☀ The Sanctuary ☀ teens with powers ☀ Closed!

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Once the drama cools down a bit, want a timeskip?

Yes, skip to when the FIRST army is arriving at the Sanctuary. But have the other armies arrive pretty quickly after the first.
Yes, skip to when the LAST army finally arrives at the Sanctuary.
Total votes : 10

Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby TheFae » Sun May 14, 2017 5:57 am

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Everyone and 'Mrs. Avacado'

Amber smiled, not liking this woman whatsoever. She didn't know how she was going to out her without proof, and she was pretty darn sure this girl knew what she was doing. This imposter was not going to show herself, but Amber would have to outsmart her.
"Let's go then." Amber smiled, gesturing for everyone to start moving. She then tried very hard not to laugh at her sister. Amber knew Ivana was acting, and it was a pretty good act. Amber was pretty positive not even Luno would be able to tell she was acting. Solara then touched her her forehead, and Amber knew what it meant. Her family used to do the same thing. They would touch each other in the presence of enemies, to show their loyalty to each other. They were a pack, and they would fight together. Amber then turned and began walking beside Solara. She knew Ivana could hold herself in the back if this woman decided to act out. Amber then took a deep breath and turned around.
"How did you manage to escape Alastair's clutches? It must be an amazing story." Amber smiled, acting cheery. Those words nearly killed her inside. Even her parents, who were one of the strongest people she knew, couldn't escape Alastair's minions. None of her friends or family did. Not even the great Solara herself.
If this didn't convince everyone, then Amber would have to put on her best show.

17 going on 21
Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Clove, Ben, Ondine

Jonah loved watching Clove think. He could almost see the gears turning in her head, and he ached to really see what she was thinking.
"We just like to protect what we love." Jonah smiled, wrapping his arm tight around her for a second, before relaxing. He then laughed.
"I will join any army you want, my deathly she-wolf." He snickered. He then couldn't help but tease her. "No matter where we go, I know I'm way more accurate on my bows than you are with your knives." He knew for a fact that she was far more accurate than he was. For every ten shots, he could manage at most 7 with the bullseye, an that was with concentration. Clove got 10 out of 10 every time, and she didn't even have to look. He was always amazed by her.
"For the Strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the Strength of the Wolf is the Pack." Jonah recited, word for word. It was his family's motto. The friendships they made would tie everyone as pack, and everyone protected each other. It was far easier, and better, to survive with others than it was to survive alone.
"What is this about Wolves and Packs I hear?" Kelly asked as she walked in. Ben was right beside her, already with a hand on her. They were always touching, which was why Jonah was always super touchy.
"Nothing, just telling Clove our family motto. She'll have to learn it one day. Isn't it customary to do it in our wedding vows?" Jonah teased. He knew for a fact he would take her last name. He would do anything she asked.
"It is. But the Adamsons have interesting traditions too." Kelly smiled, winking at Clove. "Sorry, but we need to steal him for a bit. He is going to send Ben to Ondine's dreams." Jonah nodded and let go of Clove and walked over to his father.
"Could you please sit down with your eyes closed? If she's asleep, you'll be able to contact her directly. If not, you can leave a sort of message." Jonah tried to explain. It was easier done than said. Ben complied though, sitting and closing his eyes. Jonah then gently touched his temples and sought out his mind's eye, as he liked to call it. He could feel all of the silver chords linking everyone's dreams together. He then followed Ondine's chord, and tied it loosely with his father's.
"They are connected. I will tell you if she's asleep or not in a moment." Jonah murmured aloud, breaking out of his mind's eye for just a moment. He then closed his eyes again, and sought out Ondine.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Timpani

Mayne smiled as Timpani thought she could crush him. Even if she did, he wouldn't complain. He loved just being there for her. He absentmindedly started to brush his fingers through her hair, feeling suddenly sleepy despite having just taken a nap. He leaned his back against the tree, feeling so content. He didn't even fight the sleep that overpowered him.

Mayne immediately recognized his dining room. The mahogany table decorated with golds and oranges of the sun. Pictures lined the walls of Adelina and Mayne, as well as other family members. It was home. He then realized that his mother was at the head of the table as always, but his father was at her right instead of at the other end. Adeline was to Theia's left, and Mayne was beside her. He then looked to his right, only to find Timpani was sitting at the other head. Mayne thought his heart would burst.
"You okay, cookie?" Timpani asked, concern all over her face.
"No," Mayne smiled, reaching for her hand. "I'm perfect." He then noticed all of the food on the table, which he must have made.
"I love you." Timpani told him. His head whipped over to her, and he thought he would explode.
"I love you too." Mayne smiled, squeezing her hand.
"I'm so ready for food!" Adeline squealed, wriggling in her chair. She was just a bundle of energy.
"This meal that you have prepared looks delicious, Mayne. I'm very proud." Onille smiled, his voice light and higher than Theia's.
"I concur with your father, Mayne." Theia smiled. "Let us dig in." She then picked up one of the thousand forks on the table and took a bite of the salad. Adeline, Mayne, and Onille then followed suit. Mayne took a bite, expecting the flavors of the salad to burst in his mouth, but there was no taste, no crunch, no nothing. He glanced over at Timpani, who looked severely confused over the silverware. If only his Aunt Esme was here to see this. She would love to teach Timpani all of the ways of proper etiquette.
"It's the outermost one." Mayne whispered to her, smiling with encouragement. Timpani then nodded and picked it up, digging into her meal. Mayne continued to take smaller, more dainty bites.
"We are leaving soon to go to Solara's for the wedding. The Windwoods will be there, Timpani." Theia stated, starting the conversation. "But you are more than welcome to sit with us, if you would like. You are one of the family now, after all." Onille smiled, standing in for his wife's brutality. Theia always meant well, but she sometimes said things a little harshly. Onille was always there to mellow it out.
"That would be nice." Timpani smiled, squeezing Mayne's hand.
"Do you think Solara could bestow me with her blessing? Do you think that will make my power appear?" Adeline smiled, not squealing but obviously excited.
"Maybe, if you asked nicely." Onille smiled at her, reaching across the table and petting her hand. The salad was quickly finished, and Mayne stood up.
"Our next portion is my signature soup. It is meant to cleanse the palette for our next entree. I hope you enjoy." Mayne smiled as he started to pour the soup in each of their bowls. He then sat down and picked up his soup fork. He waited for his mother to take the first bite, and she did. She paused for a second though, but only Mayne noticed. He even noticed that Timpani waited, and he wondered how long she has stayed with them. Most outsiders did not know of their customs. Mayne then tried a bite of the soup, expecting flavor, but once again, receiving none.
"Mayne, what did you put in this soup?" Theia asked, growling. Mayne froze in place and looked up. He knew that growl. He was in big trouble.
"Butter, onion, cream, butternut squash-" He started to nervously say, but then he stopped when he saw his mother's nose. She started to have a nosebleed.
"Mom, I don't feel so good." Adeline murmured, looking pale. Onille was quiet, but blood was coming from his nose as well. Timpani beside him started to cough, and she grabbed her napkin. The white stained red.
"Mayne, what did you put in this soup?" Theia growled, trying to stand up, but failing. She coughed as well, and blood dribbled out of her mouth.could"Why isn't he being affected? Did he poison us? I thought you loved us!" Adeline cried, now sobbing. Blood was leaking from her eyes now. She then started to cough violently, and blood sprayed across the table. Her eyes went wide, and then her eyes rolled.
"Adeline, no!" Mayne cried, jumping for her, but being locked in place. He couldn't move.
"This is all your fault. Your sister is dying because of you!" Theia snarled. Onille was crying, trying to reach for his daughter, but he fell on the floor. Mayne then turned to Timpani, who was in no better shape than the rest of them.
"How could you? Poison your own family? Kill them? You are no better than Agatha. How could I ever love a boy like you?" She spat, her voice hoarse and weak.
"I didn't mean-" Mayne started to cry.
"Stop crying, you weak, pathetic, excuse of a son!" Theia snarled. Mayne's head snapped to look at her, and she was on the floor, holding her husband and daughter. Their eyes were both open, but they were no longer moving. Everything was stained with blood. When Mayne looked at his mother's face, all he saw was pain.
She was crying.
"You are not my son." She hissed, voice getting quieter, before she started shaking. Her eyes rolled too, and she was suddenly not moving.
"Mom, please, no!" Mayne cried, sobbing. He couldn't move.
"You should be the one who is dead. You should not have betrayed your family. Because of you, your whole family is dead." Timpani hissed, standing up. She then hit him so hard he went flying. He didn't even fight it though.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He mewled, sobbing. He couldn't see through his blurry eyes, but he felt like he deserved this punishment. He had killed his family. He had left them to die, and it was his fault. A figure was looming over him, and suddenly they fell on top of him.
"You disgust me. And to think. I loved you. How pathetic." Timpani hissed in his ear. It was so quiet, but so powerful.
"No, this isn't me, Timpani-" He tried to beg, but Timpani stopped moving. Her eyes were staring at him, and they were filled with such hatred and disgust, it made Mayne's stomach roll.
He had killed his family.
It was all his fault.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Mal and Sleep

Flynn wagged his tail, really wanting to race, but he was so tired all of a sudden.
"Can we just sleep instead?" He yawned, sitting down. He then laid down, putting his head in his paws. "The adrenaline just left me, I'm just... so tired." He couldn't even fight the blackness that was encroaching in his vision.
"Let's just sleep here for a bit." He murmured tiredly. His eyes then closed, and his breathing slowed.

