☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Inanimate object ships??

Commander Acacia + sunlight
Commander Alder + the kitchen
Runt + trident
Parlando + bread
Total votes : 9

Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby darcy_jensen » Sun Jan 21, 2018 3:36 pm

    ✦ A E R I S S A ✦
    [seventeen] [bisexual] [water manipulation] [tags; sage, tyla]
    aerissa's eyes widened in shock as her newfound friend moved from on place to another in a matter of seconds, swimming towards her to see if she was alright. "You got your power," she squealed excitedly, patting Sage on the back in a manner that was both congratulatory but also would help clear any water from her lungs. she didn't want the girl to drown right after discovering her power. watching tyla's figure walk away, the blonde let out a sigh, feeling awful that they'd interrupted her relaxation. turning her attention back to the confused fourteen year old, she grinned. "try it again!" she suggested, eyes sparkling with excitement. if things happened to become out of hand, she would try and move the water away from sage. not that ari knew if she could do that or not. it could be like a training session for the both of them!
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby DetectiveLunar » Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:22 pm

Sherlyn "Sher-sher" Hernandez//Female//16//Tags:Luxen Xyrcan brothers (She's just like: Well WTH are they doing?!)

"What..The.." Was all Giovanni had said. It almost happened a bit too quickly for him to fully understand and take everything in. First Evren was talking to him and now one of the other brothers was on the floor. "Well that was a bucket load of nonsense!" Sherlyn exclaimed before going over to Naevys. "Dude. Are you ok?" She asked kindly putting out her hand to help him up. "Wow...Ok let me just process this please! That was a lot to take in!" Gio said sounding slightly confused. All he knew was that he heard the word "Gay" a ton but couldn't really process the rest. "They're saying this dude," Sherlyn said pointing at Evren,"Is gay and that he loves you." She continued simply and watched as Giovanni just stared blankly not sure how to react. "Well...WHAT??"

Giovanni "Gio" Persad//Male//15//Tags:Lieutenant
(Look at Sherlyn's post)

Sage Moonstone//Female//14//Power:Teleportation//Tags: Aerissa and Tyla

Sage let out a slight,"Yay..!" Before starting to cough again. When she stopped coughing she looked at Aerissa and said,"I don't know how." She said sounding a bit scared and shocked at the same time. She had gotten her power but what was it exactly? She was still very confused and so in shock that she didn't notice Tyla leave. She felt like her brain was going to explode any second now. "I'm Still a bit in shock. I don't fully know what happened.." She said quietly. She really had no idea what had really happened. It had all happened a bit too fast.

Kevin "Flower Boy" Fernandez//15//Male//Tags:Ant & Parlando

"That sounds good! Maybe we'll find our powers there!" Kevin said excitedly while jumping up and down. Thank you!" He said kindly as he walked out of the door before continuing,"Ugh! Yeah. If Wayne hadn't done that we'd have more time!" He complained before nodding at Parlando. "You're right. So is everyone willing to take that sacrifice?" He asked before he started to slightly giggle out of nowhere.

(I'm gonna wait for Justice to reply because stuff XD)


Meanwhile in Gardener Castle

[center]It had worked. Their plan. It had WORKED! Thomas opened his eyes to see Blythe gone and a sweater over them. "Milly it WORKED!" Thomas whispered to her and she opened her eyes. "Good. Good thinking." Milly said back simply and got up. "We should leave." Thomas said getting up as well. Milly nodded,"Before anyone else finds us." She said quietly and they both walked off. Milly was dragging the sweater behind them. She was ready for a little power nap after this but her brother was probably going to keep running around the place. But. Hey! He isn't her problem! So she walked to a room and and laid down in a corner,covering herself with the sweater while Thomas went off to create more mischief.
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Jan 22, 2018 1:59 pm

When Alder finally exited storage, he didn't bring the materials for the game. That would happen after lunch. All Alder carried in his hand was a crumpled up piece of paper with his messy chicken scratch writing on it. Hopefully his lieutenant would recognize these words... they grew up together after all.
He found Olivia, spectating a showdown between the girls Xia and Runt. The smaller of the two seemed to be screaming some idiotic battle cry. Alder was honestly a bit ashamed of his cousin sometimes. She... well, she had no shame.
"Can you take a look at the team list for capture the flag?" He muttered under his breath, nudging Liv with his elbow, not too hard. Alder had calmed down significantly from earlier.

