CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all clans -

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JULY 2021 - 004

Postby chaotic creativity » Sun Jul 04, 2021 1:49 am

18 Spots Open | Last Post

    Rookstar - Tom - 58 Moons - Roi (Leader) - Tagged: Darwinstar of Cascata Conservatory
      Rookstar tilted his head as he weeded through the molly's accent to figure out what she was saying. She spoke in broken sentences, her grammar unsteady and shaky, which clued Rookstar that she was not as comfortable in this language. He shouldn't speak to her in large words, so he tried his best to speak to her politely. Several cats in his Clan were fluent in French, but he had never taken the time to learn as the common tongue was the one most often spoken in ChessClan's camp. "Most leaders only like to speak with other leaders. It's a sign of respect and many leaders discuss diplomatic issues, especially those who border," he meowed, hoping he had explained in such a way that the molly could understand him. He'd made many friends for ChessClan at Gatherings, and it wasn't uncommon to spend a night talking to the leader of a neighboring Clan. As he thought back to what the molly had called her Clan, he was rather surprised to realize he had never heard of a 'conservatory'. The molly referred to herself as a 'chieftess', but her name carried the '-star' suffix that most leader names did. She was clearly the leader of this 'conservatory', whatever it might be. It was a Clan, he knew that much, but it sounded like it would be vastly different from any Clan he'd ever heard of. He believed he would enjoy this night as Darwinstar was most unlike the majority of leaders he had met, so he settled down to his haunches and smiled at the molly. He was far enough that he could not see, smell, or hear Chasmstar, and that satisfied his need to have a night as far from her presence as possible.

    Chasmstar - Molly - 49 Moons - Dame (Leader) - Tagged: Hollystar of TundraClan
      Chasmstar very nearly snorted with laughter. "That tom is Rookstar, my ex-mate and ruling partner. I was actually the one trying to upset him; I find it to be such a fun game," she chuckled. Thinking about the tom made her blood boil, and it took all of her internal strength to not stomp over to him and swipe a pawful of claws at his ears. He was arrogant and stuck-up, some of the worst qualities in a leader in her opinion. "We have kits together, though they love him more than they do their own mother. Just because I didn't want them knowing him when they were younger makes them hate me," she sighed dramatically, glaring daggers in the direction he had taken. "Enough about me! Do you have a family in your Clan, or do you feel too busy as leader to start one?" she meowed. She wished she had never had her litter, no matter how much she loved them, for they kept her away from her Dame duties for eight entire moons. Rookstar, out of worry and concern, had forced her into the nursery as soon as she announced her pregnancy, and she had been bored out of her mind until the last sunrises of her pregnancy. She could have continued to rule, and tried to, but Rookstar and Freuxfreckle had kept her in her nest for the majority of the day. "It's a wonder that any leader has the time for kits. They require so much time and attention when your Clan is where all of your focus should be at all times," she sighed. All she wanted was what was best for ChessClan, even if that required leading an army of her devoted followers against those that refused to see the truth she carried.

    Richterscreech - Tom - 68 Moons - Tour (Deputy) - Tagged: Thistletuft of SeaClan
      Richterscreech reached his tail out sympathetically, smiling kindly as Thistletuft spoke of the horrors he had faced. "I was once a member of JaggedClan. I watched my Clan fall apart, rebuilt the ruins of ChessClan, experienced what corruption and jealousy do to leaders, and now there's a growing army under the control of our own Chasmstar," he sighed, his head falling weakly. The battle would be soon, he knew that much from his spies, but he didn't want to think about the casualties that would result from the impending war. Chasmstar had taken Lumièreglow and Minuitcrest under her paw, naming them the generals of her army. Richterscreech wasn't sure why she had chosen two extremely young cavalier, but he knew she had some secret plan that the general soldiers wouldn't be able to know. His spies reported back to him after every night they spent training, and he kept them out of strenuous duties as he knew they were tired. Those fully devoted to Chasmstar, however, were put on as many tough jobs as they could be. Rookstar agreed that exhausting potential threats was a strategic way to undermine Chasmstar's master plan, but Richterscreech was tired of the secrecy. "Is it wrong that I'm eager for the battle? I want all my efforts to be pushed aside and allow me to prove myself on the battlefield," he meowed with his chest puffed out. He felt bad for rambling so nonsensically to Thistletuft about Clan matters, but he was tired of pretending that ChessClan was more perfect than it was.

    Wolfwhiskers - Tom - 73 Moons - Fou (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      Wolfwhiskers let out a sigh of relief as he padded alongside Faondapple. Lichenpaw was too close to taking her assessment to attend the Gathering, and Lindtpaw had stayed behind as company. The silence without the two was louder than they were, but Wolfwhiskers enjoyed the peace. "They'll be fine," he meowed in reassurance to the clearly nervous molly. "Sopranocavern and Versaillesheart have basic herbal knowledge, and Loonfrost was once a medicine cat. If they run into any trouble, they know those three older mollies are to who they are to report," he meowed, the words he'd drilled into the 'paws' heads leaving his mouth another time. Faondapple nodded and broke off without another word, and he watched her with a concerned eye. She was like a daughter to him, and he worried when she wasn't herself. She quickly dove into a conversation, and Wolfwhiskers let out the breath he had been holding. With a sigh, he turned and sat down. He didn't feel like strolling, so he'd let any potential conversation come to him. If no cat wanted to speak with him, that would be fine as well.

    Faondapple - Molly - 27 Moons - Fou (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Kiwifuzz of IslandClan
      Faondapple's thoughts raced as she broke away from Wolfwhiskers's comforting words. She knew he was speaking reasonably, but she couldn't help but worry. What if the camp burst into flames? What if a tree fell and hurt a cat severely? What if a storm flooded the herb stores? What if, what if, what if? She shook her head violently, a few tears flying from her eyes as she quickly shut down her emotions. The two cats would be fine. She had experienced the same thing when Wolfwhiskers had left her behind when he was heading to a Gathering, and nothing disastrous had happened. A few injured patients were in the den, but none required serious attention outside of wound re-dressings and occasional monitoring. Lichenpaw had taken care of Pommepaw and Lynxpaw entirely by herself, so she knew exactly what to expect from them. She stumbled into a cat, and she smiled as she recognized their scent. "Kiwifuzz! I haven't heard much from IslandClan in these past few moons," she purred, knowing the cat's name only because they shared a border. She had never spoken with Kiwifuzz, but Wolfwhiskers made her keep up the names and appearances of their bordering medicine cats in case she ever needed their help. She almost thanked him verbally as she didn't have to ask for Kiwifuzz's name, but she clamped her jaws shut quickly. She didn't need to embarrass herself in her first meeting with the cat, and she was worried she had already done so.

