1X1 with arvanien

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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Tue Dec 04, 2018 8:19 am

( I had a great time at our film fest! A lot of students had some really great films! lol We all got to walk in on a red carpet and presented our films on a stage :D )

{ I know you'll do really well with your speech and debate tournaments!! And I hope you make it to nationals again! That's be so amazing! <3 And thanks! lol I've got just two more Finals coming up this week! It's stressful, but I'm so glad it's almost over :lol: }


It shattered Juniper’s heart into a million pieces as he saw how miserable Celeste was. Inwardly, he cursed at himself for telling her how serious her brother and Hawthorne’s conditions were. “ I’m so sorry, darling” He murmured softly, running his calloused thumb across her cheek with the utmost care to wipe away her tear. He desperately wanted to ease her fears and tell her that everything was going to be okay, but Juniper knew that it wouldn’t do very much good. All that he could do was stay by her side and try to comfort her the best way he knew how to.

Quietly, Juniper remained by the edge of Celeste’s bed, listening to her heart-wrenching sobs as she talked so fondly about her brother. Juniper only knew about the cold, merciless side of Arion from coming-face-to-face with him in the war. He had been one of the very lucky few to escape the fierce red-haired Quell, but he witnessed just how lethal Arion could be first hand. Arion was well known for his hatred for Howlers during the war and his ruthlessness in battle. In the Howler tribe, there were countless tales that made the red-haired warrior into a cruel monster. Juniper had been terrified of the young man for quite a while, yet something about the way Celeste spoke about her brother made him seem like a pretty decent guy. It was easy to see that Celeste truly cared for Arion, which made Juniper have second thoughts about him. Perhaps Arion really could be a nice guy to a few people? Perhaps it was a foolhardy hope, but it was enough to convince Juniper that Arion was probably a fairly nice guy somewhere deep down. He sincerely hoped that Arion was going to survive, even if it was simply so Celeste wouldn’t have to suffer from the loss of her brother,

“ Bunny… “ Juniper said gently, an almost pleading tone in his voice, “ Darling, please don’t cry. You’ll wear yourself out” With the utmost care, he leaned over and gently brushed the loose strand of cotton-candy colored hair from Celeste’s face. His deep purple eyes held the utmost respect and an undeniable affection as he looked down at her,“ Celeste, your brother is the most stubborn guy I’ve ever met. He can pull through this.” He said gently, rubbing her back gently in hoped of comforting her as she shook with sobs. Biting his lip, Juniper tried desperately to think of something, anything that he could say to ease her worries, but he couldn’t seem to think of anything. Instead, his eyes lit up with hope and he shifted into his puppy form. There was nothing more calming nor comforting than snuggling with an adorable puppy, right? He knew it wouldn't solve the problem, but he hoped to take her mind off her worries, even if were for just a few moments. Carefully, Juniper hopped up on the bed beside Celeste ( though it took a few tries because of his stubby little legs) and nudged her arm to get her attention. “Murr?” He rumbled questioningly, looking up at her with his best sad puppy dog expression.


Basil’s heart fluttered as she saw Arion smile at her, both with a surge of hope and that dizzying rush of affection she always got whenever he looked at her. By some miracle, Arion was alive and at least somewhat responsive. Basil couldn’t have asked for anymore than the reassurance that her precious Arion was going to be okay. Tears filled her eyes, this time joyous ones, as she looked down at him with a watery little smile. “ Arion~” She murmured happily, leaning down and giving his forehead a light kiss, “ Darling, I’m so glad you’re awake” Not bothering to wipe away the tears from her cheeks, the young earth Quell beamed at Arion with a watery smile, taking in every small detail of his handsomely chiseled face. Though he was still quite weak and pale, Arion was still as devilishly attractive as ever, especially with those breathtaking golden eyes of his that made Basil’s heart absolutely melt from the first time they melt. With a soft little smile, Basil gently pressed a gentle kiss to Arion’s fingers as he tried to speak, “ Shh, Darling~” She murmured soothingly, “ Try to rest, okay?”


Lyra let Endymion carefully pick her up, obviously comfortable with his meticulous, deliberate actions. She trusted Endymion completely, for several very good reasons. She obviously knew that he wasn't foolish enough to drop her and that he wasn't going to take advantage of her weakened state. Endymion was the only person who the young alpha had ever trusted to be this close to her and he was definitely the only guy she would let her carry her like this. Anyone else who tried it would most likely have their throats slit without warning- or at the very least they might get kicked in a very painful place. Lyra had no patience for anyone who failed to show her the proper respect.

