Since the Dawn of Time Reboot Roleplay [O&A]

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

Re: Since the Dawn of Time Reboot Roleplay [O&A]

Postby greatwoman » Tue Jan 24, 2023 5:58 pm


Silverstar | Female | 42 moons | Leader | Apprentice: None | Crush: open | Tags: Sunstar, all cats at the gathering | Mentions: Flameflurry, Thistledown, Gentianstep

Silverstar nodded stiffly to the Lightclan leader as she approached. Was that uncertainty she saw in the other leader's eyes? She glanced behind Sunstar to see she brought most of her warriors with her, but didn't see her deputy Grassheart. “If you left Grassheart at camp because you fear an attack, your fear would be misplaced. Dawnclan fights with honor, we would not disrespect Starclan by sneaking around in the middle of the night." She pointedly looked into Sunstar's eyes, tail thrashing angrily, challenging her to deny the thinly veiled accusation, but didn't give her time to respond. "It seems everyone is already watching us, so let us begin.” With a quick glance at her clanmates gathered close to the tree, she lept onto the roots of the Moontree and turned to face the gathering cats, letting out a yowl to get the attention of both clans. "Cats of Dawnclan and Lightclan, we have many things to discuss." Silverstar took a breath to force her voice to stay calm and keep her hackles down. "Our clanmates are still nursing wounds left by an unjust and unprovoked attack on our camp. Cats died, and Dawnclan demands to know what could possibly have been worth the blood that was spilled" Her eyes grew sad and her voice almost cracked as she thought of the scene in camp after the battle. Every cat had been injured, and Carptooth, her father, had been killed. She pushed back her sadness and replaced it with stony anger as she turned to face Sunstar, eager to hear what she had to say in Lightclan's defense.

Juniperclaw | Male | 21 moons | Warrior | Apprentice: None | Crush: open | Tags: Salmonsurge | Mentions: Beampaw, Emberlight

Juniperclaw nodded to Salmonsurge as she came to sit with him, content with their watchful silence. He figured she was just as frustrated as he was to be left behind. Only four cats at the gathering, and no medicine cats! He could understand not wanting to bring Beampaw since the young apprentice had little training, but he had never been to a gathering that Emberlight wasn't present. What would Starclan think? What would Lightclan think? He realized he had been thrashing his tail and digging his claws into the earth, so he forced himself to take a deep breath and relax. He glanced over at Salmonsurge, noting a fiery look in her eyes. He knew the hotheaded older warrior was just as eager as Juniperclaw to take her revenge on Lightclan, and he only hoped she'd save some Lightclan warriors for him.


Bumblefoot | Male | 65 moons | Warrior | Apprentice: Swanpaw | Crush: open | Tags: Oakstone | Mentions: Sunstar, Grassheart

Bumblefoot nodded to Oakstone without taking his gaze from the camp entrance. "Good idea, if Dawnclan decides to try and pull something sneaky tonight, we don't want to be caught off guard." Even without looking at the warrior he could tell something was agitating him, and Bumblefoot took a guess since the same thing weighed on his mind. "I sense you are worried about what Dawnclan will say at the gathering. Am I right?" Bumblefoot finally looked at Oakstone to confirm his suspicion. Any other time he would have been joking, asking a rhetorical question, but there were so many things to be worried about that Bumblefoot had to ask to be sure of what was bothering his clanmate.

Foxstrike | Male | 12 moons | Warrior | Apprentice: none | Crush: Olivefluff | Tags: Cedarstripe, Lightclan gathering patrol | Mentions: Dawnclan gathering patrol, Sunstar, Silverstar, Mousefang