"You can't catch me, you can't catch me!" Amber cried, running from him. He didn't understand how she was faster than him. Flynn tried to catch up, but he couldn't reach her.
"No fair! Stop using those electricity powered rockets!" Flynn cried, trying to go faster.
"Fine." Amber huffed, stopping. Flynn crashed into her, and they went sprawling. Thankfully, they were both laughing.
"Come on, it's time for lunch! We're having a picnic! Everyone is there!" Amber cried, pulling him to his feet. She then started running, pulling him along. Flynn easily kept up, and they ran into a clearing, where in fact, everyone was there. Cilan, Jonah, Mal, Solara, Ben, Luno, Jen, Gavotte, Xia, Mayne, Cadence: they were all there.
"What's the celebration?" Flynn asked, smiling lopsidedly. His heart was racing just upon seeing Mal and his family. She looked radiant in that purple dress of hers.
"We just all wanted to eat together, silly. Does there have to be a reason?" Mal teased.
"I guess not." Flynn smiled, walking over and sitting next to her. He was surrounded by friends and family, and everything felt perfect. "What's up for lunch?" Amber asked, looking at the adults.
"Sandwiches." Kelly smiled, tossing everyone a sandwich. Flynn got his last, and he didn't even ask what it was. He just took a bite and looked around. Everyone looked so happy and content.
"Hey, do you want to spar later?" Flynn asked, turning towards Mal, but she wasn't sitting up anymore. In fact, she wasn't even there. Flynn looked around, only to realize no one was there.
"Guys?" He asked, curious. He then shifted into a wolf, following his nose as he tried to find scents. Out of nowhere, he smelled a lot of blood. He immediately ran towards the smell, but he froze with fear when he heard the screams.
"Help us!" Voices cried. He couldn't even tell whose voice was whose. It was filled with such pain.
"Flynn, please, help us!" The voices cried. Flynn ran, and kept running. The smell of blood was getting stronger, and so was the screams. He then burst into a clearing, only to find everyone dead. They were all so mauled, Flynn wanted to get sick. He shifted, standing up slowly and shakily. He was in shock, and the tears were rolling down his face. Everyone he loved and cared about was strewn across the clearing.
"You could have saved us, Flynn." Amber murmured. She was the closest. Flynn dove for her side, trying to grab onto her, but not grabbing onto anything. She then sat up, and was whole again, but his arms went right through her.
"You could have saved us, Flynn, but you didn't. Now we are all dead, and it's your fault." She whispered, standing up. Everyone started to gather behind her, and Flynn noticed they were all off of the ground. They were all hazy too, ghostlike even.
"It's all of your fault. We are dead because you couldn't reach us in time. You were supposed to protect us." Amber stated again, and everyone started to murmur in agreement.
"I ... I tried to catch you guys. I was with you one moment, and the next you were gone." He stammered, shaking so hard.
"It's your fault we are dead!" Amber shouted, almost in a war cry. Everyone then sprang on him, tearing him apart with their nails and teeth.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Flynn howled, but it didn't matter.
No one would listen.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Xia for a moment

"I'm glad we had this talk." Regina smiled, laughing even. She then accidentally snorted, and blushed bright red. Thankfully, Xia looked like she was in la-la-land. "Xia, is everything okay?" Regina asked, actually genuinely worried. Xia looked like she was in a daze as she stood up. She took off her chain mail as she moved, and it was strewn across the lawn. Xia then fell over, and looked like she passed out.
"Xia!" Regina cried, about to stand up and go after her. Regina couldn't even make it off of the ground, she was suddenly so tired. She fell back into the grass, her blonde hair strewn about. She felt like Sleeping Beauty, and the thought put a smile onto her face as she was dragged under.

"We love you Princess Regina! We love you!" Her subjects cried. Regina waved from a top of her white horse. They were having another parade, trying to make the subjects happier. "We will always follow you! Forever and ever!"
The Praise was music to Regina's ears. She was in power, and everyone loved her.
Her parade ended, and Regina dismounted from her beautiful horse.
"Please take care of her. You will be greatly rewarded for your service." Regina smiled, patting the stable boy. He nodded with awe, and then gently took Fae to her stable. Regina then glided into her courtyard, where she could overlook the city in silence. As much as she loved all of the attention, she sometimes like to just look out and see what was hers. She sat down, fanning out her dress in a polite manner. It was a light purple, almost lilac in color, and it was sparkly but not over the top. Regina looked so regal in it, and she knew it was her favorite dress. She looked up, ready to gaze upon her beloved city, only to see it aflame. She stood up abruptly and ran into her castle.
"Guards! Something is wrong with the town, you need-" She started shouting, giving orders, but someone was sitting on her throne.
"Guards, seize her." Amber snarled. She was in a golden-silver dress, and she looked like a Goddess. Her eyes were aglow, one silver, one gold.
"For your actions of enslaving the town and bewitching them, you are sentenced to rot in a confined cell. You will be isolated, and the only sounds you will hear are the ones of the townspeople telling you of what you did to them. May your guilty conscience kill you." Amber snarled, true hatred in her eyes.
"I did nothing wrong! She is trying to steal my throne!" Regina cried, fighting against the guards. The townspeople suddenly rushed in and tore at her dress.
"You are nothing! We hate you! How could you?" They all cried. Regina's eyes filled with tears, but she kept fighting. She had to save her people.
Suddenly, she was thrown into a dark room. The door closed, and there was little to no light. She couldn't see anything.
"You killed my husband. I will never forgive you."
"You broke apart my family, allowed us to be disloyal to each other. I hate you."
"You are the worst thing to ever happen to us. I hope you die."
The messages kept coming, and Regina couldn't tune them out. She screamed, but her voice was quiet.
"There is no use screaming, Regina, no one will hear you, even if they wanted to listen. You brought this upon yourself. Do you really think by bewitching people, they could honestly love you?" Amber whispered. The malice that dripped from her words dripped onto Regina like oil on her skin. Regina held herself tightly as the quiet sobs wracked her body.
"To think, you thought people could actually love you? You're nothing but a monster. A sick, vile monster. Good thing no one cares enough to help you. You will be alone forever." Amber hissed again.
"I hate you."
"I will never forgive you."
"I hope you die."
"I never loved you."
"I'm sorry." Regina tried to whisper, but nothing would come out. She closed her eyes and huddled further into herself.
"I hate you."
"I will never forgive you."
"I hope you die."
"I never loved you."
"I never loved you."
"I never loved you."

she/her pronounsengineerwriter

for the strength of the pack is the wolf,
and the strength of the
wolf is the pack.

EruditeDistrict Ravenclaw

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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby ~Rue~ » Sun May 14, 2017 12:01 pm

Thrown.To.The.Wolves wrote:
Thrown.To.The.Wolves wrote:Jade shrugged, "Not really, I've always been quite a loner. I was rarely in town, for the most part I was drawing as far away from anyone else as possible." she said in a hushed tone now, a little embarrassed about her shy nature. "What about you? Did you have any close friends, or family even?"

I nod at Jade, I understand if you want to be alone a lot. I do that too because people annoy me, especially rude people and I guess there are not much rude people in windwoods but most of the girls are not that nice. "I spent time with my sister Anna. My parents left us alone a lot and I didn't have other friends. I never really liked people." I gave a look to Jade trying to say that she was a exception. She might be shy but I understand that completely.
Suddenly I feel very tired. "We should go to bed now," I say then I put my head down on the table, I should be moving to get to upstairs r at least a couch but I can't even move. I fall asleep in seconds right on the table.
The Nightmare
I am surrounded by people and they keep on shoving me pushing me around. The walls and ceiling are way too close and I have to bend my head to stop from hitting my head off the ceiling. The floor is rough like I am in a cave, it is only lighted up by what looks like fire. Suddenly screams sound through the crowd as I hear my mother, sister and Jade screaming in pain.
"Get out of the way!" I yell at the people pushign past them, but they just get in my way and they get harder and harder to push away. They block my way no matter what I do, if I push one away then 3 more are in my path. It feels likes it takes forever to reach them but they are already on the floor dead, with a very tall and muscular person standing over them. It must be Solara. I lunge at her in attack because my weather powers are useless here. The person grabs me and easily pins me against a wall, I look into the eyes of my own father who has the same eyes as me.
"you traitor, what have you done" I snarl at him like a angry wolf.
"You hide away from people Andy because you are too scared to face the truth of what happened." My father laughs. "Everybody says it was Solara who killed your weak useless mother but it was me. I killed that rat but I would never have done it if it wasn't for you Andy. You know exactly what happened and why she died, it's your fault and no one else's."
I don't even know what to say, I just look away feeling the memories come flooding back, everything he says is true but I just can't bring myself to tell my sister because it would hurt her too much to know how her dad really feels. I actually tried to believe this lie that Solara killed my mother and for a while I kind of believed it, but deep down I know it's just a lie I made up so Anna would never have to know who really was the 6'4" person who we saw kill our mother.
My father ties me up to a burning stake and in front of me is a screen showing exactly what happened. I have to watch it over and over again. If I close my eyes it is still there and I can still see it even with my eyes closed. I then have to watch Elias kill Jade and Anna while I am trying to get to them uselessly. I want to call for help but then I realise there will be no one to hear me and no one left to come to help. i guess I always wanted to be alone and now I get my wish. There is no one left for me and its all my fault they are gone.

