// β˜†. 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑆𝑇𝑂𝑅𝑀 𝑇𝑅𝐼𝐴𝐿𝑆 ' ) accepting!

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

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// β˜†. 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑆𝑇𝑂𝑅𝑀 𝑇𝑅𝐼𝐴𝐿𝑆 ' ) accepting!

Postby wakita » Tue Oct 31, 2023 6:27 am

    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━ A WARRIORS RP
    STORMCLAN HAS LIVED IN THEIR light house home for countltess moons.
    founded by a tom that lived out his youth on a sail boat, the tom's harsh
    beginnings in life have trickled down into the clan's culture and beliefs.
    with the constant threat of harsh leaf-bares, monstrous storms, & more
    unfathomable threats, no ordinary cat can survive their harsh life. it
    takes a true warrior to be a member of stormclan - and to these cats, it
    is the highest honor a cat could have.

    the cats of this clan must complete a series of tasks that prove their
    worth and place in their clan. at the age of twelve moons, an apprentice
    must go through what is called the "stprm trials" which are a rigorous set
    of tests that will determine the cat's future in stormclan. recently, there
    has been some unrest in the clan. many of the cats, after a groupd of
    apprentices were washed out to sea during one of their trials, have risen
    up in arms against their leader and the cats who support their harsh trials
    and ways of life. loyalties are dividing and claws are unsheathing. some
    believe that starclan will wipe them off the earth if they get rid of their
    oldest laws. others believe it is necessary if they wish to survive.

    the next group of apprentices that are meant to take on these trials are
    due to do so on the next full moon. however, the "storm watchers" of the
    clan believe that there is going to be a massive storm when their trials are
    supposed to take place - and their mentors, parents, and siblings are in
    shambles and at odds with one another. there are rumors of an uprising &
    a mutiny that is being planned against the leader - and stormclan seems to
    be falling apart at the very core. will this clan be swept away by the storm?
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roleplay rules

Postby wakita » Tue Oct 31, 2023 6:54 am



    001. all of cs' rules apply, including image laws
    002. at least three sentences per character
    003. one high rank per person
    004. no discord required, all discussion on threads/pm please
    005. after a month of inactivity, i will pm you. please keep us up to date about your activity
    006. you must pm me prefix reservations, otherwise they're first come first serve.
    007. ranks are first come first serve via reservation on the discussion thread
    008. you may have as many characters as you can handle
    009. please familiarize yourself with general warrior lore and check out stormclan's lore!
    010. if you have updated info about your cat's kin, please pm it to me!
    011. apprentice > mentor relations will be assigned randomly unless you let me know otherwise
    012. please don't play your own mate/crush
    013. do not make cats with unrealistic features: i.e purple eyes, male calicos, etc.
    014. lgbtq+ characters are more than welcome and encouraged
    015. do not go off on a huge major event/side plot without discussing it with me first, pls <3
    016. i will be accepting one thread moderator for this rp just to help maintain and participate, pm if interested!
    017. this is a relaxed pace roleplay. i dont expect there to be posting from you at a higher rate than you're comfortable or can give. i just ask that you let us know what's goin' on in some regard, that way we can figure out how to keep moving the thread if you're unable to be with us for a little while. i myself suffer from some severe chronic illnesses and there will be times i cant be on every day or frequently as id like to, so please be patient with one another as best you can.

    barracuda, lavender, orca, koi, tansy, hemlock, gale, hail, seashell, gull, fish
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stormclan lore

Postby wakita » Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:27 am

─────────────── ─────── ──────────────── ───
total number of cats | xx . males | xx . females | xx
current season | leaf-fall [ october ]
current weather | windy, chilly, 64 degrees
prey is running average, medicine cat stocks are decent
PREDICTIONS | a bad storm is due at the end of the month

the clan is still in shock after the last group of apprentices
were swept out to sea during their trials. there is outrage
in the clan over their deaths.

