☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (O/A)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby cocogerber13 » Sun Aug 08, 2021 8:57 pm

Nyx “The House Master” // Witch // ♦︎ // location: House hallway // tags: Bryce

A small cat the color of the night sky was perched atop the railing on the stairs, nimbly climbing up and down as it observed those entering an exiting the front door. It watched with slight pity at the werewolf’s dread as he exited, then with curiosity as Viti left their room and started roaming the halls. Perhaps they were looking for someone? In any case, it didn’t seem as though there was much of a commotion despite the moon’s bright light. It was a bit of a shame, in Nyx’s opinion. It was oh so fun to enjoy the time when others were asleep yet it was bright enough outside to do just about anything you wanted to during the day. She wouldn’t mind going out herself if she weren’t merely on a short break from work.

The feline opened its mouth in a wide yawn before hopping down from the railing. It was just about to slip into one of the common area’s fireplaces- older residents would know that she had her... methods.. of traversing the mansion- when she instead heard the sound of a room’s door closing. It wasn’t one of the ones she was used to, so, perking her ears, the black cat idly strode over to peer down the hallway.

The one to grace her with their appearance was a newer arrival- Bryce, if the witch remembered correctly? This vampire definitely wasn’t the type to be subtle with his appearance, she noted. Perhaps she would have to keep an eye on them if they ever had plans to visit the town. Such a trip wasn’t unheard of, especially for vampires, but she didn’t necessarily want to risk anyone bringing more attention to the house than was needed. Nyx decided to hold out on her judgement for now though.

The cat trotted quickly past the vampire, ducking into one of the rooms she knew was uninhabited before stepping back out in her usual form. “Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying the cross the border, right? Same as us, and that thief over th-” Nyx remarked, the edges of her glowing, golden eyes crinkling with amusement. “Quite the ordeal, bringing your coffin up those stairs.” She teased. It was a lie, of course- there were certainly stranger requests with other guests, and honestly a little levitation magic did the trick quite easily. But a few snide comments here and there weren’t unheard of for the House Master.

Nikolav // Werewolf // ♦︎ // location: woods outside the mansion // tags: Cecil (briefly)

Niko wore a cross expression as he continued to bat away bugs with his hands. He’d thought about using insect repellent before his transformations before, but although he couldn’t usually remember most of what he did, the smell of the spray stayed in his nose days after. He supposed it didn’t matter too much either way though- he’d soon lose consciousness anyways, and up until that point he’d have to deal with both his restlessness and heightened senses. Speaking of heightened senses...

The nearly-white haired teen shot to his feet at the sound of scraping and followed it over to the side of the house, his usually more thoughtful decision-making process already starting to turn to mush. Although his first assumption was that it had been someone who was an intruder, his metaphorical hackles lowered when he smelled a familiar scent on the wind. “C-Cecil..?” Nikolav’s realized, his humanity returning for a mere moment as he watched the winged being with a new curiosity. The enchantment of viewing one of his neighbors in that way didn’t last long, especially since the moon was now crawling up the sky next to where he was looking.

“Ghhh...” Nikolav gritted his teeth as he fell to his knees in the yard, all too used to the pain of transforming by now. It wasn’t an incredibly fast process, especially when it’s you that it’s happening to. The boy keeled over, grabbing at his chest although the sensation was coming from everywhere. It wasn’t long before he took on the form of something like a wolf mixed with a polar bear with thumbs. The creature slowly stood up on all fours with growl. It briefly raised its nose in the dragonewt’s direction before something in the woods distracted it, evident by the snap of its head and the dash into the undergrowth.

Audrey // Human // ♦︎ // location: the meeting point (edge of the forest) // tags: human group

Audrey perked up almost immediately upon seeing someone new, followed fairly close after with someone else. They both appeared a little quiet, so Audrey figured that was her cue. “Heya!” She greeted in response to Lesli, her enthusiastic grin facing her and then Kori once she shifted her attention to him. “You guys here for the ghost hunt too? Hope you don’t mind me filming it.” The brunette flicked her phone as if to demonstrate.

Almost immediately after asking, the high schooler noticed someone pull up on a bike, and then someone else who looked like she had just run a marathon on her way over. Audrey turned and beamed at Ellis when they spoke up. “Sure are, unless you’re scared of ghosts.” The sixteen year old really didn’t have any room to talk, considering the idea of bailing did briefly cross her mind. Then, after giving the other new arrival- someone Audrey thought she recognized from their school- some time to catch her breath, Audrey flashed her a quick thumbs-up as if to say, ‘you made it!’.

