into the void [high fantasy rp] [open & accepting]

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: into the void [high fantasy rp] [open & accepting]

Postby multicurious » Sat Feb 19, 2022 3:54 pm

    ───────────────────── ─────────────────────
    [ role. magocracy knight ] [ tagged. open | mentioned: n/a ] [ location. mage's peak ]

      ─────Thud. Thud. Thud.

      ─────The stake sank into the wooden post with each swing of the knight’s hammer, a long and regal scroll unfurling beneath it. When Kassandra stepped back, the paper swayed listlessly in the light breeze. A few curious eyes gazed over at her, her actions drawing in a small crowd. It wasn’t every day that a knight came to post the news, but this was no ordinary notice. The bold, flowing script penned by the Archmage himself was scrawled across the top and down the page, making it clear to all who so much as glanced at it that this was nothing to ignore. The same scroll with be appearing all over Talamnh by now, assisted by magic.

      ─────“Greetings, citizens of Talamnh and the Magocracy.

      ─────Undoubtedly, you have heard by now of the rumors of tremors coming from the Void of Stars. I am writing today to confirm these rumors, and to assuage any fears you may have. These tremors currently prove no real threat to our world, and certainly not to the Magocracy. Your leadership is doing everything in its power to investigate the cause. Saying this, I am announcing the formation of a task force, one whose sole purpose will be to travel to the void itself and put an end to the tremors. If you believe you are up to the challenge, and the dangers, report to the military barracks and seek out Knight-Captain Kassandra Valerius.

      ─────Dutifully yours, Archmage Eldor Dagorin.”

      ─────Kassandra subtly frowned at the mention of her name, the title that was originally her mentor’s fitting her uncomfortably. Like she was a child putting on boots much too large for her. She backed away as the crowd descended upon the notice, tucking a stray lock of mousy brown hair behind her ear and turning down the street. The barracks would be bustling by now. The news of the task force had stirred up excitement in knights and would-be knights alike. Little did they know that only a small handful of the hopefuls would be assigned to the mission. The rest would have to come from the denizens of Talamnh. Kassandra couldn’t help the feeling of dread as the barracks came into view. All that was left for her to do was bark some orders at a few squires and subordinate knights and she’d be left to continue her day. Hopefully.
Last edited by multicurious on Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: into the void [high fantasy rp] [open & accepting]

Postby InfectedHau » Sun Feb 20, 2022 11:11 am

Mitzi Brassbutton||Wandering Academic||Mage's Peak||Tagged: Open
    "Um! Excuse me! Yes, pardon- oh, sorry, pardon me, just going to- Excuse me, if I could just-!"
    The crowd that had gathered around the newly posted notice shifted and stirred, as an unseen presence made its way through the throng of people. It was accompanied by a tremendous clanking and clamoring and shuffling of cloth. Finally, a diminutive figure pushed through the front of the crowd, almost dwarfed by a massive, elaborate pack that was almost as tall as she was. A few moments passed, and she clapped her hands excitedly, clanking back through the crowd and off towards the barracks.

    This was exactly the sort of opportunity she'd been looking for. She'd heard about the tremors, as had most people, and she'd been just dying to study them. The Void of Stars was still the last stop on her journey of discovery, but she supposed that under such extenuating circumstances she could make an exception. After all, an event like this was potentially once in a lifetime, definitely worthy of inclusion in the encyclopaedia! What should she call it? The Voidquake? Abyssal Tremor? She could figure that out later, what was important was getting a space on the expedition before it filled.
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Vakein Kolakanathi [001]

Postby Aniki » Tue Feb 22, 2022 9:42 am

    ☠ 𝕍𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕚𝕟 𝕂𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕚
    orc • male • adventurer • location: mage's peak • tags: n/a • mentions: kassandra
    Vakein growled at the mass of humans and other various races as they came too close. Due to his size, he towered over everyone so seeing where he was headed was easy for him. For the most part, people parted without much of an issue, clearly wanting to get out of the orc's way, but there were a few who were either frozen in fear at the sight of him or wanted to get a closer look. It wasn't every day that one got to see an orc up close.

    Clutched tightly in his right hand was a crinkled notice that appeared not too far from where his tribe lived. An invitation to come to the big city to meet others who were bold enough to take the challenge to go to the mysterious Void of the Stars. His father's words played through his head.

    A young scout, no more than sixteen, came running into camp waving a piece of parchment above his head. He came into their tent panting with his hands on his knees and handed over the parchment to his father. Vakein leaned forward as he watched the expression on his father's face change from curious to a feral sort of smile. He handed the parchment over to Vakein. As he read his brows climbed higher on his forehead.

    "Go pack."

