ℂГϴШℕ KIЯIИ | for owners only | open

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

Re: ℂГϴШℕ KIЯIИ | for owners only | open

Postby LostGosling » Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:00 pm

    *~ Winter's Gaze ~*
    Winter returned Fenyetta's smile with a soft, friendly smile of her own, and then came to a graceful stop before the bull as his gaze shifted from face to face. He appeared, for just a moment, like something was bothering his eyes, and it reminded her of how the pollen always bothered her during it's season. But with sudden, and expertly concealed awe, she realized that it was the light that hurt his eyes, and nothing more. "Yes," he said. "I am he." As his gaze landed on her's for the slightest of moments, she couldn't help but feel an odd sense of comfort when she realized that by even a small amount, he recognized her from all that time ago. She'd never had any sort of feelings for the bull in her youth, except that she'd always thought he would make a good, reliable friend, but it still made her feel good none the less. She was so caught up in this feeling, one that she could only think to describe as a reminiscence of "The Good Old Days", that she didn't even realize that Ben was standing next to her until he spoke. "And here I was believing that you had disappeared for good.." her heart gave a small leap in surprise as she looked up at him, listening with perked ears as he spoke to Thorin in a stern tone that, she thought, mingled with a hint of that joy that she, too was experiencing. He was always such a polite, thoughtful bull, ever watchful and understanding of the others in his herd. He had never abandoned them once, in all these years. She couldn't help but admire him for that, just a little. And then Thorin's words reclaimed her attention. "How has this vast area been?" he asked quietly. "How have you all been?" She gave a small inhale, her mouth just parting for a response when Fenyetta suddenly and briskly stomped her hoof into the soil. The slight bristle and then smoothing of her tail hair was all that gave away the cow's reflexive fright to the action. ''Who are you?'' the cow asked again, if not demanded, and Winter barely suppressed an amused smile. Such a brash thing. But as Thorin answered, and the conversation went on, Ben kindly excusing himself all the way into Wykka and the lead's discussion, she felt this odd sense that she was intruding on something very private. She, of course, as was her nature, loved being in on the bigger discussions and herd debates. However, with all that was going on, she just couldn't seem to get a word in edgewise. This frustrated her opinionated mind. What good did it do you to join a conversation, if you couldn't say anything yourself? Being somewhere, and not interacting with the other members of a group... well, it was just a form of awkwardly eves dropping. And she didn't like to do that. So, once everybody fell silent, and Thorin gave a few glances around, Winter gave a courteous, refined dip of her head. "I can't express how happy I am at your return, sir, but I'll be excusing myself, if you don't mind my doing so." she told him softly, her eyes lighting up as she added "The graze is always very sweet this time of year."
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Re: ℂГϴШℕ KIЯIИ | for owners only | open

Postby Nellas » Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:44 am

      Wykka measured Thorin steadily with the steady light of her gaze; her brows twitched in pleasant surprise at his nod and respectful tone, and she dipped her head once more in reply, accepting his acknowledgement. Her velveteen muzzle parted as she began to answer, but the words that had been about to come forth paused and rested on the tip of her tongue; she glanced at Winter’s Gaze as the cow voiced her own thoughts for the first time; from what Wykka had observed, she’d been standing in the small circle the whole time, but had never said a word. Now, though, she was polite as she gracefully excused herself, and the seriousness of Wykka’s gaze warmed into something softer as she nodded permission until her eyes were blue like the promise of a robin’s egg. She truly did love each of her fellow herd mates, for their strengths and their flaws even so, and she had always known Winter to be reliable and have a good voice for wisdom even if she was a little overly opinionated here and there. Her eyes fell over young Fenyetta as well, the caramel and cream patches of her coat striking a bright contrast against each other and the rest of the rather colourless company, Wykka and Thorin shades of ebony and steel and Winter’s Gaze a paler cream than most, and with the white brush of her tail as well. The pale blue line of her gaze returned to Thorin’s face, however, no other hint of these thoughts showing in the set of her expression. “Shall I show you around a little, sir?” she asked lightly, raising her brows, “Or would you prefer to find your way around and reintroduce yourself on your own?” The question was polite and simple, spoken in the quick but assured bell-like tones of her usual voice, but the rising of the tone at the end of a usual question wasn’t as pronounced, gracefully leaving Thorin to accept or decline as he would.
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Re: ℂГϴШℕ KIЯIИ | for owners only | open

