1X1 with arvanien

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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Tue Jun 30, 2020 2:23 pm




Hawthorne's calloused, yet gentle fingers brushed back Kyran's soft hair with the utmost care, his hand lingering there for a half a second too long. He couldny really helped it as he was distracted by the feeling of his breathtakingly adorable expression. Hawthorne blushed furiously as he met the handsome nurse's gaze. " Ha~ I suppose all that is true," The captain chuckled warmly, rubbing the back of his neck shyly, " At least the part about how I didnt have any complaints about waking up alone." A bright pink blush crossed Hawthorne's cheeks as Kyran complimented him so sweetly, smiling at him with that adorable bashful grin. His heart almost couldnt handle the kind nurse's adorableness. " Kind and patient? Really you are too kind to me!" He chuckled warmly, smiling up at the other male with a blush," I could say the same thing about you, though. I couldn't possibly tell you how much your kindness and patience means to me. Ha~ I couldnt imagine why you'd want to spend time with a busted up soldier like me. Hell, Ive probably still got blood on myself ," He chuckled, a hint of amusement lighting up his vibrant eyes," I swear I look better when I'm cleaned up and not covered in bandages."

Hawthorne beamed as Kyran so enthusiastically accepted his invitation for coffee. It was impossible to resist the young nurse's obvious excitement about their coffee date. " Perfect! I cant wait," He grinned, his heart pounding as he found himself unable to look away from Kyran's stunning grey eyes. Hawthorne's cheeks flushed dark pink as he offered Kyran a shy smile. " I know this is probably a bit forward, but... has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes are? Because they are truly stunning"

" Thank you, doctor," Basil said, giving a small nod to Nero respectfully. She really was grateful for his help, both for showing her Hawthorne's room, and for all he had done for Arion. Her full lips twitched into a wane smile at the doctor's remark. " I hope he's happy to see me. I know I'm just grateful that he's alive. It's.. its almost hard to believe." Basil's voice shook ever so slightly as another wave of emotion hit her. She wanted to see her brother, but part of her was still afraid that he was dead. After seeing him in such bad shape after the fight, Hawthorne's bloody corpse was all she could think about. The image simply wouldnt leave her mind. Though, Basil couldn't bear to lose face. So, she raised her head a little higher as the to walked along, taking a deep breath to steady herself as Nero opened the door for her.

"Thank you," She murmured softly to him before stepping inside. Part of her expected to see Hawthorne's corpse, bloodied and palid on the hospital bed, though what she saw was the exact opposite scene. Her brother was looking livelier than he had in a while, propped up on the bed as he chatted with a nurse. Hot, joyous tears rolled down Basil's cheeks as she ran over to her brother. " Hawthorne?" She said, her normally quiet voice even softer. Basil hesitantly came over to the side of the bed, despite desperately wanting to hug her big brother, to know for sure that he was truly here and well.

Hawthorne glanced over to the door as he heard it open, somewhat disappointed that his time with Kyran was being interrupted. Though, he instantly brightened as he saw who was standing in the doorway. " Basil! You came! Oh thank the heavens! I was afraid that you'd... ," He said, trying to sit up more before biting back a groan as white hot pain shot through him. Hawthorne swallowed back the pain and flashed his sister a sheepish smile," I'm glad you're here, Basil. Really, I am. Oh! Have you met Kyran? Kyran, this is my sister Basil. And Basil this is Kyran, the cutest nurse in the hospital" He said, giving Kyran a cheeky wink. It seemed the usually stoic Captain was loosening up a bit more as he was unable to resist the little playful flirting.

Juniper smiled softly at Celeste, his heart fluttering as she pressed her lips to his tanned, lightly calloused hands. Her soft words and affections meant everything to him. " Ha~ I had no idea that my life would change from one little visit to the library," He chuckled warmly," Though, I'm so glad I met you there. Every moment I spend with you, i find myself falling deeper and deeper in love with you, bunny~" With a soft smile, he leaned over and kissed Celeste's forehead with the utmost tenderness.

Juniper looked up at Arion, quite relieved as the brawny male's eyes softened. It caught him off guard to see such gentleness from a notoriously fierce warrior. Though, it took a huge weight off his shoulders to know that Arion didn't seem like he held as much hostility towards him. A warm chuckle escaped the young Howler as Arion ruffled his chocolate brown locks. Juniper looked over to Celeste, flashing her a crooked smile. "Ha! Now we dont have any excuse not to get married, honey bunny~" He teased playfully.

Juniper was a bit surprised to find out how late it was. " Yeah, you need plenty of rest, darlin'." He said, finally agreeing on something full heartedly with Arion. The young Howler yawned softly, only just realizing how tired he was after the events of the past few days. With his belly full of good food and the quiet lull in the hospital room, Juniper found himself wishing he could curl up with Celeste some where warm and cozy.


" I suppose you're right." Gilly agreed hesitantly, " But war with the humans.... they may be weak and not have magic, but they still out number us. A war that scale would destroy our home and even the Quell's so-called paradise." The young deer-Howler shook his head in despair as old memories of the war torn forest resurfaced. It was painful to remember seeing the beautiful lanscape laid to waste by fearsome Quell warriors. Stretches of land blackened and turned tk cinders by yellow-haired Quell and crops ravaged by the green-haired earth Quell who could make plants wither and die as easily as they could make them flourish. Gilly shook his head as if to push away the bad memories. " Tch~ Maybe you're right. There's always hope even in the worst times" The young Howler said, a hint of his usual optimism returning," Besides, we have a lot on our side, like you said! Not to mention, most of the humans are bumbling idiots." He chuckled warmly, flashing Miri a crooked smile as he floated on his back in the chilly water. Even in the moonlight, it was easy to see his familiar mischievous grin.

Gilly shook his head a bit with a goodnatured sigh as Miri bashed the idea of fate and the gods. He was a firm believer in his faith as well as in fate and luck. While he would never really try to convert Miri, knowing that she preferred hard logic over faith, he couldnt resist teasing her just a bit. " You're a coldhearted woman, telling a man that his gods have left him" Gilly sighed dramatically, clutching his heart," What am I going to do with all my good luck charms and my offerings for protection? It's all such a waste now". Gilly added a clearly fake sob to his performance before bursting into merry laughter. Once he was able to control his giggles the young Howler looked to Miri, returning her smile with a crooked grin. It was easy to see he was just joking around and didnt mean any harm by his playful teasing.

" Ewwww Spiders? Why does it have to be spiders" He said, pretending to gag," I cant even bare to squish the big ones that crawl into my hut." Gilly chuckled warmly, shaking his head. " I guess I could get over my arachnophobia to help a friend. Anything for you, my budding sorcerer." Hilly laughed as Miri jumped into the water, splashing water everywhere and sending Gilly bobbing in the water as he floated lazily. " Mhm! It's been too long since we were here last" He sighed contentedly.

(( I'm so sorry!! I could have sworn I posted this a long time ago!! I guess I pressed save draft instead of submit <3 I'm terribly sorry! ))
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:54 pm


A serene smile flitted across Kyran’s face as he savored Hawthorne’s gentle touch. He was so disarmed by the gesture, his whole world had narrowed down to the hospital room with just the two of them. Kyran’s heart hammered hotly against his rib cage as he took in the captain’s tender gaze. It contrasted so starkly with his rough exterior and stoic features, and yet, fit him so perfectly. At Hawthorne’s remark, Kyran’s eyebrows shot up, the young nurse immediately losing all the composure he’d been carefully building.

“Why would I want to spend time with—ahaha, you’re kidding. You’re smart, funny, sweet, and heh, if anyone could make the whole rugged-beat-up look this insanely hot, it’s you.” He blurted, before clapping a hand over his mouth, his face burning. “Ah—sorry! I didn’t mean to say that out loud! It-it sounded better in my head,” he gushed, flustered. “You know what, I’m just gonna stop talking.” Kyran flashed a dorky grin as he fidgeted nervously with the hem of his shirt.

The soft look on Hawthorne’s face as he complimented his eyes melted Kyran’s heart. The panicked efforts to hold his tongue from saying anything impulsively embarrassing scattered like frightened birds. “Awwwwww ohmygosh stoppppppppppp~” He squeaked, clearly unused to such fondling admiration. It may have been a simple compliment, but no one had really told Kyran so, not even any of his exes. “Yours are so beautiful, too,” He breathed, inadvertently leaning little closer, self-consciousness forgotten. Kyran’s eyelashes fluttered as his gaze brushed over the captain’s face before subtly lingering on his lips.

Despite Basil’s soft entrance, Kyran almost jumped out of his skin as she came into the room. He quickly recovered from being jerked back to reality, however, and greeted her with a wide grin. It was good to see someone finally come and visit Hawthorne. “Basil-!” He breathed in relief, but quickly started back towards Hawthorne as the captain tried to sit up, putting his hands to Hawthorne’s broad shoulders. “Hey, hey, take it easy,” he frowned in concern, unpleasantly reminded of dealing with Arion. He gave Hawthorne a soft shy smile as he pulled away, suddenly extremely self conscious again.

