CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all clans -

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DriftClan | July | 3

Postby ponz » Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:04 am


STORMSTAR | Leader | F | 25 moons | TAGS: Hyena’s Breath (Order of the Hyena)
“Ah,” Stormstar said with slight unease. “Let’s hope I don’t give you a reason to summon them, then.” Again, the grey-and-white molly let her gaze drift across the intimidating figure that Hyena’s Breath cut. Her clan was not a clan of fighters, not like her companion’s. DriftClan’s job meant guarding those in need of help from those who might hurt, and often those problems could be solved without the use of sharp claws. “My cats are not so bold or fierce as yours,” Stormstar said, shrugging nonchalantly. “They’re a ragtag bunch, but they’ve all got the right spirit. That’s all I can really ask of them.” Stormstar knew she was rather brusque by the average cat’s standards, a little too blunt and sharp-tongued, but she was caring, too. Not even a near-stranger (albeit one she knew could easily rip her to shreds) was exempt from that. “Aren’t you a little lonely?” she asked, before she could think better of it. “I can’t help but worry that a clan as ruthless as yours would not offer you much close companionship.”

PEACHES | Medic | F | 20 moons | TAGS: Brownbrook (Cascata Conservatory)
“If you hadn’t guessed already, it’s my first Gathering, too,” Peaches giggled, beaming at the brown tabby cat that shared space with her beneath the shade. “My name’s Peaches. I’m, ah, the medic for DriftClan. That’s what you’re supposed to do at these, right? Introduce yourself? I probably should have asked more questions before agreeing to come…” The little molly shook herself, unwilling to go on a tangent in front of a stranger, and especially not when Stormstar wanted her to impress! Peaches laughed again, a little airier and self-conscious, and looked up to make eye contact with her companion. “Well, anyway, it’s very nice to meet you!” she said. “You’ll have to forgive me for not asking sooner, but what is your name?”

MOUSEWHISKER | Warrior | M | 23 moons | TAGS: open
‘Smokepaw is a great name!’ Mousewhisker signed, already beaming as a wave of fondness for the apprentice came over him. He wished he’d had someone like Smokepaw when he was younger and still struggling to communicate with hearing cats. ’I’m sure that your warrior name will be even cooler.’ He could feel the vibration of a purr building in his chest as he spoke. It was just so exciting to be hanging out with another deaf cat! ’And if they don’t give you something cool, I’ll have to march over to your clan and demand a change!’ Mousewhisker huffed, a little out of breath himself, before smiling kindly down at Smokepaw. ’What clan are you from, by the way? I’m from DriftClan.’

BRAMWELL | Day-Warrior | M | 26 moons | TAGS: open
[ Bramwell is walking about jovially, flashing a toothy smile at every cat that looks his way, and hopes fervently to himself that no one notices the nervous tremor in his tail. ]

SHOREPELT | Nurse | F | 31 moons | TAGS: open
[ Shorepelt is lying curled up in a shady corner, eyes narrowing reflexively as she studies every passerby. She seems torn on whether or not to approach someone for conversation. ]

ALFIE | Apprentice | M | 10 moons | TAGS: Dovepaw (Highgarden)
Alfie quivered eagerly, hardly able to restrain his curiosity as the serene Dovepaw introduced himself. “Nice to meet’cha, Dovepaw!” he chirped, forgetting his plan of acting cool and collected in his excitement. “I’ve never heard of a Highgarden before, but I’ll bet you’ve never heard of DriftClan, either! That’s where I’m from.” Eyes wide, he sat down with a plop. It was a miracle he hadn’t started racing around in circles, and a testament to Dovepaw’s intrigue factor that Alfie was able to remain still. “So what’s it like there? DriftClan’s by the ocean, so we got lots and lots of practice swimming! Oh, and we take assessments like you, but the skills we learn are different. I’ll be taking my final assessment soon, too!” he said in a rush, though Alfie wilted a bit as the thought of Sootstone’s exasperation with his clumsy fishing technique. “Or, well, I hope so. I’ve still got to figure out a few more things until then.” And with a lopsided grin, Alfie joked, “Maybe I’ll even get a little bigger before the assessment, so I don’t have to be the smallest warrior in the clan.”
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JULY 2021 - 008

Postby chaotic creativity » Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:29 am

18 Spots Open | Last Post

    Rookstar - Tom - 58 Moons - Roi (Leader) - Tagged: Darwinstar of Cascata Conservatory
      Rookstar's eyes widened with shock at hearing that Darwinstar was named after a twoleg. "I'm rather shocked to hear of a cat named after a twoleg; it is most unusual indeed," he meowed, more to himself than anything. She prattled on about science, the word an unfamiliar one to Rookstar, and he listened intently. He would have the most thrilling story to share with Dauphinpaw and Freuxfreckle when he returned home. The thought of his son and his mate made his heart flutter with joy, and he couldn't help but smile to himself. Their surrogate had delivered just a single kit, but Rookstar would not change it for anything. He adored his young son, to the point that his first litter accused him of loving Dauphinpaw more than them. He had so quickly assured them that it wasn't true that the three had collapsed into laughter, admitting they were only teasing as they knew any cat would be so obsessed with young kits. "A rook is a bird, very similar to a crow or a raven. My entire litter was named after birds. My littermates are Juncoflight, a small grey-ish sparrow, and I have another littermate that I have lost touch with that once carried the name Duckpaw. I surely hope you know what a duck is," he chuckled. He had quickly described a junco as it was a bird he had required his own father to describe to him. In truth, Juncoflight was named after their father's name in AloeClan. The mighty Summitstar had once been Juncoflight of AloeClan, who was then led by Snowstar to start the JaggedClan that Rookstar had been born in. He found it rather amusing that he had followed in his father's footsteps, leaving the original Clan to help found and eventually become leader of another Clan. "I can promise you that a majority of my Clan has asked me what a rook and a junco are, so you are not alone in that," he chuckled.

    Chasmstar - Molly - 49 Moons - Dame (Leader) - Tagged: Hollystar of TundraClan
      Chasmstar nodded along sympathetically as Hollystar spoke so lovingly of her own family. "Snowleopardkit is quite the mouthful! I bet she struggled to say her own name at first," she chuckled, remembering how her own kits had stumbled over their words until they were nearly two moons old. Poor Loutresplash hadn't been able to say her own name until she was three moons old, even though the only name she ever said was Ourskit's. The two had been inseparable since birth, and Chasmstar was glad to see two of her kits so close even as Cavalier. "It's a wonder I was even able to keep my title of Dame when they were still so dependent on me. I sacrificed my duties for my family, rather than sacrificing the time with my family for my duties," she meowed, almost regretfully. She wondered what it would have been like to have focused on her duties when her litter had been so young, but the stories of Rookstar's own parents had dissuaded her from ever doing so. The broken relationship between the family had hurt her greatly and made her hope to never experience that, even if that was now what was happening to her. Rookstar and his littermate, Juncoflight, had lost touch with their parents and their other sister, who they only knew of as Duckpaw. "I hope yours never grow up. It's a painful pride to see the ones that used to require you for everything leave the nest," she meowed jokingly, smiling at Hollystar. She didn't want to think about Rookstar at this moment, of the way he had tried to tell her he loved another cat right after their own kits had been born. He'd sworn that he still loved her, and that he loved them both equally, but she hadn't seen past the blind rage. She'd forbidden from from seeing or speaking to his kits, and the two had drifted apart into an uneasy hatred during the subsequent moons.

    Richterscreech - Tom - 68 Moons - Tour (Deputy) - Tagged: Thistletuft of SeaClan
      Richterscreech smiled as he recognized the determination in Thistletuft's eyes. "I remember all too well the first kit boom in ChessClan. We were still young, barely even a season-cycle old, when we had nearly eighteen kits born around the same time. There were only four mollies pregnant, but they all had such large litters. It astounds me how a molly can carry six whole kits at once when they can also only have one," he meowed. He had never fully understood how a molly could have anywhere between one and six kits, but he was always overjoyed when new ones were born. "They're well into adulthood now, two of my own kits among them. There were three, once, but my son Tremortremble watches down from ÉtoileClan," he meowed, his eyes drifting up with a smile. Tectonicmarch and Seismicwhisper still remained, each with kits of their own, and his heart soared as he thought of his first grand-kits being cavalier themselves. They grew so fast, and he was astounded to know they were all excellent young cats. None had turned into the pranksters his first litter of three had been, and he chuckled as he remembered how much trouble Tremortremble, Seismicwhisper, and Tectonicmarch had once been.

    Wolfwhiskers - Tom - 73 Moons - Fou (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      Wolfwhiskers let out a sigh of relief as he padded alongside Faondapple. Lichenpaw was too close to taking her assessment to attend the Gathering, and Lindtpaw had stayed behind as company. The silence without the two was louder than they were, but Wolfwhiskers enjoyed the peace. "They'll be fine," he meowed in reassurance to the clearly nervous molly. "Sopranocavern and Versaillesheart have basic herbal knowledge, and Loonfrost was once a medicine cat. If they run into any trouble, they know those three older mollies are to who they are to report," he meowed, the words he'd drilled into the 'paws' heads leaving his mouth another time. Faondapple nodded and broke off without another word, and he watched her with a concerned eye. She was like a daughter to him, and he worried when she wasn't herself. She quickly dove into a conversation, and Wolfwhiskers let out the breath he had been holding. With a sigh, he turned and sat down. He didn't feel like strolling, so he'd let any potential conversation come to him. If no cat wanted to speak with him, that would be fine as well.

