Welcome to the Crescentwood Manor V.2 | Open & Accepting

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: Welcome to the Crescentwood Manor V.2 | Open & Acceptin

Postby Kkingfishh » Wed Oct 21, 2020 3:41 am

    R A I N E R ═══ [male. twenty-one years. Medieval Werewolf crush n/a mentions n/a ]
    A reluctant werewolf who likes to keep to himself
    Rainer huffed and sighed, which if you knew him even the smallest bit would know that those were the most common noises to come out of his mouth, that and any complaints or snarky comments. He picked up the left out plates and dishes on a tray outside the door, he hated dish duty, but he understood why he was put on this duty today, since he made a snarky comment that was overheard about one of the guests about their table manners and a certain hoofed animal.

    He picked up the dishes and plates on their tray and pushed it into his side and his arm holding it there as he got up, he then picked up the two glasses there with his fingers and grimaced and shuddered at the fact of touching other people's dirty cups, but settled it down and went to go deposit of them as soon as he humanly could.

    He walked down the stairs from the room and made his way through the corridors towards the kitchen, pushing open the door with his back and nodding in greeting to the kitchen staff he then placed the cups, plates and dishes in the cleaning pile and quickly went over to the hand washing station. He washed his hands and scrubbed at the two fingers that had to go inside the cup and then dried them with the allocated towel left to the side of it, once he was satisfied his hands were rid of the gross cup feeling, he then pushed the door to leave the kitchen.

    Brushing his hands together Rainer thought to himself, technically he had finished his work twenty minutes sooner than he should which meant he had twenty minutes to spare, he smiled to himself and thought about what he could do. In reality he should really go to help do more butler services, but since they weren't really expecting him to be back already, surely he could go on a small break? Providing he definitely didn't get caught that is. Rainer peeked his head around the corner and looked from side to side, seeing no one was there he sneaked out of the little alcove of the kitchen door and walked down the right path towards the outside door.

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Re: Welcome to the Crescentwood Manor V.2 | Open & Acceptin

Postby Winchester's Wolf » Wed Oct 21, 2020 5:44 am

verest 𝔏ysandre- "I don't like closed doors."
117-Female | Wolf | Homeless | Unknown-None | tags; rose
she glanced up at the horse before looking back at rose as she explained her current situation with her house...and storage. she hardly even knew the difference between the two buildings...the house could be a much bigger storage for...for whatever she stored in there. she would be genuinely surprised to find out that it was something dark and mysterious. but it could be something boring and wouldn't be much use to her.

she looked over at the cottage-like building, staring at it for a good minute, heavily judging it once again. "I'm surprised it's still standing...I haven't seen a building like that in years," the she-wolf turned her head back at rose, "do you know what year it was build in?...because i know that you have better taste than that." hey, it was a bit rude, but the truth hurts, doesn't it?

but hey, look at her having a...somewhat...normal conversation with her fiend- er...friend. Why was this? Maybe the offer of something to eat was the cause of her change of tune...for now. but from now on, it was time to play along as good little puppy...and figure out a plan to pull the wool over both of their eyes. she absolutely hated planning, but she kinda didn't know what she was dealing with. she knew she was dealing with a horse and a human. who knows? maybe in the meantime she could open up a little to rose, get her to trust the wolf.

she didn't say that it would work- but it was a bit of a possibility.

And there was also the possibility of a price- or a deal in this case...however, the deal was more of a threat. rose's body language said it all if the threat didn't come clear to her the first time. she was very familiar with.

It didn't take too long for her to respond to rose's threat, "alright miss rose, you have yourself a little deal- i will not bring harm to you or your guard..." she paused and looked up at the horse. was she really going to call this thing a dog? "...dog." everest sat down, turning her attention back to rose, straightening up her back to appear taller. what? sure, she was a murderous creature of the night (and day), but at least she remembered to keep good posture so she didn't end up with back problems. (yet she still had them. she's fine. she will live).

when the topic of food presented itself again, she turned her head a little, thinking on what she could possibly want. although cooked food seemed ideal- but she was sure that rose wanted to return to her knight as soon as she left. she couldn't blame her. who would even leave their steed alone with a horse?

