☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby SqueakerTheBun » Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:52 pm

kori (core-Ē)||tags: human group||location: the meeting place

he followed audrey briskly, determined to keep up. his blue eyes were a sight to see against the dark sky. he fought with his mind to keep calm, but no matter how hard he tried, it wouldn’t work. to put his mind at ease, he told himself things like; {vampires and werewolves and ghost aren’t real...! you need to relax kori.. someone will notice you’re worried!!!} he thought to himself.

just then, he heard the footsteps of someone- or something.. he jumped, startled. {kori it’s just someone who’s late!..} he scolded himself silently. drawing in a shaky breath, he quieted his thoughts, listening to their question, and the ongoing conversations of others.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby owl0430 » Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:18 pm

Seraphina Lux-17-female-human- tags: the group

The howl that had sounded in the area could not have been time better by the forest's inhabitants. It was downright hilarious. " I dunno, I think the local werewolf might have other plans" she joked in response to Ellis. How was she to know it really was a werewolf that had made that howl. That some of there jokes would turn out to be more truthful than they'd intended.
"Oh, that's right, most of us haven't introduced ourselves yet, have we?" she noticed after Audrey had introduced herself. "I'll go next I guess- The name's Seraphina, but you can call me Sera if you'd like! Pronouns are she/her."

Then, smiling at the newcomers and following Audrey as the other female began to walk, she responded to Evantine's question regarding their conversation about werewolves. " Oh, yeah! Nothing serious though. We were just theorizing on what else could be out there if we should happen to find ghosts exists. One of the creatures brought up was a werewolf, and-" she couldn't recall if Ellis had introduced theirself yet or not, so after a brief pause, she found a way to word things- " Our new friend here" a thumb to indicated said new friend was Ellis, " was joking that it'd be a very bad night for all of us if a werewolf were out an about....it wasn't exactly a wrong statement, now that I think about it. 'Tis a full moon like they said, and I can't imagine any of us would be a match for such a creature." It was then she noticed how nervous Kori looked. " Don't worry though- it's all in good fun. The chances of anything like that existing are pretty slim" She was never great at comforting others- cheering for and supporting, yes. But she still hoped it would bring some comfort to them.

and yeah, she tended to ramble a bit when she was nervous, and meeting a bunch of new people at once was plenty enough to make her nervous. Not to mention that how had brought back the uneasy feeling the commotion had originally distracted her from.

Icarus Nightingale-19(?)- male-ghost- tags: none

Something just didn't feel right to the male. He heard what sounded like Nyx and that new vampire resident talking, and could only assume Nikolav was out and about- but what about that other sound? The roof had creaked and there'd been some odd scratching sound and a growl. None of the residents he knew of were something that could make that kind of noise, aside from Nikolav, but he knew what his growls and the like sounded like- that wasn't it.

Then it hit him. The way the night felt to him now...was similar to how it felt the night those humans had been here. There weren't more humans around...was there? He sure hoped not. To put up with that whole ordeal all over again, especially right now, would be most irritating.

Opening the front door to the manor, after having reached the main floor, he stared off into the pitch-black woods. Watching. Waiting.

Cecil Neoma-20-male-Dragonewt- tags:Nickolav

Presently, it seemed to him that werewolves were similar to wolves, just larger, stronger, and occasionally bipedal- perhaps just a tad more violent too, seeing as Nickolav seemed to be pouncing at anything that moved. Very few things had escaped his grasps, and from the carnage, it was perhaps for the best if the boy didn't remember the night. To see such sights in a rational state of mind...then again, Dragons weren't always any better. Those stories of burned villages and dragon-hunting knights in medieval times had to come from somewhere.

But despite all that, it was a miracle Nickolav hadn't attempted to pounce at him yet, truth be told, but he wondered if that would change once all the wildlife had scattered. Sure enough it did, but even with his pelt stained scarlet, Cecil couldn't entirely tell if the werewolf's movements were hostile or curious... for all he knew it could've been sizing him up to see if it could take him down. The growls were definitely hostile in tone, not cautionary as far as he could tell.
Hence why, as soon as Nickolav had growled, creeping forward in his direction, he scrambled up a tree like an oversized lizard on the side of a house. Once he was high enough he felt safe, he gazed down at the creature, perched on a tree branch.

A short time after, Nikolav had risen his head. But instead of making to attack him, he howled. This earned the tilt of a head and curious blinks from the Dragonewt, who pondered the actions for a moment. Then, in a rather un-dragonlike action, balanced his weight on his haunches and lifted his front legs against his chest, taking a moment to regain his balance as the branch shifted beneath him. Then he attempted a response- a roar he attempted to- and failed miserably at- make sound like a how. Afterward, he returned to all fours on the branch, gazing curiously back down at the werewolves.

After a moment more of thinking, he playfully let out a slight icy breath towards the werewolf, frost crystals shimmering in the moonlight.

