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#008 || Ophelia & Thanos

Postby coffee.berry » Sat Nov 26, 2022 1:46 am

Ophelia 13 Female
Location: Ios Tags: Thanos, Noah, Amalthea
Mood: Sorry
Ophelia felt extremely bad for Thanos. So bad that she didn't speak a single word and probably wasn't going to for a while.
She also felt scared - she was friends with Thanos. Amalthea was her friend, too. Maybe Amalthea would get mad at her for being friends with Thanos, and Thanos might end their friendship to prevent that happening.

But most of all, Ophelia felt sad. She'd felt a small pang of jealousy for Amalthea because of her small crush on Thanos.
That didn't matter though - she only hoped Amalthea would:
A] Forgive Thanos and they'd all be friends again.
B] Forget about what Thanos just said.

If only Amalthea understood how good Thanos was - and she probably did. But maybe she didn't want to admit it.


Thanos 14 Male
Location: Ios Tags: Amalthea, Noah, Ophelia, Apollo
Mood: Embarrassed
Thanos wasn't even going to do anything - he'd probably ruined the whole quest because of his stupid not-so-secret-anymore secret. ”And that's my cue to go..!” Thanos said awkwardly and somehow managed to quickly open his and Noah's tent. He ducked inside, closing the tent's entrance with the zipper. He turned around and put his face in his hands. His brain went completely numb, and he blacked out.

"Well that was embarrassing." a voice spoke. Thanos looked up, and groaned. It was his father, Apollo, and he was not in the mood to talk to him. ”Go away. I'm trying to enjoy some peace and quiet.” Thanos mumbled.

"Awh, cheer up, Grinch!" Apollo winked. "I've seen worse. Once, Ares wrote a song for Aphrodite without my help and it sounded like he was pulling a zebras' tail. Aphrodite appreciated the gesture, unfortunately." Apollo shook his head.

Thanos laughed dryly. ”Sorry, dad, but Amalthea does not appreciate anything about me.” Thanos sighed. "That's not true. I'm sure she does, Thanos. And if she doesn't, she will." Apollo patted his son's shoulder. "If only you could see that, my boy."

"Dad?" Thanos began his question. "Have you ever been embarrassed?" Thanos saw that his dad was fading slowly, so he wanted to use the last minutes as a Q&A moment. "Of course I have. Everyone has been embarrassed, at least once in their life." Apollo grinned. "A century ago, I sat on my throne in Olympus and everyone began to laugh. I didn't know why, but I soon found out - it was because Hephaestus had made my throne to look as if I was sitting on a.. a poop."

Thanos laughed. His father had faded almost completely.
"Son, before you wake up, here's some information. Try the hottest place in Santorini. Hope you had a nice nap, Thanos!"
And with that, they waved to each other, and Thanos found himself waking up.
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009 || Noah & Amalthea

Postby SilentMelody » Sun Nov 27, 2022 1:12 pm

Location: IosTags: Amalthea, Ophelia, Thanos
Mood: Sheepish
He couldn't help but visibly wince at the situation that was unfolding before them. Thanos' secret was out, and Amalthea was at the heart of it all -- quite literally. Yet Ophelia seemed to be caught in the middle... as he gazed at her in front of the fire, he noticed an emotion flickering over her face that he couldn't quite understand. Noah tried not to think anything of it. Keyword -- tried.

That night, Noah slept very pleasantly. Well, for the most part. By morning, he woke in slight frustration because Thanos had been talking in his sleep. Nothing that Noah could understand. But he knew that he should be gentle and careful with Thanos, especially after last night. He rolled over in his sleeping bag and blinked at the other boy. "Hey, uh... did you sleep well, Thanos? That must've been some dream you had."


Location: IosTags: Noah, Ophelia, Thanos
Mood: Energized
She had stood as silently as a statue after her outburst as Thanos waltzed away to the boys' tent. Amalthea shook her head, telling herself that she should just forget about it. He didn't mean anything he said, right? She took the firewood that she and Ophelia had gathered and started up a fire. Although she wasn't very good at it and struggled for a few minutes.