Postby Rated R » Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:56 am

Thorin's gaze turned to Winter when he heard her slightly familiar voice among the rest. "Know you, don't I?" he asked the cow. He studied her for a moment, tracing her from her fluff of a tail to the slight arch in her black. He recognized the way her neck carried her delicate face and those eyes were all too familiar. "You're Winter, aren't you?" he questioned, after a pause. Then he looked at Wykka and said, "I'll be fine exploring myself, Wykka. I'm sure you have better things to do than show me around." He nodded to the cow and noticed how she stood tall and upright, obviously proud of her position as lead cow. He noticed how her eyes settled upon each of the other kirin, her observations kept to herself. He watched how she seemed to bring a sense of comfort to the others, almost like a warm, inviting hug followed her everywhere she went. Then Thorin stopped his thinking and looked at all, meeting each of their eyes. He decided it was best to allow them off on their ways, and whichever of them wished to join him could. "I am off for a walk," he said, his voice carrying deep, golden tones, much like honey. "to study the place and its changes. I am pleasantly surprised at how all of you have fared well, and I am glad to see those from my past and new kirin that I am bound to become friends with."
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Re: ℂГϴШℕ KIЯIИ | for owners only | open

Postby .Ghost. » Sun Dec 23, 2012 9:03 am


The grey bull settled rather quickly with grazing where he stood, swiftly ripping off the grass between teeth and crushed it all the same. From time to time he'd cast a gaze towards Thorin and the females as the bull seemed to speak about the happenings years ago, but they didn't keep his attention for long and he returned quickly to the grass beneath him. While he looked relaxed to the eye his mind was working through the memories of that day, making his chest heavy and his heart drop like a stone in water.
As the sound of steps reached his ears the bull shook his memories away and raised his head just in time to catch Vandetta galloping towards him, her coat a dark contrast to the grass and blue sky portrayed behind her from his view. Bentley flicked an ear and gave the female a gentle smile, a welcoming gesture as the cow sought out his company and answers to what was on her mind. Golden gaze turned for a second, noticing Wykka talking to Thorin and Winter who seemed to cast a shimmer to the company with her coat, before it settled back upon Vandetta's face.
"That's Thorin, the rightful leader of the herd. He's back after his sudden disappearance years ago." The bull would reply, voice deep but relaxed.
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Re: ℂГϴШℕ KIЯIИ | for owners only | open

Postby ɾïṿεṉḋεll » Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:48 am



Name ▻ Darius
Gender ▻ Male;; Bull
Rank ▻ Bull
Age ▻ Ten years
Orientation ▻ Straight
Height ▻ 13.0hh

    Description ▻ It's quite easy to tell who is Darius' brother, as they share the same rare mutation on their tail. Although this alone can help define the handsome bull, he also has a lovely coat of an almost strawberry blonde color, with a white "blanket" covering most of his back and neck. He doesn't have a wide blaze like his brother, instead he has a slightly lighter muzzle that reaches up to the middle of his forehead before fading away. Intelligent blueish-greenish-greyish eyes and long light brown horns give him an almost baleful look, but don't be fooled by this mottled beauty's expression. He has an almost too-soft Scotish accent, with hints of British influence. This gives him a somewhat gentle, yet twanging voice, though you'll be hard pressed to hear it. Darius is very quiet, and although he is definatly a good-looking Kirin, he prefers to keep to himself or listen instead of talking.

