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For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

the obvious question: will you join this?

Total votes : 17

ellie 001 | sophia 001 | mel 001 | enzo 001

Postby azhefa. » Wed Nov 18, 2020 6:18 am

ellie โ— 28 โ— female โ— black heavy warmblood โ— eldest crown princess โ— heterosex/rom โ— single
    location; castle [bedroom > throne room]
    tags; open

    the last few months have been quite chaotic as the kingdom prepares for the kilven king and his convoy who were due to arrive any day now. ellie knows the talks that will take place will be very important for both kingdoms and hopes as she has for the past several months that things go well. it would do the world good to have peace between the kingdoms. war would only tear it apart.

    ellie was at her vanity brushing out her long black hair as the sound of hurried hooves clatter in the halls outside and in the courtyard below her open window. she was sitting up on a pile of cushions and pillows as she pulls the brush through her hair, a comfortable position for relaxing instead of having to stand. while she brushes her hair, ellie wonders when the convoy will arrive and if they will be friendly or not. a small part of her also wonders how handsome the king will be. rumors were going around that she's likely to be passed off to kilven and the king's sister will stay in hatha to marry her younger brother who was next in line for the crown.

    the thought of being sent to kilven makes ellie's heart squeeze. she doesn't want to leave hatha, this was her home. once again thoughts of running away start to wiggle their way into her mind. for the past year these thoughts have been popping up. ever since the young kilven king started to try and reach out for peace and diplomacy, ellie's anxiety has spiked. she's been taught since she was a foal that she will be married off to the best suitor, but she's always assumed that suitor would be in hatha.

    the sudden sound of bells ringing in the courtyard makes ellie almost jump out of her skin. her heart starts to race a little as the last ring echos into silence. the convoy was almost at the gates and it was time to go out and get ready greet them.

    ellie quickly scurries to her feet and just as she steps out of the pile of pillows, her handmaiden appears to help her get dressed. the two make quick work of ellie's gown and turn to her hair and accessories. the gown was a lovely emerald green with bits of gold embroidery all over, it matches her eyes and goes with her dark hair and coat very well. the fabrics were soft and draped over her back and rump as well as down the front of her where it hangs by her knees. her hair is mostly left down with bits of braids and clips to hold it up out of her face. her tiara is secured to her hair as well so it doesn't slip off, luckily she only wears it for formal occasions. her tail was also braided a little, but mostly kept loose to match her hair.

    once she was properly decked out, ellie doesn't feel at all like herself and has to force a look of calm upon her face as she leaves her room and heads for the throne room where her father would already be. the old king hardly ever leaves his throne anymore and she's heard whispers that the old stallion will likely die on the throne and it would be quite fitting for him if he did. ellie takes
    a deep breath before entering the huge throne room, her hooves clacking against the stone floor as she makes her way to her spot beside her mother's vacant seat. her brothers were to stand beside their father while she and her sister were to stand beside their mother's empty seat. off to the right of the king was a large alcove where his other wives were to stand, their offspring often stood in the court groups below the dias which were off to either side to allow those seeking an audience with the king to have the center area before the dias and the thrones.

    the princess takes up her spot beside the empty throne and stands quietly while she waits for her siblings to arrive. once the royals were situated, the doors will open and those in the noble courts will enter to take up their places at either side then the commoners are given entrance should they wish to attend the greeting. ellie hopes there won't be too big a crowd, but figures there likely would be considering there's a whole convoy from a rival kingdom arriving.

red [sometimes] โ— 32 โ— female โ— amber champagne hot-blood โ— ex-royal wife, herbalist โ— heterosex/rom โ— single
    location; home > castle gates
    tags; open
    it was quite the event of the year when the kilven convoy was due to arrive. sophia knows just how stressful it was to live in the castle when major events were going on and was quite happy that she wasn't a part of it all anymore. it's been about seven years since she was a wife to the king and it's been a wonderful seven years. she was no longer needing to drink herbal teas to keep her womb bare and it was such a relief. the king never got a foal out of her and she was quite pleased with the thought. refusing to give a man with all the power what he wants was quite a rush.

    now that she was a lowly commoner, sophia has never been so happy. there was no longer restrictions placed on her and she can go where she pleases without having to get permission. she can finally have her own life. sophia lives in town without the same luxuries of the castle and it was a rather tough change since she had been quite comfortable in the castle. her clothes weren't as vibrant and her jewelry wasn't as flashy, but at least she has food and a roof over her head.

    sophia sighs she hears the bells to signal that the convoy was getting close and starts to get ready to attend the gathering that will take place in the throne room to greet the arrivals. her gown wasn't as heavy and beautiful as her former dresses had been, but it was still lovely with it's soft fabrics and pale green color. it fit nicely unlike a lot of her former gowns that were made to be snug and tight. how lovely it is to be able to actually move in her clothing.

    once her dress was on and her hair was tied back, sophia twists herself around to get at her tail and makes a quick braid. it wasn't fancy, but it was clean looking and more formal than a plain tail. she clips on some small bits of shiny metal in the strands before clipping on the braces for her pasterns to give them a little flashy feeling and then puts on her only necklace. she checks her reflection before nodding to herself and collecting her satchel before exiting her small home. sophia heads for the castle and the crowd starting to grow outside the gates. they won't be given entrance until the royals were settled and the nobles were in their place.