“Well...” Audrey eventually started, standing up and shaking out her arms. “I suppose it’s time to go solve some mysteries, eh? Everyone prepared?” She prompted after glancing at the time. It was officially ‘meet up’ time now, although now that Audrey mentioned it, she found it a little strange that no one had appeared to designate themselves as the “leader”. Then again, if someone put their contact information or anything on the image going around the internet, one of the adults probably would’ve gotten them in trouble. Heck, maybe they’re grounded right now. Luckily Audrey had been forced to take up such positions in quite a few group projects before, so the little party could at least have some direction as to what they were doing.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby SqueakerTheBun » Mon Aug 09, 2021 12:49 am

kori (core-Ē)||tags: humans at the bus stop||location: the meeting place

he smiled shyly at audrey’s enthusiasm and greeting. he wanted to say something back, but his mind set that thought aside rather quickly. but he couldn’t just say nothing.. he didn’t want them to think he was ignoring them! before he thought anymore, he got the courage together and he said, “do.. you really think it’s haunted?”... he waited anxiously for a reply, still shocked he’d said something. it couldn’t really be haunted.. could it?...
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby gray~ » Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:50 am

Bryce Heathcliffe - He/they - Vampire - Location: The House - Tags: Nyx

Bryce's ears perked up at the sound of soft, padded footsteps move past him. Glancing around he saw movement go past him - a cat? - but before he had time to say or do anything about the feline companion, a woman stepped out of one of the rooms ahead of him. He'd only had brief dealings with Nyx, but she wasn't a lady you quickly forgot. She stood a fair bit taller than Bryce himself, and there was something ethereal to her appearance that he admired greatly. He gave her a warm smile, flashing his fangs as he did.
"Ah, House Master, good to see you," he grinned in reply. He listened to her teasing remark and laughed. "I apologise for any inconvenience I've caused you, and thank you for how accommodating you've been. I must say, I'm honestly surprised I'm the only vampire here. Normally these 'homes for the supernatural' are positively crawling with them. I do appreciate the change of company, however."

Ellis Harlowe - they/them - human - Location - the bus stop - tags: everyone there

Ellis gave a small laugh at the girl's reply, and greeted others as they arrived. They noted the phone in her hand, open on the camera, and smiled.
"I brought some ghost hunting supplies of my own, if that's alright," they said, swinging their bag off their back. They took a moment to explain each item they had. "So, this thing picks up electromagnetic frequencies around us - apparenly ghosts cause a spike in elecrtomagnetic energy? So this will help us read that. Then flashlights, general water and rations, and this -" they picked up The Necronomicon, an intimidating book bound in black leather with unreadable runes embossed on the front. "- I'll be honest, this is just a book of eldritch horror stories. It could come in handy - I'm sure there's at least one latin invocation to invite spirits in here."
They were just repacking their bag - pocketing a flashlight and their EMF reader - when the younger boy spoke up. Their expression immediately softened. They gave the boy a reassuring smile.
"I suppose there's only one way to find out, right? And whether we find a ghost or ghoul in there or not, it'll be an adventure either way right?" They swung their bag back on to their back and picked up their bike. "We'll all look after each other - it'll be alright."
They looked over the group, and realised that, with the age gap between most the people here, Ellis didn't know a single person's name. Well if they were gonna be hunting ghosts together might as well get familiar. "I'm Ellis, by the way. They/them. It's good to meet all you guys."
Last edited by gray~ on Mon Aug 09, 2021 3:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby SqueakerTheBun » Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:13 am

kori (core-Ē)||tags: humans at the bus stop||location: the meeting place

he brightened up at Ellis’s reassuring reply. “mhm!” he said, promptly thinking of how to introduce himself. “nice to meet you..! i’m kori” he paused, looking down at his hands. “h-he/him”.. he said, implying those were his pronouns. he’d tried to make it sound like he wasn’t immensely worried about what they were about to do. but he really was worried..
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby owl0430 » Mon Aug 09, 2021 8:36 am

Seraphina Lux-17-female-human- tags: the group
At least at the moment, it appeared everyone else in the group seemed to be friendly individuals, and no one trying to intentionally spook the more timid individuals within the group.