"i will be fine with either or, i'm not much a picky eater like i was before," she wasn't very picky actually, she just didn't want to eat whatever was offered to her. one time one of the kids offered her some kind of pudding that had meat chunks in it. someone was repulsed by it as so was she. it was horrendous. "...but whatever is easier and quicker for you."

being nice was absolutely killing her. she wondered how long she could pull off this façade. but as for now, she knew that the horse had to go down first. the thing to figure out was how to bring the horse down all by herself...

only time will tell.


acilier R. 𝔏ysandre- "This has to be the work of Satan"
29-Male | Vampire | Butler | hetero-None | tags; rainer
he was getting nowhere with this. he would probably just spend his whole morning wiping down the windows. he should've done this at night or just pass it down to someone who wasn't directly affected by the sun. in other words, maybe a little sun will do good for his skin- it totally didn't feel like someone just dragged him through the flaming pits of hell and back.

not saying that a sea of blue flames and lava would be neat to see- just terrifying and dangerous.

heck, he might just as well meet some family there.

when he took a step away from the window, turning away so he could unroll his sleeve. he would do it in the bathroom in front of the mirror- but there is a little problem when it comes to being a vampire: you have no reflection. contacts prove very useful when you lose your glasses. just pray that you don't poke your eye out or completely miss it. it sounds like a fun time until you lose or break the contact, then all you could do is give up at that point. no point in looking for a new one or replacing it.

okay- we're getting way off topic here.

facilier looked at his arm and rolled his sleeve back down, rubbing at it before heading out of the current room that he was in. it looks like it was another trip to the kitchen for the...fifth time? no. that's not right. at least the third or fourth. and what reason was he needed in there? maybe to return a glass or something, he just found a couple in the room that he was in. who was on dish duty today? but then again, why would it matter, maybe they had forgotten. it happens. it wasn't like he was going to lash out on them. no. that's not what he does. nope.

when he got to the kitchen, he glanced around to see that strange duo that was in here before had departed- and now replacing them was one of the guests and one of the maids...to be fair, he wasn't good with names so he didn't bother to interrupt their...show. instead he placed and cleaned the cups, placing them on the drying rack, soon to then move out of the kitchen, where he had to take a step back as his migraine decided now was the time to come back and smack him in the face. yay.

he closed his eyes and opened as he bumped into one of the other butlers...rainer, as he believed that other butler was called. he jolted back and raised his hands a little, "pardon, I didn't see you there." of course, that came off a little blunt, but hey, he couldn't help it. he wasn't really in the mood to fix his tone.


ary A. ℜosiland- "Ding-dong~ Wanna play with me?"
11-Male | Human | Unknown | Ace-None | tags; Fran |
when given the okay from fran to start, he reached for his deck to pick a card up and place it in the middle, face up. it was a four of hearts. he smiled a little and looked up at fran, letting her know that it was her turn to flip a card over. as he waited, he tried to think of something else to say so this game could go by a little faster. "I don't know where the kings are- I swore that I had them in the deck. nightshade probably took them out...or papa did, i don't know." he mumbled as he looked over towards his bookbag. he should probably check the desk to see if they were there. besides, how hard can it be to find four cards of different suits in a small room?

maybe he should check in the closet too. just in case.

"have you lost anything before?" he asked as he sat back, looking down at his card that he pulled.


tellaluna- *Aggressive Clicking Noises* "Lookie here- how queer-.."
13-Female | Ghost Bat | Manor Animal | Unknown-None | tags;The Hopeless Gays
she kept her gaze on lemarc, waiting for a reaction or a reply of some sort. but when she got none, she just simply looked down at the floor, her ears pinned back, a little disappointed- even though he didn't say anything, the disapproval was pretty clear. (or disappointment. one of those two. she wasn't the best at reading emotions- okay?). however, she perked up just a bit when lark said that they had the time to solve a riddle. what a good boy- maybe she could treat him with one of his stolen borrowed pens after this. stellaluna looked up at lemarc and then back at lark when given the a-ok to share a riddle.