* Tags: Liv & other girls


Parlando nodded immediately in agreement. "I'd sacrifice the hair off my head if it meant removing Wayne's smell," He chuckled. "Sometimes I wonder why he isn't picked sooner for teams. He could scare off the opponents just by standing near the goal and picking his nose! Then again, it might be useless against Hellborn if his bad hygiene is the scariest thing about him."
As he followed the others out the door, he thought about Ant's earlier comment. Curiosity tickled his mind like an itch. Since Pearl was surrounded by two highly intelligent roommates, or at least he respected them as highly intelligent, he felt asking them would be appropriate. They always had insightful ideas.
"Sorry if this is a bit dark, but I'm just wondering." Pearl said as he walked by a supply closet. "If the Hellborn did attack again, what do you think might happen?"

* Tags: Ant, Kevin, Lawrence who is inside the closet and might hear them.


Runt bounced on her feet like an excited corgi puppy eyeing a child tossing a tennis ball. She honestly wished Xia would use a real deadly weapon, because that would be much more epic.
I mean, come on! What's more awesome? She thought. Getting hit by a wooden trident, or refusing death like it's a rude telemarketer and pulling an eight foot metal pole out of your chest?! I'm actually gonna BE Acacia!!
"Yeah!!!" Runt shouted at the top of her lungs. "Death is gonna have his butt handed to him- wait is death a she? Or a they? Agghhh!!"
This seemed to disrupt the rhythm of her heroic monologue, and she stood there, awkwardly trying to think of a butt kicking thing to say. She was pretty sure death was a "she" from the old Darkhaven stories she heard. But continuing on with that point would probably make her speech worse.
"Uh... Yeah!" She was clearly struggling, but refused to enter a fight without a totally badass word or two. "For the future of humanity and everyone's hopes and whatever!!"
The idiot immediately charged, shouting some incoherent "Ahhh!" in a low pitch as she dove to the right, attempting to hit her friend's leg in an all-out tackle and knock her over. Hopefully that would disarm her. Of course, that wasn't Runt's intention, her intention was just to attack recklessly and she was a bit off-center.

* Tags: Xia & watchers
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby honeybee. » Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:07 am

Lieutenant Liv Brie//18//Location-Training Cave//Tags-Xia;Eletha:Runt;Commander Alder
Liv laughed at little Eletha's eagerness to be on her team. "I wouldn't dream of splitting you and Damien apart," she told her, when Eletha asked if Damien could be on the team. It was true. Liv couldn't bear to see what happened when Eletha's skull was taken away from her. Talking to a skull and believing it was still her living brother was probably not the healthiest thing but it was probably a happier alternative than Eletha seeing everything as it actually was and realising her entire family was dead. Liv wished she could talk to her elder siblings, even if they weren't really there.
Her grin grew wider as Xia obtained a limpet too. Eletha wasn't as strong as Runt, but Liv could bet that the little girl was persistent. Everyone seemed ready for their game of capture the flag and Liv nodded as Xia asked how long they had left. "A little while." She told her, "We've got lunch at half eleven, then after that it's time."
When Runt had detached herself from Liv, calling her 'mom' which she found amusing, and they reached the gym Liv beckoned Eletha over from where she was clinging to Xia. "Who do you think will win?" She whispered to Eletha as Xia took our her trident and Runt arranged herself for attack. "I'm betting on Xia. Runt is strong but she can't do much if she can't get close. She's going to have to surprise Xia if she wants to win the fight."
Liv's own weapon was at her side as it always was in case of attack. To others it may not have been beautiful, but Liv though it was the most wonderful thing she owned. The sword was simple, a silver blade with a darker silver hilt, and not too long (the Bries were a short family.) A short, blue strip of fabric was tied to the pommel, replaced with a new shade whenever it went red from blood in a battle.

