MHA 1x1 rp (Wheeze & Nature)

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Re: MHA 1x1 rp (Wheeze & Nature)

Postby ~NatureSword~ » Wed Feb 15, 2023 4:12 pm

She opened her eyes and looked at him in surprise,"Really?" She did not see that coming. She was sure that he was still so far in depression that he wouldn't even be thinking about a new prodigy,"Have I heard of this new young hero before?" She asked him.

He eyed him for a second longer as he listened before straightening up,"I see. Yes, she does have more then just her leopard quirk, and judging by the fact that you talked about training, I'm going to assume that you somehow know about her water manipulation quirk." He said.

Zarak moved to sit in the chair in the room, making himself more comfortable,"My late father did adopt her, but probably not for reasons you think. People wanted nothing to do with her, and she needed help with her quirk and her health. Of course, even then, those were not the top reasons." He stated, folding his hands on his laps.

"Compliments?" He asked,"No, it just sounds like everything thinks that I should have a girlfriend by now. What's wrong with being single and focusing a little more on my career?" He asked.

He glanced at her,"Oh. Anyone I know?" He asked before thanking the chef when their ramens came,"A crush?" He asked before thinking about it,"I might of had one when I was a kid, but I don't remember too well." He admitted.
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Re: MHA 1x1 rp (Wheeze & Nature)

Postby Wheeze » Wed Feb 15, 2023 4:27 pm


"I'm primarily watching over him, similar to Chihiro, where I have a few things I can learn. Plus I won't be around forever it is best I pass on my knowledge," he stated. "his hero name is Swift if you recognize him." He stated.

Really Daichi hates himself for it. He didn't want to replace Rin the boy was like a son to him and who was Suga? Just some hero who saved an old lady.

Daichi took in a deep breath as he took a shot of his sake. He needed to clear his mind.


"I didn't pass out from exhaustion yesterday." Rin stated simply, "I passed out from using my quirk and my pain receptors couldn't handle it." Rin explained. "So while the nurse was in her office I wanted to know." He stated. When Rin wanted something he got it.

"I'm glad she's being taken care of but she seems quite nervous and antsy, it's just something my instincts picked up on," he explained, staring down Zakar. Rin felt a small urge to protect her. Because he was a hero and that was all he could do. Protect the one person he could protect.


"Well it's a compliment, and really a hero should focus on their career I'm just saying," Chihiro huffed as she crossed her arms. "Friends are perfectly fine to have," he hummed. Chihiro thanked the chef.

Chihiro nodded, "everyone had schoolyard crushes," she stated. "But no I don't think you would know him," she shrugged as she started eating a bit.

"But who needs crushes when. You've got friends," she hummed. "I don't he would back anyways,"
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Re: MHA 1x1 rp (Wheeze & Nature)

Postby ~NatureSword~ » Fri Feb 17, 2023 1:24 am

She thought for a second,"Swift? Isn't that the boy we saw at the funeral grounds?" She asked. Nikayla slowly eyed Daichi. She knew how close he was to Rin, so she wasn't expecting him to take anyone under his wing for a while still.

She then looked at him,"Wasn't he under Captain Comet's agency?" She asked.

He gave a small nod to himself as he listened to Rin explain his actions,"I see. Your quirk allows you to turn invisible, correct?" He asked for clarification. The gears in his mind were clicking as he thought of possibilities.

"She's always been that way. No reason why. That's just how she is." He explained back to him,"I assume it has to do with her past experience in the orphanage."

He tilted his head as Chihiro crossed her arms as she seemed slightly annoyed,"Did I... Say something?" He asked, before slurping up a bit of his noodles, almost shrugging off his own question. He then smirked a bit,"Oh, a schoolyard crush, huh? Then I must know who he is!" He exclaimed.

He leaned forward a little and poked at her arm as he grinned,"Come on, tell me who he was. Oh, was it the kid in our class with the spiky hair?" He asked her.
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Re: MHA 1x1 rp (Wheeze & Nature)

Postby Wheeze » Fri Feb 17, 2023 5:28 pm


Daichi gave Nikayla a harder look than he had meant to. "Yes, that Swift," he took another sip of sake. The more the conversation continued the more his heart broke into tiny little shards. "And yes he was working with captain comet but I'm borrowing him for the time being." He stated simply.

"Rin is dead and not coming back, I am 40, far past my prime, I'm not going to sit around waiting," Daichi stated simply, closing the conversation, the topic. He was unsure how many reminders he could handle. "You mentioned a student with a quirk similar to your own?"


"Invisibility, and passing through walls. Ghost limbs that see also invisible," Rin corrected. He figured to allow Zarak know each part of his quirk, it would be best if he was working under than man for now. The heros that abandoned him. It made Rins heart hurt. He clenched his jaw.

Rin nodded, "I understand.. the system is a bit terrible. Not that I know of anything," he breathed out. Staring down at his hands, the wires and cords that connecting him to machines, "so is she alright currently? She looked worse for wear."


