♕ ( destiel onexone pax and burntpickle )

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♕ ( destiel onexone pax and burntpickle )

Postby pax. » Sun Jan 04, 2015 6:09 am

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♕ ( castiel the angel )

Postby pax. » Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:13 am

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Dean Winchester

Postby exixst » Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:35 am


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♕ ( castiel )

Postby pax. » Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:23 pm

                He didn't want to think about it. To comprehend the reason why they were driving so quickly down a desolate road in the middle of the night. It wasn't like they hadn't done it before, frantic trips to save someone from a horrible death or to follow up the clues from a recent case. But this time it was different, and Cas knew it, he could sense the panic in the air. It was around 11:45 when he decided to glance over at his traveling companion, the human he was sent to protect. Dean had let Cas drive, much to his displeasure, because he was utterly exhausted they had been driving all day and he had finally handed the keys over to the angel. Cas didn't mind driving, it gave him something to do, something to occupy his mind so he didn't have to think about what was happening, so he didn't have to glance secretly at Dean while he drove, eyes focused on the road, as a pang of sorrow stabbed him. They had been on the run, well they never did call it the 'run' they weren't fleeing according to dean. Yet that is exactly what they were doing, the two of them were seals, coveted by Lilith and her forces of hell, kill them and she could free Lucifer. Cas never brought that up though with anyone let alone dean himself, sam, bobby they all knew it. They hadn't come with them, stayed behind trying to keep the demons off their trail with the help of Uriul. Dean and Cas were going to die, that was the truth that they all refused to face. The truth that he himself had known since he was first discovered as a seal.

                Lilith was willing to do whatever it took to break all the seals, she would be on Cas's trail soon. Sooner than Castiel knew they could run. As the angel took his eyes of the road for a few minutes he glanced at the resting form of dean slouched against the car window. His jaw clenched tight, eyelashes fluttering in his rest. His hair was tousled messily, they hadn't had time to groom themselves in days, stubble grew along his sharp jawline. Castiel sighed, he wanted to throw his fists off the wheel in anger, anger that this would probably be his last few days with Dean, the human who he had saved from the fires of hell, the man who for some reason was always in the depths of his mind thwarting his ideals. Yet there was still some hope in the midst, Castiel knew that Lilith was well aware that he was a seal, but dean, no one knew about dean except for himself and Sam. That secret was safe, and if Lilith came after them hopefully Dean could escape, go deeper into hiding and Lilith wouldn't chase him, unknowing of his worthiness.

                Castiel dismissed these thoughts from his head, for all he knew she would never find them and they would just keep driving from town to town safe from her wrath. He slowly pressed down on the gas pedal, easing the old vehicle to go faster. He had taken a turn unto a highway, where he felt safer among the car that like them were traveling late into the night. A green flash of light caught the side of his icey blue eyes, he turned to see it. A mile marker, they were fifty miles outside of denver, colorado. Cas decided that they would spend the night there, book into a motel leave early the next morning. Cas wondered if he should contact someone, Sam maybe or at least Uriul or another one of his heavenly brothers. He decided against, they were too busy trying to stop the demons from opening more seals. Beside she hadn't heard from them in at least a week, the angel radios were down.

                The car was becoming hot as he drove on, Cas fumbled for the ac button, still new to the many dials of the car. As his grimy hands pushed the buttons on the control panel, the music blared all of a sudden, an ac/dc tune ripped through the silent peacefulness of the car. He swerved the car as he slammed his palm against the panel, "Shut the hell up." he swore angrily as his hand finally found the correct switch and the music died down with a gasp. He gained his posture again in the seat, pulling the car back between the lines of the roads. Castiel turned staring at Dean with a pang of amusement. Dean had not seemed disturbed by the sudden outbreak, maybe he has used to the music blaring too loudly? Whatever the reason, Cas found it amusing. He laughed to himself, a broken laugh that came deep from his throat between suddens gasps for air. A laugh he had not heard from himself in a while.

