A Starless Path {1x1 w/ joji}

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A Starless Path {1x1 w/ joji}

Postby Koráki » Tue Jun 27, 2023 5:55 pm


☽ 〇 ☾
A healer and an exiled warrior, each on a path shaped by their own paws,
find their destinies intertwined. What will become of such an unlikely pair?
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Re: A Starless Path {1x1 w/ joji}

Postby Koráki » Tue Jun 27, 2023 5:58 pm

image made using felidaze's picrew

Name;; Rainshadow Gender;; Female Rank;; Rogue
𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞;; A large, blue-gray furred she-cat with
green eyes. Her pelt is long and thick, and covered with
lighter gray markings. Her body is littered with scars,
old and new. The slash across her muzzle, her nicked ear,
and her cut lip are a few of her most notable ones.

𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲;; Once a bright-eyed idealist, Rainshadow's
past has dampened her enthusiasm. Moons of living
the clanless life has turned her into a jaded realist.
While not unkind, she is slow to befriend and even
slower to trust. After all, in the real world, it's
every cat for herself.

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Postby joji » Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:41 pm

Rank: Travelling healer
Description: A long furred, brown and white tabby with blue eyes
Traits: Charismatic, audacious, nescient, compassionate, earnest
Origin: Leading a largely sheltered life, Gentleheart has limited experience fending for himself in nature, let alone interacting with new cats. The outcome of a forbidden relationship between a medicine cat and a kittypet, he was raised by a she-cat named Song in a Twoleg den. After Song supportively encourages Gentleheart to spread his wings, four moons after leaving their nest, he travels in solitude. With a poor skill in hunting, his talent lies in the medical field. He treats any passing cats in need, which are still few and far between. Gentleheart was taught healing at a young age by his father, passing down medicine cat wisdom to Gentleheart in case something were to happen to his mate. Simply drifting, Gentleheart's curiosity has led him quite far away from home.
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Re: A Starless Path {1x1 w/ joji}

Postby Koráki » Wed Jun 28, 2023 4:57 am

Leaf-bare always brought unique challenges when hunting. Aside from the shortage of prey, there was always the risk of stepping on a brittle branch or failing to find suitable cover when stalking. Rainshadow's dark coat, visible against the white-gray of snow, could make it difficult to stalk prey during the day. She hunted best in the dark.

The sun had just dipped below the horizon. Day turned to dusk, and Rainshadow had left her tiny shelter in a hollowed out log to hunt. Her gray coat was fluffed out against the chill as she picked her way over frozen roots and snow-covered grasses. Hunger pains gripped her belly and she fought back a wince. She hadn't eaten in a few days, given the scarcity of prey. It was hard work trying to live off of skinny mice and voles, but no matter how hungry she got, she would not venture into twolegplace to beg or plead for handouts. Other cats did that, she knew. But she was a warrior – or, had been – and she could fend for herself!

The forest was discouragingly silent for the most part. Not a bird nor a squirrel seemed to stir. Still, hunger urged her on. Rainshadow knew she had to eat something soon. If she didn’t, her strength would begin to ebb, and she wouldn’t be able to kill a mouse if it flopped onto her paws. Speaking of mouse – !

A delicious scent wafted toward her just ahead. Rainshadow instinctively lowered herself into a crouch. Taking care not to let her pawsteps crunch in the snow, she slowly creeped toward the tantalizing scent. A mouse, surprisingly plump for the season, perched atop a gnarled tree root, nibbling something in its paws. Her mouth watered.

Rainshadow stopped just a few tail-lengths away. The mouse continued nibbling, unaware of the danger. Her haunches wriggled minutely as she made the last few adjustments to her stance. Then, muscles tensed, she made to leap. Then a new scent washed over her and she froze in place, ear twitching. That's...cat scent... She thought.
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Re: A Starless Path {1x1 w/ joji}