the apprentices who died were sharkpaw, sagepaw, and nightpaw
──────────────────────── ───── ─────────── ─

    stormclan was founded by a tom that lived his youth on a two-leg boat and he knows the wrath of the sea better than anyone. he was given a dream from starclan about his destiny, but the tom interpreted the nightmare in a way that wasn't entirely the way how his ancestors meant it for. from this dream, the tom set up a series of "trials" that the cats he took in from the two-leg city nearby would have to pass in order to join his ranks - and over time, his trials have become even more harsh than they began. his teachings have grown cold in the paws of the cats that have come after him and stormclan has strayed from its original path. starclan hopes that the cats of stormclan now will see that there is a kinder way of life for them all, but they're not sure how many cats will have to be lost to the storm in order for the sun to shine on them again.

    once upon a time, they opened their home to anyone and all, so long as the cats could prove themselves to the clan. now, its incredibly difficult for any cat to find themselves among their ranks unless they have stormclan blood. they are taught to keep their borders watched like peregrines and to tear intruders asunder if they dare set paw in their territory. cats who try their luck with stormclan are forced to go through three extra and brutal obstacles in their storm trials and they have only three months to learn how to be a warrior, vs the usual six a clan-born cat is granted.

    despite their cold treatment of outsiders, stormclan is tight-knit and values family to an immensely high degree. they are strong, can withstand hours' worth of hard labor, and they all have immense determination to survive and thrive. they do everything together and each cat is taught that no matter how hard things get, they are not alone.

    ────── TERRITORY
    set on the coast of the pacific northwest (washington, usa), stormclan seldom knows the warmth of the summer months. their pelts have grown long and thick to accommodate for the cold. to the east, is a cruise ship dock, which they've started to explore and branch out in to for the prospect of two-leg trash and food. to the south, is a bustling two-leg town that they don't often venture to, but do occasionally, to make sure their borders are upheld. past the lighthouse is a mountain range that's populated thick with predators and treacherous terrain. the only reason they travel here is to stock up on herbs or for the medicine cats to speak with starclan.

    they make their territory on a rocky beach that is framed by a massive plateau. on top of the highest point, sits a light house, where the clan makes their home. inside, they make their nests in empty shelves where they've dragged nest materials and blankets to make cozy. where the beacon used to be, is where the leaders sleep. the entire bottom floor of the lighthouse is the medicine cat's den.

    prey | fish that swim into the shallows, mice from the two-leg alleys not far from the beach, crabs, small birds of prey
    predators | dogs, seals, orcas, bigger predatory fish, big birds of prey: eagles, hawk, falcons, very rarely - bears, mountain lions

    001. The ocean's and' the stars' word is law.
    translation: speaking against the leader's law is treason and may result in exile.

    002. Paws upon sand that do not come from the sea are gifts from the storm
    translation: if you see a kit in our territory, it is ours. bring it home.

    003. With your life, the waves of the tide you'll guard.
    translation: if you must, you will lay your life down for your clan

    004. Feed the capable, so that their strength might feed you
    translation: the strongest members of the clan are to be kept well and fed first at all costs so that they can serve the clan in a time of need.

    005. The tide commands the moon as the tide commands me
    translation: if a cat is swept out by the tide, it is fate. if they are able to swim to shore, they were meant to survive. no one is to help them.

    006. One wave is every wave, one cat is all the sea
    translation: you clanmates are equal, even if you do not share their blood, we are kin. All cats are expected to perform the majority of clan duties.

    007. Bend not like the shore to reaching water
    translation: cats that are too weak to survive in stormclan will be escorted to the two-leg town and placed with a human family to care for them.
Last edited by wakita on Tue Oct 31, 2023 10:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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the trials

Postby wakita » Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:28 am


    At the end of the month, when an apprentice reaches twelve moons old (barring outside circumstances of a delayed ceremony), they will go through their storm trials. they will do one trial a day, unless the apprentice wants otherwise. they will be watched by their entire clan during the process. the clan is to comfort, support, and care for the apprentice as they go through their judgement. the leader has the final say as to if they passed their test or not. if they do well enough over the entire trial, they can choose their own warrior name, but the leader will also present them with the name they've chosen themselves so the warrior can make their choice.

