☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby gray~ » Tue Aug 10, 2021 11:49 pm

Bryce Heathcliffe - he/they - vampire - Location: The House - Tags: Nyx, Silver

Bryce listened to Nyx carefully, wanting to learn as much about the house, and indeed her as he could. He picked up on the very serious tone she had when speaking of protecting others. Clearly she had a much better heart than him, and he wondered if anything had happened in her life to give her that drive to help others like her, or if she was just as good a person as she seemed. He filed that away for further inspection, preferring instead in the moment to reach forward to scratch the cat curled around the witch's shoulders. The moment his fingers touched the soft fur, however, he heard a thunk from the fireplace, and saw the heavyset stone statue emerge. He cocked an eyebrow in curiosity, regarding it and Nyx as they appeared to communicate. Something was afoot - and Bryce did love drama. He skipped after Nyx as she swept through the halls. He couldn't help the grin that crept across his features.
"Not a problem my dear - we can always do the tour some other time," he grinned. "Dare I ask what trouble has arisen? Or is it better left to surprise?"
He noted the tones of a sombre violin in the distance with some surprise. He would have liked to stop and meet the individual playing, had more interesting matters not currently grasped his attention. He followed Nyx to the front door, running into a pale young woman on the way - Silver, apparently as Nyx greeted her. As Nyx peeked outside, Bryse took the opportunity to introduce himself.
"Bryce Heathcliffe, at your service," he smiled, showing off his glinting fangs as he did so. "I'm sure it'll be a pleasure to meet you properly, once whatever drama we have at hand has passed.

Ellis Harlowe - they/them - human - Location - the forest - tags: the humans, nikolav

Ellis' breath hitched in their throat as the creature snapped at them. They were only slightly aware of what the group was doing behind them - all of their attention was focused on the beast in front of them. They did, however, notice Maria falling to the ground in apparent agony. A part of Ellis was frustrated with her - is now really the time? - but hearing the snapping and growling sounds coming from where she was, they guessed it wasn't just some regular fainting fit. Of course. Of course. They were starting to curse themself for coming along on this trip altogether - but also it seemed a good idea that they did, since no one else in the group seemed to be keeping their head abuot the whole affair. Understandable. Ellis could hardly believe they were managing to stay calm. They'd probably have a breakdown over the whole ordeal later on - provided they survived the encounter.
Speaking of... from next to him he saw Leslie pull something out of their bag. Pepper spray? Ellis wasn't terribly surprised they carried it - they'd known a lot of people who didn't feel safe in the streets, especially after dark, and Leslie had ran here, but now was hardly the time! Even if it would be effective against the creature, which Ellis highly doubted it would be, it would be read as a hostile action, and then they'd definitely be in trouble.
"What are you doing?" they demanded, more aggressive than they'd ever been in their life. They rounded on Leslie, with the intention of grabbing the pepper spray from their hand. And in the moment their back was to the massive wolf, it lunged.
Mostly by chance, Ellis' body was guarding Leslie, just from the angle they were standing, so they took the brunt of the attack. A sharp, tearing pain in their shoulder and the warm wetness of - blood? The wolf's mouth? Ellis had no intention of looking to check. They yelled out in pain, falling into Leslie slightly and accidently pushing them into the rest of the group. Okay, alright. Definitely hostile then. But what was the best course of action here? They couldn't run back into town and lead the creature to the other people, and that was even provided they successfully outran the creature for that long, which seemed impressively unlikely. There was only one option they could think of, seeing the imposing silhouette not too far from them.
"Everyone! Try and get to the house!" If even a few of them could make it inside and try and barricade the wolf out, they'd just have to wait until dawn before it was safe to leave. That was how those legends went, right? Though Ellis was unsure how far they'd make it themself - the pain in their shoulder was intense, and they were having a hard time pushing past it, not to mention the other wolf that had apparently appeared, that Ellis absolutley did not have the brain power to try and unpack right now. And then there was the wolf itself - Ellis was honestly too frightened to look and see if the wolf's jaw was still clamped down on them. They gritted their teeth, ready to at least try and make a break for it.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby SilverWoes » Wed Aug 11, 2021 6:56 am