    Faondapple - Molly - 27 Moons - Fou (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Kiwifuzz of IslandClan
      Faondapple's thoughts raced as she broke away from Wolfwhiskers's comforting words. She knew he was speaking reasonably, but she couldn't help but worry. What if the camp burst into flames? What if a tree fell and hurt a cat severely? What if a storm flooded the herb stores? What if, what if, what if? She shook her head violently, a few tears flying from her eyes as she quickly shut down her emotions. The two cats would be fine. She had experienced the same thing when Wolfwhiskers had left her behind when he was heading to a Gathering, and nothing disastrous had happened. A few injured patients were in the den, but none required serious attention outside of wound re-dressings and occasional monitoring. Lichenpaw had taken care of Pommepaw and Lynxpaw entirely by herself, so she knew exactly what to expect from them. She stumbled into a cat, and she smiled as she recognized their scent. "Kiwifuzz! I haven't heard much from IslandClan in these past few moons," she purred, knowing the cat's name only because they shared a border. She had never spoken with Kiwifuzz, but Wolfwhiskers made her keep up the names and appearances of their bordering medicine cats in case she ever needed their help. She almost thanked him verbally as she didn't have to ask for Kiwifuzz's name, but she clamped her jaws shut quickly. She didn't need to embarrass herself in her first meeting with the cat, and she was worried she had already done so.

4 Spots Open | Last Post

    Marbledstar - Molly - 40 Moons - Dronning (Leader) - Tagged: Riverstar of VagaryClan
      Marbledstar blinked appreciatively at Riverstar's words. She wanted nothing more in the world than to prove Sablefrost wrong; she would not turn out like him, no matter what. She took a deep, shaky breath and nodded slowly. "It's clear that I don't want to ever be like him, though there are times when I wonder what my life would be like if I went down the same path as him. Would I be in a band of rogues, or would I be a prisoner in my former home in the way Hopscowl now is," she sighed. She shouldn't be laying everything out for Riverstar to see, but it was hard for her to stop once she had started. This most certainly was not the best first impression she had made on another Clan at her first Gathering as Dronning. "This is much too dark of a path to be setting ourselves on at a Gathering, so might I inquire about VagaryClan? I've never heard of your Clan," she admitted rather sheepishly, embarrassed to admit that she knew very little of the other Clans in the world. Sablefrost had told her that she should only care about Frosne, and so she had never even attended a Gathering before this one. It had been a shock to her to realize that her first interaction with the other Clans would be right after her coronation ceremony. She was nervous being here, that much was clearly obvious, but she hoped Riverstar wouldn't think less of her after their unusual first meeting. Her pelt seemed to glitter in the moonlight, and she was swiftly distracted by grooming the pebbles and dirt from her paw pads, between her toes, and underneath her claws. The trek had been long and tiresome, and she was rather dusty from the several expanses of fields and pastures that they had had to cross. She had spent so long inside Frosne's borders that she was shocked by how warm and bright everything seemed. It almost seemed like some places had never seen snow while her own Clan would often be trapped inside their camp for days when horrendous blizzards would strike in the dead of the cold season. It almost seemed like the world experienced four seasons unlike the typical two she saw most clearly in her territory.

    Skuasoar - Molly - 77 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      Skuasoar kept a watchful eye on Marbledstar as the molly collapsed into the pile of leaders. "I worry about her," she murmured. Her Dronning was prone to episodes of fear and shaking when pushed into social situations involving strangers. Skuasoar shook her head and took a seat a distance away from the other deputies. She'd attended many Gatherings, and they were beginning to bore her.

    Almondclay - Molly - 29 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Forestfire & Almondjoy of VenusClan
      Almondclay's eyes opened wide with confusion over a cat Almondjoy had so casually mentioned. "E-excuse me? Did you just say 'mothcat'?" she asked, her voice rising with confusion and fear. She could not quite figure out what the tom meant, even if he had so casually spoken of this Craniumstrike as if it were normal to be referred to as a 'mothcat'. All she could imagine was a large cat with broad, moth-like wings and fluffy antennae poking out from their head near their ears. She had heard of rather unique cats before, ones with wings or costumes or more limbs than four, but she'd never heard of one referred to as a 'mothcat'. As her thoughts raced, her heart stilled as reason spoke calmly through her mind. Perhaps this 'mothcat' was another name for a rank in VenusClan. It could be another name for their medicine cat or their deputy. All sorts of Clans had all sorts of names for different roles, and she took a deep breath to calm herself entirely. She would have to learn to calm herself more effectively, and the sudden confusion, terror, and worry had proved to be a pleasantly difficult surprise to work through. As a Hertuginne, she would be placed in stressful situations more often than not, and she was rather grateful for the sudden wave of emotions caused by such a casually mentioned word. She could only hope that another Sablefrost-like cat didn't try to destroy Frosne during her time on the council.

    Driftantler - Tom - 54 Moons - Hertuger (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      Driftantler peeled away from the group, knowing the mollies had their Dronning handled, and dove into the crowd of deputies. He smiled and wove, twisting over paws and tails before settling down and watching the crowd.

    Macadamiawave - Molly - 54 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Resting Bee of Foxglove Court
      Macadamiawave tilted her head as Resting Bee spoke of his own name. "Foxglove Court and Restless Bee are unique names as well. Mine's much more like many other Clans," she meowed. It was true that most Clans used a traditional prefix-suffix naming system, and Macadamiawave had rarely met any Clans using different systems. "It's my first Gathering as well, though my Clan has been attending for moons. I've only just been named to the council two moons ago, so it's a bunch of new experiences all at once," she chuckled. When Mooseglow had named her among the five to be voted on for her replacement, Macadamiawave have been shocked. When the newly named Marbledstar had chosen for the other four choices to be her council, Macadamiawave had fainted from surprise. The Clan had been overjoyed that the molly who got the second most votes would help lead them, but she had been terrified. Her niece, Almondclay, was also on the council, and Macadamiawave was happy to have the molly to lean on at times. She smiled gently at Restless Bee, wondering just what his name meant. "Why are called Restless Bee? You don't seem all that restless to me," she meowed, a good-natured chuckle following her sentence. Bees were something they didn't experience in her territory, the small winged creatures unable to stand the cold that shrouded the land like a blanket.

    Cypressmask - Tom - 29 Moons - Helbreder (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      Cypressmask couldn't help but push past the ruling cats with a sigh. He was viewed as less important than the warriors, and he resented Moosestar for making the Clan such a way. The helbreder were highly valued, but those who hunted and fought were seen as higher than he was. With a snort, he sat amongst the medicine cats.

    Lemmingwisp - Tom - 30 Moons - Lavere Jagere (Warrior) - Tagged: Lilylivered of KeyClan
      Lemmingwisp padded with his head high and his tail held straight out behind him. He took careful steps around cats until he spotted a rather interesting looking cat. He approached them with an emotionless expression. "I am Lemmingwisp," the words rolled from his tongue like silk. He wondered what his friends were doing back at camp, but he wouldn't take the blame for any of their shenanigans tonight. Tonight, he would have a civilized conversation with a civil-headed cat that shared his interests.

0 Spots Open

    Hyena's Breath - Molly - 40 Moons - Matriarch (Leader) - Tagged: Stormstar of DriftClan
      Hyena's Breath's lip curled in disgust as Stormstar asked if she was lonely. "My Aide, Civet's Scurry is as good of a friend as any cat. I am also searching for a mate, though none of the current cats interest me. I must have an heir soon, but I believe love will not be hard to find," she snarled, as if love were something she could find on the ground like an herb. "In a ragtag bunch, it seems you aren't as protected or loved as a tight-knit Clan like mine," she spat, disgusted at the way Stormstar had spoken to her. The molly seemed as if she hadn't meant any harm, but Hyena's Breath was simply on edge and took everything to heart. Her eyes sought out Civet's Scurry in the crowd, the molly she had grown so close to. She almost admitted that she might have a crush on her, but Hyena's Breath would never allow herself to fall for her. Civet's Scurry clearly was only interested in toms, and Hyena's Breath's preference for mollies was not common knowledge yet.