With her shoulders set and her chin held up with a well-earned pride, Lyra let Endymion carry her out of the cozy hut and into the village. Any fears she had or worries that plagued her were virtually undetectable in her expression. As usual, her face was a mask of calm, unwavering determination and didn’t reveal a single one of her thoughts.

In all honesty, Lyra was dreading speaking to the Howler villagers after the fight the previous evening. Though no one said anything outright to her, she was terrified that her pack saw her as weak now. Their once powerful alpha had been nearly killed by an underfed pup nearly half her size. And though she had miraculously managed to not bleed to death, Lyra was barely even able to stand up on her own two feet now and looked paler than her snow-white hair. She should have been ashamed of herself for letting herself be beaten by a scrawny pup in front of the entire pack. She should have killed him on the spot when he had spoken so insolently to her, yet she had hesitated. Why? Maybe her guard had been down or maybe she couldn’t bring herself to kill that skinny pup she found abandoned in the woods all those years ago. Lyra’s jaw clenched ever so slightly as she tried to swallow back the the memories of the past that were so rudely shoved in her face. She didn’t have time for this; she needed to focus. Doubt plagued her every thought as Lyra tried to calm her fears so she could face the pack. The alpha’s expression never wavered from her usual stoic air, but the slight trembling in her hands plainly gave away her worries.

A few Howlers greeted the young Alpha respectfully or at least gave a nod in acknowledgment as they spotted her with Endymion. A few brave souls even dared to greet Endymion, though the hesitance was clear in their voices. Endymion's reputation with dealing with the dark arts was well-known throughout the village. Most Howlers often went out of their way to avoid him, except perhaps for a few well-meaning Howlers like Gilly and even Juniper before he had been excommunicated.


Gilly was very well known for being friendly to pretty much everyone he had ever met. Legend had it ( at least according to Gilly), that once he had been able to manage to escape being taken prisoner by an entire group of Quell scouts by out-talking them. Perhaps he had embellished the story just a tiny bit, but it really was true that the young stag Howler was one of the chattiest people in the entire village. He nearly always had something pleasant to say about news about the village or some sort of interesting gossip to share.

As usual, Gilly was one of the first Howlers to gather around the cozy bonfire, snatching bits of buttered bread and probably more than his share of heavily spiced vegetables before most other Howlers had slowly begun to gather at the center of the little village. Happily, he had taken a seat on the grass near the bonfire, swapping stories with a couple friends and contently munching on his dinner. As he heard Miri’s familiar shrill, the dark haired young man beamed and waved her over. “ Hey Miri! What’s shakin’? ” He called sunnily, motioning for her to come over. “ You want an almond cookie? They’re not gonna win any beauty contests, but they don’t taste half bad.” Gilly offered in his usual cheery manner, offering her the basket of slightly misshapen, though still edible honey almond cookies he had painstakingly made earlier that morning. Unlike his mother, who was an expert baker, Gilly had never been quite good with cooking things outside of the occasional shortbread cookie or Johnny cake.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Wed Dec 12, 2018 4:24 pm

(That's awesome! I'm glad you had fun!)

{Aww, thank you so much <3 I'm sure you did awesome on finals! Are you excited for Christmas?}


Celeste reached up as Juniper brushed her cheek and wrapped her fingers around his, squeezing his hand softly. Her face was blotchy from crying, and her sky blue eyes were red and watery. "No, it isn't your fault," she insisted quietly, her breath coming in uneven snatches as she tried to compose herself. "I need to see him. And Hawthorne—who's with him? Is there anyone..?" Celeste looked away, rubbing her sleeve over her swollen eyes as she tried to sort her thoughts. She couldn't stop imagining Hawthorne lying alone on his back, cold and clean and forgotten, hooked up to half a dozen machines like a deconstructed robot. She knew how badly he'd been hurt. If Basil was with Arion—which did reassure her somewhat—then Hawthorne was most likely by himself. Celeste knew that there was nothing worse than waking up alone. But she was probably too weak to even stand up. She hated feeling so helpless.