But by the time she was attempting to fall asleep, everything that happened with Thanos really was forgotten. Her dreams were filled with conflicting images, objects and sceneries that were hard to discern. But the one thing she recognized was the face of the prophet, Rachel.

"The volcano," the prophet whispered, her cheeks visibly red and sweat dripping from her brow. "The volcano. Find me in the volcano." Her last words were ripped away as the dreams ended, and her sleep turned into black. Thea woke soon after and sat up in her sleeping bag, glancing over at the still-sleeping Ophelia. She scuttled out of her sleeping bag and shook the girl awake. "Lia! I just had a dream! I saw Rachel, your friend, Rachel, and she was... she was saying something about a volcano," Amalthea rambled quickly. She shot out of the tent and hurried to the boy's tent.

"Hey, guys! Wake up! Something just happened."
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#009 || Ophelia & Thanos

Postby coffee.berry » Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:12 pm

Ophelia 13 Female
Location: Ios Tags: Thanos, Noah, Amalthea
Mood: Excited
Ophelia was standing outside of a volcano.
Spiders sprinted across the walls, and a huge one with a human head waltzed through an entrance into a room.
Ophelia tiptoed through, hiding behind a rock.

Arachne. The huge spider was once a woman, one of the greatest mortal weavers in the world at that time.
But she was extremely arrogant. She boasted and told the world that her tapestry was greater than even the ones Athena made.
So, Athena disguised herself and spoke to Arachne, asking if she really dared put herself higher than Athena.

Arachne just laughed. Angered, Athena showed her true form and challenged Arachne to a weaving contest.
Arachne didn't want to show fear, so she accepted. Arachne weaved the gods as pure morons, while Athena weaved them in their glory.
When Athena saw Arachne's tapestry, she was very offended, so she tore it to pieces. Embarrassed, Arachne did the worst thing a mortal could do; she ended her own life.

Athena said a talent like Arachne's shan't be wasted, and resurrected the mortal as a spider.
While Ophelia thought of this story, the scenes were shown on the stone, as if it was a movie screen.

Ophelia noticed Rachel, the Oracle, wrapped in spiderwebs, in the corner of the room.
Arachne laughed coldly, and Ophelia heard the Oracle exclaiming "Go to Santorini's volcano!" before Arachne stuck spiderweb on the girl's mouth. Ophelia gasped, and Arachne turned. She noticed the daughter of Demeter and lunged at her.

Ophelia woke with a start.
She listened closely to Amalthea. "I saw her, too!" Ophelia exclaimed. "Arachne the humanoid spider is keeping her in Santorini's volcano." she said quickly, before following Amalthea to the boys' tent.

She found the boys talking in the tent.

"Come on, sleepyheads!" Ophelia called, pulling the two boys up from their sleeping bags. "We've got to get to the fireplace. We can talk there. Me and Amalthea.. we've been having some dreams."


Thanos 14 Male
Location: Ios Tags: Amalthea, Noah, Ophelia
Mood: Incredulous
"Yeah, I did have a strange dream." Thanos said. He hoped Amalthea had forgotten about yesterday's drama, because he was going to as well. Or at least try. "I saw my dad. He told me-"

He was cut off because Amalthea and Ophelia had leaped through the tent.
"Hey, guys! Wake up! Something just happened." Amalthea said, and after that Ophelia spoke, too.

"Come on, sleepyheads!" Demeter's daughter grabbed Thanos' and Noah's hands and pulled them up. "We've got to get to the fireplace. We can talk there. Me and Amalthea.. we've been having some dreams."

The foursome was soon sitting around the fireplace on tree stumps. The girls told Thanos and Noah about their dreams. Thanos decided it was safe to speak as long as he left out the parts of his dream where he spoke about Amalthea.

"My dad spoke to me tonight," Thanos explained, roasting a marshmallow over the fire carefully. "We spoke about the quest." he lied. "But, I did find out something useful. He told me to go to the hottest place in Santorini, which probably means what you girls said about the volcano."

Ophelia reminded them about Arachne. She said that they should be extra careful, because Arachne is one creature you do not want to mess with. "That's right. I think we should leave this afternoon or next morning, if that's alright with you guys! Can't Amalthea, um, call Shimmer and Bubble to pick us up?"

