⚡Lightning Clan and Dark Clan🌑 New and accepting

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

Re: ⚡Lightning Clan and Dark Clan🌑 New and accepting

Postby Mist » Sun Sep 05, 2021 7:41 pm

Mossleap/She-cat/36 moons/LightningClan Warrior/Apprentice: Duskpaw/Crush: Open/Tags: Duskpaw, Blazingsun, Twistedpuddle, Owlpaw
"We'll follow your lead," Mossleap meowed as she joined the rest of the patrol. "If we run into DarkClan then we run into them. They'd probably run at the sight of us."

Nettlepaw/Tom/6 moons/LightningClan Apprentice/Mentor: Dewsplash/Crush: Open/Tags: Dewsplash
"Will you show me how to fish at the river too?" Nettlepaw asked with a small grin before looking over to where Sageflame was standing. "I don't think she heard you," he added.

Eaglewing/Tom/18 moons/DarkClan Warrior/Crush: Open/Tags: Plumsea, Oaklion
"Then let's go," Eaglewing meowed with a small grin. "Prey won't catch it's self," he added before heading out of camp.

Ivypaw/She-cat/6 moons/DarkClan Apprentice/Mentor: TBD/Crush: Open/Tags: Emberpuddle
"Right," Ivypaw meowed softly before glancing over at the herbs that the medicine cat had set out. "Well those are cobwebs," she meowed with a small nod. "I think those are poppy seeds and the red berries are poison berries. Or at least that's what my mother called them once."

Starlingsong/She-cat/48 moons/DarkClan Queen/Kits: Icekit and Wolfkit/Crush: Open/Tags: Icekit, Snake-eye, Hawkpaw
Starlingsong nodded with a small smile. "Wolfkit and Cheetahkit are already outside so we should probably go and join them."

Wolfkit/Tom/5 moons/Kit/DarkClan Kit/Mother: Starlingsong/Crush: Cheetahkit/Tags: Cheetahkit
Wolfkit ducked slightly before blinking and racing after Cheetahkit once more. "You won't out run me forever," he called.

Icekit/Tom/5 moons/DarkClan Kit/Mother: Starlingsong/Crush: Open/Tags: Snake-eye, Hawkpaw, Starlingsong
"Okay," Icekit meowed with a small nod before darting outside. "What will you show me first?"
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Re: ⚡Lightning Clan and Dark Clan🌑 New and accepting

Postby Queen of flames » Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:28 am


Twistedpuddle | she - warrior | crush (Blazingsun) | apprentice (Owlpaw) | tags (Blazingsun, Mossleap, Duskpaw, Owlpaw)
She looked at Owlpaw "well, just hope we do catch enough prey to feed the whole clan, without overhunting" she meowed to her. She flicked her ears over to the Blazingsun's words "I hope we don't walk into Darkclan cats I don't want any fights to start..." she meowed silently.

Missingfang | she -queen | crush (open) | apprentice (n/a) | tags (Caribouhoof)
She smiled lightly "yeah, maybe I am getting a little anxious about being at the camp all the time, but you're right I will join warrior's den soon once again" she meowed to him. She looked at Russetwind when the tom called for the warrior "well have a great patrolling there" she meowed to Caribouhoof.

Smallkit | tom - kit | crush (open) | mentor (n/a) | tags (Sageflame)
He finished his part of the bird and licked his lips, looking at the cleaning spotting the young warrior Sageflame there "Good morning sage...flame? right?" he meowed. He licked his tail as he looked up to the warrior "so how's it to be a warrior now? Is it hard?" he asked her.

Duskpaw | tom - apprentice | crush (open) | mentor (Mossleap) | tags (Mossleap, Blazingsun, Owlpaw, "Twistedpuddle")
He looked at Owlpaw then the rest of the warriors waiting for the patrol to start moving.


Smokestar | tom - leader | crush (open) | apprentice (n/a) | tags (open)
He needs to choose one of them as his deputy and so far there were two cats he was his eyes on.

Plumsea | she - warrior | crush (open) | apprentice (open) | tags (Eaglewing, Oaklion)
She nodded to Eaglewing "yeah it could be way too easy and boring if the prey did catch itself" she murmured with a laugh, following after the younger warrior.

Ashspirit | tom - warrior | crush (open) | apprentice (Frostpaw) | tags (Frostpaw)
He flicked his tail and turned around toward the camp entrance "good good, then let's go to start the training" he meowed making his way out of the camp.