Celeste pushed her hair behind her shoulders and struggled to sit up, though that was probably not the best idea. Her back throbbed with pain, especially the place where Lyra had torn into her, even though she had barely moved. As Juniper rubbed her back, she winced slightly but managed to relax. Her thoughts scattered as he brushed her hair out of her face. She smiled sadly, her eyes crinkling just a little. "Yeah. Juniper, thanks for...everything," she gave a small, watery chuckle. "You got dragged into so much when you met me. But you stood by me. I really appreciate that." Celeste smiled shakily, brushing away another tear that rolled down her face. Juniper had gotten tangled into a lot of nasty stuff ever since he and Celeste met. It was inevitable, with the impossible web surrounding her. He'd even lost his home and his pack mates. But not once had his sincere, loving attitude changed or even wavered. If he and Arion managed to stand each other, her world would be perfect. Her watery eyes glowed faintly with blue light as she cupped Juniper's hand with both of her own, the nicks and scratches on her fingers and palms chafing slightly. Celeste felt awfully sick, but her brain was too tired to do anything about it. She was pretty sure she was half way there to becoming a zombie.

She was brought back to reality when Juniper shifted into a familiar little ball of fur. She let out a breath that she hadn't even realized that she had been holding in, her smile growing a little brighter as she let out a small giggle. Celeste loved how his beautiful violet eyes never changed, no matter what form he was in. She gently pulled him up on the bed beside her and rubbed his ears, smiling through her tears. "You're so precious," Celeste couldn't help giving a small, soundless laugh as he gave her his sad puppy dog face. She stroked Juniper's warm, soft fur, her hands shaking just a little. "I don't deserve someone as loyal as you." She picked him up and set him in her lap, hugging him warmly. She settled back on the bed, feeling too sick to sit up any longer.


Arion's tiny flicker of a smile grew a bit as he felt Basil press her soft lips against his forehead. The pain was just beginning to become bearable, but he had already forgotten all about it. "Hi, Princess," he whispered, his voice forced and gravelly. His fingers tightened around hers just a little, as if to make sure she was real. He looked absolutely drained, and his hands were colder than ice, but he was awake. Arion would have given anything to keep his eyes on Basil, but it hurt to keep them open. His eyes drooped shut as he tried to concentrate on the faint scent of Basil's perfume through the stinging reek of antiseptic mingled with blood.

The doctor raised an eyebrow and strolled back to Arion's bedside, twrling the stylus between his fingers before clipping it to his tablet with a loud snapping noise. "Welcome back." Arion's eyes fluttered open again and he drew a raspy breath. "How long...?" he exhaled, his voice drier than paper. "Not too long. You shouldn't even be awake, Lindheimer." "Shouldn't be doing any of this," Arion muttered. "Tell me about it," the surgeon snapped. "Do you remember the eight hour long operation that almost killed you four months ago? Just redid it in thirty minutes. Your old wound split open again months after it was supposed to be closed. You really need to get into the habit of taking time to heal." He turned and placed his tablet on the table, shaking his head. Arion let out a shaky sigh, his eyelids closing wearily. His brain was still short-circuited, but now he knew why such a minor scrape had hurt him so badly. Yeah, he was an idiot.


Moving as delicately as a cat, Endymion strode into the commons area. Despite her muscular frame, Lyra was actually not hard to carry. She seemed to have no problem either, settled comfortably in his arms above him like a queen. But despite her regal composure, Endymion could feel Lyra's unease. Something about her just smelled a little different, not quite as solid or musky, if that made any sense. But neither his face remained stony as he continued towards the platform Lyra always spoke from.

Endymion returned the greetings directed towards him with silence, only acknowledging his fellow pack members by nodding coldly. It was well known that Endymion's tongue wasn't screwed on loosely. He observed the apparent fear, hesitance, and even repulsion among some of them, and the way they gave him a wide berth, with quiet satisfaction. His wolffish eyes scanned the crowd as if looking for someone, but fixed themselves straight ahead after a few moments.

As he reached the platform, Endymion slowed and stepped up onto it carefully as he delicately balanced Lyra, aware that even a mere jolt could prove painful to her torn and bruised body. Earlier that day, Miri, being constantly observant, had carried one of Endymion's carved wooden chairs to the platform. It was a work of art, made of graceful curves of dark hardwood cunningly carved to resemble a sculpted throne of vines. But Endymion barely glanced at his own craftsmanship. He knelt in front of it, allowing Lyra to take the seat with perfect dignity and ease.