    Personality ▻This lovely male certainly takes his name seriously, as any sort of knowledge to him is sacred. He goes to great lengths to inform himself on any matter, even if it has happened decades ago. In stark contrast to his brother, who he loves dearly, Darius is somewhat shy and reserved, but also a troublemaker who adores pulling pranks. He's very intelligent, and sometimes has to say his sentances in a more relaxed manner so that he doesn't seem like a little nerd who can be pushed over easily. Even though Darius is on the quieter side, he does like to be around females more than males, he feels that they're much more gentle and seem to understand him better. This doesn't mean he tries to flirt with them though, that's all up to his brother. Instead, Darius just likes to talk to them, and listen. A connection like that makes him popular with the ladies, but more like their dearest friend instead of just another male trying to impress them. Strangly enough, Darius doesn't worry about impressing anyone, he doesn't believe in that sort of thing, and thinks that those who do are foolish and will get themselves killed.

    History ▻ When he was very young, Darius lived quite a normal life with his family, just like any other Kirin out there. But, when he grew slightly older, the wolf Mal began to haunt him. No one knew of Mal, save for Darius, and the wolf was somewhat of an imaginary friend, but twisted into more of a personal demon. When he was six, Mal vanished for what Darius thought would last forever, but instead held out for three years. At the age of nine years, Mal came to him in a dream again, in which Darius finally got rid of him after believing himself to be dead. From then on, he was a whole lot nicer to his older brother, Gabriel. For the past year, Darius has been reinstating himself into the herd, trying harder to make friends and connections. He's doing pretty well, but there is still that little piece of him that wants to hide away.

{{ Sneaks in late and posts a from :B }}

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Re: ℂГϴШℕ KIЯIИ | for owners only | open

Postby ᚻadou » Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:49 am

-- woo, nah you aren't late, we've just begun cx
more bulls woo!--
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🕷 i collect spiders 🕷
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Re: ℂГϴШℕ KIЯIИ | for owners only | open

Postby ɾïṿεṉḋεll » Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:44 am

OOC;; Thanks, sarcastic c:

darius :: bull;; ten years;; confused but content
_____________________________________________________________ tags;; Anyone who wants to answer him ^^

As always, the bull rose late, his long horns gleaming in the sun. Standing up and shaking out his short pelt, knocking out a practical field of grass, Darius let off a great yawn. A slight commotion to his right, his far right, caught his eye. With curioustiy in his eyes, the Kirin set of at a gentle lope towards the group, stopping here and there to nibble at a tuft of grass or such. In the distance, he saw his brother rising, but chose to ignore him. As much as he loved Gabriel, Darius wanted to see what everyone else was making a fuss about first. Arching back his long and graceful neck, Darius increased his pace to a trot, and as he came closer to the knot of Kirins became less and less afraid of what had happened. He came to a spot near the cows, just in time to hear that the black bull was called Thorin. The name rang a bell somewhere deep within his mind, and Darius shook his head slightly to clear it. Then the bull walked off, saying how he was going to meet the others and such.

Darius twitched the muscles in his flank, feeling that this new bull held more power than he appeared to. Deciding that he would keep up with being friendly, the young bull spoke up, his voice quiet but audible.
"Ello there, who's that?" He asked pleasantly, coming closer to stand next to Winter. This new bull seemed to have some connections, and Darius couldn't shake the feeling that he had heard the name "Thorin" before. . .

secretly 1000 lizards

i am a big baby nerd who likes to draw and write. i like fruit snacks and dinosaurs and space way too much. panace demigirl and really good at making blueberry jam muffins. i'd love to talk with you about anything! especially if you start off with a really cool space fact.

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Re: ℂГϴШℕ KIЯIИ | for owners only | open

Postby Nellas » Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:33 am

Rivendell wrote:. . . couldn't shake the feeling that he had heard the name "Thorin" before. . .

{{ I was amused reading this, coming from you ;3 }}

{. Location; Near the forest
{. Tags; Winter's Gaze, Darius, Fenyetta
{. Rank; Lead cow
{. Mood; Thoughtful, slightly wary, but intrigued

{. Wykka .}

Wykka nodded graciously, the silvered velvet fur covering her finely featured face catching the sunlight here and there with the easy movement of her head. She followed Thorin’s deep gaze with her own pale blue eyes as it skipped around the small group, though his expression was unreadable and she could not discern his thoughts. The cow couldn’t help but note how he seemed to take in every little detail, though whether he was pleased with how his old herd had turned out without a leader all these years, or whether he was just pleased to see them, she couldn’t tell. A small dip of her head and the stirring of her plumed tail in the slight breeze were the lead cow’s only movement as she met his eyes in agreement, then respectfully backed away, leaving him to do what he would.