"No, you didn't say anything," she stated, eating a bit more. She was just getting a little irritated on his pushiness of the subject. She paused. She screwed up her life. "Yeah maybe but I doubt you could guess," she stated with a small, playful roll of her eyes. "No...! It wasn't the guy with the spiky hair.. his hair is more messy.. but still weirdly neat? I doubt he's the same as when we were in school anyways," she huffed. Eating some.

"That's beside the point, who did you like as a kid? You mentioned something along those lines?" She asked, now it was her turn to poke some fun
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Re: MHA 1x1 rp (Wheeze & Nature)

Postby ~NatureSword~ » Thu Feb 23, 2023 2:58 am

She slightly hid the fact that she chewed on bottom lip as she brought her sake up to her mouth to take a sip, thinking that she was doing okay about not reminding him too much of Rin, but clearly Daichi's reactions proved her wrong.

She then looked at him as he asked his question, nodding her head,"That's right. You know that my quirk is to have blades come out of my forearms and the palms of my hands. His quirk allows him to turn any part of his body into a blade, with a few exceptions." She told him,"I saw him in action a few times in some mock battles at UA, so when the training under hero agencies began, I requested to take him on." Nikayla explained before smiling when the food finally arrived to their table.

He nodded as he listened to him explain his quirk before looking at him when he asked about Tasu,”She’s currently in bed with a fever, but she’ll be back to normal later tomorrow. As I mentioned earlier, she needs help with her quirk and her health. When she overuses her quirk, she falls ill. We’ve been trying to help her by figuring out a medical solution to lessen her illness, to make something as simple as a vitamin pill for her to take, but nothing yet.” He explained to him.

The gears clicked inside his mind,”When your injuries are healed and you have most of your strength, I may have something that I’ll need your help with.” Zarak told him, already creating a story of reason in his head.

Suga grinned a little at her,"Messy but weirdly neat? Well, that is an interesting combination!" He said before eating a little bit more. He then looked at her with a slight tilt of the head,"Hmm? Did I say something along that lines?" He asked.

He put a finger to his chin as he glanced upwards as he thought about it,"I thought I said that in line towards you..... Oh well." He shrugged a bit with a goofy grin,"I mean, all the girls in our elementary class were basically fawning over me when we were kids. I'll admit, I liked a lot of them, but like like?" He paused for a second and his goofy grin got bigger,"Guess you'll never know!" He chuckled.
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Re: MHA 1x1 rp (Wheeze & Nature)

Postby Wheeze » Thu Feb 23, 2023 6:51 am


"That is quite interesting, it is rare that you see two quirks so similar to one another, are you two related if you mind me asking?" Daichi asked
.he was glad that the conversation was drifting away from the topic of Rin but it was still something that addled his mind. A memory tickling his brain for the entire meal. One where Rin was just some awkward teenager unsure of what to order because he didn't want to be nuisance and order too much. Then another, right after graduation Rin was officially an adult, a man. Where he could confidently order what he liked without worry of being a burden on the check.


Daichi stared ahead. Suga had made progress with using one for all but it just felt like there was something missing from it all. Suga had still been training well with captain comet while also doing on and off patrols for him along with his training. There was just something missing.

That something would be Rin complaining in his ears that he was bored and wanted to learn something new, but he needed to practice before moving on.

So he called Suga, "would you like to join me for hot pot tonight?" He inquired.


Rin nodded, a bit solemnly, "I understand. I quirk has its draw backs but I'm not incapacitated after most uses," images flashed in his head of the water, flowing and ebbing, swirling across the training room walls. Just a tiny girl controlling it all.

"Of course, after today I'm uncertain if I'm ready to use my quirk, " Rin chuckled dryly. He hated being so useless. He was always restless as a kid and teenager and he was still restless now. He always itched for something to do.


Rin had spent a lot of his time in recovery reading magazines. They were old ones, ones where he could see his face, the ones where he was declared to be dead. Daichi only said one thing.
"He would have made a great hero."
An interview with the woman he has saved, "I was stuck in shock and he pushed me out of the way." He was glad that she survived.
But Daichi knows what he did, he was left to die.

Rin snapped the magazine shut as set it to the side. The nurses said he would be back in working order any day now. He'd been allow small weights in order to build back muscle after being inactive for so long, and allowed short walks around the facility. But not once again had he seen Tasu.


"Haha yeah...I forgot his name but I remember he was always sweet and that his hair was always weird like that," she laughed, eating a bit. She listened intently as Suga talked, curiously, she whined out, "what you're just gonna leave it at that??" She whined out. "You already have to give me some kind of indication, what was your type?" She asked with a small pout.
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Re: MHA 1x1 rp (Wheeze & Nature)

Postby ~NatureSword~ » Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:44 pm

He gave another chuckle before happily slurping up some more noodles,"Well.... I think not. I think I'll keep you guessing." He teased her with a grin. Yup, he missed being able to tease her like this.


