Secrets of Chicago (Open & Accepting!)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: Secrets of Chicago (Open & Accepting!)

Postby Craboom-047 » Sat May 29, 2021 10:22 am

Adrian Taylors|24|Here for Work|Visiting human|tags/mentions: Adrian|on the street

Adrian continued on his way, deciding to take the scenic route, hoping to get a better feel for the city. It seemed the grid system would work to his advantage, so long as he did not go too far from where he was familiar with. Considering he had come to the city for a job offer, he did not have much of a chance to actually get to know his new home since then. He knew this would be the chance. He could finally get out and distract himself with this new setting. Maybe, if he was lucky enough he could meet some new people around. He doubted this could result in any actual friendships, but seeing some familiar faces could be nice. Although, he did hope deep down he could find some friends on this walk, or soon after. It was not enjoyable being in this city without even some familiar faces other than coworkers.
As Adrian continued to walk along the street, he was soon interrupted with the sudden feeling of piping hot liquid around his abdomen. He let out a surprised gasp at the sudden burning sensation. It took a few seconds to recover from the shock before he heard someone apologizing. He looked up to see an unfamiliar figure apologizing to him and offering him tissues. He took a few seconds to process before say, "Oh, ummm, you are fine, accidents happen. The tissues would be much appreciated, it is... quite hot."

Joshua Reynolds|30|the Mysterious|Accustomed human|tags/mentions: Lucinda, Rhysand, Emery|Supernatural Archives

Joshua continued to do what he was doing, not sure what else to do for now. He kept an eye out on the woman up front, not sure what to do or say. That is, until she spoke to him once more. He stared at her awkwardly for a moment, not entirely sure what the exact reason was aside his general search for knowledge. Maybe if he was to think of a specific species for the time being and then look for others in further visits. What could he do? What could he do? Oh, of course, dragons. He had always been interesting in learning more about them. That seemed like a good place to start out, in his mind. He snapped back to reality and quickly spoke up, "Oh, apologies, I completely blanked when I got here. I was looking for some information on dragons."
Joshua could only hope that was good enough of an answer. He continued to look around the area, hoping he could find some stuff on his own. He could not help but notice someone else enter soon enough. He continued to wander, keeping an eye on everyone else around the area. He happened to be lucky enough to be around the other two when he heard his name being mentioned. He paused a bit before chiming in, "Oh, sorry to interrupt, but I happen to know a Josh. That would be myself."

Metilaeno Aquithea|"Maeve"|"25"|Weapon Enchanter|Siren|tags/mentions: Evantide, Izzy|street

Metilaeno was quick to turn her attention to Izzy as soon as she started speaking to her. Not that she wanted to appear rude to the guy she just realized was that dragon she had thought to have seen around on occasion, but she found more importance in talking to the ooze who she bought potions from. Her work was quite a priority for her. She heard the ooze ask if she needed the usual order, and Meti simply responded with a confident grin and a nod. She waited as the ooze responded to the dragon, wondering what the context of that conversation was. She walked in with the other two when beckoned in and sat down as soon as she could. She had been on her feet for quite a while, so a chance to sit down was a relief for her. Since she was inside, she felt a lot more comfortable since she was away from the public. She heard the ooze talk to her once more, only for her to softly reply, "Sounds good. I can wait."
Metilaeno continued to wait around, not wanting to rush Izzy in her work. She was faithful that she would not be disappointed. As she sat there, she turned her attention towards the dragon, curious to see what he was doing. She heard him say something, only for her to quickly reply, "Were you talking to me?"
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Re: Secrets of Chicago (Open & Accepting!)

Postby cocogerber13 » Sat May 29, 2021 7:42 pm

Celia Chase // Visiting Human - Starting a New Life // Location: Street (supernatural area) // Tags: Xanthe, Valentine

Celia tensed up a little at the introduction of a new (and accented) voice, quickly glancing to where it had come from only to find someone that looked like a relatively normal human. Although this new man’s “normality” was a new observation that the woman had to make from now on, what caught her attention more was the deep crimson-brown of dried blood on his shirt, and an awful lot of it. The dark brunette made a bit of a cut-off choking sound in surprise. Her wide hazel eyes were trained on the stain even as this new guy spoke, although admittedly Celia was only half listening. Was this guy okay?? He didn’t act like he had any injuries- so did he cause that instead??? Thinking more about it, a common supernatural that seemed to fit these qualities and came to mind might be a vampire. In any case, it appeared that this man knew Xanthe.

