House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Wed Mar 29, 2023 12:47 pm

Seabridge. An ordinary town, with ordinary people. Mostly. For years, the humans of the town have been mostly unaware of the house that is situated in the forest. The forest that is a ten minute drive from the town. The forest that most people prefer to avoid, for fear of the rumours that anyone who goes in there will disappear.
And yet, it is this very forest that some people claim that certain visitors to the town come from. Visitors that don't quite seem all that 'normal'. They avoid the townspeople if they can, and then return to that mysterious forest - and presumably the legended house that is inside. But all rumours have a grain of truth, right? And that's what a particular group of humans have decided that they want to find out.

Before they can plan a day to go, though, something odd happens. Each person from Seabridge that has expressed any sort of interest or intention of going finds a letter on their doorsteps one morning. A letter, inviting them to a Masquerade Ball at Grimwood Manor, dated for the very next evening. The address, and helpful map, indicating that the location of the before-unheard of Grimwood Manor is in the very forest they were planning to investigate.
Was it a joke? A prank that someone thought would be funny? The writing is unlike that they had ever seen from anyone, and it all seemed very sincere - if strange. Only one way to find out.

Taking their chances, the humans decide to rush to prepare for the next evening, outfits and masks ready.
And, indeed, following the map provided to each of them, the humans find Grimwood Manor. Even greeted at the door with a "Glad you could make it". And instead of an empty house - well, mansion is more accurate - they find it bustling with people they've never seen before. But something's not right.
As the humans will discover, these other guests are not as human as thought, and, perhaps, there is a more sinister reason that they were invited... especially after it is discovered all of the doors and windows are locked, and no one seems to be able to tell the humans how to leave.
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Character Roles

Postby Consulting_Angel » Wed Mar 29, 2023 12:48 pm

You may have up to four characters, just make sure you can handle them all. No need to reserve, just post your character(s) on the discussion thread and wait to be accepted!

- Elias Fletcher (Consulting_Angel)
- Ari Soma (Spiritstar3)
- Havana Vincenzo (bigwig.)
- Apollo Sinclair (nila_)
- Amelia Sinclair (nila_)
- Yasmine Faulkner (Queen of flames)

- Cedric Wicke (Consulting_Angel)
- Lilith Wicke (Consulting_Angel)
- Xanthe Chicane (Consulting_Angel)
- Tisiphone (General Chaos)
- Ell Summers (Spiritstar3)
-Mystic Summers (Spiritstar3)
- Leela Evers (Spiritstar3)
- Leon Argyris (bigwig.)
- The Butcher/Caelan Blake (Demon God Caelan)
- Alex Darkman (TheRegularTerrarian)
- Tanwen Dorvyre (SaphiraBrightscales)
- Silas Grimm (bigwig)
- Alesha Wang (Queen of flames)
-Miriam Fuentes (Queen of flames)
- Eugene Lynn (Queen of flames)
- Pepper (cringe_)
- Vetiver Cane (bigwig)
- Atlas Reid (ghostlyhamlet)
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Character Form and Rules

Postby Consulting_Angel » Thu Mar 30, 2023 9:48 am

Character Form

You may use this form, or your own, provided it has all the necessary information!
A character image is not necessary, you may also use a detailed description. No anime. If using art, it must be your own or explicit permission must be granted by the artist.

Code: Select all
[left][img] [/img][/left][b]Name | Age | Gender | Species[/b]


[b]Short Bio:[/b][/size]

- As per usual, all of Tess' rules apply.
- No one- or two-liners.
- Please use reasonable grammar, spelling and punctuation, so others can understand your posts.
- No romantic relations between your own characters.
- Characters must be at least 21. No upper age limit - make a grandma who gets down on the dance floor if you'd like!
- Supernatural creatures only. No magic-users such as witches, elementals, etc, unless they are also another being.
- Please disable signatures in the roleplay thread.
- If you have a question, then let me know!
- Keep OOC chat and character forms to the discussion threads.
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Updates & Events

Postby Consulting_Angel » Sun Apr 02, 2023 3:01 am

Any updates or events for the roleplay will go here!
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:32 am

Elias Fletcher
Location: Outside Manor
Tagged: Ari, Van
The journey to Grimwood Manor had been a surprisingly easy one. It seemed that someone had taken the time to carefully form a path through the forest. Which was fortunate, as Elias had not wanted to get lost, nor ruin the outfit he was wearing for the masquerade... if there even was one. Maybe it was an elaborate prank, a thought that lurked in the back of his mind the entire way there.
But then... Elias gasped as Grimwood Manor stood before the group. The very house that had been rumoured about... was really real. The imposing structure was threatening, yet, to Elias, there was a sense of intrigue... as though the Manor was beckoning him to approach.
Flickering lanterns lit the pathway from the iron gates to the door of the Manor.
"... So it's real." Elias said, to the other two humans in the group, Ari and Van. "We've come this far. No turning back." he added, in case there were any doubts... or to try and clear his own lingering doubts.