Miri's pixieish features broke out into a expression of pure delight as she jogged over to Gilly and his friends. Her movements were avian as if she would take flight any second, her feathery brown hair fluttering behind her. "Mahal's mighty hammer! A lot is shaking. And where were you all day?" She demanded. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the honey almond cookies. "Smashing! These look just right for target practice," she laughed. Miri plucked the most misshapen cookie out of the basket and bit into it, her smile growing. "I guess they could also come in handy the next time someone gets a leaky roof." Her midnight blue eyes, identical to her older brother's, glinted with good humor. Miri liked to express her approval her way.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:20 pm

(( You're very welcome! I hope you do really well! <3 Yeah! I got my test score back and I got a perfect score on my World Lit one! I haven't got the rest back yet, but I'm confident I did well on the others to! ^^ And I am SOOOO excited for Christmas! I can't wait for it to get here lol 😍 How about you? Are you excited for Christmas? ))


Hawthorne felt trapped between two planes of existence as he lay immobile on his cold, hard hospital bed. He was not exactly awake nor really unconscious either, but somewhere between the two in a sort of half-dream state. As the captain's dark green eyes slowly opened just a bit, he could just barely make out the white walls of the hospital room. Everything appeared to be blurred, but the captain easily recognized the painfully familiar walls of Solodin's hospital. Thanks to his severe head injury and the high dose of painkillers coursing through his veins, Hawthorne could barely remember what had happened in the past 24 hours. Foggy memories tugged at his brain, but the only one he could remembered clearly was the sight of Rocket's attractive yet deadly smile. He could still hear her shrill laughter as clearly as if she were standing beside him. Giving a sight groan, Hawthorne tried to move so he could get a good look around, but he couldn't seem to move a single muscle. It was if everything from his neck down had gone completely numb and felt much too heavy too move. All he could do for the moment was turn his head just a bit to survey the hospital room, careful not to disturb the nasal cannula that helped him breath easier or accidentally pull out strange tubes and wires he was hooked up to. Hawthorne's chest ached painfully as he realized that he was truly alone in the sterile hospital room. During the war, whenever he had been injured, he had always woken up to see Basil sitting patiently at his side, usually with a bunch of crossword puzzle books and healthy treats for him just to cheer him up. Or occasionally he'd even wake up to see a bruised and battered Arion laying in a hospital bed nearby. Hawthorne almost smiled as he remembered how Arion would tell dry humored and dirty jokes right after being stitched back together from a bloody battle. Despite the captain's grumpy attitude, Arion had always managed to (eventually) make him laugh at one of his jokes. Hawthorne swallowed hard, trying to fight back emotion. How had he so foolishly lost his best friend over a stupid argument? And even worse, he had lost his only surviving sister in the process. Hawthorne had been a fool to hurt them both and now he was completely alone.


Juniper hated seeing his beloved Celeste looking so upset. It pained him to watch her crying and the young Howler felt as if he could do nothing to cheer her up. Very gently, he gave her fingers a light, affectionate squeeze. " Maybe they'll let you see him once you feel a little better?" He suggested optimistically, " Perhaps Kyran would help us even?" Kyran had been extremely kind to him before, so Juniper was sure that the friendly young nurse wouldn't mind helping them so that Celeste could go check on her brother.

With a soft smile, Juniper kept rubbing Celeste's shoulders gently in an attempt to soothe her, thankful that she seemed to be relaxing a bit. " You don't have to thank me, Bunny." He said sincerely, the familiar mischevious sparkle returning to his bright eyes, " I don't think I'm being "dragged along" with anything. I like to think of it as more of an adventure, you know? " Impishly, he pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek before smiling at her with a crooked grin, " Everyday is an adventure with you and I don't think I'd have it any other way."

Once he had shifted into his adorable ball of fluff, Juniper could clearly see Celeste's little smile and he swore that nothing had ever looked so breathtakingly gorgeous to him. Letting out a happy little 'yip!', the tiny hyena pup cutely pranced around a bit before letting Celeste pick him up. He nuzzled her gently and licked her cheek with his rough, pink tongue as she complimented him. Juniper's little fuzzy body was warm and soft as he snuggled up a little closer to Celeste, mindful of her wounds" Murrrr" He purred in a rather cat-like way, letting her pet him to her heart's content. It felt quite nice to have his ears petted and his soft belly rubbed, but more importantly, Celeste seemed to be feeling a bit better from his cute little antics. It warmed Juniper's heart to see her smile, even if it was a teary one. The young Howler knew that he was lucky to have someone as wonderfully sweet as Celeste. He wanted to do everything in his power to protect her and make her happy.