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mel & nik โ— 30 & 5 โ— female & male โ— pale palomino warmbloods โ— seamstress & son โ— heterosex/rom โ— widow
    location; home > gates
    tags; each other, open
    [idk what to write, they're at the gates wanting to join the group going to see the convoy arrive]

enzo โ— 32 โ— male โ— blacksmith โ— pangre flaxen chestnut heavy draft โ— bisex/rom โ— single
    location; his shop
    tags; open
    [open for interaction, he's in his shop]
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Re: ๐พ๐ผ๐‘๐บ๐ท๐‘‚๐‘€ ๐‘‡๐ธ๐‘๐‘†๐ผ๐‘‚๐‘๐‘† | royal centaurs | open

Postby Boxen. » Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:44 am

27 | female | 16hh chestnut draft | cavalry | location: town to castle gates | tags: open

Elwyn cantered down the streets, the rays of the sun only just managing to glint off polished armour as the shadows of the kingdom's boundaries loomed over her as she hurried towards her post. It was clear the Kilven were bound to arrive at any moment as a thick crowd was growing more and more restless in front of the gates, getting denser with each eager face.

Elwyn had hated staying in the kingdom at first, being used to the wide open stretches of fields and rugged mountains of her old village, but over time had learnt to bear with the constant choking smells of the blacksmiths and the winding, closed in roads with houses leaning so far in it was surprising they even stood at all. If there was one thing that she remarked never seemed to change, it were the pubs and taverns, the staple cheerful bright eyed keepers seeming to never change no matter where she went. It was this thought that reminded her of the dryness in her mouth, a subtle memory to the previous night that had ended with her in a different squads quarters.

Her hooves slid to a halt as she almost barrelled into a old shetland, bowing her head in an apology with a sheepish smile before gently helping the elderly mare towards what she assumed where her grandchildren. She could see the rest of her squadron now, and hastily trotted through the sea of different coats to join them. Avoiding her captains eye, she took up position near the gates, a hand resting on an ornately decorated scabbard as the trails of her caparison fluttered in the light breeze. As far as she was aware, her entire job was simply to escort the convoy to the courtyard where she would then await further orders. They were a rival kingdom after all but it still seemed like overkill to Elwyn.
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Re: ๐พ๐ผ๐‘๐บ๐ท๐‘‚๐‘€ ๐‘‡๐ธ๐‘๐‘†๐ผ๐‘‚๐‘๐‘† | royal centaurs | open

Postby Furrydogs12 » Fri Nov 20, 2020 5:54 am

Tyler sighed and got out of bed. He went into his bathroom connected to his bedroom. He brushed his teeth and washed his face. He then got dressed and slicked back his hair. He fixed his tie and opened the door, leaving his room. He had no emotion on his face as he left his room. He secretly was a tiny bit nervous on how this meeting would go but he showed none of it. He walked to the throne room at a normal pace and takes his spot next to his elder sister, Evolett. He folded his hands behind his back in a princely manner and waited for the rest of his siblings.
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Re: ๐พ๐ผ๐‘๐บ๐ท๐‘‚๐‘€ ๐‘‡๐ธ๐‘๐‘†๐ผ๐‘‚๐‘๐‘† | royal centaurs | open

Postby LunaClaw » Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:21 am

Alexia/Female/tags: open
Alexia troted alongside her brother. She sighed as her hooves were tired from the long trip. She had her three personal body guards next to her and behind her. They all were on their way to Hatha, their rivals, to make some sort of deal. She looked up at the birds flying free overhead, she wished she could be free like them. She trotted a little while longer wondering when they would arrive. As they neared, she saw a quite large crowd by the gates. She held her head high and looked over the crowd.