"So you've brought all of that for the sake of finding the truth then?" she asked Ellis curiously after he'd explained the different supplies he had brought, asmile on her face. " That's great! It should definitely help out!' A pause to take a swig of her water. " Though if we're being honest here, who's to say it's just ghosts or ghouls? It could be something else entirely! Or a whole mix of things, like goblins or werewolves! If it really is haunted , doesn't that open up the possibility for all sorts of creatures?"

Icarus Nightingale-19(?)- male-ghost- tags: none

Something just didn't feel right to the male. He heard what sounded like Nyx and that new vampire resident talking, and could only assume Nikolav was out and about- but what about that other sound? The roof had creaked and there'd been some odd scratching sound and a growl. None of the residents he knew of were something that could make that kind of noise, aside from Nikolav, but he knew what his growls and the like sounded like- that wasn't it.

Then it hit him. The way the night felt to him now...was similar to how it felt the night those humans had been here. There weren't more humans around...was there? He sure hoped not. To put up with that whole ordeal all over again, especially right now, would be most irritating.

Opening the front door to the manor, after having reached the main floor, he stared off into the pitch-black woods. Watching. Waiting.

Cecil Neoma-20-male-Dragonewt- tags:none

He was right- the cool night air felt great, especially on his wings. It was like being wrapped in an embrace- comforting and welcome. And so far it hadn't seemed as if anyone had seen a thing- until he heard a soft thud nearby in the yard, turning his head to locate the source.

There, on the ground, was Nikolav. Basing things on the male's position, he seemed to have been facing in his direction. Which means... he thought, a slight sense of dread filling his mind. he...probably saw my wings. Ah, well, perhaps he won't question it much? A human woman had called me a demon once, though that was a little offensive. Oh, but there was also that other one that had only seen my horns- she'd called me a Satyr. Now that was a compliment- they're such energetic but carefree beings.

Still, would Nikolav remember the brief moment he'd seen him? It appeared that the younger boy was transforming currenly- and, to be frank, it looked quite painful. He definitely wasn't envious, that's for sure- but it did bewilder him. How did transforming like that hurt so much? For him it was a relatively painless process, just a slight pinch almost, and then it was over. One moment humanoid, the next a dragon. Therefore, as pinaful as it seemed, he paid careful attention to the process- curiosity getting the best of him, so much so that he was almost disappointed when what was once Nikolav ran off into the undergrowth.

Then again...it was dark. Those human contraption's called planes wouldn't be able to see him so long as he didn't go up too high, and most of the residents didn't even know what exactly he was. Plus if he was out here to stretch his wings anyways, he hadn't used them in a while either....therefore...

With an excited smile the male glanced in the direction Nikolav had gone before closing his eyes. A pinch. The feel of ice spreading from his heart through his veins, coursing through him. Then, in place of the humanoid form he spent most of his time in, was the form of a small dragon... but even in the smaller form, he still felt the roof of the manor creak beneath his weight. Best to take off before anyone went outside to investigate, or he lost Nikolav's trail.

Though it took him a moment to actually leave the roof. He hadn't been in this form in so long it felt a bit awkward, the proportions and the movements. Truth be told, he nearly slipped off the roof at one point, digging his claws in, one hind leg and his tail hanging over the edge before he regained his footing, a slight grow terminating from his throat. It was only after that kerfuffle the he managed to leave the roof, spreading his wings to glide down to the ground. To catch up with Nikolav he'd travel by foot for the moment- with as thick as these trees were he wouldn't be able to see Nikolav if he flew just above the tree-line. At least not as easily in the dark. He hadn't finished that part of his training.

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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Mon Aug 09, 2021 9:23 am

Viti Vi genderfluid- 18- guys; Nikolav is crush- Neko- jumping, swimming, cat communication, cat form- Mochi lover, loves purple- Tags

The blue eyed brown and light purple haired one hummed a bit. They rubbed the vitiligo of one arm, then shook their head. Their ears and tail moved, a bow on said brown tail. They touched the choker, then looked to their cats. The spotted tabby golden cat and the white one purred.

Viti smiled a moment, then shook their head and got up off the bed. Chester and Blanca meowed as they watched them go. Viti went out the bedroom door, wondering where Nikolav was. They wandered the halls, hoping he was okay. They then shook their head at their self a couple times.