    000. THE CODE
    the cat is to recite the warrior code in front of their clan before they begin their trials. the leader will outline their strengths, ask the sea to accept them, and wish the cat well.

    a cat must run alongside the fastest cats in the clan all the way up and down the beach without stopping, to prove that they can endure a hard run and that they posesses the stamina to get where they need to go with no complications. this trial was made in honor of waverunner, who carried his clanmate on his back for nearly an hour. because he was swift, he saved his clanmate's life, but the senior warrior had a heart attack afterward because of it.

    002, DAWNBREAK
    a cat will be given a shell at sunset by the leader and the cat is to keep it in their possession until they return from this trial. a cat will swim out to the rocky formation a good distance away from the shore. they will climb on top of it and will wait there through the night until dawn breaks over the water. if they lose the shell, they fail the trial. this trial is in honor of dawnbreak, who swam out to the rock during a storm to save an apprentice that got swept out to sea while fishing. dawnbreak guided her halfway back to shore, before a wave separated them. the apprentice was washed up, but dawnbreak was never seen again.

    003. COUGARCRY
    at the far end of the beach, there is an abandoned silo. there, a very precious herb grows, however, it is notorious for being the den of savage predators. once, a massive cat made it their den - and it nearly wiped stormclan off the map. the herb that grows here is essentially a miracle cure for just about anything, but it is far too dangerous for the medicine cat to risk retrieving it. with the company of four warriors of the apprentice's choosing, they must retrieve at least a mouthful of the herb and bring it back to the medicine cat den.

    the cat must fish for oysters, which typically involves diving into the ocean to grab them from the ocean floor. they must locate a pearl - or at least the beginnings of one. if a cat opens fifty oysters and no pearl is found, they may bring a beautiful shell instead. once they've found it, they are to go to the Pearl Cove, which is a small little cave that the sea runs through. In the far back of a small little cavern, there is a collection of gorgeous things found by the clan. this is where pearlshine, a widow who lost an entire litter of kits to a flood, made a graveyard for stormclan. this is also where medicine cats go to communicate with starclan.

    the cat must fell a difficult piece of prey. if it is within season, they may choose to take down a fawn with a large hunting patrol. or, more commonly, they may take down a bird of prey. this trial is in honor of stagstride, who, with only one other warrior, saved the clan from famine by going to the forest and killing a deer fawn. afterward, he dragged the fawn back for them all to eat, but severely hurt his back as he did so. a few moons later, he lost balance and fell from a grand height, paralyzing his hind legs.

    006. BEARBOUND
    the cat must face the strongest warriors - and his mentor - in combat. they must demonstrate every common move they were expected to learn. the cat must pin or "win" against each cat he faces. usually, the warriors who battle the apprentices are the same ones each time, to keep things fair. this trial is honor of bearbound, who devised the combat moves and became a father figure to most young cats as he fought to teach them how to survive in this harsh life. he died chasing off a grizzly that strayed too far into their territory, but he made it back home with his patrol before he laid down in his nest.

    this is the hardest trial of them all and the final deciding task for an apprentice. the cat is to climb the rocky plateau where the light house sits at the top. they must enter the water from the beach. the cat has to climb from out of the ocean and back up to the lighthouse without falling back into the water. once they reach the top, they have completed their trials and the leader will pass judgement outside of the light house. this trial is honor of Growlingstorm, who, during a battle with rogues, fell off the ledge. he climbed all the way back up and tossed a rogue off the ledge. then, he chased the remaining cats away. growlingstorm never came back home.

    the leader will devise two new trials for a cat that is not stormclan born. they, unlike apprentices, only have three moons to train and prepare for their trials.
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Postby wakita » Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:28 am


    The Leaders : unlike a normal clan, two cats lead stormclan. the two are typically mates. when, or if, one of these cats perishes, then the leader is required to choose a mate before high tide. the cat who was originally the deputy of the clan is the only cat who can choose another mate and continue being leader. if the original deputy is the one who dies, their mate must step down and allow the deputy to take over with their chosen mate. the deputy must choose their mate, if they don't have one already, before high tide on the day they receive their nine lives.
    ────────── barracudastar | male | a massive fluffy black tom with bright emerald eyes | played by kitaska
    ────────── rippleshine | female | a calico she-cat with pale green eyes | played by lacke

    The Deputy : this cat will take the leader's place when they die, retire, or are exiled.
    ────────── reedburn | female | a ruddy she-cat with olive eyes | played by guh-huh!

