Small Town Secret - Accepting! (No shapeshifter/dark energy)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: Small Town Secret - Accepting!

Postby Boxen. » Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:33 am

𝑅𝑜𝓈𝒾𝑒 𝐹𝒾𝓃𝒸𝒽
17 | She/her | Poison Gas Generation | Location: House ↣ En route to School | Tags: Cassia Yip Open

Her shoes must have been particularly interesting that morning for Rosie's eyes never left the scuffed leather, her mind worlds away as her body twisted down between brickwork and buildings, ignoring shattered glass bottles and rats seemingly the size of chihuahuas as the soft music seemed to aide her day dreams.
As she crossed over the final striped marking, the looming building of the school seemed to cast a shadow over her as she felt exhaustion already creeping in. A quick check of the time reminded her that there was still a fair amount of time before her first class as she rubbed her eyes, casting them from left to right, following the sidewalks on either side, not really wanting to take that first step.
It was on the latter that her eyes caught a lavender cardigan, narrowing until the shape of Cassia came into her view. Rosie let out a breath and a small smile, hastily tucking her earphone back into her pocket as a hand shot into the air, waving with slight excitement at the familiar face. "Good morning." She attempted to call out but her voice, hoarse and cracking slightly from the lack of use, didn't allow for much volume.
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Re: Small Town Secret - Accepting!

Postby Perri » Tue Apr 06, 2021 3:39 am

Name; Teneca Rosebud / Age; 17-years-old / Powers; Flight Manipulation / Location; On the sidewalk between 3rd and Cliff / Tags; Pierre Monroe

Despite the fact that Teneca could technically simply keep walking, he always stopped in front of his cousins house. There had been some occurrences where Rigg's simply didn't come out, making the young boy late, but if his grandmother had taught him anything is that: family sticks together. Besides, Teneca could feel his confidence go up walking with Riggs almost every other morning. He thought his slightly older cousin was cool and they actually had a handful of things in common.
But he made sure to stand on the corner, looking into the drive way of Rigg's house to make sure the coast was clear and that his dad had taken his sister to school. Despite "family is everything" slogan all over his grandmothers wall, he found that surprisingly that she keeps her distance when it came to her step son's family.
They lived in the same town and simply a 10 minute walk from each others houses, but even with the tainted environment, he knew his grandmother would help them in anyway possible if a problem came up. Teneca walked up the sidewalk, holding his bag's strap that hung over his shoulder loosely and looked at the door, awaiting his cousin.

side note, sorry if I assumed that his father took his sister to work, that's what I only assumed. Otherwise, you can change it to his dad being there if needed.
Last edited by Perri on Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Small Town Secret - Accepting!

Postby lilac sky » Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:54 am

Salem Holland - 17 - she/her - metal manipulation - tags: open!

      Salem would’ve been frustrated with the sound of her alarm going off if it wasn’t for the fact that she was already awake, running on three hours of sleep. Her right hand ached and stung from her silverware burning her the night before at dinner, when he temper had once again gotten out of hand. In a way, she figured she deserved it. She shouldn’t be getting so upset all the time, but she also didn’t know how to stop.

      With a sigh, she used her left hand to turn her alarm off and swung her legs out of bed, feet meeting the scratchy carpet. She stretched, yawning quietly as she shuffled towards the window to look out onto the gravel driveway. A few spring birds chirped outside, and the trees were dusted with that mist of green that promised warmer weather to come. These sights and sounds were all that brought her joy in the morning most days, and though simple, they gave her a slight glimmer of hope that was all but gone every day as soon as she stepped into school. She smiled slightly and headed towards the bathroom.

      Her burns smarted and stung as the water hit them, and pretty soon she gave up even trying to use her right hand to wash her face. She wrapped it hastily in a bandage, figuring she’d just tell everyone who asked what happened (including her family) that she’d punched a wall. No one would really be surprised at this point. She finished her morning routine with her left hand, cursing herself and her temper under her breath as she did so. Her eyes briefly met her reflection in the mirror, just long enough to take in the dark circles under her eyes and the overall look of exhaustion that radiated from her every day. She hated her appearance, but didn’t have enough motivation to fix it.