Maau M; Kirin prince m- 18- homo; Zayn for now- Kirin- Leadership, turning into dragon horse whatever, horse and dragon communication, floating, holy fire- really likes carrots (lol), Chinese, dances sometimes, likes water- Tags

The tan skinned and brown eyed beauty was wearing bottoms, a t shirt and a flannel. The flannel was tied around his waist. The sweet and gentle but wild and crazy sometimes one smiled. Since he was in the house, he was showing the brown antlers. They stuck out of his silver ended long reddish brown hair.

He had the deep blue pendant from his mom on, as well. He hummed to himself as he began to walk down the halls. He was happy here, and he had a great life so he liked it here.

Leslie White Les, Lie agender- 16- girls; open- human- swimming, intelligence, writing, running- likes red and brown, German and Russian- Tags: the group

The five foot four and one sixteen pound light skinned beauty hummed. The reddish brown eyed white blonde one smiled. They said "Nice to meet you," to Audrey. They then looked at the others starting to gather, before saying "I don't mind you filming." They then said "My name is Leslie White. They them pronouns," they said, since some of the others had given pronouns. They nodded to what the supposed leader said. They were ready for this, ready to go out to this supposed haunted house.

Maria Athos Mare f- 18- Kesbian; Nyx- werewolf (turned)- speed, wolf form, intelligence, swimming- Affiliation: the human kids, for now- was turned by a friend, Favorite colors: green and brown, likes ice cream and meat loaf- Tags: the group

The five foot four girl rushed to get to the meeting place. Her long straight golden brown hair flew behind her as she ran. Green eyes picked up on the shapes in the distance. She was wearing a t shirt and skirt today, with cute bunny stockings. She had been turned by a friend, but didn't know...She'd passed out after he'd turned her, and he'd run away after. Her wolf form was golden with brown ears and tail tip. It had white toes and jaw, as well as green eyes, not that she'd had her first transformation yet. She hummed as she reached the group. "Hi, sorry I'm late!" she panted.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby gray~ » Mon Aug 09, 2021 9:56 am

Ellis Harlowe - they/them - human - Location - the bus stop - tags: everyone there

Ellis picked up on Kori's anxiety and, gentle and kind as they could, placed a supportive hand on the younger boy's shoulder. Ellis also had a lot of pent up fears and anxieties at that age, so they totally understood what Kori was going through. They'd just try to look out for him, make sure the whole thing didn't overwhelm him too much.
They lit up when Seraphina spoke up. They could tell she had a passion for this stuff, which would definitely be an asset to the expedition.
"Well, I don't know about finding the truth, but I hope it'll help us find something," they replied. Listening to her theories about what could be in the house was fascinating - Ellis could feel excitement building. "I suppose you're right. If ghosts are real, why not everything else as well? Although, I really hope there isn't a werewolf in there - it's a full moon tonight, which could end very badly for all of us."
As soon as they said it, they could have sworn they heard a howling coming from the woods, in the direction of the house, and what sounded like animalistic growling. They almost laughed at the timing - of course the animals in the forest would choose that moment to pipe up. They gave a knowing look to Seraphina, before turning to Aubrey.
"I suppose you're leading the way then? Whenever you're ready," they said, waving to the new late comer and assuming the group was all assembled by now.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby SqueakerTheBun » Mon Aug 09, 2021 10:59 am

kori (core-Ē)||tags: humans at the bus stop||location: the meeting place

he flinched slightly at Ellis’s touch. but breathed out deeply when he realized it was them.

he listened to their words carefully, although Ellis’s hand was comforting, what they were saying was not.. he needed to be ready though, they would be leaving shortly. he drew in another shaky breath. “werewolves..?” he whispered, his eyes clouded with worry. {kori you’re absolutely insane!!!! you can hardly handle making mac and cheese by yourself! how in the world are you going to do this?!} he thought, shakily.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby cocogerber13 » Mon Aug 09, 2021 12:37 pm

Nyx “The House Master” (She/they) // Witch // ♦︎ // location: hallway // tags: Bryce