Thanos felt an urge to try and balance on the tree stump he was sitting on, so he did.

And he failed. As he was falling from the stump, he wished that he could be over by the tent, safe and sound.
He shut his eyes tightly and he seemed to stop falling. He opened them and he was exactly where he'd wished to be; the tent.

He wasn't inside it, though, so his quest-mates looked at him with wide eyes.
"That was very.. unexpected."
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010 || Noah & Amalthea

Postby SilentMelody » Thu Dec 01, 2022 1:38 pm

Location: IosTags: Amalthea, Ophelia, Thanos
Mood: Jealous
He was seated on one of the tree stumps around the firepit, which was still roaring from the night before... should they have put it out? It didn't matter now -- they had marshmallows and were all chewing around white gooey messes as they spoke. Well, technically, it was the others who were speaking.

In truth, Noah was extremely jealous. Jealous that everyone else had dreams last night, whether from their godly parent, the prophet, or even a depiction of Arachne the spider humanoid woman creature. But he didn't have any dreams. As he munched on his melty marshmallow, he couldn't help but feel a little left out. Feeling like he isn't good enough to be on this quest with the others.

Suddenly, Thanos was falling backwards and then -- he disappeared out of thin air. At least, for a second. Then he reappeared by their tent, not inside. "Dude... how did you even do that?" he asked, his voice with a hint of incredulity.


Location: IosTags: Noah, Ophelia, Thanos
Mood: Intrigued
She listened to Ophelia and Thanos describe their dreams, leaning over the firepit with interest. Although the entire thing sounded exciting, Amalthea couldn't help but shudder at the mention of Arachne, the spider. How were they supposed to defeat her? And save Rachel from the spiderweb trap?

It all seemed a little fantastical. But that was the life of a demigod, right? She straightened up on her stump at the mention of Bubble and Shimmer. Her blue eyes glanced over at Thanos, a soft sigh escaping her lips and she tapped her chin. "Hmm, I could call Bubble and Shimmer back. But uh... I'm not sure when we should leave. What do you think, Lia?"

Before Ophelia could even answer the question, Thanos was falling... and then he was gone. In a split second, he reappeared a few paces away outside of the boy's tent. Amalthea's jaw hung open in shock, although she despised herself for it. Great, now he can teleport? Add that to the list of reasons why he's better than me, she thought to herself grumpily.
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#010 || Ophelia & Thanos

Postby coffee.berry » Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:51 am

Ophelia 13 Female
Location: Ios Tags: Thanos, Noah, Amalthea
Mood: Comforting
Ophelia was about to answer Amalthea's question, when Thanos appeared by the boys' tent.
The girl had noticed Noah's jealousy at once when they were talking about the quest-dreams they'd had, but she got shy and didn't really want to comfort the boy. If she did it, it might've embarrassed him.

"I.. I think that's called light travel." Ophelia said uneasily. "It isn't rare, though. Most of the older kids in Apollo Cabin have it, I believe." Ophelia added, seeing that Amalthea looked jealous, like Noah.

Ophelia had recently started to become great at registering others emotions, no matter how hard they tried to hide it. She found this a very useful skill, but didn't think of it as a power. "Thea, I know Thanos is a pain, but I know it would make his day if you at least let him use his powers to teleport us." Ophelia whispered to her friend.


Thanos 14 Male
Location: Ios Tags: Amalthea, Noah, Ophelia
Mood: Afraid
Thanos gulped. He didn't want anyone to be jealous of him, and he knew that was why Ophelia was trying to calm the others down. He knew Amalthea was jealous of him for sure. Noah looked jealous for other reasons, though. "Don't worry, I don't think I'm going to be using that power a lot." Thanos said.

"I'm a bit afraid of teleporting," he lied. "Because, I mean, I want to know where I am. What if my powers aren't enough? What if we get stuck in the middle of our transportation if we used it to get to Santorini? What if-"" He sighed, cutting himself off. This was actually becoming a new phobia for him, and he'd made himself get it.