4 Spots Open | Last Post

    Marbledstar - Molly - 40 Moons - Dronning (Leader) - Tagged: Riverstar of VagaryClan
      Marbledstar blinked gratefully up at Riverstar. He had offered such kind words to her, even if she didn't act the way Mooseglow had told her that a leader should. "I'm terribly sorry for the way I've acted. It all just overwhelms me at the most inopportune times," she meowed with a sigh. Her eyes were on the stars as she spoke, wondering which of her clanmates she could see. She knew that the likelihood of some being in Spider's domain was rather high, as only those who did exceedingly good deeds were permitted into Coral's eternal palace, but she hoped that several of her clanmates who had given their lives to protect their home were up there. The sky was where she hoped to be some day, even if Mooseglow had assured her that she would make it after sacrificing nine entire lives in service to their Clan. Mooseglow had stepped down as Dronning to raise Mistkit and Dawnkit after the unfortunate passing of Rollingfog, and Marbledstar hoped to be as family-focused and kind as Mooseglow someday. The molly had once been beyond vain, but she'd lost that part of her. "It still worries me that I'll turn out like my uncle and mentor. He trained me to kill when I was his apprentice, but I never thought it was wrong or different than the training my denmates received. I betrayed him when I used his own teaching against him, but it was necessary to save my Clan. His rogues wouldn't stop unless their leader was gone," her voice trailed off in a whisper. She couldn't help but wonder if his evilness could travel through their bloodline, but she'd never met her parents. He had been the only family she'd ever known, and they'd betrayed each other.

    Skuasoar - Molly - 77 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      Skuasoar kept a watchful eye on Marbledstar as the molly collapsed into the pile of leaders. "I worry about her," she murmured. Her Dronning was prone to episodes of fear and shaking when pushed into social situations involving strangers. Skuasoar shook her head and took a seat a distance away from the other deputies. She'd attended many Gatherings, and they were beginning to bore her.

    Almondclay - Molly - 29 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Forestfire & Almondjoy of VenusClan
      Almondclay couldn't help but smile and nod at Almondjoy's infectious joy. 'His name is rather fitting,' she thought to herself with a quiet chuckle. He rambled between the pride purrade, his Clan's prey, and the similarity between their names. She hadn't noticed that they shared a prefix, and her face filled with delight as he brought it up. "That's rather interesting! It's nice to know that there are cats in other Clans that have similar prefixes," she chuckled. She'd never met a cat that had the same prefix as any cat she knew, though there had been several instances of similar suffixes. She'd yet to find a cat who had shared a prefix or suffix with her or her mate, and it excited her to finally meet Almondjoy. "Almondjoy is a rather strange combination. I've never heard of the suffix '-joy' before," she meowed. It almost sounded twoleg-ish, but she wasn't about to bring that up to a tom she had just met. There were several cats she knew named after twoleg things, young Gimli being a prime example. She had been named after a character in a vastly popular twoleg story that Tempestflash had heard about before joining Frosne. Small Gimli was always overjoyed to listen to the tales surrounding her name, about several creatures that had supposedly never existed. She was named after a dwarf, a human-like creature that had been shorter and stronger typically with a beard. Gimli was one of Almondclay's favorite young cats, and she couldn't wait to return home and share the story of the Gathering with her. Gimli made her long for a family, even if she was worried that it might be too dangerous for one.

    Driftantler - Tom - 54 Moons - Hertuger (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      Driftantler peeled away from the group, knowing the mollies had their Dronning handled, and dove into the crowd of deputies. He smiled and wove, twisting over paws and tails before settling down and watching the crowd.

    Macadamiawave - Molly - 54 Moons - Hertuginne (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      Macadamiawave purred as Marbledstar took the step of courage and padded away. She turned to express her pride to Driftantler, Almondclay, or Skuasoar, but the three cats had already padded off and taken seats elsewhere. With a sigh, she sat where she stood. From her vantage point, she could see the entire Gathering. She sat in silence and watched, observing cats from all kinds of Clans.

    Cypressmask - Tom - 29 Moons - Helbreder (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      Cypressmask couldn't help but push past the ruling cats with a sigh. He was viewed as less important than the warriors, and he resented Moosestar for making the Clan such a way. The helbreder were highly valued, but those who hunted and fought were seen as higher than he was. With a snort, he sat amongst the medicine cats.

    Lemmingwisp - Tom - 30 Moons - Lavere Jagere (Warrior) - Tagged: Lilylivered of KeyClan
      Lemmingwisp padded with his head high and his tail held straight out behind him. He took careful steps around cats until he spotted a rather interesting looking cat. He approached them with an emotionless expression. "I am Lemmingwisp," the words rolled from his tongue like silk. He wondered what his friends were doing back at camp, but he wouldn't take the blame for any of their shenanigans tonight. Tonight, he would have a civilized conversation with a civil-headed cat that shared his interests.

0 Spots Open

    Hyena's Breath - Molly - 40 Moons - Matriarch (Leader) - Tagged: Stormstar of DriftClan
      Hyena's Breath could hear and see the pride Stormstar took in her Clan, and she couldn't help but feel respect for the molly. Only a strong leader could truly feel the sureness that their Clan has the potential to become great. "I lead the Order of the Hyena, the only remaining Order of the Savanna," she meowed. The five orders had gone to war when she had been young, each demolishing the other until only the stragglers remained. She had begun to rebuild the Order of the Hyena herself, having once been the successor to the matriarchy, placing the newly-built Clan at the top rather than the bottom as they had once been. She had crushed any stirrings of the other orders until only hers remained. She would rule the entire Savanna, and no other order could take that from her. "I would be wary of my Scavengers. They aren't the nicest bunch, and they're known to leave scars even after a civil discussion," she purred, her voice rippling as if it were a brook running over stones. She took pride in the strength her Clan held, despite its small numbers, and she would never discredit the harm her clanmates could cause. She had high hopes for Aardwolf's Mane, who had begun the Shadow's Trail. Due to there being no standing Shadow, the fourth and final trial would not happen. Aardwolf's Mane need only complete the second and third trial, which were scheduled for the two following sunrises. The Gathering day had been a break in the chaos that was the Trial, and Hyena's Breath turned back to Stormstar. "Don't worry, I shall not call them until you give me reason to," she meowed casually, shrugging.