    Civet's Scurry - Molly - 38 Moons - Aide (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Ostrich's Cry - Molly - 47 Moons - Herbalist (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Zebra's Gallop - Molly - 44 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Wildebeest's Stampede - Tom - 42 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Lion's Shadow - Tom - 45 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Aardwolf's Mane - Molly - 24 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Baboon's Shriek - Tom - 51 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Leopard's Leap - Tom - 64 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

0 Spots Open

    Contopus virens (Pewee) - Molly - 64 Moons - Osprey (Leader) - Tagged: Tawnyrose of Highgarden
      Pewee could see that Tawnyrose was fighting to describe her daughter in words that painted her in a good light, and she couldn't help but chuckle. "The oldest kit, regardless of gender, will succeed the throne when my time as Osprey is over. Fulica was of my first litter, with Crow, though I have a new litter with Cooper. I must consult the ancestors as to if my firstborn with Crow is the true heir, or if my firstborn with Cooper is. It's all rather confusing," she meowed. Fulica would be devastated if one of her newborns took his role as heir, but she wondered if Zenaida would be relieved to return to a normal life. The thoughts began to whirl as she realized she would have to find a new betrothed for the firstborn of her second litter when they turned three moons old, but there were no other young kits besides the 6 moon old trio of Fox, Siskin, and Longspur. Perhaps another litter would be born shortly, but Pewee was wondering if she should begin a tradition of waiting until the heir had passed their final assessment. "Does the heir choose their own mate in Highgarden? In AviaryClan, a betrothal is made when the heir is three moons old," she meowed with a sigh. It was done so young, and she wondered if it should change. The betrothal was made so the parents could agree on a suitable mate that would be a good future ruler, as young cats often made rash decisions. Fox, Siskin, and Longspur were all promising young cats, though Pewee was unsure if any of them were the right choice as a betrothed if the ancestors chose her kit with Cooper to be the heir.
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highgarden 6

Postby eagle, » Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:09 am


tawnyrose: queen, molly, she/her. tags: pewee
indentit was interesting to tawnyrose how their clans could have so much in common, but also be so vastly different from one another. she shook her head. "our heirs pick their mates, most of the time. for a while, i was an exception. there was so much going on when i became queen, and i was ruling by myself, so i asked the gods to send me a mate, but we were incompatible. looking back, i realize that i was horrible to him, but he's become one of my dearest friends. he has a mate and kits, now, and i'm happy for him," tawnyrose said, taking a beat to realize that she had gone off-topic. she shook her head at herself. "but, anyway, that pretty much sold it for me. i chose my mate, cherryfire's father, after a long series of very unfortunate events. we work well together, and i'd like cherryfire to pick her own mate, when the time comes," she said. "we do have a tradition of holding tournaments, where our clan can show off their skills and abilities. it's always, unofficially, been a way to gain the heir favor by showing off and proving that they're the best, but i think that cherryfire's already picked her mate." at last, tawnyrose tipped her head towards pewee. "do you have any traditions like that? i think highgarden's is quite rare, i haven't heard anything like it before, and i'm curious what else your clan does that the rest of us don't."

cherryfire: heir, molly, she/her. tags: widowweb
indentcherryfire padded through the gathering, taking her time to take in the different sights and sounds. in the distance, she could see her mother as tawnyrose spoke to a cat that cherryfire didn't recognize. highgarden's heir wished that she could be with her mother, but she knew that it wasn't her time, not yet. she would be queen one day, but she wasn't waiting with bated breath for tawnyrose's death. instead, she was more than happy to find a space to settle down, wrapping her tail neatly over her paws. when another cat her age passed by, she smiled warmly. "hi there, my name's cherryfire," she said. "i don't recognize your scent. if you want to sit, i'd really love to hear about your clan. i'm trying to learn more about the different clans." she was perhaps a little too blunt and very forward, but she hoped that they might take her up on it.

merlinsong: herbalist, tom, he/him. tags: open

squirrelpaw: herbalist's thorn, molly, she/her. tags: copperdust
indent"yup, merlinsong's my mentor. talk about having your head in the clouds," squirrelpaw said before giggling. "oh, don't worry, i've heard otterfur talking about fadedsun a lot, too. all good things, of course. it's really sweet how much they care for each other." it felt nice to talk to copperdust. when squirrelpaw was so often surrounded by cats older than her for most of the day, it was nice to have a friend her own age, especially when they shared much in common and could laugh over their clans' shared families. squirrelpaw nodded quickly. "it really does seem that like. i think the roots are a bit sad to be separated from some of their kits from across the border, but i think they're secretly a little glad to have a little extra space in the nursery, otherwise it would be very crowded. but they're really a lot of help. all of the kittings have been a bit stressful, especially in fall and winter, but well worth it. the kits are all so adorable, and its nice to have them all running around." squirrelpaw shrugged. "is it just you and fadedsun in the medicine den at vagaryclan? that must be a lot of responsibility for you, now that he's with his kits a lot. i really admire that. we have a full den of herbalists, and someone is always around, if its merlinsong, solsticestand, or gladesun. we all have our own duties."

nuthatchpaw & butterflypaw: thorns, tom & molly, he/him & she/her. tags: nandaypaw & celsiuspaw
indentnuthatchpaw and butterflypaw listened eagerly to the other young cats, learning new words. nuthatchpaw bumped butterflypaw's shoulder. "the others will be so jealous that we're learning so much, don't you think? they haven't done any sciences before, that's for sure," he said, his eyes gleaming as butterflypaw nodded and looking across to nandaypaw and celciuspaw.
indent"that's really cool! but also sounds pretty dangerous," she said thoughtfully. "we don't technically have a waterfall in our territory, but there's one right across the border into groveclan's territory. but it doesn't seem as big as your waterfall," butterflypaw added. "there's a story that one of the first knights, hornetshade, almost went over the waterfall during a swimming lesson when the current dragged him away from shore. he was saved, thanks to the gods, but he's still not a fan of water."
indentnuthatchpaw appeared lost in thought for a moment before shrugging. "so no one really goes near the waterfall, and there are a few knights and roses who don't like the rivers because of a flood a few seasons back, before we were born. but i'm excited for my mentor to teach me to fish, they're my favorite." he nodded in their direction. "what does your clan hunt? we have squirrels and birds and fish and mice."

dovepaw: thorn, tom, he/him. tags: alfie
indentalfie's energy was infectious, and dovepaw's ears perked from intrigue as the other tom talked about his clan. "no, i've never heard of driftclan. i don't think anyone's ever mentioned your clan before," he said, filled by the sudden idea that maybe, just maybe, he had found out about a clan no one else in highgarden knew about. eaglepaw's going to be so jealous, he thought to himself, whiskers twitching in amusement. "isn't the ocean like... a lot of water? and really salty? i don't think i could live there, my paws would be wet all of the time," he said, and even the notion made him want to shake out his pelt, as if he could taste the saltiness. "we live in a really big valley with a lot of roses. my mentor said that there's a legend about a rose that never dies, not even in the worst and coldest blizzards. he said that your whiskers would freeze off before the rose even lost a petal," dovepaw said. "i've never seen it, but i believe it." he grinned, giving his new friend an encouraging nudge with his nose. "you'll get it, i know it. and i can tell that you'll be a great warrior. and we have lots of small knights and roses in highgarden. ayalla is nearly as small as me, and she's one of the fastest cats in the clan, and she climbs the tallest trees without any fear. and we have a knight named sleetfreckle who is so cool. he's already pretty small, and he's one of the best fighters we have, i think. he's just a blur," dovepaw said, thinking to all of his different clanmates. "what are some of your clanmates like? are there a lot of warriors in driftclan?"
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Re: CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all cla

Postby winter solstice. » Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:51 pm

Cats Attending: Carrotstar, Thistletuft, Dappledawn, Sandripple, Warblerwhistle, Juniperfrost, Quillpelt, Mistyriver, Arrowthroat, Cranepaw, Tidepaw

      Carrotstar - tom - leader - a shorthaired ginger mackerel tabby with green eyes - tagged; Cockroachstar (TundraClan)
        Carrotstar brightened at Cockroachstar's response and meowed, "If you ever need any prey or herbs - we will try our best to provide. Please don't hesitate to tell us," he added sincerely.

      Thistletuft - tom - deputy - a longhaired solid gray-and-white cat with yellow eyes - tagged; Richterscreech (ChessClan)
        Thistletuft replied, "I myself haven't managed to settle down with a family of my own, but my sister, Hollyspots, has five lovely kits with Carrotstar, who are now all apprentices. We have had two such booms," he added with a laugh, listening to Richterscreech's tale of ChessClan's kit booms, "and I agree. I also don't know how they manage it, but nonetheless, queens are a blessing to any Clan, big or small."

      Sandripple - tom - medicine cat - a small shorthaired black mackerel tabby with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

      Dappledawn - she-cat - medicine cat - a shorthaired calico she-cat with a twisted paw and green eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Warblerwhistle - she-cat - warrior - a shorthaired black classic torbie she-cat with green eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Juniperfrost - tom - warrior - a shorthaired gray mackerel tabby with brown eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Quillpelt - tom - warrior - a shorthaired black mackerel tabby with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

      Mistyriver - she-cat - warrior - a longhaired solid gray LaPerm with green eyes - tagged; Sanderlingfrost (Cascata Conservatory)
        Mistyriver blinked in surprise at the response, meowing, "No leafbare?" She frowned slightly, adding, "Wouldn't that be too hot?" She could not imagine a place with no leafbare, no snow. She then cleared her throat at Conuresun's question and mewed, glancing toward the leaders' rock, "Uhhh, it's been running well - for leafbare," she added hastily.