Basil's plump bottom lip quivered just a bit as she held back happy tears. She knew that she must have appeared weak for crying so much, but she no longer cared. Basil was simply grateful that her precious Arion was alive. With a watery little smile, she ran her delicate fingers across his cheek with a gentle, caring touch. " Hello, Love" She murmured happily, her tone just above a whisper. Basil couldn't help smile down at Arion with a fond sparkle in her emerald eyes and a faint pink blush gracing her cheeks.

Basil listened carefully as the doctor spoke to Arion, her expression filled with worry. Quietly, she took Arion's ice hold hands in hers and gently rubbed them in an attempt to warm them. " You're going to get better, darling. You simply must take the time to heal" Basil insisted, stubbornly determined to make sure that Arion healed completely. Though they had met only a couple days before, she obviously cared a great deal about him. Arion meant more to her than life itself and her deep affection for him was easy to see in the gentle, loving way she always treated him. With a small smile, Basil brushed a bit of hair from Arion's handsome face and pressed an innocent kiss to his cheek. " I promise, I'm going to take care of you, darling. Always" She promised softly.


Lyra was extremely grateful for Endymion’s constant mindfulness towards her and how he was always so careful and precise with his movements so that he didn't accidentally injure her further. As he balanced her carefully in his arms, the blonde she-Howler's fingers grasped onto Endymion's lean arm tightly, depending on his unwavering support. With a silent nod of thanks to Endymion, Lyra carefully lowered herself onto the beautifully carven chair and sat with her back straight and her chin raised ever so slightly with brazen pride as she looked over to the crowd of Howlers gathering near the platform. Even though she was still badly injured, Lyra's calm expression, commanding stature gave her a regal air that gave the young alpha the appearance of a fierce warrior queen over looking her kingdom. As she spoke, every Howler in the village paid attention to her every word our of respect.

" As I'm sure you all know, Juniper brought a Quell into our scared village last night. A fight broke out when the traitor and his companion refused to leave our village peaceably. The two of them, along with myself were injured. " Lyra began unwaveringly, never showing even a hint of self-doubt nor hesitation in her expression and body language. " While my injuries will heal with time, there is reason to believe that the Quell and traitor's wounds were fatal and we can all rest assured that they will no longer be a threat to our pack." A murmur rose up from the crowd of Howlers, most expressing there relief that the threat of a traitor in there mists was gone. The very few villagers, who disapproved of Lyra's actions towards someone as gentle-spirited as Juniper, like Gilly and most of his friends, kept their mouths shut in fear of facing retribution from the young alpha. Lyra took careful notice of the Howlers who seemed to disagree with how she handled Juniper's seeming traitorous actions, but outwardly, it didn't appear to faze her in the least. Her expression remained just as stoic and calm as ever as she spoke again.

" To our next order of business, I have decided to appoint Endymion as our pack's new alpha male and he has consented to tale the position." Lyra said calmly, not quite prepared for the shocked and displeased murmurs that rose up from the crowd. No one dared question Lyra's authority outright, but it was obvious that many Howlers disproved of her choice of a male alpha. The blonde she-Howler's jaw clenched slightly as she looked at the crowd of villagers. " Alpha Endymion is to be treated with the same respect you show me. Anyone who doesn't show him the respect deserving of an alpha shall answer to me. And I will personally punish them by the fullest extent of Howler law. " The alpha's coffee brown eyes glinted fiercely as she spoke. Lyra never gave empty threats; she would very likely murder anyone in cold-blood who disrespected her or Endymion.