Celia snapped out of her stupor when the being in question introduced her to the other, quite excitedly, she noted. Seeing as how they specifically mentioned how she was “also a human”, the Canadian figured her vampire theory had been shot down. This also confirmed that Xanthe was not a human themself- although this was of little importance at the moment, since this point of the conversation dictated that she would now need to speak up for herself. “Hi! Are You Dying?!” Celia couldn’t think of any other way to get to the point as urgently as she needed to, although she figured being straightforward like that should at least get her some kind of explanation.

Both other parties completely disregarded the bloodstained shirt, continuing to chat about their blatant dislike of the city as well as plans for the evening. As Celia looked between the two during their exchange, she noticed that Xanthe’s eyes had returned to how they were during her brief glimpse of them. It was far less surprising this time, and although Celia would love to stare at them longer, she felt that that would be rude and instead tried to catch up with the conversation. “I’m not really in a rush or anything, so we can go whatever way you think is best!” She chipped in without too much consideration. Although she was definitely curious about this place, Celia had very little interest in risking her life for it- which was a risk that she was thinking more about as she pondered the owner of the blood on Valentine’s shirt. Noticing that she was staring at the Brit again, she blinked a few times and lifted a hand to touch her forehead. “Sorry, Valentine, as it? Assuming you’re not bleeding out right now- which I think is safe to say since the blood isn’t fresh..?- anyway, yeah, what Xanthe said. Celia the human.”

The woman’s hand finally dropped to her side as she gave the mothman a somewhat disbelieving grin. “So... to your apartment? And thanks so much again for doing this.” Although Celia couldn’t make much of Valentine just yet, Xanthe’s reactions came off as rather genuine.


Eventide, “Evan” // Dragon - Human Researcher // Location: Outside of The Crystal Core// Tags: Izzy, Metilaeno

Eventide’s eyelids fluttered open in surprise when they heard Metilaeno speak up, having little trouble hearing her despite the softness of her voice. That was one of the perks of commanding the wind, he supposed. His surprise was more so from the observation that, on the few occasions in which he had run into her, it was the first he had actually heard her speak. Metilaeno’s preferences on the subject were her own of course, but Evan couldn’t stop wondering if that choice had anything to do with her being a siren. He was sorry to say that he didn’t know much about the beings despite his age, although what he could hear from it the voice was curiously alluring. It was times like these that made the dragon reconsider the role he had chosen or himself- although given the time he had, perhaps he could become an expert researcher on both humans and the other supernaturals he lived with?

Evan was drawn out of his thoughts when he heard the siren’s voice again, this time directed to himself. “Ah, yes. I made this... isolated rain cloud(?)... for Izzy, but it was more as proof for a future service I am providing as payment. I was wondering if you could have a use for it, considering your abilities?” He held the transparent orb a little closer to himself so he could peer into it, although gingerly offered it back to Maeve to look at. Eventide sincerely hoped that he hadn’t mistaken her for another supernatural. “If you don’t then that is okay as well, but I figured I should at least offer it while I already went to the trouble. Maybe it could somehow be used in an enchantment?” He scratched his cheek awkwardly with his free hand, now hoping that he hadn’t confused the other’s job.


Zach Lee // Adjusted Human - the jokester // Location: alley // Tags: Alex, Ryker

Zach’s lips were pressed into a thin line as Ryker explained his situation, his eyebrows scrunching together and staying so even after he leaned towards the man and read over his shoulder. “Hmm... strange. And it doesn’t seem like they gave you a phone number or anything else to go off of either.” He commented, hoping it would jog the other’s memory in case something else had been mentioned. Zach’s thumb stroked his chin thoughtfully, dark eyes lifting from the paper straight up to Alex when he recounted what he had seen. It perfectly described one of the supernaturals he had seen himself every so often when walking this way, which meant that it was highly likely that this newcomer could see the other world.