                He looked once again at Dean, he always liked watching humans, something about them seemed so peaceful. But yet they felt more, more everything than angels did. This truthfully made Castiel jealous, jealous of the fact that they had something to fight for, for they could die. It wasn't like Cas didn't think he could die, he knew he could yet it he wouldn't mind though. He had been alive since before earth was formed, he had witnessed everything and sometimes he struggled with why, why angels were immortal, did god really need them that much? Lately Cas knew though that there was something to fight for, he could feel it churning in his core. That since he pulled Dean from hell, scorching his very own handprint into his shoulder that he had wanted to touch him again. Place his hand over the print, but this time in a caring manner not like before where ordered by god he gripped Dean tight and pulled him.

                Castiel shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "Silly stupid angel." he mumbled to himself rebukingly. He took a right turn following the side that marked Denver, it was a big city something that Cas and Dean knew not to draw close too. They needed rest though, he decided that they would not enter the city, stay out of the limits along the outskirts hoping that there was a motel there. He decided he should wake Dean before he made any decisions, slowly releasing the gas as they neared closer to the city with his free hand he nudged Dean's shoulder gripping it tight as if he was afraid he would never do it again. "Dean we're here." The angel stated, not sure if Dean had heard him, he left his hand on his shoulder.
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Dean Winchester

Postby exixst » Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:24 pm

    At first, the sleeping male didn't budge when his shoulder was shaken. The blasting loud music hadn't bothered him, either. He was exhausted, so the fact that the door he was slumped against was shoving his cheek into his eye didn't stop him from getting some shut eye. Dean had been reluctant to let Cas drive, but fatigue had won over pride. But after a moment, said angel was nudging him awake. Scrunching up his face, he groaned at first and showed an obvious lack of interest in moving. He'd been liking the dream he'd been in, anyway. But as he realized the hand on his shoulder didn't seem to be going anywhere, he squinted open his eyes. "What's up?" Dean murmured. With a hand, he rubbed his face to shake off the sleep, and shifted up in his seat so that he was sitting. The skin of his shoulder hurt from where the seat belt had been rubbing on with every bump the car went over, and his joints were stiff from sleeping in such an awkward position.

    "Where are we?" He croaked, taking a look around. A city? Why in the world were they in a city? There were pros and cons to staying in a city, but the biggest thing about it was the large population. There always seemed to be a consistent number of demons and crap in proportion to the number of people. More people equaled more bodies for demons to possess, which, alas, meant more demons. This world could never seem to run out of those things. You get rid of one, and two more take its place. Like a Hydra, but so much worse. Demons sucked, and they were the last thing he wanted to see right now. Those damn things could barely even think for themselves. They just took orders and did as told, for their precious king. Had he not been riding alongside Cas, he would've thought the same thing about angels. But his companion seemed to have been an exception. It'd taken a little bit of work to get the guy to not act like he had a metal pole for a spine, but he was certainly better that before. At least now he had a little bit of emotion in his voice. Before, it was like talking to an online translator.

    Dean cleared his throat, forcing his eyes to adjust to the lights that were on. He blinked hard a couple of times to try and focus his vision, though things were still a tad bit blurry. But, nevertheless, he peered out the window. Streetlights bordered the road on either side in a periodic tempo, though many had been burned out. This must have been the outskirts of a city. There weren't too many cars out here at the moment, causing him to figure they were in the less-populated part of the city. "What are we doing here?" He croaked, but only moments later, he noticed a dimly lit sign in the near distance. Squinting to try and make out what it said, he could see the letters M, O, E, and L, in that order, but listed vertically, going down. He'd seen those four letters plenty of times, but they belonged to a specific five letter word. Motel. Either it was a coincidence that they were passing here, or Cas was looking for one of those things. Considering the time, he figured it was likely the latter. But he didn't want to stop. That left them in one spot for two long. But they'd been driving so much. Whatever sleep he caught was light and uncomfortable. A bed didn't sound all that bad, except for the fact that Lilith and her crew were on their tails. But, really, his brain wasn't rested enough to think straight. Bed. That was what was on his mind. Just a little bit of shut eye. A pillow to slam his face into. A shower. Maybe an AC or a heater, depending on the temperature in the room. What he wouldn't do for just a couple hours of sleep where he wasn't moving.

