CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all clans -

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JULY 2021 - 006

Postby chaotic creativity » Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:43 am

18 Spots Open | Last Post

    Rookstar - Tom - 58 Moons - Roi (Leader) - Tagged: Darwinstar of Cascata Conservatory
      Rookstar's eyes widened with shock at hearing that Darwinstar was named after a twoleg. "I'm rather shocked to hear of a cat named after a twoleg; it is most unusual indeed," he meowed, more to himself than anything. She prattled on about science, the word an unfamiliar one to Rookstar, and he listened intently. He would have the most thrilling story to share with Dauphinpaw and Freuxfreckle when he returned home. The thought of his son and his mate made his heart flutter with joy, and he couldn't help but smile to himself. Their surrogate had delivered just a single kit, but Rookstar would not change it for anything. He adored his young son, to the point that his first litter accused him of loving Dauphinpaw more than them. He had so quickly assured them that it wasn't true that the three had collapsed into laughter, admitting they were only teasing as they knew any cat would be so obsessed with young kits. "A rook is a bird, very similar to a crow or a raven. My entire litter was named after birds. My littermates are Juncoflight, a small grey-ish sparrow, and I have another littermate that I have lost touch with that once carried the name Duckpaw. I surely hope you know what a duck is," he chuckled. He had quickly described a junco as it was a bird he had required his own father to describe to him. In truth, Juncoflight was named after their father's name in AloeClan. The mighty Summitstar had once been Juncoflight of AloeClan, who was then led by Snowstar to start the JaggedClan that Rookstar had been born in. He found it rather amusing that he had followed in his father's footsteps, leaving the original Clan to help found and eventually become leader of another Clan. "I can promise you that a majority of my Clan has asked me what a rook and a junco are, so you are not alone in that," he chuckled.

    Chasmstar - Molly - 49 Moons - Dame (Leader) - Tagged: Hollystar of TundraClan
      Chasmstar nodded along sympathetically as Hollystar spoke so lovingly of her own family. "Snowleopardkit is quite the mouthful! I bet she struggled to say her own name at first," she chuckled, remembering how her own kits had stumbled over their words until they were nearly two moons old. Poor Loutresplash hadn't been able to say her own name until she was three moons old, even though the only name she ever said was Ourskit's. The two had been inseparable since birth, and Chasmstar was glad to see two of her kits so close even as Cavalier. "It's a wonder I was even able to keep my title of Dame when they were still so dependent on me. I sacrificed my duties for my family, rather than sacrificing the time with my family for my duties," she meowed, almost regretfully. She wondered what it would have been like to have focused on her duties when her litter had been so young, but the stories of Rookstar's own parents had dissuaded her from ever doing so. The broken relationship between the family had hurt her greatly and made her hope to never experience that, even if that was now what was happening to her. Rookstar and his littermate, Juncoflight, had lost touch with their parents and their other sister, who they only knew of as Duckpaw. "I hope yours never grow up. It's a painful pride to see the ones that used to require you for everything leave the nest," she meowed jokingly, smiling at Hollystar. She didn't want to think about Rookstar at this moment, of the way he had tried to tell her he loved another cat right after their own kits had been born. He'd sworn that he still loved her, and that he loved them both equally, but she hadn't seen past the blind rage. She'd forbidden from from seeing or speaking to his kits, and the two had drifted apart into an uneasy hatred during the subsequent moons.

    Richterscreech - Tom - 68 Moons - Tour (Deputy) - Tagged: Thistletuft of SeaClan
      Richterscreech nodded with a serious expression. "All Clans experience hardship, some worse than others," he paused to draw in a breath before continuing, "but that does not mean that others should turn away from them in their time of need. I can list the Clans as kind as SeaClan seems to be on a singular paw," he meowed, his voice trailing off at the unfortunate fact he had shared. There were many Clans who preferred to keep to themselves, and he would not hold that against them. ChessClan had never needed to help of another Clan, but he rather dreaded the day it had happened. He loved his Clan, but he hated relying on others for help. "I believe there are far too many Clans here nowadays. I can remember when barely half the number of cats ever attended; it seems so much more crowded now," he chuckled. The Gathering was now a cramped place, and Richterscreech felt as if it needed to move to a much larger location to accommodate the ever-increasing number of cats and Clans that attended every moon. While the number of cats reminded him fondly of home, where the camp had split among several side-by-side clumps of trees along the stream, he missed the days where he could attend the Gathering to have more room than at the camp. There were too many cats in ChessClan now, but he didn't want anything to happen to a single one of them. While he wished a few would move on, to create a Clan or camp in the mountains to free up more space in the valley, he dearly loved every single cavalier, apprenti, and pion that currently resided within ChessClan's borders. "Is SeaClan a large Clan? ChessClan is positively bursting at the seams with the new cats that arrive every single moon," he chuckled. It was true that a cat was found on one patrol per moon nearly every moon, but Richterscreech would never dream of turning them away from what could clearly be a better life for them.

    Wolfwhiskers - Tom - 73 Moons - Fou (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      Wolfwhiskers let out a sigh of relief as he padded alongside Faondapple. Lichenpaw was too close to taking her assessment to attend the Gathering, and Lindtpaw had stayed behind as company. The silence without the two was louder than they were, but Wolfwhiskers enjoyed the peace. "They'll be fine," he meowed in reassurance to the clearly nervous molly. "Sopranocavern and Versaillesheart have basic herbal knowledge, and Loonfrost was once a medicine cat. If they run into any trouble, they know those three older mollies are to who they are to report," he meowed, the words he'd drilled into the 'paws' heads leaving his mouth another time. Faondapple nodded and broke off without another word, and he watched her with a concerned eye. She was like a daughter to him, and he worried when she wasn't herself. She quickly dove into a conversation, and Wolfwhiskers let out the breath he had been holding. With a sigh, he turned and sat down. He didn't feel like strolling, so he'd let any potential conversation come to him. If no cat wanted to speak with him, that would be fine as well.

    Faondapple - Molly - 27 Moons - Fou (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Kiwifuzz of IslandClan
      Faondapple's thoughts raced as she broke away from Wolfwhiskers's comforting words. She knew he was speaking reasonably, but she couldn't help but worry. What if the camp burst into flames? What if a tree fell and hurt a cat severely? What if a storm flooded the herb stores? What if, what if, what if? She shook her head violently, a few tears flying from her eyes as she quickly shut down her emotions. The two cats would be fine. She had experienced the same thing when Wolfwhiskers had left her behind when he was heading to a Gathering, and nothing disastrous had happened. A few injured patients were in the den, but none required serious attention outside of wound re-dressings and occasional monitoring. Lichenpaw had taken care of Pommepaw and Lynxpaw entirely by herself, so she knew exactly what to expect from them. She stumbled into a cat, and she smiled as she recognized their scent. "Kiwifuzz! I haven't heard much from IslandClan in these past few moons," she purred, knowing the cat's name only because they shared a border. She had never spoken with Kiwifuzz, but Wolfwhiskers made her keep up the names and appearances of their bordering medicine cats in case she ever needed their help. She almost thanked him verbally as she didn't have to ask for Kiwifuzz's name, but she clamped her jaws shut quickly. She didn't need to embarrass herself in her first meeting with the cat, and she was worried she had already done so.