Foxstrike followed his clanmates into the clearing beneath the Moontree. He grew uncomfortable when he realized that there were only four Dawnclan cats sitting beneath the tree. Where were the rest of them? He instinctively glanced around him, wondering if they were walking into a trap. He stuck close to Cedarstripe as Sunstar broke off from their group to go up to the tree. He watched as Silverstar and Sunstar spoke, and though he couldn't hear what they were saying, the way Silverstar's body was stiff and her tail thrashing, he assumed it wasn't friendly pleasantries. Foxstrike was so nervous he almost couldn't force himself to sit down, he wanted to stay on his paws and ready for anything. He watched as Silverstar jumped up on the roots of the Moontree and began to address the clans. "Unjust and unprovoked? They killed Mousefang! He exclaimed, mostly to himself, and suddenly he realized the Dawnclan cats might have heard. He wanted to keep the peace, not start a fight. He glanced over to where the Dawnclan cats were sitting, and if they heard him, they gave no indication. Foxstrike turned his attention back to Silverstar as she finished speaking. "... worth the blood that was spilled." Was that sadness in Silverstar's gaze? It was understandable that she had to mourn for her clanmates, but Lightclan had to mourn too, and Foxstrike was sure she didn't mourn for Mousefang when her clan killed him. He watched Sunstar carefully, waiting to see how she would respond.

Amberpaw | Female | 8 moons | Apprentice | Mentor: Flutterdrift | Crush: None | Tags: | Mentions:

Amberpaw was upset to be left behind from the gathering. She didn’t understand why she had to stay behind. She waited up in the clearing for a bit after the cats left for the gathering, then decided she was going to wait for them from her nest.
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Re: Since the Dawn of Time Reboot Roleplay [O&A]

Postby Starwindrider » Wed Jan 25, 2023 2:08 am

「🪶」 ;; kestrelpaw | female | 7 moons | medicine cat apprentice | tags: fallenheart | mentions: camp cats

Kestrelpaw was a little shocked at Fallenheart's initial comment about Sunstar, but then thought about it and realised he might be right. If anything went wrong and cats started fighting at the gathering, wouldn't it be good to have medicine cats around in case someone was badly hurt? She nodded in agreement with her mentor's second comment, "I hope no fighting will happen at the gathering. Many of our warriors are gone, it would be bad if they came back hurt."

She looked around the clan camp, at the remaining warriors who seemed to be guarding the camp, and the other apprentices around the apprentices den. They seemed to be talking about something but she wasn't too interested. Turning to her mentor, she meowed, "Will we stay awake until they return? They won't take too long, right?"

「🪵」 ;; oakstone | male | 45 moons | warrior | tags: bumblefoot | mentions: none

Bumblefoot's question was exactly what Oakstone was worried about. Swishing his tail back and forth, he meowed back with a tense tone of worry, "Exactly. I trust Sunstar and our fellow warriors at the gathering to negotiate in peace. I am more... worried about what DawnClan will say about killing Mousefang and... and Grassheart's whereabouts." He hesitated before mentioning their deputy; after almost a moon of fruitless searching of Grassheart, he still did not want to think about any possibility that DawnClan --- as cruel as they were to take Mousefang's life --- had taken Grassheart's one as well. "You are thinking about this too?" He meowed. He understood Bumblefoot's feelings entirely, right now they were in the same situation, nervously awaiting news from the gathering patrol that could change everything.
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Re: Since the Dawn of Time Reboot Roleplay [O&A]

Postby selasphorys » Wed Jan 25, 2023 3:40 pm

    (dawnclan deputy - temp) (m) (45 mns) (omnisexual) (crush: thistledown) (x)
    (location: moontree, gathering)
    (tags: silverstar, sunstar) (mentions: foxstrike, thistledown, gathering patrols)

    In the silver clarity of the moonlight, the Moontree clearing never looked so pleasant and pristine. Gentianstep could only hope it would remain this peaceful as the clans arrived. Dipping his head after his leader's instructions, the deputy sat behind Silverstar, a tail-length away from the roots. Moments later, the LightClan party appeared. They marched forward with a much larger force of warriors. Unbidden, memories of violence and terror flooded Gentianstep's senses. These were the same cats who trampled through their camp, taking Carptooth's life in his own home. Would they also spurn StarClan's truce and kill at the gathering? Gentianstep forced himself back to the present. Glancing toward his clanmates, he found that Thistledown's gentle presence helped calm the anxious fluttering of his heart. He allowed himself to relax, though he still held himself in an elegant pose.