maybe she should've taken the time to think up a riddle rather than just staring at the reoccurring guest. but, she didn't have to think for too long as she shifted around, making sure that she could open the little watch's door with ease after they had solved her riddle. she had figured how the watch worked- almost. you would assume that fifty-seven riddles in, she would know how it would work? maybe you had forgotten about her fantastic memory.

stellaluna looked up at the two. what was now this feeling? it was almost like stage fright. why was this so? she never had felt like this when she shared riddles with larkin. her ears pinned back again as she decided to distract herself by opening the door of the watch, staring at the face.


500 riddles
57 solved
443 left

the same question always remained the same: what would happen if it reached the end? she looked up at lemarc and then over at lark. maybe one of the two would know. if not, then she'll find out from someone. someday. somehow. she shook her head and snapped the door shut. time was ticking. she was wasting time and she painfully knew it. even though she was incapable of knowing time management, she knew that time given to her by someone like her pet was very important- and she was wasting it. stellaluna gave an apologetic look at lark. lemarc would also get one- but he wasn't the one who gave her the time to share a riddle, now was he? no.

so instead of wasting even more time, she got on with it. she cleared her tiny throat and looked up at the two:


"It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.

after she spoke, she instantly flipped open the door and looked up at the two. and then back down at the face. she loved to watch as the counter went down when the riddle was solved correctly. did she herself know the answer? no she did not. not right off the bat at least. she would know if it was solved correctly- but if solved incorrectly, nothing would move and she would take even more time away from the two to figure out the answer. or, she could take up this time now, waiting for the two to figure it out. it was an odd riddle, even for herself, but she'll get the answer eventually.

disclaimer; the riddle is from Tolkien's The Hobbit; the answer: darkness
riddles left; 443
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Re: Welcome to the Crescentwood Manor V.2 | Open & Acceptin

Postby Kkingfishh » Wed Oct 21, 2020 7:22 am

    R A I N E R ═══ [male. twenty-one years. homosexual. Medieval Werewolf crush n/a mentions n/a ]
    A reluctant werewolf who likes to keep to himself
    Rainer sneaked around, his footsteps light and quiet on the ground, he tried to not look too suspicious, but it was kind of hard when you were trying to sneak around and not get caught, he kept looking around, glad to see that the corridors were mostly empty, no one really around to see him, and if there was no one to see him, there was no way to get reported for being seen.

    He thought about what he could do, perhaps he could go into the garden, there was a secret little patch of just grass that you had to crawl through some of the more denser plants, Rainer knew this to be his secret little spot, somewhere he would go when he was having a rough day, which happened more than he'd like or if it was one of the unfortunate nights where he had to turn into a wolf and he knew it was his and his only or at least, he was the only one who knew about it since he couldn't scent anyone else there, just Oleander and Mordecai when they trimmed and tended to the plants around his area.

    He pulled his phone out to check the time and to make sure there were no text messages waiting for him, asking him to come back or if some of his few friends from Germany had texted him, but it was all clean, he then went to sort out his music to play when he would go to his little spot, but he was interrupted as he was bumped into, he stepped back and caught the phone that had flown a little out of his hand.

    "what'd you think you're doing? Watch where you're going you great big-" He reprimanded the person who interrupted his escape to outside, well he was going to reprimand them in his usual annoyed, blunt tone, but then he realized who it was, a fellow butler and an older one at that, now Rainer didn't like a lot of people, but he had a bit of sense to be at least a little nicer to his colleagues and a bit more to those who were older than him.

    "Oh, uh Facilier, I didn't see you there..... uh sorry?" He spoke bluntly, his face keeping at his usual uninterested level, usually he wouldn't apologize, but he was feeling a little better today and Facilier looked like he had a headache or a migraine or something along those lines and frankly Rainer didn't really want to annoy a vampire either.