    The Storm Watchers | these cats are very important to the clan, though are not considered a high rank. they learn how to tell when storms are coming and how the weather is going to change. stormclan is very much governed by nature and it is imperative that they are aware of their climate and weather if they wish to survive. this is a dual rank, cats may also be warriors if they are a Storm Watcher
    ────────── LEAD WATCHER pikesplash | female | fluffy spotted brown tabby with green eyes | played by rogan
    ────────── barracudastar | male | a massive fluffy black tom with bright emerald eyes | played by kitaska
    ────────── koigleam | female | a calico she-cat with green eyes | played by kitaska
    ────────── watercrest | female | a fluffy calico tabby she-cat with green eyes | played by queen of flames
    ────────── open | gender | description | played by
    ────────── unlimited

    The Medicine Cats & Apprentice | the medicine cats are the healers of the clan and stormclan's direct connection to their ancestors. they are highly valued, respected, and often pampered by the rest of the clan. they are encouraged to take mates and often, the medicine cats are either mated pairs, or they are kin. some warriors even take some medical training to give the medicine cats a helping hand when needed. it is not really considered a high rank, however. knowledge of herbs and medical care is taught to apprentices as part of their curriculum.
    ────────── lavendermist | female | a silver tabby she-cat with brown eyes | played by kitaska
    ────────── lichenpatch | female | description | played by rogan
    ────────── open | gender | description | played by
    ────────── APPRENTICE beetlepaw(foot) | male | a pale brown tabby tom with green eyes | played by queen of flames
    ────────── APPRENTICE open | gender | description | played by
    ────────── APPRENTICE open | gender | description | played by

    The Storm Guards and their Warriors | the warriors are the life's blood of the clan. they perform all the daily tasks like hunting, patrolling, and training the young. there are four warriors who are considered the strongest and they are the ones who are often slated to help with the storm trials. they are also often the leaders of patrols and are who warriors go to for advice or direction before they go to the deputy or leader. these warriors are called Storm Guards
    ────────── STORM GUARD gullswoop | male | a grey and white tom with yellow eyes | played by paintedbythewind
    ────────── STORM GUARD hailfang | male | a fluffy grey tom with golden eyes | played by wonpii
    ────────── STORM GUARD falconsight | male | a grey tabby tom with a missing eye | played by tyjo
    ────────── STORM GUARD tunafang | male | a silver tabby tom with green eyes | played by queen of flames
    ────────── STORM GUARD splashjump | female | a calico she-cat with green eyes| played by breezepelt
    ────────── STORM GUARD cedarsong | male | a bengal tom with amber eyes | played by rabbit
    ────────── palethroat | male | a smokey tabby with green eyes | played by guh-huh!
    ────────── lilywhisper | male | a very fluffy white tom with striking yellow eyes | played by rogan
    ────────── pinemask | male | a fluffy siamese tom with blue eyes | played by
    ────────── scorchweb | tom | a black and white tom with green eyes | played by tyjo
    ────────── koigleam | female | a calico she-cat with green eyes | played by kitaska
    ────────── open | gender | description | played by
    ────────── unlimited