“Yes, I’ve met her,” Kyran beamed delightedly, going to clasp Basil’s hands in his usual over-friendly manner. Butterflies churned in his stomach at Hawthorne’s playful flirting, his mouth dropping open. “H-hey! You’re-you’re not allowed to flirt this well when you just woke up from a coma!” At this point, Kyran would probably spontaneously combust if he blushed any harder.



Celeste reached up to cradle Juniper’s face as he kissed her forehead, his gentle words warming her from the inside. A delighted giggle broke from her lips at the idea of getting married, but she feigned indignance, “Married? Already? What happened to the whole “you-guys-just-met” deal?” She japed. But although Arion had only been teasing, Juniper’s reaction had warmed her heart. A delicate blush crossed her cheeks as she glanced up at him. How could he be so sure about marriage this early? Maybe it was a Howler thing?

“Not to mention both of you are literal babies.” Arion shot back, a smirk creeping across his face as he scraped the bloody grime from his fingernails with a scalpel he’d pinched behind a nurse’s back. The razor-sharp edge glinted as he wiped it on his sleeve. As Celeste snuggled closer to him, he set the blade down and pulled her to his chest. Arion rested his cheek on the top of her head for a few moments before suddenly looking up to squint at Juniper, his solid gold eyes dim with fatigue. “Well? Aren’t you gonna join us or what?” He arched an eyebrows, gesturing loosely to himself and Celeste, who had fallen fast asleep. Arion’s blatant disregard of personal space may have resulted from being so worn out, but it was very in-character of him.


Miri grimaced. “Ehhh...I dunno. I guess you could be right, but you got to remember that humans are far less capable than Quell in terms of warfare. That doesn’t mean they’re not capable,” she said quickly, holding up her hands. “But from what I’ve seen, they rely heavily on technology when it comes to combat. Sabotage their tech and they’re sitting ducks. And as for numbers? Pfft—our warriors fight fiercest when they’re surrounded.” Miri swirled her arms through the water, watching the bubbles that surfaced.

“But just to be clear, I’m not saying that the new potential conflict will be a piece of cake. Just that we have the ability and resources to make it one if we’re smart.” Miri grinned, her strikingly avian eyes flashing in the moonlight. “And I trust Lyra will find the best way for us to do so.”

Miri laughed along with Gilly, shaking her head. “Oh, Gilly. I never said those things were a waste. We’ve still got spirits, nymphs, and faeries in these parts. I should know. They’re no deities, but they can power your charms and accept your offerings all the same!” She splashed him playfully. “Though, if you’re gonna pray to a mushroom sprite, be sure to butter him up real nice. They’re pretty gullible creatures.”

“They aren’t that gross,” Miri taunted him, “As long as you ignore the hair, the slime, and their horrid long spindly legs!” She made a crawling motion with her fingers at Gilly, grinning mischievously. “Eugh, they are pretty nasty.” Miri chuckled, kicking back to float alongside him. “It’s a good thing they live far, far away up in those mountains.”

( Hey no worries! I completely understand :) )
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Sat Aug 01, 2020 6:27 pm




Hawthorne didn't bother to hide his flushed cheeks as he returned Kyran's smile shyly. His soft gaze clearly revealing his growing fondness for the friendly male. Despite his battle worn exterior, Hawthorne truly did have a soft spot for the nurse who had been so kind to him. The young nurse seemed to bring out a softer side of the usually stoic soldier. It wasn't hard to see that Kyran's infectious joy and warmth had a positive effect on Hawthorne. He seemed to be much more relaxed and far happier than he had been in a long time.

" Ha~ You think I'm smart, funny, and sweet? You're impossibly kind, Ky~" He chuckled warmly, the rumbling sound filling the hospital room. An amused twinkle lit up Hawthorne's emerald eyes as Kyran blurted out how hot he was. " Oh really? You like the rugged solider look?" He teased playfully. With a soft chuckle, Hawthorne reached up, gently brushing the back of his fingers gently along Kyran's flushed cheeks. " Mm~ I prefer the whole cute, sexy nurse look myself~" He teased with a crooked grin," I think its hot as hell~". Hawthorne gently drew his hand away from Kyran's soft cheek, giving the him a flirty wink.

Another soft, rumbling chuckle escaped the captain as he saw how flustered Kyran had grown from his compliment. " What?" Hawthorne smiled, feigning innocence coyly," You can't blame a man for telling the truth. Your eyes are breathtaking~. Like the Aboveground's sky after a rainstorm" Hawthorne's voice inadvertently lowered just a bit as he spoke, growing softer and a little huskier as his gaze rested on Kyran's soft lips. He knew would be considered a bit unprofessional for a nurse to be caught kissing his patient, though Hawthorne couldn't resist daydreaming of how Kyran's soft, warm lips would feel pressed against his.

The captain's cheeks flushed bright red from the thoughts that had crossed his mind. Though, he thankfully didn't have long to dwell on them too deeply as his attention shifted to his sister. " Basil! It's so good to see you! You're not hurt are you? Where's Celeste and Arion? Are they okay?" He asked in a rush, wincing at the white hot pain throbbing in his chest. Hawthorne hadn't regained much of his strength back yet, so he didnt put up much of a fight as Kyran held his shoulders to keep him from sitting up. After taking a breath to steady himself, he looked to Kyran sheepishly, his cheeks flushing a little pink once again. " I'm okay, I just sat up too fast" He promised, giving Kyran's hand a gentle pat before the handsome nurse pulled away.

Basil was left a little lightheaded and giddy knowing that her big brother was alive. She couldn't believe that Hawthorne had survived his injuries and was apparently flirting with the staff. The young earth Quell gave a watery giggle as Kyran clasped her hands. " Ha~ We do seem to keep meeting, dont we?" She returned his smile sunnily before wiping away the happy tears from her cheeks. " Its always nice to see you, Kyran."

Basil was quite pleased to see that Kyran had been keeping her brother company. She could easily tell that Hawthorne was enjoying being around him. It was impossible not to like the friendly nurse after all.

" Ha~ I auppose right after waking up from a coma isnt the best time to flirt. Though, I really cant help myself in the presence of someone as cute as you~" Hawthorne teased, giving him a cheeky wink.

Juniper smiled softly as Celeste cradled his face with such a gentle, loving touch. His soft smile grew when he heard her adorable little giggle. The sound warmed him through to his very core. " Absolutely~! All we need is a wedding cake and lots of flowers!" He teased, his purple eyes dancing with pure merriment. " And Arion is definitely going to be your best man, right?"Juniper laughed warmly at the banter between the siblings. Of course, he knew Arion was right about them being quite young and having only just met. Juniper was so in love with Celeste that he would, without question, marry her in a heartbeat. Though, he obviously wasnt going to pop the question so soon. Juniper wanted to court his lady love for a while before they made any drastic moves like that.

The young Howler stretched and yawned softly, realizing his tiredness even more. His muscles were sore from all the exertion during the day. Juniper rubbed his eyes before glancing over to Arion as the beautiful Quell spoke. He was quite surprised by Arion's offer, a bit caught off guard by his disregard for personal space, though he didn't question it in the least. After all, Arion was far less likely to murder him in his sleep in they were all piled into the same bed... right? Careful not to wake Celeste, Juniper crawled into bed with the two others. Once he was settled in comfortably, he wrapped an arm around Celeste as she slept, snuggling as close to her as he could. Her familiar scent drowned out the scent of the hospital, causing the young Howler to relax. " 'Night" He murmured softly, unsure if Arion was even still awake.


" True, true" Gilly nodded, giving a thoughtful hum as he scratched at the scruff on his chin. " I suppose we should be glad the Quell are on our side this time. You have to admit they're formidable warriors. Of course, they arent nearly as fierce as our warriors." He added, puffing up his lean chest with pride. During the war, Gilly hadn't seen a lot of combat, partly due to being a prey Howler, though he was proud of his fellow pack mates that fought so hard in the war. The Howler pack was filled with strong warriors and their strength had always been their ability to adapt. Gilly knew that together with the Quell, they would be able to take down this new enemy.

Gilly floated on his back, gazing up at the star dappled sky as he thought over Miri's idea. " Sabotaging the human's tech is a good idea. It would definitely cripple them." He said thoughtfully," Though there is one small problem. The filthy pollution from human tech can make a Howler weak in just a few minutes. We'd need a way to sabotage their tech from a distance.. or at least a way thats quick enough that our warriors don't get poisoned from too much exposure."

The young deer Howler titled his head back to grin crookedly at Miri. " Of course! I can imagine this war with the humans going to be over a lot sooner than our last." He chuckled warmly. " I wouldn't doubt Lyra already is already coming up with battle tactics in her sleep."

Gilly gave a warm, rumbling laugh as she splashed him. Mischievously, he flung water right back at her in retaliation. " I asked for mighty gods to protect me and they gave me mushroom sprites!" Gilly chuckled, trying to look annoyed and failing miserably. He couldnt hide his crooked grin, " Ah well, I'll take a mushroom sprite and nymphs anyday. At least something is enjoying my offerings!" He said, giving her one last playful splash.