✼ S I L V E R ~ ✼ Location: downstairs - Tags: Bryce, Nyx - Feeling: Annoyed and tired -

Nodding slightly, her eyes flickered over the scene before her. "Y-Yes.. Good evening, trouble is fine.. I guess it can't be avoided.." She answered Nyx quietly, then her eyes changing focus to Bryce, "Nice to meet you too, I'm Silver, and I hope so.. maybe this time it'll end nicer." Silver responded, her voice growing a bit stronger. Tasting the air again, she noticed a hint of pain added to the fear in the air, and she winced slightly as her head began to slightly hurt. "Whatever it is, it seems pretty bad.." she said, looking anxiously at the front door. She didn't want to have it be like the last experience, but at least she kept herself composed. She wasn't sure about this time, but she was hoping she wouldn't freak out.

Shifting her weight nervously, she sighed before asking Bryce, "How are you enjoying your time here so far, is it good? I mean this has to be pretty exciting.." and then began to kinda curse herself internally at how awkward she was. Talking and interacting with others wasn't her forte, and it was kind of showing.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby owl0430 » Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:43 pm

Seraphina Lux-17-female-human- tags: the group, Nickolav

Everything was happening so fast, it was hard to keep track. The werewolf had changed it stance, Maria had fallen to the ground and sounded like she was in pain, on top of the rather grotesque sounds that could be heard, Kori seemed to be frozen like a deer caught in head lights, and next thing she saw was Ellis getting attacked by the werewolf as he went to keep Leslie from pepper spraying the werewolf. Granted now that pepper spray would only be fair, seeing as the werewolf had attacked them first.

After that moment's events had happened, she had intended to call out to Ellis and see if they were ok, but all that came out was a breif, strangled, fearful noise that was barely audible. So instead of checking on them- clearly they were not fine, but...it was hard to process what had just happened, and in moments like that even obvious things failed to make complete sense. Especially when things that shouldn't be were.

Audrey had a fair point- they really had needed to mention werewolves, didn't they? But... the trees suddenly creaked, branches cracking and some smaller ones falling to the ground nearby. Followed by a new sound- by a new creature. It was growling, yes, but...it didn't sound anything like the werewolf did. " Say what you want, you're not wrong-" she responded to the other girl. " but we did not jinx that! " in reference, of course, to the new growls.

But even as Ellis and Vin both told the group to head for the manor, she hesitated. One said not to run, the other didn't specify. But if they didn't run...how on earth were they supposed to get away from the wolf, which most definitely would run. After them, that is. Plus she didn't want to leave the others behind- especially Ellis, seeing as he was now injured. She didn't even want to know how badly, but it definitely looked excruciating. agh....none of you better die! she hadn't even known any of the people before their venture into the woods, but from the moment they set off, they were in this together. " Come on! We need to go!" though spoken to everyone, it had been Audrey she had moved over to, gently but encouragingly grabbing hold of her wrist. Then, though it was a long shot and probably wouldn't work, she attempted to distract the werewolf enough to give Ellis and Leslie a chance. "um..uh...Squirrel?!" It was clear in her tone how stupid she thought the idea was, but at least it was something.

Cecil Neoma-20-male-Dragonewt- tags:Nickolav, the humans

From his vantage point and with his eyesight, he seen the moment Nickolav's muscled had tensed- the split second before he'd lunged. But even though he'd reached out a hand in the direction of the humans, it wasn't like he did anything. He didn't even speak, for he couldn't find the words to say. What was he to say? He would have acted to late anyways....and now one of the humans were injured.

And yet here he was, still stuck in indecision. Why is this so hard... His past experiences with humans hadn't been overly horrid- just unpleasent enough he didn't want to repeat those events. So he didn't really have any good reason to have just been sitting there, aside from keeping himself and, potentially, the manor secret.