    Civet's Scurry - Molly - 38 Moons - Aide (Deputy) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Ostrich's Cry - Molly - 47 Moons - Herbalist (Medicine Cat) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Zebra's Gallop - Molly - 44 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Wildebeest's Stampede - Tom - 42 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Lion's Shadow - Tom - 45 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Aardwolf's Mane - Molly - 24 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Baboon's Shriek - Tom - 51 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

    Leopard's Leap - Tom - 64 Moons - Scavenger (Warrior) - Tagged: Open
      open for interaction

0 Spots Open

    Contopus virens (Pewee) - Molly - 64 Moons - Osprey (Leader) - Tagged: Tawnyrose of Highgarden
      Pewee couldn't help but chuckle. She did not know if Tawnyrose's mother was correct in her stance, but it was clear to her that Tawnyrose believed different. Highgarden would not be attending the Gathering if she believed that Highgarden must stand entirely alone. "I would not be so certain about that, Tawnyrose. There are times that I wish we could rely on the help of other Clans, but the curse that keeps us in also keeps others out," she sighed. She could only imagine the stench and terror that accompanied each horrifying visit from Crow, her former mate who had begun causing terror after his death. She loved her Clan dearly, and so did her new mate Cooper, but there were times that she wished they weren't cursed and could ask for help. She relied so heavily on Cooper now, especially after the passing of her dear Moorhen, that she longed for more cats to lean on that didn't suffer through the same tragedies that she did. "Is Highgarden a well-known Clan? I know some Clans are larger and have higher reputations than others, but I am entirely out of the loop. Are there any other Clans I should be aware of?" she meowed, her voice trailing off as she surveyed the other leaders around them. They all held themselves in different ways, some with more pride than others, and some leaders left the group entirely. She did not fully understand the hierarchy, just that the cats of similar ranks tended to group together. She was aware that not all Clans had a ruling leadership that passed down through the family.
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highgarden 3

Postby eagle, » Sun Jul 04, 2021 2:20 am


tawnyrose: queen, molly, she/her. tags: pewee
indentit was a shame that pewee's clan was cursed in that way, if not for their own sake, but because tawnyrose was becoming rather fond of the other leader - she had some sense and a good head on her shoulders. "the higher powers do work in mysterious ways, don't they?" she mused, only to purr when pewee began to ask questions about the other clans. "i'd like to think that highgarden is well-known. we have a fair few allies, and our numbers keep growing, seemingly by the day. my son's kits are already nearly grown and ready to start their training. it never ceases to amaze me how time keeps moving, and the clan is still standing," she said, her whiskers twitching playfully. "i'm sure there were some leaders who might be amazed that i've kept my clan together all these seasons. i, admittedly, wasn't the most put-together leader when i started out." she laughed to herself before falling pewee's glance around to the other leaders. "i know some, though there are always new leaders and arrivals i've never met." she nodded to where a bengal molly was speaking to a pointed oriental. "those are the leaders of katter av den frosne oya and vagaryclan. highgarden shares a border with vagaryclan, and i've always found the frosne oya cats to be quite pleasant." she then pointed to a ginger tom. "carrotstar is also friendly, though i'm not sure who he's speaking with." tawnyrose shrugged. "there are a lot of clans who aren't here. badgerstar from groveclan is a dear friend who has helped me many times, especially when i was a new leader. and the chessclan leaders are also kind enough, from my experience with them. there are so many clans, and i'll have to be honest with you - there's little bad i can say about most of the leaders. i think we're all together in trying to make it through and lead our clans as best as we can." she flicked her tail and grinned. "i almost wish i could relay some interesting story about having a fight with another leader at a gathering, but, perhaps fortunately, that's not the case."

cherryfire: heir, molly, she/her. tags: widowweb
indentcherryfire padded through the gathering, taking her time to take in the different sights and sounds. in the distance, she could see her mother as tawnyrose spoke to a cat that cherryfire didn't recognize. highgarden's heir wished that she could be with her mother, but she knew that it wasn't her time, not yet. she would be queen one day, but she wasn't waiting with bated breath for tawnyrose's death. instead, she was more than happy to find a space to settle down, wrapping her tail neatly over her paws. when another cat her age passed by, she smiled warmly. "hi there, my name's cherryfire," she said. "i don't recognize your scent. if you want to sit, i'd really love to hear about your clan. i'm trying to learn more about the different clans." she was perhaps a little too blunt and very forward, but she hoped that they might take her up on it.

merlinsong: herbalist, tom, he/him. tags: open

squirrelpaw: herbalist's thorn, molly, she/her. tags: copperdust
indentat the mention of vagaryclan, squirrelpaw immediately perked up, her eyes lighting with recognition. "of course you're from vagaryclan. my nose still must be getting used to so many clan scents at once. we always have your clanmates coming through, too. merlinsong was just talking all about fadedsun, who must have been your mentor, then?" squirrelpaw took the space beside copperdust, glad that she found some familiar grounds with the pretty medicine cat. the ginger molly let out a gentle laugh. "i've heard that, though i never would've known looking at highgarden's herbalists' den. merlinsong, my mentor,is a complete pushover, especially since he adopted kits with his mate. our other full herbalists are both quite friendly, too, if you could believe it." she paused for a moment, thinking. "though, that does make me wonder. if i can't find a grumpy herbalist, does that mean that the burden falls to me?" if it meant getting her full name in the coming moons, squirrelpaw might just be willing to take it on. "but i've heard so many nice things about your clan. or, rather, about your clan mates. it almost makes me think that there's something in the water between our clans, with all of the half-clan families between our clans, huh?" squirrelpaw joked lightly.