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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby cocogerber13 » Mon Aug 09, 2021 10:31 pm

Nikolav // Werewolf // ♦︎ // location: woods outside the mansion // tags: Cecil, human group

Nikolav’s howl was interrupted by his lunge towards the tree the dragonewt had climbed into, his jaws snapping at the air where a reptilian tail had been a second prior. It seemed that he had underestimated Cecil’s speed, although this didn’t throw him off just yet. The werewolf bared his teeth at the dragon as it stalked around the tree, crazed eyes searching for a way up- or a way to get him down. Eventually it settled for an idea and, with a monstrous grunt, Niko outstretched an arm to claw down a branch. It was lucky for both of them that Cecil had chosen a good tree, or else Nikolav would have woken up the next morning in an ice cube.

Then the something strange happened. The dragon sat up on its haunches and gave a howl of his one, which earned an extremely perplexed wolf. The snarls paused in an impressive amount of time and Nikolav sat down, his head tilted to the side. In this moment, and the one in which Niko eagerly leaned forward to sniff the the cold dust before sneezing, were the first time something like this had happened to the creature. They didn’t quite know how to handle it either, so the ordeal ended with the canine panting in a state of confusion.

This wasn’t a long-lasting effect though, and the beast sprang back to its feet to sniff the air rapidly. The scent it had caught a whiff of was nothing ordinary if one took into account the frenzied state that it took off in.

Nikolav’s fur bristled as he shot over the terrain in a determined sprint, which was a change of pace from the sporadic hunt from earlier. The monster sniffed frequently and obsessively, changing direction when it was due only to leap straight over the back half of the group of wandering humans. The smell that Niko was tracking was that of another werewolf, but when he roared at the source mid-jump, was shocked to see the pack of humans he had neglected to sense (thanks to his one-track mind).

The overwhelming absurdity of it all caused Nikolav to miss his intended landing point and he slid head-first into a tree with a cartoonish thunk. A muffled yipe could be heard at the same time, followed by some rustling leaves and the reemergence of a towering, eight foot tall wolf.

Audrey // Human // ♦︎ // location: forest path // tags: human group

Audrey marched on with false confidence; she could feel her legs shake every so often and intentionally changed her tread to match it. That way, anyone watching her recording wouldn’t catch on. Even off-screen the girl had a look of confidence plastered on her face. This acting didn't stop her from periodically glancing back to the group behind her, to which she was met with slight reassurance. Seeing that she wasn’t alone almost made her expression feel genuine.

She was still quite uneasy however, and a glance to the boy who was right behind her told her that she wasn’t the only one feeling this way. Kori appeared distracted, maybe even trying to convince himself of something while he walked. Knowing the experience all too well, Audrey lagged back a little and extended her free hand. “Hey, lend me a hand..?” She asked, wearing a rare, soft smile. Although some might call it childish, Audrey felt that holding hands shouldn’t be something to “grow out of”. Especially in moments like these.

Although she was still recording, Audrey didn’t feel embarrassed about her request. Even if she were, it was easy enough to clip out a few seconds of video when she edited it.

Thinking about this sort of distracted her from seeing just how close they were to the “haunted” house. The brunette slowed her pace to look up at the tall structure, simply observing it in all its glory. They hadn’t quite made it to the yard or even out of the forest just yet, but from where they were they could at least see what looked like a pillar that was disconnected from the rest of the house. Atop it was the shadow of some kind of shape, one that Audrey was pretty sure she just imagined to have shifted a little bit. Before she could give it too much thought though, a commotion happened towards the back of the line and she looked back in surprise.
On the pillar Audrey was watching, one of the stone gargoyles twitched its wing, which triggered one on the pillar diagonal to it to take off and glide into an opening at the top of the roof’s tower.

Eventide (Vin) // Dragon // ♦︎ // location: forest path // tags: human group

Eventide beamed at Maria at her response and introduction, then waved back to Leslie and Seraphina when they said their names. When one of the teenagers in front jumped at his entrance, the dragon shot him a sympathetic look. “Sorry ‘bout that. And you can just call me Vin.” They introduced, their smile returning to a grin. “And I apologize for not being here on time, I had a prior engagement.” One hand flew to the back of his neck in embarrassment while the other gently tapped his portfolio. “Shame I couldn’t get back in time to put it in my apartment, but I wouldn’t want to miss this.” He chuckled, just as a strange roar sounded not too far off. Aqua eyes widened and their slitted pupils narrowed ever so slightly before he feigned a reaction. “Hm, and that can’t possibly be a werewolf, now could it?” He joked, turning to smirk at Maria after her skeptical comment. He knew full well that the roar was draconic, although it definitely sounded... off. He could investigate later.

Eventide watched with interest when Seraphina described her thought process. She was awfully sharp to gather that much from apparently a conversation about ghosts- perhaps she had had an experience with a supernatural in the past that she had just subconsciously remembered? Or maybe it was influenced by the strange howl just a few moments ago. Vin decided that it was best not to voice their speculations and instead continued the conversation. “Well, of that were the case, then they aren’t wrong.” The lavender-haired artist’s gaze moved to Ellis and they offered a charming smile. “This would be the worst time to run into one if we can assume the legends are true. Any other day of the month would probably be fine though.”