4 Spots Open | Last Post

    Marbledstar - Molly - 40 Moons - Dronning (Leader) - Tagged: Riverstar of VagaryClan
      Marbledstar blinked appreciatively at Riverstar's words. She wanted nothing more in the world than to prove Sablefrost wrong; she would not turn out like him, no matter what. She took a deep, shaky breath and nodded slowly. "It's clear that I don't want to ever be like him, though there are times when I wonder what my life would be like if I went down the same path as him. Would I be in a band of rogues, or would I be a prisoner in my former home in the way Hopscowl now is," she sighed. She shouldn't be laying everything out for Riverstar to see, but it was hard for her to stop once she had started. This most certainly was not the best first impression she had made on another Clan at her first Gathering as Dronning. "This is much too dark of a path to be setting ourselves on at a Gathering, so might I inquire about VagaryClan? I've never heard of your Clan," she admitted rather sheepishly, embarrassed to admit that she knew very little of the other Clans in the world. Sablefrost had told her that she should only care about Frosne, and so she had never even attended a Gathering before this one. It had been a shock to her to realize that her first interaction with the other Clans would be right after her coronation ceremony. She was nervous being here, that much was clearly obvious, but she hoped Riverstar wouldn't think less of her after their unusual first meeting. Her pelt seemed to glitter in the moonlight, and she was swiftly distracted by grooming the pebbles and dirt from her paw pads, between her toes, and underneath her claws. The trek had been long and tiresome, and she was rather dusty from the several expanses of fields and pastures that they had had to cross. She had spent so long inside Frosne's borders that she was shocked by how warm and bright everything seemed. It almost seemed like some places had never seen snow while her own Clan would often be trapped inside their camp for days when horrendous blizzards would strike in the dead of the cold season. It almost seemed like the world experienced four seasons unlike the typical two she saw most clearly in her territory.

    Skuasoar - Molly - 77 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      Skuasoar kept a watchful eye on Marbledstar as the molly collapsed into the pile of leaders. "I worry about her," she murmured. Her Dronning was prone to episodes of fear and shaking when pushed into social situations involving strangers. Skuasoar shook her head and took a seat a distance away from the other deputies. She'd attended many Gatherings, and they were beginning to bore her.

    Almondclay - Molly - 29 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Forestfire & Almondjoy of VenusClan
      Almondclay's eyes opened wide with confusion over a cat Almondjoy had so casually mentioned. "E-excuse me? Did you just say 'mothcat'?" she asked, her voice rising with confusion and fear. She could not quite figure out what the tom meant, even if he had so casually spoken of this Craniumstrike as if it were normal to be referred to as a 'mothcat'. All she could imagine was a large cat with broad, moth-like wings and fluffy antennae poking out from their head near their ears. She had heard of rather unique cats before, ones with wings or costumes or more limbs than four, but she'd never heard of one referred to as a 'mothcat'. As her thoughts raced, her heart stilled as reason spoke calmly through her mind. Perhaps this 'mothcat' was another name for a rank in VenusClan. It could be another name for their medicine cat or their deputy. All sorts of Clans had all sorts of names for different roles, and she took a deep breath to calm herself entirely. She would have to learn to calm herself more effectively, and the sudden confusion, terror, and worry had proved to be a pleasantly difficult surprise to work through. As a Hertuginne, she would be placed in stressful situations more often than not, and she was rather grateful for the sudden wave of emotions caused by such a casually mentioned word. She could only hope that another Sablefrost-like cat didn't try to destroy Frosne during her time on the council.

    Driftantler - Tom - 54 Moons - Hertuger (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      Driftantler peeled away from the group, knowing the mollies had their Dronning handled, and dove into the crowd of deputies. He smiled and wove, twisting over paws and tails before settling down and watching the crowd.

    Macadamiawave - Molly - 54 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      Macadamiawave purred as Marbledstar took the step of courage and padded away. She turned to express her pride to Driftantler, Almondclay, or Skuasoar, but the three cats had already padded off and taken seats elsewhere. With a sigh, she sat where she stood. From her vantage point, she could see the entire Gathering. She sat in silence and watched, observing cats from all kinds of Clans.

    Cypressmask - Tom - 29 Moons - Helbreder (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      Cypressmask couldn't help but push past the ruling cats with a sigh. He was viewed as less important than the warriors, and he resented Moosestar for making the Clan such a way. The helbreder were highly valued, but those who hunted and fought were seen as higher than he was. With a snort, he sat amongst the medicine cats.

    Lemmingwisp - Tom - 30 Moons - Lavere Jagere (Warrior) - Tagged: Lilylivered of KeyClan
      Lemmingwisp padded with his head high and his tail held straight out behind him. He took careful steps around cats until he spotted a rather interesting looking cat. He approached them with an emotionless expression. "I am Lemmingwisp," the words rolled from his tongue like silk. He wondered what his friends were doing back at camp, but he wouldn't take the blame for any of their shenanigans tonight. Tonight, he would have a civilized conversation with a civil-headed cat that shared his interests.

0 Spots Open

    Hyena's Breath - Molly - 40 Moons - Matriarch (Leader) - Tagged: Stormstar of DriftClan
      Hyena's Breath could hear and see the pride Stormstar took in her Clan, and she couldn't help but feel respect for the molly. Only a strong leader could truly feel the sureness that their Clan has the potential to become great. "I lead the Order of the Hyena, the only remaining Order of the Savanna," she meowed. The five orders had gone to war when she had been young, each demolishing the other until only the stragglers remained. She had begun to rebuild the Order of the Hyena herself, having once been the successor to the matriarchy, placing the newly-built Clan at the top rather than the bottom as they had once been. She had crushed any stirrings of the other orders until only hers remained. She would rule the entire Savanna, and no other order could take that from her. "I would be wary of my Scavengers. They aren't the nicest bunch, and they're known to leave scars even after a civil discussion," she purred, her voice rippling as if it were a brook running over stones. She took pride in the strength her Clan held, despite its small numbers, and she would never discredit the harm her clanmates could cause. She had high hopes for Aardwolf's Mane, who had begun the Shadow's Trail. Due to there being no standing Shadow, the fourth and final trial would not happen. Aardwolf's Mane need only complete the second and third trial, which were scheduled for the two following sunrises. The Gathering day had been a break in the chaos that was the Trial, and Hyena's Breath turned back to Stormstar. "Don't worry, I shall not call them until you give me reason to," she meowed casually, shrugging.