Beechpaw | she - apprentice | crush (open) | mentor (Cherrysplash) | tags (open)
She looked over at the fresh-kill pile, feeling rather hungry, but she knew that she was not allowed to eat yet.
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Re: ⚡Lightning Clan and Dark Clan🌑 New and accepting

Postby Tainted~Wings » Thu Sep 09, 2021 5:00 am

Tainted~Wings wrote:🌙 Nightstar 🌙
She padded back to the tangled roots that made her den in thought.

She grinned. She waited for the group to leave then followed

🦌Caribouhoof 🦌
"Would you like to go with me to mark the open border?" He asked.

☀️Blazingsun ☀️
The tom chuckled and led the way towards the river border. "If we meet any at the border we will not engage in any way. We will probably greet them and be on our way," he replied

~Dark Clan~

🌳Oaklion 🌳
"Yea. I notice it in others, like smokestar for instance. I'm one of the older warriors but its like he doesn't trust me to train an apprentice," he replied following the group

🐆Cheetahkit 🐆
"I'm gonna be the fastest cat in Dark Clan!" she yelled out. "Try and catch me!" She knew she couldn't keep running as her legs and lungs were already burning

The tabby followed her mentor. She had a slight bounce in her step.

He padded a few tail lengths from the nursery. "We'll do the basic crouch first," he said lowering himself so his paws were squared under him and his tail just over the ground. "Doing this for long periods will bring some strain to your legs but the more you practice it the more strength you'll have in your legs."

🐾Emerald 🐾||
Napping after eating prey
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Re: ⚡Lightning Clan and Dark Clan🌑 New and accepting

Postby Furrydogs12 » Thu Sep 09, 2021 6:50 am

Russetwind/ Female/ Warrior/ 28 moons/ Lightningclan/ tags: open
Russetwind turned as she heard her beam being called. She got up and walked over to where it came from. “Hello, what’s up?” She asks.

Whisperpaw/ Male/ Apprentice/ 7 moons/ Darkclan/ tags: open
Whisperpaw nods and pads off.

Sageflame/ Female/ Warrior/ 12 moons/ Lightningclan/ tags: Smallkit
Sageflame looks over and spots a kit. “Good morning! You are smallkit right?” She asks. “Being a warrior requires responsibility. I like helping the clan” she replies.

Cherrysplash/ Female/ Warrior/ 28 moons/ Darkclan/ tags: Smokestar
Cherrysplash nodded, “Thank you Smokestar” she replied. She walked out into camp looking for her new apprentice. “Beechpaw? You there?”

Koiriver/ Male/ Warrior/ 28 moons/ Darkclan/ tags: Thornpatch
Koiriver got to his paws, “Cherrysplash is probably around camp” he says before lying down. “Let me sleep some more” he mumbled.
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Re: ⚡Lightning Clan and Dark Clan🌑 New and accepting

Postby Rae'tia » Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:10 am

〘 28 Moons | Medicine Cat | Darkclan 〙
➢ Mentions: None | ➣ Tagged: Ivypaw

    indentation He was quiet as the she-cat spoke, nodding along feeling quite pleased that she got them right. Though I've never heard death berries being called poison berries. But it's not wrong. He mused with a chuckle. "Not bad, a job well done, Ivypaw." He started, "Cobwebs are very commonly used to stop bleeding, but it has a few other uses as well. Poppy seed's while not too versatile can be used in a few ways. They are often to aid cats in soothing stock in destress, but also are a sleep aid. My own mother gave them to one of my siblings as a kit, because of her insomnia." Emberpuddle paused for a moment and sighed continuing. "As for what you call Poison berries, those are what we call Death Berries. It's also called Night seeds or Yew Berries, like the names convey, these berries are very dangerous, and can kill within minutes of consumption."
    indentation Swallowing heavily, he put the three herbs that she was able to name back into their places, before turning his attention to the others she had not even tried to name. "But if caught soon enough, using this leaf," Emberpuddle mewed, pointing at the yarrow, "May save the mouse-brains life, as Yarrow will force a cat to throw up. It has other uses, as well but this is the most important." Moving on to Tansy," This is Tansy is used to cure coughs along with help prevent greencough, soothe sore throats." Then finally he pointed at the Dock Leaves, " And finally this is Dock, it soothes scratches and sore pads and is often used along with cobwebs." Taking a breath, the tom's ears heated as he realized that he'd been rambling and quite literally info-dumping on the she-cat. Making a small sound of embarrassment, the tom picked up the last of the herbs and put them back in their place before returning to Ivypaw and sitting back down. "Ah, many apologies for my... Rambling."