At the obvious change of tone, and Seraphina’s attention on Kori, a realization dawned on Vin. “A-ah, of course. If anything, I bet we’ll just end up scaring off a coyote. They’re quite the howlers.” He pointed out with a chuckle. Their hand moved back to their neck uneasily, glancing off into the underbrush.

“-and if there’s any real threat, I’ll block em with this!” Their cheerful attitude returned almost as quickly as it had left, and with it came Vin winding the strap of the portfolio around his arm so he could hold it like a shield. Almost in a demonstration, something Very Big flew over them and Vin wielded the portfolio with a panicked shout of a draconic curse.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby gray~ » Mon Aug 09, 2021 11:58 pm

Bryce Heathcliffe - he/they - vampire - Location: The House - Tags: Nyx

Bryce listened to Nyx carefully as she spoke, mouthing her name to himself as she said it. She was certainly a fascinating woman, moving with a grace and ease that reminded him of some of the noble kindred ladies he met at vampiric galas in the past. A part of him wondered just how old, and more over how powerful she was, but he knew better than to ask straight away. Instead he just regarded her with a contended grin as he followed her towards the house's common area. When she asked him about his origins, he paused. Now was the moment to commit to a story. Who was he here? The ancient and eccentric debutant who grew bored of his home town? The impetuous rebel who ran away from his old clan? Oh the options were endless...
"Oh, well life's a fickle thing isn't it?" He replied. "I've never been like the other kindred, content just to mingle with our own. I enjoy the company of mortals. The problem with that however, is that they eventually realise that while they're shrinking and turning grey, I haven't aged a day. Not a sustainable lifestyle. With modern advancements, it's become harder for me to disappear from a town altogether. I figured it was maybe time to find another option..."
He then noticed the cat wrapped around Nyx's shoulders. Strange... he hadn't noticed it there when they were walking before. He suspected that cat may become an integral part of life in the mansion. Part of him wanted to reach out and pet the creature, but he knew some people could be awful touchy with their familiars, so he refrained for now.
"I'd ask you how you came to be running the place, but something tells me you're a woman of many secrets, hm?"

Ellis Harlowe - they/them - human - Location - the forest - tags: the humans (and nikolav)

Ellis turned with everyone else when Vin arrived. While they wasn't quite as startled as Kori was, they couldn't deny the little jump in their heart at the sound of his footsteps - maybe this whole thing had them more spooked than they thought.
Ellis knew Vin in passing - being similar ages and having similar interests - and they'd wanted to get to know him better for a while, but their paths had never crossed. If ever there was a time to make friends, Ellis supposed it'd be now. They listened as Vin and Seraphina spoke, and offered a small laugh.
"Well, it'd be just our luck if - " they began, before they heard the road from deeper in the forest. They paused. Sure, there was all kinds of fauna in the forest, and realistically it was just some startled animal. But somehow, Ellis doubted even a regular wolf could make a sound like that. It was raw and guttural and loud. But Vin seemed to just laugh it off, poking fun at Maria. Maybe they were exaggerating the noise in their head?
The tone lightened immediately as Vin went right back to joking, and Ellis righted themself. "By the way," they offered, "If you ever need a break from dragging that thing around let me know. I know how awkward it can be dragging your portfolio everywhere, I'm happy to help."
Up at the front of the group, they saw Aubrey offering Kori some comfort, and they were glad. Ellis had taken up the rear of the group, just ahead of Vin, as to keep an eye on the party and make sure everyone was alright. This also meant that they maybe had the best view of the gigantic white form that leaped overhead, moving at an incredible speed. Time seemed to slow as they watched the mass of white fur sail past the group, and crash into one of the trees by them, falling into the underbrush. Instincts kicked in for Ellis - they took out their torch to get a better look at whatever had just passed them, and moved to try and keep most of the group behind them, feeling protective of the teenagers they were travelling with. They didn't point the light directly at the creature, not wanting to startle or blind it, but just near enough that they could see the massive, hulking bloodstained wolf(?) rise to its full height from the ground. Ellis' eyes widened. All this talk of werewolves - it would have been comedic if not for the imminent danger. They surprised themself with how quickly they adapted to the situation, however. They got over their initial shock and panic, and instead chose to act.
"Everyone back up," they said, trying to coax the group to step away from the creature, partially to give them space to run if they needed, and partially so they didn't crowd the creature, giving it space. It hadn't been hostile yet, and despite the crimson on its fur, Ellis didn't want to jump on the offensive straight away. They looked up at it. There was an intelligence in its eyes, past that feral frenzy it seemed to be in. It was also, bizarrely, wearing a collar covered in bells? Did someone own it? Or was it in fact a werewolf, and had put that on itself? Deciding to try diplomacy, Ellis slowly raised their free hand in a sign of peace. "Hey there.... We don't want to hurt you big guy. We're friendly, okay?" Part of them felt silly talking to the beast that they doubted could reply in kind - they just hoped it understood enough to listen and not attack the group. Ellis sincerely doubted anyone among them could outrun the 8-foot monster in front of them.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby SqueakerTheBun » Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:50 am

kori (core-Ē)||tags: human group||location: the path

after taking audrey’s hand and quietly thanking her, with a big smile, and listening to everyone’s words of encouragement, he did feel a lot better. little did he know it wouldnt last.. because not only a little while later, did a flash of something leap over them. suddenly he could hear rustling and a big wolf stood in front of them. kori froze shocked in his footsteps. it was almost as if he didn’t hear what ellis was saying. his mind fought widely to comprehend what was happening, and when he needed to move most, he couldn’t. he was paralyzed. he couldn’t talk or say anything. he could just stare, into its eyes. listening to muffled voices, but more importantly.. bells ringing, anytime it moved an inch.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby owl0430 » Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:46 am