    The Apprentices | these are the cats between six and twelve moons who are training for a rank in stormclan. they are assigned a mentor, but are trained by numerous cats in the clan before their storm trial.
    ────────── hemlockpaw | male | description | played by kitaska
    ────────── fishpaw | female | a solid grey she-cat with yellow eyes | played by paintedbythewind
    ────────── twopaw | nonbinary | a tortoiseshell cat with one green eye and one blind blue eye | played by yves
    ────────── cricketpaw | female |a soft grey and peach colored tabby with amber eyes | played by lacke
    ────────── baypaw | male | a fluffy black and white tom with golden eyes | played by lacke
    ────────── seashellpaw | female | a pale orange she-cat with yellow eyes | played by wonpii
    ────────── shrimppaw | male | an orange and white tabby tom with amber eyes| played by rogan
    ────────── cuttlepaw | male | a brown tabby tom with green eyes | played by tyjo
    ────────── lochpaw | female | a grey she-cat with amber eyes | played by queen of flames
    ────────── lizardpaw | male | a pale brown tabby tom with amber eyes | played by queen of flames
    ────────── wasppaw | male | a petite black tabby tom with yellow eyes | played by breezepelt
    ────────── CLOSED FOR NOW

    The Nurses and Kits | stormclan welcomes queens to stay in the nursery permanently if they so choose - and males are also welcome to become a "nurse", or a care taker of kits. stormclan puts their heart into caring for their kittens and they are surrounded by many and shown immense affection from the moment they're born. most kits are paired with a nurse who helps the mother raise her kits. the kits are usually raised as though they all came from the same litter
    ────────── QUEEN shellheart | female | a pure white she-cat with bright blue eyes | played by lacke
    ────────── QUEEN rippleshine | female | a calico she-cat with pale green eyes | played by lacke
    ────────────── KIT oysterkit | female | a calico she-cat with green eyes | played by rabbit [ barracuda x ripple ]
    ────────── QUEEN open | gender | description | played by
    ────────── KIT open | gender | description | played by
    ────────── NURSE sealfur | male | a muscular grey tabby with yellow eyes | played by yves
    ────────── NURSE quietdove | female | a fluffy brown and grey tabby she-cat with green eyes | played by tyjo
    ────────── unlimited

    The Elders | the retired members of stormclan. these cats are treated like gold and are to be well taken care of. they live on the bottom floor in what used to be a bedroom, which is next to the medicine cat's "den"
    ────────── reefshark | male | a fluffy grey and white tom with yellow eyes | played by lacke
    ──────────lemonwhisker | male | a blue tabby point tom with green eyes | played by breezepelt
    ────────── unlimited

    The Outsiders | the cats outside of the clan: kitty pets, rogues, loners, and cats who have failed the trials. the clan checks on these cats often - especially the ones who were taken to live with two-legs after they failed their trials
    ────────── open | gender | description | played by kitaska
    ────────── minnows | female | a white she-cat with one blue eye and one brown eye | played by kitaska
    ────────── unlimited
Last edited by wakita on Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:46 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Postby wakita » Tue Oct 31, 2023 10:18 am

if you want this section edited somehow, please private message me with details.

    ────────── pinemask > sunsetpaw
    ────────── orcasong > fishpaw
    ────────── pikesplash > hemlockpaw
    ────────── tunafang > cuttlepaw
    ────────── reedburn > twopaw
    ────────── koigleam > cricketpaw
    ────────── gullswoop > wasppaw
    ────────── lilywhisper > valerianpaw
    ────────── falconsight > lochpaw
    ────────── scorchweb > baypaw
    ────────── sealfur > lizardpaw
    ────────── cedarsong > seashellpaw
    ────────── splashjump > strawb's unnamed apprentice
    ────────── barracudastar > shrimppaw

    ────────── gullswoop is fishpaw's father
    ────────── splashjump and koigleam are siblings
    ────────── barracudastar and rippleshine are the parents of hemlockpaw, baypaw, and oysterkit

    ────────── barracudastar and rippleshine are mates
    ────────── orcasong and sealfur are mates
    ────────── scorchweb and tanslight are [mates/crushing]
    ────────── falconsight has unrequited love for barracudastar
    ────────── cedarsong and lavendermist are secretly mates
Last edited by wakita on Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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status | accepting!

Postby wakita » Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:30 am

────────────────────────────── we are currently
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