      Arrowthroat - tom - warrior - a mediumhaired black mackerel tabby with medium white and yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Cranepaw - tom - apprentice - a longhaired flame point tom with blue eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Tidepaw - she-cat - apprentice - a longhaired ginger-and-white she-cat with sea-blue eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

Cats Attending: Ploverstar, Darkcrow, Silverdapple, Nightbreeze

      Ploverstar - she-cat - leader - a shorthaired black classic tabby with light green eyes - tagged; open
        Ploverstar wanted to come this moon. Badly. The last few times she'd been almost coerced to come by her trusty deputy, Darkcrow, and they had ended rather... awfuly, by her standards. She hadn't spoken much, on her part, and only had listened to what the other cats had to say. But now... now was different. She was no longer the timid, unassuming leader of a tiny Clan. No! She was the proud leader of a small, yet thriving Clan, who was eager to tell the world of her Lcan, to spread the news of her group of cats who all had struggles of their own to deal with.

        But finding cats to speak to was hard. Ploverstar still found approaching cats extremely difficult. The black classic tabby was glad when someone else approached first. Turning around to greet the newcomer, the CloudClan leader dipped her head in greeting and mewed, "I'm Ploverstar, of CloudClan. So far I have been enjoying a... rather quiet Gathering here, but I'm glad you came along," the black classic tabby confided softly, "I was hoping to speak to someone tonight, but I'm no outgoing cat."
      Darkcrow - tom - deputy - a mediumhaired solid black cat with some rusting and orange eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Silverdapple - she-cat - medicine cat - a shorthaired black-based silver mackerel torbie with light amber eyes - tagged; Resting Admiral (Foxglove Court)
        Silverdapple's whiskers twitched in amusement as she replied, "No worries, sir. Well met, Resting Admiral of the Foxglove Court. I am," she added, nodding slowly, "indeed, a medicine cat. I help look after CloudClan, along with my fellow medicine cat, Fadedsong, who stayed behind with the rest of our Clan, just in case any trouble arises while we are here." The silver tabby declined to say that Fadedsong was with kits at the moment. After all, she figured, no normal Clan would look with favor on Fadedsong for having kits. Medicine cats were forbidden, by StarClan, from ever having kits. She herself, however, did not think that way. Fadedsong and Minnowleap were the cutest couple, and she felt it was her duty to bless their litter.
      Nightbreeze - tom - warrior - a longhaired solid black cat with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here

Cats Attending: Leekstar, Pineshadow, Icestep, Chanterelleheart, Nutmegdawn, Peppermintcloud

      Leekstar - she-cat - leader - a longhaired pure white cat with yellow-blue heterochromia - tagged; Feralstar (WheatClan)
        Leekstar smiled politely and replied, still not completely convinced she had found a good partner to chat with, "IceClan, huh? Well," she mused, recalling recent events, "we just finished rebuilding what once had been the nursery of the old IceClan camp, before our predecessors were forced to disband. I'm sure we will soon need the place, as we will need kits to grow as a Clan."

        "How about WheatClan?" the white she-cat prompted, her two-colored gaze fixed on the younger leader, "I'd love to hear about your Clan." The truth was, Leekstar was only half-interested, and yet she found the younger she-cat... relatable. Here was a cat struggling to find the words to communicate. Here she was - a middle-aged former kittypet, struggling with the same thing. She wondered if WheatClan, too, was a small Clan, just like her own IceClan.

        Small Clans should stick together, she mused.
      Pineshadow - she-cat - deputy - a longhaired black mackerel tabby Norwegian Forest Cat with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Icestep - tom - medicine cat - a shorthaired flame point with medium white spotting and blue eyes - tagged; Vaporwind (HazeClan)
        Icestep smiled at HazeClan's medicine cat and meowed, "Oh, we do. Our Clan is supposed to be really good at weathering the cold. I sure hope to StarClan that I could be able to do that too, soon."
      Chanterelleheart - tom - warrior - a mediumhaired silver (cinnamon) shaded mackerel tabby with green eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Nutmegdawn - she-cat - warrior - a longhaired black-based classic caliby Persian with brown eyes - tagged; open, traveling with Peppermintcloud
        text here.
      Peppermintcloud - tom - warrior - a longhaired flame (broken mackerel) point Persian with low white spotting and ice-blue eyes - tagged; open, traveling with Nutmegdawn
        see Nutmegdawn.

      (ooc: more slots for all three clans are still available, please pm here or dm on discord if you want to see someone in particular!)
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

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JULY 2021 - 009

Postby chaotic creativity » Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:30 pm

18 Spots Open | Last Post

    Rookstar - Tom - 58 Moons - Roi (Leader) - Tagged: Darwinstar of Cascata Conservatory
      Rookstar's eyes widened with shock at hearing that Darwinstar was named after a twoleg. "I'm rather shocked to hear of a cat named after a twoleg; it is most unusual indeed," he meowed, more to himself than anything. She prattled on about science, the word an unfamiliar one to Rookstar, and he listened intently. He would have the most thrilling story to share with Dauphinpaw and Freuxfreckle when he returned home. The thought of his son and his mate made his heart flutter with joy, and he couldn't help but smile to himself. Their surrogate had delivered just a single kit, but Rookstar would not change it for anything. He adored his young son, to the point that his first litter accused him of loving Dauphinpaw more than them. He had so quickly assured them that it wasn't true that the three had collapsed into laughter, admitting they were only teasing as they knew any cat would be so obsessed with young kits. "A rook is a bird, very similar to a crow or a raven. My entire litter was named after birds. My littermates are Juncoflight, a small grey-ish sparrow, and I have another littermate that I have lost touch with that once carried the name Duckpaw. I surely hope you know what a duck is," he chuckled. He had quickly described a junco as it was a bird he had required his own father to describe to him. In truth, Juncoflight was named after their father's name in AloeClan. The mighty Summitstar had once been Juncoflight of AloeClan, who was then led by Snowstar to start the JaggedClan that Rookstar had been born in. He found it rather amusing that he had followed in his father's footsteps, leaving the original Clan to help found and eventually become leader of another Clan. "I can promise you that a majority of my Clan has asked me what a rook and a junco are, so you are not alone in that," he chuckled.

    Chasmstar - Molly - 49 Moons - Dame (Leader) - Tagged: Hollystar of TundraClan
      Chasmstar nodded along sympathetically as Hollystar spoke so lovingly of her own family. "Snowleopardkit is quite the mouthful! I bet she struggled to say her own name at first," she chuckled, remembering how her own kits had stumbled over their words until they were nearly two moons old. Poor Loutresplash hadn't been able to say her own name until she was three moons old, even though the only name she ever said was Ourskit's. The two had been inseparable since birth, and Chasmstar was glad to see two of her kits so close even as Cavalier. "It's a wonder I was even able to keep my title of Dame when they were still so dependent on me. I sacrificed my duties for my family, rather than sacrificing the time with my family for my duties," she meowed, almost regretfully. She wondered what it would have been like to have focused on her duties when her litter had been so young, but the stories of Rookstar's own parents had dissuaded her from ever doing so. The broken relationship between the family had hurt her greatly and made her hope to never experience that, even if that was now what was happening to her. Rookstar and his littermate, Juncoflight, had lost touch with their parents and their other sister, who they only knew of as Duckpaw. "I hope yours never grow up. It's a painful pride to see the ones that used to require you for everything leave the nest," she meowed jokingly, smiling at Hollystar. She didn't want to think about Rookstar at this moment, of the way he had tried to tell her he loved another cat right after their own kits had been born. He'd sworn that he still loved her, and that he loved them both equally, but she hadn't seen past the blind rage. She'd forbidden from from seeing or speaking to his kits, and the two had drifted apart into an uneasy hatred during the subsequent moons.

    Richterscreech - Tom - 68 Moons - Tour (Deputy) - Tagged: Thistletuft of SeaClan
      Richterscreech nodded with a smile on his face. He had been blessed with numerous litters of kits, but the sight of his own always filled him with such joy. "I hope you get to experience the absolute joy having a family brings one day, if that's your cup of tea," he chuckled, knowing there were plenty of cats out there perfectly fine without having a family. He couldn't quite grasp why any cat wouldn't want the love and excitement one brought, but he knew that each and every cat had their own preferences for their own life. He had sadly experienced the passing of two cats he had loved dearly, Nightpelt and Skinknose, and he would never wish the heartache he felt every day on any cat. If that heartache was what he had to bear to experience the love he felt for his mates, he would experience it ten times over to keep the memories alive in his mind. He had fathered two litters with Skinknose, and he wondered if the molly was with Scinquepaw in ÉtoileClan. The tom had named the molly after her mother, and he had mourned for nearly a moon when word of her passing on the final assessment had finally reached his ears. "Our nursery just recently went through a time where there were at least three nursing mollies at any given moment, and it's reached the point that Rookstar has forbidden any molly from getting pregnant until the nursery is empty and some of the apprentices become cavalier. It's only in the best interest of the Clan that we don't have more kits and apprenti than we do cavalier," he chuckled light-heartedly. There had been a time where just that had happened, during the early days of ChessClan, and they had just barely gathered enough cavalier to have enough mentors for all the young cats. It was only by some miracle that they hadn't had any shortage of prey in the Clan, and Richterscreech hoped that they never did. It was a sad day when cats would go hungry so the mothers and older cats could eat as they needed it more than those in their prime.