    "Alright, let's... let's stop there." He said, bobbing his head towards the sign that glowed a weak red. It didn't look like the place was in the best shape, but he'd seen worse. Head lightly throbbing from the lack of good rest, he gently pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut for another moment. He wasn't until the car rolled to a stop did he choose to open his eyes again. Pressing the button to release his seat belt, Dean pushed open the door after unlocking it. Grabbing the bag from the backseat, he hoisted himself out of the car and slung the bag over his shoulder. In the bag were just some changes of clothes, a thing of salt, a small bottle of holy water, the journal, and a small assortment of weapons with ammunition for those that needed it, just in case. It wasn't too incredibly heavy, and he hoped he wouldn't be needing anything else. That would mean trouble was rearing its ugly head, and by trouble, that meant demons. Nothing else seemed to be providing much trouble at the moment. The other hunters in this country seemed to be doing a good job at taking care of the monsters, but, really, Dean would much rather take on some nasty thing with teeth as long as his arm was thick instead of all of this demon business. Unfortunately, it seemed that the Winchesters had the work of luck.

    The door was easy to swing open, but the handle was grimy, and the bell that chimed in greeting hurt his ears. Wiping his hand on his jeans, Dean went immediately to the counter, where a man stood behind the cash register. With dark bags under his eyes and barely any color in his skin, this man looked just as tired as Dean was. Perhaps he hadn't been prepared to take the night shift. "Got any doubles?"
    The man nodded and reached under the counter with a hand, fishing for a moment before coming back up to slap a key before him, giving him the room number, as well. At the same time, Dean had dug into his pocket to pull a few bills, which he slid forwards in exchange for the key. The man took the money, calculated how much to give back, and then handed back an assortment of other bills to cover the change. Folding the money and shoving it back into his pocket, he nodded and took the key, ignoring the fact that the man was sliding his eyes between the Dean and Cas. The hunter was in no mood to hopelessly try to explain that they weren't gay lovers and just partners, so he just rolled his eyes and jerked a chin to motion to Cas to follow him.

    Walking out, he looked around before finding a room with a number not too far off from the one he was looking for. Following it, he counted the doors until their room presented itself. Shoving the key into the lock, he twisted it unlocked, and then opened the door. He then reached in to flip on the light, going inside and briefly looking around to make sure there weren't any unwanted visitors already inside. Once Cas was in, he shut the door, locked it, and then dropped his bag. Unzipping it, he took the salt out, opened the package, and sprinkled it on the floor by the doorway, but there weren't any windows to tend to. Closing the salt package, he dropped it back into the bag, and then took that very bag to set it beside one of the two beds. Silently claiming this one as his, he sat down on the edge of it, though found that it was hard, stiff, and noisy. But better than the seat of his baby, that's for sure. While he loved that car with every inch of himself, there were certain times that he favored other things over her. A bed, to him, was better that being slouched in one of those seats. Kicking off his shoes, he immediately tipped over and let his face smack into the pillow, which wasn't all that comfortable, either, but it was something. "Night." He didn't immediately fall asleep, but was certainly trying to. If Cas had anything to say, he'd have to say it now, because he could already feel rest dragging his body deeper into the mattress that kind of smelled gross.
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♕ ( castiel )

Postby pax. » Sat Jan 10, 2015 6:06 am

    [ ooc; I just realized how weird my first post looked, typed it on mobile :') ]

    Castiel didn't respond to Dean as he spoke, telling him to pull into the nearest motel. He was already going to do that anyway and neither of them seemed that interested in conversation that night. He stepped out of the car and followed his companion as he collected his things for the night, patting his pockets in silence. He didn't have any traveling accessories, things we would take with him everywhere. His angelic blade lay tucked in its holster under his large tan trench coat, it was at easy access and many times as he walked around the human world his hand hovered over its location. He followed Dean into the motel lobby, his eyes glancing over the shelf of brochures labeled 'Visit Denver's Greatest Museum', 'Denver Petting Zoo' or 'The Great Mystery Magic Show' and the likes of it lined each shelf, perfectly organized. He could hear Dean as he inquired about their room for the night with the disgruntled man standing behind the counter.

