▬「 kinemortophobia 」

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐄 ─── one

Postby axelandria » Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:57 am

a r s i n o e . w e s t w o o d. ─── tags: thomas
nineteen | female ; she/her | bisexual

    Somewhere in this suburban area, someone's backyard had become very overgrown. The trees were full and bushy, and up hidden among the branches, Arsinoe lounged on the wooden platform she'd built. Yawning, she reached into her bag, then cursed. She was out of snacks. The brunette turned, surveying her small pile of food. There were cans and other bagged foods, but nothing Arsinoe was willing to snack on. I guess I could go out? Sighing, she threw her bag over her shoulder, lowered her rope ladder, and climbed down.

    After a while, Arsinoe arrived at the nearby gas station. She hadn't hit this one yet, but it already looked empty. Whatever. It's probably got something in the back room or something. Heading over, she stepped inside the door, which was hanging off it's hinges, and crunched on glass underfoot. The sound made her wince, as it definitely alerted her presence to anyone who might be inside. Arsinoe tightened her grip on her hatchet, trying to peer over the shelves. Shrugging to herself, she called out. "Anyone here? Speak now or forever hold your peace!"
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Re: ▬「 kinemortophobia 」

Postby strawbs. » Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:24 am


    L U E | tags;; open | location;; city mall
    x 18 y/o xx male xx bisexual x

    not in a million years would blue ever think of an zombie apocalypse happening, but then again not many others did either. he didn't expect to come this far, but he wasn't entirely alone at first. he was lucky to have a friend from the beginning-- but now he was alone again, though still fairing better than he expected. most of the things he learned was what he and his friend had figured out together. now he was alone again. he still couldn't believe it, even a year later. sometimes he spoke to himself, pretending his friend was still with him to listen to all of his ramblings. was this what going crazy felt like?

    over time, blue had accumulated a pile of blankets for when the nights grew cold. in fact, right now, the young man was currently snuggled up within the mess. it was situated in a small, rundown apartment building that he had managed to break into. blue knew that he would have to leave it eventually, but willing himself to take the first step was always the hardest part. right now, he was as safe as can be. out there wasn't safe. but he didn't have much food to survive off of-- just scraps that were found here and there.

    the blonde finally managed to shuffle out of his makeshift bed, hesitantly just to waste more time. he tip-toed forward the slump down and quickly rummage through his backpack that he had leaning against the wall. nope, not much at all. he heaved a deep sigh, chewing on his lip before zipping up the bag and throwing over his shoulder swiftly. then, next to it was a weapon he had found a while ago-- a sledgehammer. it didn't make him feel any safer, but it was something. with that in hand, he squeezed out of the room, light feet padding cautiously along the carpet until he ended up at the exit. the walk in the city was a fairly quiet one, and whatever noise that blue did hear, he successfully avoided. he stopped in front of some mall, peering into it from the outside before glancing around himself. then he stepped inside.


    Y U N - T A E | tags;; open | location;; convenience store
    x tae / taetae xx 27 y/o xx male xx pansexual x

    hyun-tae swore he had never run so much in his life. he was no marathon type of guy, but if he could get the adrenaline pumping, the fear of death can make him really go. he had known this most of his life though, from staying up late nights practically living in a hospital to save the lives of others. it felt like he was always running on adrenaline, but he loved it as much as he hated the bad parts of it-- the parts where the live could not be saved. now, there was hardly anyone to save. right now, he was terrified, because the unthinkable happened-- and so many lives were lost to it. the events that transpired in that hospital went by so quick, but hyun-tae was not a stupid man-- he caught onto the hints when he met the first victim. it was all too real to his eyes to believe that it was fake. he bolted as soon as he could, not able to settle ever since.

    the man's been a mess, to say the least-- an anxious, worried mess. but over time, he's grown desensitized to it all, more keen on living than just giving up and allowing a horde to eat him alive. that would be a painful demise to bear, and so many have had to bear it. it saddens him deeply, but with his line of work, he's figured out how to not let it bother him so much anymore. he knows that there must be more survivors out there-- he's seen them, even befriended them. unfortunately they weren't good people; instead, they ransacked him during his slumber, and stole most of his goods. some food and his medical gear. when he woke up, the people he thought were his friends had disappeared, and he quickly realized that they were never his friends. that was some time ago; hyun-tae has learned a fair lesson. this is the new world now.