As Liv watched Runt's awful attempt at a awesome hero speak the Commander appeared and asked her to look at the team lists for capture the flag. Liv couldn't help but grin a little at the fact they'd both had the same idea, especially since the others had been so eager for the game. As he showed her the list he nudged her with his elbow in a way reminiscent of their childhood. She could remember many a time when a war of the elbows had begun from one of them nudging the other to get their attention, Liv nudged him back for old times sake. "I'm glad it's capture the flag." She told Alder as she easily deciphered his scruffy handwriting. In her own small, precise writing she switched people around so Runt, Xia and Eletha were on her team and made a few switches so the two teams were completely even. There wasn't only the equality of everyone's skill levels to worry about but also the equality in different weapons and specific skills to sort out. Plus, now they had to make sure there were equal numbers "I've already nabbed this lot for my team!" She elaborated, gesturing happily at the girls before handing back the list.
She wanted to find out whether they were expecting to see Wayne again for main training but she didn't want to mention him to Alder. When the Commander was calm, Olivia could almost imagine that the battle hadn't happened and everything was as it was supposed to be. It was just a matter of tiptoeing carefully, not mentioning Acacia, or the Hellborn, or the idiot that is Wayne, to keep him closer to the gentle, awkward Alder that once was.
"You were right!" She told him, thoughtfully, "About Xia and Tyla not being the only ones destined for powers." Liv was fairly certain that he couldn't get angry about something as awesome as this, "I can't believe you missed them all sprouting when you were making breakfast this morning! There were wings and a big cat and Runt's super strength of course." She craned her neck slightly to see his expression. "I'm looking forward to when everyone's got one and power training can start."

Ant Lithorn//16//Location-Training Cave//Tags-Parlando;Kevin
When Parlando asked what they thought would happen in a Hellborn attack Ant tilted his head slightly, deep in thought. "To be honest, if the Hellborn attacked right now I think we'd all probably die." He told him, with a sigh. "The entire adult population of Darkhaven could only stop them because of Commander Acacia's weird.... Whatever it was. We're only children, we're never going to be as skilled as they were."
That was rather gloomy sounding but Ant's next thoughts were a little more uplifting. "If they attacked in a week though." He continued, smiling a little, "Maybe we'd be in with a chance. Once everyone's powers have developed and we kinda know how to use them I reckon we could fend the Hellborn off." He paused momentarily before adding, "And if they attacked in a year, I think we'd be able to defeat them. Maybe succeed entirely and go back up to the surface, see the sun again. These powers must have appeared so we can defeat them, what would the point be if we couldn't use them to fight them off!"
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby Fenrhys, Wolf Queen » Wed Jan 24, 2018 1:00 pm

xxx𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒯𝒶𝒷𝓇𝒾𝓈 ✥ Power: Haemokinetic Construct ✥ Form ✥ Tags: Ember/Rowan

Her body started to stir and the girl groaned softly, she wasn't exactly feeling the best right about now, but was ok enough to get a grasp on the situation. Before even opening her eyes she could tell two things for sure, someone was holding her hand,
and someone else was in the room as well.
Bright light assaulted the ill girl's hazel eyes as they opened. Luckily for her the room was no longer spinning, Rain looked beside her and spotted Ember,she was the one who'd been holding her hand. A warm smile appeared on her face, happy her friend didn't leave her.
"Hey Ember." she whispered,Rain's voice was a little bit raspy and she could have really gone for a cup of water right about now.
The girl's eyes darted about the room landing on the male who was on the other side of the... bed? she'd been lain in, where was she?
Rain pondered on it for a moment before remembering that Ember had carried her to Gardener Castle, and if her memory wasn't disillusioned as well, this male had introduced himself as Rowan.
"And hello to you too..." she rasped out.

