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Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)

Re: 𐋄 Ꮤ πŒ‰ πŒ‹ πŒƒ πŒ‚ πŒ‹ πŒ€ 𐌍 𐋄 (not accepting)

Postby Cradily » Fri Jul 21, 2023 12:50 pm

πŸ‰Dragonstar - Leader - Male - 68 moons - 7 lives left - Tags: Poppywisp, border patrol 1 [Poppywisp, Charmingpaw, Smokefeather, Spiritfeather, Spindle]

Dragonstar smiled warmly at Poppywisp's words. "That does sound nice," he admitted. But when the she-cat drew closer to him, he stiffened, instinctively pulling back only the tiniest bit. He hoped Poppywisp hadn't noticed--or any of their other clanmates for that matter. He hadn't been lying when he'd said Poppywisp's offer sounded nice. But he'd always had a difficult time accepting comfort and affection from his clanmates, even before he became leader. It was a wonder he'd ever had a mate, and even that hadn't lasted long. He just always felt...awkward, when it came to closeness with other cats. "I'm not sure any of us will have dry fur today though," he added with a small chuckle, hoping to diffuse any awkwardness he may have caused. Just then, Sunningrocks came into view. "Thank StarClan," he breathed, feeling relieved that they'd made it without any further interruptions. The rocks, which were usually a light grayish-brown in the sun, now looked almost black from how wet they were. They could hardly be called Sunningrocks. "I suppose they're more like Rainingrocks today," he mewed under his breath, a pitiful attempt at a joke. Then, sighing, he said, "Let's refresh these scent markers and get out of here."

πŸ‘…Raventongue - Warrior - Female - 44 moons - Mate: Dustystomp - Tags: Beetlewood, Feverpaw, Ravenscream

Raventongue winced slightly as Beetlewood applied the poultice to her paw, but almost immediately it began to feel better. "Thank you, Beetlewood," she meowed, blinking gratefully at him before stepping aside to let him treat Feverpaw, whose injury was much more serious. She moved closer to Ravenscream, her gaze full of concern for the black tom's apprentice. "What happened to his tail?" she asked Ravenscream, her voice little more than a whisper so as not to distract Beetlewood.

πŸͺΆKestrelclaw - Warrior - Male - 35 moons - Crush: Foxcloud - Apprentice: Starlingpaw - Tags: Starlingpaw, Rivercry, Jaxton, border patrol 2 [Starlingpaw, Wrenfoot, Sunflowerpaw, Rivercry, Fogpaw]

Kestrelclaw barely stifled a chuckle at his apprentice's frustration. "Don't worry, it's all over now," he assured her, letting his tail rest on her shoulders as they padded after Wrenfoot. "I don't think the loner was trying to invade. He was probably just hunting close to our territory--a little too close for comfort. Usually our scent markers are enough to keep loners and rogues away from our territory, but sometimes cats stray farther when they're hunting. It's best to let them off with a stern warning, and avoid a fight if we can." He overheard Rivercry giving similar advice to Fogpaw when it came to loners, and nodded his agreement, glad that they were teaching their apprentices valuable lessons. Although he knew most apprentices were just eager to fight because they never had before, it was best to squash that eagerness before it turned into something more. Just then though, another unfamiliar cat-scent touched his nose. At first he thought it was the same loner, but he quickly realized it was different, just as he heard Sunflowerpaw make the same discovery up ahead. "Another loner? I guess the rain must be driving them all towards our territory," he mumbled, shaking his head. Peeking around, he saw a ginger-and-white tom up ahead, a fairly young one at that, only this one looked much more tired and defeated, not at all like the arrogant Cloud.

🌬️Southwind - Warrior - Male - 35 moons - Tags: Whirlpool, hunting patrol [Littlefoot, Slashpaw, Whirlpool, Magpieflight, Herbpaw, Foxcloud, Jackdawpaw

Southwind had just caught a frog when he heard rustling in the bushes behind him. Whipping around, he spotted Whirlpool, and flashed a smile at her, looking rather funny as frog legs dangled from his mouth. Trotting over to her, he set his frog down and purred, "Hey, Whirlpool. Catch anything yet? Aside from a cold, in all this rain."