    Gentianstep returned Sunstar's polite nod, quickly noticing that her deputy Grassheart was not with her. He clearly remembered the LightClan deputy leading the charge into DawnClan camp, wincing at the thought. Her absence now... was uncomfortable. Listening to Silverstar talk, he could tell that his leader had noticed as well. Her implicit insult set off alarm bells in his head. His composure broke for one wide-eyed moment. Now was not the time to ruffle Sunstar's pelt, as evil as the attack on DawnClan camp had been. Before Gentianstep could say a few words to calm both leaders, or even touch his tail to his leader's flank in gentle support, Silverstar surged up the roots of the Moontree. He could hear the shuddering in her breath before she addressed the clans, the sorrow in her voice as she spoke of the bloodshed. But now she was out of reach.

    From his position below the roots, he could hear a LightClan warrior yell out in response to Silverstar: "Unjust and unprovoked? They killed Mousefang!" This was news to him. His ears flicked toward the sound, but his gaze remained focused on the leaders. Mousefang had been a senior warrior who Gentianstep had respected, from their few encounters. Had the attack on DawnClan camp been in retaliation to Mousefang's murder? Something darker must be at play here. Gentianstep would have to tread carefully, or the LightClan cats may lash out again in self-righteous anger.

    (dawnclan warrior) (f) (38 mns) (lesbian) (apprentice: spirepaw) (x)
    (location: dawnclan camp entrance)
    (tags: juniperclaw) (mentions: silverstar)

    As the warrior watched for movement in the lengthening twilight, she reflected on her exclusion from the gathering. Those four cats on the patrol would be much safer with her around. Was she still not good enough? Salmonsurge had worked for moons to prove that she was more than just a half-tailed half-clan cat, like some saw her as. Despite all her efforts, Silverstar clearly didn't trust her enough to include her in this important meeting. Salmonsurge would have to work harder then. Her amber eyes burned with renewed vigor in the darkness. Even while embroiled in these bitter thoughts, she found herself distracted by her companion's agitation. Juniperclaw clung to the ground like he'd fly away otherwise. With his tail lashing like that, maybe he could achieve liftoff. Salmonsurge sighed and meowed, "What's up with you? Worried about the gathering?"

    (dawnclan med cat app) (m) (7 mns) (demirom) (mentor: emberlight) (x)
    (location: dawnclan elders den)
    (tags: firejaw) (mentions: none)

    Beampaw had heard how excruciating the elder's injuries were after the accident. Seeing him so comfortable, the medicine cat apprentice brightened up a bit. He smiled back at Firejaw, mewing, "I'm glad that your joints are feeling fine today. I guess I'll take this comfrey back to the medicine den for another time." Beampaw turned away, but the sight of camp brought back scary memories of the attack. He shuffled his paws and sheepishly turned back, mumbling, "Um... can you tell me a story from when you were younger, and things were peaceful?" The new apprentice had been born into a time of tension, never able to imagine the quieter days of the past. Beampaw watched Firejaw with his wide gray eyes, padding closer to settle down beside him. "I can check your fur for ticks and mats while you talk, if you want."

    (dawnclan app) (f) (10 mns) (panrom) (mentor: flameflurry) (x)
    (location: dawnclan camp)
    (tags: skypaw, lightpaw) (mentions: flameflurry, spirepaw)

    Sprigpaw washed the mud off her feet, hiding the moss ball behind a stretch of vines. Pranking was more fun with friends. She glanced over at Skypaw and Lightpaw in the distance, watching them find comfort in each other. The apprentice assumed they were worrying over Flameflurry going to the gathering. The three of them were always inseparable, after all. But Sprigpaw had confidence that her strong, stoic mentor would be just fine. She padded over to the pair, meowing gently, "Are you guys okay? I know it's scary with Flameflurry gone, but I'm sure that he will be safe. He's one of the toughest cats I know! Gatherings are supposed to be peaceful anyway, and he can help keep the peace too." She gave them a sly look. "Hey, um, maybe a prank will take your minds off the gathering! Do you wanna join me in pranking Spirepaw?"