    Civet's Scurry - Molly - 38 Moons - Aide (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Ostrich's Cry - Molly - 47 Moons - Herbalist (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Zebra's Gallop - Molly - 44 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Wildebeest's Stampede - Tom - 42 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Lion's Shadow - Tom - 45 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Aardwolf's Mane - Molly - 24 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Baboon's Shriek - Tom - 51 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Leopard's Leap - Tom - 64 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

0 Spots Open

    Contopus virens (Pewee) - Molly - 64 Moons - Osprey (Leader) - Tagged: Tawnyrose of Highgarden
      Pewee was almost disappointed that Tawnyrose failed to relay information of any truly evil or terrible leaders. Her own former mate, Crow, had turned into an absolutely horrible leader who was ultimately murdered by several younger members of AviaryClan. It had been a tragic accident, made even more so when the tom began haunting and gaining his revenge. Pewee was reminded of her daughter, Moorhen, and she had to quickly shake her head to stop from letting her tears gather. "There's just so many of them," she meowed, her eyes traveling around the leaders once more. "I'm rather glad it was you I happened to bump into. You're a rather sensible molly, much unlike how I was when I was thrust into my role as the Osprey," she meowed. She had the thought that Tawnyrose may not understand the name of her role in her Clan, but Pewee let it slide. She would answer if the question rose, but it was unlikely due to the fact that there were so many different names for the same basic roles. Pewee's thoughts began to wander as she wondered just why the ancestors had encouraged her to attend this single Gathering. Her litter of kits with Cooper had been born just a few sunrises before, and all she wanted was to be at home with their two new bundles of joy. "You spoke of your son's kits, meanwhile I've just had my second litter. My firstborn has only just recently passed his final assessment," she chuckled. He was not truly a Sparrow, but he accompanied patrols to better understand how the daily life of the Clan works. Pewee truly believed it to be educational for the tom who would eventually take over as the Eagle.
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highgarden 4

Postby eagle, » Wed Jul 07, 2021 4:43 pm


tawnyrose: queen, molly, she/her. tags: pewee
indentdespite herself, tawnyrose couldn't help but laugh. "trust me, i wasn't always the sensible queen before you now. if my mate heard you call me sensible, he might even be concerned for your well-being," she said, smiling coyly. it had been a long journey from her roots to where she was now, able to pick her head up and carry on. it had taken a toll, to be sure, and just as much had been lost as had been gained. still, despite all of the losses and obstacles, tawnyrose believed that she had done the best she could with highgarden. her ears pricked with curiosity when pewee mentioned newborn kits, and tawnyrose expressed her surprise. "you don't say? that's amazing, congratulations to you and your kit for passing his assessment," she said. "what are their names? they grow up so quickly, don't they? it seems like just yesterday i had my first litter, and my second litter has grown so much already." tawnyrose's gaze turned to the cats that surrounded the nearby patches of grass, and she smiled when she found her daughter's fiery red pelt. "my daughter is actually right there. her name is cherryfire, my heir. she'll get the clan when the time comes, gods willing." tawnyrose paused for a moment, thinking, once more, of lightkit. it had been seasons and seasons since her eldest's passing, but the pain lingered eternally. highgarden would be safe in cherryfire's care, she thought to herself.

cherryfire: heir, molly, she/her. tags: widowweb
indentcherryfire padded through the gathering, taking her time to take in the different sights and sounds. in the distance, she could see her mother as tawnyrose spoke to a cat that cherryfire didn't recognize. highgarden's heir wished that she could be with her mother, but she knew that it wasn't her time, not yet. she would be queen one day, but she wasn't waiting with bated breath for tawnyrose's death. instead, she was more than happy to find a space to settle down, wrapping her tail neatly over her paws. when another cat her age passed by, she smiled warmly. "hi there, my name's cherryfire," she said. "i don't recognize your scent. if you want to sit, i'd really love to hear about your clan. i'm trying to learn more about the different clans." she was perhaps a little too blunt and very forward, but she hoped that they might take her up on it.

merlinsong: herbalist, tom, he/him. tags: open

squirrelpaw: herbalist's thorn, molly, she/her. tags: copperdust
indent"yup, merlinsong's my mentor. talk about having your head in the clouds," squirrelpaw said before giggling. "oh, don't worry, i've heard otterfur talking about fadedsun a lot, too. all good things, of course. it's really sweet how much they care for each other." it felt nice to talk to copperdust. when squirrelpaw was so often surrounded by cats older than her for most of the day, it was nice to have a friend her own age, especially when they shared much in common and could laugh over their clans' shared families. squirrelpaw nodded quickly. "it really does seem that like. i think the roots are a bit sad to be separated from some of their kits from across the border, but i think they're secretly a little glad to have a little extra space in the nursery, otherwise it would be very crowded. but they're really a lot of help. all of the kittings have been a bit stressful, especially in fall and winter, but well worth it. the kits are all so adorable, and its nice to have them all running around." squirrelpaw shrugged. "is it just you and fadedsun in the medicine den at vagaryclan? that must be a lot of responsibility for you, now that he's with his kits a lot. i really admire that. we have a full den of herbalists, and someone is always around, if its merlinsong, solsticestand, or gladesun. we all have our own duties."

nuthatchpaw & butterflypaw: thorns, tom & molly, he/him & she/her. tags: nandaypaw & celsiuspaw
indentnuthatchpaw and butterflypaw listened eagerly to the other young cats, learning new words. nuthatchpaw bumped butterflypaw's shoulder. "the others will be so jealous that we're learning so much, don't you think? they haven't done any sciences before, that's for sure," he said, his eyes gleaming as butterflypaw nodded and looking across to nandaypaw and celciuspaw.
indent"that's really cool! but also sounds pretty dangerous," she said thoughtfully. "we don't technically have a waterfall in our territory, but there's one right across the border into groveclan's territory. but it doesn't seem as big as your waterfall," butterflypaw added. "there's a story that one of the first knights, hornetshade, almost went over the waterfall during a swimming lesson when the current dragged him away from shore. he was saved, thanks to the gods, but he's still not a fan of water."
indentnuthatchpaw appeared lost in thought for a moment before shrugging. "so no one really goes near the waterfall, and there are a few knights and roses who don't like the rivers because of a flood a few seasons back, before we were born. but i'm excited for my mentor to teach me to fish, they're my favorite." he nodded in their direction. "what does your clan hunt? we have squirrels and birds and fish and mice."

dovepaw: thorn, tom, he/him. tags: alfie
indentdovepaw flexed his paws, allowing his claws to sink into the soft ground, gathering himself to try to find someone to talk to when, in that moment, an apprentice came speeding in his direction. with his ears pricked curiously at the stranger, dovepaw allowed himself to relax, letting his shoulders loosen and for his fur to fluff out against the gentle breeze that stirred his whiskers. "hiya," he greeted in turn. "it's nice to meet you, my name's dovepaw. i'm a thorn from highgarden, but... i'll be a knight really soon, if all goes well and i can learn how to swim well enough," he said, managing a half-hearted laugh. "but my mentor says that i'm really good at hunting and stalking and running and climbing, so i'll be a great knight for my clan, highgarden, once i'm old enough and my mentor thinks i'm ready," he said, once again wishing that he was tall like many of highgarden's great knights and roses. "are you close to taking your assessment soon. or, does your clan even have assessments?"
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Re: CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all cla

Postby justice'n'joy » Wed Jul 07, 2021 9:14 pm

Attending: Cinderstar, Sunshade, Pumpkincrackle and Pigeonflake (all are open)

Cinderstar Leader She/Her (tagged: open)
Cinderstar nervously wanders through the group of cats. There had to be over a hundred! It had been far too long since her last gathering and the great furred leader could see just how large other clans had grown. At least she could tell other cats about her kits back in camp? If anyone even cared to listen to her go on about how Lichenkit had stalked a snail that morning. So cute.

