1x1 between LunarTheCat2047 and Alpha*

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1x1 between LunarTheCat2047 and Alpha*

Postby Alpha* » Fri Sep 01, 2023 4:01 pm

Prompt; "Starclan gives powers to certain cats from the main 4 clans and a loner, (I'd like Fallen to be a loner if possible) and have to go on a journey.. to create a new clan?
Yes. Maybe their clans banish them all so they have to?"

This is a 1x1 between LunarTheCat2047 and Alpha* about Warrior Cat's- although we will deviate from cannon.

We intend to fully follow the rules or C.S.


-All Tess's rules apply
-No being your own Mate or Mentor
-No forced breeding/Mating
-Timeskip or Fade to black when Mating/Birthing, or take it to PM if you desire
-Don't kill someone else cat(s) without asking the owner first
-All cats have to die at some point, and any who do will go to Starclan, or the Dark Forest
-When talking in OOC (Out of Character) Use (e.g) {e.g} or [e.g] Please
-Please don't fight in OOC
-This Rp Is not Semi-Literate, but please write at least a line ^^

Have fun! ^^

Crow-food: rotting food
Fox dung: an insult; stronger offense then mouse-brain
Fresh-kill: recently killed prey
Gatherings: a meeting the clan will have every full moon to discuss what’s done and not done and so on.
Greencough: severe chest infection, which can be fatal in elders and young kits
Greenleaf: summer
Greenleaf Twolegplace:a place where humans visit only in the summer
Halfbridge: dock
Horseplace: fields and stables near the lake where half-tamed cats live
Housefolk: a house cat’s word for human
Kittypet: a house cat
Leaf-bare: winter
Leaf-fall: autumn/fall
Loner: a cat that lives peacefully on its own in one place but doesn’t defend its territory
Monster: usually refers to human machines such as bulldozers or cars
Moonhigh: the time at night when the moon is highest — often midnight
Mouse-brained: not very smart
Mouse dung: an insult; stronger then mouse-brain, but less offensive than fox dung
Newleaf: spring
Nofurs: another word for humans
One moon: one month (half moon = two weeks, quarter moon = one week)
Rogue: a potentially hostile cat who lives outside the Clan and never spends too long in one place
Sharing tongues: term used to describe cats grooming each other
Silverpelt: the Milky Way
Sun-drown-place: the sea to the west, where the sunsets
Sunhigh: noon
Thunderpath: a road
Tree-eater: a bulldozer
Twoleg nest: human house
Twolegplace: human town
Twolegs: the Clan word for humans
Upwalkers: another word for humans
Whitecough: mild chest infection

The Warrior Code

1. Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan.
2. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.
3. Elders, Queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders. If any warrior or apprentice is sick, they may eat while the elders, queens, and kits are eating.
4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.
5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.
6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.
7. A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.
8. The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies or retires.
9. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.
10. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.
11. No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.
12. The word of the Clan leader is law.
13. An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his/her battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or it is necessary for self-defense.
14. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.
15. Medicine cats may not have a mate or kits.