    (lightclan warrior) (m) (45 mns) (heterosexual) (apprentice: pepperpaw) (x)
    (location: moontree, gathering)
    (tags: sunstar, foxstrike) (mentions: silverstar, gathering patrols)

    Cedarstripe felt Sunstar relax into him, just slightly, as he brushed against her flank. He knew his stoic, distant friend would show little more emotion than this. He was there, and that was enough. The muscular tom followed after his leader, plumed tail aloft. Cedarstripe strode through enemy territory with the noble posturing of a tiger. His leering gaze would cut through the wills of any would-be attackers. Even when they arrived at the Moontree, the scarred warrior did not falter. He marched a few steps ahead of his son, shielding him with his body as he stared down the DawnClan party. Only four cats awaited them. Cedarstripe could neither smell nor hear any hiding in ambush. Were the rest skulking around LightClan territory, hunting for more victims? If DawnClan dared break the truce and attack their camp, Cedarstripe would not hesitate to destroy this pitiful party at the gathering. He kept his claws sheathed for now. Noticing his young son's restless apprehension, he sat beside Foxstrike and gently pressed against him to offer strength and support. A stab of pain twisted his heart as he watched Sunstar stand alone in front of Silverstar and Gentianstep. The space that Grassheart once occupied never seemed so hollow, so empty. That hurt compacted into anger and indignation as Silverstar shot a vitriolic glare toward Sunstar. The DawnClan leader dared speak of injustice? As his fury boiled and churned within him, it took all his strength to keep the fur on his neck flat. His tail flew up to cover Foxstrike's mouth after the young tom's exclamation. "Be quiet," Cedarstripe whispered through gritted teeth. It was not in his nature to be stern with his son, but these matters were best left for Sunstar to discuss.
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Re: Since the Dawn of Time Reboot Roleplay [O&A]

Postby Keesa » Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:29 pm

Sunstar | Lightclan Leader | Moontree | tags: Cedarstripe/ Lightclan gathering patrol, Silverstar / Dawnclan gathering patrol

It took a lot of restraint not to lunge at Silverstar when the other leader mentioned Grassheart, as if she had any right to speak her deputy’s name. Instead she just narrowed her eyes and watched, Silverstar. She had never taken her to be the type for mind games. If Dawnclan had Grassheart then she had bet on them telling her outright. Now she had to trust in those in instincts, even if her less rational half wanted to tear the answers out of anyone she could get her claws on. “Fights with honor?” She scoffed under her breath as she took her spot under the tree, like what happened to Mousefang had anything to do with honor, what a joke. Foxstike’s outburst echoed her own sentiment on the matter. Blood for blood was hardly and unjustified attack, they hadn’t even struck first. “Lightclan would like to ask you the same thing.” She announced cooly, “We would never have attacked your camp if you hadn’t sent a patrol to attack us first. Did you really think the murder of one of our senior warriors on our own territory would go unanswered?”
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Re: Since the Dawn of Time Reboot Roleplay [O&A]

Postby Firelight_AA » Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:38 pm

Skypaw/8 moons/Male/str8/Mentor: Shadowfire/Mentions: Flameflurry/Tags: Lightpaw, Sprigpaw
"What kind of prank?"

Flameflurry/30 moons/Male/Gay/Apprentice: Sprigpaw/Mentions: Mouseclaw/Tags: Gathering patrol
He had heard of Mouseclaw's death from the stories of the attack, it made him remember his former leader Mousestar who was also killed.

Lightpaw/8 moons/Male/Bi/Mentor: Thistledown/Mentions:Flameflurry/Tags: Skypaw, Sprigpaw
"I like harmless pranks."

Zinniakit/4 moons old/female/unknown/Mother: None/Mentions: None/Tags: Batkit

She finished her mouse and replied to Batkit. "Maybe it's about the attack that happened? She squeaked a little nervously.
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Re: Since the Dawn of Time Reboot Roleplay [O&A]

Postby greatwoman » Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:03 pm


Silverstar | Female | 42 moons | Leader | Apprentice: None | Crush: open | Tags: Sunstar, all cats at the gathering | Mentions:

Silverstar tried and failed to hide her expression of surprise. Someone from Lightclan was murdered before the battle? This was the first she had heard of it. She glanced at Gentianstep, wondering if he was just as confused as her. She heard someone in the group of Lightclan cats call out "They killed Mousefang!". Mousefang? She'd had a begrudging respect for the powerful warrior, he was never afraid to speak his mind even when it got him in trouble. “What do you mean, murder? Dawnclan has not crossed your borders, and we would not kill except in defense of our own lives." She looked back to Sunstar, having regained her composure. Her hackles were threatening to raise. How dare Lightclan accuse her warriors of murder? Her warriors were noble and honorable, they would not go behind her back and attack Lightclan, much less murder any cat. "What proof do you have of this alleged murder?” She stared at Sunstar with eyes narrowed, ready to hear what else she would say to accuse her clan of breaking the warrior code.