      After struggling for an extra five minutes to tie her shoes with one hand, Salem gave up and stuffed her shoelaces into her shoes, grabbing her backpack and heading out the door. She threw it into the passenger seat of her car before climbing into the drivers seat and starting the vehicle, backing out of the gravel drive swiftly and heading towards school.

Cooper Eaton - 17 - Dark energy - he/him - tags: open

      Cooper groaned as his alarm blared, startling him out of a deep sleep. He already wasn’t feeling it this morning, but he’d already missed too much school, so he forced himself out of bed and into the bathroom, where he starred at himself in the mirror. His eyes were tired, but other than that he thought he looked okay. His appearance was something that really mattered to him. Even though he’d known everyone in school nearly his whole life, he still didn’t want to show up looking like trash. And more than that he didn’t want to look angry or upset, because he wasn’t, and looking like someone who was anything less than friendly upset him. He wanted to appear approachable and safe to everyone, and refused to settle for anything less.

      Before doing anything else Cooper turned on some music from his phone, trying to avoid the silence of his apartment. When he used to live with his mom, there would always be some sort of noise in the morning, but now that he was on his own everything was silent and he hated it. It was lonely, depressing, and cold.

      Cooper showered, washed his face, brushed his hair and teeth, and pulled on the outfit he had picked out the night before, as per usual. A plain navy colored shirt, black jeans, vans, and a gray hoodie. He put on a pair of light blue stud earrings and with a final check of himself in his mirror he walked out of his apartment, grabbing a granola bar and his book bag as he passed through the tiny kitchen. He headed down the stairs that hugged the side of the two story building, walking quickly. He was ready for the day, and he smiled softly as the sound of birds met his ears along the sidewalk towards school.
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ruby sander // 2

Postby sweet.peaches~ » Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:33 am

ruby sander | 15 | she/her | light manipulation | location: bus -> school | tags: open
She was glad she basically ran to the bus stop. That was because as soon as she had arrived on the sidewalk, she could hear a vehicle come driving straight to them. Ruby saw the familiar giant yellow bus and immediately went into line to go on board. Prepared, she gave the driver her bus ticket which they responded with a grunt. She hoped that meant she was in the clear. She took her time walking down and finding the perfect seat. For her, that meant a window seat that would be in the middle of the bus alone. Luckily, there was two buses for her school and each would take kids from other sides of the town. Although her bus had two bus stops, including hers, there weren't many students in her area that took the bus. Ruby personally was glad. Some of her friends would probably be disgusted that she went on the bus because they thought only weird people went on. That was easy for them to say; they may have been rich too but their parents still got time to drop them off at school with their fancy cars. She shook her head as she collapsed on a leather blue seat, inching closer to the window. She dropped her backpack next to her. I should be grateful, she bitterly thought to herself. I shouldn't be jealous or envious. I have a big house, I'm popular with lots of friends, and my parents are rich. I'm just being a brat. But... She looked down at her hands. They were starting to glow a little. It often happened when she got emotional. It sucked. She tried her best to dim the light down, relieved nobody noticed as the bus doors closed, and made every effort to calm herself down. Think happy thoughts. Like unicorns. Or popcorn, Ruby told herself.

As the bus drove into the streets and she could feel the bumps of the road, she watched the other teenagers on the bus with shaky hands. They were all talking to each other on their expensive Apple phones or Airpods. If she eavesdropped, normally she'd caught them boasting about their money. It seemed funny. They didn't seem to have any worries. They were free. Unlike her. I wonder if there's anyone else like me. There was a small voice in her head that wanted to keep on hoping that she wasn't alone but there was another part that knew the inevitable truth. That can't be. If there were, I would know. There's no sophomores like me. I just might be some freak experiment my parents adopted. Ruby felt feverish. When she looked back at her hands, they weren't doing what she wanted. They were even brighter now. She was glad her eyes could withstand extremely bright objects but that wasn't the same for the other kids. Ruby decided to simply just listen to music. Her glowing palms went into her backpack and pulled out headphones and her phone. Then, she tried her best to relax and enjoy her newly created playlist. She was overjoyed to see her fingers start dimming and continued to tune in to alternative and indie rock for the rest of the bus ride.