Nyx stood elegantly in the doorway she was in, a welcoming smile still on her lips. She gave a slow nod in response to the greeting, then laughed along with them. “Aha, there’s no need to worry- I had my ways of getting it up. I am glad that the place is suitable to your tastes, although if you have any concerns then I implore you to tell me. And please, call me Nyx.” She offered, falling into stride next to Bryce. “I... actually share your surprise in that observation.” The witch admitted, her smile leaving for a more thoughtful expression before it quickly returned. “There have been a few before, and there’s even one technically here now that’s... should I say... more fickle about his living conditions? Perhaps you’ll run into him at some point. In any case, I believe the reasoning behind that could be that this house has just recently opened up for guests; it’s only been a century or so, and many of the longer-lived kinds have already established a place they’d like to stay. In fact,” Nyx’s heels clicked with each step towards the common area and stairway, although the sound stopped when she paused to look down at the entryway from the higher story. “I’m quite curious about your reasoning to join us. Although you do not have to explain yourself if you do not wish to do so.” The woman turned a curious eye on the newcomer just as what seemed to be the black cat from earlier peeked out from the shoulder facing away from him.

Nikolav (he/his) // Werewolf // ♦︎ // location: woods outside the mansion // tags: Cecil

Any trace of humanity had left the beast’s eyes as it’s paws(?) thundered on the ground below, taking him further and further into the thicket of trees. Less fortified vegetation he simply plowed through and sturdier structures were leapt over; obstacles were no trouble to a werewolf caught on a scent. Snarls and growls played from a panting maw as Nikolav rounded tree trunks and dove for anything that made the greenery rustle. Most of these were small creatures that had been taking part in the night life of the forest, and so far the only things that had evaded his grasp were things that could fly and a deer. Nimble was not a word to describe Niko in this moment, especially with how overwhelmed he was from every little movement.

This meant that Cecil was perfectly ignored for the majority of this rampage. Nikolav was still aware of his presence; he had an extreme lay good sense of smell and hearing, but having lived in the house with the other for a while, his smell had become somewhat familiar despite Nikolav not interacting with him much. Even with this familiarity though, it did not take long before Nikolav had made so much of a commotion that the remaining forest wildlife had taken off to safer areas. He could give in chase again if he truly wanted to, but right now his attention was elsewhere. The werewolf stilled himself and let his breathing calm again before a low growl emanated from his throat and he turned his body around to face the direction the dragon was in.

The snarl only grew louder as Niko crept forward, his bloodied muzzle lowering to the ground as the wolf took a few deep sniffs. Moonlight gleamed on his silver and scarlet hide through the leaves when his head rose again. Instead of immediately giving chase like what he had done so far, the creature wanted to prompt a reaction. Nikolav lifted his nose to the sky, then shakily stood up onto his hind legs and howled.

Audrey (she/her) // Human // ♦︎ // location: the meeting point (edge of the forest) // tags: “human” group

Audrey’s eyes seemed to light up at the mention of Ellis’s ghost hunting equipment, trying to bolster her enthusiasm as she made to her way over to them. “Oh wow, you’re definitely prepared! Have you done something like this before?” She wondered aloud, although her sight was drawn to the objects in their hands. The younger teen didn’t even know where to get some of the things the other brought out, and couldn’t silence their “oooh” when they took out a leatherbound book. “Heh, even if we don’t find anything, I bet reading some of those things out could get the vibe we’re looking for.” She suggested with a snicker. It quieted once the girl realized that the boy from before was genuinely already nervous, so she silenced herself while Ellis reassured him.

Then came introductions. “Sup! I’m Audrey, she/her I guess. It’s nice to meet and explore an abandoned building with you all.” She gave a toothy grin as the others introduced themselves, committing herself to remembering each name and their face. Luckily the group was small enough that memorizing everyone didn’t seem too difficult.

When Seraphina mentioned something other than ghosts being discovered, Audrey brought a hand up to her chin in thought. “Guess that means we’ll have to keep an eye out on the way over too. I feel like we’d have heard something if someone had a run in with a werewolf before though.” She considered doubtfully, then waved it off. “Anyways, like Ellis said, we won’t know till we take a look. I kind of hope we run into some other monster, cause I’m gonna be taping it allll, heheh.” Audrey had begun to set up her phone, using a video recording app that had a couple more features than the usual. She has just started recording when it caught the howl, so she instantly pointed the camera to to woods. It was that moment that Maria decided to show up, her voice briefly causing the other girl to stiffen slightly in surprise. “Haha, don’t worry, we haven’t left yet!” She responded, glancing back over the group with a grin until Ellis addressed her. “Oh, am I? I guess we’re off, then!” Audrey gave a nervous chuckle as she held up her phone camera (and flashlight) in front of her and started over to the cobble path. “Looks like a bit of a hike. Might want to watch your step.” She warned. Taking a deep breath, the brunette led the charge.