Juniperclaw | Male | 21 moons | Warrior | Apprentice: None | Crush: open | Tags: Salmonsurge | Mentions: Silverstar, Emberlight

Juniperclaw glared at Salmonsurge, not angry at her but unable to hide his feelings about everything. "Yes, the gathering, what else? Lightclan can't possibly have a good reason for what they did, and how dare Silverstar leave most of the clan behind? She didn't even take Emberlight. We deserve to hear their sorry excuses straight from their mouths, and show them just how seriously they messed up by attacking our camp! The fire in his heart and words almost scared him, but he felt it was justified, unlike Lightclan's actions. "You can't tell me you don't think Silverstar should have taken more cats. If things go wrong at the gathering and Lightclan break the truce, they won't have enough fighting strength to defend themselves. We should go and hide at the edge of the clearing, just in case. If they start fighting, we can help our clanmates and bring home some Lightclan fur to line our nests" The spark in his eyes was now full of eagerness for battle, eagerness to make Lightclan pay.


Bumblefoot | Male | 65 moons | Warrior | Apprentice: Swanpaw | Crush: open | Tags: Oakstone | Mentions: Sunstar, Grassheart, Silverstar

Bumblefoot nodded along with Oakstone's words. He was echoing Bumblefoot's thoughts exactly. "Yes. Our clanmates are honorable but Dawnclan has proven they are not above breaking the warrior code and disrespecting Starclan." He didn't want to speculate about Grassheart, not until Sunstar returned from the gathering hopefully with news of the deputy's whereabouts. "We have to trust Sunstar and Starclan to settle this matter, and we need to be ready for anything." Bumblefoot tried to make his words sound more confident than he felt. He didn't doubt Starclan, but he didn't like not knowing what they wanted from the clans. And Dawnclan had proven they were not peaceful, and Bumblefoot nursed an inkling of worry that peaceful solutions was not their intention. He had known Silverstar since she was an apprentice, and though he only knew her from gatherings, she didn't seem like the type of cat to jump into unnecessary battles. He hoped he was right, and that the task of protecting and leading her clan hadn't changed her that much.

Foxstrike | Male | 12 moons | Warrior | Apprentice: none | Crush: Olivefluff | Tags: Cedarstripe, Lightclan gathering patrol | Mentions: Dawnclan gathering patrol, Sunstar, Silverstar, Mousefang, Gentianstep

Foxstrike clamped his jaws shut as Cedarstripe covered his mouth. He looked over at his father sheepishly, trying to apologize with his eyes. He was sure his father felt the same way he did, but the older tom was better at holding his tongue. Foxstrike kept his attention on the leaders, carefully minding his mouth to prevent more outbursts. As Silverstar reacted to Sunstar's words, Foxstrike thought she looked surprised. Was it possible she didn't know about Mousefang's murder? Then Dawnclan warriors went behind their leader's back and defied both her and Starclan. Foxstrike looked over to where the other Dawnclan cats were sitting at the base of the tree, focusing on Gentianstep. Was the deputy as surprised as Silverstar at the news of Mousefang's murder? He glanced at his father to see if he noticed Silverstar's surprise.

Amberpaw | Female | 8 moons | Apprentice | Mentor: Flutterdrift | Crush: None | Tags: open for interaction | Mentions:

Amberpaw was upset to be left behind from the gathering. She didn’t understand why she had to stay behind. She waited up in the clearing for a bit after the cats left for the gathering, then decided she was going to wait for them from her nest.
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Re: Since the Dawn of Time Reboot Roleplay [O&A]

Postby selasphorys » Fri Jan 27, 2023 6:50 pm

    (dawnclan deputy - temp) (m) (45 mns) (omnisexual) (crush: thistledown) (x)
    (location: moontree, gathering)
    (tags: silverstar, sunstar) (mentions: gathering patrols)

    After Silverstar commented on Grassheart's absence, Gentianstep took careful note of Sunstar's reaction. But though the other leader muttered something he couldn't catch, she gave no explanation. He detected only a new sharpness in Sunstar's gaze, as if for a moment the veil of courtesy had been slashed. The LightClan leader seemed to avoid the subject of her deputy... almost like there was something more to Grassheart's absence than she would like to admit. Something had to be wrong with Grassheart. Prodding this vulnerable point would only anger Sunstar further, so Gentianstep would take care not to touch this matter for now.