    Wolfwhiskers - Tom - 73 Moons - Fou (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      Wolfwhiskers let out a sigh of relief as he padded alongside Faondapple. Lichenpaw was too close to taking her assessment to attend the Gathering, and Lindtpaw had stayed behind as company. The silence without the two was louder than they were, but Wolfwhiskers enjoyed the peace. "They'll be fine," he meowed in reassurance to the clearly nervous molly. "Sopranocavern and Versaillesheart have basic herbal knowledge, and Loonfrost was once a medicine cat. If they run into any trouble, they know those three older mollies are to who they are to report," he meowed, the words he'd drilled into the 'paws' heads leaving his mouth another time. Faondapple nodded and broke off without another word, and he watched her with a concerned eye. She was like a daughter to him, and he worried when she wasn't herself. She quickly dove into a conversation, and Wolfwhiskers let out the breath he had been holding. With a sigh, he turned and sat down. He didn't feel like strolling, so he'd let any potential conversation come to him. If no cat wanted to speak with him, that would be fine as well.

    Faondapple - Molly - 27 Moons - Fou (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Kiwifuzz of IslandClan
      Faondapple's thoughts raced as she broke away from Wolfwhiskers's comforting words. She knew he was speaking reasonably, but she couldn't help but worry. What if the camp burst into flames? What if a tree fell and hurt a cat severely? What if a storm flooded the herb stores? What if, what if, what if? She shook her head violently, a few tears flying from her eyes as she quickly shut down her emotions. The two cats would be fine. She had experienced the same thing when Wolfwhiskers had left her behind when he was heading to a Gathering, and nothing disastrous had happened. A few injured patients were in the den, but none required serious attention outside of wound re-dressings and occasional monitoring. Lichenpaw had taken care of Pommepaw and Lynxpaw entirely by herself, so she knew exactly what to expect from them. She stumbled into a cat, and she smiled as she recognized their scent. "Kiwifuzz! I haven't heard much from IslandClan in these past few moons," she purred, knowing the cat's name only because they shared a border. She had never spoken with Kiwifuzz, but Wolfwhiskers made her keep up the names and appearances of their bordering medicine cats in case she ever needed their help. She almost thanked him verbally as she didn't have to ask for Kiwifuzz's name, but she clamped her jaws shut quickly. She didn't need to embarrass herself in her first meeting with the cat, and she was worried she had already done so.

4 Spots Open | Last Post

    Marbledstar - Molly - 40 Moons - Dronning (Leader) - Tagged: Riverstar of VagaryClan
      Marbledstar blinked appreciatively at Riverstar's words. She wanted nothing more in the world than to prove Sablefrost wrong; she would not turn out like him, no matter what. She took a deep, shaky breath and nodded slowly. "It's clear that I don't want to ever be like him, though there are times when I wonder what my life would be like if I went down the same path as him. Would I be in a band of rogues, or would I be a prisoner in my former home in the way Hopscowl now is," she sighed. She shouldn't be laying everything out for Riverstar to see, but it was hard for her to stop once she had started. This most certainly was not the best first impression she had made on another Clan at her first Gathering as Dronning. "This is much too dark of a path to be setting ourselves on at a Gathering, so might I inquire about VagaryClan? I've never heard of your Clan," she admitted rather sheepishly, embarrassed to admit that she knew very little of the other Clans in the world. Sablefrost had told her that she should only care about Frosne, and so she had never even attended a Gathering before this one. It had been a shock to her to realize that her first interaction with the other Clans would be right after her coronation ceremony. She was nervous being here, that much was clearly obvious, but she hoped Riverstar wouldn't think less of her after their unusual first meeting. Her pelt seemed to glitter in the moonlight, and she was swiftly distracted by grooming the pebbles and dirt from her paw pads, between her toes, and underneath her claws. The trek had been long and tiresome, and she was rather dusty from the several expanses of fields and pastures that they had had to cross. She had spent so long inside Frosne's borders that she was shocked by how warm and bright everything seemed. It almost seemed like some places had never seen snow while her own Clan would often be trapped inside their camp for days when horrendous blizzards would strike in the dead of the cold season. It almost seemed like the world experienced four seasons unlike the typical two she saw most clearly in her territory.

    Skuasoar - Molly - 77 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      Skuasoar kept a watchful eye on Marbledstar as the molly collapsed into the pile of leaders. "I worry about her," she murmured. Her Dronning was prone to episodes of fear and shaking when pushed into social situations involving strangers. Skuasoar shook her head and took a seat a distance away from the other deputies. She'd attended many Gatherings, and they were beginning to bore her.

    Almondclay - Molly - 29 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Forestfire & Almondjoy of VenusClan
      Almondclay's eyes opened wide with confusion over a cat Almondjoy had so casually mentioned. "E-excuse me? Did you just say 'mothcat'?" she asked, her voice rising with confusion and fear. She could not quite figure out what the tom meant, even if he had so casually spoken of this Craniumstrike as if it were normal to be referred to as a 'mothcat'. All she could imagine was a large cat with broad, moth-like wings and fluffy antennae poking out from their head near their ears. She had heard of rather unique cats before, ones with wings or costumes or more limbs than four, but she'd never heard of one referred to as a 'mothcat'. As her thoughts raced, her heart stilled as reason spoke calmly through her mind. Perhaps this 'mothcat' was another name for a rank in VenusClan. It could be another name for their medicine cat or their deputy. All sorts of Clans had all sorts of names for different roles, and she took a deep breath to calm herself entirely. She would have to learn to calm herself more effectively, and the sudden confusion, terror, and worry had proved to be a pleasantly difficult surprise to work through. As a Hertuginne, she would be placed in stressful situations more often than not, and she was rather grateful for the sudden wave of emotions caused by such a casually mentioned word. She could only hope that another Sablefrost-like cat didn't try to destroy Frosne during her time on the council.

    Driftantler - Tom - 54 Moons - Hertuger (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      Driftantler peeled away from the group, knowing the mollies had their Dronning handled, and dove into the crowd of deputies. He smiled and wove, twisting over paws and tails before settling down and watching the crowd.

    Macadamiawave - Molly - 54 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Resting Bee of Foxglove Court
      Macadamiawave tilted her head as Resting Bee spoke of his own name. "Foxglove Court and Restless Bee are unique names as well. Mine's much more like many other Clans," she meowed. It was true that most Clans used a traditional prefix-suffix naming system, and Macadamiawave had rarely met any Clans using different systems. "It's my first Gathering as well, though my Clan has been attending for moons. I've only just been named to the council two moons ago, so it's a bunch of new experiences all at once," she chuckled. When Mooseglow had named her among the five to be voted on for her replacement, Macadamiawave have been shocked. When the newly named Marbledstar had chosen for the other four choices to be her council, Macadamiawave had fainted from surprise. The Clan had been overjoyed that the molly who got the second most votes would help lead them, but she had been terrified. Her niece, Almondclay, was also on the council, and Macadamiawave was happy to have the molly to lean on at times. She smiled gently at Restless Bee, wondering just what his name meant. "Why are called Restless Bee? You don't seem all that restless to me," she meowed, a good-natured chuckle following her sentence. Bees were something they didn't experience in her territory, the small winged creatures unable to stand the cold that shrouded the land like a blanket.

    Cypressmask - Tom - 29 Moons - Helbreder (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      Cypressmask couldn't help but push past the ruling cats with a sigh. He was viewed as less important than the warriors, and he resented Moosestar for making the Clan such a way. The helbreder were highly valued, but those who hunted and fought were seen as higher than he was. With a snort, he sat amongst the medicine cats.

    Lemmingwisp - Tom - 30 Moons - Lavere Jagere (Warrior) - Tagged: Lilylivered of KeyClan
      Lemmingwisp padded with his head high and his tail held straight out behind him. He took careful steps around cats until he spotted a rather interesting looking cat. He approached them with an emotionless expression. "I am Lemmingwisp," the words rolled from his tongue like silk. He wondered what his friends were doing back at camp, but he wouldn't take the blame for any of their shenanigans tonight. Tonight, he would have a civilized conversation with a civil-headed cat that shared his interests.

0 Spots Open

    Hyena's Breath - Molly - 40 Moons - Matriarch (Leader) - Tagged: Stormstar of DriftClan
      Hyena's Breath's lip curled in disgust as Stormstar asked if she was lonely. "My Aide, Civet's Scurry is as good of a friend as any cat. I am also searching for a mate, though none of the current cats interest me. I must have an heir soon, but I believe love will not be hard to find," she snarled, as if love were something she could find on the ground like an herb. "In a ragtag bunch, it seems you aren't as protected or loved as a tight-knit Clan like mine," she spat, disgusted at the way Stormstar had spoken to her. The molly seemed as if she hadn't meant any harm, but Hyena's Breath was simply on edge and took everything to heart. Her eyes sought out Civet's Scurry in the crowd, the molly she had grown so close to. She almost admitted that she might have a crush on her, but Hyena's Breath would never allow herself to fall for her. Civet's Scurry clearly was only interested in toms, and Hyena's Breath's preference for mollies was not common knowledge yet.