Gilly pretended to gag loudly as Miri taunted him. " Ugh~ They're butt ugly critters. WHY do they have to have so many FREAKING legs and eyes?!" He shuddered, trying to forget the image Miri so clearly painted in his mind. " I'm not too thrilled about facing a giant spider especially not prepared" He chuckled warmly, Im glad they're far, far away where they wont climb into my boots while I'm sleeping."
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Sat Aug 15, 2020 2:25 pm

(Btw I’m not interested in collecting pets anymore, so if you happen to like any of mine, send me a trade and I’ll accept! :D)


Kyran’s heart hammered wildly in his chest as Hawthorne’s fingers caressed their way across his face, his dark red blush spreading to the tips of his ears. His lips fell open, but all that came out was a small gasp of pleasure. He ran his fingers through his curls, his eyelashes fluttering as he glanced away, flustered. Hawthorne’s flirting was only playful and lighthearted, but it had him completely spellbound. For one heated moment, all he could think about was how thoroughly he wanted to be wrecked by the handsome captain.

Kyran quickly shook himself out of that thought, feeling a little guilty—and relieved Hawthorne wasn’t a mind reader. He giggled in pleasure at Hawthorne’s sweet comparison of his eyes to the rainy sky, self-consciousness overwhelming him once again. Oh my god, say something, stupid. His mouth fell open again, but nothing came out—the normally very chatty nurse had been reduced to a tongue-tied mess.

Kyran gave Basil a big, breathless smile, his heart still beating a mile a minute. Somehow, he managed to find his voice again. “It’s so good to see you again! As you can see for yourself, Hawthorne’s condition is stable and he’s on the road to a complete recovery. It’s-it’s really incredible, I’ve never seen anyone fight off such wicked poison in such a short amount of time, even with our finest treatment,” he spat out in one breath. “But hey, we’re looking at the finest soldier in our city here!” He grinned cheekily.

Kyran’s hands flew over his mouth as Hawthorne teased him, a small squeak coming from him as he bumped into a nearby table loaded with equipment. The tips of his ears turned even redder as he realized what a klutz he was being. “R-right, I um, I should probably curb your flirtatious proclivities then, and, ah, let you two have some privacy?” He stuttered, a big smile plastered on his face. “I’ll be right outside if you need me.” Kyran turned and ran straight into the door jamb before streaking out, almost closing the door on his shirt.



“Mmmmmmhhhhhh. Cake.” Arion mumbled, absentmindedly twirling a strand of Celeste’s candy-colored hair around his finger. He had long tuned out of the conversation, and his eyes were so unfocused he seemed to be looking at two things at once. Everything was blurring in and out of focus, but he could smell the faint scent of Celeste’s perfume through his attempts to grasp at a vaguely coherent train of thought. “Straw...ber...ries.”

Arion’s arm mechanically wrapped itself around Juniper without hesitation as he snuggled next to Celeste, his embrace surprisingly warm and comforting for someone who had previously been a murderous stranger. The two of them fit perfectly in Arion’s arms, who looked quite like an exhausted mother hen with her brood. His head drooped forward, his chin coming to a rest on the crown of Celeste’s head. Arion wanted nothing more than to fall asleep, and yet, he simply couldn’t. Despite the comforting weight of Celeste and Juniper resting on him, the sickening clench in his stomach would not go away.


“Ha! Well, of course not.” Miri sniffed, flicking her wet hair with the same pride. Neither had the young hawk girl seen a fair warrior’s share of the battlefield, but she’d experienced far more than enough for a child.

“Eugh, that’s true.” Miri drifted closer to the riverbank until she could feel the smooth stones underneath the water with her hands. “I wonder if there’s a way to keep that poison out? It seems like breathing it in is how it gets you...maybe masks of some sort...” She mused. “Oh I know!! Endymion weaves a special fabric that he puts into the lining of his helmet whenever he goes out to hunt scorns. I’ve told you about scorns, haven’t I? They spray a deadly toxin that blinds you in seconds! But this cloth completely blocks it out. He recently taught me how to make it.” Miri chattered excitedly. “I‘m sure it would be at least a little effective against human pollution.”

“Ah, I’m counting on that. Lyra is a true strategist,” Miri grinned. She picked up a flat pebble and skipped it, the stone sending ripples across the water’s glassy moonlit surface. “It’ll be just like old times.” It certainly was not thrilling to be facing another crisis so recently after resolving a previous one, but warriors never complained, and neither would Miri.

“How you dare mock the mighty mushroom sprite!” Miri feigned great indignance, splashing Gilly back with all her might. ”If one of them hears you, don’t come complaining to me when winter fungus starts growing out of your toenails!” She laughed.

“Hehehe, they won’t climb into your boots.” Miri reassured Gilly sweetly, a little devilish glimmer in her eye, “They’ll attack you WEARING them!” She cackled, waving a piece of driftwood at him.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Fri Sep 11, 2020 4:54 pm

(( Thank youu! That's so sweet of you!! 💜 I'm afraid that I dont collect pets as much on here either tbh. I just keep the ones I like X3 ))



Hawthorne's gaze softened even more as he noticed how flustered Kyran had become from his playful flirting. His stomach felt as if it were turning cartwheels, though his crooked grin never wavered. " Ha~ You're even cuter with that adorable blush of yours~" He teased, gently cupping Kyran's cheek in his hand. With the most delicate touch, he ran a calloused thumb along the nurse's soft, warm cheek. How the hell is he so cute? The captain wondered, his pulse quickening as his emerald gaze rested on Kyran's handsome features, Oh gods... his lips look so soft..

Hawthorne's face grew pink once again as he pulled his hand away slowly, trying to think of anything except how badly he wanted to feel Kyran's lips against his own. His crooked grin widened as he heard the nurses adorable little giggle. Once again, his heart absolutely melted at the pure sound of his laughter.

Basil, of course, had no idea how her bother and Kyran felt about each other. Though, she found their flirting and blushy smiles adorable. And it made her happy to see her grumpy brother smiling for a change.

Basil listened carefully as Kyran spoke about her brother's condition. Her worries quickly dissipated as the friendly nurse assured her that Hawthorne was quickly recovering. " Thank you for taking such good care of him! I dont even know how to express how much I appreciate all of your help" Basil smiled, hugging Kyran happily.

Hawthorne chuckled at Kyran's praise, wincing just a bit. Sheepishly, he pressed a hand to his bandaged chest to help soothe the ache of his healing wounds." Ha! You flatter me too much," He grinned crookedly, giving the nurse a flirty wink, " Not that I mind it, of course~" Hawthorne watched poor Kyran stumble about clumsily, his expression both amused and filled with fondness. After all, it was impossible not to find his klutzyness adorable. "Ha~ We'll have to continue our flirting later then, eh? You still owe me a coffee date, handsome~" The captain teased, giving him another playful wink. Hawthorne watched as Kyran left the small hospital room, still smiling to himself. It was blaring obvious that the captian was crushing hard on him.

"Ha~ You like him~" Basil teased her brother fondly, sitting on the edge of his bed. " You should summon him some nice flowers or something when you're feeling better~" She hummed, brushing Hawthorne's disheveled green and black hair from his face.

The captain was in much too good of a mood to protest Basil's motherly gesture. His smile widened and his cheeks grew warm at the thought of the adorable nurse." Pfft~ I just met him properly! I dont know of he even likes flowers" He chuckled, a soft groan escapeimg him as he leaned further back into his pillows. Hawthorne yawned softly, realizing how tired and sore he had become.


Juniper didn't seem to have much hesitation with snuggling up to the Quell which quite possible would have murdered him mere hours ago. He had no idea what had changed Arion's opinions about him, but the young Howler certainly wasnt going to provoke Arion by asking him about it. So, for now, Juniper was content to snuggle with Celeste and Arion. He was perfectly comfortable resting with the siblings, his small, lean frame fitting perfectly beside Celeste's. Juniper kept an arm around the beautiful Quell, cuddling with her as she slept.This was partly due to the fact wanted to keep her close to him and protected. But, it was also because he was a huge cuddle bug. It was no surprise to anyone that Juniper thrived off of physical affection.

Arion's soft, nonsensical mumbles worried Juniper as he began to drift off. Strawberries? The young Howler wondered, his brain foggy with the need for sleep. He blinked his tired eyes, trying to wake up enough to ask if Arion was okay, but sleep over took him before he even opened his mouth. The tired young Howler dozed off peacefully as he snuggled up to Celeste. Even as he slept, he kept an arm around her protectively.

The days events didnt seem to have much effect on Juniper as he rested easily. Though, as time went on, the young Howler began to twitch in his sleep uncomfortably. Moving around just a bit until he began to shift into his smaller hyena form. He was just a little bigger than a puppy, his spotted fur soft and warm as he snuggled up to the siblings again comfortably.


