◘The Begining Of The End.◘

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter


Postby borahae. » Mon Jan 18, 2021 6:43 am

    xxxxcismale • twenty-one • werewolf • pansexual • tags: jax • location: bakery

      Distracted from his hunger as the worker nodded towards him with a smile of his own, curiosity piqued as the werewolf caught a glimpse of the other male's wine colored eyes and general aura, Aro hummed deeply in return to the white haired male's words and scrambled to dig out his wallet, handing over the dollar with a cheeky look "Of course, of course. Here you are." Returning his wallet to his back pocket thereafter, watching as the male put it away in the register and went about getting his order, Aro found his curiosity taking over and went back to making conversation "Sorry about earlier. Y'know, 'delightful'. Seems a bit old-timey."

      Leaning his hip up against his end of the counter, jutting one of his legs out and making himself easily comfortable, Aro took a moment to glance around the shop as the worker slipped out back and out of his sight with a sort of contentment; never let it be said that this man couldn't be relaxed or at home in just about any place. After all, as the old saying goes, home isn't a place. It's a people.

      Crossing his arms unconsciously as he awaited the return of this oddly captivating white haired male, Aro caught a whiff of the freshly made slice of cake and couldn't help but to grin, eagerly reaching out to grab the order from the red eyed boy "Ah, and you work around this all day? No wonder you've tried it. Don't think I could manage a shift without having a piece of everything in here, to be completely honest." As much as the food made him want to drool and dig right in, Aro found the stranger to be more important at that moment, wanting nothing more than to unravel the mystery before him "Y'know, I've been coming here for ages, and I don't think I've seen you around before. I think I'd have remembered you, if I had. Not too many people with red eyes around here, for one. What a stunning color." Lowering the plate in his hand, the long haired male gave a bright smile and a brief chuckle before speaking once more "Sorry, I'm probably talking your ear off. Wouldn't be the first time. I'm Aro, by the way. It's nice to meet you."
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Re: ◘The Begining Of The End.◘

Postby scarlet_benoit » Tue Jan 19, 2021 12:59 am

Sabelina Estre
she/her| bisexual | 19 | werewolf | tags: Amara Mortimer | location: diner -> flower shop

    Sabelina's first customer of the day had just left when Lesley (the other waitress on shift) sped towards her with a degree of urgency that made her stop in the middle of clearing the table. Lesley pulled her to the side and muttered, "John needs to see you. He doesn't seem to be in a good mood, so let me finish cleaning up and just get back there."

    Sabelina kept herself from rolling her eyes. John, her manager, was always in a bad mood it seemed. She wasn't sure she had seen him have a good day in the entirety of the two years she had spent there. Still though, Lesley seemed worried, so she dropped the rag and walked to his office.

    She rapped twice on the doorframe with her knuckles before entering. John was sitting slouched over a list at his desk, looking just short of having a temper tantrum. He only looked up to scowl at her. "You're missing your name tag," he growled. She looked down at her chest and realized that she had, in fact, fogotten the small magnetic plaque when she came in that morning. Oh well. Working up a bit more confidence, she finally asked, "What did you need to talk to me about?"

    John's face scrunched up in a rather unflattering way, and he spat his words as he told her the story in (it seemed) as few words as possible. She wondered if it was an attempt to keep himself from exploding. "Customer called a few weeks ago. Wants to have a proposal thingy here for some godforsaken reason. Tonight. Nobody wrote it down. Called today to confirm, we have none of the supplies." Sabelina felt herself growing more tense. She vaguely remembered that phone call. "Sabelina, are you even listening to me?" She snapped back to attention and nodded. "I need you to go into town. Buy some flowers and other decorations to make the place pretty. Now go," he said, waving her out the door.

    Sabelina left as quickly as she could, ditching the apron on a counter. She knew there had to be a flower shop somewhere nearby, and perhaps if she could get things quickly enough and make it look excellent, nobody would have reason to remember that she was the one who forgot to write the date in the planner. She urged her legs to carry her faster as she scanned the shops. Bakery, jewelry store, fitness center, funeral home, recreation center, until at last...a florist.