    When Sunstar announced her response, Gentianstep found himself stunned. He shrunk back, ears flattened from the horror of those accusations. No DawnClan cat would ever do something that despicable. After hearing the LightClan warrior's shout, the pieces started to fall into place. This had to be a misunderstanding. A terrible one, one that cost Carptooth his life, but a misunderstanding nonetheless. Gentianstep could feel the charged tension crackling between the leaders. Any more of this, and the conversation would quickly devolve into a contest over whose clan was more honorable and righteous.

    Leaping onto the roots a step lower than Silverstar, he smoothed the fur along her spine with a soft touch of his tail. The deputy raised his voice for all to hear as he declared, "I want to make clear that we have never sent any patrol onto LightClan territory, nor have we ever ordered any attacks on LightClan cats." Gentianstep turned to Sunstar, his gaze firm but open. "Please, the gathering is meant to be a dialogue. If one of your senior warriors was killed, we share in your sorrow. A murder is serious and threatens the safety of both our clans. Let us use careful discussion rather than claws to solve this problem." Though his words were gentle, almost too gentle in comparison to his leader's, he placed a sharp emphasis on the last sentence. It called to mind the wholly unnecessary attack on DawnClan camp last moon, a great violence that could have been avoided had the LightClan leader been willing to talk. Gentianstep nodded as Silverstar asked her question, adding, "Did you find DawnClan scent or fur scraps? Or see the pelt colors of the alleged attackers?"

    (dawnclan warrior) (f) (38 mns) (lesbian) (apprentice: spirepaw) (x)
    (location: dawnclan camp entrance)
    (tags: juniperclaw) (mentions: silverstar, shadowfire)

    Salmonsurge was shocked into silence. She hadn't been prepared for this burbling torrent of words. The she-cat's mood had already soured with the rejection from the gathering, and now Juniperclaw had to go off at her with that glare. Some small part of her wanted to listen to his scheme--- he was taking the words right out of her mouth. But she had a job to do. "Are you done?" the gray warrior finally snapped, her face twisted into an exasperated grimace. "Don't be a mouse-brain. Silverstar assigned us to guard camp. Those fox-hearted LightClan cats have invaded us before, and they'd do it again in a heartbeat. Look around---" She paused, turning her head to watch the camp. "Shadowfire is dozing off like a lazy log, the apprentices are fooling around like kits, and we have actual kits to protect! It's up to us. Just us." The warrior stared down Juniperclaw with blazing amber eyes. Then she brought her focus back to the forest outside camp, flicking her half-tail dismissively, "Anyway, if you want to sneak over to the gathering, that's your call. I know Silverstar should've brought more warriors, but I won't be the one ignoring orders. Bring back some LightClan fur for me, will ya?"

    (dawnclan med cat app) (m) (7 mns) (demirom) (mentor: emberlight) (x)
    (location: dawnclan elders den)
    (tags: firejaw) (mentions: none)

    Beampaw had heard how excruciating the elder's injuries were after the accident. Seeing him so comfortable, the medicine cat apprentice brightened up a bit. He smiled back at Firejaw, mewing, "I'm glad that your joints are feeling fine today. I guess I'll take this comfrey back to the medicine den for another time." Beampaw turned away, but the sight of camp brought back scary memories of the attack. He shuffled his paws and sheepishly turned back, mumbling, "Um... can you tell me a story from when you were younger, and things were peaceful?" The new apprentice had been born into a time of tension, never able to imagine the quieter days of the past. Beampaw watched Firejaw with his wide gray eyes, padding closer to settle down beside him. "I can check your fur for ticks and mats while you talk, if you want."