nuthatchpaw & butterflypaw: thorns, tom & molly, he/him & she/her. tags: nandaypaw & celsiuspaw
indentnuthatchpaw blinked blankly at the pair of strange apprentices for a long moment before he shot butterflypaw a sideways glance. she looked just as clueless as he felt. "what's a science?" he asked for them both, and butterflypaw looked eagerly at the pair, excited as ever to learn something new. or, even better, something new that the other thorns didn't know either. "i've never heard of that before."
indentwhen they were asked if highgarden had any plants, butterflypaw giggled. "sure, of course we have plants. most of our clan ranks are named after parts of roses. like, we're thorns," she said, waving her tail to gesture between herself and nuthatchpaw. "tawnyrose is our queen, which... doesn't have anything to do with flowers, but the queen's traditional suffix is rose."
indentnuthatchpaw nudged his shoulder against butterflypaw's. "they meant actual plants too. uh... i don't know much about the herbs, but our herbalists are always carrying a lot of leaves. and our camp is in they valley of roses. so there are a lot of flowers around us, especially in spring and summer. winter, well, not so much." he shrugged before nodding towards celciuspaw and nandaypaw. "what's your clan named for? cascata conservatory... what does that mean, anyhow?"

dovepaw: thorn, tom, he/him. tags: alfie
indentdovepaw flexed his paws, allowing his claws to sink into the soft ground, gathering himself to try to find someone to talk to when, in that moment, an apprentice came speeding in his direction. with his ears pricked curiously at the stranger, dovepaw allowed himself to relax, letting his shoulders loosen and for his fur to fluff out against the gentle breeze that stirred his whiskers. "hiya," he greeted in turn. "it's nice to meet you, my name's dovepaw. i'm a thorn from highgarden, but... i'll be a knight really soon, if all goes well and i can learn how to swim well enough," he said, managing a half-hearted laugh. "but my mentor says that i'm really good at hunting and stalking and running and climbing, so i'll be a great knight for my clan, highgarden, once i'm old enough and my mentor thinks i'm ready," he said, once again wishing that he was tall like many of highgarden's great knights and roses. "are you close to taking your assessment soon. or, does your clan even have assessments?"
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Re: CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all cla

Postby winter solstice. » Sun Jul 04, 2021 3:21 am

Cats Attending: Carrotstar, Thistletuft, Dappledawn, Sandripple, Warblerwhistle, Juniperfrost, Quillpelt, Mistyriver, Arrowthroat, Cranepaw, Tidepaw

      Carrotstar - tom - leader - a shorthaired ginger mackerel tabby with green eyes - tagged; Cockroachstar (TundraClan)
        Carrotstar smiled genuinely, inwardly surprised at the fact someone he met knew another with the same prefix as he had - as Carrot- was no common name. Nodding as the TundraClan continued, the ginger tom meowed, "It would be a pleasure to meet the young friend, indeed." He then meowed curiously, "I... have a small... ah," he hesitated, his ears seeming to glow even more fiery in the moonlight in his embarrassment, "hobby of mine, really. I love to learn about other Clans' cultures. Pray tell me," he continued, "how is TundraClan like? From its name," he added, tilting his head slightly to the side, "I gather that you live somewhere far up in the Northlands."

      Thistletuft - tom - deputy - a longhaired solid gray-and-white cat with yellow eyes - tagged; Richterscreech (ChessClan)
        Thistletuft's gaze hardened at the older tom's tale of his Clan grew darker with each word he uttered. The solid gray tom meowed grimly, "I recall the days when Stormfang was our deputy. He wanted to take the entire Clan over, and nearly succeeded too. He took advantage of the fact that Leafstar, our leader back then, had contracted greencough and could not attend to his duties, and split the clan into two camps." The SeaClan deputy's front claws slid out as he grabbed at the earth below in anger, "It took Carrotstar, our current leader, going undercover himself, to finally bring him down from his lofty pedestal." Thistletuft did not go on, falling silent, the cries of his terrified mother, falling to her death, filling his ears.

        It was a few, long, agonizing moments before the SeaClan deputy spoke again, his mew subdued by the sorrow he was attempting (badly) at hiding. "I will tell Carrotstar of your plight. It seems clearly that SeaClan and ChessClan have many similarities. I will convince him to send help if you ever need it." Taking a deep breath, he concluded grimly:

        "We will ally with ChessClan. With Rookstar," he clarified, "and with you, and anyone who supports you."

      Sandripple - tom - medicine cat - a small shorthaired black mackerel tabby with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

      Dappledawn - she-cat - medicine cat - a shorthaired calico she-cat with a twisted paw and green eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Warblerwhistle - she-cat - warrior - a shorthaired black classic torbie she-cat with green eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Juniperfrost - tom - warrior - a shorthaired gray mackerel tabby with brown eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Quillpelt - tom - warrior - a shorthaired black mackerel tabby with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

      Mistyriver - she-cat - warrior - a longhaired solid gray LaPerm with green eyes - tagged; Sanderlingfrost (Cascata Conservatory)
        Mistyriver quickly forced her fluffy, curly coat to lie flat (relatively speaking, anyway) as she mewed, relief in her eyes, "Oh, good, I'm glad I didn't hurt you in any way." She then meowed in reply to the she-cat, "And um, I'm Mistyriver, warrior of SeaClan."

      Arrowthroat - tom - warrior - a mediumhaired black mackerel tabby with medium white and yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Cranepaw - tom - apprentice - a longhaired flame point tom with blue eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Tidepaw - she-cat - apprentice - a longhaired ginger-and-white she-cat with sea-blue eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

Cats Attending: Ploverstar, Darkcrow, Silverdapple, Nightbreeze

      Ploverstar - she-cat - leader - a shorthaired black classic tabby with light green eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Darkcrow - tom - deputy - a mediumhaired solid black cat with some rusting and orange eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Silverdapple - she-cat - medicine cat - a shorthaired black-based silver mackerel torbie with light amber eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Nightbreeze - tom - warrior - a longhaired solid black cat with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here

Cats Attending: Leekstar, Pineshadow, Icestep, Chanterelleheart, Nutmegdawn, Peppermintcloud

      Leekstar - she-cat - leader - a longhaired pure white cat with yellow-blue heterochromia - tagged; Feralstar (WheatClan)
        Leekstar smiled politely and replied, still not completely convinced she had found a good partner to chat with, "IceClan, huh? Well," she mused, recalling recent events, "we just finished rebuilding what once had been the nursery of the old IceClan camp, before our predecessors were forced to disband. I'm sure we will soon need the place, as we will need kits to grow as a Clan."