    Civet's Scurry - Molly - 38 Moons - Aide (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Ostrich's Cry - Molly - 47 Moons - Herbalist (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Zebra's Gallop - Molly - 44 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Wildebeest's Stampede - Tom - 42 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Lion's Shadow - Tom - 45 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Aardwolf's Mane - Molly - 24 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Baboon's Shriek - Tom - 51 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Leopard's Leap - Tom - 64 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

0 Spots Open

    Contopus virens (Pewee) - Molly - 64 Moons - Osprey (Leader) - Tagged: Tawnyrose of Highgarden
      Pewee smiled as Tawnyrose spoke of Highgarden traditions and her own unfortunate past. The molly was a strong one, carrying the similarities of having a mate sent by the ancestors that did not turn out well before choosing her own love. As she asked about AviaryClan traditions, Pewee's ears perked up. "When a new cat joins my Clan, or a kitten is born, they sleep on the uppermost platform in the view of the stars atop the canopy. When they awake, a bird will be resting with them. They are tied to that bird, and all cats who were tied to the bird before them, and are even named after them. My name is truly Contopus virens, my bird being the Eastern Wood Pewee, hence the nickname 'Pewee'. The spirits of all cats tied to the Eastern Wood Pewee speak to me through the bird, whose feather I carry around my neck," she meowed, pulling the vine that held the feather from the fluff around her neck to show it off. Some cats wore their feather on their ear or around their tail, but Pewee preferred the traditional necklace made of vine. She could feel the feather at all hours of the day, and it reminded her of her duty to keep AviaryClan close to their ancestors in the way that Osprey Turdus migratorius had failed to do before her. "The tournaments sound like they bring much joy to Highgarden. Is there a feast on tournament days? I know Clans will often hold such feasts on important days," she meowed, recalling the tidbits of information her ancestors had shared when explaining the basic customs generally found in a Clan. They had not prepared her for the vast differences between two Clans who also shared such similarities, but it kept her interest and stopped her from falling asleep after the long journey on unsteady legs.
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highgarden 7

Postby eagle, » Fri Jul 09, 2021 4:10 pm


tawnyrose: queen, molly, she/her. tags: pewee
indentas pewee spoke of her clan's unique customs, tawnyrose couldn't help but perk up. it was intriguing, without a doubt, and she interested to hear about pewee's true name and how her clan continued to respect the spirits of their ancestors. "that's beautiful," tawnyrose said earnestly, leaning forward to take a closer look at the feather. "we actually have two types of tournaments. the spring tournament is a celebration for surviving the winter, and for the floods that plague our territory in the beginning of spring. we've invited close allies to join us in the past to participate but, like i said, it's primarily seen as a way to gain favor with the queen's heir and the high court," she explained. "it's not an organized feast, but, even on a day of rest, our best hunters like to go out and enjoy the prey that the warm weather brings. almost like an unofficial competition, i think, to see who can catch the most, or the biggest hare. things like that. but we have another tournament, as well, and that one is dreaded by all. the tournament of roses decides the next queen, if there isn't an heir in place to take over after the queen's passing. it's a very rare, but very dreadful event, as legend serves. i'm glad to have never seen it, and my hope is that it'll never come to pass." it was a sacred tradition, passed down through the generations, though it had been several lifetimes since the last one had taken place. tawnyrose stifled a shudder at the thought of her roses having to fight to see who was the clever, strongest, and most skilled to take rule over the clan. she was grateful that, after lightkit's death, cherryfire was able to take over as heir to the clan, so that highgarden wouldn't be left without a ruler. "do you communicate with your ancestors often? i've found that highgarden's ancestors are quite distant from us, especially compared to over clans. there are a select few who have been been born with the gift of dreamwalking and communicating with spirits they were close to in life, but nothing like the starclan i've heard so much about. what is your experience with your ancestors?"

cherryfire: heir, molly, she/her. tags: widowweb
indentcherryfire padded through the gathering, taking her time to take in the different sights and sounds. in the distance, she could see her mother as tawnyrose spoke to a cat that cherryfire didn't recognize. highgarden's heir wished that she could be with her mother, but she knew that it wasn't her time, not yet. she would be queen one day, but she wasn't waiting with bated breath for tawnyrose's death. instead, she was more than happy to find a space to settle down, wrapping her tail neatly over her paws. when another cat her age passed by, she smiled warmly. "hi there, my name's cherryfire," she said. "i don't recognize your scent. if you want to sit, i'd really love to hear about your clan. i'm trying to learn more about the different clans." she was perhaps a little too blunt and very forward, but she hoped that they might take her up on it.

merlinsong: herbalist, tom, he/him. tags: open

squirrelpaw: herbalist's thorn, molly, she/her. tags: copperdust
indent"yup, merlinsong's my mentor. talk about having your head in the clouds," squirrelpaw said before giggling. "oh, don't worry, i've heard otterfur talking about fadedsun a lot, too. all good things, of course. it's really sweet how much they care for each other." it felt nice to talk to copperdust. when squirrelpaw was so often surrounded by cats older than her for most of the day, it was nice to have a friend her own age, especially when they shared much in common and could laugh over their clans' shared families. squirrelpaw nodded quickly. "it really does seem that like. i think the roots are a bit sad to be separated from some of their kits from across the border, but i think they're secretly a little glad to have a little extra space in the nursery, otherwise it would be very crowded. but they're really a lot of help. all of the kittings have been a bit stressful, especially in fall and winter, but well worth it. the kits are all so adorable, and its nice to have them all running around." squirrelpaw shrugged. "is it just you and fadedsun in the medicine den at vagaryclan? that must be a lot of responsibility for you, now that he's with his kits a lot. i really admire that. we have a full den of herbalists, and someone is always around, if its merlinsong, solsticestand, or gladesun. we all have our own duties."

nuthatchpaw & butterflypaw: thorns, tom & molly, he/him & she/her. tags: nandaypaw & celsiuspaw
indentnuthatchpaw and butterflypaw listened eagerly to the other young cats, learning new words. nuthatchpaw bumped butterflypaw's shoulder. "the others will be so jealous that we're learning so much, don't you think? they haven't done any sciences before, that's for sure," he said, his eyes gleaming as butterflypaw nodded and looking across to nandaypaw and celciuspaw.
indent"that's really cool! but also sounds pretty dangerous," she said thoughtfully. "we don't technically have a waterfall in our territory, but there's one right across the border into groveclan's territory. but it doesn't seem as big as your waterfall," butterflypaw added. "there's a story that one of the first knights, hornetshade, almost went over the waterfall during a swimming lesson when the current dragged him away from shore. he was saved, thanks to the gods, but he's still not a fan of water."
indentnuthatchpaw appeared lost in thought for a moment before shrugging. "so no one really goes near the waterfall, and there are a few knights and roses who don't like the rivers because of a flood a few seasons back, before we were born. but i'm excited for my mentor to teach me to fish, they're my favorite." he nodded in their direction. "what does your clan hunt? we have squirrels and birds and fish and mice."

dovepaw: thorn, tom, he/him. tags: alfie
indentalfie's energy was infectious, and dovepaw's ears perked from intrigue as the other tom talked about his clan. "no, i've never heard of driftclan. i don't think anyone's ever mentioned your clan before," he said, filled by the sudden idea that maybe, just maybe, he had found out about a clan no one else in highgarden knew about. eaglepaw's going to be so jealous, he thought to himself, whiskers twitching in amusement. "isn't the ocean like... a lot of water? and really salty? i don't think i could live there, my paws would be wet all of the time," he said, and even the notion made him want to shake out his pelt, as if he could taste the saltiness. "we live in a really big valley with a lot of roses. my mentor said that there's a legend about a rose that never dies, not even in the worst and coldest blizzards. he said that your whiskers would freeze off before the rose even lost a petal," dovepaw said. "i've never seen it, but i believe it." he grinned, giving his new friend an encouraging nudge with his nose. "you'll get it, i know it. and i can tell that you'll be a great warrior. and we have lots of small knights and roses in highgarden. ayalla is nearly as small as me, and she's one of the fastest cats in the clan, and she climbs the tallest trees without any fear. and we have a knight named sleetfreckle who is so cool. he's already pretty small, and he's one of the best fighters we have, i think. he's just a blur," dovepaw said, thinking to all of his different clanmates. "what are some of your clanmates like? are there a lot of warriors in driftclan?"
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◆ ── foxglove court / 03

Postby deimido » Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:15 am

    attending: queen blooming edelweiss / resting admiral / restless bee
      QUEEN BLOOMING EDELWEISS - 23 - she/her - tag: fishleap of cascata conservatory
      xxThe lithe figures of the court's representatives looked as if they glided over the forest, the trio's pawsteps light on mossy ground as they headed toward the hollow. The queen couldn't lie to herself and say she wasn't nervous; never before had her kingdom attended a gathering, as her mother and father didn't concern themselves with the well-being of other kingdoms they didn't know or... the Clans, as they distastefully spoke of. But now that both passed on, Edelweiss decided it'd be good to expand the court's horizons and expose themselves to more cultures. Resting Admiral wasn't as keen on the idea as Restless Bee was, the latter expressed delight at the idea and told her that it was certainly worthwhile. Admiral, however, was more of a traditionalist, but opened up more when he realized that it might be a good opportunity to speak to other priests.