Gilly floated aimlessly in the chilly water, his face turned up to gaze at the stars. Despite his stargazing, the young deer Howler's attention was completely on Miri as she spoke. He gave a quiet hum at her suggestion, " Masks... hm.. Yeah! I bet that would help protect us from breathing in the poison. It would at least slow the effects" He agreed, looking to Miri as his excitment. grew," Ha! I remember you telling about scorns. Nasty little buggers." Gilly flashed her a crooked grin, his eyes twinkling with excitement in the moonlight. " Maybe you can teach me how to weave this special fabric. Or maybe I could sew the masks or something." Gilly was just as excited about Miri's idea and he was eager to help out, willing to do whatever it took to protect the pack's fearless warriors.

" She is an excellent strategist," He agreed. " You ever played chess with her? Its absolute murder!" He joked lightheartedly as he laughed and flicked droplets of water at Miri. Gilly chuckled to himself, giving a soft sigh as he looked back up at the sky. " Yeah, I suppose it will be like old times. Even though things seem different, they're really just the same. We're fighting to protect our home." Gilly lazily ran his fingers through the water, watching as small bubbles formed before rising to the top and popping on the surface. " Juniper told me a story once... about the creation of Howlers and Quell and the humans too. In the story, the gods created our destinies to be intertwined, like a long rope that stretches until the end of time. I dunno if the legend is true, of course. It's probably just supposed to be some philosophical bullcrap, but... if it is true... I guess we're gonna be stuck with Quell and humans until the end of time." He chuckled, shaking his head," I hope all of us can learn to get along before the world ends."

Gilly was caught off guard by the splash, though he immediately began to laugh and splash Miri right back. " Ha! My toenails are in perfect condition, thank you very much!" He laughed, the familiar sound warm and bubbly.

" Ewwwww! Noooooo" Gilly pretended to gag, his eyes shimmering with mischief ," Ha~ Maybe I can scare away the giant spiders with the winter fungus!" He teased, lifting his foot up in the water and wiggling his pruney toes. Gilly fell into a fit of merry laughter at their antics. For a moment, all of their worrows about the future dissapeared completely.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Tue Sep 15, 2020 9:22 am

(Haha ok! Though, my offer still stands if you ever feel like it ^_^ You could spread the word to your other CS friends if you want!)


Kyran slumped heavily against the wall outside the door, his heart hammering so hard he could barely hear himself think. He clasped his hands over his mouth, but he couldn’t contain the little flustered squeal that escaped his mouth. “Best. Night shift. EVER!!” He pumped his fist in the air, bolting straight up and bouncing his toes in pure excitement. Kyran was on cloud nine; he felt like he was living a fairytale.

“I thought you hated night shifts.” A dry, monotonous, all-too-familiar voice slashed through the young nurse’s euphoric daze. Kyran froze mid-bounce, looking up in terror to register Nero’s cold frown laser-focused straight on him. “And what might be the cause of this unprofessional behavior?” The surgeon loomed over him, his gaze like hovering daggers.

Kyran instantly lost what remained of his wits and proceeded to babble out an incoherent excuse. For all his sharply analytical intelligence, Nero could make nothing out of Kyran’s hopeless blubber but “Hawthorne” and “alive” and “just celebrating”.

“Is that so?” His frown softened a fraction of a degree and he peered through the door. Sure enough, there was Hawthorne in the bed, awake and alive, talking with Basil. The drastic change from the half dead Quell to the stable and alert captain warmed Nero’s cold, hard heart—which was a sign he’d probably been around Kyran too long. He turned back to Kyran, who was trying (and failing miserably) to hide his blushing cheeks. Nero pinched the bridge of his nose and gave a deep sigh. It didn’t take a sharply observant eye like his to understand what had very likely happened in that room.



Even at such a subtle little shift, Arion’s eyes snapped open as Juniper transformed into his smaller hyena form. He bit down on his tongue as his head throbbed in protest, but he forced himself to relax as his hand came to a rest on Juniper’s small furry body. Arion’s eyes finally closed and he drifted into a restless, uneasy doze.

Not even ten minutes afterwards, the door slowly swung open, and a young woman peeked in cautiously. Her shiny black and pink hair cascaded in perfect curls down her back, and the slinky black dress she wore accentuated her slender figure. She clutched a bejeweled pink handbag to the front of her dress with one painted prosthetic arm. The beautiful young woman turned to nod her thanks to a nurse before stepping into the room, wincing at the loud click her shiny black stilettos made on the tile floor.

Her pale green eyes widened at the sight of Arion’s sickly pale, worn-out expression and his disheveled, matted hair. The dark circles under his eyes looked like they were carved into his face. Even in his sleep, he clutched Celeste’s small figure as if she were keeping him from dying, and was that...a hyena puppy he was holding? As the poor young woman stood there in utter shock, Arion’s face twitched painfully as he sensed another presence in the room. His eyes opened, his gaze lifeless and sluggish before focusing on the slender figure in front on him. “...Vanilla?”

“Arion,” the young woman breathed, hurrying over to his side. “I came as fast as I could! You weren’t answering any of my texts! Why, what’s happened to you? And Celeste?!” Her voice was a sharp whisper full of worry, her long acrylic nails digging into Arion’s arm.

“I’m sorry, Vanilla,” Arion winced, pressing his fingers against his temples, “I’ve had a really sh tty day, okay? It’s...a long story. He sank back onto the pillows in exhaustion, closing his eyes. “I...I really don’t feel like talking right now. I’m...so tired.”

Vanilla’s face fell. “But I came all this way to find you. You’re going to leave me on read, in person?” She crossed her arms in a huff. Her anguish was written all over her face; she couldn’t care less about Arion’s obvious exhaustion.

A muscle twitched under Arion’s eye as he willed himself to pass out. Nothing happened. Sighing in defeat, he untangled himself from Celeste and tucked her into the bed with Juniper, both of whom were still sleeping. Clenching his teeth in effort, he swung his legs out of bed and promptly collapsed, unprepared for the wave of nausea that crashed over him.

Vanilla barely caught him, struggling to keep him from hitting the floor. She pressed her glossy pink lips together as she helped Arion to stand, her eyebrows furrowing as she realized what a bad condition he was in. “Damn, I haven’t seen you so beat up in a while. You’ve got a lot of explaining to do.”

Arion glanced worriedly at Celeste and Juniper, not wanting to wake them. He could only nod weakly, making his way out to the hallway with Vanilla’s help. Once they were outside, he leaned against the wall, barely managing to stay on his feet. “Look, I appreciate you coming to check on me at this hour, but how did you know I was here? Only my sous chef knows.” He gave her a tired but wary look.

“I have my ways,” Vanilla lifted a flawless eyebrow, the pink glitter bedazzling her eyelids shimmering mercilessly. “But that’s not the point. We were going to feed ducks at Fountain Park this evening, or did you forget?” She put her hands on her hips to show off her outfit, a tight, lacy black dress cut far too low that accentuated her slim waist and showed off her long legs.

Arion heaved another sigh, massaging his temples with his knuckles. “Tomorrow evening, darling. You’re so bad with dates. And you didn’t have to go with me.” He said carelessly.

“That’s not the point! I couldn’t care less about going to the park with you!” Vanilla’s green-blue eyes flashed angrily. “I came all the way out here because I was worried about you, jerk!” She lashed out, smacking him with her bejeweled pink clutch. “I can’t believe I was stupid enough to believe you when you promised not to get rushed to the hospital every other godd mned week! It’s because you refuse to recover properly like any person with at least half a brain, isn’t it? Huh?” Vanilla poked Arion’s bandaged chest with one cruelly sharp nail from her equally bejeweled artificial arm.

Arion flinched away violently as if he’d been struck, still struggling to keep himself standing. He bit back an actual groan of pain, his eyes squeezing shut. “I had no choice. And I still failed to keep the people I love safe.” Arion rubbed his eyes, hot tears slipping between his fingers. “I can’t rest until I see Hawthorne safe again and tell him I’m sorry. Vanny, I’ve made the biggest mistake of my life.” Arion slid down the wall until he was sitting slumped on the ground. The throbbing in his head swelled until he thought his head would burst with the pain. Everything blurred until he couldn’t even make out Vanilla’s face hovering above him.


“We’d have to test it first though,” Miri bit her lip, looking up at the moonlight glimmering through the lofty tree branches. “While scorn poison is arguably worse than human pollution, we should have some way of making sure the cloth would work against it too.” She drifted past Gilly, her feet paddling softly to keep her afloat.

Miri’s excitement grew along with Gilly’s as he caught onto her idea. “That would be awesome! Although we do have a rather limited supply of it at the moment, I’m sure we have enough on hand to protect all our scouts. After that, we’ll have to make it a priority to make more.” She sighed. “Ah, I haven’t even told you how we make it! There’s a plant that grows in the crystal caves about a day’s journey from here. We twist its fibers together and weave them as tightly as possible. It’s pretty tedious work but if it can help the pack, I say it’s worth it.”