He had just finished some training with a couple others in Caption Comet's agency and had just gotten out of the shower, getting dressed. As he was drying his hair, he heard his phone start to vibrate in his bag before he picked it up,"Oh, hello. Sure, that would be great, thank you." He said to him.

Suga slightly tilted his head in curiousity,"Is this for any specific reason?" He asked.

He walked into the building, whistling a little bit as he made his way over to the receptionist's desk. He talked with the head nurse for a moment as he looked into some files before nodding a little. It was about Rin. Once he was done there, he headed up to the second floor.

He hadn't talked with the young man for a few weeks, allowing him to focus on healing and regaining his strength. Going up to the room, his gave a quick knock before entering the room,"Hello, Rin. How are you feeling today? Any pain?" He asked him.
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Re: MHA 1x1 rp (Wheeze & Nature)

Postby Wheeze » Fri Feb 24, 2023 10:59 am


Daichi was silent as he listened to Suga, all that could be heard on the other end was the buzzing of the phone line as he was silent, a quivering in his head and throat as he felt that lump once more. As he regained his composure. "It is no problem, I want to be able to reward you, you've been worked far too much," he chuckled, it was slightly forced but he hoped that the phone wouldn't be able to pick it up. Daichi thrummed his fingers across the desk as he stared at the window, he knew that if he looked towards his desk his eyes would start to drift towards spots he'd much rather not look at at the moment.

Really all sign of Rin had been removed from the room but he still lingered. There was a slight crack in the wall, covered up with a fresh coat of paint, but he could still see it through the beige colors. The crack being a result of Rin passing out after training and overusing his quirk.
Daichi took in a deep breath after a few long minutes of silence, "the hotpot near my agency. When would you be available?" He inquired.


Rin perked up as he looked up from his balled fists as he heard the door click open, "I am doing well sir," he stated simply, almost a bit excitedly, Zarak had been something to base new information on, because there had been only other 2 people who had told him something new. It would be Tasu's nurse, but she wouldn't let a single word slip, and Tasu, and being bed bound didn't help with that.

So Zarak was all that he was stuck with. Which, Rin didn't see much of Zarak for the most part. "Little to no pain," he agreed. Really he was off of all of his medication. Really just inflammation reduction that he was on, and he was getting into physical therapy. Walking around the facility, with someone aiding him at all times, so that was annoying. Lifting small things. Really it was annoying to be treated like an old lady.

"Was there something you needed me for?" He inquired.
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Re: MHA 1x1 rp (Wheeze & Nature)

Postby ~NatureSword~ » Fri Feb 24, 2023 1:55 pm

He listened to the silent buzzing on the other side of the phone as he rubbed his hair dry with his one hand. Was something going on? Was there was a reason why it seemed like Daichi was hesitant to speak? Suga slightly wondered to himself as he packed his bag before he took in what was being said,"Oh, thank you, sir." He replied.

Suga looked at his open hand. He defiantly got used to his new power, but at the same time was still getting use to it. There would be the odd times where he'd underestimate how much power he'd use when he was actually using One For All, and in the process straining his muscles and sometimes even injuring himself by accident. It certainly didn't make it easy to give reasons when his siblings asked what happened to him, especially Kiko.

He put the strap on his shoulder and exited the shower room and down the hall,"I just finished up for the day, so I can come now if you want." He said to him.

He nodded and gave a smile as he walked over to the foot of the bed,"Glad to hear it. The nurses informed me that you were off medication and moving around more. I wanted to come and see for myself." He said before a thought crossed his mind.

He decided not to answer Rin's question just yet,"How about we go for a little walk around as we talk? I'm sure you're itching to stretch your legs out." He suggested. He wanted to see just how mobile Rin was nowadays, especially if he wanted to put his talents to 'good' use.
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Re: MHA 1x1 rp (Wheeze & Nature)

Postby Wheeze » Fri Feb 24, 2023 6:07 pm


He was glad that Suga didn't bother to comment on the long pause that Daichi had created. "It is no issue, as a teacher I must treat my student occasionally," he chuckled. It was a tone that didn't quite match his face. He was glad it was a simple phone call. "Yes that would be perfect, I might be a tad late as I need to get into something more appropriate rather than work attire, but I will be there soon," Daichi stated

. Hanging up with a click. Getting changed into a much more casual set of clothes. Really most people thought it odd to see Boshido in normal clothes when he typically dressed so formally but he managed in a longer coat, slacks and a darker button up shirt. Making his way to the hotpot restaurant.


"Yes I'm just on some minor inflammation medication now," Rin agreed, he was glad to no longer have needles in his hands and arms and no longer needing crutches to walk. He could walk and move fine, no need to rest on the walls.

"I would enjoy that," he responded quickly as he got up, glad to be able to finally move his legs, he was excited to be able to use his quirk again. He wanted to use one for all he could imagine it's power through his veins, as they stepped out of the room Rin asked, "so what did you need to talk about?"
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