Postby joji » Wed Jun 28, 2023 2:10 pm

Dusk was falling by the time Gentleheart woke up. He watched as the sun's last dim rays twinkled on the frost coating the meager vegetation that was struggling to survive in the frozen season. He had dozed off in a weak sunbeam on a slightly warm rock during the less cloudy afternoon. A particularly sharp pang of hunger had jolted him awake, along with the bitter bite of coldness. He sat up in a daze and let his eyes sweep over dead leaves as he examined the otherworldly forest that surrounded him. He forced his frozen bones to rise, slowly shaking a thin layer of frost from his pelt. Stepping into the cold snow, Gentleheart bushed up his long fur against the dropping temperature that nightfall ushered. He had always felt uneasy hunting in the dark, knowing something could be lurking in the shadows. It was frightening enough encountering fresh, unfamiliar trails during the daytime, a reminder that he is utterly vulnerable out here. Most of the scents that stood out to him were plants. Hunting isn't exactly my strong suite... He mused, slinking through the frosty undergrowth, his head and tail lowered. His paws dully went numb as he moped further into the woods. His ears strained to pick up any sound other than the the wind rustling through the half-shed tree branches that formed a broken roof above him. Usually if he wandered long enough, he'd be able to spot an appetite-suppressing herb to satiate his hunger, but that would prove harder in the darkness. His hunger got harder to ignore with each paw step he took, fatigue setting in. Weariness made his eyelids droop, and weakness made his tail drag. Suddenly, as if by some miracle, his gaze widened as it landed upon an unbelievably fat mouse. It nibbled obliviously as Gentleheart licked his lips. It's now or never! He attempted to motivate himself as he burst into a neglectfully clamorous bound and leaped into a badly executed pounce. Gracelessly fumbling the mouse, he let out a cry, his fur spiked immediately as he quivered in frustration, tail lashing. His eyes were fervently locked onto the lost meal which scurried away in a blur. "Flea-brain!" He rebuked himself audibly, claws digging into the snow.
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Re: A Starless Path {1x1 w/ joji}

Postby Koráki » Wed Jun 28, 2023 5:52 pm

A heartbeat after she caught wind of the scent, there was the sound of something crashing through the scant undergrowth. She hissed in surprise as a cat leapt toward her, ears pressed flat against her head as she sprang backward. It wasn't uncommon for rogues to fight over prey, and she couldn't afford any injuries right now.

But instead of coming at her, the other cat seemed to be aiming for the mouse. He - it was a male she scented - landed clumsily, paws outstretched but ultimately missing the mouse. It darted off into the snow faster than she could blink.

The cat cursed at himself, and it dawned on Rainshadow that he didn't know she was there. Anger flared within her chest, fueled by hunger and disappointment. He hadn't even realized she was there! Which meant he hadn't stalked the mouse, he'd just saw it and leaped!

For a moment, she simply stared at the brown and white tabby. Then the anger bubbled over and she stomped toward him, hackles raised. "Flea-brain is right!" She hissed, not even caring that she could be starting a fight. She was too hungry to care at this point. Her tail lashed from side to side as she spat, "Now you've cost us both a meal."
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Re: A Starless Path {1x1 w/ joji}

Postby joji » Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:45 am

Sardonically inspecting the trail the prey had left in the snow with a defeated look in his eyes, Gentleheart barely had time to ruminate on his failure when he heard stomping paw steps approaching him through the snow. He flinched, his claws retracting immediately to make himself seem as unthreatening as possible. Somebody else had their eyes on that mouse. He saw through the hazy, pale moonlight, a figure emerge from cover. As he heard the voice of a she-cat, he realized she was berating him. His ears flattened and the tom cowered as the she-cat hissed jarringly, wrath glinting in her green eyes. She was angry at him for failing to catch the mouse. As a pacifist, her irritation raised alarm. She looked on the thinner side, but so did he. He was so used to effortlessly receiving two full meals a day from Song's housefolk, he's lost a significant amount of weight since he left her. This cat was obviously having as hard of a time as he was finding food in the harsh weather, and by the look in her eyes, she was definitely just as hungry, if not hungrier than he was. He started apologizing, when his legs buckled. That faulty attempt at hunting took a significant portion of the energy he had been saving. "I-I'm so sorry." He stammered genuinely, not knowing what else to say. A wave of shame warmed his face and he flicked his tail in humiliation. She watched that whole thing? How embarrassing. He was ready to collapse in defeat. He silently hoped she was too hungry to attack him and that she would just want to carry on with her hunting. He tensed up, readying himself for an assault. His mind raced to find words, pleas he might be able to blurt out to pacify her.
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Re: A Starless Path {1x1 w/ joji}

Postby Koráki » Thu Jun 29, 2023 7:22 am

In her clan days, Rainshadow's mentor had often told her not to let her emotions run wild. "As soon as you let anger take control," She would say, "You've lost the battle." Her mentor taught her, over and over, that a cool head was best in tense situations.