Walking up the pathway, without really paying attention as to whether or not Ari or Van were following, Elias arrived at the door. Stood at the door, as though waiting for their arrival, was a figure dressed like a butler. Maybe it was the lighting, but Elias could have sworn that the figure was translucent.
"Welcome. We have been expecting you. Allow me to inform the hosts of your arrival." the figure said, then made a move towards the door, looking at though they were about to just walk through it, before stopping and realising, and then opening the door instead to go inside, closing it behind them.

Cedric Wicke
Appears 24|Cismale|Vampire
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Lilith/Open
Cedric was very excited for the night ahead. He was so hoping that the humans he'd invited - much to Lilith's disapproval - would arrive. After all, what better way to show said humans, that had been planning to supposedly investigate anyway, than a grand masquerade that he and Lilith were hosting? It would be a night of mystery and fun, he was sure. There was, in his opinion, no way that anything could go wrong. Hopefully. It was just a masquerade ball.

As he walked with his sister, past the tables of snacks and beverages, he spoke. "For the first time in who knows how long, there'll be real humans here!"
Lilith had a less than amused response, but Cedric brushed it off.
"I wonder if they'll be good at dancing... ooh, and the masks they'll wear..!" he was interrupted quickly by Lilith suggesting that he went to wait for their entrance announcement. He nodded in agreement, and left Lilith, going up the grand stairs, and into a small side room, where he sat down and waited.
Cedric watched an ornate clock. It was almost time...

Lilith Wicke
Appears 24|Cisfemale|Vampire
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Cedric/Open
Lilith wasn't sure why she indulged her brother's ridiculous requests and ideas. Inviting humans here? To their masquerade? Ugh. She'd hoped that they wouldn't turn up, but on the off chance that they did, she knew that she'd have to make sure they couldn't just leave and run about telling everyone in Seabridge about what they had seen here. And they couldn't do that if they couldn't leave. Lilith had been careful not to tell Cedric this plan, of course. But figured later on she could spin it as a way that he would see the benefit. Maybe tell him it was so he could keep the humans as pets. If anything... it would mean an easy feeding for her.

As she and Cedric walked in the Ballroom, overseeing the last-minute preparations just before the masquerade would officially start, Cedric made a comment about how long it had been since there had been humans in the Manor.
"If they even turn up. I still don't think they will." Lilith responded, a little coldly, but Cedric seemed to ignore her as he wittered on.
"Cedric! Why don't you go and get ready for our entrance? I can finish up here." Lilith suggested, quickly. Cedric seemed to be happy with that, and he left, scurrying up a set of grand stairs, and into a small room off to the side - where they would both come out of when their entrance would be announced as the hosts of the masquerade.

As she finished up, and was about to go up the stairs as well, Lilith was stopped by the ghostly butler, who informed her that the humans had arrived.
"Then let them in. Bring them here, and once the others have arrived, make the announcement." she instructed, and then went up to that small side room where Cedric was waiting. The masquerade was about to officially begin!

Xanthe Chicane
Appears 23|Nonbinary|Mothman
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Open
Xanthe walked about the ballroom, as though in a slight daze. There were so many bright lights, and their favourite one had to be the light coming from a large, crystal chandelier that was hanging from the ceiling in the centre of the room. They made sure to restrain themselves, though. The last thing anyone needed was for them to be jumping up and playing with the lights. Or crashing into them.
They'd spied Cedric, and a few minutes later, Lilith, going up to the small side room at the top of the grand staircase. That meant the masquerade was about to officially start.
Xanthe was never sure why the vampire twins insisted on having their entrance announced for every event like this, maybe to remind everyone who owned the Manor and who their hosts were. It didn't really add to anthing, aside from maybe making an official start to each event, but it wasn't harming anyone as well so Xanthe didn't question it much.