πŸ•·οΈMagpieflight - Warrior - Male - 24 moons - Apprentice: Herbpaw - Tags: Herbpaw, hunting patrol [Herbpaw, Littlefoot, Slashpaw, Whirlpool, Foxcloud, Jackdawpaw, Southwind]

"I'm sure he will," Magpieflight reassured him. "Dragonstar's a big softie deep down, and he pays attention to the apprentices. He won't refuse you your ceremony after he sees how hard you've worked." He helped Herbpaw dig up the rest of the prey he'd caught, deciding to heave the rabbit onto his back while he carried the vole in his mouth, and left the finch and sparrow for his apprentice to carry. He had half a mind to simply return to camp right then and there, but he knew he'd be in for an earful from Littlefoot if he did that, and so he set off to find the deputy. If he was lucky she would just let him and Herbpaw return to camp once she saw their catches. He beckoned his apprentice with his tail before setting off in the direction they'd last seen the rest of the patrol.

❄️Brightsnow - Warrior - Trans-female - 20 moons - Crush: Pigeonflight - Tags: Pigeonflight

A small purr could be heard from Brightsnow's chest. "That means a lot to me, thank you," she meowed softly. "I know there's nothing you or I can do to change it, but...it does help to have someone who understands." This had probably one of the most open and honest conversations Brightsnow had had with Pigeonflight, but there was still a question on her mind, a question that, though she tried to silence it, kept nagging her like a mosquito. "Is it...Is it okay if I ask you a personal question?" she asked finally, after much hesitation. "And if it's too personal, you don't have to answer it."

🐺Wolffeather - Warrior - Female - 19 moons - Tags: Hawkthorn, Ladybirdflutter, Longtail, Iceblood

Wolffeather narrowed her eyes at Hawkthorn as he stalked away. She could never understand why a tom his age wanted the attention and company of a younger she-cat like herself, or why he'd be so offended when she didn't want to give it. Maybe because his kits want nothing to do with him, she told herself, and she couldn't say she blamed them. Still, something told her that wasn't quite the reason the older tom sought out company from she-cats her age. She could hardly suppress a sigh when the black-furred cat returned and began conversing with Flickerwisp instead, and, realizing she wasn't going to get any more sleep, rose to her paws and padded out of the den. She decided she might as well join Ladybirdflutter with the elders, and made her way to their den, grabbing a mouse along the way from the prey pile. Poking her head inside, she saw Iceblood resting and Ladybirdflutter and Longtail sharing tongues, all looking quite comfortable. "Do you mind if I join you all?" she asked softly, setting the mouse down. "Oh, and I brought this in case anyone's hungry." She could guess from the faint trace of prey-scent in the den that everyone had already eaten, but knew it was a good gesture to always bring prey just in case.

🧊Frostedpaw - Apprentice - Female - 11 moons - Mentor: Chivewhisker - Tags: Dustystomp

A purr rumbled in Frostedpaw's throat at her father's concern. "No, he doesn't," she promised. "He's a good mentor. An even better one for letting me stay in the den today. Most mentors are torturing their poor apprentices, making them go out in this weather..." She shook her head in dramatic disapproval, then winked at Dustystomp. "But seriously, you have nothing to worry about. Except for maybe Iciclepaw catching whitecough in all this rain, but hey, he can handle it." Deciding it was time she get up and at least get a snack, she gave one more good stretch before slowly getting to her paws. "Is there any prey on the fresh-kill pile? Any that's still fresh, I mean, not something that's been poured on all night long..."

πŸ‚Hollypaw - Apprentice - Female - 10 moons - Mentor: Pumpkinspirit - Tags: Iciclepaw, Pumpkinspirit, Pyrefire, Purpleflower

Hollypaw padded after her mentor, cast a side glance at Pyrefire and Iciclepaw as the tom instructed his apprentice to do his best. They quickly arrived at the Sandy Hollow where they trained, and Hollypaw turned to Pumpkinspirit. "Any advice for me?" she asked him, unsure if she should try to beat Iciclepaw. He was closer to his battle assessment after all, it may look bad if she bested him.