Alyssa/Female/ tags: open
Alyssa was picking berries for her paints. She pulled out the tiny pallet she held in a sidebag, strapped around her side. She opened it up and but in some mashed up blueberries. She then went back to her family's resting site for the night. She pet her eagle, who was on a branch of a tree, on the head. She smiled and held her arm out for him to jump onto. She then brought him to a clearing and put her fingers up to check which way the wind was blowing. It was blowing away from her, perfect. She let her eagle go to go hunt. She then crouched down in the tall grass and aimed her bow at a unsuspecting rabbit. She released the arrow and watched it land right where she wanted it. She picks up the dead rabbit and takes the arrow out, she then holds out a arm and her eagle lands back on her arm, not finding anything else. She then trots back to her family's resting site, happy with her kill.
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Elizithea-May 001; Linullee

Postby DeadCorvids » Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:44 pm

thea, lizzie โ— 35 โ— female โ— black draft โ— countess โ— bisex/rom โ— married-ish
    location; smith shop
    tags; Vicenzo

    โ‡ดโ‡ทElizithea-May trotted down the cobbled pathways of the kingdom, nodding her head as she passed the citizens. Her casual attire of a pinstriped turtleneck sweater along with her usual arsenal of weaponry seemed to earn her looks of curiosity, sometimes even surprise. The woman's hands were in her hair, braiding it out of her face.
    โ‡ดโ‡ทBefore the centauress realized it, she was at the smith shop, unprepared to see the gruff face behind the door once again. Thea let go of her long black braid before opening the door. She didn't bother knocking anymore, it was just customary for the gruff female to walk in.
    โ‡ดโ‡ท"'Ello, Enzo. T'is a good morning for the Kilven to arive, don't ya' agree?" Her voice held a foreign accent that only slightly sounded different from the Hatha natives. "Just stoppin' a-by to place a quick commission before I head on out. I'm expected to be there, as a noble and all." Thea placed a piece of parchment down, with her order for a set of five new throwing knives. "Managed to break them in training, again."
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enzo 001

Postby azhefa. » Tue Dec 08, 2020 2:03 am

enzo โ— 32 โ— male โ— blacksmith โ— pangre flaxen chestnut heavy draft โ— bisex/rom โ— single
    location; his shop
    tags; elizithea
    it's been a long few weeks with the news of the kilven convoy coming. almost everyday someone new was walking through his shop doors be it nobles seeking his fine jewelry or commoners needing tools fixed which were broken in their rush to make things for the convoy and make money off the peace talks that were due to take place over the next week or so. enzo wasn't overly thrilled with having the convoy in town, it will only make things that much more stressful for everyone.

    the brute of a stallion was already readying his forge for the day, pumping the large accordion fan with a forehoof while tying on his thick leather apron. his long hair was tied back into a messy bun to get it out of his face and safe, he wouldn't want another accident where he burned half the length off again. once the fire was smoldering properly, enzo moves off to his desk to see what orders he should start first. just as he finishes sorting his orders for the day, the bell above his shop door chimes to signal the arrival of a customer.

    the male grumbles to himself at the sound, not really expecting someone to show up so early on the day of the convoy's arrival. especially not a noble who should already be in place in the throne room by now. enzo gives the countess a grunt as she greets him and gruffly crosses his arms over his chest. it was hard to restrain the urge to roll his eyes at the woman's words, nobles always get on his nerves with their high and mighty attitudes. when she mentions breaking her knives in training again, enzo's eyes narrow and his thick tail swishes behind him in annoyance. one thing he hates the most is people breaking what he works hard to make and not caring that such work was wasted.
    "this will be the last time i'll make them for you," he tells her, his tone rather clipped and clearly irritated. "break them again and you'll be finding a new blacksmith." he all but snatches the parchment from the table and tosses it onto the pile on his desk.

    he turns away from her and waves a hand towards the door as he heads back to his forge to get started on his orders for the day.
    "go before you're late to take your place in the throne room, you know how particular the king is when it comes to his displays." though he won't be the one in trouble if she was late, everyone gets a taste of the king's wrath if anyone steps out of line, especially during such important events like this one. enzo wasn't in the mood to deal with the dying king's irritations since it would hinder a lot of his noble clientele who are his biggest spenders.
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Re: ๐พ๐ผ๐‘๐บ๐ท๐‘‚๐‘€ ๐‘‡๐ธ๐‘๐‘†๐ผ๐‘‚๐‘๐‘† | royal centaurs | open

Postby DeadCorvids » Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:22 am

thea, lizzie โ— 35 โ— female โ— black draft โ— countess โ— bisex/rom โ— married-ish
    location; smith shop
    tags; Vicenzo

    โ‡ดโ‡ท"Someone's irritated." Thea muttered as she turned around. "Well, I must say, the task of finding a new blacksmith could be a pain in my tail." She rested her hand on the door before pushing it open. "I'll see ya around, Enzo!"
    โ‡ดโ‡ทThea trotted down the empty roads towards the gates, knowing Enzo was right. She wasn't there, and the King would repremand everyone. She wondered if Linullee would be meeting with her.
    โ‡ดโ‡ทSoon she saw the large crowd gathering and she hurried to arrive. She brought no attention to the fact she had been late, and worked towards the front.
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