        "How about WheatClan?" the white she-cat prompted, her two-colored gaze fixed on the younger leader, "I'd love to hear about your Clan." The truth was, Leekstar was only half-interested, and yet she found the younger she-cat... relatable. Here was a cat struggling to find the words to communicate. Here she was - a middle-aged former kittypet, struggling with the same thing. She wondered if WheatClan, too, was a small Clan, just like her own IceClan.

        Small Clans should stick together, she mused.
      Pineshadow - she-cat - deputy - a longhaired black mackerel tabby Norwegian Forest Cat with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Icestep - tom - medicine cat - a shorthaired flame point with medium white spotting and blue eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Chanterelleheart - tom - warrior - a mediumhaired silver (cinnamon) shaded mackerel tabby with green eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Nutmegdawn - she-cat - warrior - a longhaired black-based classic caliby Persian with brown eyes - tagged; open, traveling with Peppermintcloud
        text here.
      Peppermintcloud - tom - warrior - a longhaired flame (broken mackerel) point Persian with low white spotting and ice-blue eyes - tagged; open, traveling with Nutmegdawn
        see Nutmegdawn.

      (ooc: more slots for all three clans are still available, please pm here or dm on discord if you want to see someone in particular!)
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

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Gathering 4

Postby Skarrred » Sun Jul 04, 2021 6:19 am

Venusclan has Arrived!

Troutstar | Male (amab) | @Nobody (Open!)

Harespring | Male (amab) | @Nobody (Open!)

Halfnight | Female (afab) | @Squirrel (Tundraclan)
She half-sighed as a familiar face appeared closeby. Squirrel, of course. "Monkeyflip is doing perfectly fine, thank you. No infection or any other problems, though they are not resting as much as I'd like them too. I've had to post my apprentice to make sure she stays in her nest," she rolled her eyes. "Everyone else is either out of the medicine cat den or healed and just resting to make sure it doesn't reopen. They'll be fine, Utensilpoke isn't as restless." she huffed. "I also have an apprentice named Reversepaw, no clue where Reverse- came from, but Utensilpoke does have a weird name herself," she shrugged. "Hows your clan going?" she seemed a bit more friendly after 'bragging' about her successful recoveries.

Almondjoy & Forestfire | Male (afab), Male (amab) | @Almondclay (FROSNE ØYA)
Forestfire sat down and licked a white-dotted paw, deciding it wasn't worth trying to cut off the conversation and to simply listen at that moment. Almondjoy purred at him gently, bumping him with his nose before turning his complete full attention to Almondclay."Yeah! Our clan has kinda weird prefixes. Our leaders Troutstar..our medicine cats Halfnight, and a cool mothcat is named Craniumstrike!" he chuckled in amusement. At her question, he shrugged. "Troutstar thought I was very playful and stuff. I guess Almondjoy was what came of that." he puffed. He wasn't even sure where his name came from, he had been named Pecan before all of this, after all. He had liked keeping his nutty name though.

Driftedsnow | Female (afab) | @Sweetpearl (Vagaryclan)
"Sweetpetal. Thats a nice name!" she commented. "Anyway, Vagaryclan rings a bell for me. And I guess, our clans doing well in leafbare. Nobody is going hungry!" she chimed happily. "And yeah, it is. Last time we couldn't go because a lot of us were injured from a snowslide. I didn't get too hurt but our deputy earlier got sprained paws from another snowdrift. I guess drifting snow can be a bit dangerous," she chuckled, hinting her own name.

Craniumstrike | Female (afab) | @Nobody (Open!)
... (shes a mothcat)

Corruptlight | Male (amab) | @Nobody (Open!)

Rainclan has Arrived!

Osprey | Male (amab) @Nobody (Open!)

River | Male (amab) @Nobody (Open!)

Dune | Female (afab) | @Petalhop
Tipping her head, she listened intently: her Satja scar quite as prominent as ever. "Hm, well you can view that as good or bad, if nobodies getting injured that's very nice!" she offered. "In Rainclan we just had thre queens give birth. Only five kits in total, but there all adorable and trouble makers." she chuckled. "Ones sibling had to go to another clan, so we only have four. One of the mothers came here, despite the clan telling her she couldn't. She had reason, maybe," she shrugged with a frown.

Athena | Female (afab) | @Hickoryheart (Vagaryclan)
She didn't even mind that she had offended the other feline and simply waited for a response. "A fox trap, eh?" she shrugged. "Guess Faja didn't want you to have four limbs, and Saga didn't like your clanmate." she frowned. She was referring to Rainclans gods, however these were completely unknown to anyone else out of the clan.

Mash | Male (amab) | @Nobody (Open!)

Torn | Female (afab) @Nobody (Open!)

Tempest | Male (amab) @Nobody (Open!)
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Gathering 5

Postby Skarrred » Sun Jul 04, 2021 10:26 am

Venusclan has Arrived!

Troutstar | Male (amab) | @Nobody (Open!)

Harespring | Male (amab) | @Nobody (Open!)

Halfnight | Female (afab) | @Squirrel (Tundraclan)
She half-sighed as a familiar face appeared closeby. Squirrel, of course. "Monkeyflip is doing perfectly fine, thank you. No infection or any other problems, though they are not resting as much as I'd like them too. I've had to post my apprentice to make sure she stays in her nest," she rolled her eyes. "Everyone else is either out of the medicine cat den or healed and just resting to make sure it doesn't reopen. They'll be fine, Utensilpoke isn't as restless." she huffed. "I also have an apprentice named Reversepaw, no clue where Reverse- came from, but Utensilpoke does have a weird name herself," she shrugged. "Hows your clan going?" she seemed a bit more friendly after 'bragging' about her successful recoveries.

Almondjoy & Forestfire | Male (afab), Male (amab) | @Almondclay (FROSNE ØYA)
Forestfire sat down and licked a white-dotted paw, deciding it wasn't worth trying to cut off the conversation and to simply listen at that moment. Almondjoy purred at him gently, bumping him with his nose before turning his complete full attention to Almondclay."Yeah! Our clan has kinda weird prefixes. Our leaders Troutstar..our medicine cats Halfnight, and a cool mothcat is named Craniumstrike!" he chuckled in amusement. At her question, he shrugged. "Troutstar thought I was very playful and stuff. I guess Almondjoy was what came of that." he puffed. He wasn't even sure where his name came from, he had been named Pecan before all of this, after all. He had liked keeping his nutty name though.