      As they stopped at the edge of the hollowed ground, both her cats stood by, waiting for her signal. A twitch of her whiskers was all the toms needed before they swooped down to the gathering. Edelweiss waited a few paces before she strode down the hill and into the throng of cats, she observed everyone's faces: some excited, others stern, but all looked... casual, as if the barriers between them evaporated into a fine mist. She kept her pace, stopping once she felt her side brush against someone's own and whirled to face the other cat - seeing a handsome, though exasperated, dark ginger tabby with brown eyes. "Are you all right?" She decided to ask.

      RESTING ADMIRAL - 23 - he/him - tag: silverdapple (cloudclan)
      xx"You have another medicine cat in your camp? What are they like?" He asked, finding it curious that medicine cats are trusted to watch over their Clans. In the court, his contact with everyone was kept minimal - he didn't nest in the same place as them either. If needed, a cat would've found his den and request his presence to tend to the sick or injured. It was a silly and outdated attitude spurned by ages of superstition for crimes a priest long before his time committed, but one he couldn't change.

      RESTLESS BEE - 26 - he/him - tag: macadamiawave (frosne oya)
      xxRestless Bee's claws subtly flexed into the earthy soul as Macadamiawave spoke of her recent rise to power, reminding him of the ambitions he sought in Foxglove. Of course, there was only so much he could do in his position - he was gone for so long that working himself up to be a worthy cat in Queen Edelweiss's eyes, and the rest of the court, would take time. Unlike Macadamiawave, whose seasons of experience shown through her conduct, Restless Bee was hoping he'd get in good standing while he was still young. "Well, congratulations! You ought to feel proud of yourself; I'm sure the position was well earned." He mewed after she spoke, matching the soft smile she wore with his own as they settled into a brief pause. At her question about his name, he chuckled, "I suppose it can be misleading now - as a kitten, I never stopped moving, I tripped over someone's paws and never kept still in my mother's nest. I don't think it surprised anyone when my king and queen called me 'restless' when they named me as a squire." Brieflt trailing off, Restless Bee decided to continue the conversation with, "Macadamia... that's a nut, am I right? Do they grow where you're from?"
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VagaryClan | July 9 | 5

Postby [kat] » Sat Jul 10, 2021 3:25 am


♪ Riverstar
tom ; leader ; tags: marbledstar
Riverstar's brow furrowed thoughtfully. "It is interesting to think about, but be sure that you don't live your life off of 'what ifs'. Those can drive a cat mad if nurtured enough!" His words were serious, but he smiled encouragingly at Marbledstar. "Well, VagaryClan is a wonderful Clan- but I suppose any leader would say that about their own. We have cats from all walks of life join us, and we try to be as accepting as possible, which means a lot of relationships outside of the Clan." He let out a short laugh. "You would not believe how many kits just show up to live with their one parent in the Clan. Seriously, I think sometimes that there's some sort of magic that just attracts foreign relationships to VagaryClan! Which can be a good thing because of alliances, but I must admit there are times when the amount of mewling kits can get tiring."

✥ Copperdust
molly ; medicine cat ; tags: squirrelpaw
Copperdust giggled along with Squirrelpaw at her teasing of Merlinsong, and realized how long it had been since she'd just had a friend to talk to. With helping Fadedsun with the influx of injuries and constantly discussing prophecies with Silverheart, she'd hardly had any time to just relax and be normal. Squirrelpaw, she realized, made her forget about those responsibilities for the first time in a while. "Well, they're certainly welcome to visit at any time. I'm sure all the lonely toms without their mates would appreciate it." She smiled warmly. "It is, although, one of Fadedsun's sons is considering being a medicine apprentice. Funny how the lineage would proceed in that way- maybe one of his kits will take up medicine as well! But yes, it is a lot of responsibility." Suddenly that weight pressed on her shoulders once more. "Sometimes I do wish we had more medicine cats. I've been pretty stressed recently in particular."

❋ Sweetpetal
molly ; warrior ; tags: driftedsnow
Sweetpetal laughed good-naturedly at Driftedsnow's jab at her own name. She was glad this molly was easy to get along with. "Well I'm glad you weren't hurt. Snow drifts definitely can be dangerous- I've encountered some where it looks like solid ground, and then you fall right in!" She shook her head. "Gotta watch out for 'em. So what is VenusClan's territory like?"

❧ Hickoryheart
tom ; warrior ; tags: athena
Hickoryheart tilted his head in confusion at Athena's strange words, but decided not to comment on it. "Oh, yeah... I suppose not. What's your name by the way? I'm Hickoryheart." He puffed out his chest a little now in pride.

☄ Smokepaw
tom ; apprentice ; tags: mousewhisker
Smokepaw's chest puffed out a little when Mousewhisker said his warrior name would be cool, because it definitely would be cool, because he was pretty cool, after all. 'Mousewhisker is great too!' He signed back, doing his best to be polite after he had just received so many compliments. 'I'm from... Va-ga-ry-Clan.' He had to sign this word slowly, as it was not a common one at all, and it had tripped him up many times. 'Don't ask what that means. It takes so long to sign.'


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Re: CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all cla

Postby winter solstice. » Sat Jul 10, 2021 3:28 am

Cats Attending: Carrotstar, Thistletuft, Dappledawn, Sandripple, Warblerwhistle, Juniperfrost, Quillpelt, Mistyriver, Arrowthroat, Cranepaw, Tidepaw

      Carrotstar - tom - leader - a shorthaired ginger mackerel tabby with green eyes - tagged; Cockroachstar (TundraClan)
        Carrotstar brightened at Cockroachstar's response and meowed, "If you ever need any prey or herbs - we will try our best to provide. Please don't hesitate to tell us," he added sincerely.

      Thistletuft - tom - deputy - a longhaired solid gray-and-white cat with yellow eyes - tagged; Richterscreech (ChessClan)
        "I may do so in the future," Thistletuft nodded slowly, "but it won't be likely. Both my parents were targeted by Stormfang," he added quietly, whiskers drooping in sorrow, "and I couldn't do anything to stop him, as I was only an apprentice back then." The solid gray tom closed his eyes and concluded in a near-whisper, "I don't want my kits to go through anything near the things my littermates and I went through."

      Sandripple - tom - medicine cat - a small shorthaired black mackerel tabby with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

      Dappledawn - she-cat - medicine cat - a shorthaired calico she-cat with a twisted paw and green eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Warblerwhistle - she-cat - warrior - a shorthaired black classic torbie she-cat with green eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Juniperfrost - tom - warrior - a shorthaired gray mackerel tabby with brown eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Quillpelt - tom - warrior - a shorthaired black mackerel tabby with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

      Mistyriver - she-cat - warrior - a longhaired solid gray LaPerm with green eyes - tagged; Sanderlingfrost (Cascata Conservatory)
        Mistyriver nodded slowly as she began to understand where the two Cascata Conservatory cats had come from. She meowed, a small smile appearing on her face, "That's good to hear, that new, young cats are helping your Clan grow. I myself am a new-ish mother," the gray LaPerm she-cat purred, "and my first litter of two have been apprentices for a few moons."

      Arrowthroat - tom - warrior - a mediumhaired black mackerel tabby with medium white and yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Cranepaw - tom - apprentice - a longhaired flame point tom with blue eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Tidepaw - she-cat - apprentice - a longhaired ginger-and-white she-cat with sea-blue eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

Cats Attending: Ploverstar, Darkcrow, Silverdapple, Nightbreeze

      Ploverstar - she-cat - leader - a shorthaired black classic tabby with light green eyes - tagged; open
        Ploverstar wanted to come this moon. Badly. The last few times she'd been almost coerced to come by her trusty deputy, Darkcrow, and they had ended rather... awfuly, by her standards. She hadn't spoken much, on her part, and only had listened to what the other cats had to say. But now... now was different. She was no longer the timid, unassuming leader of a tiny Clan. No! She was the proud leader of a small, yet thriving Clan, who was eager to tell the world of her Lcan, to spread the news of her group of cats who all had struggles of their own to deal with.