Sunshade Deputy He/Him (tagged: Starlingflight of HazeClan)
Sunshade couldn't help being a little bashful. "Greetings," he responded, "I am Sunshade, the deputy of BrookClan." The black tom couldn't help being glad his Clan had spread out, since he was usually great at taking charge. "Um, how are things going in HazeClan? I think I spotted your territory on the way here, it looks stunning!" Sunshade blushed at how much he sounded like a kit.

Pumpkincrackle Med Cat He/HIm (tagged open, preferably another munchkin for solidarity lol)
The tortoiseshell munchkin cat stuck to the shadows, not wanting anyone to point out that his legs were short.

Pigeonflake Warrior She/Her (tagged: Widowwedb of WheatClan
Pigeonflake approaches Widowweb from WheatClan. "Is this your first gathering?" She asks them, hoping to make a friend. He looked like he'd recently become a warrior, just like she had.
NZ ~ any pronouns ~ August 4
Hello! I'm just a human living in New Zealand, but
I was born in Michigan, USA. I've loved warrior cats
for five years now. Glass Animals, Twenty One Pilots
and Two Door Cinema Club are my favourite bands.
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July | 04

Postby NightWolf950 » Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:16 am

Pantherstar | Female | Leader | Tagged: Briarstar (SnowClan)
Slowly the gathering began to pick up and more and more cats began to trickle in. Pantherstar watched cats move about, lost in thought until a voice snapped her back to reality. Seeing another she-cat stand before her, Pantherstar dipped her head in response to the she-cat introducing herself. "Please... Have a seat." Pantherstar spoke, nodding to the spot on her left. With a flick of her tail, the large gray and white she-cat cleared a bit of snow for Briarstar to sit. "I am Pantherstar of HazeClan." she meowed.

Starlingflight | Male | Deputy | Tagged: Sunshade (BrookClan)
Starlingflight, although usually his normal skittish self felt at ease around the other tom. He couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at Sunshade's comment. Letting out a small purr, the brown tabby tom dipped his head in a thank you before speaking. "Thank you. I'm sure Pantherstar would love to hear that when I see her later again. As for HazeClan we are fairing well. Can't complain. How is BrookClan fairing?" he asked curiosuly.

Vaporwind | Male | Med. Cat | Tagged: Icestep (IceClan)
Vaporwind eventually sat next to the flame point tom, nodding slightly as he listened to Icestep speak. He couldn't help but take a small notice of how fondly Icestep seemed to be of Leekstar. Vaporwind smiled before frowning a bit once at the mention of how harsh Leafbare was for IceClan. "I... I'm sorry... Although by the sound and looks of it you are a strong clan... I have faith you shall get through this." Vaporwind meowed.
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Re: CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all cla

Postby RavenshadowRose » Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:50 am

Need information, pm me please)
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◆ ── foxglove court / 01

Postby deimido » Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:58 am

    attending: queen blooming edelweiss / resting admiral / restless bee
      QUEEN BLOOMING EDELWEISS - 23 - she/her - tag: fishleap of cascata conservatory
      xxThe lithe figures of the court's representatives looked as if they glided over the forest, the trio's pawsteps light on mossy ground as they headed toward the hollow. The queen couldn't lie to herself and say she wasn't nervous; never before had her kingdom attended a gathering, as her mother and father didn't concern themselves with the well-being of other kingdoms they didn't know or... the Clans, as they distastefully spoke of. But now that both passed on, Edelweiss decided it'd be good to expand the court's horizons and expose themselves to more cultures. Resting Admiral wasn't as keen on the idea as Restless Bee was, the latter expressed delight at the idea and told her that it was certainly worthwhile. Admiral, however, was more of a traditionalist, but opened up more when he realized that it might be a good opportunity to speak to other priests.

      As they stopped at the edge of the hollowed ground, both her cats stood by, waiting for her signal. A twitch of her whiskers was all the toms needed before they swooped down to the gathering. Edelweiss waited a few paces before she strode down the hill and into the throng of cats, she observed everyone's faces: some excited, others stern, but all looked... casual, as if the barriers between them evaporated into a fine mist. She kept her pace, stopping once she felt her side brush against someone's own and whirled to face the other cat - seeing a handsome, though exasperated, dark ginger tabby with brown eyes. "Are you all right?" She decided to ask.

      RESTING ADMIRAL - 23 - he/him - tag: open
      xx[ always has something up his sleeve; cold and calculating, but is easily captivated by anything to do with medicine. ]

      RESTLESS BEE - 26 - he/him - tag: open
      xx[ jovial and friendly. knows a lot about what its like as a wanderer and often speaks about his travels. bit of a charmer too. ]
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Re: CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all cla

Postby winter solstice. » Thu Jul 08, 2021 12:25 pm

Cats Attending: Carrotstar, Thistletuft, Dappledawn, Sandripple, Warblerwhistle, Juniperfrost, Quillpelt, Mistyriver, Arrowthroat, Cranepaw, Tidepaw

      Carrotstar - tom - leader - a shorthaired ginger mackerel tabby with green eyes - tagged; Cockroachstar (TundraClan)
        Carrotstar brightened at Cockroachstar's response and meowed, "If you ever need any prey or herbs - we will try our best to provide. Please don't hesitate to tell us," he added sincerely.

      Thistletuft - tom - deputy - a longhaired solid gray-and-white cat with yellow eyes - tagged; Richterscreech (ChessClan)
        Thistletuft thought of how crowded the camp was, even with its enormous system of caves, and smiled fondly, meowing, "We are indeed a big Clan. Our camp is bursting with cats," he added, his whiskers twitching in amusement, "ever since we had a boom in kits some moons ago." His voice became somber as he concluded, "We proved that SeaClan can grow strong, even after bad cats come to try stopping that."

      Sandripple - tom - medicine cat - a small shorthaired black mackerel tabby with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

      Dappledawn - she-cat - medicine cat - a shorthaired calico she-cat with a twisted paw and green eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Warblerwhistle - she-cat - warrior - a shorthaired black classic torbie she-cat with green eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Juniperfrost - tom - warrior - a shorthaired gray mackerel tabby with brown eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Quillpelt - tom - warrior - a shorthaired black mackerel tabby with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

      Mistyriver - she-cat - warrior - a longhaired solid gray LaPerm with green eyes - tagged; Sanderlingfrost (Cascata Conservatory)
        Mistyriver blinked in surprise at the response, meowing, "No leafbare?" She frowned slightly, adding, "Wouldn't that be too hot?" She could not imagine a place with no leafbare, no snow. She then cleared her throat at Conuresun's question and mewed, glancing toward the leaders' rock, "Uhhh, it's been running well - for leafbare," she added hastily.

      Arrowthroat - tom - warrior - a mediumhaired black mackerel tabby with medium white and yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Cranepaw - tom - apprentice - a longhaired flame point tom with blue eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Tidepaw - she-cat - apprentice - a longhaired ginger-and-white she-cat with sea-blue eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

Cats Attending: Ploverstar, Darkcrow, Silverdapple, Nightbreeze

      Ploverstar - she-cat - leader - a shorthaired black classic tabby with light green eyes - tagged; open
        Ploverstar wanted to come this moon. Badly. The last few times she'd been almost coerced to come by her trusty deputy, Darkcrow, and they had ended rather... awfuly, by her standards. She hadn't spoken much, on her part, and only had listened to what the other cats had to say. But now... now was different. She was no longer the timid, unassuming leader of a tiny Clan. No! She was the proud leader of a small, yet thriving Clan, who was eager to tell the world of her Lcan, to spread the news of her group of cats who all had struggles of their own to deal with.