After a few more moments, however, he'd heard the injured human, along with another, telling the rest of them to get to the house. Good- the house would help; but how much would it really protect them against the werewolf(ves)? And..was that a second one now?! Gah.... Realistically in my weaker form I could take the one...but without knowing enough about them, I doubt I could take two. Granted that second(?) one seems less hostile. At least for the moment.... the Dragonewt thought, fear and nerves forcing him to hesitate as a hand reached for his earring. If those humans can at least make it inside the manor.....hopefully I can keep the werewolves outside of it... a sigh. I just know I'm going to regret this... The iron earring fell then to the ground, his ear red and a bit irritated from where it had been.

Snapping branches and the rustling of leaves sounded soon afterwards- and lots of it. Yet no source could be seen, even as a strange growling could be heard from behind the group- this one far different than that of the werewolves. The growl was meant to, hopefully, capture Nickolav's attention from the humans. Not to scare them himself. Now, as for the icy breath he let out, just a much larger version of that he'd first used to confuse the werewolf earlier (in otherwords, it hadn't been fully powered, so to speak.), that was directed a bit more towards the humans. In intent it was meant to encourage them towards the manor, to get them moving. He figured the longer they just stood there, the longer they risked further injuries, if not casualities. If they'd interpret it that way, however, he wasn't quite sure. Probably not.

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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:08 pm

Viti Vi genderfluid- 18- guys; Nikolav is crush- Neko- jumping, swimming, cat communication, cat form- Mochi lover, loves purple- Tags

The blue eyed brown and light purple haired one hummed a bit. They rubbed the vitiligo of one arm, then shook their head. Their ears and tail moved, a bow on said brown tail. They touched the choker, then looked to their cats. The spotted tabby golden cat and the white one purred.

Viti smiled a moment, then shook their head and got up off the bed. Chester and Blanca meowed as they watched them go. Viti went out the bedroom door, wondering where Nikolav was. They wandered the halls, hoping he was okay. They then shook their head at their self a couple times.

Maau M; Kirin prince m- 18- homo; Zayn for now- Kirin- Leadership, turning into dragon horse whatever, horse and dragon communication, floating, holy fire- really likes carrots (lol), Chinese, dances sometimes, likes water- Tags

The tan skinned and brown eyed beauty was wearing bottoms, a t shirt and a flannel. The flannel was tied around his waist. The sweet and gentle but wild and crazy sometimes one smiled. Since he was in the house, he was showing the brown antlers. They stuck out of his silver ended long reddish brown hair.

He had the deep blue pendant from his mom on, as well. He hummed to himself as he began to walk down the halls. He was happy here, and he had a great life so he liked it here.

Leslie White Les, Lie agender- 16- girls; open- human- swimming, intelligence, writing, running- likes red and brown, German and Russian- Tags: the group, Nikolav, Cecil

The five foot four and one sixteen pound light skinned beauty glared at the wolf…The reddish brown eyed white blonde one held the pepper spray out. They nearly jumped when Ellis snapped at them. They would have flared at Ellis. However, then the wolf lunged as Ellis turned…Leslie yelped as they were knocked into the others. They winced when they saw the wolf clamp down on Ellis.

They made a small sound, saying “You…are you alright? No…I’d course you’re not alright,” they said, and shook their head. They looked panicked a moment, then took a breath. They didn’t know if they could get away from the wolf…Ellis was still in front of them, and the wolf was biting. They then heard Seraphina try to distract the wolf. They also heard the noises in the trees, and snapped their attention to there.

Maria Athos Mare f- 18- lesbian; Nyx- werewolf (turned)- speed, wolf form, intelligence, swimming- Affiliation: the human kids, for now- was turned by a friend, Favorite colors: green and brown, likes ice cream and meat loaf- Tags: the group, Nikolav, Cecil

The green eyed golden brown haired girl was now a brown eared golden wolf, tail tip also brown. She also had a white jaw and toes. She whimpered and shuddered on the ground. Her eyes opened to look at the girl as she sobbed, and wished she could calm her. She was in pain right now, though. She saw Audrey had phone in hand and was...either recording or trying to distract. She couldn't really tell, from the ground, which it was. She shuddered a bit more, flinching. Vin had settled beside her, but not actually touched her. Still, she'd felt him fall to his knees beside her. His hands were also hovering over her sides.