πŸ•ΈοΈJackdawpaw - Apprentice - Female - 6 moons - Mentor: Foxcloud - Tags: Foxcloud, hunting patrol [Foxcloud, Littlefoot, Slashpaw, Whirlpool, Magpieflight, Herbpaw, Southwind]

Jackdawpaw's face lit up as her mentor praised her. Maybe she was better at this than she thought! She listened carefully as Foxcloud explained the plan to her, following her gaze to the birch and then back to the sparrow, then gave a brisk nod. "Got it!" she meowed confidently, already dropping into a hunter's crouch. "I'm ready when you are." Her eyes glittered with excitement. This was her first time tag-teaming a hunt! She'd seen warriors do it before, and she was sure she and Foxcloud could pull it off.

πŸ”₯Fire-eyes - Elder - Male - 101 moons - Tags: Crowflight

Fire-eyes always took a walk a little after dawn, and today was no exception, despite the poor weather. He had tried to stay in camp, but he got far too restless being cooped up in the den, and so he ventured out. After all, a little rain never hurt anyone. Even if it was more than a "little" rain. He hadn't made it very far when he noticed Crowflight leave camp not long after, looking a little lost. Fire-eyes slowly padded over to the black-and-white tom, his legs a little stiffer than usual. "Hey there, Crowflight," he greeted the tom with a gruff, but soft purr. "Where are you off to?"

πŸͺ™Lucky - Loner - Male - 35 moons - Tags: Lola

"You wouldn't stand a chance against me," Lucky told the she-cat, his tone teasing. "Besides, you'd never hurt a handsome tom like me, wouldja?" He laughed a little before responding, "Oh, my home's here, there...a little bit of everywhere." He flicked his tail to and fro. "My home's wherever I want it to be at the time. I got a brother somewhere around here, see him every now and then...but he's not nearly as handsome as me." He licked a paw and drew it over his face, smoothing his rain-beaten fur. "Trust me, I look much better when I'm not sopping wet."
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Re: 𐋄 Ꮤ πŒ‰ πŒ‹ πŒƒ πŒ‚ πŒ‹ πŒ€ 𐌍 𐋄 (not accepting)

Postby boba_tree » Fri Jul 21, 2023 3:59 pm

❖ Spindle ❖

male (AFAB) ♦ Appearance http://surl.li/htpkv ♦ Bisexual ♦ warrior ♦ 27 moons ♦ crush: Foxcloud ♦ tags: border patrol 1 {Poppywisp, Charmingpaw, Smokefeather, Spiritfeather, Dragonstar}♦

Spindle stayed silent for the rest of the walk to sunningrocks. when they arrived, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad was going to happen. he chuckled nervously at dragonstar's joke, desperately trying to keep his mind off of his sense of dread. instinctively, he moved a bit closer to spiritfeather and the rest of the patrol. even as the rain splashed on the sunningrocks, they still looked majestic.

☒ Owl ☒

Male ⋆ Appearance https://shorturl.at/bpAKR ⋆ Pansexual ⋆ Loner ⋆ 36 moons ⋆ crush: open ⋆ Tags: Joel ⋆

He ignored the snarky comment, eyes fixed on the other tom. "the wildclan cats don't scare me. neither do you" he growled. he began to walk slowly over to the loner, claws unsheathed. to him, Joel was only bad news. a strange cat showing up at his usual grounds? he was probably plotting against him. if anything, he'd learned that the only way to solve disputes was with a fight. "let's settle this. right here, right now."