Driftedsnow | Female (afab) | @Sweetpearl (Vagaryclan)
"Sweetpetal. Thats a nice name!" she commented. "Anyway, Vagaryclan rings a bell for me. And I guess, our clans doing well in leafbare. Nobody is going hungry!" she chimed happily. "And yeah, it is. Last time we couldn't go because a lot of us were injured from a snowslide. I didn't get too hurt but our deputy earlier got sprained paws from another snowdrift. I guess drifting snow can be a bit dangerous," she chuckled, hinting her own name.

Craniumstrike | Female (afab) | @Nobody (Open!)
... (shes a mothcat)

Corruptlight | Male (amab) | @Nobody (Open!)

Rainclan has Arrived!

Osprey | Male (amab) @Nobody (Open!)

River | Male (amab) @Nobody (Open!)

Dune | Female (afab) | @Petalhop
Tipping her head, she listened intently: her Satja scar quite as prominent as ever. "Hm, well you can view that as good or bad, if nobodies getting injured that's very nice!" she offered. "In Rainclan we just had thre queens give birth. Only five kits in total, but there all adorable and trouble makers." she chuckled. "Ones sibling had to go to another clan, so we only have four. One of the mothers came here, despite the clan telling her she couldn't. She had reason, maybe," she shrugged with a frown.

Athena | Female (afab) | @Hickoryheart (Vagaryclan)
She didn't even mind that she had offended the other feline and simply waited for a response. "A fox trap, eh?" she shrugged. "Guess Faja didn't want you to have four limbs, and Saga didn't like your clanmate." she frowned. She was referring to Rainclans gods, however these were completely unknown to anyone else out of the clan.

Mash | Male (amab) | @Nobody (Open!)

Torn | Female (afab) @Nobody (Open!)

Tempest | Male (amab) @Coconutshell (Cascata Consrevatory)
Tempest was grooming a few bits of snow from his paws before turning to look at Coconutshell. He seemed a bit confused, but nodded. "Hellohello, Im Tempest. Nice to meet you Coconutshell," he dipped his head politely. "How are you this fine evening?" he tipped his head, his goal to be nice to this new cat.
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Gathering 6

Postby Skarrred » Sun Jul 04, 2021 11:16 am

Venusclan has Arrived!

Troutstar | Male (amab) | @Nobody (Open!)

Harespring | Male (amab) | @Nobody (Open!)

Halfnight | Female (afab) | @Squirrel (Tundraclan)
She half-sighed as a familiar face appeared closeby. Squirrel, of course. "Monkeyflip is doing perfectly fine, thank you. No infection or any other problems, though they are not resting as much as I'd like them too. I've had to post my apprentice to make sure she stays in her nest," she rolled her eyes. "Everyone else is either out of the medicine cat den or healed and just resting to make sure it doesn't reopen. They'll be fine, Utensilpoke isn't as restless." she huffed. "I also have an apprentice named Reversepaw, no clue where Reverse- came from, but Utensilpoke does have a weird name herself," she shrugged. "Hows your clan going?" she seemed a bit more friendly after 'bragging' about her successful recoveries.

Almondjoy & Forestfire | Male (afab), Male (amab) | @Almondclay (FROSNE ØYA)
Forestfire sat down and licked a white-dotted paw, deciding it wasn't worth trying to cut off the conversation and to simply listen at that moment. Almondjoy purred at him gently, bumping him with his nose before turning his complete full attention to Almondclay."Yeah! Our clan has kinda weird prefixes. Our leaders Troutstar..our medicine cats Halfnight, and a cool mothcat is named Craniumstrike!" he chuckled in amusement. At her question, he shrugged. "Troutstar thought I was very playful and stuff. I guess Almondjoy was what came of that." he puffed. He wasn't even sure where his name came from, he had been named Pecan before all of this, after all. He had liked keeping his nutty name though.

Driftedsnow | Female (afab) | @Sweetpearl (Vagaryclan)
"Sweetpetal. Thats a nice name!" she commented. "Anyway, Vagaryclan rings a bell for me. And I guess, our clans doing well in leafbare. Nobody is going hungry!" she chimed happily. "And yeah, it is. Last time we couldn't go because a lot of us were injured from a snowslide. I didn't get too hurt but our deputy earlier got sprained paws from another snowdrift. I guess drifting snow can be a bit dangerous," she chuckled, hinting her own name.

Craniumstrike | Female (afab) | @Nobody (Open!)
... (shes a mothcat)

Corruptlight | Male (amab) | @Nobody (Open!)

Rainclan has Arrived!

Osprey | Male (amab) @Nobody (Open!)

River | Male (amab) @Nobody (Open!)

Dune | Female (afab) | @Petalhop
Tipping her head, she listened intently: her Satja scar quite as prominent as ever. "Hm, well you can view that as good or bad, if nobodies getting injured that's very nice!" she offered. "In Rainclan we just had thre queens give birth. Only five kits in total, but there all adorable and trouble makers." she chuckled. "Ones sibling had to go to another clan, so we only have four. One of the mothers came here, despite the clan telling her she couldn't. She had reason, maybe," she shrugged with a frown.

Athena | Female (afab) | @Hickoryheart (Vagaryclan)
She didn't even mind that she had offended the other feline and simply waited for a response. "A fox trap, eh?" she shrugged. "Guess Faja didn't want you to have four limbs, and Saga didn't like your clanmate." she frowned. She was referring to Rainclans gods, however these were completely unknown to anyone else out of the clan.

Mash | Male (amab) | @Nobody (Open!)

Torn | Female (afab) @Nobody (Open!)