She growled weakly though, when the male werewolf snapped at Ellis. She was able to lift her head, but the pain hadn't subsided quite yet. She was sure, well she hoped, it would soon. For now, she was stuck on the ground like this, prone. She growled again, a bit stronger, when he pinned his ears and rushed. She wanted to like him, but he was attacking...She didn't like that, and so she growled. She pressed her paws to the ground, trying to rise though that only caused more pain.

-adding more-

The she wolf licked Vin’s hand as though to thank them for worrying about her. She didn’t mind if they left her here. Then again, the white and red wolf might attack her if so…She put her ears back at that thought, whining a bit. She growled when the wolf clamped onto Ellis too…She then heard the sounds in the trees, and looked up there.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby cocogerber13 » Wed Aug 11, 2021 6:17 pm

Nikolav // Werewolf // ♦︎ // location: woods outside the mansion // tags: Cecil, human group

Truthfully, Nikolav hadn’t meant to actually bite one of these intruders. Maybe snap a few times to get them to run away and chase them until they were far enough from the woods. As tasty as they might be, the werewolf still viewed them more as a threat than prey. Thus, he was surprised when his teeth sank into the shoulder of someone who had intentionally gotten in his way. Perhaps it wasn’t as intentional as the beast thought, since it sounded like the one had gotten angry at the other- although he couldn’t comprehend what they were saying in the moment. In any case, the wolf quickly let go and backed away a few strides.

It was still growling, but the tone had changed to something far less aggressive and more... scared? The taste of human blood was nothing new but drew out a few seconds of clarity for Nikolav- enough to snap the animal out of its daze and realise the severity of what he had done. “W-who..?” A single, raspy word uttered from his mouth as he stumbled backwards in a human-like position. The sight before him etched itself into Nikolav’s memory before he blinked, animosity returning with the wolf. The canine’s blue eyes darted back to the other werewolf, who was on the ground and acted as if it were wounded. Now would have been a prime time to strike had he still felt the passion of defending his forest, but something about this ordeal upset his stomach. As if that were not enough of a reason, a new, far larger threat made itself known.

The white beast whined at the unnatural growl, the fur on his back standing on end while his tail tucked between his legs. He wasn’t quite cowering yet, but the sound had frozen the blood in his veins. The humans (and other werewolf) were long forgotten now. Another growl reverberated in his throat before it let loose as a string of aggressive barks, a vain attempt to challenge the creature that had made the sound. Although he had stared stepping slowly forward to face the dragon, the rest of Nikolav’s body language made him look terrified.

Nyx “The House Master” // Witch // ♦︎ // location: Mansion (front yard) // tags: Bryce and Silver, Cecil, human group, Maria

At Bryce’s prompting (in regard to their “trouble”), Nyx gave another exasperated sigh. “Ah, you know, the trouble that comes with humans. Lately we’ve been plagued by some of the younger kits visiting from the town. It’s a little problematic for both parties.” The witch explained, her eyes scanning the area for her familiar’s return. “I have to say, they’ve kept away for a little while now and I’d hoped that that was the end of it. Unfortunately, tonight is quite possibly the worst time for them to have come. Ah yes, that reminds me. Can you control yourself around blood?” The distracted housemaster glanced back to the vampire for his answer, but didn’t have much time to dwell on it since Spider had returned with something that looks suspiciously like a unicorn’s horn in its mouth.

Leaving Silver and the new resident to talk amongst themselves, Nyx flicked the wand she had picked up and then hit it a few times with her other hand, as if to warm it up. “Hm. Would you two mind greeting our guests for me if I am not back?” She asked, though she seemed to blend into the night outside before receiving either of their answers. Nyx’s attitude at this time was still just as pleasant mannered, but there was a more than disdainful look in her eye as she approached the troublemakers.

The dark shadow moved swiftly to where she identified the commotion to be. After considering the situation and listening in on the humans’ suggestions, Nyx took on her humanoid form behind a tree and quietly walked over to Cecil. “Cecil. Can I count on you to trap that pup?” She requested, not breaking the stare trained on Nikolav even when she produced a die-sized cube from her sleeve. A toss on the ground and a flick of her wand caused it to grow into a spectral cage the size of a small truck, barely visible to any who weren’t standing directly next to it. “It will transport him to one of the cages in the lab. He won’t like it, but he’ll be fine.” She added.