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Re: Welcome to the Crescentwood Manor V.2 | Open & Acceptin

Postby Winchester's Wolf » Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:55 am

verest 𝔏ysandre- "I don't like closed doors."
117-Female | Wolf | Homeless | Unknown-None | tags; rose
she glanced up at the horse before looking back at rose as she explained her current situation with her house...and storage. she hardly even knew the difference between the two buildings...the house could be a much bigger storage for...for whatever she stored in there. she would be genuinely surprised to find out that it was something dark and mysterious. but it could be something boring and wouldn't be much use to her.

she looked over at the cottage-like building, staring at it for a good minute, heavily judging it once again. "I'm surprised it's still standing...I haven't seen a building like that in years," the she-wolf turned her head back at rose, "do you know what year it was build in?...because i know that you have better taste than that." hey, it was a bit rude, but the truth hurts, doesn't it?

but hey, look at her having a...somewhat...normal conversation with her fiend- er...friend. Why was this? Maybe the offer of something to eat was the cause of her change of tune...for now. but from now on, it was time to play along as good little puppy...and figure out a plan to pull the wool over both of their eyes. she absolutely hated planning, but she kinda didn't know what she was dealing with. she knew she was dealing with a horse and a human. who knows? maybe in the meantime she could open up a little to rose, get her to trust the wolf.

she didn't say that it would work- but it was a bit of a possibility.

And there was also the possibility of a price- or a deal in this case...however, the deal was more of a threat. rose's body language said it all if the threat didn't come clear to her the first time. she was very familiar with.

It didn't take too long for her to respond to rose's threat, "alright miss rose, you have yourself a little deal- i will not bring harm to you or your guard..." she paused and looked up at the horse. was she really going to call this thing a dog? "...dog." everest sat down, turning her attention back to rose, straightening up her back to appear taller. what? sure, she was a murderous creature of the night (and day), but at least she remembered to keep good posture so she didn't end up with back problems. (yet she still had them. she's fine. she will live).

when the topic of food presented itself again, she turned her head a little, thinking on what she could possibly want. although cooked food seemed ideal- but she was sure that rose wanted to return to her knight as soon as she left. she couldn't blame her. who would even leave their steed alone with a horse?

"i will be fine with either or, i'm not much a picky eater like i was before," she wasn't very picky actually, she just didn't want to eat whatever was offered to her. one time one of the kids offered her some kind of pudding that had meat chunks in it. someone was repulsed by it as so was she. it was horrendous. "...but whatever is easier and quicker for you."

being nice was absolutely killing her. she wondered how long she could pull off this façade. but as for now, she knew that the horse had to go down first. the thing to figure out was how to bring the horse down all by herself...

only time will tell.


acilier R. 𝔏ysandre- "This has to be the work of Satan"
29-Male | Vampire | Butler | hetero-None | tags; rainer
He shouldn't really have been surprised by the young man's sudden outburst- but he was caught off guard. Who could really blame him? He was carrying something valuable, however Fal wouldn't know as he wasn't very knowledgeable with cell phones all that well. Or just anything for that matter. Although, he was curious on why Rainer had stopped himself short- but he decided not to question it after all.

No need for arguments. No need to go off on each other. Nope. Just act like it had never happened-

Facilier blinked when the young butler had apologized. Now, he had never been around him all that much- but he knew that he wasn't the one for apologizing. "...No problem?" He really didn't know how to react to someone apologizing to him for what he had started. "Ah but no- I should apologize for running into you." He paused and squinted. He wasn't a good person to conversate with- but for some reason nicho-bala just really hit a nerve for a couple of different reasons.

He should really find a way to prevent nicho from using his tail as a mop. It was really unsanitary.

But with Rainer, there was nothing that he could nitpick about- although using his phone in the manor when a guest could see him-... no, it wasn't his place to call him out like that. Besides, migraine. No arguing. Especially with something that could tear you to shreds- he was a werewolf, right? Were...wolf...hah. Everest. He wondered how she was keeping up.