Tempest | Male (amab) @Coconutshell (Cascata Conservatory)
"Its my second," he smiled back at Coconutshell with amusement. "A lot more cats then the last time I came, too. It grows every gathering. And the island somehow just..seems to grow." he tipped his head. "Hows hunting been this leafbare?" he asked, curious.
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Re: CaC - Roleplay thread - Calling all cats,Calling all cla

Postby winter solstice. » Sun Jul 04, 2021 1:08 pm

Cats Attending: Carrotstar, Thistletuft, Dappledawn, Sandripple, Warblerwhistle, Juniperfrost, Quillpelt, Mistyriver, Arrowthroat, Cranepaw, Tidepaw

      Carrotstar - tom - leader - a shorthaired ginger mackerel tabby with green eyes - tagged; Cockroachstar (TundraClan)
        Carrotstar's gaze hardened briefly when the younger tom mentioned the previous leaders of his Clan, but brightened again as he realized how sincere Cockroachstar seemed in wanting to rebuild his Clan and reach out to others. The ginger tom mewed, nodding his head in understanding, "I understand how that could be, Cockroachstar. We, too, had a tyrant who ruled - very briefly - our Clan with fear, but as I said," he added, green eyes flashing with anger at the memory, "we brought him down before he could become leader." Focusing his gaze on the TundraClan leader, Carrotstar went on kindly, "I would love to ally my Clan with you. SeaClan, too, is located in the Northlands, and I know how hard it is to survive in parts where snow is seen so frequently. We should stick together," he emphasized.

      Thistletuft - tom - deputy - a longhaired solid gray-and-white cat with yellow eyes - tagged; Richterscreech (ChessClan)
        Thistletuft's gaze hardened at the older tom's tale of his Clan grew darker with each word he uttered. The solid gray tom meowed grimly, "I recall the days when Stormfang was our deputy. He wanted to take the entire Clan over, and nearly succeeded too. He took advantage of the fact that Leafstar, our leader back then, had contracted greencough and could not attend to his duties, and split the clan into two camps." The SeaClan deputy's front claws slid out as he grabbed at the earth below in anger, "It took Carrotstar, our current leader, going undercover himself, to finally bring him down from his lofty pedestal." Thistletuft did not go on, falling silent, the cries of his terrified mother, falling to her death, filling his ears.

        It was a few, long, agonizing moments before the SeaClan deputy spoke again, his mew subdued by the sorrow he was attempting (badly) at hiding. "I will tell Carrotstar of your plight. It seems clearly that SeaClan and ChessClan have many similarities. I will convince him to send help if you ever need it." Taking a deep breath, he concluded grimly:

        "We will ally with ChessClan. With Rookstar," he clarified, "and with you, and anyone who supports you."

      Sandripple - tom - medicine cat - a small shorthaired black mackerel tabby with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

      Dappledawn - she-cat - medicine cat - a shorthaired calico she-cat with a twisted paw and green eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Warblerwhistle - she-cat - warrior - a shorthaired black classic torbie she-cat with green eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Juniperfrost - tom - warrior - a shorthaired gray mackerel tabby with brown eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Quillpelt - tom - warrior - a shorthaired black mackerel tabby with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

      Mistyriver - she-cat - warrior - a longhaired solid gray LaPerm with green eyes - tagged; Sanderlingfrost (Cascata Conservatory)
        The gray LaPerm's eyes seemed to glow as Sanderlingfrost repeated her Clan name. She meowed, gushing excitedly, "Oh, yes. Where we come from, it's all cliffs and rocks and the ocean to our north. We live up in a system of caves made right in the side of a huge cliff! Some rogues think we jump right into the sea, but we're no cormorants!" She chuckled with that last sentence.

        Mistyriver then mewed, embarrassed, "Oh, oops, where are my manners? How is your Clan like? The Cascata Conservatory?" The two words were extremely foreign to her, but that didn't deter her from saying them with the same conviction she had in her previous comments.

      Arrowthroat - tom - warrior - a mediumhaired black mackerel tabby with medium white and yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here

      Cranepaw - tom - apprentice - a longhaired flame point tom with blue eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Tidepaw - she-cat - apprentice - a longhaired ginger-and-white she-cat with sea-blue eyes - tagged; open
        text here.

Cats Attending: Ploverstar, Darkcrow, Silverdapple, Nightbreeze

      Ploverstar - she-cat - leader - a shorthaired black classic tabby with light green eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Darkcrow - tom - deputy - a mediumhaired solid black cat with some rusting and orange eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Silverdapple - she-cat - medicine cat - a shorthaired black-based silver mackerel torbie with light amber eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Nightbreeze - tom - warrior - a longhaired solid black cat with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here

Cats Attending: Leekstar, Pineshadow, Icestep, Chanterelleheart, Nutmegdawn, Peppermintcloud

      Leekstar - she-cat - leader - a longhaired pure white cat with yellow-blue heterochromia - tagged; Feralstar (WheatClan)
        Leekstar smiled politely and replied, still not completely convinced she had found a good partner to chat with, "IceClan, huh? Well," she mused, recalling recent events, "we just finished rebuilding what once had been the nursery of the old IceClan camp, before our predecessors were forced to disband. I'm sure we will soon need the place, as we will need kits to grow as a Clan."

        "How about WheatClan?" the white she-cat prompted, her two-colored gaze fixed on the younger leader, "I'd love to hear about your Clan." The truth was, Leekstar was only half-interested, and yet she found the younger she-cat... relatable. Here was a cat struggling to find the words to communicate. Here she was - a middle-aged former kittypet, struggling with the same thing. She wondered if WheatClan, too, was a small Clan, just like her own IceClan.

        Small Clans should stick together, she mused.
      Pineshadow - she-cat - deputy - a longhaired black mackerel tabby Norwegian Forest Cat with yellow eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Icestep - tom - medicine cat - a shorthaired flame point with medium white spotting and blue eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Chanterelleheart - tom - warrior - a mediumhaired silver (cinnamon) shaded mackerel tabby with green eyes - tagged; open
        text here
      Nutmegdawn - she-cat - warrior - a longhaired black-based classic caliby Persian with brown eyes - tagged; open, traveling with Peppermintcloud
        text here.
      Peppermintcloud - tom - warrior - a longhaired flame (broken mackerel) point Persian with low white spotting and ice-blue eyes - tagged; open, traveling with Nutmegdawn
        see Nutmegdawn.