Soon the memory in my dream changes, now I go to a night that I try to forget but it always stays at the bottom of my brain even though I can never remember it exactly except in my worst dreams.
I walk through the dark hallways . Andy and I got caught with Elias evil plans but it was mom who caught us, not dad and she took the plans. She said she would take them to parliament herself so we wouldn't be in danger from A) dad catching us or B) parliament getting the wrong idea and killing us thnking we are the traitors (because they won't take me seriously and my brother is too quiet to explain things too good.)
I hear a noise and I turn into a tiny little fruit fly, except I can see properly like a human even though I have fruit fly eyes.
The most good and important part of my power that makes it super useful. I fly into the living room which has a back door leading to the back porch, the noise came from the porch door and my mom is sneaking out. She just closed the door. I fly around inside watching my mom, she has the papers hiding under her coat and she start running. I get my running speed from her, we are so fast almost no one can catch us except the fastest people, like people who have super speed. It helps us get away because we are also so small. Suddenly my mom trips over nothing, what the disgrace she never trips! Like me she can jump through trees like a monkey. The papers are on the ground scattered and it looks like she had a hard fall.I decide to turn into a human and go out to help her but before i can, a big person comes out from the hedge and grabs my mom by the shirt. I don't know any one that size except my dad (he is away today on buisness) and what i heard about Queen Solara. It must be Solara thinking my mom is the traitor, I watch her snap my mother's neck and throw her to the ground. i scream but no sound comes out because I am a fruit fly with no voice. I fly up to the stairs and turn into a human half way, I run up actually crying too hard to scream now. Then someone grabs me from behind and puts a hadn over my mouth. "Don't start screaming, she will hear you." Andy says angrily.
"Help mom!" I try to say my voice muffled by my brothers hand over my face
"I saw." Andy says sadly, he puts me down. I see he has tears in his eyes too. "We have to go Now."
"What about dad?" I sniffle.
"He is out covering us so we can escape, he will find us when it's safe." Andy says. I turn into a bird and land on his shoulder. I close my eyes and hanh on as he starts running. So dad was right to betray Solara after all, I will never forgive her for killing m y mother. Phoenix or not I will kill her 10,000,000 times and still not have had enough...
This is just what happened that night, but this time the dream is different. As we go through the yard I open my eyes this time and I see the person wasn't Solara it was my own father! He looks right at me and I fall to the ground turning back into a human because my power stopped working.
"Andy!" I yell as he runs away, but he doesn't even care.
"It was me silly bird." Elias laughs using the pet name he uses for me but this time it just scares me. I stand up but try not to act scared. "You traitor, you are the real traitor!" I yell at him.
"Oh really? Your brother lied to you this whole time making you believe Solara did it. He lied to you because he thinks you are weak and cant face the truth." He laughs at me "I guess that is true, look at yourself screaming like a 2 year old girl. Well I guess that is all you are. Useless and weak rat like your mother."
I actually laugh back at him. "This is a dream you idiot, You can't even touch me. Go ahead and try!!"
"Then I will" He laughs and turns into a lion, soon he is running towards me. I try to turn into a bird but it doesn't work. I won't run away though and I get ready to fight him even though I have nothing. he attacks me with his claws and soon I fall to the ground bleeding, but he just keeps attacking. Then my mother and brother stand over me too and they are both laughing. Their eyes are dead but they just won't stop laughing
"You are nothing but a weak little sister who I have to waste my time protecting" Andy laughs at me.
"You let me down as a daughter, you are just like your father or worse." My mom says. They keep laughing and it mixes with my lion dad's laughing as he rips me to pieces with his claws.

I thought Amber and Ivana were so tired they weren't making a plan and actually JUST wanted to rest but I guess I am wrong, I nod and catch up with Amber. "Hey sorry about earlier. I got the wrong idea about what you said, I hope we can still be friends." I say.
I bet miss annora will think I tried to flirt with her and got dumped or something before, since she wasnt with us before she won't know what I'm actually talking about, I'm just talking about how i made a mistake.

After the fight I saw Oliver still didn't wake up, I carried him this whole time but now he is dead, I never really knew him though, I just put hm behind the cabin before i walk to join the others. "Celeste what do you think the sanctuary is like?" I ask. Back when we were just friends I might say I hope its a nice place to meet cute girls but now nah, I only have eyes for her. She is beautiful and also strong, also clumsy in the cutest kind of way and her just being there makes me feel better just being there no matter how upset I am!

"Nice to meet you again Mrs. Aguado, do you want to walk beside me?" I ask smiling, I feel like the timekeepers don't trust this woman so I will keep an eye on her. I told the others I am Kale and fern's mom and they didn't glare at me any recently but I feel like they still don't trust me, well then I should stay with the other person who they don't trust that way it is easier to keep an eye on us.
I t makes me so mad but I need these people to feel safe
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby hellb0und » Sun May 14, 2017 1:35 pm

        ( JENNIFER )
        xxxxxxxx age: sixteen. || location: the sanctuary. || tags: unavailable. || crush: gavotte. ||

    Jen didn't speak, quietly watching. Abruptly she fell back, an all too familiar darkness consuming her vision. Unable to speak and only listen, she was forced into a horrendous catastrophe of nightmares.

    A booming and deep voice sounded behind her, allowing a menacing cackle to pass once the female was finished speaking. "You're going to kill him, or I'm going to kill you." The male before her was on his knees, head down. He was prepared for death. Despite the plead for mercy which shone in his dull eyes. He was innocent, Jennifer knew it. A hand wrapped around her neck, by now she had taken a measly slice from the serrated dagger which sat against her skin. "Are you going to do it, fire girl?" She did her best to recognize the woman, puzzled as to how she'd known so quickly. She wanted to tell herself it was a nightmare, although it all felt too real.

    "If you don't do it, Jennifer Dire, I'll not only kill you, but your entire family and everyone you have ever cared about." She wanted it to be a threat, but before her lye the bodies. They were all beyond recognition. "What did you do to them?!" Jennifer screamed, throwing herself at the female like a wild animal. "Ah ah ah.. Nice try, Ms. Dire." The female had respawned. She couldn't be killed. "I said kill him." She again demanded, this time closing the space between the two. Grabbing her bow Jennifer watched as the arrow plunged into the back of the male's head. A steady stream of blood emerged from where she had shot. Now not only did she carry the burden of killing an innocent man, but the guilt which came with it.

    Everything again grew dark, and with it emerged the next horror. Before her was Windwoods, it being her home for years it was easy to identify. Although an inferno danced around her, and she had no way of controlling it. Her gaze locked on the unmistakable screams of what had been her father, mother, and Gavotte. An unknown force kept her from reaching them. When the fire parted, it revealed the now burnt remains of what had been those she loved. She turned to face the three, they now inhabited ghostly figures.

    "You're a monster, Jennifer. I can't believe I ever loved you." She was immobile, a manifestation of sounds only she could hear rung inside of her head. His voice was harsh and cold, much like her father's when she had burnt the school down. "I-I'm sorry." The voices within her head continued speaking, incoherent words she couldn't decipher in the moment. "You aren't sorry, if you were sorry you would've saved us!" Gavotte's voice now rose. Their gazes felt like knives, as if she was being stabbed repeatedly. "I can't believe I ever called you my daughter, you're a murderer. I never want to see your worthless and pitiful face again!" Her father spat. Jen felt much like her younger self in this moment, the memory resurfacing. Adding itself to the endless torture. She was broken beyond repair and insane. All she had wanted was to die.

    Her mother now spoke, "I never loved you, it was all an act. When you burnt the school down it just deepened my endless hatred for you, you're pathetic. Now you've done this, murdered your loved ones. You murdered everyone in the village! They're all dead because of you! Did you really ever believe someone could love a disgrace like you..?" She shook her head, "N-No." Gavotte laughed, "They're both correct, and I shame myself for ever loving you. In fact, I'd kill you right here if I were still alive." An unsettling figure sat behind her, grinning. She was unaware of it's presence, consumed by the words which hit her like knives and the indistinct voices within her mind. She felt what was an ax in her back, and fell to the asperous terrain beneath her.

        ( VIVIEN )
        xxxxxxxx age: seventeen. || location: birvale beach. || tags: open. || crush: none. ||

    Vivien kept to herself, happy they were moving on. While she didn't entirely trust this "Mrs. Aguado" figure, she decided to keep her suspicions low for now. She had concluded everyone was in on a plan. She studied the others, realizing everyone had completely forgotten about the female who was clearly from the Parliament. She hadn't pulled any stunts yet, and was now conversing with Waverly and Samuel's mother. Vivien knew they were all beat. After all, they had put up a battle against Agatha earlier. She had to admit that the cabin didn't sound like such a bad idea anymore. Of course she wouldn't admit this openly, they'd all shoot her glares. Keeping silent she continued walking.