〘 30 Moons | Warrior | Darkclan 〙
➢ Mentions: None | ➣ Tagged: Starlingsong, Icekit & Hawkpaw

    indentation "Might as well, someone's got to keep an eyes on those rambunctious kits." Snake-eye purred as she got to her paws, and started after them. She glanced back at the brown queen, frosty eyes glowing with fondness. Flopping onto her side just outside the nursery the Bengal cat allowed her tail to curl contently over her hind legs.

〘 104 Moons | Elder | Lightningclan 〙
➢ Mentions: None| ➣ Tagged: None

    indentationShe's nappen' but feel free to wake her.

〘 45 Moons | Warrior | Lightningclan 〙
➢ Mentions: Sageflame | ➣ Tagged: Nettlepaw

    indentation As the tom realized that at the best hadn't heard him or at worst was ignoring him, Dewsplash frowned. His lips curled back in a show of discontent. Huffing under his breath he turned his attention back to Nettlepaw. "Fishing happens to be one of my specialties, so of course, I'm going to teach you." When the apprentice pointed out that Sageflame hadn't heard him, he huffed once more. "You'll find Nettlepaw, that some cats have selective hearing. It's quite possible I could yowl in her ear that she's needed in patrol and she wouldn't hear me." He drawled, before shaking his head. "But never mind that there's no point in waiting for a door mouse, they come and go when they want not a second before. Let's get to hunting." We'll just have to catch as much as we can.
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Re: ⚡Lightning Clan and Dark Clan🌑 New and accepting

Postby palmawesome » Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:02 am

Thorn' Patch / Tom / Warrior / DarkClan / 28 moons / Tags: Koi’River

Thorn’Patch yawned and shrugged. “ Fine, but I’m actually going to go do something productive, instead of moping in my nest all day” Walking out, he sighed. Trotting over to the fresh kill pile, he plucked out a medium sized thrush and dragged it over to a shady area to start eating
Doe' Brook / She-Cat / Queen / Expecting / Lightning' Clan / 30 moons / Tags: Split' Silver

Doe’Brook giggled and chased after Him, her legs pounding into the ground. “ Come back here you beetle” she laughed, splashing.
𝙷𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚏 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕, 𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝚜𝚊𝚢

Currently sobbing over the song of Achilles
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Re: ⚡Lightning Clan and Dark Clan🌑 New and accepting

Postby Queen of flames » Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:29 am


Twistedpuddle | she - warrior | crush (Blazingsun) | apprentice (Owlpaw) | tags (Blazingsun, Mossleap, Duskpaw, Owlpaw)
She looked at Owlpaw then to Blazingsun "yeah that could be the wisest decision, we don't want needless fights and I don't think they want that either" she meowed to him.

Missingfang | she -queen | crush (open) | apprentice (n/a) | tags (open)
She licked her paws and looked at what was her kit up to, talking with Sageflame there, well that was nothing to worry about so she let them talk.

Smallkit | tom - kit | crush (open) | mentor (n/a) | tags (Sageflame)
He nodded "yes, I am Smallkit..." he meowed looking at the larger cat "hmm, good to hear? then are you going out for a patrol today?" he asked "is that the warrior's job to do? I could want to come too, but I don't think my mother let me" he said with a sight.

Duskpaw | tom - apprentice | crush (open) | mentor (Mossleap) | tags (Mossleap, Blazingsun, Owlpaw, "Twistedpuddle")
He looked at Owlpaw then the rest of the warriors waiting for the patrol to start moving.


Smokestar | tom - leader | crush (open) | apprentice (n/a) | tags (open)
He needs to choose one of them as his deputy and so far there were two cats he was his eyes on.

Plumsea | she - warrior | crush (open) | apprentice (open) | tags (Eaglewing, Oaklion)
She looked at Oaklion as he spoke "Oh don't worry about that, we still have three kits waiting to become an apprentice, I think you will mentor one of them at last..." he meowed to him "I am Smokestar's daughter and yet I had none apprentice to train at, even for my brother Frostpaw is his first" he told him.

Ashspirit | tom - warrior | crush (open) | apprentice (Frostpaw) | tags (Frostpaw)
He looked at how his apprentice was bouncing but didn't say anything about it. He just lead the way to the training place "this will be just fine to start..." he meowed to her. Sitting down he looked at her "now show me everything you know and can do right now, you don't need to be perfect with it..." he told her.