xxx𝔈𝔩𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔞 𝔄𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔢 ❈ Power: Sleep/Dream Induction ❈ Form ❈ Tags: Xia/Runt/Liv/Alder

When they arrived, big sister Liv had beckoned the child over. Reluctantly she let go of big sister Xia's arm and walked over. Big sister Liv asked her who would win and said that she thought Xia would win.
"Hmmm... Damien thinks that big sister Xia is gonna win too.. but I am gonna say big sis Runt will! It's not fair if we all guessed big sis Xia!"
The child watched the fight smiling and cheering, jumping up and down with the skull in her arms, "Go big sis Runt!!!! YAY!"
As always, the little girl seemed like she was having fun, and when big brother Alder made his appearance she waved happily looking up at the two tugging on the bottom of their shirts, "Can Damien and I help?" she asks smiling.

xxx𝕂𝕚𝕥 𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕝 ✥ Power: Hypnosis ✥ Form ✥ Tags: Demetria

The boy sat in a short silence which was broken by Demetria stating she didn't know much about him, "If you don't wanna talk, I understand."
Kit shook his head all too fast. With a small smile he turned to her, "I'm not very good at these kind of things... umm... do you wanna try playing 21 questions?"
When Kit's family was alive, they would often play it with each other to find out what was going on in each other's lives. Indeed it was a game that brought back nostalgic memories and some painful, his family was no longer here, but at least now he had Demetria... and Ross... maybe.
"The rules are simple, the two of us take turns asking questions. We can't lie... and the game ends when we've both asked 21 questions. It's pretty childish though, so I'd understand if you were against playing, I just thought it would be a bit more fun than just talking and..."
A small blush covered his cheeks, he was rambling again, being so close to another person was new, and this game was pretty childish, the shy male had no idea what his new friend would think.

xxx 💧 Power: Water Physiology 💧 Form 💧 Tags: Mallius

Tyde had skipped morning training, he just hopped that Alder wouldn't find out about that, instead, he'd been hiding out at the pool, lazing about in the water. Having heard the breakfast bell ring, the male knew he needed to get out. Ushering a soft sigh, the male left what he would call his sanctuary and dried himself off and throwing on some clothes wandering down to the cafeteria cavern. His hair was still pretty wet though, dripping onto the back of his shirt.
Upon entering, the male scooped up his share and started eating watching the food fight go down, simply giggling a bit when Wayne got dragged off. He was really the only one here that the boy didn't really like. Once finished, Tyde was going to head to the training caves for the main training session, but before he stepped out he spotted Mallius. Shoving his hands in his pockets, the male walked over with a grin and sat beside him, "So, that food fight eh? If I saw you earlier, I would have chucked something at you."
♛𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖊𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝕴 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖚𝖗𝖊♛

llI'm Fenrhys, by all means
llmessage me if you'd like to talk.
llI am a roleplayer, always looking
llfor someone to rp with me. I
llmay have slow responses at
lltimes though, when school and
llwork keep me busy. Anyways,
llhave a great day.




───────────────────────── for I am a warrior ──────────────────────────────────────────────
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❝ ☀ ─ ✭ ─ ♞ ❞ ─── fifteen

Postby passione » Wed Jan 24, 2018 9:54 pm

      [ training caves ] - [ soon to be speed / photokinesis / telekinesis ] - [ crossbow / crossbow / longbow ]
      [ tags - sherlyn, giovanni / sherlyn, giovanni / sherlyn, giovanni ]

        Naevys hesitated before placing his hand in Sherlyn's. He didn't like physical contact, but refusing help would be rude, especially if he wasn't going to say anything afterward. He pulled himself upward and brushed himself off before muttering a thanks to the girl and returned to Ryker's side. Ryker, who was still shocked.

        "Look, I don't even know if there's a misunderstanding here. Evren thinks he likes girls... But he acts to you, the way he acts towards girls. Ergo, Evren likes you. I understand there's no joke to be made about someone's love interests but I find that the further you push him away, the closer he comes. It's hilarious to me."