        But finding cats to speak to was hard. Ploverstar still found approaching cats extremely difficult. The black classic tabby was glad when someone else approached first. Turning around to greet the newcomer, the CloudClan leader dipped her head in greeting and mewed, "I'm Ploverstar, of CloudClan. So far I have been enjoying a... rather quiet Gathering here, but I'm glad you came along," the black classic tabby confided softly, "I was hoping to speak to someone tonight, but I'm no outgoing cat."
      Darkcrow - tom - deputy - a mediumhaired solid black cat with some rusting and orange eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Silverdapple - she-cat - medicine cat - a shorthaired black-based silver mackerel torbie with light amber eyes - tagged; Resting Admiral (Foxglove Court)
        After sitting down at her usual spot, near the edge of the clearing, watching the others speak to each other, Silverdapple finally decided it was time for her to go seek a conversation partner for herself. The silver tabby took a deep breath and stopd on her paws. Carefully weaving through the crowd of cats, the CloudClan medicine cat found someone of interest to talk to - a flame point. Silverdapple carefully approached the cat, making sure (or at least, attempted to) not to surprise them, and meowed, sitting down and neatly tucking her paws under her tail, "Greetings. My name is Silverdapple of CloudClan. How is the prey running in your Clan?"
      Nightbreeze - tom - warrior - a longhaired solid black cat with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here

Cats Attending: Leekstar, Pineshadow, Icestep, Chanterelleheart, Nutmegdawn, Peppermintcloud

      Leekstar - she-cat - leader - a longhaired pure white cat with yellow-blue heterochromia - tagged; Feralstar (WheatClan)
        Leekstar smiled politely and replied, still not completely convinced she had found a good partner to chat with, "IceClan, huh? Well," she mused, recalling recent events, "we just finished rebuilding what once had been the nursery of the old IceClan camp, before our predecessors were forced to disband. I'm sure we will soon need the place, as we will need kits to grow as a Clan."

        "How about WheatClan?" the white she-cat prompted, her two-colored gaze fixed on the younger leader, "I'd love to hear about your Clan." The truth was, Leekstar was only half-interested, and yet she found the younger she-cat... relatable. Here was a cat struggling to find the words to communicate. Here she was - a middle-aged former kittypet, struggling with the same thing. She wondered if WheatClan, too, was a small Clan, just like her own IceClan.

        Small Clans should stick together, she mused.
      Pineshadow - she-cat - deputy - a longhaired black mackerel tabby Norwegian Forest Cat with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Icestep - tom - medicine cat - a shorthaired flame point with medium white spotting and blue eyes - tagged; Vaporwind (HazeClan)
        Icestep smiled at HazeClan's medicine cat and meowed, "Oh, we do. Our Clan is supposed to be really good at weathering the cold. I sure hope to StarClan that I could be able to do that too, soon."
      Chanterelleheart - tom - warrior - a mediumhaired silver (cinnamon) shaded mackerel tabby with green eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Nutmegdawn - she-cat - warrior - a longhaired black-based classic caliby Persian with brown eyes - tagged; open, traveling with Peppermintcloud
        text here.
      Peppermintcloud - tom - warrior - a longhaired flame (broken mackerel) point Persian with low white spotting and ice-blue eyes - tagged; open, traveling with Nutmegdawn
        see Nutmegdawn.

      (ooc: more slots for all three clans are still available, please pm here or dm on discord if you want to see someone in particular!)
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

Winter / Fairy / Gale
Formerly FairyCharmed
She/Her - Korea - UTC+9hrs.
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JULY 2021 - 007

Postby chaotic creativity » Thu Jul 08, 2021 2:05 pm

18 Spots Open | Last Post

    Rookstar - Tom - 58 Moons - Roi (Leader) - Tagged: Darwinstar of Cascata Conservatory
      Rookstar's eyes widened with shock at hearing that Darwinstar was named after a twoleg. "I'm rather shocked to hear of a cat named after a twoleg; it is most unusual indeed," he meowed, more to himself than anything. She prattled on about science, the word an unfamiliar one to Rookstar, and he listened intently. He would have the most thrilling story to share with Dauphinpaw and Freuxfreckle when he returned home. The thought of his son and his mate made his heart flutter with joy, and he couldn't help but smile to himself. Their surrogate had delivered just a single kit, but Rookstar would not change it for anything. He adored his young son, to the point that his first litter accused him of loving Dauphinpaw more than them. He had so quickly assured them that it wasn't true that the three had collapsed into laughter, admitting they were only teasing as they knew any cat would be so obsessed with young kits. "A rook is a bird, very similar to a crow or a raven. My entire litter was named after birds. My littermates are Juncoflight, a small grey-ish sparrow, and I have another littermate that I have lost touch with that once carried the name Duckpaw. I surely hope you know what a duck is," he chuckled. He had quickly described a junco as it was a bird he had required his own father to describe to him. In truth, Juncoflight was named after their father's name in AloeClan. The mighty Summitstar had once been Juncoflight of AloeClan, who was then led by Snowstar to start the JaggedClan that Rookstar had been born in. He found it rather amusing that he had followed in his father's footsteps, leaving the original Clan to help found and eventually become leader of another Clan. "I can promise you that a majority of my Clan has asked me what a rook and a junco are, so you are not alone in that," he chuckled.

    Chasmstar - Molly - 49 Moons - Dame (Leader) - Tagged: Hollystar of TundraClan
      Chasmstar nodded along sympathetically as Hollystar spoke so lovingly of her own family. "Snowleopardkit is quite the mouthful! I bet she struggled to say her own name at first," she chuckled, remembering how her own kits had stumbled over their words until they were nearly two moons old. Poor Loutresplash hadn't been able to say her own name until she was three moons old, even though the only name she ever said was Ourskit's. The two had been inseparable since birth, and Chasmstar was glad to see two of her kits so close even as Cavalier. "It's a wonder I was even able to keep my title of Dame when they were still so dependent on me. I sacrificed my duties for my family, rather than sacrificing the time with my family for my duties," she meowed, almost regretfully. She wondered what it would have been like to have focused on her duties when her litter had been so young, but the stories of Rookstar's own parents had dissuaded her from ever doing so. The broken relationship between the family had hurt her greatly and made her hope to never experience that, even if that was now what was happening to her. Rookstar and his littermate, Juncoflight, had lost touch with their parents and their other sister, who they only knew of as Duckpaw. "I hope yours never grow up. It's a painful pride to see the ones that used to require you for everything leave the nest," she meowed jokingly, smiling at Hollystar. She didn't want to think about Rookstar at this moment, of the way he had tried to tell her he loved another cat right after their own kits had been born. He'd sworn that he still loved her, and that he loved them both equally, but she hadn't seen past the blind rage. She'd forbidden from from seeing or speaking to his kits, and the two had drifted apart into an uneasy hatred during the subsequent moons.