    hyun-tae temporarily sat himself within a broken convenience store-- mostly empty but it was somewhere to stay while he gathered his wits. he had an unfortunate run in with some zombies earlier and managed to roll his ankle badly while he was trying deal with them. he was currently sat behind the counter, calming his nerves while treating his injured joint. the man hissed at the pain, tightening his jaw as he swore under his breath through his teeth. it would be more difficult to move from now on, he concluded with a heavy heart. he would still be able to walk, but he'd have to be careful with how he places the pressure, and he wouldn't be able to run very well. that was his biggest concern. now he wasn't so sure on how he'd do this living thing.

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naomi - 001

Postby reign; » Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:27 am

    ━━xx𝐍𝐀𝐎𝐌𝐈 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃xx━━━━━━━━━━━
    basics [ 23 y/o, female, heterosexual ] tags [ hyun-tae ] location [ convenience store ] word count [ 501 ]

      naomi wandered through the back alleys of the small town she was nearing the edge of. there wasn't a whole lot to do nowadays besides wander around. maybe kill a few zombies every now and again, but generally it was better to avoid those. she had to admit though, there was something peaceful about the silence that seemed to permeate the earth now. she'd always been a bit of an introvert, so when things went to hell, she didn't really mind doing this whole "going solo" thing. she'd never been a huge fan of groups anyway.

      today's goals were to find supplies and a place to settle in for the foreseeable future. she liked to liven things up by moving every so often. besides, there are only so many supplies to find in one area. so, she would settle in, explore all she could in a town, and then move on. she'd covered quite a bit of ground this way. she was nowhere near home anymore, if you could even call it that. before any of this had happened, she had moved quite frequently over the years. it was hard to call any one place home.

      naomi strode onto the main road as she grew close to the edge of town. it was the only way out, and she much preferred the road to stomping through the woods. the latter always seemed too loud, between the crunching of leaves and snapping of twigs. however, one does sacrifice cover when taking the road. sure, there was the occasional abandoned car, but other than that, you were left wide open. it was a risk she decided to take.

      by now, naomi had reached the outskirts of town, marked by a singular, lonely convenience store. she had already explored there, but had hidden some supplies to retrieve on her way out. as she approached, she noticed that the bottle she had strategically placed outside the door was now on it's side. someone had been in since she set that up the previous day. she sighed. why didn't she just bring the supplies back last night? shaking her head, she began to cautiously approach, retrieving a sword from it's sheath as she did so. "please be empty..." she muttered as she slowly opened the door. a squeak of the hinges gave her entrance away.

      she froze. there was no one within her direct line of sight, but that didn't mean anything. she didn't hear any sounds of zombies responding to the noise though, so that was a good sign. she entered the store and stealthily moved back to where she had previously hidden the supplies. as she rounded a corner, she gained view behind the back of the counter. her knuckles grew white as she clenched the hilt of her sword. a man was seated on the ground, grasping his ankle. he was injured. everything in her told her to run. get out of there immediately. but she couldn't.

      "that isn't a bite, is it?"
Last edited by reign; on Sun Nov 15, 2020 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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▬「 thomas; two 」

Postby guar » Sun Nov 15, 2020 2:23 am

      🇹‌🇭‌🇴‌🇲‌🇦‌🇸‌ 🇨‌🇦‌🇷‌🇹‌🇼‌🇷‌🇮‌🇬‌🇭‌🇹‌‌
      [ twenty-three ] [ male ] [ pansexual ] [ gas station ] [ tagged ;; n/a ]

      Thomas had managed to shove his knapsack full of whatever could fit, even resorting to pocketing some of the smaller things where he could. Surprisingly, he still had left overs that seemed...safe enough to consume - in the apocalypse you couldn't afford to be picky, okay? He would have to try and tuck that away somewhere hidden to be able to return to collect it up too; taking all of the food he found felt like a greedy thing to do but honestly it was just survival, right, so there was no harm in acting slightly selfish. There were some people still alive in the world and for far worse reasons than what Thomas had - they hurt and killed people to get ahead, they wouldn't even consider the option of alliances. At least you could trust that the dead want to kill you no matter what...there was no getting backstabbed by a zombie.