    She opened the door and entered, a gust of wind following her in and knocking over a couple of small vases near the entrance. She gasped and hurried to pick them up, noticing a girl with black and purple hair behind the counter.

Nicolai Strix
he/him | pansexual | 23/200 | vampire | tags: Zeek Lee; (indirectly) Valkeri & Damien| location: coffee shop

    He worked for about forty-five minutes with no interruptions and had gotten quite a ways into sorting out the ledgers when he suddenly lost motivation. With a sigh, he leaned back in his chair to the point where it almost tipped over backwards, then dropped back down.

    "Well, so much for a full, productive day of work," he muttered to himself. He was tempted to just go home and read for the rest of the day, but compromised with himself by deciding to go get a cup of coffee from Zeek and spend a moment talking to him, if it wasn't too busy.

    He left the jewelry shop, nodding a quick goodbye to Penny. It wasn't long before he had reached the coffee shop, and the sweet smell of brewing tempted his nose. He entered and noticed that there was a line. It made him sad for a moment, but then he saw that Zeek was working, and his face brightened into a smile. He looked around and noticed that a table was empty, and took a seat at it to wait.
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Re: ◘The Begining Of The End.◘

Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Jan 19, 2021 6:04 am

Amara Mortimer
Location: Flower Shop
Tagged: Open
She'd been writing in a notebook in the quiet moments, only looking up after she heard the clattering of a couple of vases falling over... well, being knocked over, she realised. Amara raised an eyebrow. Hopefully nothing had been too broken. "It's okay!" she called over, "We can take care of that for you." and with that, two skeletal squirrel went skittering over, chittering excitedly and skidded to a halt at the door. They ran around in circles for a bit, before holding up their arms, indicating that they wanted to carry the vases. Amara wanted to give them a check over for any chips or anything that would indicate whether the vases were weaker where they'd fallen. It wouldn't be too difficult to repair, with a bit of her magic, provided they weren't too damaged.

Rhett Kendrick
Location: Home
Tagged: Open
Rhett was at home, sitting up on the large windowsill of the window that overlooked much of the town. He didn't particularly like being around other people, but people-watching was something he did like. He especially didn't like the other werewolves, after he was essentially kidnapped and turned into one by them. He drew in his sketchbook as he sat there, just imagining what things might have been like if his parents hadn't taken up the opportunity to try and hunt the werewolves... if they hadn't been ambushed and attacked... if he hadn't been spared and turned into a werewolf. Four years, and he still hasn't gotten over it.

He sighed, slowly, as he stopped drawing for a moment, shaking his hand to try and prevent the oncoming cramp in his wrist, as he'd been sketching for a good couple of hours so far.
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Re: ◘The Begining Of The End.◘

Postby KestrelTheFirecat » Tue Jan 19, 2021 6:37 am

Valkeri and Damien

The twins smiles and Damien says “sugar is fine” he smiles and stands closely to his twin
i have left
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Re: ◘The Begining Of The End.◘

Postby SewerRats » Tue Jan 19, 2021 7:09 am


Aviary continued to watch the news contently, eventually letting off a small sigh as they rubbed Opal's head one last time as they rose to their feet "Come on, how do you feel about fruit?" they tilted their head slightly as they spoke, receiving a mew of agreement from the small creature at their feet.


Tagged: Valkeri, Damien, Nicolai.

Ezekiel nodded in return of the Twin's statement, soon glancing towards the chiming noise that had originated from the bell hanging above the door after spotting Nicolai it observed his emotions, he seemed upset for a fragment but then seemed to settle, maybe he just expected the room to be emptier? He shot Nicolai a small smile as he poured the coffee into glasses, putting them on the counter for the twins along with some sugar.
"There we go. Two coffees and sugar.", once it had done this he turned to the male in the room, speaking softly as he met the others grey irises "What can I do for you, Mr Strix?" He chuckled quietly as he awaited an answer from the male.