    [Sorry for the boring post, not sure what to do! ^_^;]

        ( THANA )
        xxxxxxxx age: seventeen. || location: her cabin//birvale beach. || tags: kristina and the group. || crush: unlikely. ||

    Thana knew she was failing miserably, although had another trick up her sleeve. She just had to wait until the moment was right. Following behind the others she turned to what appeared to be an older female from the Parliament. "Sure thing." She responded with a fake smile, although it appeared real to her. "You come from the Parliament?" Thana had remembered that Annora was generally a non-judgemental person, that was why she opened up her cabin to Thana. At the time, she appeared to be a runaway. "I'm sorry, I forgot a few things. I'll be back in a second." She spoke to no one in particular and receded back into her cabin. She wasn't sure if she'd be returning, and quickly began stuffing her weapons into a suitcase. I'd better make this believable.. Walking back outside to the group which patiently waited she gave a slight nod, "My apologies everyone, I had to grab clothes." The suitcase appeared normal to them, and they'd be unaware what it really had inside. Holding the suitcase she patiently waited for the group to begin moving.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby emza.the.nerd » Sun May 14, 2017 4:03 pm

Celeste Rutherford~Female~17~Healing

Celeste was relieved when informed of their departure, she couldn't wait until she would be able to settle down at the sanctuary. It would be wonderful to have some place safe and she anticipated the freedom of it. Freedom, that is, to be able to lay under the stars with a hot drink, maybe a book to snack on and then wake up to the sunrise dancing in the sky. It is moments like those, Celeste thought to herself, that gives life meaning.

Fern's inquiry snapped Celeste back into reality.

"I'm not quite sure," she replied truthfully. "I hope there's a nice river to bathe in, maybe some rocks around it to play on. Although I will most likely fall off the rocks though haha. They must at least have a nice tree for reading under, preferably on a hill, although I'm not sure if they'd have any books there. Quite frankly, it's practically a necessity for me to have a book at all times, I'm not sure how I survived in prison for so long without one. But what I wish for the most is somewhere with a nice view of the stars at night and in the morning a clear view of the sunrise, who knows, maybe we could go stargazing one night? Well, now I'm rambling again aren't I?"

Really? Her internal monologue kicked in. As if she'll want to do some boring stargazing with you. You done disgraced up Celeste, although there's not much of a change there. She drowned out the voice. Her outward appearance who depicted a bubbly girl, was most definitely deceiving. The grief and guilt of losing her only friend, sister, and twin at the young age of 11, suffocated most of her happy thoughts. Though she learned to contain it, but not well enough for at least for one person to notice. If you couldn't guess, that person was Fern. Fern, unknowingly by both herself and Celeste, had greatly lessened the healer's woes. She was the only one that Celeste could and would actually talk to. Now, Celeste is able to converse normally as a human would, but only Fern get's to see what really goes on inside that enigmatic head of hers.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby darcy_jensen » Sun May 14, 2017 4:57 pm

l i l y // a l l i n g t o n
power - teleportation // crush - rowan // tags - unavailable

the dreams lily usually experienced ranged from either extremely pleasant to a nightmare. she didn't experience nightmares too often but the nightmares she did have were usually about one particular set of events. she suspected as the scene began that this would not be any different. but she was wrong.

the teleporter was only a young girl, only eight years old. she'd travelled to the small, musical village of windwoods with her mother, as they wished to visit her father who was at the village for work. he was a mender, able to fix absolutely anything that was broken, and it so happened that someone needed their oven fixed and he was the only one available. her parents were a loving pair who only wanted the best for their daughter. lily, only being young, had no idea that there was a bitter hatred between her parents that would soon change her life.

lily and her mother hadn't told her father that they were going to visit him, as they wanted it to be a surprise. he had been working hard with little break, so lily suggested they brought him food from one of the villages' taverns. and as lily and her mother entered the house that her father was working in, a basket of warm food in their arms, the young girl viewed the scene that broke apart her once-perfect life. her father was in a bed with another woman, and in a blind rage, lily's mother took the knife from the food basket that they'd planned on using during dinner, and drove it into her husband's chest repeatedly. the woman that her father had been sleeping with, and her own screams were loud enough to awake the peaceful village, and soon a group of people burst into the house and pulled lily's mother away. her final words to her daughter then became lily's mantra and soul purpose to live- "finish them all." that was the last the teleporter had seen of her mother, to this day she did not know if she was jailed or executed.

orphaned at the age of eight, lily lived alone in her house, stealing from markets to survive. she began to train herself mentally and physically to be able to murder, as she wanted to fill her mother's wishes. the girl was filled with hatred for her father, and the woman that he had slept with, and everyone in the village whom had taken her mother away. and although her mother hadn't specified who she was meant to finish in her final words, lily decided she would end every person who had contributed to the falling apart of her childhood. and now she was fourteen, at the peak of her physical fitness, and ready to complete her mother's request. that night she teleported into the sleeping town, the moon hidden in a blanket of clouds ensuring that the girl would stay hidden during her slaughter mission.

she crept inside the very house where she'd lost both her mother and father, where the frame of the person who'd caused the destruction of her life lay, peacefully sleeping. and as lily raised her axe and was about to plant it in the figure's chest, a light was switched on to reveal that it was her love and best friend, rowan. tears began to roll down her cheeks as she stared at him in confusion, for this was not how the nightmare usually went. she hadn't met him when she'd murdered the majority of the windwood village members, so why should be here now. interrupting her train of thought, rowan reached up and wrapped his hands around lily's neck, the hands that only minutes before she'd been holding. she knew, somewhere deep in her mind that this wasn't her boyfriend, that he had to just be a figment of her imagination, but what scared her more that this was real. and as lily's vision began to blacken from lack of oxygen, her healer boy began to explain that he'd never loved her, that he detested her existence, that she was disgusting and wasn't worth anything to anyone.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby ~Rue~ » Mon May 15, 2017 10:49 am

I smile thinking of Celeste falling off the rocks, "I'll catch you of course," I say to her. "I hope there are some comic books because i got to have pictures in my books" I explain knowing I would get so bored if I just read something like 'History Of Hesenia Textbook Version 8' or '101 Things To Do With Dental Floss' some boring school book or other dull book. I love books with action and I guess I COULD read a actual book if it had enough action, there was this chapter book series about 5 elemental girls from Windwoods who saved the world from Agatha and I read the whole thing, I love those books. "Except for that series 'The Elemental Quintet' my favorite." I then nod "I would love to go stargazing with you, don't worry I like listening to you ramble. Its better than listening to my annoying brother."
I laugh at him, what is he doing, flirtng with Amber I guess.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon May 15, 2017 6:09 pm

Parliament Building

Alastair never knew he had it in him.
Gently, he brushed away Amelia's tears. He was silent, barely even breathing as he listened to her words. Countless Hesenians had pledged their undying loyalty to Alastair's throne, but how many truly meant their promise? Alastair's followers were truly not as loyal nor as cohesive as he wanted them to be. He took the throne through violence, and he kept it through violence. He ruled by fear and never love.
He had now come to terms with the true weight of his responsibility. Up until now, he had only helped Agatha by causing dissent and anarchy among his people. Wars had erupted because of him. Innocent people had died for innocent beliefs. Those days were over.
The King nodded silently once Amelia was finished. No words would do this moment justice. It cracked open his stone-cold heart, and shattered it with the guilt for everything he had done up to this point.
He had brutally murdered children who spoke their minds. He had torn apart families who sympathized with his old enemies. He had coldly tormented those at his mercy.
Alastair knew deep down, he was no longer capable of doing those things again.
Like Amelia, he had made a choice that could not be revoked. There was no turning back. Alastair had made the choice to overthrow the Queen in a moment of revenge, and he had followed through with his plans. He could never wipe his sins from memory and begin with a clean slate. What was done, was done.
It was too late to reverse the choice he already made, but not too late to make a new choice. And he would. Alastair silently made his choice to become a true King, and not only by title.
It was so silent he could hear his own heart beating. He could hear Amelia's heart beating. If he focused, he could almost hear all of Hesenia with their hearts beating as one. Instead of giving them despair, he would give them hope. He would protect them as Solara had.
He felt nothing but tenderness as he looked down at his once-ago soldier. Alastair had a fleeting, desperate thought that he should spare Amelia, and treat her as his own daughter. He knew he could not. Amelia had attempted assassination. One of them would not be leaving this room alive, and both had accepted that.
"No. I have to thank you," Alastair said in a low, calm voice. His hands on Amelia's face were firm, unmoving, but surprisingly gentle. "You made me realize why I am here. I must do my duty, as King of Hesenia."
But he wasn't ready to take the life of the person who helped him realize his purpose, even if she accomplished it through trying to murder him. He was not her mother, but he still wished he could comfort her somehow.
Alastair didn't even remember where Amelia's mother was buried. Her mangled body had been hidden in an unmarked grave, somewhere in the destroyed wasteland that was once Solara's backyard garden. Thinking of the lost garden reminded Alastair of a story he once heard, as a small child...
"... I'll never destroy any garden again- I will not harm a single blade of grass. I will protect this place. I will protect all of Hesenia so nothing like this happens again."
"That's my little girl. I believe in you, Sunny. I know you will bring life and not death to Hesenia. Good will triumph, no matter how powerful the evil."
"... Thank you, daddy... I will prove you right. Can I fix what I have done?"
A warm chuckle.
"You could have fixed it a long time ago, my sunshine. Take my hand, and let the sun rise."

Alastair knew what he would do. He would restore the castle, and lay Amelia to rest in the garden. He would repair the destruction he had done. It seemed impossible, but he would take on the task one step at a time. He would begin with the flower bed.
He took a deep breath and pulled Amelia into his arms. She felt somehow smaller, more like a young girl than a deadly assassin. Her wings gave her the appearance of a fallen angel, not quite a demon. She was a child driven to the point of high treason. But despite everything, she was still a child.
"It will be alright..." He tried his best to sound reassuring, despite the break in his voice.
"... My daughter."
And he ended it then.