How imperfect can a guy be? Thanos thought. "But if you all trust me, I could try to teleport us...?" he added quietly.
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011 || Noah & Amalthea

Postby SilentMelody » Sat Dec 31, 2022 11:49 am

Location: IosTags: Amalthea, Ophelia, Thanos
Mood: Encouraging
He listened carefully to Thanos' words, unaware that it was somewhat of a lie that ended up being an anxious rambling. "Hey dude, don't worry about it! You know where you're going -- you're Greek anyways, right? And you're the son of Apollo! Not to mention, he's been pretty hands on lately," Noah reassured his friend.

He couldn't help but feel a little excited by the prospect of traveling by magic teleportation. Not that he was selfishly trying to convince Thanos. "Plus, it's good to always get practice with new powers. What better way than to try it with us!"

The fluffy-haired boy glanced over at the girls, hoping that they wouldn't create a fuss over Thanos' request. "Of course we trust you! We'll let you transport us... right, Ophelia? Amalthea?" He gave the daughter of Poseidon a pointed look, as if to convey the importance of this deal.


Location: IosTags: Noah, Ophelia, Thanos
Mood: Calm
She turned her head to Ophelia, the other girl's breath gently washing over her as she whispered. Amalthea's anger was still lingering like a dying fire within her chest. Why was she always so angry? Probably a ton of different reasons. Thea couldn't help but snort a laugh at the fact that Lia referred to Thanos as a "pain", and the remark calmed her slightly.

She whispered back, "Thank you, Lia. I really appreciate that. I guess... I guess I would be willing to allow it."

The dumb retort from Noah ruffled her feathers slightly, but she refused to let it ruin her mood. At a normal tone of voice, she announced, "Okay, fine, sure. I guess Thanos can transport us to Santorini." Thea turned her blue gaze onto Thanos, a challenge in her irises. She stepped closer to him and lifted her chin slightly -- he was much taller than her. "So... how is this going to work?"
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#011 || Ophelia & Thanos

Postby coffee.berry » Sat Jan 07, 2023 3:59 am

Ophelia 13 Female
Location: Ios Tags: Thanos, Noah, Amalthea
Mood: Amused
"You're welcome, Thea!" Ophelia smiled. She was glad her new friend was starting to, at least somewhere deep down, feel more friendly towards Thanos. She noticed that when Amalthea stepped towards Thanos, his face turned bright red. "Wow, Thanos, I think you're turning into a tomato. No offence. she said with a grin.

She flicked her gaze from the two to Noah. She knew his retort had annoyed Amalthea and was proud of her for keeping it together. But, Noah was a nice guy. She was one hundred percent sure he hadn't meant it in a bad way.


Thanos 14 Male
Location: Ios Tags: Amalthea, Noah, Ophelia
Mood: Awkward
Thanos could feel his face turning as red as three hundred tomatoes. "None taken. And I'm just, uh, cold." he grinned back at Ophelia.

Then, he decided to answer Amaltheas question. He nodded and took a step back, clearing his throat awkwardly. "I think we have to be in contact. So, I'll hold Noah's hand and he'll hold Ophelia's. Ophelia, you will hold Amalthea's hand. Is that okay with everyone?"

He waited for their answer, still feeling awkward and embarrassed. He had somehow put the pieces together and found out that Ophelia had some kind of hidden Demeter power where she could tell what people could feel.
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012 || Noah & Amalthea

Postby SilentMelody » Fri Jan 13, 2023 12:53 pm

Location: IosTags: Amalthea, Ophelia, Thanos
Mood: Confident
He waited for Thanos to reply to Amalthea, wincing a little at the red shade that his face was turning. However, he couldn't help but let out a good-natured snicker at Ophelia's comment, although he never would've done the same. He didn't want to jeopardize the new friendship he was developing with Thanos.

"It's almost like a friendship circle! C'mon everyone, grab hands just like tomato boy said," he teased, although he was secretly grateful for the opportunity. Did Thanos suspect...? It was possible, given the confession from last night. Oh gods, they still hadn't talked about that. Noah shook his thoughts off and gently grasped one of Thanos' hands. Then he held out his other hand for Ophelia.


Location: IosTags: Noah, Ophelia, Thanos
Mood: Anxious
She couldn't help but discern a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach at the mention of holding hands. The girl wasn't particularly fond of physical touch usually... but she had just been riding on a hippocampus across the sea with Ophelia, right? Not to mention that they shared a tent. Really, it should be no big deal if you hold her hand, Amalthea thought to herself.