    Vakein wasn't so sure he wanted to go, there was a tournament scheduled for the next week and he wanted to defend his title of champion. But one did not tell the chief no when he gave an order. Nodding his head he left the tent and headed to his own. Taking a beaten-up rucksack he started to pack up some clothes and his smaller weapons like his daggers. He turned when his tent flap opened and his mother entered. In her hands, there was another small bag that was filled with non-perishable foods for his journey. He gave her a small smile and a kiss on the cheek. As he walked out of his tent he grabbed his battle-axe, tightly securing it to the halter he wore, and returned to his father's tent.

    "You will make this clan proud. Do not return until you do so."

    Vakein wasn't surprised that he was not allowed to return to his clan unless he was victorious. He stopped once to ask one of the town's people where the barracks were located. The man was barely able to stammer out his response. Vakein rolled his eyes but gave his thanks before continuing on his way. It wasn't surprising to see the area around the barracks was swarming with people. Everyone wanting to join the search party, to claim the fame that would surely come from the success of the mission. Not even bothering to get the attention of the swarm Vakein pushed through the crowd, not caring if someone got hit by his rucksack or the hilt of his axe. Marching up to the table where two knights were sitting taking down names of the volunteers, Vakein slammed his hand on the table making it shake.

    "Where is Knight-Captain Valerius? I am here for the challenge."
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✦ - I | ♣ - I | ♥ - I

Postby eldritch hound » Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:05 am

    𝐈𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
      — demigirl — cambion — rogue — location: megabit jungle — mentions: xx — tags: xx

      Ignis was perched on a branch, high above the ground but, if you knew what you were looking for, you could make out the slight shimmer of her surroundings as she sat, the only downside of invisibility, if you had a trained eye for that sort of thing. Their hair was tied up in her signature black ribbon. she had lost track of how long she had been settled their but their sulfer-yellow eyes caught the weaving figure of a magocracy messenger made their way through the trees of the megabit jungle, the home she had made for herself, as long as she stayed out of the way of the many orc tribes that resided there.

      Her tail gave a flick that gave her form substance once more, and she leaped from branch to branch back down to the foliaged floor. They came to a matched pace with the scouted messenger: something that was easy for her thanks to her digitigrade legs, and gave them a subtly evil smile "watcha doin here, human? this doesn't seem to be you're scene." she placed her hand on their should to make them slow down "watcha got in your little satchel?" ignis gestured to the messengers bag that was hanging across his body. They gingerly handed over a notice that contained the archangel's request. Ignis took it from the emissary and sent the poor thing on their way.

      her eyes scanned the page before she set out a shrill snort and a laugh before crumpling the paper up. To anybody that knew her, their dislike of the archmage was clear and this letter of their cluelessness made it clear just how unfit the archmage was, in her eyes. if you were supposed to be tis almighty power, surely you were supposed to be at least a little knowledful of this power that nobody, thus far, has been able to control.

    𝐕𝐢𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐚
      — demiboy — high elf — necromancer — location: xx — mentions: xx — tags: xx

      vitya already knew about the decree as he had hailed from the discussion not that long ago, and was given a permanent home in the circle, despite how hard they try to deny his somewhat controversial course of study that is raising and communing with the dead was, they did agree to let them reside there with the promise that, if they were asked, they would say that they studied a more 'normal' course of magic than the one he currently resided under. although, he had a sneaking suspicion that he was only allowed to reside in the mage's circle because they not only want to keep an eye on his abilities as a necromancer but also that he may be useful in getting an insiders approach to the elves, if not just to keep a tight leash on 'his kind' which he thoroughly disliked, but didn't really have the facilities to disagree to to refuse the offer of a roof over his head.

      although, he can't help but admit to himself that the position in the circle did open up opportunities, even for himself, such as being an inside to the mages as much as he presented an opportunity with the elves. if he needed to, he had every chance to switch sides and, if he so chooses to, give insider information into the mages. vitya never agrees to something if it didn't either give him something to use in the future or if it really fed into his attention-seeking ego.