    The angel noticed the raised eyebrows and the glance the tired man gave him and Dean, Dean had chose to ignore it as he rolled his eyes and nodded his head at him and to follow him back outside. Castiel shot the man a quizzical look as he too turned and walked back into the night air. Humans were weird, he always thought to himself. They walked in silence as Dean glanced at each consecutive door, looking for their room number in rusted brass characters on each door. Upon find their room, he shoved the key in roughly opened it and walked in. Cas followed, he could tell that Dean was not in the talking mood tonight. He could sense his exhaustion as he quickly salted the door, to stop any unwanted visitors from marauding them in the night. Castiel leaned against the off white walls, a few crumbles fell to the ground as he did. "Night." he mumbled back at Dean as he collapsed into the bed, he would be asleep soon. Cas walked over to the pitiful desk provided in the room, large enough to hold only one lamp. He leaned in his hand tightening around the knob and twisting. The lamp gave off a small minuscule beam of light, but it was enough. He walked back to the wall, flipping the light switch. The room fell into a light haze, it was dim but not pitch black.

    Angels and other heavenly spirits didn't need sleep, they could if they wanted too or if they were drunk, but they could survive perfectly without it. It was times like this, quiet in the night when Cas wondered if he should, lay his head down and allow his mind to sink into a baby like slumber. But if he did not feel like resting he could always intrude into others dreams, see their wishes, their hopes and their fears. But there was no other mind here for him to probe into, he wouldn't do that to Dean. He would probably find it an invasion of his privacy, not that Castiel had not done it before. The angel if he wanted to of course could simply disappear, teleport himself to where his heavenly brothers were, fighting against the demons. They would anger though because he was ordered to stay with the hunter, to keep him and himself safe from the claws of hell and he would do as he was ordered. They had not encountered a demon for about a week, the last one had showed up in the dead of the night as they had stayed at a hotel much like this one. Cas had been awake and could sense it's stench upon them. It had been over quickly, one slash of his blade and the demon fell. Panic though had coursed through his and Dean's bodies though, and they didn't sleep they grabbed their things and drove into the night, far away from that motel.

    Castiel sat on the edge of his bed, he removed his trench coat placed it across the end of the bed. The blade shined within it's canvas holding, in easy reach if something was to again disturb them. Likewise as Dean he took off his shoes and placed them at the end of the bed on the ground, crossing his legs he leaned his head against the baseboard of the bed. It creaked with his weight. The bed was hard, giving no leverage for his weight. It was a bed none the less and was better than being pinned in a car all day. He folded his hands behind his head resting them on his neck. His nose twitched, the more he rested on the bed the more its peculiar scent enveloped him. Cas ignored it, he closed his eyes hoping for a few moments of peace. But soon his desire took over, and the angel slept. His eyes fluttering, his body not adjusted to staying still for long. It was not long before early morning daylight started shining from the cracks through the door.

    He stood up, his back stiff, quietly walking over to the bathroom. He placed both hands on the counter leaning over to glance into the mirror. His reflection glared back at him, he sighed dipping his head down. Twisting the grimy faucet, Castiel waited as the water sputtered out pathetically. It slowly filled the sink, his rough hands cupped the cold water, splashing it across his face. His hands massaged up and down his jawbones, letting the cold water refresh him. Taking the washcloth from the bannister he brushed it across his face, soaking up the moisture.

    They were needing to head out soon, always better to leave as soon they woke, ate some food and drive. Drive till night once again swallowed them, stop at a motel and repeat the process the next day. They should stop at a gas station and get a map later on, Castiel thought they should have at least some direction to where they were going. Maybe they would head to Kansas, or even farther. But what if they got all the way to the coast, they could not just reach the end of the road and turn around and repeat, could they? Cas knew all this traveling and hiding would have to come to a end one day, but when? These thoughts had clouded his mind constantly, but he for once did not have a solid answer for them and that irked him.

    He walked over to his bed, picking up his weathered trench coat and pulling it on arm by arm. He sat down on the edge of the bed, letting it creak under his weight. Castiel took his shoes slipping them onto his feat. He glanced at the salt lined door, the light peaking through the cracks between the wall and the door frame. He turned his head to look at the cheap clock that hung haphazardly from the wall, it read six o'clock. Well, the early bird gets the worm. Cas shifted his weight so his head tilted towards Dean's bed. He didn't know if he had awoken yet. "Dean." He said roughly, "We should get going, I think there is a diner down the road." He actually did not know for sure, but as far as he had learned about the modern human world. That near every motel there was a diner down the road, and this theory so far had not disappointed him.
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Dean Winchester

Postby exixst » Sat Jan 10, 2015 1:59 pm

    ((You typed that all in mobile? Oh my gosh, that is impressive!))