" Now that the traitor is gone and we have a second alpha to help lead us, our pack must stand even stronger together because a new danger threatens our pack." The blonde she-Howler's hands shook just a tiny bit and she grasped the arm rests of the chair tightly in hopes that no one would suspect her slight uncertainty." The humans. They have been pushing further into our territory and now tainting our water and land with their noxious chemicals." The villagers crowded around the platform erupted into panicked chatter. Some anxiously demanded what was going to become of the village, while others angrily suggested that the pack raid the human cities and burn it to the ground, and a few distraught Howlers claimed that they were all going to be wiped out from the chemicals . A pained wince flickered across Lyra's face for a split-second as the villagers clamored for answers from the alpha. Rubbing her temple with one pale hand, the blond she-Howler let out a low, almost animalistic growl that caused many of the Howlers to quiet " No" Lyra said crisply, in an authoritative tone no one dared to challenge, " No one is to set foot nor paw near the humans until we learn more about them. It's too dangerous to face them alone." Taking a brief moment to collect herself, Lyra squared her shoulders back with a confidence she no longer felt. " Tomorrow, I will be organizing a scouting party to see what we can learn about this new human threat. Any one who wants to volunteer for this mission should come by my hut tomorrow morning, after breakfast. Until we can learn more about this new human threat, no one is to leave camp alone for any reason. Elders, children and mothers with small children must stay in camp until further notice to prevent being exposed to the human's chemicals. And finally, anyone who has information about the humans shall report it to me or Alpha Endymion right away." Lyra finished self-assuredly, taking a small breath to calm herself that seemed to catch in her chest " Thank you all for your cooperation with this. Together, we will stand as a pack against these humans and triumph over this new threat."


Gilly gave a warm, rumbling laugh at Miri's delighted expression and obvious excitement. "Ach, I've been away from the village most of the day. I went huntin' earlier this mornin' and then I had to find some bee balm and feverfew for my Pop." He explained in his usual sunny manner as he munched on his almond cookie, " The huntin' wasn't that great. I couldn't find even a decent sized rabbit all day! The two I brought back to the village are nothin' but bones and mangy fur" Gilly complained good-naturedly, giving a warm laugh, " Though, I did find a lot of the herbs Pop wanted and I found a huge honeycomb in a dead tree, just drippin' with honey. I brought some of the honey back with me for the cookies and hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get some more of it if I'm lucky. If I'm able to get some, would you and your ma like a jar or two of honey? " He offered cheerily.

The gangly deer-Howler pretended to look annoyed at Miri's good-natured teasing, " Ach! I'll have you know that I worked all mornin' on those awful cookies! The least you could do is pretend they're half decent." Gilly flashed a crooked grin at her, his hazel eyes sparkling with uncontainable merriment. " Ha! You're welcome to try to patch the whole in my roof with 'em. It's been leaking somethin' fierce since the last big rain. " He teased, giving Miri a light shove in an almost brotherly way, careful not to accidentally hurt her. Gilly wasn't particularly strong or muscular, even in his deer form. He was quite skinny and lean, accentuated by the fact that that he was very, very tall like his mother.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:51 am

(Wow! Congrats!! I'm so glad to hear that!! Damn I bet you aced the rest of the finals as well 😄 Same—absolutely! I'm really excited, even more than in past years, because actually I have gifts for my friends this year—I have previously only bought presents for family members. Tbh I'd send you a gift too if I knew you irl!!! 🙄)


Taking a deep breath, Kyran retreated from Arion's room and shuffled out into the hallway. He wearily rubbed his eyes and pushed back a few curly locks of maroon colored hair that refused to behave. The young nurse was relieved that Arion seemed to be fine, but all the energy seemed to have been drained out of him, which really wasn't like him. His head swam as he squinted at his shoes. Why am I feeling like this? Is it because of them? But everything's sort of fine...for now... He continued to stare at the floor for a solid five minutes before telling himself to stop being so weak. He took a deep breath, shook off his thoughts, and looked around for a place where he was needed. Being useful would help him to shake off this malaise.

Slipping silently into Hawthorne's room, Kyran glanced nervously at the captain before coming closer, painfully aware of the possibility of disturbing him. God save this poor man. He looked absolutely heartbroken. Kyran had no idea what Hawthorne had gone through, but seeing how he was completely alone, he wasn't going to leave him. There was really nothing he could do for the captain at the moment, so the least he could do was keep him company. Kyran tried to say something, but nothing came out but a small squeak, so he shut his mouth embarrassedly and sat down by Hawthorne's bedside. He found his voice and put his hand over Hawthorne's. Purple magic...why wasn't I born with it? "Hi," he smiled breathlessly. "Would–would you like some tea?" He blurted. Kyran was always good with patients, as he'd been with Juniper when they'd met, but today he'd lost all of his suaveness.


"I absolutely cannot wait. But...guess I have to." Celeste sighed slowly and heavily, looking as if each second away from Arion was eating away at her soul. The strained, tortured tension radiating from her was thicker than pound cake. She was thankful to be alive, but she had barely enough energy to keep herself awake. How was she going to help or comfort Arion in any way in this state? Celeste said nothing, acknowledging Junipers optimistic words with a mute nod. He was right, but she didn't have the heart to say anything about it.