        At this point, Evren had shut himself up and excused himself to the corner, leaving his two older brothers to have fun with the conversation. He felt a little bit like a laughing stock, but that's what he was used to. Evren wanted to apologize a little for what he's done, but all he's done is feel a little feeling. He still felt bad for making Giovanni feel... awkward?

      [ training caves ] - [ soon to be astral projection ] - [ rapier ] - [ tags - tyde ]
        Alas, a familiar face. Why did it feel like Mallius knew Tyde was going to approach? It wasn't his intuition or anything like that since intuition was something Mallius lacked. Maybe he was just able to sense Tyde and only Tyde. That boy had some sort of weird energy to him, after all. Mallius had spent so long with him, his aura had just become distinct. He couldn't even sense auras and he just knew when Tyde was near.

        "Gee, so much for being best friends," Mallius retorted with a hint of amusement in his tone. "How are you on this fine morning, Logan?" He didn't call Tyde by his last name often. Mallius usually just went with Ty or Tyde, maybe 'Ocean-boy' every once in a while. However, they were on such good terms that they could call each other Buttface and it would go without offense.

      [ training caves ] - [ aura manipulation ] - [ trident ] - [ tags - eletha, liv, runt ]
        "Y'know, Runt, I heard somewhere that Death's name is Zelkova... And she's pretty hot." The fight would start off pretty well from Xia's perspective... At least up until Runt started running for her. While Xia had anticipated a charge, she didn't expect a tackle attempt on her limbs. She'd be lucky if she even survived without broken bones. Inhaling sharply, Xia focussed her energy and gathered it at the soles of her feet, launching herself upward and doing a backflip before stumbling and landing.

        "Holy crap! I don't wanna die yet!" She shouted at Runt, holding her trident up defensively before rushing forward, just as the other girl had done a short while ago. Xia didn't want to run too much in this match, especially since she had asthma and running was a difficult task, especially for long periods of time.
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby SunnyJustice » Thu Jan 25, 2018 3:17 pm

Rowan smiled softly at the awakening girl. The first thing Rain did was greet her friend. It was so sweet, the bond between these two, but it broke Rowan's heart because his own best friend hadn't awakened yet. Ondine Malaya deserved a second chance. She was a kind person, wanting nothing other than peace. Sure, she wasn't perfect, in fact she was the laziest person Rowan knew. But he loved her like a little sister and that wouldn't change.
"I am glad to see you awake," He told Rain gently. "My name is Rowan, the... 'Healer of Darkhaven', as the King wants me to call myself. Please, just call me Rowan. Do you need me to get anything?"

* Tags: Rain & Ember


Commander Alder's usual grumpy expression softened when his childhood friend returned the elbow nudge. The corners of his mouth curled upwards in the ghost of a smile, as memories of silly poking battles returned to him. If Alder could go back to those simpler times, he wouldn't even hesitate.
He grunted in agreement at Liv's words. Capture the Flag was a classic favorite. Back when Alder was a trainee, they only got to play it once a month. He ended up changing that schedule so they played at least once a week. Sometimes twice. It brought back good memories and made him feel like a child again.
He looked down at Eletha, who was tugging at his shirt with her small baby hands. "Uhh..." He pried her little fingers off as carefully as possible. She was so tiny, even this hulking brute of a spearman was afraid to hurt her. Alder wasn't sure what to say, so he just awkwardly leaned down and patted her head. Gently. Like an awkward boy petting a puppy for the first time.
Once Liv finished correcting the team list, Alder took it back and squinted at the smaller letters. They were much easier to read though. Now the lists looked much better and fairer. He nodded his approval at this. "Thanks."
As his lieutenant filled him in about the powers, Alder raised an eyebrow, in surprise but not quite disbelief. He just found it strange they all developed at once. Maybe they influenced each other. The power of friendship and other stupid sappy stuff like that.
"About time," He commented. "We don't know the kids' limits yet. When they're ready, I want to see how far they can go."
He took another glance at Xia and Runt. The smaller of the two girls had roughed up the floor. Alder scowled at her, but he didn't want to interrupt a perfectly good fight.
Alder let out a growl as he saw the smashed ground. Of course, this was a cave, the floor was never perfectly smooth. But Runt had created a mini disaster zone that was a hazard for the kids' feet. The stupid kid never used her brain. Even by their family standards, she was an idiot.
"... Make sure she fixes that afterwards," Was all the Commander ended up saying. He had already started to walk away. "As for me, I'm gonna fix lunch."