    𝐃𝐚𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞
      — female — human — wanna-be warrior/knight — location: mage's peak — mentions: vakein — tags: xx

      dahlia lurked at the at the back of the gathering crowd in front of the brand new notice that has been posted, written by the archmage themselves. she pushed her way to the front of the congregation and read the announcement that has been made. when she finished reading, she fought down the excited squeal that fought its way up her throat, although luckily managed to squash it before it made an appearance past her lips. Maybe this was her chance to fulfil her dream, however unlikely that may be due to her lack of position as either a royal or squire, both of which go pretty hand-in-hand.

      she practically had to jump out of the way of a rather intimidating orc that made their presence known, as they moved to the front of the crowd. she slunk back into the mass of people, helped along with her black clothing when an idea popped into her mind. What is, whatever the outcome, she would stowaway with the picked knights for the journey and, hope to god, that she went unnoticed. She knew the consequences that may come with these actions but, if she was cautious, she may just get away with it. is she kept to the back of the pack, this might just work. she smiled, gazing back to the notice before she disappeared out of the crowd and out of the barracks. her face not unlike that of a cheshire cat.
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Re: into the void [high fantasy rp] [open & accepting]

Postby multicurious » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:54 am

    ───────────────────── ─────────────────────
    [ role. magocracy knight ] [ tagged. vakein | mentioned: n/a ] [ location. mage's peak ]

      ─────The last knight Kassandra had to debrief left her with haste, eager to get some shuteye. She wished she could do the same, her new command and the chaos of trying to organize this expedition have left her feeling bone-tired. The older, more experienced knights that she now outranked had a habit of treating her like a squire, an irritation that has forced her to make some precautionary changes to the schedule and roster. She kept her people busy, and those that didn’t meet the new standards found themselves ousted to less glamorous assignments. She hasn’t won much love for her actions, but she did win a modicum of respect. Despite the circumstances that put her in this predicament, she was determined to prove herself capable. Even if that meant biting off a bit more than she could reasonably chew. Even if it meant taking on this impossible mission.

      ─────As Kassandra approached the main hall, she managed to hear her name above the noise of the crowd. She paused, looking in the direction of where she heard it. Two knights-–or maybe squires-–looked sheepishly back at her from the table they were stationed at. A man, who Kassandra quickly identified as an orc, towered over them. Kassandra instinctively clasped a hand on the hilt of her sword, warily approaching the scene. She caught the very end of the orc's last statement, and she let go of a breath she didn’t know she had been holding when she realized what he was asking. She made herself known now that she was confident she wasn’t going to have to break up a brawl, relaxing her hand on her sword but drawing her posture into what she hoped was a respectable height. “I am Knight-Captain Valerius.”

    ───────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────
    [ role. elf & dragon heartbond ] [ tagged. open | mentioned: n/a ] [ location. mage's peak | mage's peak underworld ]

      ─────“I can’t believe people just… live their lives here, knowing that thing is in the water surrounding them. There were humans fishing, Anaith! Without a care in the world!” Lanawyn twisted her hair in her hands, a small shower of water dripping steadily to the ground below. She turned back to the blue dragon behind her, giving him a playful smirk. They had come face to face with the infamous Mage’s Peak sea serpent while crossing the lake and were promptly ignored by the great protector. Acanthus was notably shaken by the experience, as his entire body was the size of the serpent’s snout. “Feeling small, ‘Canthus?” Lanawyn rolled her blonde hair into a bun, throwing on a new set of dry clothes and donning a soft wool cloak. Acanthus huffed at her remark, and she gave the water dragon a playful smirk as she stuffed all of her belongings haphazardly back into her travel bag. “You can relax, we’re done swimming.”

      ─────“I still think we should have flown.” Acanthus shook himself, sending water flying off of his sea-green scales. He tilted his head upwards at the walls of the city, which made his 12-foot frame seem ant-like. “We’re going to have to go over this, anyways.” He looked pointedly back towards his elven sister, momentarily given pause by her nonchalant shrug. “Oh, we’re not going over it. We’d be shot down by the Mage-Knights before we could cross the threshold.” Slinging her bag back over her back, she sauntered up to the stone wall, giving it a few experimental pats. It was a few seconds before she found what she was looking for: a small divot, seeming inconsequential. She pressed her thumb into the middle until there was a barely audible “click”, and then stepped back as something in the wall shuddered. A cloud of dust erupted from the wall as a slab of stone separated itself, sliding underground with a terrible grinding noise to reveal a hidden tunnel, leading into what was presumably the underworld of Mage’s Peak.

      ─────Acanthus stared at Lanawyn, speechless. “It’s not magic, just machinery.” She responded, stepping into the tunnel. “Not sure who put it there, but it has its uses.” Acanthus stuck his head into the opening, quickly coming to the conclusion that he wouldn’t be able to fit. “We’re splitting up?” He asked, visibly concerned. “Not for long. I’m just going to look for something I left behind, then I’ll meet you in the city square.” The stone began to close up again, prompting Lanwyn to shout instructions at him over the noise. “Head to the front gate! I’ll see you soon!” Acanthus watched as the opening sealed itself shut as if it were never there, hiding Lanawyn from his view. Resigned to this plan, the dragon shook his head and gave his wings a mighty flap, rising into the air and gliding off towards the front gate.
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