Eventide (Vin) (he/they) // Dragon // ♦︎ // location: the meeting point (edge of forest) // tags: human group

Vin rubbed his eye with a hand as he trudged towards the meeting place the flyer had designated. They were definitely interested in the exploration of the haunted house, but had just come from a showing of the works in their portfolio and still had said portfolio with them. It had made running a bit troublesome, so they had settled for speedwalking. Now, though, just as they reached the place the “paranormal investigators” were supposed to go, he saw the group already heading into he forest. This sight caused an alarmed Vin to yell out a quick, “wait up!” Before grabbing their portfolio in both hands and jogging the rest of the way. “Ah, huh, I’m really out of shape,” he gasped once he finally caught up, mustering up a light-hearted laugh as he joined the back of the group. His legs felt a bit like lead after walking all that way, but the excitement buzzing around the small group was enough to recharge him at least a little bit. Seeing as there was another girl (Maria) that looked a little out of breath as well, Vin turned towards her and gave a smile. “Glad we made it.”

Now that he had the opportunity to, he rearranged the portfolio’s strap over his shoulder. It would likely get in the way again, but he’d really rather not miss such an event for something as small as that. “Sorry, were you guys just talking about werewolves..?” He questioned to no one in particular, though had thought he heard the word mentioned as he approached.
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Re: ☾ 𝔥𝔞𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 ☾ // (NEW THREAD)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:48 pm

Viti Vi genderfluid- 18- guys; Nikolav is crush- Neko- jumping, swimming, cat communication, cat form- Mochi lover, loves purple- Tags

The blue eyed brown and light purple haired one hummed a bit. They rubbed the vitiligo of one arm, then shook their head. Their ears and tail moved, a bow on said brown tail. They touched the choker, then looked to their cats. The spotted tabby golden cat and the white one purred.

Viti smiled a moment, then shook their head and got up off the bed. Chester and Blanca meowed as they watched them go. Viti went out the bedroom door, wondering where Nikolav was. They wandered the halls, hoping he was okay. They then shook their head at their self a couple times.

Maau M; Kirin prince m- 18- homo; Zayn for now- Kirin- Leadership, turning into dragon horse whatever, horse and dragon communication, floating, holy fire- really likes carrots (lol), Chinese, dances sometimes, likes water- Tags

The tan skinned and brown eyed beauty was wearing bottoms, a t shirt and a flannel. The flannel was tied around his waist. The sweet and gentle but wild and crazy sometimes one smiled. Since he was in the house, he was showing the brown antlers. They stuck out of his silver ended long reddish brown hair.

He had the deep blue pendant from his mom on, as well. He hummed to himself as he began to walk down the halls. He was happy here, and he had a great life so he liked it here.

Leslie White Les, Lie agender- 16- girls; open- human- swimming, intelligence, writing, running- likes red and brown, German and Russian- Tags: the group

The five foot four and one sixteen pound light skinned beauty hummed. The reddish brown eyed white blonde one looked over as two new people appeared. One had golden brown hair. The other seemed to sport a ponytail, and had a portfolio. They wondered a moment what that was about. They then shook their head a couple times, to their self.

Seeing as these two didn't know their names, they said "I'm Leslie," They then fell silent so the others could introduce themselves, again, if they chose to. It would only be respectful. Seeing as these two were almost late, and hadn't heard the introductions.

Maria Athos Mare f- 18- Kesbian; Nyx- werewolf (turned)- speed, wolf form, intelligence, swimming- Affiliation: the human kids, for now- was turned by a friend, Favorite colors: green and brown, likes ice cream and meat loaf- Tags: the group

The five foot four girl smoothed down her skirt. It was a green and brown one with flowers, so dirt getting on it wouldn't bother her. Most areas would hide the dirt, though she'd know it was there. If she knelt down or fell in the dirt, she'd obviously know. The green eyed golden brown haired girl hummed. She looked over as someone else aririved and spoke to her.

She nodded and said "I'm glad as well," then looked at the others. She nodded when Leslie made an introduction. "My name is Maria," she said, though not just to them. She was introducing all people currently within the group. She made a small sound as werewolves were then mentioned...She shook her head, and laughed as she said "Werewolves aren't real...are they?"
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