Herbs/ Plants

Poppy seeds - used to numb pain
Cobwebs - used to stop bleeding
Feverfew - used to cool feverish cats and treat head pain
Borage leaves - used to treat fevers
Marigold - used to treat infection and heal wounds and sores
Horsetail - used to treat infected wounds
Burdock root - used to treat infections, especially rat bites
Chervil (root) - used to treat infections
Wild garlic - rolling in this can help to keep out infection
Coltsfoot - used to treat kittencough
Catnip - used to treat blackcough, whitecough, and greencough, and can help to relax a cat
Chickweed - used to help treat greencough
Tansy - used to treat coughs
Thyme - used to calm a cat
Camomile - used to calm a cat
Juniper berries - used to treat bellyache
Chervil - used to treat bellyache
Water mint - used to treat bellyache
Daisy leaves - used to treat aching joints
Comfrey - used to treat broken bones
Nettle leaves - used to treat swelling
Celadine - used to treat ailments of the eyes
Snakeroot - used to counter poison
Honey - used to treat sore throats
Mouse bile - used to remove parasites from a cat's coat
Dock leaves - used to make a cat's coat slippery
Yarrow - used to make a cat vomit and expel poisons from the body
Deathberries (yew) - of no medicinal value; bright scarlet berries that can kill a cat if they are not expelled quickly enough
Nightshade - of no medicinal value; much the same as yew
Alder Bark: The bark is used to treat cats who get toothaches, and the pain may heal.
Beech Leaves: Medicine cats use beech leaves to carry herbs around.
Blackberry Leaves: These leaves are chewed into a pulp to treat bee stings.
Borage Leaves: It is easily distinguished by its small blue or pink star-shaped flowers and hairy leaves. When it is chewed and eaten by nursing queens, it produces more, better milk. It also brings down fevers.
Burdock Root: Tall stemmed thistle with a sharp smell and dark leaves. When the root is dug up and the soil is washed off it, it is chewed into a pulp, and put on wounds inflicted by rats to keep them from becoming infected. Can also be used on infected rat bites to lessen and heal the pain.
Catmint/Catnip: A leafy and delicious-smelling plant. They are rarely found in the wild, and are mostly found in Twoleg gardens. Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. It is also the best remedy for less deadly Whitecough.
Celandine: This herb can be used to soothe the eyes if ever damaged.
Chamomile: A small, white flower with a yellow center, this herb can be used to strengthen the heart and soothe the mind.
Chervil: A sweet smelling plant with large, spreading, leafy, fern like leaves and small white flowers. The juice of the leaves can be used for infected wounds, and chewing the root also helps with bellyache
Chickweed: Like catmint/catnip, it can be used to treat greencough though often times catmint is much preferred.
Cobwebs: Very common in the forest, put it on a wound to soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
Coltsfoot: A flowering, dandelion-like plant with yellow or white flowers. The leaves are chewed into a pulp, and given to cats with difficulty breathing or a cough. It also can be used to treat kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads.
Comfrey: Large leaves and small shaped flowers, which range in color from pink, white, or purple. Its fat, black-colored roots, when chewed into a poultice, can be used to repair broken bones or to soothe wounds.
Daisy Leaf: Thick, dark green, oval shaped leaves. Chewed into a paste, it can help aching joints.
Dandelions: The white liquid inside the stem is used forbeestings. Its roots can also be chewed to act like poppy seeds.
Dock: Similar to sorrel, the leaves can be chewed up and applied to soothe scratches, although it may sting when being applied to a wound, and it has a very tangy scent and taste.
Dried Oak Leaf: Most readily available in autumn/leaf-fall, the leaves are stored in a dry place, and can stop infection when applied.
Feverfew: Small bush with flowers like a daisy. The leaves can be eaten to reduce body temperature, especially cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and headaches.
Goldenrod: A tall, plant with bright, yellow flowers. When chewed into a poultice, it is good for healing wounds.
Heather Flower: It can be included in herbal mixtures, to make it easier to swallow.
Honey: A tasteless golden-colored liquid that is created by bees. While difficult to obtain without being stung, it is great for soothing infections, sore throats, or cats who have breathed smoke. Also helps cats swallow other medicine. It is given to cats using wads of moss soaked in it.
Horsetail: A tall, bristly-stemmed plant that grows in marshy areas. The leaves can be chewed into a poultice, and applied to infected wounds to help treat them.
Ivy Leaf: Some medicine cats use ivy leaves to store herbs.
Juniper Berries: Juniper berries grow on a bush with dark green, spiky leaves. The berries are purple in color, and can soothe bellyaches, give strength, and help troubled breathing. It is also used to help calm cats.
Lamb's Ear: Commonly found in the mountains, this herb gives a cat strength.
Lavender: A small, purple, flowering plant that cures fever and chills.
Mallow: The leaves are best collected at sunhigh, when they are dry. It soothes a cat's belly.
Marigold: A low-growing flower that is bright orange or yellow in color. The petals or leaves can be chewed into a pulp and applied to wounds as a poultice to stop infection. It could be used to treat rat bites, but it's sometimes not strong enough.
Mouse Bile: Extracted from the mouse. The only remedy for ticks, mouse bile is foul smelling, and is stored in moss. When dabbed on a tick, the tick falls off. Smell can be masked by wild garlic, or by washing paws in running water. If accidentally swallowed, can leave a horrible taste in mouth for days. Medicine cats always have to remember to wash their paws in a body of water, such as a creek or stream, after using mouse bile.
Nettle Seed: Green, spiny seeds. Like yarrow, can be used if a cat has swallowed poison.
Parsley: Stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk.
Poppy Seeds: Small black seeds that are shaken out of a dried poppy flower head. They can put a cat to sleep, or soothe shock and distress, but is not recommended for nursing queens. They are given by wetting the paw, pressing on them, causing them to stick to the paw, and then having the sick or injured cat lick them off. Another method is to place them on a leaf, and have the sick or injured cat lick them off there. They also help soothe pain.
Ragwort Leaves: Crushed and mixed into a poultice with juniper berries, it can help aching joints. It can also be used to keep a cat's strength up.
Ragweed: Like lamb's ear, this herb, commonly found in the mountains, gives a cat strength.
Raspberry Leaves: A herb used in kittings, it could be a painkiller, or to help stop bleeding during the kitting.
Rush: This herb is used to bind broken bones. It has long narrow leaves and lavender colored head stalks.
Stinging Nettle: The leaves, when applied to a wound, can bring down swelling. The spiny green seeds can be given to a cat who has been poisoned by crowfood, Twoleg waste, or other toxic objects.
Snakeroot: The best remedy for poison, especially for snake bites.
Tansy: The tansy plant has round, yellow leaves, and a very sweet and strong smell, making it good at disguising a cat's scent. It is used for curing coughs, but must be eaten in small doses.
Tormentil: This root is good for all wounds and expelling poison. It has a strong romantic scent to it and a sharp aste.
Thyme: This herb can be eaten to calm nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
Traveling Herbs: Traveling Herbs consists of sorrel, daisy, chamomile and burnet. Chamomile strengthens hearts, and calms cats. The other herbs' uses are unknown.
Watermint: A green, leafy plant found in streams or damp earth. Usually chewed into a pulp and fed to cats with suffering from a bellyache.
Wild Garlic: When rolled in, it can help prevent infection. Especially good for rat bites. Due to its strong smell, it is good at hiding the scent of a certain Clan, and disguising cats on raids.
Willow Bark: This bark serves as a painkiller.
Yarrow: A flowering plant whose leaves can be made into a poultice, and applied to wounds to extract poison. Also will make a cat vomit. The ointment of yarrow can also be used to soften and help heal cracked paw pads.