    Richterscreech - Tom - 68 Moons - Tour (Deputy) - Tagged: Thistletuft of SeaClan
      Richterscreech smiled as he recognized the determination in Thistletuft's eyes. "I remember all too well the first kit boom in ChessClan. We were still young, barely even a season-cycle old, when we had nearly eighteen kits born around the same time. There were only four mollies pregnant, but they all had such large litters. It astounds me how a molly can carry six whole kits at once when they can also only have one," he meowed. He had never fully understood how a molly could have anywhere between one and six kits, but he was always overjoyed when new ones were born. "They're well into adulthood now, two of my own kits among them. There were three, once, but my son Tremortremble watches down from ÉtoileClan," he meowed, his eyes drifting up with a smile. Tectonicmarch and Seismicwhisper still remained, each with kits of their own, and his heart soared as he thought of his first grand-kits being cavalier themselves. They grew so fast, and he was astounded to know they were all excellent young cats. None had turned into the pranksters his first litter of three had been, and he chuckled as he remembered how much trouble Tremortremble, Seismicwhisper, and Tectonicmarch had once been.

    Wolfwhiskers - Tom - 73 Moons - Fou (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      Wolfwhiskers let out a sigh of relief as he padded alongside Faondapple. Lichenpaw was too close to taking her assessment to attend the Gathering, and Lindtpaw had stayed behind as company. The silence without the two was louder than they were, but Wolfwhiskers enjoyed the peace. "They'll be fine," he meowed in reassurance to the clearly nervous molly. "Sopranocavern and Versaillesheart have basic herbal knowledge, and Loonfrost was once a medicine cat. If they run into any trouble, they know those three older mollies are to who they are to report," he meowed, the words he'd drilled into the 'paws' heads leaving his mouth another time. Faondapple nodded and broke off without another word, and he watched her with a concerned eye. She was like a daughter to him, and he worried when she wasn't herself. She quickly dove into a conversation, and Wolfwhiskers let out the breath he had been holding. With a sigh, he turned and sat down. He didn't feel like strolling, so he'd let any potential conversation come to him. If no cat wanted to speak with him, that would be fine as well.

    Faondapple - Molly - 27 Moons - Fou (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Kiwifuzz of IslandClan
      Faondapple's thoughts raced as she broke away from Wolfwhiskers's comforting words. She knew he was speaking reasonably, but she couldn't help but worry. What if the camp burst into flames? What if a tree fell and hurt a cat severely? What if a storm flooded the herb stores? What if, what if, what if? She shook her head violently, a few tears flying from her eyes as she quickly shut down her emotions. The two cats would be fine. She had experienced the same thing when Wolfwhiskers had left her behind when he was heading to a Gathering, and nothing disastrous had happened. A few injured patients were in the den, but none required serious attention outside of wound re-dressings and occasional monitoring. Lichenpaw had taken care of Pommepaw and Lynxpaw entirely by herself, so she knew exactly what to expect from them. She stumbled into a cat, and she smiled as she recognized their scent. "Kiwifuzz! I haven't heard much from IslandClan in these past few moons," she purred, knowing the cat's name only because they shared a border. She had never spoken with Kiwifuzz, but Wolfwhiskers made her keep up the names and appearances of their bordering medicine cats in case she ever needed their help. She almost thanked him verbally as she didn't have to ask for Kiwifuzz's name, but she clamped her jaws shut quickly. She didn't need to embarrass herself in her first meeting with the cat, and she was worried she had already done so.

4 Spots Open | Last Post

    Marbledstar - Molly - 40 Moons - Dronning (Leader) - Tagged: Riverstar of VagaryClan
      Marbledstar blinked appreciatively at Riverstar's words. She wanted nothing more in the world than to prove Sablefrost wrong; she would not turn out like him, no matter what. She took a deep, shaky breath and nodded slowly. "It's clear that I don't want to ever be like him, though there are times when I wonder what my life would be like if I went down the same path as him. Would I be in a band of rogues, or would I be a prisoner in my former home in the way Hopscowl now is," she sighed. She shouldn't be laying everything out for Riverstar to see, but it was hard for her to stop once she had started. This most certainly was not the best first impression she had made on another Clan at her first Gathering as Dronning. "This is much too dark of a path to be setting ourselves on at a Gathering, so might I inquire about VagaryClan? I've never heard of your Clan," she admitted rather sheepishly, embarrassed to admit that she knew very little of the other Clans in the world. Sablefrost had told her that she should only care about Frosne, and so she had never even attended a Gathering before this one. It had been a shock to her to realize that her first interaction with the other Clans would be right after her coronation ceremony. She was nervous being here, that much was clearly obvious, but she hoped Riverstar wouldn't think less of her after their unusual first meeting. Her pelt seemed to glitter in the moonlight, and she was swiftly distracted by grooming the pebbles and dirt from her paw pads, between her toes, and underneath her claws. The trek had been long and tiresome, and she was rather dusty from the several expanses of fields and pastures that they had had to cross. She had spent so long inside Frosne's borders that she was shocked by how warm and bright everything seemed. It almost seemed like some places had never seen snow while her own Clan would often be trapped inside their camp for days when horrendous blizzards would strike in the dead of the cold season. It almost seemed like the world experienced four seasons unlike the typical two she saw most clearly in her territory.

    Skuasoar - Molly - 77 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      Skuasoar kept a watchful eye on Marbledstar as the molly collapsed into the pile of leaders. "I worry about her," she murmured. Her Dronning was prone to episodes of fear and shaking when pushed into social situations involving strangers. Skuasoar shook her head and took a seat a distance away from the other deputies. She'd attended many Gatherings, and they were beginning to bore her.

    Almondclay - Molly - 29 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Forestfire & Almondjoy of VenusClan
      Almondclay's eyes opened wide with confusion over a cat Almondjoy had so casually mentioned. "E-excuse me? Did you just say 'mothcat'?" she asked, her voice rising with confusion and fear. She could not quite figure out what the tom meant, even if he had so casually spoken of this Craniumstrike as if it were normal to be referred to as a 'mothcat'. All she could imagine was a large cat with broad, moth-like wings and fluffy antennae poking out from their head near their ears. She had heard of rather unique cats before, ones with wings or costumes or more limbs than four, but she'd never heard of one referred to as a 'mothcat'. As her thoughts raced, her heart stilled as reason spoke calmly through her mind. Perhaps this 'mothcat' was another name for a rank in VenusClan. It could be another name for their medicine cat or their deputy. All sorts of Clans had all sorts of names for different roles, and she took a deep breath to calm herself entirely. She would have to learn to calm herself more effectively, and the sudden confusion, terror, and worry had proved to be a pleasantly difficult surprise to work through. As a Hertuginne, she would be placed in stressful situations more often than not, and she was rather grateful for the sudden wave of emotions caused by such a casually mentioned word. She could only hope that another Sablefrost-like cat didn't try to destroy Frosne during her time on the council.

    Driftantler - Tom - 54 Moons - Hertuger (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      Driftantler peeled away from the group, knowing the mollies had their Dronning handled, and dove into the crowd of deputies. He smiled and wove, twisting over paws and tails before settling down and watching the crowd.