Ruby was glad to get off the vehicle. When she stepped off the bus, it had never been such a relief to feel the ground again. Before she put her stuff back into her disorganized backpack, she checked her phone for the time. She had some time before school started. As she walked towards the building, she wished to herself that it would be an average day. An average day for me at least. A constant struggle to keep my ability a secret while also paying attention to schoolwork and annoying teachers. She sighed. She couldn't wait for the day to end.
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Re: Small Town Secret - Accepting!

Postby axelandria » Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:54 pm

𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄. ─── tags: open
seventeen | female | lesbian | technopathy

    nora shouted out a goodbye to her parents as she raced out the door. she put earbuds in, and began the walk to school. she'd probably make it on time, as long as she walked fast and didn't make any stops. she turned her music up, drowning out the sounds of people starting their day. as long as she focused on the music, she could keep her powers at bay. nora hummed along as she walked, eventually reaching the school. she kept one earbud in as she went to her locker and dropped off her bag, grabbing her books for her first class. the girl then leaned against the row of lockers and slid down to a sitting position. she opened her textbook and tried to read last night's homework.
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Postby strawbs. » Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:52 am

    16 yrs ─ he/him ─ ice manip. ─ tags; thaddeus

      sage stared down at his feet, kicking rocks out of boredom. another shiver ran through his body, but it wasn't because of the outdoor temperature. it's almost maddening to him; still, he quickly recovers, brushing it off to only ignore it further. he knows it's a terrible mistake, that it'll only grow more out of his control. he's already feeling the effects grow stronger as the days go by. he can't help but keep it inside. he's too scared of what he could do. scared of being caught. scared of hurting himself or even someone else. if he lets this go on the way it is, maybe it will stay put. what if it doesn't, though? will it only continue to get worse?

      deep in his thoughts, he almost didn't hear the sound of a front door and the familiar voice of his best friend. his head shoots up, turning over to face thaddeus. sage can't help but let a grin out, warm and welcoming, and he once again feels at ease. "tad!" he has to stop himself from jumping up and down from excitement. "took you long enough." he says next, but it's purely a joke. "i'm doin' great! how about you? are you ready for school?" he stays cheery for his friend, even if he doesn't feel the same. school made him more nervous these days, especially with his ability. he was always afraid that something would go wrong. sage just has to keep telling himself that everything will be fine, and hopefully he'll believe it eventually.

    17 yrs ─ he/him ─ darkness embod. ─ tags; teneca

      riggs is a little slow, taking his time as he gets ready and gathers his things. preparing for school involved way more than just getting dressed. he had to mentally prepare himself as well. with his ability, he had to stay on-guard almost; keep in touch with himself and his emotions so he didn't lose it and go awol. riggs didn't want to relax for even a second, as it felt too risky. this was why he was late to school a lot of the time. he used to get into more trouble than he used to, used to start arguments, get into fights with other students. he's getting better.

      riggs put on a jacket and threw his bag over his shoulder, all while brushing his teeth. once he realized after glancing out the window that his cousin teneca was out there waiting, he sped up a little bit. he finally stepped out of the house, shutting the door behind him before walking over the meet up with teneca. "hey, hope i didn't keep you waiting that long." he said, ready to continue walking towards the direction of his school, as long as his cousin was following. "how are you on this fine, lovely morning?" he asks, tone of obviously fake enthusiam. to be fair, he wasn't the best at conversations. he either scared people away or made them angry. it was difficult to warm up to teneca at first, with his situation, but he found the boy to not be that bad. in fact, riggs believes that he began to get into trouble less with teneca around, now that he thinks about it.
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Re: Small Town Secret - Accepting!