β™‘ Duskbreeze β™‘

Female β™₯ Appearance http://surl.li/jhfkf β™₯ Straight β™₯ Warrior β™₯ 22 moons β™₯ crush: Smokefeather β™₯ Tags: Firelight β™₯

Duskbreeze woke up to the sound of raindrops beating on the roof of the warriors den. she yawned, groggy from the lack of sleep she'd had. noticing the bustle inside the camp, she realized she'd woken up later then usual and missed the patrols. she stretched and reluctantly walked outside into the cold rain. she sighed and went up to the fresh kill pile and took a particularly small finch. after a bit, she finished the food and decided to take a walk around. soon, she spotted what seemed to be an orange she - cat with blue eyes, hunting near the wildclan border. she looked like she was carrying kits and looked a bit unwell. "are you feeling alright? she asked the loner, voice tinged with concern.
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Re: 𐋄 Ꮤ πŒ‰ πŒ‹ πŒƒ πŒ‚ πŒ‹ πŒ€ 𐌍 𐋄 (O&A)

Postby Poppycorn222 » Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:04 am

➳ Beetlewood ➳
➳ Tom ➳ 47 moons ➳ Medicine Cat ➳
➳ Location: Medicine Cat Den ➳ Tags: Raventongue, Ravenscream, Feverpaw ➳ Apprentice: N/A ➳ Crush: N/A ➳

Beetlewood shook his head, giving Feverpaw a sad smile. "I'm going to have to cut it off, as much as I don't want to, there's nothing more I can do." The medicine cat mewed, turning to his herb stores and pulling out two poppy seeds. He nudged them towards Feverpaw, "Take these, it will numb the pain, not all the way but. . it'll help." He mewed, letting out a sigh. The medicine cat slid further back in to his den, picking up what seemed to be a freshly sharpened stone and a large stick. He set both down, pushing the stick towards Feverpaw, it was obvious it had been used in many medical procedures, whether it be reopening a wound to get rid of infection to queens who were kitting. Beetlewood had had it since he was an apprentice, and was very fond of it and how sturdy it was. "I'm going to cut the rest of the tail off now, bite down on that stick as hard as you need." He mewed, taking the stone in his mouth once more and bending down by Feverpaw's tail, straightening it out with his paws, he placed the stone just before the injury, beginning to cut the rest of the tail off, when he was done he quickly put a poultice of marigold on it, covering it with cobwebs. "It's all over now, Feverpaw." The tom mewed gently, giving him a few comforting and gentle licks on the head in an attempt to soothe the tom.

❀ Poppywisp ❀
❀ She-Cat ❀ 62 Moons ❀ Warrior ❀
❀ Location: Warriors Den ❀ Tags: Charmingpaw, Dragonstar, patrol ❀ Apprentice: Charmingpaw ❀ Crush: Dragonstar ❀

When Dragonstar pulled away from her, Poppywisp instinctively curled in on herself, trying to make herself smaller to get away from the situation at hand. Perhaps he didn't want her comfort, or her company. She fell a few paw steps behind Dragonstar, sighing in relief as they approached sunning rocks. She nodded her head when he said to renew the scent markers, beginning to do so herself, at least until a familiar scent hit her nose. She smelled Tranquilclan, and it seemed fresh. She ignored it, however, shaking her head. It was likely they had just renewed their own scent markers, so it wasn't anything of worry. She continued, glancing over at Charmingpaw to make sure he was doing ok as well.

πŸͺΆ Starlingpaw πŸͺΆ
πŸͺΆ She-cat πŸͺΆ 6 Moons πŸͺΆ Apprentice πŸͺΆ
πŸͺΆ Location: Apprentice den πŸͺΆ Tags: Kestrelclaw, Fogpaw, Cloud, patrol 2 πŸͺΆ Mentor:Kestrelclaw πŸͺΆ Crush: Open πŸͺΆ

Starlingpaw kept quiet as Kestrelclaw spoke, watching Sunflowerpaw approach the second loner they found. She perked her ears, cocking her head to the side. Were loners really this common to find? She didn't think they would be, but running in to two of them? It seemed a little weird. As Jaxton got excited, Starlingpaw took a step back, watching with wide eyes. "He was looking for us? Isn't that a little weird, Kestrelclaw? How often do loners come looking for us?" She questioned, trying to fluff her fur up against the rain with little success.