    Macadamiawave - Molly - 54 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Resting Bee of Foxglove Court
      Macadamiawave watched the Gathering intently, noting how Almondclay was caught up in a conversation with two toms and Marbledstar was enthusiastically speaking with the leader of another Clan. Lemmingwisp was introducing himself to another cat, Driftantler was watching several cats with interest, Skuasoar was seemingly avoiding any interaction, and Cypressmask was busying himself in the gathered group of healers. With a sigh, she spotted a rather interesting looking ginger ticked tabby tom. She approached the tom with her squished face held high, her icy blue eyes squinted slightly with a smile. "Hello, I am Macadamiawave of Katter av den Frosne Øya. I've never seen you around," she chuckled, though she was slow to admit that she had never attended a Gathering before. With a chuckle, she sat beside the tom. She was much larger than him, having always been a rather broad molly, but she didn't care as long as she was able to strike up a conversation to chat the night away with.

    Cypressmask - Tom - 29 Moons - Helbreder (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      Cypressmask couldn't help but push past the ruling cats with a sigh. He was viewed as less important than the warriors, and he resented Moosestar for making the Clan such a way. The helbreder were highly valued, but those who hunted and fought were seen as higher than he was. With a snort, he sat amongst the medicine cats.

    Lemmingwisp - Tom - 30 Moons - Lavere Jagere (Warrior) - Tagged: Lilylivered of KeyClan
      Lemmingwisp padded with his head high and his tail held straight out behind him. He took careful steps around cats until he spotted a rather interesting looking cat. He approached them with an emotionless expression. "I am Lemmingwisp," the words rolled from his tongue like silk. He wondered what his friends were doing back at camp, but he wouldn't take the blame for any of their shenanigans tonight. Tonight, he would have a civilized conversation with a civil-headed cat that shared his interests.

0 Spots Open

    Hyena's Breath - Molly - 40 Moons - Matriarch (Leader) - Tagged: Stormstar of DriftClan
      Hyena's Breath could hear and see the pride Stormstar took in her Clan, and she couldn't help but feel respect for the molly. Only a strong leader could truly feel the sureness that their Clan has the potential to become great. "I lead the Order of the Hyena, the only remaining Order of the Savanna," she meowed. The five orders had gone to war when she had been young, each demolishing the other until only the stragglers remained. She had begun to rebuild the Order of the Hyena herself, having once been the successor to the matriarchy, placing the newly-built Clan at the top rather than the bottom as they had once been. She had crushed any stirrings of the other orders until only hers remained. She would rule the entire Savanna, and no other order could take that from her. "I would be wary of my Scavengers. They aren't the nicest bunch, and they're known to leave scars even after a civil discussion," she purred, her voice rippling as if it were a brook running over stones. She took pride in the strength her Clan held, despite its small numbers, and she would never discredit the harm her clanmates could cause. She had high hopes for Aardwolf's Mane, who had begun the Shadow's Trail. Due to there being no standing Shadow, the fourth and final trial would not happen. Aardwolf's Mane need only complete the second and third trial, which were scheduled for the two following sunrises. The Gathering day had been a break in the chaos that was the Trial, and Hyena's Breath turned back to Stormstar. "Don't worry, I shall not call them until you give me reason to," she meowed casually, shrugging.

    Civet's Scurry - Molly - 38 Moons - Aide (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Ostrich's Cry - Molly - 47 Moons - Herbalist (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Zebra's Gallop - Molly - 44 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Wildebeest's Stampede - Tom - 42 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Lion's Shadow - Tom - 45 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Aardwolf's Mane - Molly - 24 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Baboon's Shriek - Tom - 51 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Leopard's Leap - Tom - 64 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

0 Spots Open

    Contopus virens (Pewee) - Molly - 64 Moons - Osprey (Leader) - Tagged: Tawnyrose of Highgarden
      Pewee's smile broadened as Tawnyrose congratulated her, the molly's attention quickly turning to the one she named Cherryfire. She noticed the molly pause, as if caught up in a wave of thoughts and emotions, and Pewee wondered if the molly had lost one her kits. She almost shared her experience of so recently losing Moorhen, but she quickly shut down the idea. The grief was too close to the surface, much too recent, and hers alone to bear. "My son, Fulica, and his betrothed, Zenaida, will take over for the Clan when my time is over," she meowed with a chuckle. She could see great things in her son, and his betrothed, and knew the Clan would be in wonderful paws when they took over. She was planning to abdicate the throne when she was on her final life, though she wondered if she would have the ability to. She wanted to spend as much time instructing Fulica and Zenaida on how to rule effectively and fairly, and she wondered if she should dedicate her last life to fully training them by allowing them to take over for a day or two at a time. "How is Cherryfire at leading? I'm struggling with what to instruct my son in, mostly due to the fact that he's in the age of saying he no longer needs my help or teaching," she chuckled. It was true that Fulica was going through a rebel phase, no matter how hard Zenaida begged him to listen to his mother. The two had grown up side-by-side, understanding that they would one day become mates and rule AviaryClan together. Pewee knew that they might never develop feelings towards each other, but she could see that they were close and had the potential to fall in love over the moons they would spend together. Pewee quickly shook her head, wondering why she was thinking about her son's future when he and his betrothed were still so young.
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highgarden 5

Postby eagle, » Thu Jul 08, 2021 5:01 pm


tawnyrose: queen, molly, she/her. tags: pewee
indentfor a long moment, it was all tawnyrose could do to watch her only daughter in the midst of the crowd. it was, in a word, near overwhelming, but she managed to pull her gaze back towards pewee after only a brief pause. "there are some growing pains, as i'm sure you've experienced as well," tawnyrose admitted with an easy shrug of her shoulders. "i'm trying to be easy on her and let her find her paws on her own. the clan, no doubt, adores her, and she soaks in the attention like she's born for it. she has the grace and composure, but i think she's also... restless. i think that's a good word for it." she thought of all of the times that cherryfire spoke up in their meetings with bluetcrest and birchflame. cherryfire had good ideas most of the time, and she handled her clanmates with a calm, peaceful sort of air, but tawnyrose always felt that her heir was, perhaps, a little too impulsive and quick for action. tawnyrose had always thought of herself as a peacetime leader, cool and collected, drawn towards isolation and staying out of trouble's way, but it seemed that cherryfire wanted the action and movement of something greater. to pewee, however, she said: "she's clever, and probably too smart for her own good, you know? she's certainly her father's daughter. he's always trying to be at the forefront of everything, which makes her quite bold, when she wants to be. she inspires the clan, which is good, but she's still young. she's got a lot to learn before she'll be ready to lead, and i think most of it will come from experiencing life, if that makes sense," she said thoughtfully. "besides, to her credit, i wouldn't say that i was necessarily ready to lead when it fell to me. if you could believe it, i was actually last in line to inherit the clan. but fortune is funny in that way." at last, tawnyrose watched cherryfire go off to speak to another strange cat, and her attention could lock fully on pewee. "i'm curious to know, how does the inheritance work in your clan? you mentioned your son, so is he your eldest, then?"

cherryfire: heir, molly, she/her. tags: widowweb
indentcherryfire padded through the gathering, taking her time to take in the different sights and sounds. in the distance, she could see her mother as tawnyrose spoke to a cat that cherryfire didn't recognize. highgarden's heir wished that she could be with her mother, but she knew that it wasn't her time, not yet. she would be queen one day, but she wasn't waiting with bated breath for tawnyrose's death. instead, she was more than happy to find a space to settle down, wrapping her tail neatly over her paws. when another cat her age passed by, she smiled warmly. "hi there, my name's cherryfire," she said. "i don't recognize your scent. if you want to sit, i'd really love to hear about your clan. i'm trying to learn more about the different clans." she was perhaps a little too blunt and very forward, but she hoped that they might take her up on it.