Leaf-bare - the season of winter
Newleaf - the season of spring
Greenleaf - the season of summer
Leaf-fall - the season of autumn
Quarter-moon - a week
Moon - a 28-day period (one full moon to another), a month
Moonhigh - 12 o'clock a.m. (midnight)
Sunhigh - 12 o'clock p.m. (noon)



Mouselength- Around an inch
Kittenstep - less than an inch
Rabbitlength/Taillength - Around a foot
Foxlength - Around a yard



Leader - the cat who leads a Clan
Deputy - the cat who is second-in-command to the Clan leader
Medicine cat - a cat who is trained specifically in the ways of healing
Warrior - a cat trained in the ways of combat; warriors defend, hunt for, and fight for their Clan
Apprentice - a cat who is in training to become a warrior or medicine cat
Queen - a she-cat expecting or nursing kits
Kit - a kitten
Elder - a retired warrior or medicine cat
Kittypet - a house cat; the term can also be used as an insult
Loner - a cat who is neither owned by humans or part of a Clan
Rogue - like a loner but causes the Clans distress or problems
Twoleg - a human
Fresh-kill - freshly caught prey
Crowfood - rotting, dead prey
Gathering - a meeting that the Clans hold in peace when the moon is at its fullest
Moonstone, Moonpool - a place where medicine cats and leaders meet and share dreams with StarClan
Silverpelt - the large swath of stars in the sky; StarClan is represented by Silverpelt
Thunderpath - a road, more specifically, a highway
Monster - a human vehicle (cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc)
Halfbridge - a dock
Twoleg nest - a human house
Twolegplace - a human town
Greenleaf Twolegplace - a place where humans visit only in the summer (a resort, etc)
Horseplace - a horse ranch or stables
Healer - a loner's or rouges's medicine cat
Wanderer - Cat who often travels
Last edited by Alpha* on Sat Sep 02, 2023 10:07 am, edited 2 times in total.