    Lilith. There she was. Eyes blazing this brilliant white, her childish figure standing in the doorway, dress stained with splatters of red from past murders. Cas was... nowhere to be found. Where was that scrawny little fellow? Commanding his eyes to graze across the scene, he found no hint of said partner. It was like he'd bolted in the middle of the night or something. That wasn't good. Unable to spare much time, he looked back to the enemy at hand. It was hard to imagine hurting a cute little blonde girl, but that glare she was giving him made it a bit easier. She wore a scowl at first, but it was quickly morphed into a wicked smirk.

    The young girl stepped inside, each one of her footsteps completely and painfully audible in his ears, accompanied by a taunting giggle that echoed from her chest. There wasn't anything in her hands, but he knew that in those small palms, there was incredible power. She could probably tear him in half if she truly wanted to, and he was sure she did want to. But she was just toying with him. a cat and a mouse, one constantly trying to run from the inevitable. Why had he been so foolish?! He'd let his fatigue rule him over, and he hadn't even bothered to make a devil's trap on the ceiling or the floor. A stupid, careless move on his part. Though, she must have gotten past the salt, considering she was now inside and advancing towards him, step by step, taking her own sweet time.

    "Hello, Dean," she purred, her golden locks bouncing as she tipped her head to the side, looking him from head to toe with a little smile. Swallowing hard, he took a step back to try and put some more distance between them, but then he took another, and another, yet it was like she was only getting closer. Before he knew it, his back was pressed up against the wall, unable to get any further no matter how hard he tried to sink into the wall. How pathetic he looked, a grown man trying to evade a little girl who couldn't have been past the sixth grade. The very color in his cheeks had drained down a few shades, actually afraid to find out what the demon was to do. Kill him, most likely, but he wanted to know how. Or did he? Part of him didn't. He'd much rather not be killed by a deadly demon who had taken the form of a little girl. It was... strange. He didn't like it.

    Even though she didn't look like she was that close, within two steps, she was right up there in front of him, chin tilted up so she could keep those white eyes focused on his. He swallowed hard, keeping his own shoulders pinned back against the wall of the motel room. Not wanting to watch what was to happen, he closed his eyes, only to hear a familiar voice trying to reach him.

    "Dean. We should get going. I think these is a diner down the road," the voice said. A diner? Now? Well, he'd much rather prefer a burger over this, but, seriously, now was not the time. But, wait... was that Cas? Confused, he opened his eyes to look around
    and found that he was horizontal, body sinking into a mattress, rather than being pressed up against a wall. He sucked a shocked breath in through a little space in his lips, his muscles tensing after he flinched onto his elbows, now propped up so his chest was off the bed. Blinking rapidly, he eased himself into a sitting position, taking a look around the room as he worked to get there. No Lilith. No threat. Just Cas, who was there beside him.

    A dream. Now it made sense. He shook his head slightly, clearing his throat. "Uh... yeah. Yeah... Give me a minute..." he croaked, voice cracking in a sleepy kind of way. What time was it, anyway? He looked to the nearby clock, but had trouble seeing it due to the sleep in his eyes. But it was either twelve thirty or six o'clock, and he was pretty sure it was the latter. Rubbing his face with a hand, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and braced his hands on either side of himself on the mattress. That dream... it hadn't seemed too dream-like. Too details, too possible. It was unnerving. Shaking his head once more, he liked his lips, and then pushed himself up into a standing position. With tired eyes and a bit of caution to his step, he made his way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. There, he went to the sink, standing in front of it while not looking at his reflection in the mirror. Twisting the knob, the water trickled out, and then opened up into a somewhat even flow of cold water, despite the fact that he'd turned the one that was typically meant for warm water. Even after letting it run for a few seconds, it seemed that there was no heated water whatsoever, so he just bent forwards to splash his face with what he had, staying in that position for a few moments to let the water drip from his chin.