Seraphina Lux-17-female-human- tags: the group, Nickolav

Evidently the forest was unusually active tonight. First the birds seemed oddly flighty, thrn the howl. Now, to top it all of there had been whatever that roar was. It at least wasn't any animal she knew of, that much was for sure.

No comments were made on it by the female, who had instead elected to just listen as the others chatted and joked. Truth be told it had genuinely spooked her, and so she wished to focus more of her attention on her surroundings then her words.

Which, ultimately, proved futile, for she hadn't heard or seen whatever it was that had leapt over them. The only thing she saw was a blur of white and Crimson as it leapt over them. Now when it stood, emerging from the underbrush? That she saw. How could she not? The werewolf appearance was a given- but who knew they were so massive?! What she could only assume was blood made it all the more frightening to her too, and she didn't hesitate to obey when Ellis told them all to back up. ' Well then, this puts a while new twist on the phrase, speak of the devil'...[$i]

Even if it wasn't attacking at the moment, who knew if it would in the next instant? And she was sure it could easily outrun them if they made a break for it, and if it wasn't aggressive, the sudden movement could frighten it.
But what were they to do if it did come at them? Scattered like a heard of sheep, survival of the fittest style? Run ad a group and hope it wouldn't go for all of them together? If worst came to worse, could they distract it? [i] a canine is still a canine, right? So if I pointed and spotted squirrel, maybe it'd take the bait?" She thought skeptically, knowing the idea was stupid. But she was desperate. [i] this one is just a large, bloody, scary canine that probably could easily rip you in half...

Icarus Nightingale-19(?)- male-ghost- tags:

If he looked- as in really looked , with squinted eyes and everything- he could almost make out what appeared to be a group of people. Humans.

The sound of commotion and what he could only assume was a yipe from Nikolav simply confirmed his suspicious. So his intuition had been right. There were more foolish humans coming to investigate the manor, and on a full moon too. Of all the possible nights they could've chosen, it had to be a full moon- that was worse for them than showing up precisely on hid deathaversary. A werewolf could do far more damage far quicker than a ghost ever could. And yet, even knowing all that-

" Nope. I am not doing this tonight. " He verbally announced to himself, promptly closing the door and locking it. If those humans wanted to be so incredibly foolish and get themselves in that kind of situation with a werewolf, who was he to intervene? Stupid decisions are always followed by negative consequences. He should know.

Therefore, after making sure the door was completely shut, the male turned his back and decided perhaps tonight he'd find a book to read or something. Although... perhaps sometime he could ask Nyx if they could get a T V in the manor. He wasn't entirely sure if they had one or not.

The ghost didn't dwell on the thought long, however, and had abandoned the idea of reading a book. Until the humans left, his only background noise was going to be their commotion, so he had elected to create his own background noise.

Hence why he had returned to his room. It was there that he'd stored the violin he'd requested some time back. He didn't play it often so as not to irritate the other residents who may be asleep during when he goes to play,, or have an enhanced sense of hearing. In terms of the quality of his playing, he was sctually quite good.

But for tonight as he began to play, ghostly hands holding the instrument, he simply prayed thr others wouldn't mind too much.

Cecil Neoma-20-male-Dragonewt- tags:Nickolav, the humans

Ok, so maybe he'd spoke too soon about being attacked, considering he'd nearly had a sizeable bite left in his tail. Thankfully, his attempt at a howl had seemed to stun what used to be Nikolav, or at least confused it enough to halt the attacks. Granted it didn't make the creature any easier to read- now he couldn't tell I'd it was confusion but he'd still attack him, or if curiosity had replaced the aggression.

As it would turn out, he didn't have much time to dwell on the matter. The dragonewt had been making to move a singular branch lower, constantly glancing between Nickolav and the branch, when the werewolf was off and running again just as quickly as he'd sat down, which just left him with more questions. Was this behavior considered normal for a werewolf? If so, was it just that they got distracted easily, or was it a matter of picking the easiest prey? Granted in his new pursuit Nickilov didn't seem to be hunting persay... at least not quite like before. He wasn't quite sure how to describe it with his limited English vocabulary, but the difference was visibly notable..

This time around, Cecil had elected to fly just above the canopy to follow Nikolav, no lower no higher, and for the moment they seemed to be heading in the direction of the manor, relatively speaking.