merlinsong: herbalist, tom, he/him. tags: open

squirrelpaw: herbalist's thorn, molly, she/her. tags: copperdust
indent"yup, merlinsong's my mentor. talk about having your head in the clouds," squirrelpaw said before giggling. "oh, don't worry, i've heard otterfur talking about fadedsun a lot, too. all good things, of course. it's really sweet how much they care for each other." it felt nice to talk to copperdust. when squirrelpaw was so often surrounded by cats older than her for most of the day, it was nice to have a friend her own age, especially when they shared much in common and could laugh over their clans' shared families. squirrelpaw nodded quickly. "it really does seem that like. i think the roots are a bit sad to be separated from some of their kits from across the border, but i think they're secretly a little glad to have a little extra space in the nursery, otherwise it would be very crowded. but they're really a lot of help. all of the kittings have been a bit stressful, especially in fall and winter, but well worth it. the kits are all so adorable, and its nice to have them all running around." squirrelpaw shrugged. "is it just you and fadedsun in the medicine den at vagaryclan? that must be a lot of responsibility for you, now that he's with his kits a lot. i really admire that. we have a full den of herbalists, and someone is always around, if its merlinsong, solsticestand, or gladesun. we all have our own duties."

nuthatchpaw & butterflypaw: thorns, tom & molly, he/him & she/her. tags: nandaypaw & celsiuspaw
indentnuthatchpaw and butterflypaw listened eagerly to the other young cats, learning new words. nuthatchpaw bumped butterflypaw's shoulder. "the others will be so jealous that we're learning so much, don't you think? they haven't done any sciences before, that's for sure," he said, his eyes gleaming as butterflypaw nodded and looking across to nandaypaw and celciuspaw.
indent"that's really cool! but also sounds pretty dangerous," she said thoughtfully. "we don't technically have a waterfall in our territory, but there's one right across the border into groveclan's territory. but it doesn't seem as big as your waterfall," butterflypaw added. "there's a story that one of the first knights, hornetshade, almost went over the waterfall during a swimming lesson when the current dragged him away from shore. he was saved, thanks to the gods, but he's still not a fan of water."
indentnuthatchpaw appeared lost in thought for a moment before shrugging. "so no one really goes near the waterfall, and there are a few knights and roses who don't like the rivers because of a flood a few seasons back, before we were born. but i'm excited for my mentor to teach me to fish, they're my favorite." he nodded in their direction. "what does your clan hunt? we have squirrels and birds and fish and mice."

dovepaw: thorn, tom, he/him. tags: alfie
indentdovepaw flexed his paws, allowing his claws to sink into the soft ground, gathering himself to try to find someone to talk to when, in that moment, an apprentice came speeding in his direction. with his ears pricked curiously at the stranger, dovepaw allowed himself to relax, letting his shoulders loosen and for his fur to fluff out against the gentle breeze that stirred his whiskers. "hiya," he greeted in turn. "it's nice to meet you, my name's dovepaw. i'm a thorn from highgarden, but... i'll be a knight really soon, if all goes well and i can learn how to swim well enough," he said, managing a half-hearted laugh. "but my mentor says that i'm really good at hunting and stalking and running and climbing, so i'll be a great knight for my clan, highgarden, once i'm old enough and my mentor thinks i'm ready," he said, once again wishing that he was tall like many of highgarden's great knights and roses. "are you close to taking your assessment soon. or, does your clan even have assessments?"
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◆ ── foxglove court / 02

Postby deimido » Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:01 pm

    attending: queen blooming edelweiss / resting admiral / restless bee
      QUEEN BLOOMING EDELWEISS - 23 - she/her - tag: fishleap of cascata conservatory
      xxThe lithe figures of the court's representatives looked as if they glided over the forest, the trio's pawsteps light on mossy ground as they headed toward the hollow. The queen couldn't lie to herself and say she wasn't nervous; never before had her kingdom attended a gathering, as her mother and father didn't concern themselves with the well-being of other kingdoms they didn't know or... the Clans, as they distastefully spoke of. But now that both passed on, Edelweiss decided it'd be good to expand the court's horizons and expose themselves to more cultures. Resting Admiral wasn't as keen on the idea as Restless Bee was, the latter expressed delight at the idea and told her that it was certainly worthwhile. Admiral, however, was more of a traditionalist, but opened up more when he realized that it might be a good opportunity to speak to other priests.

      As they stopped at the edge of the hollowed ground, both her cats stood by, waiting for her signal. A twitch of her whiskers was all the toms needed before they swooped down to the gathering. Edelweiss waited a few paces before she strode down the hill and into the throng of cats, she observed everyone's faces: some excited, others stern, but all looked... casual, as if the barriers between them evaporated into a fine mist. She kept her pace, stopping once she felt her side brush against someone's own and whirled to face the other cat - seeing a handsome, though exasperated, dark ginger tabby with brown eyes. "Are you all right?" She decided to ask.

      RESTING ADMIRAL - 23 - he/him - tag: open
      xxThe court's priest kept a watchful eye on Queen Edelweiss even long after they went their separate ways, where he went, he made sure that he saw a lilac-colored pelt in the distance until it was no longer possible. He'd been at a loss of what to do next once that happened, Admiral wasn't social by nature - he never learned those skills due to his rank - so he resigned himself to sitting on a warm patch of soil and watched the gathering go by. An uncomfortable feeling rippled under his skin, irked at being out of his element, so much so that he'd been distracted when a dappled torbie sat at his side and introduced herself. He looked then, ice-blue eyes meeting a light amber, waiting for his response. "Resting Admiral, of the Foxglove Court." He stated, already seeing how different their lives were by names and colonies alone. "I haven't heard any complaints from our knights, and someone always leaves fresh-kill by my den, so I suppose all is well." At the lingering scent of leaf dust on the molly's flanks, his ears twitched in interest at the familiar smell. "Pardon my forwardness, but are you a priest as well? Or should I say, a medicine cat?"

      RESTLESS BEE - 26 - he/him - tag: open
      xxOut of the three, the limber-legged tom was much, much more accustomed to exposing himself to something new. He understood Edelweiss and Admiral's wariness, as he'd been in their paw prints when he was a young tom, but it'd been King Coltsfoot's decision to send him out into the wilds as soon as he'd been knighted. It was a daunting request, and one that nearly made him give up on coming home, but Restless Bee saw his task through and came back a better tom for it. He walked through the hollow with a smile on his face, once catching sight of Edelweiss and a ginger tabby together and faltering in his steps, but with one look at her disinterested face he kept on. His steps slowed as he saw someone approach him and he moved to sit down as soon as the thick-set colorpointed cat came up to him - she had quite the peculiar face, notably pretty to Bee, but her flat face was definitely unusual for a Foxglove cat. "Quite the name, yours and your colony. I suppose I'm not one to judge though; I'm Restless Bee, of the Foxglove Court." He mewed, easily introducing himself. "And it's no surprise you've never seen me, it's me and my kingdom's first gathering. I hope we attend more, if our queen likes this moon's."
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