Seasons later, Rainshadow liked to think she had gotten better at it. So when the brown and white tabby in front of her seemed to flatten himself to the ground, stuttering out an apology, the boiling anger within her cooled to a simmer, and she smoothed out her fur. Though she was still irritated, she forced herself to take in a deep breath. Her eyes glittered warily as she took in the other cat's appearance fully.

He didn't look like another rogue. He was skinny, just like she was, but he didn't have that wild, wiry look about him that other loners did. That, accompanied by the way he was on his belly and looking up at her like he expected a fight - one he probably wouldn't win - sapped away the last of her anger.

"'Sorry' catches no prey," Rainshadow grumbled, shoulders slumping slightly. Getting all worked up like that, she'd forgotten her empty belly. Now, though, her hungry gnawed at her insides once more. She sat down in the snow with a thump, licking one paw and drawing it over her ear in an attempt to appear nonchalant. "I'm not going to pounce at you, if that's what your afraid of." Neither one of them could afford any injuries. Not while they were so weak. All the same, her voice took on a half-amused, half-exsasperated tone as she added, "That was the worst hunting technique I've ever seen, by the way. I've watched kits do a better job." She looked up at the sky, taking in the position of the moon. The night was still young. Maybe she could prowl around a little longer? At this point, she'd even eat crowfood.
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Re: A Starless Path {1x1 w/ joji}

Postby joji » Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:59 am

As Gentleheart noticed that the she-cat's indignation seemed to dissipate, her gray fur laying flat, he let out a sigh of relief. Guilt still gnawed at him for missing the catch, but his guard dropped gratefully as soon as her aggression faded. He collected himself off the ground and tried to regain his dignity, standing with his head bowed slightly to express his respectful intent. The cold night air penetrated his fur, seeping into his tired body. Studying the cat that was before him, he realized that her face was decorated in rugged scars, and her large paws emanated with power. She looks like what I'd assume to be a clan cat, but there aren't any clans around here as far as I know. She would have easily defeated him in a fight, given his lack of hostility in nature. Her dark pelt looked wild, and her weary eyes shone mysteriously. He wondered what kind of stories she had to tell. Her voice rang with disappointment, which made him wish he could have made a better impression. "It's easy for any cat to tell that it's not my strongest skill." Her criticism stung slightly, and returning shame flowed through his blood. Agreed. It's pathetic that I'm barely able to feed myself. He insulted himself silently. "My name is Gentleheart." He introduced himself languidly. "What's yours?" He inquired in an attempt to relieve the awkward tension, when his belly rumbled loudly. He looked away self-consciously.
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Re: A Starless Path {1x1 w/ joji}

Postby Koráki » Thu Jun 29, 2023 2:36 pm

Rainshadow watched the tom carefully as he moved. It would be just her luck that he'd been faking it this whole time and actually meant to attack her. But then he simply stood, head bowed, and she softened just a tiny bit. They studied one another for just a moment. She could feel his gaze on her, and wondered how she must seem. Did she look like any other mangy, flea-bitten rogue that stalked around these parts? Or did she still have some of that warrior dignity she so often saw in other clan cats? Not that it matters anymore, the thought came to her, dripping in bitterness, A fat lot of good the warrior code did for me, anyway.

She was drawn back to the present with the tom's words. His tone carried an edge of embarrassment, one that made her pelt prickle just a teensy bit with remorse. He introduced himself. Gentleheart, huh? She peered at him curiously. That sounded awfully similar to a clan name. Gentleheart asked for her name, then looked away in embarrassment as a quiet rumble filled the air. He was just as hungry as she was, it seemed. Her ear twitched in reluctant sympathy. "I'm Rainshadow," she replied after a moment's hesitation.

There was a soft rustle somewhere deeper into the forest and she stilled instantly. "Do you want to learn how to hunt, Gentleheart?" She whispered urgently. Softly, she turned and stalked toward where she heard the rustling noise. "This night might not be a waste after all. But if you make this one run again," she added with a glance toward him, "I'll claw your ears off." She wouldn't, not really, but he didn't need to know that.
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