Leaning back to where he had been before, Zach watched carefully as Ryker attempted to explain what Alex had seen to him- although in his opinion, the explanation lacked the certain ‘oomf’ Zach could provide. After the bounty hunter had finished, he butted into the conversation again. “Basically, what you saw was the real deal. Supernaturals-creatures from stories and myths- whatever you want to call them- exist and there’s a pretty active community here. They’re a pretty private bunch though, and not a lot of people can see em, so if you could, please try to keep it to yourself.” Zach gave a sympathetic smile, refusing to look at whatever Ryker’s reaction might be, before continuing. “I know this is a lot to take in, but they’re honestly just trying to love their lives like us- plus they’re rarely dangerous, and if something does happen, then you can ring James Bond over here. Or me, if you just want to ask some questions.” He cheerfully raised the hand his phone was in as an invitation, though Zach’s expression quickly turned more serious as he glanced back to Ryker. “But... this all seems a bit too coincidental if you ask me. If you truly don’t know anything about this or even this street, then...” The dog walker was now wearing a calculating frown as he observed Alex, considering his thoughts. “What if some kind of seer sent you that letter? Sometimes they can only see snippets, so maybe that’s why they couldn’t elaborate? I could always ask Xanthe if he knows anything about it.” His friend did have a job that had connections to seeing the future, so if it were something serious, then Zach wouldn’t be opposed to going out of his way to ask. Plus a visit with a friend would be nice. He hadn’t completely forgotten about Alex’s predicament though, luckily, and seeing as how Zach thought he could be involved with something, he certainly didn’t want him to walk off right there and then. “Oh, just to clarify, you’re not in any kind of trouble or anything. Unless you have some kind of ulterior motives or something. But you seem like a decent guy.” He also seemed to be pretty transparent in terms of his thoughts, but Zach didn’t think it was something worth mentioning. Besides, this dude had complimented his beloved puppy, and someone who can see Nimbus’ charm was someone Zach could get along with.

Speaking of Nimbus, she had now made herself comfortable laying on the ground and looking up at the three men with a lazy, dog-like grin.
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⊕ you're gonna get yourself killed!

Postby sammy, » Sat May 29, 2021 11:34 pm

─( )──────── ❝𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄
      xxxxxxxxxxxx𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢?
      the peacemakertagged: xanthe, celialocation: street

    the human, as xanthe so helpfully denoted her to be (which sounded like sarcasm as he thought it, but he realised that sometimes it was very difficult to tell - there had been a couple of times in which he had been caught out by his presumptions), didn't seem very pleased with his presence, and he wasn't sure why. he hadn't eaten anything, so he doubted there was something in his teeth - and that noise, that noise wasn't the type of noise someone made out of polite awkwardness, it was one of fear, of shock. did he look hideously awful? was there a dead bird in his hair? possible. always possible.

    regardless, he paid attention to xanthe's babble, finding a smile on his face rather soon. "that's great news! hi, celia," valentine beamed at her, still trying to figure out what was -
    and then the question. how odd. normally, the questions about his mortality came after he had been - well, killed, not straight off the bat. was she just perceptive, or -
    valentine followed her gaze, looked down at the dark red stain across his shirt - it was more stain than fabric by now, and he had completely forgotten about it, and now... well, this made things incredibly awkward. "oh! oh, christ. i forgot," he said quickly, not looking to catch a case. "it's fine. not dying. never dying. me? dying? that's really funny. you don't even know why that's funny. everything's fine. don't worry your pretty head about it. everything is very... sorry, i've made a mess of this, haven't i? you're probably gonna hate me now. christ. let me just -" he had a jacket, thankfully, which he zipped up hastily, covering the mess.

    it explained the looks he had garnered from the tourists, at least. and there was nothing in his hair or his teeth, which was a double win.

    the conversation switched rather quickly to the tasks at hand, which he was rather thankful for. it wasn't often he had to introduce himself as what he truly was, because he tended to get looks when he did, and they didn't tend to be good looks. "sounds like a wonderful trip. i'm very excited."

    introductions. "hello, celia the human. valentine. sorry about the... it's not... i don't normally - it's just bad timing. i forgot it was there." he wasn't doing much for himself. "let's just... forget about that, right?"
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Re: Secrets of Chicago (Open & Accepting!)

Postby InfectedHau » Tue Jun 01, 2021 10:04 am

Izzy Ramirez IX||23||Female||Ooze||The Crystal Core||Tagged: Evan, Metilaeno
    Both of the requests Izzy was handling were fairly mundane, but to a casual observer they still looked pretty spectacular. Multicolored flashes and wisps of smoke emanated from her lab entrance, accompanied by a variety of bangs, fizzles, and other vaguely magical sounds. "One part prismatic pigment," she mumbled to herself as she worked, "one part ammonia, a generous helping of hydrogen peroxide, and that should be that." A few more bangs and flashes later, and the ooze emerged from her lab, a styrofoam cooler in one hand, a bottle of shimmering iridescent liquid in the other. "Leave that in for thirty minutes, and say what color you want it to be when you apply it," she said, handing Evan the bottle"and make sure to wash your hands afterwards, unless you want your fingers to be the same color. Here's your order, Meti, careful you don't drop it on the way back. I had to fudge some ingredients in the Neutralizing solution so it's a bit more volatile than usual. Kinda forgot I used all my disenchantment dust on... this other thing." The thought was a magically neutral surface would be less likely to catch magical hellhound fire, but that was unfortunately not the case.
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