Birvale Beach

Samuel laughed since his mother was just standing there. Waiting. Solara and the others were already moving, and of course his poor mom didn't get the cue. "Must be the gross fumes of this old cabin, bet Agatha lived here once." Samuel honestly didn't blame her for being confused right now. Waverly seemed really tense and was already walking away wordlessly, maybe worried about her getting old or something. Typical silly brother. Always worrying. Samuel knew his mother was strong and would probably beat the Hesenian record for old age or something.
"Come on mom. Everyone's already leaving," Samuel laughed and grabbed his mother's hand to pull her along. It felt a lot smoother and thinner than he was used to. "It's probably because my own hands are so rough after that stupid prison. They totally treated us like trash, those dumb pigs."
"... Stop," The Queen said from up ahead. She had stopped walking and pulled Amber closer, protectively.
"What's wrong?" Ivana asked. Her voice was a combination of worried and annoyed.
"... Manticore. It will attack me. Be ready."
Samuel had no idea what she was talking about. Fortunately he didn't have to yell, because Ivana spoke for him. "Why will it attack you?"
"... The teenagers at the Sanctuary killed a manticore. I was there," Solara explained.
"Ohh," Said Ivana, surprisingly calmly, even though Waverly was now hiding behind her fearfully. "Monsters like those have very strong mate bonds. You're right, it will probably attack you. I'm assuming it's far away."
"... It is in the forest." Solara pointed to the thickly forested area, very far up the beach. Samuel remembered the Queen had a very weird sort of vision. She always had her eyes closed, but somehow she could see people through walls. Probably she had heat vision or something.
Waverly was now clinging to Ivana, who looked very irritated but was still smiling. Everyone was pretty much together again since the lagging people had caught up (thanks to Samuel dragging his mom).
"Amber, Vivien and I are spent. No one else has offensive powers," Ivana explained, ignoring Samuel's brother clinging to her. "How do you plan to get rid of it?"
"... I will have all its attention. Do what you must, but do not put yourselves in danger."
"We''ll probably have to fight with sticks or rocks. Let's find some before the weirdo gets here," Samuel said. He was totally not returning to get the stick he used to impale Solara on. He let go of his mother's hand and started looking for something that would be useful in a fight. He noticed a broken bottle down by the beach, and grabbed it. The bottom end was jagged and the glass was very sharp.
"I got a good one," Samuel grinned. "See if you guys can beat this beauty."


Celestial Tower

Clotilda leaned back a little, kind of using Jonah's arm as a pillow. He was quite comfortable. Clove was the first Adamson female for generations to date someone taller than herself, but she didn't care about height as long as it was Jonah. Nobody even judged her for breaking the stereotype either. Good for them. She would slice up anyone who dared talk trash about her relationship, or worse, about Jonah himself.
"We have so much in common then," She laughed at Jonah's comment about protecting what he loved. Clove was her mother's daughter after all, as she proved by her death.
"I was thinking of joining Blair's army just so I could tear people apart," She continued to laugh, "But I would probably tear apart my own allies because they would annoy me with their hollering!"
She immediately stopped laughing when he teased her, and she started to fake extreme anger. She smiled evilly like she was about to murder him, and she grabbed a nearby pencil and twirled it like a knife.
"Oh, the tortoise challenges the hawk to a flying competition! Let's go," She teased back, still having her 'creepy face'. Clove had learned that her actual angry face wasn't even scary. Her smile was the closest thing to being scary, and it kind of lost its effectiveness once she was dead. It was still fun to get all vicious like old times, though.
She just smiled as Jonah recited the family motto, but then his parents walked in. Clotilda threw the pencil across the room, towards a pencil case that was very slightly open. The throw was so accurate that the pencil disappeared into the tiny gap left under the zipper. She just smiled deviously as marriage was mentioned, but then Jonah had to go do something. Clotilda stood up and allowed her hug slave boyfriend to leave.
"You dirty boyfriend thief," Clove continued pretending to be angry as she fake hit Kelly on the arm. Then she ended up hugging her. "I missed you mom- I mean Mrs. Soare. I wanted to talk with you at the meeting, but that would be awkward." Some of those people were Clotilda's own ancestors, and it was just weird to see the Hesenian Legends in person. Also, Kelly had been occupied with all the other 'mortals' surrounding her. Clove actually really hated when they used the word 'mortals'. It just sounded plain rude and degrading. Maybe she would stab one of them in the face, see who was mortal then.
"Anyway, do you have any idea how everyone is doing in Hesenia?" She asked. "The only news I get is from my brother, and he hasn't even been visiting me between revivals when he was fighting the basilisks. If you ask me, that's so rude. I want to hear all about that perfectly good fight that I am totally missing out on."
She really did miss the thrill of a fight, blood roaring in her ears and wind rushing through her hair. Knives flying in every direction, cutting down all opponents who dared approach the Girl Who Never Missed...
She wanted to be alive again, so she could fight to the edge of death again.
"My mother's daughter,' indeed," She thought amusedly.


The Islands

It had been an easy day training. Ondine kept time simply by the natural cycles of her army's bodies. They would sleep when tired, and wake once they were well rested, regardless of the sun's position. The complete lack of sunlight due to the dark curse was no problem for them. They still took naps frequently and whenever they felt the need.
General Ondine needed a good sleep right now, since she had just eaten a hearty meal. They were eating especially well, preparing for a war they all felt coming.
"Good night, girls!" She called out with a smile. As she retired to her corner, she heard the other girls' voices echoing her 'good night'. Her hammock hung between two palm trees. It looked more comfortable than ever. She climbed in and closed her eyes, listening to the sound of waves on the beach as she fell asleep.
She woke up on the ground. That was unusual, Ondine never fell out of her hammock. She rose to her feet and saw herself, lying in the hammock sleeping peacefully.
Definitely unusual. Ondine knew she was having a dream, since it would make absolutely no sense for her to die this way. She took a look around, and realized someone was behind her. At first she didn't recognize him, and then...
"Benjamin Soare?" Ondine exclaimed with a wide smile. "You've grown so tall! How are things on the mainland?"


[Nightmares coming tomorrow. I have to go to bed myself. XD]
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby passione » Mon May 15, 2017 9:22 pm

♘— ""

age † 17gender † femalepower † aura manipulationcrush † silas meistheme † xform † x
tagged † dreamland

    I didn't know if it could get any worse. It did, though, and I didn't know how much more of this I could take. I had initially thought that Zelkova was a beautiful woman who didn't have such gnarly claws and hands of dead skin. She was here for Silas, I assumed, but I would not let him go. I held onto my Silas for dear life until the scenery changed. We were no longer in Windwoods, but instead, deep in the forest next to the two Redwoods that my treehouse was nestled in between. Zelkova kept on tugging on Silas' arm. Around me, plumes of fire arose from the ground. It surrounded me, leaving a narrow opening that I could just slip through, taking Silas' body with me, but there was something in the way.

    Not just something... It was an animal. But no ordinary animal either.
    "Mallory! What are you doing!?" The wolf bared its teeth, unresponsive to me. I was completely surrounded now, but I stood up, carrying Silas regardless. Wait. How was I able to carry Silas...? I wasn't the strongest and he wasn't the lightest.

    Around Zelkova, an eerie mist drifted towards me. It muted the intensity of the fire, but it could not reduce the heat. This was the same mist as before, and I wondered briefly if Zelkova had created an illusion of some sort to force me to kill Silas. I thought Zelkova had been kind hearted. The fire did not follow as I backed away from Mallory, enough for me to zip by her and find an opening. A wolf was a wolf, though, and she turned around quickly enough to pounce, tearing a gash into my leg. Asthma wolf my arse. She's trying to kill me.

    I didn't find it strange when the scenery changed once again, except this time, we were in the Sanctuary again. RIght by the lake where Silas and I kissed he laid there on the grass, peacefully. Mallory was gone, probably somewhere in the cabin, as the wound she had inflicted on the back of my calf seemed to have disappeared as well. Zelkova was nowhere to be seen, and everything was just as it always has been. I was confused... Was this real or was it a nightmare? I couldn't tell. Regina laid still next to me. I turn to look at the lake, but the view is blocked by a putrid colour.

    A putrid woman. She put her hands on Silas' face, grazing her thumb across his lip as she glared at me with a smirk. A devious smirk. Fear was losing those you loved. "Fear is not knowing the difference between a nightmare and reality. Let's see how you like it, kiddo."

    Xia opened her eyes to the blank sky. Silas and Regina laid nearby, just as they had previously, but Agatha was gone. She thought about what that vile woman said, and decided that she had just awoken from a nightmare. The nightmare that was losing Silas, her parents, and her hometown, and having one of her best friends turn against her. It was learning that death did not have a pretty face. (it actually does. im gay for zel.) Fear to Xia, was losing. It was being alone and being turned against. Fear was incomplete knowledge.

age † 17gender † femalepower † shadow manipulationcrush † n/atheme † xform † x
tagged † alastair

    Her ears and eyes must've been deceiving her, but it was all too real. This was no fantasy; no dream. This was Alastair taking a turn, making a change. Amelia wouldn't be alive to see it, but the evil inside her heart had now dissipated, and for a good few moments, she wanted to see this change take place. Alastair was no villain, and Amelia hadn't known. It wouldn't have changed anything if she had, anyways, as her ambitions and hardheadedness would have just driven her to do the same thing. Attempt assassination. How she hated her father for inspiring these treacherous actions.