        But finding cats to speak to was hard. Ploverstar still found approaching cats extremely difficult. The black classic tabby was glad when someone else approached first. Turning around to greet the newcomer, the CloudClan leader dipped her head in greeting and mewed, "I'm Ploverstar, of CloudClan. So far I have been enjoying a... rather quiet Gathering here, but I'm glad you came along," the black classic tabby confided softly, "I was hoping to speak to someone tonight, but I'm no outgoing cat."
      Darkcrow - tom - deputy - a mediumhaired solid black cat with some rusting and orange eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Silverdapple - she-cat - medicine cat - a shorthaired black-based silver mackerel torbie with light amber eyes - tagged; Resting Admiral (Foxglove Court)
        "Yes," Silverdapple purred, recalling the older calico fondly, "Fadedsong, a calico molly, is our head medicine cat, in fact. She and I both share the same den, tending to our store of herbs. She used to be part of two other Clans before she came to CloudClan," she added with a thoughtful look on her face, "or so she said, and her experience in those Clans helps her identify new and strange plants as herb, poison, or useless to herbcraft."
      Nightbreeze - tom - warrior - a longhaired solid black cat with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here

Cats Attending: Leekstar, Pineshadow, Icestep, Chanterelleheart, Nutmegdawn, Peppermintcloud

      Leekstar - she-cat - leader - a longhaired pure white cat with yellow-blue heterochromia - tagged; Feralstar (WheatClan)
        Leekstar smiled politely and replied, still not completely convinced she had found a good partner to chat with, "IceClan, huh? Well," she mused, recalling recent events, "we just finished rebuilding what once had been the nursery of the old IceClan camp, before our predecessors were forced to disband. I'm sure we will soon need the place, as we will need kits to grow as a Clan."

        "How about WheatClan?" the white she-cat prompted, her two-colored gaze fixed on the younger leader, "I'd love to hear about your Clan." The truth was, Leekstar was only half-interested, and yet she found the younger she-cat... relatable. Here was a cat struggling to find the words to communicate. Here she was - a middle-aged former kittypet, struggling with the same thing. She wondered if WheatClan, too, was a small Clan, just like her own IceClan.

        Small Clans should stick together, she mused.
      Pineshadow - she-cat - deputy - a longhaired black mackerel tabby Norwegian Forest Cat with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Icestep - tom - medicine cat - a shorthaired flame point with medium white spotting and blue eyes - tagged; Vaporwind (HazeClan)
        Icestep smiled at HazeClan's medicine cat and meowed, "Oh, we do. Our Clan is supposed to be really good at weathering the cold. I sure hope to StarClan that I could be able to do that too, soon."
      Chanterelleheart - tom - warrior - a mediumhaired silver (cinnamon) shaded mackerel tabby with green eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Nutmegdawn - she-cat - warrior - a longhaired black-based classic caliby Persian with brown eyes - tagged; open, traveling with Peppermintcloud
        text here.
      Peppermintcloud - tom - warrior - a longhaired flame (broken mackerel) point Persian with low white spotting and ice-blue eyes - tagged; open, traveling with Nutmegdawn
        see Nutmegdawn.

      (ooc: more slots for all three clans are still available, please pm here or dm on discord if you want to see someone in particular!)
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

Winter / Fairy / Gale
Formerly FairyCharmed
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highgarden 8

Postby eagle, » Sat Jul 10, 2021 3:52 am


tawnyrose: queen, molly, she/her. tags: pewee
indentas pewee spoke of her clan's unique customs, tawnyrose couldn't help but perk up. it was intriguing, without a doubt, and she interested to hear about pewee's true name and how her clan continued to respect the spirits of their ancestors. "that's beautiful," tawnyrose said earnestly, leaning forward to take a closer look at the feather. "we actually have two types of tournaments. the spring tournament is a celebration for surviving the winter, and for the floods that plague our territory in the beginning of spring. we've invited close allies to join us in the past to participate but, like i said, it's primarily seen as a way to gain favor with the queen's heir and the high court," she explained. "it's not an organized feast, but, even on a day of rest, our best hunters like to go out and enjoy the prey that the warm weather brings. almost like an unofficial competition, i think, to see who can catch the most, or the biggest hare. things like that. but we have another tournament, as well, and that one is dreaded by all. the tournament of roses decides the next queen, if there isn't an heir in place to take over after the queen's passing. it's a very rare, but very dreadful event, as legend serves. i'm glad to have never seen it, and my hope is that it'll never come to pass." it was a sacred tradition, passed down through the generations, though it had been several lifetimes since the last one had taken place. tawnyrose stifled a shudder at the thought of her roses having to fight to see who was the clever, strongest, and most skilled to take rule over the clan. she was grateful that, after lightkit's death, cherryfire was able to take over as heir to the clan, so that highgarden wouldn't be left without a ruler. "do you communicate with your ancestors often? i've found that highgarden's ancestors are quite distant from us, especially compared to over clans. there are a select few who have been been born with the gift of dreamwalking and communicating with spirits they were close to in life, but nothing like the starclan i've heard so much about. what is your experience with your ancestors?"

cherryfire: heir, molly, she/her. tags: widowweb
indentcherryfire padded through the gathering, taking her time to take in the different sights and sounds. in the distance, she could see her mother as tawnyrose spoke to a cat that cherryfire didn't recognize. highgarden's heir wished that she could be with her mother, but she knew that it wasn't her time, not yet. she would be queen one day, but she wasn't waiting with bated breath for tawnyrose's death. instead, she was more than happy to find a space to settle down, wrapping her tail neatly over her paws. when another cat her age passed by, she smiled warmly. "hi there, my name's cherryfire," she said. "i don't recognize your scent. if you want to sit, i'd really love to hear about your clan. i'm trying to learn more about the different clans." she was perhaps a little too blunt and very forward, but she hoped that they might take her up on it.

merlinsong: herbalist, tom, he/him. tags: open

squirrelpaw: herbalist's thorn, molly, she/her. tags: copperdust
indentsquirrelpaw purred at the thought of one of fadedsun and otterfur's sons becoming a medicine cat. "that would be so great, it runs in his blood, after all. do you think you might convince fadedsun to mentor him?" squirrelpaw asked. though copperdust was young, she could tell that the medicine cat knew a lot and must have been incredibly skilled to help fadedsun. "i'm sorry," squirrelpaw said, not meaning to make copperdust upset by bringing attention to her responsibilities. "you know, if you ever need help, i'm right across the border, and our clans are so close. i'd love to help you, if you ever need someone, even just to vent to. i've seen merlinsong and solsticestand work themselves sick, and i'd hate to think that you'd ever be that stressed too. you work hard, clearly, and you deserve a break and a chance to relax or, at the very least, get a full night's sleep."

nuthatchpaw & butterflypaw: thorns, tom & molly, he/him & she/her. tags: nandaypaw & celsiuspaw
indentas their friends began to argue over different types of prey, nuthatchpaw and butterflypaw exchanged a quick glance, both amused by the conversation. "well," butterflypaw drawled when the conversation shifted again. "i can honestly say that i've never had snakes, or catfish, or bird eggs. though i am curious about catfish, do they actually look like cats?"
indentnuthatchpaw balked at her remark, his eyes wide with alarm. "i hope not. i don't even want to think about that!" he exclaimed. "i like mice and hares a lot. hunting them is fun, like when you spend time chasing after a hare and you finally get to take it down and eat it -"
indentbutterflypaw cut him off with a scoff. "and when have you ever caught a hare?" as huthatchpaw stuttered, butterflypaw rolled her eyes playfully at their new friends. "i like fish, which is why i'm curious about catfish. they sound really yummy, like you're saying they are. your clan really does sound interesting, and i wish we could visit one day," she said.
indent"i would love to see that waterfall, even from a very far, very safe distance away," nuthatchpaw added with a nod. "maybe one day, when we're all more grown up, we could come visit, and you could come see highgarden too. by then, i'd have the chance to really scope out all the best places to show you and we could do sciences together."

dovepaw: thorn, tom, he/him. tags: alfie
indentalfie's energy was infectious, and dovepaw's ears perked from intrigue as the other tom talked about his clan. "no, i've never heard of driftclan. i don't think anyone's ever mentioned your clan before," he said, filled by the sudden idea that maybe, just maybe, he had found out about a clan no one else in highgarden knew about. eaglepaw's going to be so jealous, he thought to himself, whiskers twitching in amusement. "isn't the ocean like... a lot of water? and really salty? i don't think i could live there, my paws would be wet all of the time," he said, and even the notion made him want to shake out his pelt, as if he could taste the saltiness. "we live in a really big valley with a lot of roses. my mentor said that there's a legend about a rose that never dies, not even in the worst and coldest blizzards. he said that your whiskers would freeze off before the rose even lost a petal," dovepaw said. "i've never seen it, but i believe it." he grinned, giving his new friend an encouraging nudge with his nose. "you'll get it, i know it. and i can tell that you'll be a great warrior. and we have lots of small knights and roses in highgarden. ayalla is nearly as small as me, and she's one of the fastest cats in the clan, and she climbs the tallest trees without any fear. and we have a knight named sleetfreckle who is so cool. he's already pretty small, and he's one of the best fighters we have, i think. he's just a blur," dovepaw said, thinking to all of his different clanmates. "what are some of your clanmates like? are there a lot of warriors in driftclan?"
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