      The sound of glass crunching underfoot was enough to tear the twenty-three year old from his thoughts, his entire body tensing up in anticipation for some kind of attact or the all-too-familiar groan of the undead. Those did not come, though. In fact, what he got instead was startling enough, far more confusing than a basic zombie attack. Someone else was here? And they were willingly alerting him of their presence? That was a little comforting. Usually it was the people who tried to be stealthy around him that were prone to make him become wary of them. He paused for a long moment, a breath sucked in and held as his wide eyes flicked to the doorway to the backroom. Then he looked around the small room to try and find a window or maybe an air conditioning unit in the roof that he could shimmy free and climb out of. Eventually he accepted that he was cornered, though. Slipping his bag over his shoulder and carefully standing to his full height, he glanced about again in one last ditch attempt to find a escape route before carefully stepping out of the room. "Don't shoot! I'm coming out." Thomas called out, just in case. He had his handaxe gripped tightly in one of his hands but kept it lowered - he didn't want it to be treated as a threat, only a warning that he could defend himself. He looked across the aisles while he moved, halting once he noticed the other in the gas station with him. "I'm not looking for any trouble." Studying her closely, he then nodded towards the door, "I just want to get out of here."
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Re: ▬「 kinemortophobia 」

Postby strawbs. » Sun Nov 15, 2020 10:32 am


    Y U N - T A E | tags;; naomi | location;; convenience store
    x tae / taetae xx 27 y/o xx male xx pansexual x

    hyun-tae gathered himself, brushing a hand through his faded pink hair for a moment before gripping onto the counter with one hand in order to lift himself up. right before he made an attempt, he heard the squeak of the entrance door, instantly falling back down to his previous position. he held his breath, shrinking further into himself and listening to any noise that could tell him what it could be that moved the door. while everything else was quiet, the man swore he heard a footstep here and there. he made a reach for his gun, pulling it out from where it was hiding. although he didn't hear any groaning of an undead, he couldn't be so sure if it was one or not-- and if it was a real person, they could be hostile. he kept it at the ready to aim if he had to in order to survive. when the figure of a woman turned the corner to peer down at him, he flinched, stifling the reaction as best as he could before he lowered his weapon to drop beside him. he let out a deep breath, keeping himself as firm against the wall as he could, tense as ever in the moment.

    his nerves were through the roof. even so, it was a person. who was he kidding? he could never hurt or kill a living being even if to save his life. at the stranger's question, his eyes widened as he shook his head, stuttering a bit before getting an answer out. "n-no! it's uh-- a-- just a sprain. see? look!" he reached forward to roll up his pantleg a ways, showing her his ankle, which had some swelling and a faint bruise that was forming. he turned his leg for her to see all angles. "i'm fine." he said with a smile, before it quickly faltered afterwards. "uh-- is it... just you here?" he moved back to lean against the wall again, staring up at her while glancing around himself warily. she didn't seem bad, but he didn't know if that'd change later on or not. after all, his last run in with people wasn't too great. he glanced over at the blade in her grip, swallowing heavily.

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𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐄 ─── two

Postby axelandria » Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:41 pm

a r s i n o e . w e s t w o o d. ─── tags: thomas
nineteen | female ; she/her | bisexual

    at the call, arsinoe tensed, then relaxed. they're not attacking me, so that's cool. she loosened her grip on her hatchet, then stepped aside slightly as a young-looking guy stepped out. she eyed his knapsack. "you clean out the place? mind sharing some extras?" arsinoe backed away from the door though, leaving space for the stranger to leave.
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Re: ▬「 kinemortophobia 」

Postby YupItReallyIsMe » Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:29 pm

    Alaina Fellan~ 20~ Hetero~Location:Mall~ Tags:None

    Alaina snuck through the mall, clutching one knife in her hands and making sure the other was still strapped to her leg. Alaina had always been an early riser, and had been scavenging since early this morning. She'd been hoping to be able to find more medical supplies but no such luck so far. She made sure the hoodie she had on was tightened around her head, keeping her warmth inside the jacket.

    Alaina veered towards the food court, keeping low to the ground in hopes to find some other, possibly sharper weapons or canned food, though she doubted there would be any there. She slid into the first little fast-food restaurant, searching the counters and cabinets for any sort of sustenance or weapons, all while keeping an eye on the food court for any sort of movement.
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