    She was grateful, though. As even if Amelia didn't seize the throne and take Alastair's life, she had perhaps changed Hesenia for the better by being there to see him show mercy for once and make a good choice. Deep down, it was what her mother wanted. Maybe it's what Amelia wanted as well. Nobody is born evil (except Agatha), they are only taught to be.

    She had a good run, having the chance to be raised by a good mother, being able to learn and read, fight... She didn't have it the worst. Life was good to her for the most part, excluding the day Zelkova had taken her mother away, and her father on the same day. Neither of the Elwyns died on their own terms, and Amelia wouldn't either. There was a vast difference between Amelia's death and her parents' though. She was going to die happy and satisfied with her mark on the world.

    Amelia found herself closing her eyes as she leaned into Alastair, careful not to get in the way of what he was about to do. They were united at that moment, united by the regrets of their past actions, united by the rhythm of their heartbeats. For once, she felt as if she had a full family. She felt like she had a father, and that completed it for her. That fulfilled her and allowed her to walk into the open arms of death. Amelia smiled at his last words to her, or at least the last words she would be able to hear.


    —Her smile died with the rest of her.

age † 17gender † malepower † enhanced reflexescrush † akiria saitotheme † xform † x
tagged † camilla

    Vaxas didn't ever believe in stopping. His perseverance and intentions to keep going brought him a lot of praise from his peers, but it also had its downsides. One of which, was becoming a workaholic. Vaxas always looked for more work to do around the camp stationed in the deserts. Without any duties, his mind was free to wander wherever it wanted, and that always resulted in bad thoughts. Bad thoughts resulted in something called "I'm going to hide out in a tent alone and not come out for ten days in hopes the thoughts will go away." Now, thank the legends that this has only happened once since the sunset rebellion when his family died and he was the only one spared.

    Vaxas knew that General Camilla couldn't keep him busy forever, but he just had to keep trying. A dead brother was nothing fun, dead parents weren't fun either. Arlen and Sonia had dedicated their entire lives to protecting Solara and Hesenia with it. They died on duty, and he almost did as well. There was really only one reason Vaxas' parents decided to fight on the front lines, though, and that was because his younger brother, Mallius, was there, too. But no, he wasn't on the front lines of Solara's side. He was on Alastair's.

    "General. General Fairchild? My apologies for coming to you for the fourth time today. I've run out of stuff to do." Vaxas paused, scratching the back of his head. He ought to get a haircut. Having shaggy hair like this wasn't ideal in the deserts. If it wasn't too hot, sand would get in his hair somehow during training. "Again."
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby Shinceon » Wed May 17, 2017 10:50 am


She entered the building to find a bloody and hurt king holding a corpse of one of his assassins. Internally she began to panic but managed to keep herself from visibly freaking out. She bowed, "my liege, are you hurt?"
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby SunnyJustice » Wed May 17, 2017 6:02 pm

Throne Room

Alastair recognized the sound as Virisia entered the throne room. He could tell her apart from others with simply the sound of her footsteps, wingbeats, or even the way she opened the door. He needed to take a second to breathe before he looked up. She was still calm as always as she bowed.
"Kid tried to kill me. The bandages are in Atalanta's washroom," Alastair said grumpily. He was about to shoo her out, but his expression softened. He took a deep breath as he looked down for a moment. He was still holding the body, cradling her head which her broken neck would not support. She did not look like a murderer. In this moment she looked fragile, like that night Cyrena had...
"I will deal with the body," Alastair sighed and looked her in the remaining eyes. "Can I talk to you afterwards?"

Zelkova herself had to take a moment of silence at this. She had not expected Alastair to treat a traitor this way, especially one who attempted to murder him herself. It was heartwarming in a morbid way.
She approached Amelia and gently picked her up- not her body, but rather her spirit. Zelkova cradled the girl and smiled down at her. There would still be punishment for Amelia in the Underworld, but her sentence would be reduced. Maybe she would have to write lines on a blackboard every weekday. "I will not assassinate my liege..."
"You wanted to say hello to your mother, sweetie?" Zelkova asked gently, stepping out of the room and into darkness. "I will take you there."
She continued walking down the invisible stairs until she reached a door. On the other side was the Underworld, exactly where Jophiel was. Zelkova had her ways of making entrances and exits at the perfect place. Jophiel had the punishment of doing General Ada's dishes, but she was off duty at this hour.
Zelkova set Amelia down. At this point, some of her victims tried to run upstairs. They would find the stairs no longer existed. Some of them turned and ran away into the darkness, as fast as they could. No matter which direction they ran towards, they would always end up approaching this door again. Once they stepped through, it would close by itself and disappear forever. Zelkova would wait for them elsewhere. She always knew where her place was.
She normally was patient, until she had to find another victim. Then she simply threw them through the door. But she didn't like when the situation had to escalate to violence.
"You can open the door when you are ready," Zelkova told Amelia with a patient smile. "I will give you and your mother a moment alone if you wish. Just call for me when you are ready to discuss the rest of your afterlife here."


The Desert

Camilla chuckled softly when one of her soldiers called her "General Fairchild" as normal. Her army was probably the most formal and well-mannered. She thought of other armies. Katharine's soldiers called her "Big Sister", and Blair's army just called her "Blair". Lanette's soldiers were the worst. They called her "Mother".
"That is fine, no need to apologize. I'm happy you came to me though," Said the General. "In truth, the last recon mission failed to find General Kale's brother."
Blythe Kale had gone missing somewhere in the desert, with a message he was supposed to deliver to Camilla's army. She had sent many people to track him down, but they found no trace.
"Would you like to put together a team? I understand if you decide not to, but if you accept, let me know when you are leaving."


The Nightmares

Cilan was distantly aware that someone was holding him. He nestled into his mother's broad chest, listening to her heartbeat as warmth embraced him. He remembered sleeping this way as a child. Up until his mother was assassinated by Alastair, Cilan still slept in her arms.
Something was wrong with her heartbeat, though.
It was missing.
Cilan opened his eyes and looked up reluctantly. "Mother?"
The warmth was replaced by a deadly chill. Solara had an unrecognizable expression on her face, one Cilan had never seen before. A terrible blend of hatred and glee. The eyes staring back were not warm, deep russet. They were a sickly green, the color of decay and infestation.
"Tricked ya, kiddo!" She cackled before throwing him to the ground. Cilan didn't even resist, simply lay there as memories came flooding back. He had fallen for this trick for seventy years. Each morning he would wake up, desperately clinging to the false hope that maybe, just maybe, he could go back and set things right.
"But you can't," She laughed, completing his thought like Luno would. "Thanks a lot, kiddo. I gotta tell you again. You helped me kill everyone and steal their powers. Hey, this look familiar to you?"
She began shifting into a hideous black wolf, teeth elongating into fangs and claws sprouting from her hands before she shifted back. She laughed as electricity crackled between her hands, destructive and uncontrollable. She set her hands aglow with beams of sunlight, except she incinerated everything in her path.
"You can't blame anyone but yourself for this. It was you who refused to kill your mother. You regretted your choice, kiddo, but it was too late. Hope you found it just a bit fun, watching me kill everyone you loved."
Cilan closed his eyes, exhausted. Every day Agatha-Solara toyed with him, tormented him endlessly.
"Looks like you've finally given up. About time. You have nothing left, bird boy. You have nothing and no one."
He took a deep breath and opened his eyes again.
"What? Gonna admit I'm right?" The sneer looked terrifyingly misplaced on Solara's once-stoic face.
Silently, Cilan rose up. He was smaller than the abomination facing him, but he would not back down. Agatha might have taken his mother's body, she might have taken every Hesenian's power, but she had not taken one thing.
"And what is that, you stupid bird?"
"Hope," Cilan told her. "You can't kill me, Agatha. This is my curse, but also my blessing. I will bring you down one day, since I have eternity to do so."
Agatha simply laughed and slammed him against the floor with one hand. Solara's strength was not something a monster like Agatha should ever have inherited. But Cilan knew Agatha was not Solara.
"You might be stronger than me in every way, but you're missing something. You don't have a purpose. I have hope."
Agatha was laughing uncontrollably, so much that tears came to her eyes. The simple gesture of laughing was alarming to see with Solara's features. As unnerved as Cilan was, he would not lose his composure.
"Oh, kiddo, don't you get it?" Agatha-Solara sneered. "Your hope. It's what makes your existence so pathetic. It would be easier if you gave up, since you wouldn't have to try anymore. But you're too determined, kiddo. You just keep on going, every day. You say I don't have a purpose, but watching you suffer is purpose enough."
"You-" Cilan began.
"You're the one who doesn't have a purpose, Cilan." Agatha looked deep into his eyes. Cilan could swear those eyes were russet for a moment before returning to pale green. "Not anymore."
She grabbed him by the throat. He kicked out, but he couldn't reach her. He could barely move. Solara's grip was crushing him like he was a fly.
"Call out for 'me'. I dare you." Agatha-Solara laughed. "Cry for your mommy, little boy. No one will come to save you. No one is left."
"I'll just come back. One day I will destroy you." Cilan's vision was fading in a red haze. He couldn't speak. He could only think thoughts of vengeance. "You can't make me lose hope."
"Your hope is a lie. There is nothing left to hope for. This is all that is left, and all that will ever be."