"Heading outside?" he questioned, pointing towards the door.


ary A. ℜosiland- "Ding-dong~ Wanna play with me?"
11-Male | Human | Unknown | Ace-None | tags; Fran |
when given the okay from fran to start, he reached for his deck to pick a card up and place it in the middle, face up. it was a four of hearts. he smiled a little and looked up at fran, letting her know that it was her turn to flip a card over. as he waited, he tried to think of something else to say so this game could go by a little faster. "I don't know where the kings are- I swore that I had them in the deck. nightshade probably took them out...or papa did, i don't know." he mumbled as he looked over towards his bookbag. he should probably check the desk to see if they were there. besides, how hard can it be to find four cards of different suits in a small room?

maybe he should check in the closet too. just in case.

"have you lost anything before?" he asked as he sat back, looking down at his card that he pulled.


tellaluna- *Aggressive Clicking Noises* "Lookie here- how queer-.."
13-Female | Ghost Bat | Manor Animal | Unknown-None | tags;The Hopeless Gays
she kept her gaze on lemarc, waiting for a reaction or a reply of some sort. but when she got none, she just simply looked down at the floor, her ears pinned back, a little disappointed- even though he didn't say anything, the disapproval was pretty clear. (or disappointment. one of those two. she wasn't the best at reading emotions- okay?). however, she perked up just a bit when lark said that they had the time to solve a riddle. what a good boy- maybe she could treat him with one of his stolen borrowed pens after this. stellaluna looked up at lemarc and then back at lark when given the a-ok to share a riddle.


maybe she should've taken the time to think up a riddle rather than just staring at the reoccurring guest. but, she didn't have to think for too long as she shifted around, making sure that she could open the little watch's door with ease after they had solved her riddle. she had figured how the watch worked- almost. you would assume that fifty-seven riddles in, she would know how it would work? maybe you had forgotten about her fantastic memory.

stellaluna looked up at the two. what was now this feeling? it was almost like stage fright. why was this so? she never had felt like this when she shared riddles with larkin. her ears pinned back again as she decided to distract herself by opening the door of the watch, staring at the face.


500 riddles
57 solved
443 left

the same question always remained the same: what would happen if it reached the end? she looked up at lemarc and then over at lark. maybe one of the two would know. if not, then she'll find out from someone. someday. somehow. she shook her head and snapped the door shut. time was ticking. she was wasting time and she painfully knew it. even though she was incapable of knowing time management, she knew that time given to her by someone like her pet was very important- and she was wasting it. stellaluna gave an apologetic look at lark. lemarc would also get one- but he wasn't the one who gave her the time to share a riddle, now was he? no.

so instead of wasting even more time, she got on with it. she cleared her tiny throat and looked up at the two:


"It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.

after she spoke, she instantly flipped open the door and looked up at the two. and then back down at the face. she loved to watch as the counter went down when the riddle was solved correctly. did she herself know the answer? no she did not. not right off the bat at least. she would know if it was solved correctly- but if solved incorrectly, nothing would move and she would take even more time away from the two to figure out the answer. or, she could take up this time now, waiting for the two to figure it out. it was an odd riddle, even for herself, but she'll get the answer eventually.

disclaimer; the riddle is from Tolkien's The Hobbit; the answer: darkness
riddles left; 443
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Re: Welcome to the Crescentwood Manor V.2 | Open & Acceptin

Postby Azura ~~ » Thu Oct 22, 2020 12:38 pm

Jesica Gabriella Demonessia // Jess // 25 // Female // Fire-Demon // Maid // Tags- CoCo~

Jesica watched as the boy was in awe at the floating cup. Whoo.. She almost feels dizzy. She only just now realised she hadn't meditated today.. Oh jeez she'll need to meditate soon..

Jesica blinked as the boy walked up to the cup, keeping his head underneath it as he tried to touch the mist. It was Jesica's magic, but it would've felt like snow.. a soft fluffy feeling without the freezing cold that snow has. But Jesica's eyes widened as she watched a tear slide down the little boys face as she brought the cup to the counter, setting it down hastily as she kneeled down. "Hey hey.. Are you okay?" She quickly wiped the tear from the boys face.