Miri laughed. “Oh no, I’d rather die! I’m not even good at chess!” She shook her head. “Endymion tried to teach me but it never really interested me.” Miri fell silent at Gilly’s thoughtful reflection. “You’re right, I never thought about that,” she gave a small sigh.

Miri inadvertently glanced away as Gilly mentioned Juniper, knowing he still hadn’t recovered from losing his best friend. “Yeah...I remember Juniper telling a story like that a long time ago. I really didn’t know how he could believe such a thing, but maybe he was right after all. After all, why else would everyone keep bothering us like this?” She gave a small, brittle laugh, looking back up at the moon and stars. Miri knew Endymion strongly disagreed with such notions. He cared for the pack, but he wasn’t as attached to it as the others. Endymion never denied destiny and fate as indisputable concepts, but he had always emphasized to her the importance of finding your own way without relying on others. “But I have my own reason to believe that rope of destiny can be re-woven.”

“Yuck! That’s gross! ” Miri stuck out her tongue in mock disgust at Gilly’s foot. “I don’t think you’d need any fungus growing on them to scare away spiders.” She wrinkled her nose, bursting into laughter.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Mon Sep 21, 2020 4:34 pm

(( Thank you so much!! Its really generous of you to offer! 💜 I might take you up on it sometime 😄 ))



Hawthorne's heart still pounded wildly in his chest as his mind replayed his encounter with Kyran. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have caught the handsome nurses eye. The battered solider chuckled to himself as he pressed his hand to his bandaged chest. His tanned skin was covered with deep purple bruises and more than a few blood stains from the fight. The Captain had no idea what Kyran found attractive about him in his battle worn state. Hawthorne was fairly handsome in his own way. Though he was no model, he had been on the cover of the Solodin Star once, which he had most likely only done because Arion had dared him to. Still, the Captain was fairly attractive in his own right, especially when he was cleaned up and wearing his famous armor with his ruby-hilted sword at his side.

Hawthorne tried to smooth out his tousled locks of green and black hair in hopes of making himself more presentable by the time Kyran came back. A small frown tugged at his lips as he fretted over his bloodstained joggers. Though, Basil's soft voice snapped him out of his irrational nitpicking.

" Stop worrying. You look fine!" Basil insisted," Well..
you look as fun as can be expected, I guess." She laughed softly, but helped her brother fix his hair as best as she could," After everything you've been through, no one expects you to look perfect. Kyran definitely seemed to like the way you look" She teased fondly, causing her brother's cheeks and ears to flush bright red in embarrassment.

Hawthorne had dated a few Quell off and on, but no one had made his heart pound like Kyran did. He barely knew the handsome young nurse and yet Hawthorne found himself in a bit of a lovesick daze as he thought about the other male. He rubbed his rough palm subconsciously, his hand feeling strangely empty without Kyran's soft, gentle hand in it.

The captain sighed softly as he lay back more against his pillows, his entire body aching. He winced at the white hot pain that [censored] through his chest as he moved to fast. Basil quickly noticed and tried to help him, but Hawthorne tried -and failed- to smack her hand away.

" You really took a beating, huh?" She murmured quietly. Basil nibbled on her plump lip, hot tears stinging at her eyes. " This... this is all my fault." She turned to look away from her brother so she couldn't see her tears. Guilt and remorse ached painfully in her chest once again. " If i... if I hadn't ran away, y-you.. you and everyone would have been safe here in Solodin. It's my fault you and Arion and Celeste are all hurt. Y-you all c-could have died! And it would have been all my f-fault!" Hot, fat tears ran freely down Basil's moon shaped cheeks, plopping down on her torn and bloodied sweater. " I'm s-so s-sorry, big brother." She sobbed quietly.

" H-hey! Hey, easy there" Hawthorne said, his eyes filled with worry as Basil began to cry. Grunting with effort, he sat up as best as he could, ignoring the pain, wrapping his arms around her in the tightest hug he could muster. "Every thing is going to be okay," He promised, kissing the top of Basil's head. While Hawthorne was well known for his grumpiness, he truly did care for his sister. He knew the best thing he could do was to just hug her and let her cry it out. Hawthorne rubbed her back gently, hoping to soothe her. After a while, Basil's sobbing began to quiet, her head lolled against her brother's shoulder. After all of the sleepless nights and exhausting events of the past few days, Basil had finally passed out, falling into a dreamless sleep.


Once he had shifted completely, the hyena puppy snuggled up to Celeste comfortably without waking up fully. It seemed as if there were some sort of invisible force that drew him to her, even in his sleep. Juniper gave a soft rumble in pure contentment as Arion rested his hand on his furry little body. It was strange how much he trusted someone who had once been his most feared enemy.

Juniper gave a small whine in his sleep Arion drew his hand away and moved to get up. He lightly pawed at the spot where the red haired Quell had been, though he didnt wake until he heard an unfamiliar women's voice speaking loudly in the hall. His sensitive ears pricked up with interest as he lifted his head, opening one groggy eye. He caught a glimpse of the attractive woman talking with- or rather yelling at- Arion and worry tugged at the back of his mind. Juniper may not have been the best of friends with the fierce red-haired Quell, but he couldn't bare to see him so upset. The purple eyed hyena puppy got to his paws drowsily, careful not to disturb Celeste.Though, Juniper hesitated, unsure if Arion would even want his assistance. After all, they weren't exactly the best of friends. He had no idea who this woman was or what her relation was with Arion.

With a quiet whine, he nuzzled into Celeste, making himself comfortable once again. Her pleasant warmth and the familiar scent of her perfume eased him, causing him to grow even more drowsy.


" True... I'll be our test subject." The young deer Howler declared, perhaps foolishly. " Think about it, you can't do it because you're too important. You're the one who knows how to make this magic fabric stuff." Gilly floated in the moonlit water, a small smile tugging at his lips as he saw Miri drift past. Playfully, he reached out a hand and splashed her just a bit. " Scorn poison is way worse than human pollution. I'd rather not go blind and die a horrible death thanks to a scorn" He shuddered. " I guess they are different poisons though... who knows if it'll work or not. "

Gilly practically beamed as Miri seemed to be just as excited as he was. " Perfect! They'll probably need masks tomorrow though, with Lyra leading the scouting mission. If the masks work, that is." He said, tapping his chin thoughtfully. " If they do work.. the whole pack will eventually need them." Gilly gave a whistle as she explained all they had to do to make the masks. "Ha~ Looks like we might have a lot of work ahead of us." He chuckled warmly. He really didn't mind the tediousness of the work truly. Gilly was eager to do his part in protecting the pack. The Howler pack was a tightknit community. Everyone did their best to protect each other, watching out for their friends and family members and the people they had grown up with.

"Ha~ I was never a chess prodigy either." He chuckled warmly," Checkers in more my speed!" Gilly fell silent as his thoughts shifted to Juniper. He still couldn't seem to accept that his best friend was gone. Even if he wasnt dead, it was unlikely that he would ever come back to the pack.

A small, almost pained smile tugged at Gilly's lips as he gazed up at the moon. " Juniper believed a lot of stuff I could never understand. He was always funny that way. Having hope that even the most ridiculous things could be true." Gilly laughed, though the sound caught in his throat as tears began to well up in his eyes. Gilly quickly wiped them away and cleared his throat. He mustered up a tiny smile, still gazing up at the moon.

Gilly gave a soft sigh, not looking at all like his usual chipper self. His hand went to one of the necklaces he wore, his fingers clasping tightly to the wooden beads he wore for protection. " Juniper really is gone for good, isnt he? I....I've been lying to myself and hoping that he'll come back. I keep thinking that I'll see him at the bonfire, telling one of those crazy stories he liked so much." He smiled a tiny bit, though his dark eyes glistened with tears. " He always had a way of making people believe in the most impossible things."

" Remember when he believed that there was a shapeshifting moon spirit in the woods? One that would grant you a wish if you found her and made her reveal her true form." He chuckled warmly," Juniper had me believing in his fairy tales too. I would follow him into the woods, both of us looking for spooks and spirits. " He laughed, though the sound was slightly hollow," Ha~ I'm pretty sure our moon spirt was just Lyra on patrol or something. Her white hair looks pretty spirit-y."

Gilly smiled a tiny bit, looking to Miri. Even in the darkness, he could make out her familiar features. " Ha~ Maybe Juniper's story was right about our destinies being tied together." He smiled, giving a soft chuckle, If the rope of destiny exists, then I have a sneaking suspicion that you, of all people, would be the one to figure out how to unweave our fates." Gilly believed in fate, though he knew that destinies were a funny thing. He knew that people shaped their own destinies by their decisions, but there was so much out of people's control. It was comforting for him to believe that all of those things were apart of some big master plan.