"Adventure? Aww, Juniper...you always see the good in everything." Celeste gave a small, shaky laugh, her expression lightening. Juniper's firm yet gentle touch on her stiff shoulders and back felt immeasurably relaxing, and the way he talked never failed to put her at ease—Celeste was almost tempted to ask him if he had ever been a healer. "You're really something, Juniper. You may have spent your life in the forest, but you're even brighter than many of the Quell I attend the university with. You will always find a way to point the situation skyward even if we're two miles underground." She looked up and met his gaze, her pale blue eyes glimmering faintly the way a Quell's sometimes did. Celeste cupped the side of Juniper's neck and kissed the bridge of his nose, then between his eyebrows, then the center of his forehead, a traditional Quell blessing meant for Quell. But to Celeste, it was just a simple affection.

Celeste laughed again in pure delight. He was the cutest little creature! Her smile was the brightest her face had been in the past few hours. Just a few months ago Celeste, firmly a cat person, wouldn't have dreamed of giving her heart to even the cutest puppy. But striped hyena puppies could also move a heart of stone. As Juniper nuzzled against her, she rubbed his head fondly, returning his affection just as happily. She hugged his soft, warm body to her chest as she wearily rested her head back on the pillow, her eyes fluttering shut after a while. Celeste badly wanted to rest, but the moment her eyes closed, her mind began to replay the last several hours in vivid detail. It always happened after battles, and it was both a blessing and a curse. Now she saw Hawthorne lying motionless in Arion's arms as Arion tried struggled to keep himself on his feet.

I could have done a million things differently. Literally everything would have turned out better—why does everyone suffer every time I make a mistake? The last time, I lost Arion for two years—when he came back his mind was shattered—I fought to get him back and almost lost everything—it can't happen again! Now, again, I didn't look after him as well as I should have. Why? I could have prevented all of this, every single bit of it. Neither Hawthorne nor Arion wouldn't have to be hurt, nor Basil either—she did nothing to deserve this. There is no margin for error. Celeste's mind was racing at a million miles an hour, unchecked. She let out a small sob that had been building up in her chest and hugged Juniper tighter.


Arion laced his long fingers around Basil's small hand, looking up at her in pure adoration through his thick red lashes. As she touched his cheek, he continued to gaze up at her as if it would keep him alive. He was awfully disoriented, but his brain was starting to fight off the powerful sedatives they'd pumped into his veins. His fine features still seemed strangely emaciated, but his golden eyes, fixed intently on her, were just as full of light as they had been on the day they met. Basil looked so small and precious and happy after all that she had gone through, he momentarily forgot everything he was supposed to be worrying about. Nothing felt better than seeing her eyes sparkle like that again. The way she smiled at him so blushingly melted his heart. Even the pain lodged in his chest that rattled with each breath he took seemed to be no better than a minor complaint. Arion had an all-or-nothing behavior—an unfortunate attribute to his recklessness. Now, he was sure he belonged to her.

The doctor peered at Basil appreciatively. "Ma'am! Are you the mother of this young man? I have nothing but respect for you—and a glimmer of hope for this fool." The doctor turned to Arion and pointed one slender, exasperated finger at him. "Absolutely unmanageable!" He declared, with a sniff. It really was hard to tell whether he was joking or not. Basil very clearly looked younger than Arion—he was nearly five years her senior. In addition, he would have recognized the one and only Basil Maonaigh by now. At any rate, it was far too accurate as a joke.
Arion coughed, his chest heaving painfully as he clutched Basil's fingers. "Thanks. You're the best."
"You better listen to the madam. It's more worthwhile to dissect an buffalo with a pair of forceps than to circumnavigate a determined woman." The doctor snipped.
Arion gave a wheezing laugh, tears in his eyes. "For ғ's sake, doc! You haven't changed at all."
The surgeon shrugged and sipped a glass of Italian soda that had previously not existed until now with a lift of his eyebrows. "Mhmm, and you're a freaking chameleon. You try so hard to be the best at everything you do—from sawing out melodies on a violin to your breakneck daredevil gymnastics. Ma'am," he turned his pointed gaze on Basil, "You'll do well to make sure your son stays off bars, beams, and ladders until he's in perfect condition, or be prepared to drag him back here." He clipped every word sharply. Arion sighed through his nose and rolled his eyes back to stare at the ceiling.