Oh goodness had she made the boy cry? Oh god she didn't want to do that! Maybe she had scared him or maybe he was just scared? She didn't know..


Francesca Mary Demonessia // Fran // 20 // Female // Siren-Demon // Homeless // Tags- Mary~

Francesca smiled when Mary played his card, a four of hearts huh? She then looked down at her own stack of cards as she picked one up and flipped it over, 2 of Spades, she hummed softly. Seems he had won the first round, beginners luck really was a thing. Francesca hummed softly as he spoke, "Nightshade might have taken them..? Hmm.. Maybe you can look for them" she smiled softly.

Francesca looked up at Mary as he asked, then giggled in embarrassment. "hehe.. You see this necklace?" She pulled at the ribbon of her necklace, her light blue gem shining lightly. "I manage to lose this thing way to much.. I lost it again only recently, but I found it again"
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Re: Welcome to the Crescentwood Manor V.2 | Open & Acceptin

Postby Fenris_Ulf » Thu Oct 22, 2020 7:02 pm

Corvanta Stellant| CoCo or Corva|13|Bearfolk|Position:Guest|Tags: Jesica
Coming in contact with the snow cold magic, the boy pulled his had back with a small shiver, but that did not make his violet colored eyes pull away from the magic. His whole life he had been addicted to magic, and now he had seen it in person. Not magic like in the store, but real magic and ...,"It is beautiful" The bear boy whispered, right before the magic was yanked away from him just as sudden at it came. The sudden movement of the maid, did not leave the boy much time to react as she was suddenly upon him, wiping a tear from his face.

AS CoCo's eyes widened and his breathing increased into a hyperventilative state, his mental state started to retreat within on himself. His hands opening and closing as he tried to find his puppets for comfort. He did not do much of the touching thing especially with new people. A small whimper came from him as he did not feel the comfort of either of his puppets.
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magnolia | 1 ── salem | 1

Postby ~ moth ~ » Fri Oct 23, 2020 10:46 am

    xxxxage: one hundred and two | gender: female | sexuality: pansexual | role: homeless | species: nymph
    xxxxlocation: her grove in leck's forest | mentions: none | tags: mishka, tinuviel

    xxxxthis big bear man was really getting to magnolia is all the best possible ways. it wasn't just that he is very sweet and kind, or the first person she has spoke to in a while, but it is other things about him that she enjoys. she adores his deep voice and chuckle, the accent he speaks with, and even his broken english. magnolia has always found people who speak with accents to be adorable, especially in the way they may pronounce english words or not even know words in the english lexicon. plus there was something about him being such a large man but so soft spoken and kind that she simply loved. removing her hand from her cheek she clasped her hands together once more, gazing up thoughtfully as mishka explained that he was born far east in a mountain range. that answer was very ambiguous and left an abundance of answers. there are many mountain ranges in the eastern part of the world and to pin point the exact one mishka spoke of would be near impossible. no matter, the answer was enough for her. she filled with sympathy as he further explained that he lived alone for many years, something that magnolia herself could understand. it used to be that her grove wasn't there. she had been a lone nymph for many years after her mothers life-force had been cut down to make firewood, and she never knew which god was her father. living so deep in the woods not many journeyed to the area, and having her life-force tied to one area she couldn't wander far without growing weak. and so for many long years it was just magnolia, slowly growing her grove and inviting wild, sometimes mythical or rare, animals to join her. still, the company of animals could never trump the company of another person. every now and again a lone wander managed to find her, they would stay a few hours or a night, then leave her. no one stayed long. no one bothered to return. it's something she understood, though. all she was to those travelers was a helpful stranger on their journey. no one to return to after meeting. still, life is lonely for her. the bright smile on her face wavered for a moment before vanishing as these thoughts and memories flooded her. no, she wouldn't let them get to her now! not when she had a lovely guest in her grove. only after he left would magnolia allow herself to feel the melancholy she felt.