* Tags: Liv & Eletha


Parlando listened intently to what Ant had to say. It started out pretty darn depressing, but as he kept speaking, the tone got brighter. It all made sense if you thought about it. He was as insightful and intelligent as Pearl thought. Using his friend's ideas, Pearl could spin a few of his own.
"I think you're right," He said. "We're not prepared to handle them right now. Unless Commander Alder can do whatever his sister did, we don't stand much chance. Dying for humanity... It's probably easier said than done. I might feel different faced with a real Hellborn and real death, I don't know."
He thought for a moment. "It can't really be called dying for humanity. Since the Hellborn would destroy everybody else after they destroyed us. Now that's a scary thought."
The smile returned to his face soon enough. "Hey, but they've waited two weeks already. My bet? They should wait a while longer. They rule the whole surface world, and I heard it's huge... They're probably still holding meetings about how to deal with Acacia. There weren't any Hellborn around to see her die."
"Once they come back, they'll be more prepared," Pearl kept going. "But so will we. You're right, the more time we have, the more of an edge we have. There will come a point when we become stronger than the Hellborn, I believe it."
"Right Kev?" He chuckled and patted the other guy on the back. "All three of us together, we're gonna walk out onto the surface and feel the real sun on our faces."

* Tags: Kevin & Ant


Runt smashed into the floor at full force. There was a horrible noise as rock shattered around her, but no heroine stopped fighting because of some silly jagged boulders! Now where was Xia? She wouldn't be dying if Runt could help it. I'M the only one allowed to strike you down!!
"Wow, if Death is super hot," Runt said as she dragged herself out of the debris and onto her feet, "Then she can get heck outta here! 'Cause I'd KILL for a cold glass of water right now!!"
There you are! As soon as Runt spotted her friend, she was charging recklessly as usual. Fighting against Runt was pretty much bullfighting. Before her super-strength, it was more like taunting a small goat with horns too stubby to gore anyone.
"YEEAAAHHHH!!" The idiot shouted at the top of her lungs as she ran. Eletha's encouragement had emboldened her, and the crazy little warrior believed she could do literally anything.
There wasn't some dramatic moment of everyone's hearts beating together. Of course, this was just a training fight! When the real thing happened, Runt would rise to the challenge. Like how Commander Acacia rose from the ashes. Wait no, even better. Runt would literally rise to the challenge and become six-freakin-feet tall!
"Does beating up bad guys give you growth spurts?!" Runt yelled randomly as she threw a punch towards Xia's shoulder- the one closest to the big trident head. Getting skewered wouldn't ruin her day. It was a normal part of Acacia's day, so Runt decided she should have it in her schedule too.
A little DEATH never killed anyone!!! RIGHT!?

* Tags: Xia & watchers
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby DetectiveLunar » Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:01 am

Sherlyn "Sher-sher" Hernandez//Female//16//Tags:Luxen Xyrcan brothers (She's just like: Well WTH are they doing?!)

"You're welcome." Sherlyn simply said to Naevys before he walked to his brother's side. "Uhh..Ok. I have no words....I-" Giovanni stopped himself as he watched Evren leave. "Uh...Sher-sher I'll be back." "Alright." Sherlyn replied back quickly as she watched Giovanni walk over to Evren. "Uhh..Hi." He said kindly to Evren. "Are you ok? You seem upset. " He said not sure whether or not he was saying the right words. "If it's about you're brother's you know you can just ignore them. You know,just not care.." Ok now Gio was certain he had said the wrong words but he waited for a response anyway instead of possibly rephrase what he said.