Again not waiting for an answer from Cecil, Nyx disappeared back into thin air only to reappear next to Eventide, gently pushing him to the edge of the group that had started towards the mansion (after doing a bit of a double take once she realized he had scales). “Go. I will take care of your friend.” She ordered curtly before going to Maria’s side.

“I suppose this is your first time..? Shame it had to be today.” The witch gently picked up the golden-brown wolf in her arms- an unreasonable feat for most ordinary humans but one that she pulled off quite easily- and walked straight in front of Nikolav. Nikolav was luckily too preoccupied with the big scary dragon than to either notice or care, even when Nyx specifically called out to him in an irritated voice. “Niko, your next full moon will be spent in obedience training.” She huffed, calming down a bit as she glanced at Maria’s face. “Hm. Are you beginning to get used to this body?” She questioned, calmly trailing behind the group of teenagers.

Audrey // Human // ♦︎ // location: woods outside the mansion // tags: human group, Nikolav

Audrey watched with horror as Ellis rounded on Leslie, which then resulted in the lycanthrope taking a bite out of their shoulder. She would have shouted had she not been at a lack for words. The hand that was holding the phone trampled as it felt to her side and she dropped it. It felt like an indescribably long time before anything else happened, but when it did, it was almost too fast for her to process. Ellis was still standing, which is definitely more than Audrey could have said for herself, and Seraphina was quick to point of the new petrifying sound. “Yeah, come on!” She shouted after the other girl grabbed her arm, now holding the one around Kori even tighter as she dragged him with her and Seraphina to the foreboding stone steps. One of the double doors was ajar, and after throwing a glance back to the rest of her companions, Audrey shouldered it open.

“Hurry up!” She shouted again. The brunette had yet to notice the two standing inside.

Eventide (Vin) // Dragon // ♦︎ // location: woods outside the mansion // tags: human group, Nikolav, Cecil

Eventide stared helplessly down at Maria when she licked their hand, feeling quite useless in this situation. They could have of course turned into a dragon, to scare off their tormentor, but the situation didn’t feel dire enough for that just yet. Revealing oneself like that causes vulnerability and could change ones entire life in the amount of time it takes someone to snap their fingers. And yet... and yet. Eventide’s unnatural blue stare looked down at the girl they only just met about an hour ago. She was forced to reveal that very same secret, and although it didn’t seem like it was by choice, she still did it. Did this mean that he was a coward, then? Especially since he had the choice to transform but did not..? These were the thoughts that ran through Vin’s mind, unaware of his kin facing a somewhat similar sort of reality only steps away.

Vin finally snapped out of it when they heard... well, a snap. They looked up abruptly, their eyes widening in horror at the sight of (from his perspective) the werewolf’s jaws snapped around their peer’s neck. Vin faltered, and it caused an innocent person’s death. “Ellis..!” He cried out, his limbs feeling like lead but standing up anyway to grab and smack at the wolf’s head with their portfolio. “Ellis-“ their cry was cut off at the sound of Ellis’ voice, which he almost mistook for a spirit’s until he actually looked behind him and saw that Nikolav had bitten his shoulder. Vin breathed out a shaky gasp, and looked over the group again. Ellis was obviously injured and Maria was in pain (and turning into a wolf), but everyone else appeared physically fine. Emotionally? Scarred for life, no doubt, but that meant that they could at least survive.

Vin still had no clue what they were to do with Maria, however. If she were truly a werewolf like it looked, would she turn on them? And even if so, could she face off against one that seemed to have more experience? Eventide didn’t have much time to worry about it before a woman in dark clothing and a pointed hat appeared and gave him a gentle shove. Her words were oddly persuasive, and for no reason at all he had faith in her ability to keep their friend safe. With new determination, Vin slipped under Ellis’ injured shoulder and put his arm around their back to steady them. “Leslie.” He grunted from the effort, calling her along with them as he did his best to support Ellis’ weight. “You’ll be okay. Please hang in there.” Vin hissed next to their ear.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby SqueakerTheBun » Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:17 pm

