It blinked slowly, then, as if hearing her thoughts about it, narrowed its eyes and stuck out its tongue at her. This gesture was quickly interrupted by the wolf that had come to press her nose to his head, to which it initially flinched back for before leaning forward and rubbing its face on hers. At the arrival of a new cat, one of the house residents, Spider recalled from their master’s musings, he tilted his head. After a moment of consideration, it flicked its tail towards the group of humans and nodded towards them as if to say “get a load of these guys.”

Spider was apparently done “conversing” with the two at this point, since he then yawned and strutted over to headbutt Silver’s leg. Of the residents Nyx had put in charge of greeting their “guests”, he felt her worry for Silver the most.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby gray~ » Sun Aug 15, 2021 1:32 am

Ellis Harlowe - they/them - human - Location - the basement - tags: Nyx, Eventide

For how well they'd been taking everything else far, Ellis was still shocked when the witch mentioned lycanthropy. For some reason, between the giant monster taking a bite of his arm, the koooky cast of characters upstairs, and this witch mixing bioluminescent potions right in front of them, it was 'you might become a werewolf' that felt like just too much for Ellis. They allowed themself to be manouvered onto the stool that was lifted out for them as their brows knitted in confusion.
"So, it was a werewolf?" They muttered, more rhetorically as the witch had already left them, and they doubted Eventide had a better idea of this whole situation than they did. But if they'd been surprised by the talk of lycanthropy, they certainly weren't prepared for Vin's follow up question. Them? A werewolf? They'd only just discovered the supernatural not ten minutes ago, and yet there they were, with an invitation to join their ranks. Realistically, the answer was no. Of course it was no. After all, they'd just born witness to the wrath of a werewolf, and no part of them had any desire for that, not to mention the life that they were looking forward to living. No, they didn't want to be a werewolf. But the extreme nature of the question gave them pause.
"I..." they began, looking at Vin. All traces of those purple-y scales were gone - they must have just been seeing things. "I uh... no. No I don't." They gave an attempt of a grin. "After all, I'm meant to be starting uni soon. I feel like the wolf thing would complicate it somewhat."
They were still well enough for humour apparently. That was good. The glanced down at their bite, and grimaced. While it wasn't outright bleeding anymore, it still wasn't a pleasant sight. Their shirt and denim jacket were steeped in red - it was a shame, Ellis really liked this jacket.
"Um... Should I... should I take these off?" They asked, somewhat sheepishly. They knew if the wound needed to be cleaned it'd likely need to be bare. Not that Ellis really had a problem taking their shirt off around people, it was just... well they'd only known Vin for a very short time after admiring them from afar for so long, it felt like taking things a bit fast. But these were somewhat extreme circumstances. They could get over themself for the sake of cleaning their bite and avoiding lycanthropy - they seemed more pressing priorities.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby SilverWoes » Sun Aug 15, 2021 7:34 am

✼ S I L V E R ~ ✼ Location: downstairs and heading to the living room - Tags: Bryce, Spider, Xanthe, human group - Feeling: S T R E S S E D -

Exhaling nervously, Silver observed the group. People weren't her thing, but she felt a bit better knowing that there was at least a bit of support there. Nodding, she looked between Bryce and Xanthe, determined that she could do this small task, this really simple task. After all, if she could disappoint her whole family without even trying, this should be a piece of cake! Grimacing slightly at that thought, as sarcastic as it was, Silver noticed Xanthe looking light as one of the humans pointed it out. "That light it just.. it's pretty bright, but the living room isn't as bright so let's go there!" she exclaimed a bit too cheerfully, internally cringing a bit at her tone. "Sounds pretty tough what happened, a dark, scary woods and encounter with a wild animal.. That's enough to get anyone terrified!" she added, hopefully toning her fake chipperness down.

Looking down as she felt something hit her leg, she realised it was Spider headbutting her leg.. which she was going to take as a sign to move it along. "Come on everyone, let's go to the living room!" she said, waving everyone along as she stopped in front of Xanthe, who was reaching for their sunglasses. "Hi, um, would you mind helping to make sure everyone gets to the living room..?" she asked, hoping it was enough to distract them from taking off their sunglasses, but ready to distract if needed.

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