    After patting his face down with the supplied towel, which was crusty and far from soft, and also had a funky scent to it which he chose to ignore, Dean exited the bathroom. "Alright, you ready to go?" He asked Castiel as he strode across the room, pulling his shoes onto his feet and hoisting the bag over his shoulder, though was slightly weighed down by fatigue, as well. Between not sleeping all that well, and not getting as much as his body probably needed to compensate for the lack of sleep he was getting, he was still pretty tired. But staying in one place for too long was like nailing up a sign that read "WE'RE RIGHT HERE". They needed to get on the road before nasty little Lilith caught up to them. Making his way to the door, he dug the keys out of his pocket, and messed with the lock until he managed to get it to open up. "Since we're already near town, is there anything you need while we're here?"
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♕ ( castiel )

Postby pax. » Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:48 am

    [ didn't have much muse today, sorry if it's sucky woot woot -returns to writing horrendous english essay- ;_; ]

    Castiel flinched as Dean quickly drew breath, was he okay? But he relaxed as Dean likewise did, he must have been having a nightmare. The brunette man nodded as his partner responded, sitting down on the edge of the bed as would await for him to finish his morning routine. "Yes, we should be heading out." Cas mumbled as Dean walked over to him from the sink, he walked out the door first after Dean heading towards the Impala that lay still in the parking lot. He paused for a step and leaned against the railing of the small, pathetic fence that lined the paved walkway. "Dean" his mouth moved and the words came out sharply, as if it pained him to say it. Castiel's pale blue eyes scoured his companion's face for a response, but all he saw was his own reflection in his eyes. "We are in Denver and we have no idea where to go next. I know we can always head on, but what are we doing, hiding? Running away? It is my job to protect you and myself Dean. I know it is not well of me to doubt my orders, but I can't help to think that what were doing is not the way? No?" he rubbed his rough hands across his brow in dreariness. "Never mind, Dean. We can discuss this over breakfast."

    Castiel looked up at him, the light sparking in his eyes. The angel cracked a kind smile and walked over to the driver door before Dean. He ran his fingers over the impala's smooth surface, it's old shiny hide almost seemed to grow warm at his touch as if it remembered him. Him, who along with its owners had traveled miles upon miles under its coverage. The Winchesters had grown to call the vehicle home, a home that would never leave them and really the only home they had. With a smirk, he dangled the keys that he had snatched from Dean over the top of the car. "I will be driving the vehicle." his voice was serious, "You seem..tired..it will be best if I do drive for a bit after we get you some breakfast."

    The angel did not wait for his response before he spoke again, "Look" Cas pointed with a finger across the street to something he had not noticed the night they had drove in. In classic checkered letters and retro font were the words 'DINER' printed across a metallic sign on a small building on the other side of the road. "You will need to eat before we head out." He did not wait for Dean to argue with him or agree, for he started walking towards the street, Dean would be close behind. His trench coat's tails flapped in the wind as he walked briskly to the end of the street. They would be safe for a while on the outskirts of the city, Cas had his angelic blade tucked into his inside pocket. He could feel its cold, metallic feel against his pant line, ready to be used as always. Dean needed energy to replenish himself for the day as all humans did, just like sleep though Cas did not need such things. Yet the longer he had been on earth the more he enjoyed the world's pleasures. The thought of a juicy hamburger or a cold, drizzled drink did, by no means made him hungry but he did enjoy its taste. He reached the edge of the street, traffic was low. It was early in the morning and many were probably heading towards the bustling city for work and not out here. He peered down the street looking for cars, he was pretty durable but Cas preferred not to be crushed by a car, today at least. After a small silver honda breezed past them, he strolled unto the black, hard tar quickly making his way across the road.

    The diner door opened easily, like a door that had been opened countless of times. Castiel strolled into the diner. The smell hit him right away, the familiar human smell that he had grown accustomed too. Being on the road with Dean and Sam countless of times, he had began to notice a particular smell to each diner they stopped at. Yet every one so far was still the same all american looking diner, nothing unusual ever happened in them. They all smell differently, but shared the greasy smell of the burner cooking the fries, the smell of soda freshly being poured from the machines. This diner was brightly lit, crowded with truckers and their grimy beards, a business man running in to get a shot of coffee and now, a angel and his companion.