kori (core-Ē)||tags: human group (and anyone else with them)||location: the woods by the mansion

kori had let himself be taken by audrey. honestly audrey was the only reason he’d been moving at all. he still was trying to comprehend the situation. maria was transformed into something, there was a random lady carrying maria, there was a literal werewolf who attacked ellis, and he still had no idea if ellis was ok. backed up was the thought of the video audrey may have gotten. if she’d hit record at the right time that is. shifting his thoughts, his eyes clouded with worry. why had he done this? his sister would be worried sick.. and now he was heading to a mysterious mansion with some person.. he sighed. he was tired, his feet hurt. he wanted to just go home. the fear that that wouldn’t happen creeped up inside him, and he squeezed audrey’s hand tighter and stared at the mansion, dazed in fear.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby gray~ » Thu Aug 12, 2021 2:29 am

Bryce Heathcliffe - he/they - vampire - Location: The House - Tags: Nyx, Silver

Bryce picked up on Silver's awkward nature very quickly. In other situations he may have explored it more, try and figure out what caused it, if any fun could be had with her. But for now, he could tell Nyx was very on edge, and whatever was happening was clearly very important.
"In truth, I haven't been here long enough to form an opinion," he replied. "I had hoped to spend the day relaxing and getting to know the place, but I suppose this is good too."
He looked to Nyx as she started explaining the situation. Ah - humans. They did tend to be at the centre of most problems. He paused as she asked if he could control himself around blood. Usually the answer was yes - so long as he fed regularly he'd have no problem being around mortals. But in the move here, he'd had to tide himself over on animal blood, which always left him feeling... peckish.
"I imagine I should be okay," He replied, taking some time over his answer. "So long as none of them come in sporting open wounds..."
As soon as he said it, he caught the smell on the air. Involuntarily, his head snapped in the direction of the humans, pupils dilating and irises turning deep, blood red. He pulled himself together, pushing past his animalistic instincts and shaking his head.
"On second thoughts," he said, trying to retain his composure and not show weakness in front of the two women, "perhaps it would be better if Silver took hostess duties..."
Before he even finished the sentence, Nyx appeared to vanish into the darkness, living up to her namesake. He sighed, shoulders visibly slumping, before he turned to Silver. He noted her apparent anxiety in talking to people, and realised leaving her on her own was maybe not the best idea he'd had. He had a very specific type that he fed on - specifically, deplorable people who did terrible things - and seeing the group of terrified teenagers grow closer to the house, he doubted any of them fitted that description. He'd just have to control himself. He'd faced worse adversity, he could do this. Nonetheless, he turned to Silver. His body language was less confident now, and he moved with a slight twitch.
"I'm afraid you might have to take most of the pleasantries," he said to her. "I'll do my best to help. And uh, in the event I do lunge for someone, if you could do your best to refrain me I'd very much appreciate it. It'd end up regrettable for everyone involved."

Ellis Harlowe - they/them - human - Location - the forest - tags: the humans, Eventide

Ellis' mind was a fog, they were finding it difficult to focus on anything at all. Tentatively, they put a hand up to their wound and looked as it came away slick with blood. They had fallen off a skateboard once, and skinned their knee pretty bad. That had been a lot of blood to them at the time, but this was worse.
Was now really the time to be thinking about their skateboarding accident? It was probably a coping machanism. The less they thought about the current situation the better, they supposed. If they had thought about it, they might have wondered why the monster didn't finish Ellis off while it absolutely had the chance, or why it seemed to have backed off in fear. If their heart pounding in their ears didn't drown out the single, pained word the wolf managed to speak, Ellis may have turned around and tried again to understand the beast. But as it was, they were in pain, and everything aside from that pain felt miles away.
They were brought back to themself by a sharp pain in their already aching shoulder, and saw Vin attach himself to Ellis' side, taking their weight. Ellis normally hated when people helped them - they were independent to the point of fault - but just this once, they thought they could make an exception. They gratefully leaned into Vin, doing their best to put one foot in front of the other as they moved off away from the wolf. They heard Vin whisper in their ear, and despite everything, smiled, letting out a pained laugh.
"I'm certainly doing better now," they said through gritted teeth. "Thank you." Part of them felt bad about bleeding on Vin, but it was certainly better than being dead. They'd buy him a new shirt after all this as thank you. They powered forward, feeling grounded with Vin at their side.
Last edited by gray~ on Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby owl0430 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 7:10 am