"On your feet, maggot!" A high heel slammed into his side.
Gavotte groaned, but it turned into a laugh. His mother was standing over him. Her expression was some strange blend of anger and love.
"It's your birthday. Come downstairs already, your friends are here." Cadence grabbed him and literally threw him out the open door. He scrambled to the stairs and ran down before his crazy mom could catch him. Everyone was at a table piled high with presents.
"You should open Jen's present before you start the party!" Gwen told him with a wink. She held out a box.
"Thank you, Gwen," Gavotte said as he took the box. He opened it to see a pair of new pajamas. They looked like they had been handmade by one of the village elders.
"This is beautiful," He said.
"That's not my gift," Jen laughed. She reached for another box.
"Put those on!" Cadence ordered, storming down the stairs. She was actually smiling. "Immediately. They're a gift, so you have to wear them RIGHT NOW."
"Yes mother." Gavotte went to the washroom to change. He was done quickly, and he came out in the new pale green pajamas. The buttons were a bit too large.
"Color doesn't flatter you much," Timpani told him honestly.
"I think it looks great," said Tacet. "It might be my colorblindness speaking, though."
Jen just gave him an encouraging smile. She was already holding the box she was originally reaching for. "Open this."
He nodded and took it. The box was very small. As he ripped off the wrapping paper carefully, he realized the many layers of wrapping paper made the box look larger. In reality it was even tinier.
He finally revealed a small, red velvet box. Gavotte gasped. "Is this what I think it is...?"
Jen smiled mysteriously. "Open it."
He flipped it open. What color ring would be inside?
... A timer?
His expression of curiosity immediately changed to one of confusion, then horror- just before the bomb exploded.
"On your feet, maggot!" A foot slammed into his side.
Gavotte laughed, thinking it was just another bad dream, but it turned into a groan. He was sore everywhere. He opened his eyes, but he saw an old woman with eyes the color of his new pajamas. She let out a cold cackle.
"What a nice birthday present, huh kiddo? I saved your life." She grabbed Gavotte by the collar and pulled him to his feet. He stared in horror at the remains of his house, smoldering slowly. His home, and the rest of Windwoods, was reduced to dust. Gavotte looked down at his pajamas, which were now a faintly glowing red. Had they saved him from the blast?
"I just think it would be fun," Agatha snickered, "To watch you live out your life alone. I got Zelkova to tell your girlfriend the news for you. Tough breakup. You said you refused to marry her hideous dead face."
His eyes were still wide in disbelief. Why...?
"You don't get it? You're the weakest of them all, and the funnest to torture this way. You can't stand alone. You need your mommy, your daddy, your knight in shining armor Jen." Agatha snickered. "Go on, call their names."
He didn't say a word, but then he felt her claws tightening into his throat. "I'll stop when you call their names."
"Jen," He gasped.
Agatha laughed and threw him to the ground. She cupped her ear, listening intently. "Oh, is that her calling your name? Nah, kiddo. She's dead. So are your parents, your family, and your friends. You'll never see them again."
Gavotte closed his eyes, willing Agatha to go away. This could not have truly happened.
"You can wish all you want, but your wishes are all lies, kiddo. This is all that's left now. This is the truth."

"Dad dad dad dad dad dad dad-"
Cedar chuckled, putting on his bathrobe over fluffy pajamas. "Yes, Olive?"
"Dad!" The door flew open and four sweaty kids jumped on him. Cedar fell to the ground as his children, covered in mud, used him as the base of their huge dogpile.
"Where can we go play? We got kicked out of the Clock Tower," Complained Willow.
"I didn't mean to step on the wire," Rowan whispered, hiding his face.
"... It's okay," Maple reassured her brother and gave him a big hug. All the while still sitting on Cedar's chest.
"We saw Mr. Timekeeper fix the circuit!" Olive exclaimed. "It was so cool, because he tested it out by using his own electricity. Can you tell me where we should play next, daddy?"
"Of course... once you get off me," Cedar chuckled. "You all are growing so big."
They scrambled off him and he sat up. "Alright, now why don't you visit Queen Solara?" Cedar suggested. "She might look scary, but she is very sweet when you know her. Her garden is the safest place to play in all of Hesenia."
"Thanks dad," Willow said. "Come on you losers, let's go race through some flowers!"
"Yeah let's go!" Olive exclaimed. Shoving and pushing each other, they crashed out the doorway. Gingko was leaning against the door with a smile on her face.
"When do they ever get tired?" She chuckled.
"Hopefully in time for dinner." Cedar rose to his feet. "I'm making roast Roc tonight."
"You are cooking that thing?" Gingko demanded. "I hunted it down for sport."
"I know it's huge, but..." He smiled. "It will just make huge drumsticks."
"Go ahead." She threw up her arms in exasperation. "I'm going to visit the Bakaris. Make sure the kids don't break anything when I'm gone, and don't eat all the food."
"Don't worry," Cedar joked, "I'll leave the bones for you to pick."
"Go waltz with Zelkova." Gingko left the room then. Soon Cedar heard the sound of the front door closing. He chuckled and went to cook dinner.
Much later, when the food was ready, he carefully took the giant roasted bird out of the oven. It was so big, it took up nearly the entire table. They did have an inappropriately small table for a family of their size. Suddenly the smoke alarm began beeping. Cedar ignored it, since it was certainly from the chicken and the oven. He had turned it off and the fireplace was already off. He was very cautious about keeping the place safe for the kids, even if he had a reputation as being a 'mad scientist' sometimes.
He heard the sound of the front door opening. No, being smashed off its hinges. "Get out here now!"
Gingko was very angry. Cedar had certainly seen her angry before, so he was only a little nervous. Mostly just worried about her. He ran towards the front door. She was standing on the porch as smoke poured into the house from outside.
"What happened?" Cedar asked, getting truly worried now.
"We have to leave. Now." She grabbed him, swung him over her shoulder, and started running as fast as she could.
"What about the children?"
"I went to pick them up," Gingko snarled. "The garden was incinerated and I couldn't even find their bones."
Cedar's heart was racing more and more. "Solara would never..."
"... You called?" A deep voice sounded behind them.
Gingko ran even faster, but a hand grabbed Cedar and ripped him off her back. She stopped then, fury all over her face. "Let go of him, Solara. You can fight me but don't touch him."
"... Oh... chivalry?" Chuckled the voice. Solara was literally holding Cedar with one hand. "... How cute. Would mock, but... these vocal chords... need time to get used to."
"Run," Cedar mouthed. He had already lost the children, he couldn't lose her too. His wife could go on without him. She had the strength to escape if Cedar stalled for time.
Gingko shook her head in absolute refusal. The dead serious look in her eyes said there would be no convincing her. She picked up the nearest branch in place of her spear, and charged.
Solara simply let Gingko stab her. The branch turned into ash wherever it touched her. Gingko pulled away just before the entire thing disintegrated. She was left holding a tiny piece of blackened wood no larger than a bottle cap. Before she could do anything else, a beam of brilliant white light cut through the landscape.
When the dust cleared, he ignored Solara's chuckling. His eyes were fixated on the incinerated forest. There was nothing here but flat land, blackened and scorched.
"... Want to join her?"
Solara held him up, like a mother proudly holding a new baby. He found it surprisingly easy to meet her eyes. The light was gone from them completely, replaced by pale green and a pitch-black sclera.
"... You do, don't you... feel guilty killing your children? You sent them to play... where I awaited my first victims."
Cedar felt a stab of guilt that twisted like a knife in his gut.
"Her garden is the safest place to play in all of Hesenia."
"... Because of your failure, you will die alone..."
She threw him to the ground, hard enough to break his back. He couldn't move his legs and could only watch in horror as Solara-Agatha left the smoldering forest, chuckling softly to herself. He would die here, from starvation or dehydration, or from sheer despair and pain. No human would find him here; no wild beast would come to finish the job quickly. He would languish here with only the echoes of the last voice his family heard.
"... You will die alone..."