Gilly broke into a wide grin as Miri played along with his goofiness. He seemed right back to his normal self as he laughed at her mock distrust. " Whaaaaat? " He feigned innocence, wriggling his toes at her. " You dont like my handsome piggies? But they're the best protection against the spiders!" He laughed playfully sticking his foot closer to her. " They dont even stink that much~"
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Wed Dec 02, 2020 6:33 pm


Kyran let out a deep breath as Nero walked away, wiping his sweaty palms against his scrubs. Nero was as harsh and austere as he was intelligent, and he never failed to intimidate the poor nurse, whether he tried to or not. But enough worrying about his boss! Kyran’s dark, chocolaty skin flushed once again as he remembered what he’d been doing. “Ahh! Not again!” He spluttered, smacking his cheeks with both hands. “Pull yourself together!” he commanded himself. “Hm, I should go check on the others.” Kyran whistled a jaunty tune as he headed towards Celeste’s room.


“Okay, well, that’s nothing new.” Vanilla sniffed, her delicate little nose wrinkling, showing no concern whatever over Arion’s mental breakdown. “You always say you make the biggest mistake of your life every other weekend, sweetheart. Now man up and stop crying! You look pathetic!” She snapped. Her sharp, impatient voice pierced through Arion’s anguished daze like a knife through pound cake.

Arion sniffled noisily, looking up through the tears tangled in his long lashes. His once-vibrant eyes were now like broken glass. He flinched again as Vanilla wiped his face with one cold artificial finger, blood and tears smearing. “S-s-sorry,” he quavered, managing to push away her hand with a trembling one of his own. Arion took a shaky breath, the track of a tear glistening on his cheek. He bit his lip in an attempt to keep it from quivering. “I-I just...” He struggled to stand up, his breath catching unevenly in his throat as more tears spilled over and fell. “I-I’m sor...ry,” Arion’s voice cracked, his face contorting with silent pain as he wept. The tears dripped down his chin and splattered messily onto his shirt. He sniffled again and tried to regain his composure, but the dam had already been broken. A sob tore through him and he buried his face in his hands, breaking down into tears.

“Oh, Arion...” Vanilla sighed, her voice considerably softer and more gentle. Arion may have been known for his ability to cry at will, but she had never seen him so genuinely heartbroken. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be so harsh with you. How about you go back to bed, then you can see Hawthorne once you’re all rested up?” She placed an arm, her real one this time, on Arion’s shoulder.

“Th-the-they’re s-sl-sleeping,” Arion managed between sobs, his broad shoulders shaking. He shook his head and rubbed his face dejectedly, looking up through a haze of tears. He took another deep breath before he could find his voice. “I just..want to...go home.” He couldn't bear the thought of waking Celeste or Juniper, and the last thing he wanted was to have Basil see him in such a mess. Besides, he couldn’t stand another minute staying in this place.

“Fair enough. You want a Tele-Quell to blink us over to your house?” Vanilla examined her flawless acrylic nails, scrubbing a small smear of Arion’s blood from one of them.

Arion nodded wordlessly, still wiping the last traces of tears from his face. “I need to get ready for work. I’ve been gone too long. They need me.” Despite his resoluteness, the tremor in his voice was unmistakable.

“Work? You’re not even out of the hospital, and you’re thinking about work?” Vanilla scoffed, arching a flawless eyebrow. “Take a break! You’re as stubborn as a mule, Arion, but you’ll burn out if you keep pushing yourself so hard.” She retorted. Suddenly, a suggestive smile spread across her lovely features. “Speaking of breaks, I could help you blow off some steam if you want...it’s been a while since we had some proper fun, hasn’t it?” Vanilla gave Arion a seductive look through her long, curved lashes, wrapping her slender arms around Arion’s and pulling it to her chest.

“I am not sleeping with you every again.” Arion snapped, rubbing his face in exasperation. He pulled his arm closer to himself, suddenly aware of how close Vanilla was inching towards him. The two of them made their way to the entrance of the hospital in silence, where a nurse with spiky sapphire hair teleported them to Arion’s and Celeste’s house.

Kyran turned the corner just in time to see Arion outside Celeste’s room with a stunningly beautiful lady that looked strangely familiar. Vanilla Van Ness?! The famous model and makeup artist?! Is that really her?!?!! Kyran froze in his tracks, watching as Vanilla helped Arion to his feet with surprising strength. Her dainty pearly-white prosthetic arm glinted in the light, revealing delicate henna-like designs gracing the lustrous material. Woah...it really is her! But what is she doing here? And where are they going? Kyran frowned as he watched the couple walk away, Arion’s well-built figure slightly hunched over as he leaned on Vanilla’s slim, hourglass-shaped frame. Vanilla and Arion had dated on and off for several years, and the relationship between the two had always been a topic of gossip. But that was the least of Kyran’s worries right now. I hope he’s well enough to leave, he thought, twisting his hands together.

“Ahh, I haven’t been here in so long!” Vanilla stepped up onto the porch, punching in the combination into the keypad over the doorknob and swinging open the door. “Did you guys throw out that horrible mantelpiece yet?”

Arion’s mouth fell open. “Hey! How the hell do you know the combination?! I changed it after we broke up!” He followed her into the house, fuming indignantly.

Vanilla laughed, her voice rich and velvety like wine splashing in a crystal glass. “I know everything, lover boy. But there is one thing I do not know,” she looked around, frowning, “I thought y’all lived in a duplex?????? Why was there only one door?”

“Oh. Right.” Arion rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Arvanien had second thoughts about having me and Celeste live in a duplex. It doesn’t make sense, considering how close we are, and it was just a stupid idea anyway.” He shrugged. “So yeah, we just live in a normal old house.” Arion gave her a weary smile.

“Whatever.” Vanilla examined her flawless complexion in a little silver mirror before dropping it into her clutch. “I guess I’ll go home now, if you don’t need anything else? Are you still...comfortable sleeping alone?” She asked carefully. Vanilla knew that Arion hated sleeping by himself. Either the lights had to be on, or someone he trusted had to be nearby, before he could even think about getting a good night’s sleep. It was a miserable way to live, but it was his reality.

Arion hesitated, biting his lip as he glanced away. He really wanted to ask Vanilla to stay, but how would Basil feel if she found out that he spent the night with his ex? Basil wouldn’t mind, would she? It’s not like I’m cheating on her or something...right?


You want to test it?” Miri’s eyebrows drew together in concern. “I think we should leave that up to Endymion. He’s the most qualified person we’ve got.” She tilted her head back until her choppy hair was completely submerged in the water. “I think it will work anyway. Endymion says he has yet to find a venom that is more toxic than scorns’.”

Miri’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh, that’s right! Ugh, why didn’t I think of that!” She slapped the surface of the water, sending up a splash. “We’ve got enough fabric on hand to protect an average number of scouts, so we shouldn’t have to worry about making any more at the moment. I’ll tell Endymion and he’ll give some for everyone to line in their helmets tomorrow.”

“Gilly...” Miri glanced over at her friend, unsure of how to comfort him as he fondly recalled his adventures with Juniper. It was clear he was doing his best to suppress his grief for the sake of everyone else. “It’s okay to feel sad. Just because Lyra declared Juniper a traitor doesn’t mean he was any less our friend. If we are the only ones to mourn him, so be it. But who knows? He might still be out there, somewhere.” It wasn’t his fault he got bewitched by that wicked Quell that made him betray his own pack. Miri clenched her teeth, Celeste’s lovely face materializing in her mind’s eye. The white haired Quell’s ethereal beauty only made Miri despise her even more. That witch.

Miri gave him a wan smile.“You really think so? It seems like such a big task, to unravel your own fate and weave it back your way, along with everyone else’s.” She sighed. “But I’d hate to think we are doomed to walk a path we didn’t pick for ourselves. And, doesn’t the concept of free will kind of screw that whole deal up? Eh, thinking about it too hard makes my brain hurt.” She shrugged, her slim shoulders slipping above the water.

“Ack! Get your horrid feet out of my face!” Miri gagged, paddling away towards the riverbank. She burst into a fit of giggles, “Save it for when the spiders attack!” She taunted good-naturedly.

(Time skip to sunrise for all characters?)
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Tue Jan 05, 2021 1:16 pm

(( Skipping sounds good to me! And thank you for bumping!! I could have sworn I replied a while back 😅
I'm so sorry about my suuuuuuper slow replies. I really enjoy our rp, it's just I've been having some issues dealing with a bunch of stuff irl. I've been struggling with my depression and moving across the state and changing schools and financial problems and the pandemic and everything has just been super stressful and killed my motivation to do anything for a while. I dont want to quit our rp and I always enjoy writing with you! I'm terribly sorry about making you wait so long for a reply <3 I hope you had an amazing holiday!!))



Hawthorne had fallen asleep easily, exhausted from his still healing injuries. Rocket's poisoned dagger had severely weakened the Captain, though he was recovering quickly thanks to the tireless work of Solodin's capable doctors and healers.

After several hours of dreamless sleep, Hawthorne awoke slowly, rubbing his tired, emerald green eyes with one hand. His normally well-kept green and black hair was disheveled, giving him a unintentional rugged look that suited him. He was shirtless, with slightly bloodstained bandages wrapped around his injured chest. The captain stretched, wincing at the white hot pain in his chest. He was getting antsy being stuck in a hospital bed. As captain of the royal guard, he was desperate to be out again, preparing to fight against the new human threat.