Thanks to all those in any kind of uniform and to those who have been in uniform.
Sadly i have a life outside CS with a job...and other things[color=#00BFFF]”

(this was a Birthday Presant from Accio Donut :p and no, i don't own the picture) )
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Re: 1x1 between LunarTheCat2047 and Alpha*

Postby LunarTheCat2047d1f » Fri Sep 01, 2023 4:07 pm

Hi! I'm lunarkitty! Or Lunar! You might see me exploring oekaki and roleplays I am quite social if a bit shy. Feel free to pm me to discuss or just chat :3

Warrior Cat Name Generator

My interests are warrior cats, Roblox, making art, and pets! A freindly conversation is nice, too! (Pronouns: She/Her) Thank you!

Pfp by Snowy Stars ❤

Currently: Sometimes here 😁

I have various strange quirks, in turn makin me a bit akward, but i love friends! Also if you like wc we NEED to be friends 😆

Madly Darkstripe fan 😍

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Short and Sweet

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Re: 1x1 between LunarTheCat2047 and Alpha*

Postby LunarTheCat2047d1f » Fri Sep 01, 2023 4:10 pm

Flowerdance Brown she cat with blue eyes, darker brown stripes, cream and white markings

Duskpelt from Windclan dusky brown tom with blue eyes, white paws

On side characters

Littlenose : Small, strong headed thunderclan tom. White with brown patches, but faint, so he looks mostly white
Snowberry Thunderclan sheccat, white with obvious black spots

Flurrywhisker Blue gray ThunderClan she cat

Cats in the prophecy:

Calico Steps: Ryepool (shadowclan) (L)

No Name Known: FallenRains (loner) (A)

Fall arise at dusk: Duskpelt (windclan) (L)

Adopted mother greives in fury: Mossblossom (thunderclan) (A)

(We need one for RiverClan and Skyclan. Ill be skyclans)

Opposite of dreams will finish what the four started. Demonpaw (Skyclan) (L)

(TBD Make one more, from Riverclan)
Last edited by LunarTheCat2047d1f on Wed Sep 20, 2023 9:57 am, edited 4 times in total.
Hi! I'm lunarkitty! Or Lunar! You might see me exploring oekaki and roleplays I am quite social if a bit shy. Feel free to pm me to discuss or just chat :3

Warrior Cat Name Generator

My interests are warrior cats, Roblox, making art, and pets! A freindly conversation is nice, too! (Pronouns: She/Her) Thank you!

Pfp by Snowy Stars ❤

Currently: Sometimes here 😁

I have various strange quirks, in turn makin me a bit akward, but i love friends! Also if you like wc we NEED to be friends 😆

Madly Darkstripe fan 😍

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Short and Sweet

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Re: 1x1 between LunarTheCat2047 and Alpha*

Postby Alpha* » Sat Sep 02, 2023 10:13 am

(HI! I'm here :) )

FallenRains, "Call me Fell, or Fallen" .... "FalseOmen" (call him that and get clawed)

**the dead often call him Cursed One**

Gender| Rare innersex; "he" is both male and female, both work.

Age| He's roughly two years old - human years. (At least that's how he appears to be...)

Rank|Loner, then.. yes, forced to be an apprentice for a bit, then a warrior.