Mara released her grip on her backpack slightly as the forest came into view, they felt a bright smile cross their features, it was nice to be closer to home, comforting, almost. She picked up her pace as she listened to the sound of their feet hitting the floor until finally arriving at the home, they pulled out their key to unlock the door, glancing around her as she did. Once the door was unlocked they went in, putting down the striped bag as they stretched. They would have to get some rest before they were due back, with this in mind they headed into their room and started to get ready for a short nap.
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Re: ◘The Begining Of The End.◘

Postby scarlet_benoit » Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:32 am

Sabelina Estre
she/her| bisexual | 19 | werewolf | tags: Amara Mortimer | location: flower shop

    Sabelina held back a curse when the vases hit the floor, silently pleading with the universe that she hadn't broken them. The girl behind the counter called out that it was okay though, and that helped ease her mind a bit. She was a bit spooked by the skeletal squirrels, never having seen anything like them before, but they seemed to be helpful, so she handed them the vases after helping pick them up and walked further into the shop.

    She grimaced at the other girl apologetically, and finally spoke when she reached the counter. "I'm so, so sorry about that. Wind kind of took me by surprise..." She paused for a moment, considering what else she could do to make up for it, and offered, "I can pay for them if they're broken. I don't want to hurt your business with my clumsiness."

Nicolai Strix
he/him | pansexual | 23/200 | vampire | tags: Zeek Lee; Valkeri & Damien| location: coffee shop

    Nicolai felt his heart constrict in his chest a bit when the other vampire smiled at him, and he scowled at himself for it and shoved the feeling down as quickly as it came up. That wouldn't do. Still though, he couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness when it addressed him.

    He stood up from his chair and sauntered to the counter, unable to resist giving Zeek a quick wink before he spoke. He was an incessant flirt and even real feelings couldn't fully stop him. "Hello, Mr. Lee," he said, mimicking the other's formality. Leaning against the counter, he continued, "I was hoping for a bit of coffee and conversation, but I don't want to interrupt your other customers." He shot a charming smile at the two other people in the shop, a pair that appeared to be twins since they looked so similar.
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Re: ◘The Begining Of The End.◘

Postby SewerRats » Tue Jan 19, 2021 10:05 am


They soon opened the fridge, picking out some oranges "What do you think Stinky? Oranges okay?" The small feline purred softly as it rubbed against their legs in reply. "I'll take that as a yes then." They answered as they put the objects on the counter, gradually starting to peel them as their furred companion leaped onto the counter and began to play with the peelings. Aviary let out a small laugh at the animals behaviour as they gently scratched his head before grabbing a bowl from the cupboard and began putting the pieces into it, soon after scraping the peelings into the bin.


Tagged: Valkeri, Damien, Nicolai.

"It's lovely to see you today, Sir." He smiled as it answered, still listening to the dark haired male as he did. It chuckled softly once the dark haired vampire had finished, pausing before speaking in response. "Hm? Coffee and a conversation? I believe I can do that." He glanced towards the pair of children before speaking once more "You wouldn't be interrupting. How would you like your coffee?" He questioned the other after meeting his grey toned eyes once again.


Mara released her grip on her backpack slightly as the forest came into view, they felt a bright smile cross their features, it was nice to be closer to home, comforting, almost. She picked up her pace as she listened to the sound of their feet hitting the floor until finally arriving at the home, they pulled out their key to unlock the door, glancing around her as she did. Once the door was unlocked they went in, putting down the striped bag as they stretched. They would have to get some rest before they were due back, with this in mind they headed into their room and started to get ready for a short nap.
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Re: ◘The Begining Of The End.◘

Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Jan 19, 2021 10:53 am

Amara Mortimer
Location: Flower Shop
Tagged: Sabelina
The skeletal squirrels accepted the vases, and then carried them over to Amara, setting them on the counter. She leaned forward slightly to take a look at them, taking out a magnifying glass out of a drawer in the counter, just to check that for any micro-cracks that could make the vase fall apart with just a little too much pressure. There were a couple of chips, but she expected that. Now that she knew what to fix, though, it would mean she'd be able to use her magic more effectively.