❅ Iciclepaw ❅
❅ Tom ❅ 11 Moons ❅ Apprentice ❅
❅ Location: Sandy hollow ❅ Tags: Hollypaw, Pyrefire, Pumpkinspirit ❅ Mentor: Pyrefire ❅ Crush: Open ❅

Iciclepaw nodded his head at Pyrefire, taking in the information. He didn't need to win but he didn't need to let Hollypaw win either. He needed to show his skills as much as he could without going overboard. He needed to be tactful and make sure Pyrefire was impressed with his abilities and knew that he had learned all about battling from him. When they arrived at the sandy hollow, Iciclepaw walked around the space, ignoring the rain falling on to his already drenched pelt. The rain would make it harder for them to fight, but it would be good practice if it ever came down to a fight with Tranquilclan in the rain.

β˜… Joel β˜…
β˜… Tom β˜… 35 Moons β˜… Loner β˜…
β˜… Location: Outside Clan Territory β˜… Tags: Owl β˜…

Joel just blinked at the other cat, not moving a muscle. "How about no? I'm not looking for a fight, like I said. I'm just passing through." He mewed, but didn't move, he didn't have any plans of going anywhere at all, at least not for the moment. He was fine where he was, sheltering from the rain as much as he could. He didn't see Owl as a threat, especially since the tom just seemed to care about this being 'his territory' even though they were so close to Wildclan's border. He doubted Owl would be saying the same thing to a patrol of clan cats coming after him for being so close to the border.

● Jaxton ●
● Tom ● 14 Moons ● Loner ●
● Location: Wildclan Border ● Tags: Sunflowerpaw, patrol 2 ●

Jaxton looked up when he heard paw steps approaching, he pinned his ears against his head, shuffling backwards a bit. "I'm sorry I was just trying to shelter from the rain. . I wasn't hunting or anything. . ." His eyes widened as he fully processed what the cat in front of him had said, bolting upright immediately, "Wait, did you say Wildclan? If you're actually Wildclan. . .then you're just the cats I was looking for!" Jaxton said with delight, rushing over the border to fully see the cats in front of him, ignoring the rain pounding in his ears. "I have kin in your clan, my father told me so! I know she's a molly. . but that's it. I've been searching for moons to find you, I must be lucky for you to have stumbled across me!" His mew was followed by a purr. He had done it! He had finally found Wildclan, and was one step further to meeting his half sister!
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Re: 𐋄 Ꮤ πŒ‰ πŒ‹ πŒƒ πŒ‚ πŒ‹ πŒ€ 𐌍 𐋄 (O&A)

Postby Chaotic Queen » Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:48 am

Littlefoot β—‹ molly β—‹ 33 moons β—‹ deputy β—‹ apprentice: slashpaw β—‹ crush: southwind β—‹ tags/mentions: hunting patrol

    Littlefoot watched Slahspaw as she scented the air. Littlefoot didn't know what she scented but it wasn't normal prey scent. Littlefoot saw Slashpaws ears drop in failure "hey slashpaw, its okay, its tricky to scent anythijg in this rain, theres nothing wrong if you can't.l, thats why we train" she gave a soft reassuring smile to her apprentice. The molly thought for a second "how about this, we journey on and we'll see if we can get anything, hows that sound?" she asked

Lola β—‹ molly β—‹ 25 moons β—‹ kitty pet β—‹ crush: open β—‹ tags/mentions: Lucky

    Lola "i wouldn't stand a chance, huh?" the she cat grinned at the tom. She widdened her eyes "oh.. how awesome that sounds, i wish my home was everywhere, but sadly since i was a wee kit, ive lived here" she chuckled at the end of his sentence "not as handsome as you huh?" she smirked as she didn't bother trying to dry herself "well ill be the judge of if you look better not looking like a drowned rat" she chuckled as she tapped her tail to his shoulder