"Ready, Timpani?" Mayne asked with a sweet smile. He held a frying pan in his hands. Timpani chuckled when she realized that he was fully prepared to fight using it.
"Whenever you are," Timpani told him. She didn't have a weapon. Her aim was to disarm him, then hug the adorable little cookie so tightly he couldn't move. That would definitely count as a fair win.
"Get started already, or we're going over to watch Gavotte fight Silas!" Cilan laughed from the sidelines.
"Quit heckling them, bird boy." Cadence, now with a smile on her face, ruffled his hair affectionately. "Behave or there will be consequences."
Timpani smiled and shook her head. "Let's go."
She allowed Mayne to approach her first. He swung the frying pan strategically at her shin, using his lower center of gravity as an advantage. It was hard to grab his weapon when he was swinging it low. Timpani decided to step on it instead, pinning it to the floor. She then walked forward and hugged Mayne until he couldn't move.
"That isn't a fight!" Jen laughed, no doubt expecting a real battle.
"Let's have some action!" Anna was jumping up and down.
"Shift into maximum overdrive, you guys!" Xia was standing there eating a giant bowl of macaroni and cheese.
Timpani let go of Mayne and chuckled. "You guys want to fight me instead?"
They all were silent, their eyes fixed on her in horror. Cadence's face had morphed back into the familiar enraged snarl as she recoiled. Rowan slowly put his hand over his mouth as tears silently streamed down his cheeks.
"Eden," Cilan said quietly as everyone started backing away, "Get my mother."
Timpani stared at them in confusion. They all turned and broke into a run. She shook her head in disbelief. Did they really fear her that much? It was flattery in a way, but it sucked she couldn't get more fighting partners.
She turned back to Mayne. "I guess they decided to watch Gav-"
What she saw made her blood run cold. Mayne lay on the ground motionless, like a little bird with its wings broken. Timpani knelt down beside him and brushed the auburn hair out of his eyes.
"Hey, are you alright?"
There was no response.
"Mayne, that's enough. Not funny. It was just a hug." Timpani growled and shook his shoulder, a little desperately.
Only silence.
"No. Mayne, no. I didn't mean to hurt you for real." As gently as she could, she picked him up and held him. He was limp in her arms, and his head lolled at an unnatural angle. "I'll be more careful next time."
She looked upon his cold face, his lifeless mulberry eyes. She had a feeling there would be no next time. Timpani set him down, deciding she would need to leave. She was a danger to the others... the others...
Mayne didn't deserve this. Any one of them should have died in his place. Snappy Cadence, who cared nothing about anyone but her own children. Selfish Andy, who would rather leave his friends to die than fight to protect them. Hypocritical Regina, barging into the group uninvited and acting like she was entitled to their friendship. Any of them...
Yet it was sweet, innocent Mayne who died. Mayne, who wanted nothing but to help others. He was dead because of the one person who promised to protect him.
A hand touched Timpani's shoulder, and she almost ripped it off. Fortunately she turned in time and saw Solara's concerned face. "... Timpani."
Behind her were the rest of the Sanctuary in two lines. Jen, Mal, Cilan, Flynn, Xia, Cadence... they formed a protective shield in front of the others. They were defending everyone from Timpani. This was wrong. She had always trained to protect them. This could not happen.
It brought fresh anger through her veins, and she stood up.
"... I am sorry. I cannot allow you to harm my ch-"
Timpani lunged at her without warning, catching her off guard. Her entire vision was consumed by red.
She didn't know how long she was out, but she was brought back to her senses by a gentle voice.
"Shhhh. Are you alright now?"
The red haze cleared and she found herself on her knees. Timpani almost thought she saw Mayne for a moment, until she realized it was Rowan. She tried to lash out, but only managed a half-hearted swipe that missed completely. His hands were on her shoulders, keeping her in a state of calm. He had clearly already healed her wounds.
"Tell me that was a dream," She groaned. "That was terrible."
"I'm sorry," Rowan whispered. "Take a look around."
Timpani reluctantly let her gaze sweep across the Sanctuary. It was barren, save for the bodies littering the ground. From Lily to Luno, not a single person remained apart from herself and Rowan.
"You killed them," Rowan told her tearfully as he let go. His hands began to glow with a blinding light. "Just like you killed Mayne. I'm sorry, Timpani, but you're dangerous to everyone."
She solemnly looked over everything she had done. One more time. If she had done all this in a moment of blind rage, killing indiscriminately from the strongest to the smallest, Rowan was right.
"It would be safer to kill me," She said, bowing her head. She would go on to destroy Hesenia if she wasn't stopped right now. She could still feel the anger stirring within her. For the greater good, she had to die.
"I don't want to do this," Rowan said, "but many lives depend on it."
The light was impossible to look at now. She closed her eyes-
And they snapped open, against her will. She lunged forward and her fingers closed around Rowan's throat. She tried to pry them away, but she was no longer in control.
She let out an inhuman cackle. "Kiddo, why'd you hesitate? What're you so scared of?"
Rowan said nothing, only stared into her eyes in horror as the light slowly died from his hands- and from his eyes. Timpani regained control over her body just as his heart stopped. Her voice didn't return, however.
"I picked the right partner!" The cackle sounded again from her own mouth. "Come on, kiddo. We're gonna destroy Hesenia together. You'll make friends with everybody, and then I'll kill them all. One village at a time."
"I'll die before I become your partner, Agatha," Timpani snarled. "You took everything from me."
"Ah, but I won't let you die. You'll be my partner forever, kiddo. It'll be a good life. Killing everyone you hate... killing everyone you love."
She broke into a run, in the direction of the Capital City. Timpani was no longer capable of stopping in her tracks. She was a spectator of her own body.
"And you're doomed to watch yourself commit these crimes, kiddo," Her own voice cackled. "You better get used to it!"

"Cut to the chase. Why am I here?" Cadence demanded, annoyed because she was obviously in a dream. She would not be standing in this dark grey room in real life. It had no doors and no windows. It didn't even have lighting, yet she could see perfectly. This was not very well thought out.
Only silence answered her. No cackling Agatha. No Alastair with maniacal laughter. Not even Solara was here to offer her creepy attempt at comfort. She was simply alone with this room. Memories prickled at the back of her mind, just out of reach. Yet she could vaguely get the feeling that...
... No, that was impossible.
"Those memories must be false... I would never... I would never kill my family!"
Nobody answered her. Not to taunt her nor to reassure her. She was alone in a blank room, completely nondescript and silent except for her own breathing.
Well, almost. She could swear she heard a voice now.
"Keep telling yourself that, Cadence..."

He could not stop running. One moment it had been a lively footrace, but now he was just afraid. His opponents had far outpaced him. They were probably at the finish line by now. Rowan on the other hand, was still struggling alone in the darkening woods. The sun had recently set, and... and...
... There was someone after him.
"Rowan... Rowan..." A voice called, but he couldn't tell which direction. Was it his pursuer or another bystander? Had one of his opponents come back to find him?
As he pondered, he stumbled into a small forest clearing ringed by thick bushes. What he saw caused his legs to tremble so hard, he fell to his knees. His father lay on the ground bleeding. He was still breathing, thank heavens.
Cedar opened his tired eyes. "Rowan... come here, Rowan."
Rowan crawled to his side, tears already streaming down his cheeks. "Dad...?"
"I don't have much time." Cedar's pupils were ringed by slowly expanding rays of pale green. "Agatha is taking me over... you need to stop it."
"How d-do I..." Rowan's hands were trembling, but he managed to clutch his father's hand.
Cedar's next words made Rowan's blood turn to ice.
"You have to kill me. It's the only way to stop Agatha."
Rowan broke down then, sobbing uncontrollably as he held tight to Cedar's hand. He did not want to kill anybody, much less his beloved father. But Cedar was already fighting for control against Agatha, Rowan could see it in his eyes. This was the only way to save Hesenia. His father would die, but he would die as himself.
Rowan took a deep, shaky breath as he pulled Cedar into his arms. He felt the warmth of his healing power travelling into his father's frail, broken body. Rowan couldn't bring himself to watch directly. When he used so much of his healing talent that it killed, he always felt so wrong. He was using his power for the opposite purpose of its intent. He was meant to save lives but he was taking one away.
He was completely silent until he held nothing in his arms, not even a body. Even Rowan's shirt was clean and unstained with blood. But the stains were on his soul, forever tainted with the knowledge that he killed his father. No matter the purpose, he had still killed his father.
His pursuer caught up with him then, not an enemy but rather a friend. Rowan felt a soft hand touch his shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?"
He turned around and couldn't meet Lily's eyes. "Oh, Lily-" His voice broke and he began crying like a small child.
Lily rubbed his back gently to comfort him, but then she stopped. "Who am I kidding? I saw what you did." A cold, sarcastic laugh escaped her. "Any day now, I'll be next."
Rowan heard footsteps walking away as she left, but then he heard another voice cackling. He turned his head, but the voice seemed to be all around him.
"You can't run, you can't hide... once a murderer, always a murderer."

It was a calm night, looking up at the stars. The first rays of sunlight were beginning to shine in the distant east. Luno smiled as the balcony door behind him opened, and then he felt a strong hand on his shoulder.
"Sunny, how did you sleep?" Luno asked her gently. "Did the tea help?"
"... No."
"Why don't you go inside and take a nap? I can give you a massage." He smiled and turned around.
Her expression was completely emotionless. "... No."
Luno knew something was wrong. "What is it, my sunbeam?"
His smile fell as she gripped him roughly and tossed him to the floor like a ragdoll. She never acted this way, so she must be very upset. "... You..."
She was silent then, simply pointing to him accusingly with rage contorting her normally-stoic face.
"Now, now..." Luno soothed. "I hate going to bed when you're angry at me."
"Then DIE." The fury barely contained in her deep voice made the entire building tremble. She planted a foot on his chest, glowering down at him. Luno could have dodged that easily, but he was too upset to move.
"Sunny...?" He said. "What did I do?"
"I am sick of your presence. Your idea of love is poisoning my tea and spying on my children's minds. How can you call yourself a husband and a father, worthless fool."
Speechless, he stared up at her. He had always been the only person who could look into her eyes comfortably, but no longer. Now her eyes burned with an intensity that might have blinded him within a second.
"The moon only shines because it reflects the sun's light, Luno. You are nothing on your own." She picked him up by the throat now, and dangled him over the balcony. "YOU WILL ALWAYS BE NOTHING."
The garden was gone from its usual place. Beneath the balcony was now an endless ocean, a mess of icebergs and towering waves. Luno was not afraid of water, but he knew how much Solara hated this place.
"Do you really hate me that much?" Luno asked her, hurt.
"... No." For a moment, her voice softened and he had hope.
It was just a moment.
She let go, and only the waves were there to catch him.


The Sanctuary

Luno opened his eyes tiredly. That sleep had not been refreshing at all. Everywhere around the Sanctuary, the others were just beginning to stir from their equally terrible nightmares. Most of them, at least. Some of them were still deep into their dreams, but Luno hoped they could break free quickly. This was a curse from Agatha.
"Linger long enough, and she will take you," Luno recalled the old superstition. He was sure anyone awake had heard his thought, too. Although only Xia was fully awake at this point.
For their sake, hopefully the others would follow suit.
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