Hawthorne grasped the sides of the hospital bed with white knuckles, forcing himself up to a sitting position. He gasped in pain, a string of foul curses escaping his lips as spots danced before his eyes. He pressed his hand to his side, groaning as he felt hot, sticky blood on his fingertips.The young captain nearly lost consciousness, but forced himself breathe in and out, reaching over to the panel beside his bed to hit the nurse's call button.


Unlike her brother, Basil hadn't been able to sleep peacefully for very long. In her dreams, she kept reliving the battle that had happened the previous day in frightening detail, experiencing the pain of nearly of losing Celeste, Arion, and her brother all over again. After years of recurring nightmares and horrible night terrors, Basil had thought that she would be used to them by now. But nothing could ever prepare her for how powerless and frightened they made her feel.

The young earth Quell gasps as she awoke from another nightmare, the mental image of Arion covered in blood and strapped to an operating table still burning in her mind. Basil's petite, curvy frame trembled with fright as she tried to calm herself, taking a few slow breaths. She was surprised to find that her face was damp with tears, though she quickly wiped them awake. Basil decided to get a bit of fresh air so she wouldnt disturb Hawthorne, who was still sound asleep.

On shakey legs, the young earth Quell stepped out of her brother's room and into the hallway for a breath of fresh air. A soft, unsteady sigh escaped her as she rubbed her slightly damp cheeks. Everything was fine, right? Arion, Celeste and Hawthorne were all alive and each of them seemed to be recovering. Basil was, of course, thankful that her friends and brother were recovering, but it seemed like a pitifully small victory compared to the challenge they were about to face? They had won this battle, but how many Quell and Howler lives would be lost in the war with the humans?Had they survived their encounter with Rocket and Reed, only to suffer an agonizing death from the human's poison and cumbersome machines? Basil found herself falling deeper and deeper into a depressive spiral until she saw a familiar ball of fluff at her feet. " Juniper?" She said, cracking a soft smile as she bent to pet his fluffy head," What are you doing here?"


In his hyena puppy form, Juniper was pretty much an adorable ball of fluff sleeping snuggled up to Arion and Celeste. He slept contentedly, feeling perfectly safe and warm with his newfound family. It was ironic how quickly Juniper had gotten comfortable with sleeping with Arion, a Quell who would have most likely murdered him without a second thought, several months prior. Yet here the young Howler was, snuggled up against his former enemy's sexy warm chest.

Juniper awoke slowly and stretched his tiny, furry body out, giving a looong cute yawn. His ears pricked up a bit as he heard someone out in the hall. Tilting his head cutely, he peeked out looked out, his fluffy tail wagging happily as he recognized the familiar green haired Quell out in the hall. Basil! He thought, pleased to see his new friend. Though, seeing the young earth Quell gave him an idea.

The young Howler carefully wiggled out of Celeste and Arion's grasp, trying his best not to wake them. He leapt off the bed, his paws giving a soft pitter patter noise against the tile as he padded quietly out to the hall and over to Basil.

Juniper shifted into his human form, standing barefoot on the hospital floor with just his patched trousers on. His chocolate brown hair was tousled in its usual slightly boyish style.

" Good morning, Basil!" He chirped sunnily, flashing the young woman a crooked grin. He noticed that she seemed a bit upset, though he didnt bring it up. Instead, the two cheerfully swapped small talk until Juniper remembered his idea.

" Hey, can I ask a favor? I'd love to give Celeste some flowers to brighten up her room! I was wondering if you could... erm... magic up a few flowers for her?" He asked hopefully, " It would mean a lot to me, if you could?"

Basil was unsure about Juniper's innocent request. Her plant magic was often a bit temperamental at best. She could barely summon the most common weeds on command. Though, no one could resist Juniper's pleading, sad puppy eyes. " I'll try it for you and Celeste" She said with a small smile, finally giving in," But, dont expect them to be perfect."

Taking a breath to steady herself, Bssil focused all her magic to summon a few flowers. Nothing happend for several moments. Disappointment sat heavy in the young earth Quell's chest. Then, in a sudden explosion of multicilored petals Juniper found himself with a cute little bouquet of flowers. Like Basil had said, none were exactly perfect, but each were beautiful and unique.

Juniper had soft pink petals stuck in his messy hair, though the young Howler didnt seem to mind. In fact, he beamed over at Basil joyously. " Thank you so much! This is perfect!" He gushed happily, " I'll be sure to repay you as soon as I can! Maybe I can bake something for you and your brother?" He rambled excitedly, thanking Basil over and over until she playfully shooed him back to Celeste's hospital room.

With the flowers in one hand, Juniper happily padded back over to Celeste's bed. He sat on the edge of it gently, trying not to disturb Celeste so she could rest. With the utmost respect and careful touch, he took her soft hand in his, kissing her fingertips gently in a sign of loyalty. " I love you so much, honey bunny~" He murmured softly to her as she slept," I'll give you the whole world if you want it~"


Gilly hadn't gotten much sleep, too excited about Miri's plan to help protect the scouts. He had wanted to be helpful, so he spent much of the night helping Miri prepare the fabric. Together, they could make quick work of it. Gilly had a talent for sewing, thanks to countless hours of helping his mum with her tailor work.

As soon as he had woken up, Gilly had begun to get ready for the scouting mission. There was an odd nostalgia to dragging out his old battle gear. The beautifully handcrafted pieces of armor gave him a sense of uncomfortable familiarity as they brought back memories of the war against the Quell. Being a deer Howler, Gilly hadn't been able to fight as much as other, more powerful Howlers like Lyra. He had done less celebrated jobs like spy work and occasionally as a field medic, but like everyone involved in the war, he had seen his fair share of bloodshed.

Gilly finished putting on his light armor and strapped his quiver to his belt, feeling oddly calm despite the danger of their mission. He knew it was a dangerous task, but he trusted his pack mates and their alpha with his life. Though, Gilly packed an extra good luck charm in his satchel for an extra measure of protection, before heading out to find Miri and the rest of the group.


Lyra had slept fitfully, unable to rest well with the looming threat of the humans. Her dreams were plagued with dark omens and visions of the grim future of war with the humans. Images of her fallen pack mates and friends haunted her in her sleep.

Lyra awoke with a pained gasp, cold sweat made her blanket stick uncomfortably to her tanned skin. The alpha sat up and rubbed her face tiredly, trying to forget her bad dreams. " I need some coffee" She murmured to herself. The young alpha forced herself to stand, her injured leg wobbling beneath her weight, though she stubbornly remained upright. She grabbed her staff to use as a makeshift crutch, leaning heavily on it as slowly she made her way over to the little pot belly stove. Pure stubbornness kept her from passing out as began to make herself some coffee.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Mon May 17, 2021 4:30 pm

(Of course! I wasn’t exactly sure what bumping does so I was just curious lol. I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve going through a hard time 😭 Please don’t feel bad about putting yourself first!! You can always talk to me, I hope you remember that better times are coming! Sending you lots of love 💞 I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!!)


Kyran groaned as the sun’s first rays peeked through the blinds of the office. He’d cranked the brightness on the computer all the way down, and yet his eyes still smarted as he rubbed them. The young nurse stood up and stretched, wincing as his spine cracked painfully after spending the night hunched over. Breakfast could not come soon enough. He sighed, wondering if he could come up with some convincing alibi to go and see Hawthorne. The thought of seeing the handsome captain again set his stomach aflutter with butterflies. Kyran’s face heated up as yesterday’s events came flooding back, his heart beginning to pound like a drum.

Kyran started out of his little reverie as the device on his wrist began to beep. Hawthorne! “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” he breathed to himself, rushing out of the office, all fatigue forgotten. Kyran stopped in front of Hawthorne’s room, panting slightly. “Calm down, calm down,” he whispered, taking a slow, deep breath before opening the door and stepping in.

Kyran’s eyes opened wide with surprise as he saw Hawthorne sitting up in bed, his bandages stained with red. “Hawthorne! Wait, please don’t move!” He hurried over to the captain’s bedside, deftly changing the bloody bandages out for clean, crisp ones. Kyran bit his lip worriedly, his eyebrows knit together in concentration as he worked. “How are you feeling? Do you want me to get you some water?”


Celeste lay snuggled cozily in the blankets, sleeping as soundly as a toddler. Her soft, lustrous hair lay in disheveled heaps around her. Thanks to the skilled work of the nurse, even the trace amounts of poison that had made its way into her bones had left her body. Some of the color had returned to her face, her lips flushed with their usual soft pink.

Despite her deep sleep, her eyes opened just slightly as Juniper took her hand. Something deep in her stomach tugged at her, causing alarm bells to go off in her head. Her eyes snapped open, panic flooding her as she scrambled to sit up. “Juniper! Oh my goodness Juniper, what day is it?! Please tell me it isn’t Monday,” Celeste panicked, frantically lifting her arm to find that her watch had disappeared from her wrist. She looked up to see the clock cheerfully displaying the date and time. – 5:42 am, Monday, April 5. – “Stars above, my final project is due today,” she gasped. “I’ve got to get to school!”