Beechpaw | she - apprentice | crush (open) | mentor (Cherrysplash) | tags (Cherrysplash)
She watched the fresh-kill pile and the camp bored before turned to see the warrior approving her "I am here? Why? Do you need me for somewhere? I am willing to help you in any way...as I am bored..." she told the she-cat with a flick of her tail.
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Re: ⚡Lightning Clan and Dark Clan🌑 New and accepting

Postby Mist » Tue Sep 14, 2021 7:24 pm

Mossleap/She-cat/36 moons/LightningClan Warrior/Apprentice: Duskpaw/Crush: Open/Tags: Duskpaw, Twistedpuddle, Blazingsun, Owlpaw
"We can be civil if we meet them but if they start something we shouldn't be afraid to finish it if possible," Mossleap meowed with a small flick of her tail.

Nettlepaw/Tom/6 moons/LightningClan Apprentice/Mentor: Dewsplash/Crush: Open/Tags: Dewsplash
Nettlepaw's ears twitched slightly as he listened to his mentor. "Well we'll catch so much prey that it won't matter if Sageflame was with us or not," he meowed.

Eaglewing/Tom/18 moons/DarkClan Warrior/Crush: Open/Tags: Plumsea, Oaklion
"I'm sure Smokestar will make you a mentor to Wolfkit, Icekit or Cheetahkit," Eaglewing meowed with a small smile. "It's just a matter of waiting until they're old enough to become apprentices."

Iyvpaw/She-cat/6 moons/DarkClan Apprentice/Mentor: TBD/Crush: Open/Tags: Emberpuddle
Ivypaw's ears pricked up slightly as she listened to the medicine cat explain the herbs and their uses. She nodded to herself after each one and blinked when he apologized for rambling. "I didn't think you were rambling," she meowed. "It was interesting."

Starlingsong/She-cat/48 moons/DarkClan Queen/Kits: Icekit and Wolfkit/Crush: Open/Tags: Icekit, Snake-eye, Hawkpaw
Starlingsong followed Snake-eye out into camp and chuckled softy as she watched Icekit with Hawkpaw. "No doubt Wolfkit will be right over when he notices what's going on," she meowed.

Wolfkit/Tom/5 moons/DarkClan Kit/Mother: Starlingsong/Crush: Cheetahkit/Tags: Cheetahkit
Wolfkit grinned and raced after the spotted she-cat. He prepared to pounce on her but paused when he noticed his brother with Hawkpaw. "What's going on over there?" he meowed with a slight tilt of his head.

Icekit/Tom/5 moons/DarkClan Kit/Mother: Starlingsong/Crush: Open/Tags: Hawkpaw
"Like this?" Icekit asked as he tried to copy the apprentice's stance before falling to his side. He jumped back to his paws and tried once again.
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Re: ⚡Lightning Clan and Dark Clan🌑 New and accepting

Postby Tainted~Wings » Thu Sep 16, 2021 5:09 am

🌙 Nightstar 🌙
She was thinking to herself, Cinderpool would be a good choice, tawnyfoot is too young, splitsilver is too invested in his mate, sage flame is loyal but even younger than tawnyfoot, russetwind is kind and would make a good choice. She pondered. “So either cinderpool or russetwind would be a fair choice. I believe a council would be a good addition just because I’m younger and our deputy would be as well,” she mumbled.

She followed the group quietly near her mentor.

🦌Caribouhoof 🦌
"Would you like to go with me to mark the open border?" He asked. “We could bring Ravenpaw as well and mark the border.”

☀️Blazingsun ☀️
He began to lead the way towards the border. His tail flicked.

~Dark Clan~

🌳Oaklion 🌳
He chuckled. “Wolfkit and icekit are determined to be smokestars apprentice. It’s been a while since he was a mentor hasn’t it?” He asked.

🐆Cheetahkit 🐆
She stopped. “Looks like hawkpaw is teaching icekit some moves,”she said trying to catch her breath

“How do you want me to show you? I can do the duck and twist, I can do the front paw strike and the front paw blow. We haven’t practiced any pair fighting,” she said.

He chuckled, “ balance yourself out you have your weight too far to one side. Or place your legs on that side a little wider." He watched icekit.

🐾Emerald 🐾||
Napping after eating prey
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Re: ⚡Lightning Clan and Dark Clan🌑 New and accepting

Postby raaats » Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:53 am

Ashthorn/she-cat/20 moons/Darkclan warrior/crush: none-open/Tags: Open
Ashthorn sat towards the edge of Darkclan's camp, staring into the distance. She flicked her ear and let herself focus on the way the trees' branches moved, her tail curling around her paws.

Tawnyfoot/tom/18 moons/Lightningclan warrior/crush: none-open/Tags: open
The enthusiastic tom trotted through camp to set down his catch in the freshkill pile, his tail swishing joyfully. He was proud of the work he could do for his clan, and nothing made him happier than coming back to camp with some prey.
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