Giovanni "Gio" Persad//Male//15//Tags:Lieutenant
(Look at Sherlyn's post)

Sage Moonstone//Female//14//Power:Teleportation//Tags: Aerissa and Tyla

Sage let out a slight,"Yay..!" Before starting to cough again. When she stopped coughing she looked at Aerissa and said,"I don't know how." She said sounding a bit scared and shocked at the same time. She had gotten her power but what was it exactly? She was still very confused and so in shock that she didn't notice Tyla leave. She felt like her brain was going to explode any second now. "I'm Still a bit in shock. I don't fully know what happened.." She said quietly. She really had no idea what had really happened. It had all happened a bit too fast.

Kevin "Flower Boy" Fernandez//15//Male//Tags:Ant & Parlando

After Kevin heard the question his mind couldn't help but flash an image of complete horror in his mind. Blood. Lots and lots of blood. He didn't reply to the question about what would happen if they attacked again. His mind imagining everything that could go wrong if they attacked once more. Usually his mind made him daydream about him laying in a field of flowers but this was horrifying. He just stood there,his eyes blindly looking at the ground. He didn't snap out of it intill Parlando asked,"Right Kev?". "Huh?" He said a bit confused since he hadn't really listened to anything he had said. "Uh..Y-yeah. We'll get to the surface one day." He said trying to cover up the fact he wasn't really listening at all. "Hopefully....." He whispered to himself.
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby darcy_jensen » Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:14 pm

    ✦ A E R I S S A ✦
    [seventeen] [bisexual] [water manipulation] [tags; sage]
    aerissa paused as sage coughed violently, probably choking on water from when her power appeared. realising that her friend seemed a little terrified as to what had happened, the blonde placed a hand on her friend's shoulder in a comforting manner. "you moved from one place to another," she explained softly, "I think your power is teleportation." although she didn't want to leave, especially as it would be a good opportunity to practice with her ability, she knew leaving might be the best thing to calm sage down. "do you want to go?" she offered, a kind smile plastered on her features.
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Re: ☀ The Last Defense ☀ no longer accepting! ☀

Postby deadlyscorpion » Sat Jan 27, 2018 2:08 pm


        Gender ⇢ Female
        Age ⇢ 16 years
        Power ⇢ Shapeshifter
        Weapon ⇢ None
        Sexuality ⇢ Bi
        Tags⇢ Rain, Rowan

                    She sighed in relief, feeling the rush of about to argue with him leave her. He was lucky he caught himself, but, she knew she just had to calm down a bit. "Yeah...Yeah.." She muttered in response, listening to his question. Would you like me to leave the room? She hesitated to answer, wanting the time alone but not wanting to sound rude. After all, he was the doctor. But he offered to leave. It means it's alright. "Y-Yeah, I think I'd...Like that. Sorry." She said with a small sigh, hearing Rain groan in her dazed state. Ember turned her body towards her, looking down for a moment before closing her eyes. She shuffled her fingers slightly, adjusting her grip around Rain's hand. She would wait here for as long as it would take...Even though there was a chance she could be knocked cold for the entire day. Hey Ember. She reopened her eyes, shocked when she heard her voice. Her hazel irises landed onto the girl's eyes, a bright smile was soon swept across her face. "Look who showed up to the party." She teased, placing her hand on Rain's cheek before she carefully tucked her hair behind her ear. "I...Uh..." She chuckled, a bit flustered for some reason. "Didn't expect you to wake so soon..." She tried to hold back her smile, but happiness was just beaming off her. And hello to you too... She had almost forgotten that the man was still here, and if Rain hadn't greeted him, it would have stayed that way for a bit. She looked back at him as he spoke, letting Rain answer.
every piece of me
aches for you

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