    (dawnclan app) (f) (10 mns) (panrom) (mentor: flameflurry) (x)
    (location: dawnclan camp)
    (tags: skypaw, lightpaw) (mentions: spirepaw)

    "Oh, it's not going to hurt anyone," Sprigpaw reassured Lightpaw, a cheeky grin still on her face. She looked around to make sure Spirepaw wasn't around, then whispered to the brothers, "I soaked a ball of old bedding in mud, and I'm gonna throw it on Spirepaw when he's not looking! He'll be covered with stinky muck and moss!"


    (lightclan warrior) (m) (45 mns) (heterosexual) (apprentice: pepperpaw) (x)
    (location: moontree, gathering)
    (tags: foxstrike) (mentions: sunstar, silverstar, gentianstep, gathering patrols)

    As Foxstrike looked back at him with that doe-eyed glance, Cedarstripe couldn't stay mad at him. A furious trance had seized him since the gathering began, but with one sheepish look he was grounded once more. The tom sighed and lowered his tail, gently curling it around his son's back. Cedarstripe turned his attention back to the leaders, nodding as Sunstar raised her question. Finally, she could press Silverstar for answers. But Silverstar and Gentianstep seemed to respond with genuine surprise when Sunstar made her accusation, as if they had never known about Mousefang's murder. "It's possible that DawnClan leadership did not order the attack..." he mused to his son. He kept his voice at a low rumble, too quiet for the others to hear. "Or it could all just be an act. We shall see." The battle-scarred warrior was not yet ready to change his mind about DawnClan.
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Re: Since the Dawn of Time Reboot Roleplay [O&A]

Postby Queen of flames » Sat Jan 28, 2023 6:23 am

Shadowfire | Dawn | warrior | male | apprentice: Skypaw | tags: open

He looked a little pissed off when the cats left for the gathering, but he was not involved in it. Though it didn't really surprise him either, he was not the most trusted cat to sit still and keep his mouth shut like someone like Thistledown could be. If those Lightclan cats come to his fur, he will go theirs. He is not going to bow to anyone, except for the Silverstar, but only if he thinks she is doing the right choice. He stood up and walked to the warrior's den, why could he stay there waiting when he could enjoy the silence and go to sleep?

Firejaw | Dawn | elder | male | tags: Beampaw

He looked at the apprentice "hmm actually if you could leave those here instead then take them back? I may need them in the morning so you or Emberlight don't need to bring them to me again" he meowed to the young tom. He listened to the rest he was asking him, thinking he looked to the sky for a moment "story huh, well sure... what kind of a story do you want? think are being pretty peaceful for a long time, before now...even if there s being always this rivalry for those sunning rocks, especially on cold seasons, but now for some reason, it just got overhanded..." he responded to him.
The elder was always thinking that giving those rocks to the Lightclan to use in leaf-bare could be a good decision as Dawnclan does have good places to hunt prey, of course, he was not sure what Ligthclan had on their lands.

Featherstone | Dawn | Queen | female | tags: Spirepaw

She looked over to the apprentice aååroving the nursery, she give him a gentle smile "sure you can for a little while, it's getting late and the kits need to get to sleep soon" she meowed to the young tom. She gave a small laugh 'How interesting, he is being there for a while now, and only now when it's almost time to get to sleep he does what Salmonsurge told him to do in the morning' she thought to herself with a sigh.

Batkit | Dawn| kit | female | tags: Zinniakit, Spirepaw

She sighed and looked at Zinniakit "Yeah I know, maybe, but mom said that fighting only brings more fighting...could they just let it go?" she meowed thoughtfully. The black kitten didn't know much about wars or the situations between the two clans only that it was something bad. She looked over to the apprentice hearing what he asked for her mother "cool, I thought you never come to play with us... as you promised to Salmonsurge" she meowed to him.