    xxxxbreathing in a deep breath she rightened her posture and and forced her emotions aside. later, she thought to herself, her soft smile returning a mishka continued speaking. ah, so you're a shifter of sorts, yes? that would explain his lumbering height at the very least. and a bear nonetheless, one of her favorite animals. why was this man simply the best? suddenly a large and dark shadow passed over the grove, something very unusual to happen. flicking her gaze upward magnolia stared in awe, her mouth slightly agape, as she caught the tail end of what had passed overhead. i don't believe it, she whispered under her breath, eyes returning to mishka. if i think what i think it is, that's a very rare creature that just passed by! she excitedly exclaimed, her eyes shining brightly. come, we must see if the dragon has landed nearby or still flying. if you work with equines, quite admirable might i add, i sure hope you don't mind riding a pegasus! grabbing at clumps of her dress on either side of her, she lifted up the skirt so it was no longer dragging along the ground and rose to around her mid-calf. come, follow me, mishka! magnolia quickly said, turning and running off further into her grove. without using her fingers magnolia released a high pitched whistle from between her bottom lip and teeth. passing by her cabin a stable of similar style appeared nearby. from the open doorway two winged horses came running, one a deep midnight black with a dark navy blue mane and tail. the other a beautiful white color with a golden mane and tail, this one also being the larger of the two i also hope you don't much mind riding without tack. this is artemis and apollo, she pointed to the black one as artemis and the white one as apollo. running after the dragon on foot will do us no good, but these two will allow us to catch up to the creature. you'll be riding apollo, she stated excited and matter-of-factly. as she neared artemis, magnolia suddenly stopped, seeming to come to a realization. i'm sorry, i got excited, her head dipped in both embarrassment and as an apology to mishka. you do not have to come along if you do not want, i should have asked you rather than ordered you like that. it is your choice if you would like to join me in searching for the dragon. however, i will be leaving immediately to meet with it. i will understand if you wish to not come, she spoke, her head still dipped toward mishka, voice even and soft.

    xxxxage: unknown | gender: fluid | sexuality: aro-ace | role: talking manor animal | species: bewitched cat
    xxxxlocation: ki-youngs bedroom | mentions: none | tags: ki-young

    xxxxstanding and turning around on the bed, salem gazed over at ki-young as he sifted through his closet for something to wear. gaining no reply from the boy after salems complaining the cat had a feeling that he was being ignored. whether ki-young was simply choosing not to answer him, or was completely tuning him out, salem was unsure. still, how rude of ki-young! the cat was very unhappy this morning. perhaps they were just hangry. more than likely they just wanted some attention. as ki-young pointed out that salem did in fact ask him to feed him just moments ago, the cat huffed annoyedly. you believe wrong, ki-young. i asked no such thing. you must be hearing things, really. however, i believe you did offer to feed me, which i so graciously accepted because you are my friend, the cat spoke, trying to twist words around to be in his favor. really, he wasn't very good at it. over and over it just sounds like he's asking for help to be fed. which is exactly what is going on. opening his mouth to answer key about whether the outfit he chose works, the cat was silenced as key didn't even bother waiting on salem's opinion. another huff was released from the cat. as ki-young changed from within the closet the cat strode across the width of his bed and jumped off the other side. his paws hit softly against the ground, barely making a noise as he landed. trotting across the room he took a seat beside the door, waiting for his companion to finish changing. when key was ready salem looked back at him, eyes shining brightly as key agreed to feed him. hopping excitedly to his paws salem nodded his head. key, what do you take me for? aren't i already so nice to you? no matter, i can be nice to you for today! he mewed happily to key, tail swaying slowly behind him to emphasize that feeling of joyfulness. shall we be going, then? he chirped to key.
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Re: Welcome to the Crescentwood Manor V.2 | Open & Acceptin

Postby Azura ~~ » Sun Oct 25, 2020 1:26 pm

Jesica Gabriella Demonessia // Jess // 25 // Female // Fire-Demon // Maid // Tags- CoCo~

Oh crap-

Jesica blinked softly at the boy before getting up once again, seeing him panic made her panic slightly. But she calmed down relatively quick, her youngest sister had panic attacks relatively often, letting Jess quite used to panic.. Quickly getting the boys puppets and kneeling down and handing the boy his puppets quietly.