    A man, mid thirties turned his head from the bar at the center of the diner as Cas entered. His eyes were dark, tired as if he had already seen too much in this world. Wrinkles which would have befitted a much older man creased on his forehead, a receding brunette hairline added to his aging look. The man, who Castiel did not recognize, locked eyes with him. Cas felt his fingers tingle as they had the sudden urge to grope within his coat for his blade. Was it a demon? The man did not look savage though, the look in which he gave him was almost one of helplessness, as if he was trying to tell him something. But before Cas could think more about it more, the man cracked a small smile of greeting and turned back around. Reaching for his mug on the counter. It was nothing. Castiel sighed, he had become sensitive. It was just a normal glance at a stranger, but he had grown paranoid. Cas gathered himself quickly, a small wave of anger rolled over him before he turned to talk to the usher standing in the entrance.

    The lady at the counter smiled at them, "Hello folks, hope everything is good this lovely morning?" she spoke cheerily yet mechanically, like someone who had repeated those words so often that were engrained in their mind. Cas smiled wearily at her, "Good, um yeah, seat for two please. Preferably in a corner." his eyes glanced at her name tag, it said 'Susan' in big, fat bubbly letters. She nodded her head quickly "Right away, there is one over there. A waiter will take your order soon." she motioned with her chubby wrists to the corner of the diner, where a checkered booth lay nestled. He nodded at her in thanks, and headed over to the table. The table was large and round, it could hold at least four people. He moved into the booth, sliding around the table so he was sitting near the edge on the opposite side of where he expected Dean to sit.
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Dean Winchester

Postby exixst » Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:08 pm

    Dean gave no reply to what the angel said. Instead, he kept going, not stopping like his companion had. He only came to a halt when he was at the hood of the car, in which he used both hands to brace his weight on with his back turned to Castiel, causing the car to dip a notch. Yes, they were running. What else could they do? They were two single beings trying to fight off an impending doom that longed to rip the life from their very bodies. They couldn't fight that off. Not by themselves, and it's not like they had an army just stored in a garage, waiting to be released onto an enemy. They were alone in this. There wasn't enough time to gather support from others. Yeah, sure, maybe they could get half a dozen other hunters to saddle up with them - if even that - but not many were stupid enough to stick their nose in this issue. But he understood was Cas was talking about; they couldn't keep running forever. One of these days, they were gonna run out of places to hide. The Earth was only so big. Feeling the stress tugging down on his shoulders like heavy weights tied to his skin with fishing line, he used a single hand to rub his chin, closing his eyes to try and rebuild the confidence that he had so carefully put together to create the facade he wore. Pretend to be fearless, and perhaps he could trick himself into thinking he was. Deep down, he knew he wasn't. But to admit that would be admitting to a vulnerable weakness; fear. It was a weakness that Lilith could smell from miles away. But when his partner mentioned discussing it over breakfast, he gave a dull nod of agreement, and started to lift himself from the hood of the vehicle.

    As he reached the door to the driver's seat, there was a figure there with him. He paused to acknowledge the angel beside him, but as he did, he found that the keys had been plucked from his hands, like grapes from a vine. He opened his mouth to argue his main point - this was his car - but the angel beat him to speaking. With that, he let his lips slide together once more, pressing together firmly for only a moment. Yes, Dean was tired. He was always tired. Even when he had twelve hours of rest, he was still tired. There was an endless fatigue that followed him like a sickness, making his spine feel heavy and weak, and as if there was a rope tightening around his chest, choking off the oxygen he needed to breathe. And, of course, there was the lack of necessary sleep. He wasn't sure whether Cas meant the lack of sleep kind of tired, or the other kind of tired. He didn't bother to ask, but instead just consented to his companion's advice. "Alright..." With an almost pathetic obedience, he rounded the Impala once more, stationing himself at the passenger's seat before tugging open the corresponding door and dropping himself in, his body sinking into the familiar leather, sagging against it for a silent comfort. In this car, they were safe. It was his shelter that went with him anywhere he wanted to go. The roof was always over his head, and that loose seat belt kept him grounded. The radio never failed to blast, and those windshield wipers would never fail to clear his vision. There was no house that could compare to this vehicle. No luxury could outdo it.