But that's when he heard it- was sounded like a Draconic curse amongst an array of startle human noises, followed by a yipe from the werewolf and a thud. Now Cecil isn't a heartless fellow- the worry did cross his mind that the werewolf had potentially injured himself, or had potentially gotten caught in a bear trap. However, his mind was overwhelmed by a different worry- one that sent fear and chills down his spine. He, who in his veins ran the blood of an ice dragon. Did I....hear that correctly? he worried, landing on the top of a tree. It was there he sat for a few minutes, mind reeling with fears. [i] How? How could they have found me already? I've worked so hard to keep myself hidden dense I got to this town, and even their resources, there are only two entrances to Avalon in this xountry! And neither of them are anywhere near here! "

Yet, panicked as he was, he needed to know for sure if there was a threat nearby- a threat, specifically, to him. Some sent by his Draconic sire to bring him back to Avalon. If there was, then find- he'd panic, swiftly say his goodbyes, and run for it. If it was a false alarm, then he could rest easy, at least for a short while.

Therefore, to quiet his movements as he moved below the canopy, the male reverted back to his humanoid form. Thankfully he had made it through the part of his training that allowed him to be clothed upon returning to this form- otherwise the night air might be a wee bit chillies than it already was. The attire he wore shimmered a but like ice crystals and was similar in color to the icy silvery-blue of his scales. Style wise it was fashioned in the common fashion of informal dragon attire in Avalon. Their daily wear so to speak, unless one was high of rank, in which case it was proper to wear formal attire even when alone. Said informal.attire was nearly identical for both the men and women of their kind, only subtle differences being present. Dragons and dragonewt alike. Both had skirts with a slit on the front and back of both sides to allow for freer movement of their legs. A version of shorts or covering under attire was built into the skirts as well, and most did not bother with shoes. Most of which served a purpose of mobility- in battle, restrictive clothing and gripless shoes could result in one's early demise. In less dire situations such as sparring, it could get oneself seriously injured. As for their torsos, cloth was wrapped around their chests to form an x over the front and the back. Typically there were accessories too and intricate details to the fabric, but he wasn't capable of that much on his own- with or without the iron earring.

But that's beside the point. Fact of the matter was that his movements were at least quieter than they would've been had he still be in his dragon form. It was a good thing too, for he had no sooner gotten just beneath the canopy than he spotted the group of humans...and Nickolav. He didn't pay that problem much mind, however, far too preoccupied
With examining the humans for the comforting concealment of the tree and its branches. If he'd truly heard correctly and that was the language of dragons, that meant one of them was either a dragon or dragon...or someone with a surprisingly colorful and extensive vocabulary. He desperately, for his own sanity, figure out which one it was, and what they were. If they were an embassy sent from Avalon to bring him back, he'd have to swiftly say his goodbye to the others and run for it. If it was some obscure humans or other supernatural that knew the language- or he'dmisheard afterall- he could rest easy, even if only for a while.

That being said, there was still then the issue with the humans who appeared as if they had been headingtowards the manor. Of he warmed Nyx of them, would she be more willing to protect him from anyone that came looking for him? Though he wasn't sure of the relations between his home and these supernatural safehouses, if there were any. Then again, taking such action might be meaningless. This close to the manor, Nyx might already be aware of the humans ' presence. He had no way of explaining it, but oftentimes Nyx seemed to know everything- and he meant everything- that was going on nearby and within the manor.

Should he help scare off the humans then? Or at least intervene Iif Nickolav attacked? ...but that would mean he'd have to reveal himself. Hmm...decisions decisions.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Tue Aug 10, 2021 7:41 am

Viti Vi genderfluid- 18- guys; Nikolav is crush- Neko- jumping, swimming, cat communication, cat form- Mochi lover, loves purple- Tags

The blue eyed brown and light purple haired one hummed a bit. They rubbed the vitiligo of one arm, then shook their head. Their ears and tail moved, a bow on said brown tail. They touched the choker, then looked to their cats. The spotted tabby golden cat and the white one purred.

Viti smiled a moment, then shook their head and got up off the bed. Chester and Blanca meowed as they watched them go. Viti went out the bedroom door, wondering where Nikolav was. They wandered the halls, hoping he was okay. They then shook their head at their self a couple times.

Maau M; Kirin prince m- 18- homo; Zayn for now- Kirin- Leadership, turning into dragon horse whatever, horse and dragon communication, floating, holy fire- really likes carrots (lol), Chinese, dances sometimes, likes water- Tags

The tan skinned and brown eyed beauty was wearing bottoms, a t shirt and a flannel. The flannel was tied around his waist. The sweet and gentle but wild and crazy sometimes one smiled. Since he was in the house, he was showing the brown antlers. They stuck out of his silver ended long reddish brown hair.

He had the deep blue pendant from his mom on, as well. He hummed to himself as he began to walk down the halls. He was happy here, and he had a great life so he liked it here.