Xanthe continued their way around the ballroom, as though following the bright lights that lit the room in a circle.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby General Chaos » Mon Apr 03, 2023 11:24 am

[Female] [Erinve] [Loc ; Ballroom] [About] [Tags ; Open]

    Trisiphone grumbled to herself as she fixed her dress for what seemed like the millionth time in the short hour she had been wearing it. The twins had asked her to dress accordingly, so of course she did. Although she hated every minute of it. Dresses were deemed useless in her eyes, not only being expensive but also hard to fight in. For this reason Trisiphone had hidden a small dagger that lay in wait on her left thigh, she never went anywhere unarmed. To hell if this would be the first time, especially when she had to socialize with...humans. A vile species in her eyes. Making a living off of lies, corruption and fraud, humans just weren't her cup of tea.
    With this thought still rummaging her mind she gracefully strolled over towards the far end of the ballroom, her eyes wandering until they came to rest at a large window smack in the middle of the wall. She paused for a moment, soaking in the view of outside, but mostly trying to see if anyone was arriving. As much as she hated the idea, a small flame of excitement burned inside of her. Half to meet new people, and half to see how her house mates would react around humans. She smirked to herself at the thought. Either way, this was looking to be an interesting night.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Demon God Caelan » Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:07 pm

Caelan, his current name for his physical form, his true name being 'The Butcher" could honestly care less about this little ball of Cedric's. Being the physical embodiment of rage meant that he was often just plain angry at just about anything. Of course though, he didn't have much choice. When he heard rumors that Cedric invited humans, Caelan decided to look the part, taking a human form. Normally he preferred the form of a minotaur, but he couldn't risk humans believing he was a danger to their town. His human form had Caucasian skin, blonde hair, and red eyes. His eye color can't be anything but red due to the nature of his being. As he put on his masquerade mask in his mirror, he spoke to himself, "With blood and rage of crimson red. We fill men's souls with darkest dread. And twist your minds to pain and hate. We'll burn you all, that is your fate." The little poem was a sort of religious oath that was spoken by civilizations all over the universe that worshiped him as a God of War. He had no quarrels with being seen as a God of War, but in all honesty, he had never fought in an actual war. As he straightened his tie, he left his room and headed for the ballroom.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:54 pm

Ell Summers- genderfluid- 28 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (golden cream with oddly darker face, white toes, chest and belly), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- pan- might find a dog- Tags: Mystic, (mentions: Caelan and Leela)/ open

The loyal and intelligent one hummed a small sound. The pretty, full lipped one with medium lashes blinked blue green eyes. They rubbed at one creamy peachy skinned arm. They then shook their head, finishing putting on their outfit. Their ears and tail showed a moment, then they quickly hid them. They hummed a second sound, and brushed their long straight golden hair. It went to mid back, and they pulled it back partly. They managed to braid it like that, and secure it. They were wearing a reddish pink outfit and had a wolf mask. Hers was white on the left and black on the right. She knew Mystic would have a similar one. She also had some fashion boots on, and they were pretty.

She looked at herself in the mirror, then smiled at herself. She then turned towards her door, to head out and find Mystic. They were going to head to the ballroom together, of course. She soon saw them and ran over, then walked with them, seeing Caelan and Leela ahead.

Mystic Summers- agender- 26 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (smaller and slender gray wolf), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- boys- Tags: Ell, (mentions: Caelan and Leela)/open

The sweet and gentle one was getting ready, and soon had finished doing so. They looked in the mirror, seeing their self in full. The slender and bit shorter full lipped and longer lashed one hummed. Pretty blue-green eyes stared back at them. The creamy peachy skinned one brushed at shoulder length ash blonde hair. They'd parted it as usual, not having bangs. The outfit was cute and was blue with purple. It showed off their arms, which had freckles on them. The pendant from their mom was secure at around their neck. They wore the glasses as well, and stockings and fingerless gloves. This was as good a time as any to do so. Their ears and tail showed a moment, then they quickly had them.

They had a wolf mask like Ell, but theirs was black on the left and white on the right. They headed out to find her. It didn't take long, as the two were literally room neighbors. They headed towards the ballroom together, and saw Caelan and Leela ahead.

Leela Evers- f- 80 y- witch vampire hybrid- earth magic (Wiccan), speed and agility, retractable fangs- has a white Angora kitty which may be a familiar- unknown sexuality but crush on Caelan- Tags: Caelan (mentions: Cedric and Lilith)

The sweet and sophisticated older lady smiled as she patted the Angora kitty she kept. He was likely a familiar, as she was half witch, after all. The pretty lady then brushed soft ringlets of grayed out hair. Her hair went to her upper back. Blue eyes glanced around the room a moment. She was going to leave Snowy here, not wanting him to bother others. He was happy enough in their room anyway, so it wasn't a problem. The creamy peachy skinned one showed fangs a moment, in a laugh. She then quickly retracted her fangs. She looked to where her witch hat was. She didn't wear it anymore, nor the boots or gloves. Shaking her head, she headed out of the room. She made sure the white cat stayed where he was.