Personality| He seems to hate everyone, instead his cold facade is to keep them safe. He seems withdrawn, and vicious, brutal...and is very sweet. He has his own moral code, and has a hard time helping Tom's. He is incredibly smart and talented, incredibly friendly after you get past his shell. Straightforward and honest, loyal. Incredibly trustworthy, he likes to outdo others as well as himself, is protective and shy, funny and hardworking as well as the first volunteer. The first to fight, and to find a solution without violence, that being said he has a certain "predisposition " for violence. He follows his own form of the Warrior Code, and very little can change his mind once it is made up.

Extra: Through it all he has the Heart of a Warrior, and he left that place, traveling... when certain things.... manifested. It made them hate him, even if he was right every time. At a young age he learned how to heal with herbs and the "knife" (Even Healers Have To Cut), and often has... rudimentary, trial, healings.

-- This tom loves kits and she-cats - to tend them, respects elders and healers. But if you have rank? Watch out. Titles mean nothing, only what you have done that he has seen. "Respect is earned."

- When he lets you in... well, he lets you in. You will be the one he seeks out, and no matter if you do wrong he is at your side, behind you. He is incredibly skilled at fighting, killing, has even come to enjoy the former. He is flirty, lets put it out there - some say its because he has never had someone, ... but he had, they died, others say it is another facade to hide behind, and they would be right. He is heartbroken and lonely. A real sweethearft, funny, charming, and open... not a very good hunter though, but proficient.

Likes|Kits, she-cats, swimming, open, easy flirting, he likes to eat rabbits best, and enjoys sunning. He also likes to be in trees, it is rare when he walks on the ground.

Dislikes|Rank - lording, aggression for no reason, (although he has been guilty of it) liars, bullies, eating squirrels and crow-food, not being believed and of course... crowds.

Crush|"Impress me,"

Orientation: .... he is Omni. (Which is why he flirts with everyone, all the time, literally, reguardless of if they are in a relationship (though he is respectful about it, if they ask him too.. he will stop.)

** He wants kits one day, probably....Once he had a mate and four kits, they died during kitting, and his mate was murdered, her name was Birds' Shadow, but went by Bird.

Other| Fallen is visited by StarClan on a rather regular basis, he came to these Clan-Lands in the desire to warn them, and so that the dead cats would leave him alone. They have a habit of nagging him, of... not letting him eat, or sleep...

Looks: Fallen looks dead. His pelt is remnicent of a star-cats' pelt, it is many shades of gray in swirls and fletching and layers, when its wet he shines, when it is dry he looks like an earth-bound spirit.

-- He earned the name Fallen because he basically lives in trees, hunts there, fights by falling from them, etc. He has extra toes, tuffed ears, and a super long tail. This cat has blue eyes that shade to gray (almost white), he seems on the small side, aside from his height and length, as he is underweight, but he is incredibly muscled and fast. Very graceful, and long legged, usually has his claws out, even when not fighting. His scent is incredibly luring, and his voice is like a thunder storm mixed with chocolate covered gravel. Soft spoken, and slightly formal.

-- Fallen wishes to be Deputy, but is better as a Lead / Senior Warrior. He is a great leader. He will always step in to help, be it healing, hunting or fighting. Furthermore, he is often came to for advise.

** Think of him like WhiteStorm from the series

- His most prized possession is an old red bandana his dead mate gave him. He uses it to cover kits, to haul things, etc

Oddities; Fallen has no scent of his own, this is explained under "gender " Mainly he identifies as a male.

-- More will be forthcoming (his "gift" lies in fighting seemingly without getting hurt, and healing others. He can see the dead, talk to them, etc)

He is a LONER


Name: Moss (will be MossBlossom)
Rank: Queen
Age: 25 moons
Clan: ThunderClan

Mate: n/a
Kits: adopts Mallowkit, Hailkit, Whiskerkit, and Cinderkit. (LittleKit and MarshKit died)

Looks: She is a calico pelted cat, green eyes, medium long hair. She has no claws in her front paws
Her thick coat is unusually fluffy and soft with somewhat curled but mostly just messy looking whiskers to match. This leaves her with a somewhat unkempt look no matter how recently she's groomed. Her round head, moderately squished muzzle, and stocky (short!!) build give her the appearance of being even chubbier than she already is due to being born to kittypets. She's also extremely small!