Mosskitβ—‹ tom β—‹ 3 moons β—‹ kit β—‹ crush: n/a β—‹ tags/mentions: n/a

    Mosskit woke up as he looked around before his gaze settled on his parents and he gave a small smile "hi mom, hi dad" he squeaked. His voice wasnt deep but a little high pitched
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Re: 𐋄 Ꮤ πŒ‰ πŒ‹ πŒƒ πŒ‚ πŒ‹ πŒ€ 𐌍 𐋄 (not accepting)

Postby SoftBeee » Mon Jul 24, 2023 8:53 am

SoftBeee wrote:
Flickerwisp wrote:38 moons βž₯ cis fem βž₯ she/her they/them βž₯ single βž₯ @ hawkthorn
no apprentice || no crush

A voice disturbed her thoughts, and she sat up, her eyes catching sight of a dark tom. She recognized him as Hawkthorn, from her brief memory of her Wildclan clanmates. What was it... she couldn't remember why his name stood out, so she resided to maybe.. he was a prominent figure. Yes, he had to be if she remembered him.
"Not really trouble getting out, more like... I don't want to. The weather seems to be... an ill sign." She mumbled as she huddled into her chest fur, her tail flicking back and forth.

SoftBeee wrote:
Chivewhisker wrote:28 moons βž₯ cis male βž₯ he/him βž₯ taken βž₯ @ cloverwish, mosskit, zinniakit
apprentice: frostedpaw || mate: cloverwish

As Cloverwish patted the nest, he quietly slithered his way over, laying next to her and being careful not to squish any small kittens. He lay next to her, resting his chin on his paws as he let out a soft sigh. "The rain is a bit rough, but things have to be done. I would rather sit here with you and the kits."

When he heard Mosskit's small mew, the tom took his gaze off his mate, resting them on the small tom kitten. He gave the kitten a lick across his ears, purring. "Hello there," he murmured softly, whiskers twitching amusedly. It was so weird, thinking how small the kitten was, even though he had been smaller when born. All of the kits were growing so fast, too fast.

Crowflight wrote:21 moons βž₯ demi male βž₯ he/him they/them βž₯ single βž₯ @ fire-eyes
no apprentice || no crush

As the tom was slipping out of camp, a voice caught his attention. He then noticed the red pelt of an elder, Fire-eyes, just ahead of him. The dark tom crept forward, rain drops pooling on his whiskers. "I could ask you the same, I feel most elders would not enjoy a soaked pelt," he murmured a response, tail twitching a little. He looked off to the distance, eyes a little clouded. "I.. wanted to visit Junipercloud... The rain often makes me think of her." He looked back to the elder, eyes a little cleared up now. "She is all I have for family, and she isn't... here, so I... think it best to visit her from time to time." He looked up, watching the rain fall through the tree branches onto them. "Would you like me to assist you back to the elder's den? I wouldn't mind a small detour, really."

Swandream wrote:14 moons βž₯ cis fem βž₯ she/her βž₯ single βž₯ @ open
no apprentice || no crush

The small pointed molly sat huddled in her nest, cream tail covering her nose. The rain makes it feel so cold, despite it being green-leaf! Swandream mused quietly to herself, annoyance radiating off of her because of the weather. At least I am not stuck out there, in that rain. That would be miserable... I can just stay warm here in my nest.
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Re: 𐋄 Ꮤ πŒ‰ πŒ‹ πŒƒ πŒ‚ πŒ‹ πŒ€ 𐌍 𐋄 (not accepting)

Postby Firelight_AA » Mon Jul 24, 2023 3:21 pm

Firelight/30 moons/female/Expecting loner/Mate: Captured/Mentions: None/Tags: Duskbreeze
She heard the voice of a cat and looked over, They seemed concerned about her. "Hunting for too long makes me feel sick, that's all." She said curling her tail over her paws, trying to ignore her growling belly.

Pumpkinspirit/male/33 moons/warrior/bi/Scent: Freshly carved out pumpkin mixed with scented pinecones/Crush: Whirlpool/Apprentice: Hollypaw/Mentions: None/Tags: Hollypaw, Pyrefire, Purpleflower

He waited for everyone at the sandy hollow.

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