Seraphina Lux-17-female-human- tags: the group, Nickolav

Good- everyone finally seemed to be in action. She, Audrey, and Kori had each other- Ellis, though injured, seemed like they were being helped by Vin. Leslie seemed to be going with those two as well- and Maria...well, she didn't want to try and presently process that whole situation, or the female that came out of nowhere and seemed to be carrying her.

Instead she focused her attention in making sure the three of them at least made it to the manor- and thankfully, it had seemed they did. But she hesitated to enter- faltering to look back at the odd, paralyzing growling that had gotten closer...only to see.. a dragon?!

I'd say we're all going to need some serious therapy after this... she thought. but I don't think anyone would believe us.
Finally regaining her senses, she too entered the manor.

Relief flooded through her. They'd made it- they'd really made it inside. She nearly smiled at that fact, until she saw two other people within the manor- two people that she was positive were not with the group of them. "Um....guys..." she spoke to Audrey and Kori, eyes locked on the manor's residents.

Cecil Neoma-20-male-Dragonewt- tags:Nyx, Nickolav, the humans

Momentarily the growling had stopped, due to a certain house master having made an appearance next to him. Out of respect for the woman, he'd lowered his head to be more eye-level with her, watching her every movement carefully. As for the instructions...well, guess he didn't have a choice but to reveal himself now...at least his dragon self. They wouldn't know what he looked like in a humanoid form..right?

Though the housemaster disappeared, it seemed, as soon as she had finished talking, he'd acknowledged her words- hesitantly- with a different growl than the one he'd been using before. Afterwards he examined the spectral cage for a moment, blowing a puff of ice crystal on it out of curiosity before his focus returned to the task at hand- containing Nickolav.

Well, here went nothing.

The growls returned, a bit lounder this time, and thuds sounded from each step he took. Soon enough, a clawed foot emerged from the shadows, followed by another, and then- his snout and the rest of his head. Except now, he wasn't hunched over like he'd been for Nyx. No, as soon as he could, he risen his head back to it's full height, looking down at the werewolf. Truth be told, if this was how things were going to go, he wished he could've spread his wings as a display of power of sorts, or roared- but there wasn't enough room to fully extend his wings, and if he let out a true roar this close to the humans, he wasn't sure what kind of damage it could do to their ears. So instead he opted to just raise the growl to be a bit louder, and reared back. It was almost as if his throat had started to glow a bit, the air around him chilling. Every breath he'd exhaled created an icy mist, much like that of a human in the winter. But then, he opened his jaw- what may have been a glow before was now definitely one, and the crackling of ice could be heard. His aim? Right behind the werewolf, to keep him from running at the humans again, or trying to escape in the direction opposite the spectral cage.

Hopefully the humans wouldn't falter at seeing a dragon and finish making their way to the manor. If things got too chaotic he couldn't guarantee he could avoid striking them with his tail or the ice.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:38 am

Viti Vi genderfluid- 18- guys; Nikolav is crush- Neko- jumping, swimming, cat communication, cat form- Mochi lover, loves purple- Tags

The blue eyed brown and light purple haired one hummed a bit. They rubbed the vitiligo of one arm, then shook their head. Their ears and tail moved, a bow on said brown tail. They touched the choker, then looked to their cats. The spotted tabby golden cat and the white one purred.

Viti smiled a moment, then shook their head and got up off the bed. Chester and Blanca meowed as they watched them go. Viti went out the bedroom door, wondering where Nikolav was. They wandered the halls, hoping he was okay. They then shook their head at their self a couple times.

Maau M; Kirin prince m- 18- homo; Zayn for now- Kirin- Leadership, turning into dragon horse whatever, horse and dragon communication, floating, holy fire- really likes carrots (lol), Chinese, dances sometimes, likes water- Tags

The tan skinned and brown eyed beauty was wearing bottoms, a t shirt and a flannel. The flannel was tied around his waist. The sweet and gentle but wild and crazy sometimes one smiled. Since he was in the house, he was showing the brown antlers. They stuck out of his silver ended long reddish brown hair.