“Just call if you require anything,” she offered politely, a hint of a smile lightening the seriousness in her eyes. Wykka approved of Thorin’s own politeness and the ease with which he carried and spread his authority. It was a way that meant he obviously was in charge, but did truly care about the ones under his lead. Then a new thought struck her; Thorin had appeared from the forest. They had stray kirins coming through once in a while, but they’d usually come along the river, rarely if never appearing from the forest itself. Wykka was not one to believe in calf-stories, and she had come through the forest herself, but she’d been here long enough to have become wary of the tales surrounding the eaves of the dark wood. She measured Thorin in a different light as he walked away. What had he come through to return home? And where in the sixteen years he’d been gone had he learned such leadership skills? He was a puzzle, and Wykka liked puzzles; something to challenge the brain in an otherwise peaceful vale. But not if they could threaten the safety of the herd as a whole. She would keep an eye on him.

She turned her head with a ghost of expectancy as she heard a new kirin walking up; it was Darius, recognizable even by profile if not by the bright mottled hues of his coat. She couldn’t help but like him, though they’d never been particularly close; he was friendly, and kind, and an asset to the herd with his ceaseless thirst for knowledge. A bull she respected for his easygoing ways; he had never been known to cause trouble, even though he’d been part of the herd for but a year. However, his question seemed more directed to Winter, and thus she stepped back and let them have their own conversation. The lead cow was needed no longer, it seemed; perhaps she would find a patch of good graze further off to think things through, though she would have welcomed any who needed her.
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Re: ℂГϴШℕ KIЯIИ | for owners only | open

Postby Rated R » Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:20 am

Thorin glanced over to Wykka, who seemed quite deep in her own thoughts as she picked up his every detail. He nodded respectfully to the lead cow, watching as she gave him a nod in return and the slight movement of her tail in the breeze. He could tell she was slightly skeptic of how he had come, through the mysterious woods that hold secrets that only those who have been through know of. He knew her mind was racing with thoughts, he could tell by the curious look in her knowledgeable eyes. "Thank you," said Thorin, giving Wykka the most subtle of knowing winks. "I may take you up on your offer later." Thorin's watchful eyes spread over the group and he stood for another moment to hear Winter's response to his earlier questions.
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Re: ℂГϴШℕ KIЯIИ | for owners only | open

Postby Nellas » Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:04 am

{. Location; Near the forest
{. Tags; Thorin, Winter's Gaze, Darius, Fenyetta
{. Rank; Lead cow

{. Wykka .}

Wykka’s muzzle twitched as she caught his wink, becoming suddenly and unaccustomedly flustered. He winked at her- ! She had no idea how to react, instead just letting her gaze pass over the rest of the group to calm her confusion. Perhaps it was below his rank to show such a display of ease with the company as he was only just getting his bearings; yet she was also gracelessly embarrassed to know that he could tell of her scepticism. Perhaps it was a good thing that he was going off on his own; it would give her time to think.
“Very well,” she said, smoothly meeting his unreadable gaze with a flick of her silvered tail; “I hope you find the area pleasing.” Her gaze sharpened briefly and her ears pricked forwards with a subtle intensity; both an ear and an eye would be kept out for Thorin. She knew practically nothing about him, and several aspects of what she had seen seemed to be conflicting; yet most lead bulls she’d known had been like that, so perhaps she wouldn’t know. But if Thorin was causing any problems, she’d be the first to know. Wykka was a little on edge; she hadn’t heard from Vandetta recently, hadn’t, in fact, seen her at all today. That would be her goal, then; meet up with Vandetta and have a bit of a conversation.
“If you’ll excuse me,” she murmured lightly, turning her finely featured head to face the breath of a slight breeze, a relief from the rising heat of the morning. The blue of her eyes warmed again as she met the eyes of Darius and Winter, giving them a subtle but accountably friendly look just shy of a smile, the point at which she always stopped, before turning to lope away.
Last edited by Nellas on Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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