History: She was a kittypet, who wasn't treated well by the people, so she escaped (her mother is with her and will die) She's wandering the forest...

Personality: She can be a bit of a worry wart over some things but she attempts to keep that, and pretty much all of her more negative emotions, bottled up. She tries to remain positive for the sake of others as best but all this bottling of emotion may run the risk of her suddenly breaking down over some small, insignificant thing. She can be a bit of a chatterbox, especially when she's feeling particularly nervous or uneasy, and she dislikes being alone. She's benevolent and gentle by nature and will generally try to see the good in others and give them the benefit of the doubt.

Some Strengths: nurturing and caring for others, keeping moral up (or at least trying to), fishing

Some Weaknesses: she really can't hunt land prey, lower than average battle skill and a strong dislike of violence that may have her refusing to fight depending on circumstances. She has no front claws

Her scent is one of honey and warm bread and moss.

Her gift is nourishment of the body and soul, she always manages to get some kill to feed others or herself, irregardless of the season or circumstances and if she wants she can produce milk for kits


Hailkit (paw,Watcher )

He is actually a fox-kit! Only when he was found everyone thought he was a kitten. Still that lovely red coated baby, who will eventually have grey eyes.

He smells like bergamot and milk

MallowKit (paw, Tide)

She was born all black... but... by the time she is an apprentice she will be showing white marks (she has vitiligo!) Her eyes are a pale green to yellow in color. She is long limbed and lythe. Very thin but slender and elegant. Her pelt is short, except at her elbows/knees where it's tufts.

She and Cinder and Hollow are raised together, she has a fierce love for her brother and sister.

Her scent is pine and roses; she doesn't know it but she has the gift of shielding others (and herself)

CinderKit(paw,Ridge )

She is white with brindle markings (including half her face) her eyes are heterochromia green and blue. She has a medium pelt.

Cinders' gift is tracking (and finding) but only when she sings/ hums!

Her scent is oranges and vanilla.

He is a tabby with an orange spot on his forhead, his eyes are yellow.
He will have the gift of speech, he can understand any language and speak it

Name: SparrowClaw
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Rank: Deputy
Clan: Shadowclan

Looks: SparrowClaw is HUGE, as large, at least as a savanna cat. (His parents were a Norwegian forest cat and a savannah cat) He has white spots on the back of his ears, otherwise he is chocolate all over, with faint darker brown stripes. He has a short tail that is fluffy, his paws are ginormous. His eyes are yellow...

History: Well, he was apprentice aged when he showed up. He had no idea how to talk and even now doesn't talk well. He was vicious to almost everything that moved, only faintly aware that he was infact a cat. He ended up being claimed by the previous leader and bribed into complacency with food. After he got his.... social skills... a bit under control he quietly and quickly moved through the camp like wildfire. He serves as a deputy. Or he did...

Personality; very aloof, standoffish, quiet. He's loyal but... can seem unpredictabile. SparrowClaw easily dwarfs the cats of the Clan and as such he has a bit of a worry about accidentally hurting others. HE IS A GENTLE GIANT

His scent is of fresh baked bread and chamomile and peppermint

His gift is in strength and planning; He is strong, and always has a plan that usually works out.
Last edited by Alpha* on Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Thanks to all those in any kind of uniform and to those who have been in uniform.
Sadly i have a life outside CS with a job...and other things[color=#00BFFF]”

(this was a Birthday Presant from Accio Donut :p and no, i don't own the picture) )
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Re: 1x1 between LunarTheCat2047 and Alpha*

Postby LunarTheCat2047d1f » Sat Sep 02, 2023 10:37 am

Let's begin!!
Hi! I'm lunarkitty! Or Lunar! You might see me exploring oekaki and roleplays I am quite social if a bit shy. Feel free to pm me to discuss or just chat :3

Warrior Cat Name Generator

My interests are warrior cats, Roblox, making art, and pets! A freindly conversation is nice, too! (Pronouns: She/Her) Thank you!