Leslie White Les, Lie agender- 16- girls; open- human- swimming, intelligence, writing, running- likes red and brown, German and Russian- Tags: the group

The five foot four and one sixteen pound light skinned beauty hummed. The reddish brown eyed white blonde one followed the others. Audrey and Ellis had both been leading the way. Now, Audrey dropped back to be by Kori. Leslie hummed and stayed at the middle of the group. They made a small sound when they heard the roar…but it sounded dragon like?

They had no idea, as dragons weren’t real or so they told their self. They continued to quietly hum as they and the others walked. They soon could see a mansion looming in the distance. That must be the haunted house they were headed for. That’s when a wolf noise was made…They watched the wolf slide into a tree, then it jumped back up.

They didn’t know what to do, so they…produced their pepper spray. They aimed it at the wolf, not hearing what was said about not hurting it.

Maria Athos Mare f- 18- Kesbian; Nyx- werewolf (turned)- speed, wolf form, intelligence, swimming- Affiliation: the human kids, for now- was turned by a friend, Favorite colors: green and brown, likes ice cream and meat loaf- Tags: the group

The five foot four girl green eyed golden brown haired girl smiled at Vin. “You can call me Mare,” she said, and nodded. She gave a dry life when he joked about were wolves…She’d heard the roar, and wondered if anyone else had. It must have been loud enough for others to hear, right? Then suddenly, a huge white wolf was in front of them. It stared at her, and made noise at her, seeming angry.

She yelped and felt like she should back away, but then…something stopped her. She could…smell a scent, his scent. That was weird, and she should question it, but she couldn’t. All she could think was: he had a warm and familiar scent. Not that she knew him, but… As she stared at him, a change began to occur, and she fell to the ground. She yelped and whimpered, shaking as she turned into a golden and brown wolf.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby SilverWoes » Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:33 pm

✼ S I L V E R ~ ✼ Location: Coming downstairs - Tags: open - Feeling: Annoyed and tired -

Life was honestly such a bore, something Silver had been struggling with quite often lately, from dealing with feeling tired constantly from how little she had been doing to just life being exhausting for her in general. Something she felt was honestly reflected when she slowly came back to reality, waking up and staring at a spot on the wall for a minute. It took her a minute to realise she was still alive, actually living.. something she didn't think would happen after the last experience she had with humans. Humans. Horrible humans, violent, selfish creatures in her experience; a tad ironic seeing her genetics left her disposition to violence, but it isn't like she was perfect anyways. Far from perfect, actually.

Getting out of bed slowly, and wiping what she thought was drool off her face, though she'd never know, it could've been tears for all she cared, she turned and looked at a mirror briefly and scowled at her reflection. All she could see were her own flaws and the fact she was in the wrong form drew her eyes back to her mirror. Greeted by the sight of her wings sticking out from her shirt, their grey flecks, and slight quivering.. quivering in what, nervousness or anticipation? From seeing them after ignoring their existence in another form for too long? Who knew, because she certainly couldn't figure it out, as she continued to look, seeing her horns extending from her hair that was falling loosely. She knew most people would call her a monster, she'd call herself a monster, and that's when she decided she had enough. Closing her eyes and inhaling sharply, she tried her best to focus on changing back into her human form, feeling her body slowly change and trying to not focus on the emotions bubbling up within her. Reopening her eyes, she was greeted to the sight of her staring back at her, looking more normal more or less.

Hastily brushing her hair and putting it up, she quickly threw on a clean outfit and left her room, making her way slowly down the stairs and pausing as she tasted the air slightly, 'Is that.. fear..?' she thought to herself, a bit confused on what could be going on. From what she knew, the manor was always a peaceful place for the most part.. sparing a few unpleasant occasions. Yawning as she continued creeping down the stairs, she noticed the indication fear was in the air wasn't quite gone, if anything stronger to her senses as she was coming downstairs, but everything seemed normal inside, so was something going on outside..?
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

Postby cocogerber13 » Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:45 pm

Nyx “The House Master” // Witch // ♦︎ // location: Mansion // tags: Bryce, a gargoyle (Gregory), Silver

The enchantress smiled as she listened to her guest. This vampire made for a good conversationist, and though she felt that she had meaningful conversations with all the residents, she found that a few were rather uncomfortable around her. That boy Nikolav, for example, was quick to dismiss any of her offers of help or advice, or even a chat. There was another who, though polite, had some bad history with witches as well (though Nyx didn’t sense much animosity toward her, from what she could recall). She wouldn’t blame anyone without having been in their shoes, of course, but it was fun to enjoy such a meeting as this.

Bryce seemed to present himself almost as a persona, Nyx guessed based on her current impression of them. It was not a criticism, and in fact if it had been then it would make her a bit of a hypocrite. The woman watched the other with an entertained glow in her eye as she contemplated his explanation.

“How interesting...” Nyx responded, bringing a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “I commend your view of your immortal life; there are too many with stubborn biases. I have also seen what you spoke of first-hand. I was the lead architect for the repairs of this house, and we had to implement a number of protective charms to keep this place under the radar. It was troublesome, really, but I suppose it does the job.” She trained her eye back on Bryce as she finished, just in time to catch the look he was giving the cat on her shoulder. “Indeed I do have my secrets. Although I assure you that it is not quiet as fun as you might imagine it- Those unseen by the public eye have a duty to look out for each other, I believe.” Though Nyx’s speaking style had been pretty casual at first, her final sentence had heavier implications. Noticing how serious the conversation had turned, though she added on a quick, “ah, and you can pet the cat, when you see him. He likes being scratched by his ears.”