He had the deep blue pendant from his mom on, as well. He hummed to himself as he began to walk down the halls. He was happy here, and he had a great life so he liked it here.

Leslie White Les, Lie agender- 16- girls; open- human- swimming, intelligence, writing, running- likes red and brown, German and Russian- Tags: the group, Nikolav, Cecil

The five foot four and one sixteen pound light skinned beauty startled when the wolf spoke. How…? The reddish brown eyed white blonde one didn’t have time to question it as a lady appeared. She had a pointy hat and a wand. Leslie stared a moment, then heard Vin call to them. They said “C…Coming,” and moved to catch up to him and Ellis.

Maria Athos Mare f- 18- lesbian; Nyx- werewolf (turned)- speed, wolf form, intelligence, swimming- Affiliation: the human kids, for now- was turned by a friend, Favorite colors: green and brown, likes ice cream and meat loaf- Tags: the group, Nikolav, Cecil

The green eyed white marked golden she wolf was able to move her tail. She could also move the brown ears, of course. She tried to wag her tail, but was still in pain. Instead, she tried to raise a paw and managed to, putting it on Vin. She growled as she saw Nikolav biting Ellis…She couldn’t really do anything to help, but Vin smacked at the wolf.

She whined a bit when the scaled one did that…and now noticed he had some scales. She then flinched when a lady appeared. She would have growled at her…yet something told her not to. She watched as Vin went to help Ellis, and called to Leslie too. She perked her ears as the lady spoke. Was she a witch? the wolf wondered. She then let out a small yip, not wanting to try and nod her head. She whined when she was picked up, but soon settled down.

She growled when they approached the wolf…then quieted down. She heard the witch speak to him, and she sounded annoyed. She seemed to calm when she looked at Maria, though. The golden, brown and white wolf found that odd. She also found the witch attractive, which she definitely wasn’t going to say… She finally did nod to the witch.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:58 am

Atlas O'Hara
Location: Woods
Tagged: Open
It took Atlas at least twenty minutes of frowning, checking his watch and pacing the area of the meeting point at the edge of the woods before he realised that no one else was turning up. He muttered something about the others being too scared, but only then realised, as he checked the time on his phone compared to his watch... he'd been late. "And they didn't even wait for me." he complained to himself. Complaining wasn't as much fun without anyone to complain to. Ugh. No one had better thought he'd bailed. He couldn't stand the thought of others thinking he'd been too scared. That meant, he realised, he was going to have to go alone. Very well.

Turning towards the woods, Atlas looked through the trees, then stepped onto the path. He took out a torch, although he surprisingly didn't need to use it just yet - there was just enough light for the path. Still, he kept it on him, just in case, and started walking.
Atlas walked fairly quickly, though carefully, wanting to try and catch up with the others, but at the same time not wanting to make too much noise - he was, admittedly, a little concerned about waking something dangerous up. And since no one had come running screaming back down the path yet, that could only mean that either things were going well, or something horrible had happened to everyone. He... rather hoped it was at least mostly the former.

Xanthe Chicane
Location: The House
Tagged: Open
Xanthe had been asleep - taking naps was one of the things they very much enjoyed doing. Right behind playing with and swinging from the light fixtures and chasing cars at night in the human towns. Humans were so fun and interesting. Although for some reason, they tended to drive faster when they were about. Not that anyone had managed to get a good look at them.

Anyway, when Xanthe woke up and got dressed for the evening - deciding that they would currently stay in their human form for the time being - they couldn't help but catch the faint words mentioning... humans? That caught their interest immediately. Were they going to have human visitors? Had they already arrived? They started practically vibrating in excitement, and burst out of their room and shot down the hallways. So far, no sign of any humans. Their eyes, they could sense, were already involuntarily turning big and red, so they skidded to a halt in the lobby, and put on their sunglasses to hide their eyes. No need to scare anyone with them just yet, right? "Humans?" Xanthe said, quite unable to get anything else out.
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