Pfp by Snowy Stars ❤

Currently: Sometimes here 😁

I have various strange quirks, in turn makin me a bit akward, but i love friends! Also if you like wc we NEED to be friends 😆

Madly Darkstripe fan 😍

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Short and Sweet

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Re: 1x1 between LunarTheCat2047 and Alpha*

Postby LunarTheCat2047d1f » Sat Sep 02, 2023 10:45 am

Duskpelt hissed. He was facing a furious patrol. "For the last time, I did not steal ThunderClans prey! It was well into WindClans!" He yowled desperately.
The small white she cat stepped forward. "WindClan doesn't eat squirrels!" She hissed in his face.
Duskpelt snorted. "But ThunderClan can eat rabbits? No, you can't take all the squirrels by the lake." He rolled his eyes.
Finchpaw glared. "There's more of us than you." The ginger tom threatened.
Duskpelt threw around his head in mock fear. "Oh I'm so scared! A tiny apprentice with three warriors who think they own the world."
With a hiss of fury, Flurrywhisker hurled herself at him. Littlenose joined in, along with Snowberry and Finchpaw.
Hi! I'm lunarkitty! Or Lunar! You might see me exploring oekaki and roleplays I am quite social if a bit shy. Feel free to pm me to discuss or just chat :3

Warrior Cat Name Generator

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Re: 1x1 between LunarTheCat2047 and Alpha*

Postby Alpha* » Sat Sep 02, 2023 11:06 am


The full moon hangs in the sky; four clans stand together, agitated because for some reason there are queens here, their kits. And for another reason there is a couple rings of cats around single cats, those rings have their fur spiked and lips drawn into almost-snarls. A cluster of bats swoop through the night and a cold wind blows through the baren (of leaves) tree at the meeting place. SlateStar - leader of ShadowClan spits. "It doesnt matter that she has a kit, Starclan was clear!"

The medicine cat from ThunderClan twitches, her tabby pelt slicked back, "its leaf bare FoxStar -" her eyes are filled with guilt. Isn't she supposed to take care of EVERY member of the Clan?

FoxStar grunts, peeks at the WindClan leader and then at the RiverClan leader, then their medicine cars, finally on the medicine cat from ShadowClan, WaspTail. "I know what they've said. How there will be calamity for the clans. But maybe these cats named will be the ones to help us?" Is asked, his long tail twisting to his paws.

WaspTails' yellow fur is unkempt, but the ancient medicine cat makes his decision known. Well, the decision for ShadowClan. "Irregardless, of what you weaklings decide
ShadowClan isn't taking the chance that the Prophecy is wrong. We are casting him out. Tonight. "

~ OR ~
Last edited by Alpha* on Sat Sep 02, 2023 1:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thanks to all those in any kind of uniform and to those who have been in uniform.
Sadly i have a life outside CS with a job...and other things[color=#00BFFF]”

(this was a Birthday Presant from Accio Donut :p and no, i don't own the picture) )
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Re: 1x1 between LunarTheCat2047 and Alpha*

Postby LunarTheCat2047d1f » Sat Sep 02, 2023 11:16 am

Alpha* wrote:(Yee!)

The full moon hangs in the sky; four clans stand together, agitated because for some reason there are queens here, their kits. And for another reason there is a couple rings of cats around single cats, those rings have their fur spiked and lips drawn into almost-snarls. A cluster of bats swoop through the night and a cold wind blows through the baren (of leaves) tree at the meeting place. SlateStar - leader of ShadowClan spits. "It doesnt matter that she has a kit, Starclan was clear!"

The medicine cat from ThunderClan twitches, her tabby pelt slicked back, "its leaf bare FoxStar -" her eyes are filled with guilt. Isn't she supposed to take care of EVERY member of the Clan?

FoxStar grunts, peeks at the WindClan leader and then at the RiverClan leader, then their medicine cars, finally on the medicine cat from ShadowClan, WaspTail. "I know what they've said. How there will be calamity for the clans. But maybe these cats named will be the ones to help us?" Is asked, his long tail twisting to his paws.