She had put on a long beautiful deep red dress that seemed to sparkle a bit. She also had a nice looking mask, and took that too. She knew it was about time to head to the ballroom. Therefore, she headed there, knowing Cedric and Lilith would be there. She thought of Caelan, then, and wondered if he'd be there. Of course he'd be there, though she was sure people could refuse to come. She didn't think Cedric and Lilith would be happy about that. She shook her head a bit. She walked along down the hall, and heard footsteps behind her. She turned to see Caelan was in fact there. "Hey...Caelan," she called, and felt kind of like a schoolgirl again. She rolled her eyes at that thought...then smiled at him.

Ari Soma- m- 24 y- human- good at storytelling and art- homosexual- high likelihood his crush is on Elias- open for an SO/whatnot- has a black Shepherd named Kuro and a white cat Shiro- Tags: Elias and Van (soon to be others)

The kind and caring male hummed a bit, then fell silent. He'd left the dog and cat at home, of course, not wanting to possibly endanger them. He and the others had no clue what was out here. He was surprised that the journey seemed so easy. That almost made him suspicious...and he questioned it a bit. The full lipped longer lashed one then shook his head. The cute boy was wearing the blue framed glasses as usual. He adjusted them, since shaking his head had displaced them a bit. Blue and brown heterochromatic eyes looked out from behind the glasses. He stared at the manor, and gaped a bit. He blinked as he then looked to Elias. He nodded and said "We can see that," but wasn't being mean or snotty.

The golden tan skinned one then brushed at wavy ended dark hair and looked to the others. He headed up the pathway after Elias. He nearly jumped when a butler appeared, or rather he saw said butler. He tilted his head as he looked at them. They shook their head again, as said butler headed back inside. He glanced to the others as he noticed something. The butler had seemed like they were going to walk through it...He fixed his glasses again, and waited with the others.
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✤ i

Postby bigwig. » Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:55 pm

    they/themhumanlocation: outside the manortags: ari & elias
    It was a surprisingly efficient trek to the supposed location of the Grimwood Manor - which Van was thankful for. They had initially expected it to be quite difficult, and in fact felt doubtful they would end up finding anything at all. Their initial thought upon reading the invitation was that it simply had to be a prank of some sort. But Elias had been willing enough to risk it. And, if nothing else, the man was convincing. Of course, if Van really hadn't wanted to come, they simply would've stayed home. Despite the fairly easy going, Van still somewhat regretted wearing shoes with heels, even chunky ones. They were done up in their best attempt at a 'fancy' outfit: a button-up white shirt with a black vest and slacks and some chunky-heeled ankle boots. A black eye mask with subtle decorations completed the getup. It'd been a bit of a last-minute purchase; they'd gone to four or five different places looking for something they could wear to a masquerade. They didn't exactly keep something like that laying around.

    It was a strange thing to host, anyway. A masquerade party? And in a mysterious mansion in the middle of the woods, so less. It was all a bit much, wasn't it? Yet there in front of them was the building, pale golden light radiating from it, a softly glowing beacon within the dark woods. "Guess it is." Van hummed at Elias' revelation that is was real - real enough at least. The lights were on, so there had to be someone in there, right? But who? Van was a little bit nervous about that prospect. They had no way of knowing what awaited them, and Van was worried they were getting set up. They were confident enough they could handle themselves if they needed to, but they really didn't want to have to fight anybody. Elias marched on ahead, seemingly ignoring the other two entirely. Van, albeit somewhat reluctantly, followed him towards the door.

    A strange figure stood outside, attending the door. In the odd lighting he almost seemed spectral, transient, as if he would dissolve at any moment. It gave Van a bad feeling - but so did everything about this situation. They looked back and forth at their companions, trying to gauge the mood. Elias was the type who would charge headfirst into just about anything in the name of solving a mystery, so there was no way he was going to turn back now - but maybe they could get him to slow down a touch.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby SaphiraBrightscales » Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:59 pm

Tanwen Dorvyre | Female | Appears 24 | Elf Dragon Shifter Hybrid | Location: Ballroom | Tags: Open

A soft sigh comes from her lips as she looks in the full length mirror in her room, adjusting her already perfect circlet. Tanwen is dreading going to the ball even if it is a masquerade ball since she has no idea if other supernaturals have been invited or if its just for those currently staying in the manor, none of which knows the true reason on why she is in hiding. Resignation enters her red eyes as she takes a deep breath to settle her nerves, as she folds her wings against her back due to her dress having already been altered to accommodate her wings and there being no time to change it to where she could go without the wings due to having just heard that humans were coming to the ball. Her eyes dart to the window when she hears a few sets of footfalls coming toward the front door of the manor, indicating that some of the humans are probably arriving. Tanwen knows that she can't delay furthur and quietly exits her room after putting her mask on and quietly enters the ballroom where she moves to the farthest end of the ballroom, already ready for the night to be over
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