[1 a.m.]

Vanilla gave a dainty yawn, shifting on the pillows to rest her head in Arion’s lap. She had changed into a silky, full length nightgown, her brushed-out hair spread softly around her like a halo. The two of them reclined on Arion’s bed, the room lit dimly by his desk light.

“So you finally stopped seeing that jerk, hm? I don’t see what you even saw in him in the first place. Why would you date someone with an eyebrow slit? So trashy.” She sneered, leaning her head up to take a dainty sip from a sleek wine bottle.

Arion wheezed with laughter, pressing his hand to his bare chest as he felt a sharp stab of pain. “It was a weird time! I forgot to break up with him ‘cause I was too busy trying not to fail my potion brewing class.” He grimaced at the memory. “I guess you’re right. He wasn’t as cute as you,” Arion teased, plucking the bottle out of Vanilla’s hands and taking a swig straight from it. “But screw him, I’m never dating a guy again. I’ve found the person I’m going to marry!” Arion smiled dreamily, lacing his bandaged fingers around the bottle.

“That’s what you told me when you started dating him.” Vanilla made a small sound of disdain, rolling her eyes. “I just know it’s someone you met yesterday.” She snickered, her pale green eyes glinting knowingly.

“Shut up! I’ve known her for ages,” Arion snapped without thinking. “She’s the kindest, smartest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. I just know it will work out between us.” He grinned down at Vanilla. “Just you wait.”

“If you say so, lover boy.” Vanilla shrugged lightly, smiling in spite of herself. She snatched the bottle back from Arion and pouring the rest of the liquid down her throat.

[3 a.m.]

“And what about this one?” Vanilla stepped out of the bathroom, wearing a lacy white bralette and a pleated white tennis skirt. Tiny strands of diamonds glinted around her slender waist, complementing perfectly with her delicate prosthetic arm. She twirled and posed, her long silver and pink curls flying dizzily around her.

Arion blinked unsteadily and squinted as his fatigued eyes struggled to focus on Vanilla’s slim figure. “Where’s the rest of your outfit?”

“This is the outfit!”

“Hey, I was just joking.” Arion gave a lopsided smile and pushed his hair out of his face, trying his best not to smudge his freshly painted nails. “Though, um, that top looks like something you’d wear under a shirt.”

“No, it’s not! I don’t even know why I bother,” Vanilla retorted, irritated. She turned on her heel and marched back into the bathroom.

Arion snickered to himself, but it turned into a tired sigh. He flopped back onto his bed, staring aimlessly at the ceiling. So much for sleep.

[5 a.m.]

“No, I can’t afford to take another day off! The grind doesn’t stop, and especially not at the restaurant!” Arion laughed, but his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. His still-damp skin glistened in the bathroom light, the scars marking his well-muscled chest and arms rippling as he rubbed his hair with a towel.

“What do you mean you can’t afford—you literally almost died yesterday!” Vanilla scoffed in disbelief. “You can’t keep up this Superman act forever.” She threw Arion a scrutinizing look before turning away to preen in the full length bathroom mirror. She smiled dazzlingly, admiring her perfect makeup and blown out curls, before grimacing and dabbling at a nonexistent flaw.

“Aww, you’re worried about me? That's so sweet~” Arion bit back a smirk as he glanced at Vanilla’s reflection in the mirror.

“Um, no! I couldn’t care less if you died.” Vanilla sniffed, turning to examine the back of her outfit. She wore an embroidered silk blouse that draped gracefully around her slender frame, sleek leather pants, and white heels. Her soft curls were pinned back from her face with diamond studded clips and cascaded almost to her knees.

“I love you too,” Arion grinned, his eyes sparkling playfully. “Anyway, I’ve got to go back to the hospital before work. Will you come with me?” He asked, buttoning up his shirt.

“I’m not going anywhere with you looking like that,” Vanilla sighed, tossing her hair with a perfectly manicured hand. “At least put on some makeup.”

Arion laughed, his gold eyes glinting. “You think makeup can save these awful eye bags? You said it yourself, I almost died yesterday. I think I deserve to look just a little dead.”

Vanilla rolled her eyes, opening up her makeup case again. “You’re insufferable. Come here.”

[At the hospital]

Arion fidgeted restlessly as they walked into the lobby, his tightly bandaged fingers tearing clumsily at each other. He wore a crisp white button-up shirt under a black blazer and black jeans, complete with the restaurant logo emblazoned on his lapel. Tiny diamonds hung from his earlobes. The crisp lines of his outfit emphasized the dramatic, enormous winged eyeliner that swept to his temples, following his knife-sharp features. The stunning gold hue of his eyes was amplified even further by the precise black lines.

Vanilla scowled, glancing up at him. “What’s giving you the heebie jeebies? Weren’t you all excited to come here earlier?” She tugged on his arm, keeping him from running into the glass door of the elevator.

“No! I-I mean, yeah, of course I am! Celeste is doing much better and she’ll finally get to come home.” Arion crossed his arms indignantly as they stepped into the elevator, turning away to hide his flushed cheeks. But Vanilla had a quick eye. She snickered, her pale green eyes narrowing.

“I know that look. What are you thinking about?” She teased. “Ooh~ perhaps your mystery lover? Are they here?” Vanilla brightened as Arion blushed furiously. “Ha! I knew it!”

“W-what? No! I never said that!” But it was too late. The elevator doors opened and Vanilla took off, laughing as she sprinted at an alarming speed in her stilettos. She took a sharp turn and almost bumped into Basil, instinctively wrapping her arms around the green haired Quell. “Oops, excuse me darling~” She giggled in her usual flirtatious manner. As Vanilla regained her balance and got a good look at Basil, her delicate face suddenly flushed pink, her glossy lips parting slightly.

“Vanilla! Hey, come on!” Arion complained, following hot on her heels. He stopped just in time to avoid running into the two women, his eyes widening as he spotted Basil. He couldn’t help it—his face turned red and he apparently lost all ability to speak. It was almost comical, seeing two of the most attractive people in Solodin both so quickly reduced to a flustered mess.


“I only became an alpha because Lyra needed my help. It had nothing to do with you, Mother.” Endymion’s smooth voice was laced with a barely concealed edge of irritation. He sat cross legged on the treehouse balcony, his skilled fingers tracing a swift design in gold across Miri’s bare back. The symbols glowed faintly as he worked, and Miri breathed deeply as she felt the magic seeping into her bones. “Can’t you see that your insistence on my becoming alpha is only a burden on both of us? Neither of us are any happier now that your dream is a reality.” The dark haired Howler inhaled deeply as he wove together his spell, the magic humming faintly in the cool air before sunrise.

The older Howler leaned forward in her armchair, her yellow eyes baleful. “How dare you speak like that to your mother. Have I not always done what is best for you and your siblings? Now is no different. Leading the pack back to its former greatness is our most important objective.” She snarled, her voice like a blade being sharpened. “And I will never be happy as long as you refuse to be pleasant and obedient like Sirius.” She snapped bitterly. The elderly lady crossed her lean arms, her long claw-like fingernails gliding over her robes.

Endymion scowled at the mention of his older brother, but he said nothing. He stood as he finished casting his spell, the soft glow in his hands fading. Miri stood as well and pulled on her white tunic, the symbols tracing her skin flashing briefly before fading away. Her large brown eyes flickered between her older brother and mother. A beat of silence passed between the family before Endymion spoke again. “We love you, Mother.” He turned and descended, not bothering to see if Miri was coming.

“Bye mama~” Miri flung her arms around her mother, giving her a big kiss on the cheek. The elderly Howler softened just for a moment in the warm embrace, her bitter expression subsiding as she hugged her daughter back. “Run along, now.”

Miri raced downstairs to find Endymion pulling on his hunting gear over his clothes, his black sword leaning on the carved oaken table. She quickly slipped on her own hunting clothes, slinging her twin daggers onto her back and retrieving her own staff from the wall. “Do you think it’s a good idea for Lyra to lead today’s expedition? I know she can do it but I’m worried for her,” Miri frowned as she picked up her helmet, tracing her fingers over the black metal. It had been lined tightly by the mysterious fabric, just hours before.

“Even if it was a bad idea, what can we tell her?” Endymion smiled as he strode over to the set of armor standing in the corner of the room. The black metal had been etched all over with sigils skillfully wrought to resist all Quell magic, and looked every bit as threatening as its maker. He removed the helmet, a frightful mass of black metal that had enormous teeth protruding from the mouth-guard. “Remember, the spell only works if you allow its power to flow through you. Do not resist it.” He tucked the helmet under his arm, slinging his sword over his shoulder.

“I know, I know!” Miri giggled sheepishly. She may have been a magic prodigy, but working with organized, high-level spells was new to her. “It’s your spell so I will be just fine.” She trilled, slipping her hand into his as they stepped out of the house.
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