    Dean was silent for the ride, his blank green stare pointed forwards, but not focusing on anything in particular. His ears drowned out the constant purr of the Impala as the gas powered it onward. The light breeze from the AC was no more than a change in the temperature around him. It wasn't until the car bounced into the parking lot of an old-fashion diner, with the nifty sign and everything. The first thing that came to his mind was just a single word, comprised of three letters; pie. What good old diner didn't sell warm, fresh made pie? If they didn't, this stop wasn't worth his time. His stomach might disagree, because he could feel the hunger tugging at his gut, but he had no appetite. His mind was too full of thoughts to think about food, except for the delicious desert that he would most certainly call breakfast if need be. That was the only way he knew that he was still alright; he couldn't turn down pie. Not yet, at least.

    When the car was turned off, he pushed open the door, used to the constant squeak it made no matter how many times he gave it oil. He didn't mind, though. The squeak was just another thing that made it his car. Shutting the door behind him, he followed Cas inside, greeted by a small bell and warm smiles from some of the waitresses or cooks inside. It was fairly chilly inside, fitting with the tile floors and decorative photos hung on the walls, and the yellow tinted lighting that dangled from above. A few people were seated inside, munching on their meals or sipping at their drinks, but few paid attention to the two men that just walked in. Except one particular man, who was seated at the bar on a limp stool. His partner was then tense, as if he refused to breathe, but the moment only lasted for a few ticks before the air began to shift once again. Dean shrugged it off after a second, and then started towards the back corner where they'd been guided to by the woman's gesture. Seating himself so that he could stare directly at the door without having to move anything except his eyes, Dean left his forearms on the table, slouching into it slightly.

    Moments later, a young, peppy waitress appeared. She had curly blonde locks that were pulled up into a sharp ponytail behind her head, held there by a visor cap that rested over her brows. Her eyes were an innocent shade of blue, with pink lips that had a subtle shine of gloss to them. With fair skin and a big smile that flashed her straight teeth, she placed two menus on the table, and then moved to pull out a small notepad from the pocket of her black apron. Clicking the pen that came with it, she poised it to write, but lifted her eyes to the two men at the table to politely address them, her accent giving her voice a little southern bounce to it. "Good morning! My name is Allison, I'll be your server today. What can I get you two to start off?"

    Dean was quiet for a breath before clearing his throat, lifting his eyes to meet Allison's. "I'll take a coffee, please."
    The woman nodded and moved her hand to scribble it down, though paused to look back. "Espresso?"
    He hesitated for a moment before giving a nod. "Sure."
    She shifting her weight onto one foot for comfort. "Red, black, or dead eye?"
    He contemplated the decision for a moment before giving an answer. "Dead eye."
    She gave a nod with a grin and then continued to fill out the notepad. "Thought you'd say that... You look like you haven't slept in a week."
    "That obvious, huh?" His tone was in fair jest, and she chuckled, figuring that he was kidding. Honestly, he hadn't gotten a full sleep in some time. Three shots of espresso might be able to fill that void.
    Allison took Cas's order before flipping the notebook closed. "Alrighty then. You two just have a look over those menus, and I'll be right back with your drinks." She then sashayed off, disappearing behind a door to do just as she said she would.

    Swallowing lightly, Dean picked up a menu, only sparing the cover a quick glance. The logo was splayed on top, flattered by pictures of different meals they had to offer. He didn't give it enough attention to gather a name or anything they claimed to be famous for. Instead, he just flipped it open and let his eyes run down the page, first looking for only one thing in particular. He had to flip over the desserts section to find it, but, alas, he did. Pie. Apple pie, actually. That was the only kind of pie they made. That was good enough for him. He'd have to make sure to place that with his order already and not wait until afterwards. Next, he skimmed over the rest of it, mentally noting what they called their burgers for later.

    Without lifting his eyes from the menu, despite having already decided what he'd be getting, he began to speak to the only other one at the table. "It doesn't matter whether or not what we're doing is right. We either keep running, or get our heads knocked from our necks by a mob of demons. I can't think of any better ideas other than trying to hide. You known damn well you and I aren't strong enough to face her, if that's what you're getting at."

((Yikes! It took me far too long to get this reply to you. I am so sorry about that. It was eating at me, so I gave myself no choice; I get this mother done by tonight. Hopefully it's alright... Dean's kinda gloomy, I guess. I'm not the best at playing canon characters. Anyway, do you think demons should come storming into the diner now, or shall we have the two guys get on the road and have to deal with them then?))
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