Fallenheart | Light | medicine cat | agender (he) | apprentice: Kestrelpaw | tags: Kestrelpaw

He looked elsewhere for a moment still pretty annoyed by the Sunstar's decision not to take them to the gathering. He took a heavy sigh and looked to his apprentice "I hope so too...there are not many protecting the camp now either if Dawnclan plans something...which I don't really think so thought" he meowed.
He flicked his ears to the Kestrelpaw's other question "yes, I will stay awake and wait, but you don't need to, if you feel sleepy you can go to sleep" he meowed to her

Olivefluff | Light | warrior | male | crush: Foxstrike | tags: Gathering patrol

He sat there and silently listened to the high-ranked cats which were speaking to each other. He was not sure what to believe, so part of him thought that Dawnclan didn't kill Mousefang, eventually, the warrior's death was a pretty odd one. He was surprised though about Silverstar's reaction to Sunstar's accusations, which make him even more confused 'if they didn't kill Mousefang and don't know about Grassheart then who killed Mousefang then?' he thought to himself, his eyes looked around his clanmates and those from Dawnclan and didn't want to even think what he was thinking at the moment. He sighed and focused to listen to the gathering.

Pepperpaw | Light | apprentice | female | mentor: Cedarstripe | tags: Nectarpaw, open

She shook her head at her brother's offer "other way that could sound cool to do, but I think now is not the time for that...what if something happens? And I don't want to face my mentor or Sunstar after they found out that we sneaked out to the gathering" she meowed with a serious tune. She looked at her brother "I am not, I am just using my brain to think clearly when you can't" she hissed lightly "I don't think that's a good idea now, and maybe we can go to the next gathering" she mowed to him.

Nectarpaw | Light | apprentice | male | mentor: Whitewillow | tags: Pepperpaw, open

He listened to his sister, rolling his eyes and flicking his tail in annoyance "of come one don't be a coward, nothing will go wrong" he meowed to her. He looked at her a little bit angry "I do have brains too..." he meowed sighing "I don't think we will if the fight or whatever starts there, I don't think we have any more of those gatherings" he meowed to her back.
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Re: Since the Dawn of Time Reboot Roleplay [O&A]

Postby Firelight_AA » Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:48 pm

Skypaw/8 moons/Male/str8/Mentor: Shadowfire/Mentions: None/Tags: Lightpaw, Sprigpaw
"That sounds fun!" He chuckled.

Lightpaw/8 moons/Male/Bi/Mentor: Thistledown/Mentions: Spirepaw/Tags: Skypaw, Sprigpaw
He smiled and shook his head. "Spirepaw isn't going to be too happy though, you'd better watch out for payback later. He warned.

Zinniakit/4 moons old/female/unknown/Mother: None/Mentions: None/Tags: Batkit

"I agree."
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Re: Since the Dawn of Time Reboot Roleplay [O&A]

Postby Starwindrider » Sun Jan 29, 2023 11:48 pm

「🪶」 ;; kestrelpaw | female | 7 moons | medicine cat apprentice | tags: fallenheart, amberpaw | mentions: pepperpaw, nectarpaw

"Okay!" She answered. She was feeling slightly less alert than in the day, but this was the first gathering that was happening since she became an apprentice, and wanted to stay up just a bit longer. "I'll go talk to the other apprentices for a while." She waved her tail at her mentor, then bounded to the warrior apprentices den. The last time she had spoken to any of them was during breakfast; being a medicine cat apprentice, she learnt different things from them and thus didn't spend a lot of them with them in the day.

She saw Pepperpaw and Nectarpaw sitting outside, but didn't see Amberpaw or Swanpaw anywhere. Poking her head into the apprentice's den, she made out the silhouette of Amberpaw sitting in her nest. "Hello, Amberpaw?" She called softly, not wanting to wake up the other apprentice if she was asleep.

「🪵」 ;; oakstone | male | 45 moons | warrior | tags: bumblefoot, open | mentions: sunstar, pepperpaw, nectarpaw

Oakstone nodded in agreement to Bumblefoot's words. He was no medicine cat and wasn't the most attuned to StarClan, but he also wanted to believe that their ancestors had their best interests in mind. And Sunstar of course, being the leader of LightClan, should have the experience to settle this the best way. "Speaking of being ready," Oakstone meowed, "I'll keep watch around the dens. The camp entrance shall be left to your capable paws." Standing up and shaking himself a little to get the blood flowing back to his legs, he bowed slightly to the older warrior as thanks for the conversation, before padding away in the opposite direction. He saw two of the apprentices, Pepperpaw and Nectarpaw, talking about something near their den; he wasn't inclined to butt in, so he sat himself down some distance away, keeping his eyes peeled and ears perked.
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