She looked up when the customer had approached the counter, apologising. Amara shook her head. "No, it's okay. I can fix them. I was hoping that putting them there would catch people's eyes..." Amara replied, then she carefully put the vases and magnifying glass aside. She could finish with them later. "Anyway... what is it you're looking for? A particular occasion? A large bouquet or a smaller arrangement?" she asked.

Rhett Kendrick
Location: Outside
Tagged: Open
Eventually, realising that he was going to have to go and get some food - although he did seriously consider whether or not he even wanted to go out - Rhett got up from his seat, and he went to get himself ready for going outside. He pulled on a leather jacket, and a pair of shoes, then made sure he had his wallet, phone and apartment keys, before leaving the apartment. It didn't even really feel like it was 'his' apartment - he was being forced to live there, after all.
Rhett stepped outside, tensing up as he did so. He really hoped he wouldn't run into anyone and have to talk to any more people than necessary.
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Re: ◘The Begining Of The End.◘

Postby scarlet_benoit » Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:08 am

Sabelina Estre
she/her| bisexual | 19 | werewolf | tags: Amara Mortimer | location: flower shop

    Sabelina watched with interest as the other woman inspected the jars and breathed a sigh of relief when she said she would be able to fix them. She wasn't sure she could afford too many extra expenses right now.

    "I'm looking for something for a proposal/engagement party...I think," she said with a nervous laugh. "I forgot to write down the date in the planner, so my boss is pretty mad about it. I'm looking for an arrangement that will dazzle them, if that's possible? I'm not really sure what that would look like..."

Nicolai Strix
he/him | pansexual | 23/200 | vampire | tags: Zeek Lee; Valkeri & Damien| location: coffee shop

    Nicolai had a hard time keeping himself from smiling outrageously when Zeek said he would have time for a conversation with him, but was surprisingly successful at concealing it (or so he thought, though the corner of his mouth did move noticeably upwards).

    When he met his eyes, Nicolai moved his gaze to the board behind it. "Hm...I don't know what exactly I'm in the mood for today. How about I buy two of whatever your favorite is, and you can have something too while we talk?"
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Re: ◘The Begining Of The End.◘

Postby SewerRats » Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:48 am


They soon opened the fridge, picking out some oranges "What do you think Stinky? Oranges okay?" The small feline purred softly as it rubbed against their legs in reply. "I'll take that as a yes then." They answered as they put the objects on the counter, gradually starting to peel them as their furred companion leaped onto the counter and began to play with the peelings. Aviary let out a small laugh at the animals behaviour as they gently scratched his head before grabbing a bowl from the cupboard and began putting the pieces into it, soon after scraping the peelings into the bin.


Tagged: Valkeri, Damien, Nicolai.

Ezekiel nodded in reply before tilting its head slightly "Are you sure you don't want something different? You're stuck with black coffee otherwise?" He chuckled slightly as it spoke before turning to start brewing some coffee as he declared once more "And it's on the house." He paused for a second before turning once again. It watched the vampire for a few seconds before gently pushing the other side of Nicolai's mouth up slightly to match the other, whilst doing this it mumbled "You should smile more. It suits you."


Mara released her grip on her backpack slightly as the forest came into view, they felt a bright smile cross their features, it was nice to be closer to home, comforting, almost. She picked up her pace as she listened to the sound of their feet hitting the floor until finally arriving at the home, they pulled out their key to unlock the door, glancing around her as she did. Once the door was unlocked they went in, putting down the striped bag as they stretched. They would have to get some rest before they were due back, with this in mind they headed into their room and started to get ready for a short nap.
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