Thea slowly uncrossed her arms from in front of her chest and they hung loose at her sides. As Thanos and Noah started the motion of holding hands, she waited for Ophelia to move next. Her heart was beating incredibly fast. Suddenly, she was afraid of the deal she had made. What if they weren't okay? Should she really trust Thanos? "Okay. Let's just get this over with, please."
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#012 || Ophelia & Thanos

Postby coffee.berry » Wed Feb 22, 2023 3:08 am

Ophelia 13 Female
Location: Ios Tags: Thanos, Noah, Amalthea
Mood: Embarassed → Calm
Ophelia laughed when Noah said 'tomato boy'. She found it funny. Thanos smirked at her, and she
blushed furiously, thinking oh, won't you just hush?! "Alright, Thanos. Do your thing!" She
grinned, taking Noah and Amalthea's hands. She didn't look, but she knew Thanos was staring
pointedly at her and Noah's hands entwined.

Part of her wanted to remind Thanos of his little drama with Amalthea, but she could almost hear
her mother, Demeter, shaking her head. So, she stayed quiet, and decided that it's good Thanos
is beginning to be happy again.


Thanos 14 Male
Location: Somewhere → Santorini Tags: Amalthea, Noah, Ophelia
Mood: Confident → Panicky
Thanos grinned as he saw Ophelia take Noah's hand. This was exactly what he had planned!
He nodded, then closed his eyes. He felt his hands start to burn, but it wasn't exactly the
bad kind of burn. It was more of a.. pleasant burn.

He knew his father would be whooping up in Olympus if - when he teleported. Thanos
used that thought to charge himself up. All of a sudden, he couldn't feel his feet touch solid
ground. He heard Ophelia take a shaky breath in.

Then, his whole body felt like it had exploded, just went his feet hit the earth. And Thanos
screamed like a little girl. Next, the son of Apollo, being the awesome guy he is, blacked out.
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013 || Noah & Amalthea

Postby SilentMelody » Tue Feb 28, 2023 2:45 pm

Location: SantoriniTags: Amalthea, Ophelia, Thanos
Mood: Scared
He felt tingles all over his body after Ophelia's hand closed around him... but he told himself that it was from Thanos's powers. Yeah. Definitely that. Not the intense feelings he had towards the girl. Noah watched the other boy carefully, inhaling softly when the son of Apollo closed his eyes. Am I supposed to close my eyes too? Are we all supposed to close our eyes? he wondered to himself. But the girls had their eyes wide open, so he didn't dare differ.

In the blink of an eye -- no pun intended -- the four of them teleported. Noah glanced around at the scenery, unsure of where they were, but then again, he had never been to Greece before. But when he looked back at the others, Thanos was screaming high-pitched and then collapsing right into Amalthea's arms. For a moment, he's stunned into silence. Noah knew that there was some weird connection between the two of them, but this was definitely odd. But then the panic sets in with the reality of the situation. They're in a strange place, and one of the navigators -- nevertheless, the only guy who could get them out of the place -- had just lost consciousness. "Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods, what do we do?? What just happened to him??"


Location: SantoriniTags: Noah, Ophelia, Thanos
Mood: Shocked
She didn't realize she had been holding her breath until she suddenly exhaled out of shock. Her blue eyes widened, somewhat surprised that the teleportation worked and that Thanos brought them to the correct area. Thea gently removed her hand from Ophelia's, wiping her clammy palms on the thighs of her dark, ripped jeans. She took a few steps to regain momentum...

But after those few steps forward, she freezes at the sound of a scream. Her irises flick over to Thanos, whose jaw is falling slack. Along with the rest of his body. Tilting backwards, towards her. Thea catches him on instinct, arms splayed out. He's much taller than her though, so she ends up with her butt on the ground. The momentum throws her completely down. "Oof!" she utters gently in surprise, all of the breath expelled from her lungs. Amalthea is stuck on the ground with Thanos's back against her. And there's no way she can lift him off when she's flat on her back. "Um... I think I need help."
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