Postby selasphorys » Fri Apr 09, 2021 2:56 pm

𝗰𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗮 𝘆𝗶𝗽
17 yrs | she/they | toxin immunity
location: outside the school | tags: rosie

    Cassia used to tune out to music on the way to school, but she’d recently developed a habit of keeping her eyes and ears open as she headed through town. Not eavesdropping, no, that would be rude. But well... sort of. It’d be for their own good, in the end. That chemical, the coverups, they all had to have some terrible significance. She shuddered to imagine what lurked behind these sleepy suburbs, to think how many of her friends and neighbors could be hurt. Cas wasn’t about to just let it happen. So the kid sped down the sidewalks, searching for any kind of clue along the way. But like every other morning, they heard nothing but traffic and birdsong, saw nothing but this facade of normalcy.

    A little disappointed after another fruitless run, Cas came up to the school. The building, though rather boxy and boring, felt almost like a second home to her with all the time she had spent there. She took a moment to catch her breath, shift gears. She'd have to put aside her investigations for a different sort of examination-- AP exam prep.

    A familiar squeak snapped her out of her musings. Cassia looked ahead to spot Rosie waving at her. She waved back, exclaiming, “Rosie! Good morning!” Cas hurried to close the distance between them, grinning at the sight of her friend. Hyped up on caffeine and sugar, she’d bounced back to her usual exuberant self. Sleepless nights had nothing on her. Talking just a little too fast, Cas launched into homework discussion: “The chemistry assignment last night was brutal. I couldn’t figure out the last problem. I hope we get to go over it in class today. How'd you feel about it?” Realizing she'd been going on for a bit, she slowed her stream of thoughts to offer her friend an apologetic look. “And, uh, how have you been, Rosie?”

𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗲𝘂𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗹𝗲𝘆
16 yrs | he/him | water manipulation
location: en route to school | tags: sage

    With Sage beaming at him like that, Thaddeus couldn't help but smile back. He felt the tension from this morning's mishap ebbing away, replaced by the warmth that only his best friend could bring. Even if Sage didn't mind too much, Tad felt he should explain himself anyway: “I dropped something again and had to clean it up. You know me. Clumsy.” He ran a hand through his auburn curls, a sheepish grin on his face.

    In response to Sage's second question, Tad muttered, “Ready as I’ll ever be.” His grin faltered as he looked down at the pebbly ground. Another day of struggling to say something, to not mess up, to get back after years of falling behind. Become the motivated student his mom always wanted him to be, even if he felt so lost in his classes that he’d pretty much given up on them. Tad was tired. So tired of turning in illegible papers blotched with water stains and smudged ink, so tired of his classmates asking to switch seats so they wouldn't have to sit next to "the sweaty kid." He couldn't help this-- this ability, if you could call it that. Still, he felt brave enough to face another day with Sage by his side. In these quiet moments, between home and school, things could maybe be okay. He mustered up the courage to meet Sage's hazel eyes with a small smile.“But we can make it a good day together, right?”

    Thaddeus began to walk in the direction of school, the same path they'd walked for years. As he watched his breath come out in clouds, he stuffed his hands into his pockets to keep warm. He remembered how he'd opened the door to see Sage shiver earlier. A twinge of guilt knotted up in his stomach. If Tad hadn't slipped up like usual, Sage wouldn't have had to stand around in the cold so long. He turned to his friend, a note of concern in his voice. “It’s a little chilly this morning. You okay in just that jacket?”
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Re: Small Town Secret - Accepting!

Postby Queen of flames » Sun Apr 11, 2021 7:52 pm

Carter Jr.
male - 18 years - Telekinesis - A-/ heterosexual - crushes: none
talking with: none

twenty minutes was already passed after the clock waked him up, but he still wasn't up to his bed. He knew that his stepfather was already out to work and that his mother would come to him in five minutes if he doesn't get up now. He was not no plans to go to school today, there was nothing that interested him, but eventually, he needed to leave the house so his mother could not suspect anything or the worst she could ride him to school, how embarrassing. Sighing he quickly jumped out of his bed and took some clothes to wear, as he was figured his mother comes to check on him "good you awaken, now hurry up" she told him with a smile, before closing the door again as she left the room. Withing fifteen more minutes and he was ready to leave, taking some money with him for lunch, but he was not going to school, the shopping center seemed more attractive now. He was already set his mind for hanging around the town than going to school, so with a quick bye to his mother he left the house.