WaspTails' yellow fur is unkempt, but the ancient medicine cat makes his decision known. Well, the decision for ShadowClan. "Irregardless, of what you weaklings decide
ShadowClan isn't taking the chance that the Prophecy is wrong. We are casting him out. Tonight. "

~ OR ~

The clawless queen stills, her green eyes widen, she's carrying a kit - a foundling- that'd been abandoned by a loner.. and she's carrying a pair of voles. "Stop!" Is yowled powerfully, noticing that Clan cats do (and boy is she relieved!) The warrior pads forward, into the fray. "Here's a vole for your clan. And one for ours." She says, "let's not fight. " the two kills are set on the ground, "I found a kit, it's a loners kit. So, Noone from the clan STOLE prey. " She notices that a few cats look guilty, "you can smell the loners scent on this side of the border, can't you smell it on your side too?"

What's happening 😭
Hi! I'm lunarkitty! Or Lunar! You might see me exploring oekaki and roleplays I am quite social if a bit shy. Feel free to pm me to discuss or just chat :3

Warrior Cat Name Generator

My interests are warrior cats, Roblox, making art, and pets! A freindly conversation is nice, too! (Pronouns: She/Her) Thank you!

Pfp by Snowy Stars ❤

Currently: Sometimes here 😁

I have various strange quirks, in turn makin me a bit akward, but i love friends! Also if you like wc we NEED to be friends 😆

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Re: 1x1 between LunarTheCat2047 and Alpha*

Postby LunarTheCat2047d1f » Sat Sep 02, 2023 12:30 pm

Last edited by LunarTheCat2047d1f on Sat Sep 02, 2023 1:12 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Hi! I'm lunarkitty! Or Lunar! You might see me exploring oekaki and roleplays I am quite social if a bit shy. Feel free to pm me to discuss or just chat :3

Warrior Cat Name Generator

My interests are warrior cats, Roblox, making art, and pets! A freindly conversation is nice, too! (Pronouns: She/Her) Thank you!

Pfp by Snowy Stars ❤

Currently: Sometimes here 😁

I have various strange quirks, in turn makin me a bit akward, but i love friends! Also if you like wc we NEED to be friends 😆

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Re: 1x1 between LunarTheCat2047 and Alpha*

Postby Alpha* » Sat Sep 02, 2023 12:33 pm

(Edited(sorry) it's down here)

~○~ MossBlossom ~○~

The clawless warrior stills, hearing a very faint mew. Whats a kit doing way out here, at the outskirts of ThunderClan? Maybe a loners... a kittypets... , her green eyes widen worriedly and she hops twice (a habit she hasnt been able to get rid of). Moss burries the two long tailed mice, nosing forward under a thistle bush, towards the kit. There's only one, a she-kit that's so very tiny, wet from morning dew and still has an umbilical cord. "Oh you poor thing. " Is murmured, gently pulling the kit towards her chest. She plans on staying here until the patrol she'd went on comes back this way --

That is until there's hissing and a yowl.

She tsks her tongue against the back of her teeth and picks up the abandoned she-kit whose belly is painfully thin. She won't leave her here! Then, she heads over to the border, the one that's nearest, the one with the scuffle. Oh goodness, Starclan! is thought, the tiny limp kit held carefully. Please dont let this fight get me. You know i dont have claws! she swallows worriedly, gently setting the foundling down with a lick of reassurance to her ears. "Stop! Please stop!" She calls, "stop fighting!" MossBlossom begs, "There's no reason to fight! " What if they jump on me? What if the kit --

The thought has her pause, not for her own safety, but for the smudge sized kit that is at her mangled paws. MossBlossom picks up the she-kit with infinite tenderness and backs up a few steps, her eyes full of fear. She can't fight with the kit here. She can't leave. Mallow opens her mouth and wails one long sound that breaks the warriors' heart, loud over the sounds of the fight.

Thanks to all those in any kind of uniform and to those who have been in uniform.
Sadly i have a life outside CS with a job...and other things[color=#00BFFF]”

(this was a Birthday Presant from Accio Donut :p and no, i don't own the picture) )
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