Now she's suddenly wishing that she had hypnosis or controlling abilities like her younger sister..


Francesca Mary Demonessia // Fran // 20 // Female // Siren-Demon // Homeless // Tags- Mary~

Francesca smiled when Mary played his card, a four of hearts huh? She then looked down at her own stack of cards as she picked one up and flipped it over, 2 of Spades, she hummed softly. Seems he had won the first round, beginners luck really was a thing. Francesca hummed softly as he spoke, "Nightshade might have taken them..? Hmm.. Maybe you can look for them" she smiled softly.

Francesca looked up at Mary as he asked, then giggled in embarrassment. "hehe.. You see this necklace?" She pulled at the ribbon of her necklace, her light blue gem shining lightly. "I manage to lose this thing way to much.. I lost it again only recently, but I found it again"
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Re: Welcome to the Crescentwood Manor V.2 | Open & Acceptin

Postby doc . » Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:04 pm

┌──────── viribus et honorem ────────┐
Shifter - ♂ - Stable Hand - Form
Tags: Magnolia Mentions: Tinuviel
He blinked and watched the small being almost explode with some sort of excitement. Was the shadow really something so amazing? The lady got suddenly very animated and spoke of a dragon. Was that what it was? He had never met a dragon before, nor had he ever seen one. He had always heard of them in stories and they were always so terrifying and dangerous. Were they not so in this day in age? Since the lady was getting so happy about seeing it perhaps it wasnt a dangerous beast.
His eyes were wide, almost in awe as he stood idle and watched as the lady ran off with lifted skirt and called upon two very beautiful horses, winged to be precise. A little smile came to his lips and he tilted his head. He had never ridden a winged horse before. That would also mean he would be flying..
His mind had been put into overdrive and then driven off a cliff. Everything had just slowed down for a minute. What was he to do?
Mishka made a face while Magnolia apologized. Ah yes it was very confusing for a bit. His poor brain needed a minute to catch up. He turned himself and came up to the woman, footsteps heavy against the grass while holding a hand out toward Apollo. He gently pet the horse’s nose and tried to be friendly so the animal could just get to know him. All the while the big man was very quiet.
<<You are a very beautiful animal. Very strong. Very wise. Please allow me transportation today.>>
His native tongue was hushed in this instance as he spoke to the beast. Perhaps it couldnt understand him. Perhaps it could. He gently rubbed Apollo’s neck and turned back to Magnolia with a reddened tint to his cheeks. Ah yes she might have been listening
“I will come with.” He replied after clearing his throat and looking stern and tough once again.
“You might need protection. I will do.” He nodded and turned back to the horse to try and figure out how to hop atop it.. he was tall but at the same time he had never ridden a pegasus before
“Do not drop me please..” he grumbled before moving to vault himself up and atop the beast with a swift and graceful movement. He was on its back and holding on to what he could for now.
This was going to be interesting

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Re: Welcome to the Crescentwood Manor V.2 | Open & Acceptin

Postby Fenris_Ulf » Wed Oct 28, 2020 11:28 am

Corvanta Stellant| CoCo or Corva|13|Bearfolk|Position:Guest|Tags: Jesica
Corvanta eventually felt the soft, warm embrace of both his puppets and pulled them close to his face and slowly slid down to the ground hugging his puppets even closer as he tried to calm his breathing down. He was struggling though as the shift from happy to panic had happened so fast his mind was still reeling. Finding it hard to find his happy place, as his large bottle glasses slid down his nose and fell to the floor, another whimper escaped his lips, slowly fumbling his shakey hands into the puppets. "C-C-Calm down CoCo find your happy place" The bean whispered to himself as he was trying to use his puppets as a focus to calm down, and it would eventually work as the boys breathing began to return to normal, but he did not get up or reach out for his glasses.
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