female - 17 years - Absolutely Darkness - heterosexual - crushes: none
talking with: none

She was being up an hour already, not because she wanted to or was an early riser, no she was not an early riser she loved to sleep, but the part of town she was living at the moment was further away. The bus to her place to this part of town only moved almost every two hours so if she didn't go to the early bus she could be late for school, which was nothing new to her. Most teachers were even fine with her coming a little bit later, but it didn't do good for her and she hated to walk later into the classroom when anyone had their eyes on her. She mostly skipped the whole class, if she did come later, as she hated to be the center of attention. Now she was hanging around near the cafeteria eating some breakfast, before school just like she always did. This cafeteria was very modered, with free internet and the food was pretty good too, it was not far from the school building either, only a few corners away, but the road turned into an alley which made that the school didn't show up in here. She looked up at her phone, seeing that the clock was enough for her to walk to school.
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Re: Small Town Secret - Accepting!

Postby Perri » Mon Apr 12, 2021 2:05 am

Name; Teneca Rosebud / Age; 17-years-old / Powers; Flight Manipulation / Location; On the sidewalk between 3rd and Cliff, Heading to School / Tags; Pierre Monroe

Teneca, despite having broad shoulders and a lengthy height, always tried to keep a level head around his cousin. His style was different and, well, cooler than Teneca's usual quick-shirt and flannel he wore every other day. Basically, he though his cousin was cooler than him, that was a for sure. "Oh no, I just got here," he spoke softly, realizing he still had a bit of a rough throat from waking up. Clearing it, he stepped to the left side of the sidewalk and walked next to Pierre. But despite keeping his cool, the corner of his mouth twitched hearing the early morning sarcasm, with him breathing out a small ha.
"Never been better," he replied with a small smile on his lips, his hands casually tucked into his jeans pockets. But it was a bit cold due to the season, but it would surely warm up in no time by noon. It took Teneca a second to figure out what to say next, glancing over at Pierre for a moment. Pierre was one of his family members who didn't know his powers, and usually, the ones that do would ask him a boat load of never ending questions if he were with them. It was refreshing to walk with him, even if it was just a short one. "So... Did you happen to finish up on the Geometry homework from Friday?" He casually asked, even though to him, Geometry was ridiculously hard. Of course, he did his homework and study, but it just doesn't click for him. But if it were possible, he would try to get his cousin to try and slap it into his head so he can finally figure out what Mr. Jefferson is talking about in class. They didn't take the class together, with them going at different periods, but they're still learning the same stuff.
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Re: Small Town Secret - Accepting!

Postby eventer » Mon Apr 12, 2021 8:18 pm

p a n d o r a
age nineteen
gender female
powers shape shifting
location school
relationship open
tags open
pandora would have finished school last year, but due to her pregnancy, she had decided to put her senior year off and the school agreed, and so here she was back at school. She had missed term 1, everyone knew why, she wasn’t ready to go to school, not after... well... anyway pandora sat in her 2013 black Holden Captiva that she’d parked in the student parking lot. She stared at the other students walking to class, she sighed softly realising the time she turned the car off and removed the keys from the ignition, gathered her belongings and stepped out of the car placing her keys in her purse she started towards the school, the rest of the students in her class were a year older, perhaps some her age if they’d been held back, but anyone else her age would probably be at the school to help out.

As she made her way towards the school she paused as a young mum, a few years older than herself stepped out of the car, pulling one newborn child from the car and placing her into a pram, followed by another newborn, a son this one, ‘the children would have been about the same age as... the same age as sebastian’ she thought to herself momentarily, before feeling a tear slide down her cheek. She looked at the school and huffed, turning on her heel and heading back towards her car. The closer she grew the faster she moved. In time she reached her car, pulled open her door and climbed inside. She looked towards the young mother who strolled past with her children in the double pram. She fought back tears and started her car, reversing pulling out of the parking lot.

She drove for a few minutes deciding to stop in town after she’d calmed down and parked behind the shopping centre resting her arm on the inside of her car door as she patiently sat and thought about sebastian.
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