With nearly perfect timing, something large and heavy landed in the fireplace. The fire had been snuffed out, and in Nyx’s silence, the sound of stone rubbing against stone could be heard. “...Gregory.” The witch greeted, the warmth in her voice gone. The granite statue turned its jeweled, red eyes on Bryce briefly before moving its wings and ears in a series of strange patterns, producing the noise that had been made before. Evidently Nyx could understand the meaning of this, since her expression hardened. “Are you positive? Then... keep an eye on them. Spider, if you would.” The short interaction ended with the gargoyle climbing back up the chimney and the green-eyed cat to jump down and dash off, leaving Nyx to shoot Bryce an apologetic look. “Terribly sorry. I had planned to give you a bit of a tour since it’s your first night here, but it appears I’ll have to take care of a bit of housekeeping first. Do join if you’re interested, I suppose. Maybe you’ll meet some of your neighbors.” She seemed to glide down the stairs as she spoke, making it to the front door in record time to unlock and open it. It was then that she heard the playing of a violin, though she doubted it had much to do with the circumstances she had been warned about.

Hearing another set of footsteps on the opposite spiral staircase that she had gone down, the witch looked up briefly to see the presence of another one of her house’s tenants. “Good evening, Silver! We might be taking care of an issue here in just a second.” She called up a greeting and warning, then stuck her head out the door.

Audrey // Human // ♦︎ // location: woods outside the mansion // tags: human group, Nikolav

Audrey was quick to ask “What happened?!” just as a very tall animal emerged from the edge of the path. “What the- a BEAR?!” She spoke loudly, the hand holding Kori’s tightening its grip while her other clutched the still-recording phone. The teenager had come here to be scared by ghosts, not a freaking BEAR. Still, she felt like her heart was about to burst from her chest and, with a little more observation of the dazed creature, she was quite sure that it was instead a bipedal wolf. “Why did you guys have to mention WEREWOLVES! We just jinxed it!” The brunette cried, her voice raising a few octaves. She subconsciously started stepping back and tried to tug Kori along with her before realizing that he was frozen in place. Audrey also noticed the ring of bells around the beast’s neck- was it trying to look like one of Santa’s reindeer or something? Or maybe it was just someone’s escaped pet dog that was really really big and looked like a werewolf. The girl threw these ideas out of a mental window just as quickly as she thought them.

Luckily, Ellis appeared as a voice of reason. Audrey really did have to comment on their mind of steel after this-if they got out alive. “Way ahead of you..!” The girl whisper-yelled, trying again to pull Kori with her as she threw her whole arm around his torso. Had she been thinking more reasonably, maybe she could’ve put her phone away. “Maybe throw a stick or something?” She hissed, using her phone-hand to frantically wave over the rest of the group. I was then that her eyes, which had been glued to Nikolav, pried themselves away and landed on a similar-looking creature that stood where one of the later group members had been. “what!!! Maria???” Audrey almost sobbed, her phone-hand returning to cover her mouth. Tears were threatening to spill down the high schooler’s cheeks, although she didn’t know if she was about to cry from fright or confusion.

Eventide (Vin) // Dragon // ♦︎ // location: woods outside the mansion // tags: human group, Nikolav, Cecil

Eventide had been about to ask Ellis about what kind of art they did after their offer, but his attention was drawn elsewhere once this animal showed up. It was hard not to be a bit freaked out when the creature in front of them looked to be the textbook definition of the word ‘werewolf’, and yet the person they had been about to talk to snapped out of it at a surprising speed. “Y-yeah!” The lavender-haired student agreed, stepping back and reaching a hand towards the person next to them to bring them back as well- only to have their palm met with a large mass of fur. “EH?” They yelped in surprise. Vin only made the connection that the wolf standing there was Maria after the girl at the beginning of the line called her name. Sure enough, after looking back, the fur seemed to be the same hue as the girl from before’s hair, and the wolf looked to be experiencing pain what with the writhing on the ground. “Maria??” Eventide fell to his knees at the canine’s side his hands hovering over her as he didn’t know what to do. As a last resort, the human dragon snapped his head up to fix Nikolav with a frown and a stare. ’Calm down, you mongrel.’ He hissed telepathically, having no clue if it would actually work. Usually this ability would work just fine on any other intelligent species, but werewolves weren’t really known in fiction to be in the right mind to negotiate.

Still keeping eye contact with the creature standing in front of them, Vin raised his voice so the rest of the group could hear them. “Don’t run, but try to get to the house. Some shelter is better than none.” Just as he finished, his eyes moved to where Leslie was holding what he was pretty sure was pepper spray. Vin looked back to the already transformed werewolf again, wondering how this would play out.