      (ooc: more slots for all three clans are still available, please pm here or dm on discord if you want to see someone in particular!)
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

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Re: july gathering | 4

Postby beebun » Sun Jul 04, 2021 3:01 pm

can bring more

    briarstar / leader / 57 m / tags: pantherstar, hazeclan
      the leader led her clan to the gathering. she tilted her head at her clan, and they all spread off. though jinglenose and glimpsebark stayed with her, leaving to find their separate places. briarstar glanced around, looking for another leader who wasn’t talking to anyone yet. last gathering, she hadn’t talked much to anyone. picking up her paws, she walked over to a fluffy cat she had spotted. when she approached over to the leader, “hello. briarstar of snowclan. what’s your name?” she mewed to the other she-cat.

    jinglenose / deputy / 37 m / tags: deathwing, ?
      jinglenose glanced at the tom who had just approached him. he looked… like something bad had happened. what was the matter? jinglenose wondered. the fact that this tom had just asked what he was doing here annoyed jinglenose. he sighed before answering, “hello. I am jinglenose of snowclan. I’m here because it’s part of my job. what’s your name?” jinglenose didn’t ask why the other cat was here, as he actually considered it rude to ask.

    glimpsebark / med cat / 35 m / tags: open
      glimpsebark sits with a pout in her face near the medicine cat’s area. her tail flicks back and forth.

    saplingtuft / perma queen / 52 m / tags: shadowgaze, cascata conservatory
      “from snowclan! there’s.. a lot of snow there.” saplingtuft chuckle a little before adding, “what is cascata conservatory like? I don’t think I’ve heard that name before.” she peered at shadowgaze curiously.

    foxpaw / app / 11 m / tags: halcyonpaw, wheatclan
      “yes I have. met a nice cat there as well.” foxpaw said, “what about you? is this your first gathering?”
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July | 02

Postby NightWolf950 » Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:20 am

Pantherstar | Female | Leader | Tagged: Briarstar (SnowClan)
Slowly the gathering began to pick up and more and more cats began to trickle in. Pantherstar watched cats move about, lost in thought until a voice snapped her back to reality. Seeing another she-cat stand before her, Pantherstar dipped her head in response to the she-cat introducing herself. "Please... Have a seat." Pantherstar spoke, nodding to the spot on her left. With a flick of her tail, the large gray and white she-cat cleared a bit of snow for Briarstar to sit. "I am Pantherstar of HazeClan." she meowed.

Starlingflight | Male | Deputy | Tagged: Open
Being the deputy meant that no matter the weather he had to attended. Despite his many protests of not wanting to leave the warm comfortability of the warrior's den back at camp. With a lot of poking and nudging from his best friend Pantherstar, Starlingflight finally got around to dragging his paws behind the leader. If it had been any other cat, the brown tabby tom would have resisted harder however Pantherstar had always found a way to push him forward. With Pantherstar settling herself in the leaders' usual gathering spot, Starlingflight sought out a more sheltered and warmer spot to rest.

Vaporwind | Male | Med. Cat | Tagged: Icestep (IceClan)
Upon finally arriving to the gathering, snow still clinging to spots on his fur Vaporwind looked around for someone he could perchance speak to. It wasn't until a curious tom caught his attention, a flame point tom with blue eyes. Bounding over Vaporwind smiled brightly at the other tom cat and dipped his head a bit before speaking. "Hello. I'm Vaporwind of HazeClan. You are?" he asked curiously, watching the tom's movements.
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VagaryClan | July 4 | 4

Postby [kat] » Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:59 am


♪ Riverstar
tom ; leader ; tags: marbledstar
Riverstar shook his head quickly. "Please, don't apologize. Leaders have too much worry to bear as it is," he spoke carefully, remembering his own death a moon ago and trying not to let that come spilling out. "You need not take on more." The fur along his spine rose slightly as Marbledstar told him of a mentor that had trained her to kill. "That sounds awful." He mused quietly. "But I suppose if it's all you've been taught since you were young, it would seem normal. Don't blame yourself for being manipulated- you couldn't have controlled that if you wanted to." He offered Marbledstar a smile. "And you always have a choice. If you want to turn out like those cats, then you will. And if you don't, then you will make certain of it that you won't. And judging by the way you're speaking to me now, and the fact that you saved your Clan, I find it highly unlikely that you would resort to such violence unless absolutely necessary."

✥ Copperdust
molly ; medicine cat ; tags: squirrelpaw
Copperdust nodded eagerly. "Yes! Fadedsun is my mentor- and a great one at that. Merlinsong is yours, then? I've heard nothing but good things from Fadedsun about him. Although, it seems like Fadedsun is talking about Otterfur most of the time..." she trailed off with a teasing grin. "I think he has his head in the clouds sometimes, if I'm being truthful." She giggled lightly at Squirrelpaw's proposal. "Maybe! You can be the angry one that everyone is scared of. Although, you don't look very scary, so the act might be up pretty quickly." She settled a little easier into her seat, tension releasing from her shoulders. "You know, I have noticed that, and I think you might be right. It seems like every moon now I'm seeing kits arrive from Highgarden to our camp to live with their fathers! Fadedsun being one of them, of course. And I have to keep track of all of them, because he's busy taking care of his own kits." She shook her head, but her tone was cheerful. "They're too adorable not to love, though. And I bet you have it even busier with the actual mothers being in Highgarden."

❋ Sweetpetal
molly ; warrior ; tags: driftedsnow
Sweetpetal laughed good-naturedly at Driftedsnow's jab at her own name. She was glad this molly was easy to get along with. "Well I'm glad you weren't hurt. Snow drifts definitely can be dangerous- I've encountered some where it looks like solid ground, and then you fall right in!" She shook her head. "Gotta watch out for 'em. So what is VenusClan's territory like?"

❧ Hickoryheart
tom ; warrior ; tags: athena
Hickoryheart tilted his head in confusion at Athena's strange words, but decided not to comment on it. "Oh, yeah... I suppose not. What's your name by the way? I'm Hickoryheart." He puffed out his chest a little now in pride.

☄ Smokepaw
tom ; apprentice ; tags: mousewhisker
Smokepaw's whole body practically lit up when he realized he had guessed correctly, and Mousewhisker signed his name to him. He found himself purring and had to keep himself from jumping in place. He had never met another deaf cat before, so this was about as exciting as an apprentice being at their first Gathering. He quickly signed back, "I'm Smokepaw! I should be a warrior by now." A somewhat cross look made its way onto his face as he signed this. "I'm still working on it. I know I'll have a cool name though." Signing all of this took a lot of work, and Smokepaw was out of breath when he was finished, as he wasn't used to talking to this much. But it was worth it, in order to make friends with someone with the same experiences as him.


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