Although Eventide was quite sure there was another dragon in close proximity, he didn’t have time to spend on looking for it. So long as it didn’t present another threat, he could take his time finding it afterwards.

Nikolav // Werewolf // ♦︎ // location: woods outside the mansion // tags: Cecil, human group

Nikolav... had had Quite the night, and it had only just started. Now, as he stood in front of these smaller creatures that smelled so familiar to him, the werewolf lifted a gigantic claw to paw at his nose. He gave a low growl as he turned his head back to the other werewolf transforming on the ground. Ordinarily, the wolf would have tried to attack another werewolf in his territory- but these circumstances were way too... strange? Why was this one only turning now, after the moon had been in the sky long before? And was this their pack?

The white and red-furred beast gave an aggressive snap in Ellis’ direction, returning to all fours and flinching away when both they and a girl lifted an arm. Frankly, the only reason that Nikolav wasn’t making a feast of the small crowd was that his hunger was mostly sated from the hunting he had done before, but it wouldn’t be long before it returned. Niko’s fur continued to bristle as his muzzle contorted in hostility, a rumble coming from his throat. The creature angled himself so that his flank was facing these other creatures while he considered his moves. The safe option would be to simply get rid of everyone standing there, the wolf reasoned to himself- which is exactly what he tried to do.

The canine’s ears pinned themselves back and Nikolav rushed forward toward the biggest threat-Maria. Before he could do anything though he heard a voice that was clear as day in his head- one that gave him a command which unfortunately worked against its user, since rampaging werewolves didn’t take commands. Nikolav’s eyes burned with fury as he bared his teeth to the group; and then lunged towards Leslie and Ellis with an open mouth.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Tue Aug 10, 2021 5:48 pm

Viti Vi genderfluid- 18- guys; Nikolav is crush- Neko- jumping, swimming, cat communication, cat form- Mochi lover, loves purple- Tags

The blue eyed brown and light purple haired one hummed a bit. They rubbed the vitiligo of one arm, then shook their head. Their ears and tail moved, a bow on said brown tail. They touched the choker, then looked to their cats. The spotted tabby golden cat and the white one purred.

Viti smiled a moment, then shook their head and got up off the bed. Chester and Blanca meowed as they watched them go. Viti went out the bedroom door, wondering where Nikolav was. They wandered the halls, hoping he was okay. They then shook their head at their self a couple times.

Maau M; Kirin prince m- 18- homo; Zayn for now- Kirin- Leadership, turning into dragon horse whatever, horse and dragon communication, floating, holy fire- really likes carrots (lol), Chinese, dances sometimes, likes water- Tags

The tan skinned and brown eyed beauty was wearing bottoms, a t shirt and a flannel. The flannel was tied around his waist. The sweet and gentle but wild and crazy sometimes one smiled. Since he was in the house, he was showing the brown antlers. They stuck out of his silver ended long reddish brown hair.

He had the deep blue pendant from his mom on, as well. He hummed to himself as he began to walk down the halls. He was happy here, and he had a great life so he liked it here.

Leslie White Les, Lie agender- 16- girls; open- human- swimming, intelligence, writing, running- likes red and brown, German and Russian- Tags: the group

The five foot four and one sixteen pound light skinned beauty hummed. The reddish brown eyed white blonde one followed the others. Audrey and Ellis had both been leading the way. Now, Audrey dropped back to be by Kori. Leslie hummed and stayed at the middle of the group. They made a small sound when they heard the roar…but it sounded dragon like?

They had no idea, as dragons weren’t real or so they told their self. They continued to quietly hum as they and the others walked. They soon could see a mansion looming in the distance. That must be the haunted house they were headed for. That’s when a wolf noise was made…They watched the wolf slide into a tree, then it jumped back up.

They didn’t know what to do, so they…produced their pepper spray. They aimed it at the wolf, not hearing what was said about not hurting it.

Maria Athos Mare f- 18- lesbian; Nyx- werewolf (turned)- speed, wolf form, intelligence, swimming- Affiliation: the human kids, for now- was turned by a friend, Favorite colors: green and brown, likes ice cream and meat loaf- Tags: the group

The green eyed golden brown haired girl was now a brown eared golden wolf, tail tip also brown. She also had a white jaw and toes. She whimpered and shuddered on the ground. Her eyes opened to look at the girl as she sobbed, and wished she could calm her. She was in pain right now, though. She saw Audrey had phone in hand and was...either recording or trying to distract. She couldn't really tell, from the ground, which it was. She shuddered a bit more, flinching. Vin had settled beside her, but not actually touched her. Still, she'd felt him fall to his knees beside her. His hands were also hovering over her sides.

She growled weakly though, when the male werewolf snapped at Ellis. She was able to lift her head, but the pain hadn't subsided quite yet. She was sure, well she hoped, it would soon. For now, she was stuck on the ground like this, prone. She growled again, a bit stronger, when he pinned his ears and rushed. She wanted to like him, but he was attacking...She didn't like that, and so she growled. She pressed her paws to the ground, trying to rise though that only caused more pain.
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