Arion's eyes fluttered shut as Basil kissed his cheek, an expression of contentment playing over his features. He brought Basil's hand up to his face and rested his cheek against it, looking up at her. "Basil, are you okay? I thought I saw you fighting, or maybe it was a dream..." he whispered, looking rather unsure of himself. Suddenly his eyes snapped open, the old worried expression flooding back into his face. "Where's Hawthorne? And Celeste? Oh god, I know she's not okay—I need to see her!" Seized by a wild panic, Arion suddenly let go of Basil's hand and desperately attempted to sit up. This only resulted in him immediately falling back down in renewed pain, as if he were struck by an invisible hand.


Once Lyra was securely enthroned on the wooden chair, Endymion retreated to the edge of the gathering, being one of the few Howlers that had stayed in their human forms. His expression remained unaffected throughout Lyra's entire speech, even at the shocked reaction of the entire village at the information of his newly appointed position. His arms remained relaxed at his sides, his posture graceful and his face calmly indifferent as ever, as if Lyra had made a speculation about tomorrow's weather. He drummed his fingertips against his leg and waited patiently.

Almost immediately, some of the few Howlers who were his relatively constant companions gathered at his side, bombarding him with impatient comments. A fox shifted into a short, muscular teenage boy with dirty blond hair and grabbed his shoulder, glaring up at him. "How could she even appoint, let alone stand a second alpha?" He demanded.
"Damn!—is she okay?"
"I did NOT see that coming—well maybe I sort of did."
"That's kind of sweet, but almost everyone hates or fears you. Good luck with that, man."
Endymion scowled deeply and stormed to the other side of the crowd, where mostly older Howlers were gathered. Some gave him cautious, fearful glances, others threw appreciative looks, and the rest ignored him.

His expression went from indifferent to disgusted as Lyra informed the pack of the new human threat. If they'd turned into such panicky lightweights so quickly, it was a blessing from Heaven that peace had been made with the ferocious Quell, or they'd all be doomed. Endymion hadn't shown even a vestige of unease when Miri informed him of the danger. He kept his eyes on Lyra, ready to assist her instantly if need be. The restlessness and confusion seemed to be taking a toll on her, but she wasn't completely helpless. As she finished her speech, the noise level of the plaza swelled instantly as the whole village erupted in cheers and shouts. Each Howler immediately turned to his neighbor and began to talk, dinner nearly forgotten. Amid the confusion, Endymion shoved his way through the crowd to Lyra, for the moment neither hindered nor observed. He stopped inches from her seat and held out his hands. He was silent, but there was a quiet approval and respect in his body language.


"Ugggghhhhh! You went hunting AND gathering without me?!" Miri threw up her arms in mock anger. "Whatever. I was cooking, cleaning, brewing, and grilling ever since I got up. I only set foot into the forest once in the morning! Been a while since I've stayed about the house all day long." She plucked absentmindedly at the gems knotted on the leather cord around her neck as she listened to him. One of them glinted evilly in the light of the sunset as she touched it.
"Really? That's too bad. The hunting is usually pretty consistent." She commented. "Smashing! Honey trees are blessings from Mother Nature." Miri let out a clear, delighted giggle. "I'd love that! Actually, I want to go with you, how about that?"

Miri laughed again, her nose scrunching like a kitten's. "They are!" She waved her half-eaten cookie, "It's just that your cookies have this firm yet crumbly texture, see? It's special! The last time I felt anything like it, I was digging for earthworms!" She broke into another fit of giggles, too busy laughing to dodge Gilly's good natured shove. "Hey!" Miri pushed him back just as cheerfully, stumbling forward just a bit.

"Ah, poor, poor Juniper! Too bad he got enchanted by a Quell. Then again, she really was beautiful." Miri sighed. Before last night, Miri had only caught a glimpse of Celeste, on the battlefield. "I have to say, I'm gonna miss him. He was so sweet and gentle." Miri said quietly to Gilly, so only he could hear. She knew that the two boys had been very close, so she felt comfortable to say so. She sat down, with her elbows on her knees, and turned her attention back to Lyra. As she announced her appointment of Endymion as the second alpha, Miri raised her eyebrows and took another bite of her cookie. "Yikes. He's gonna have fun." She commented, brushing crumbs from her fingertips.

As Lyra moved on and broke the news of the human chemical threat, Miri closed her eyes and buried her hands in her choppy brown hair. She remembered seeing—and smelling—the monstrous metal contraptions that morning. But what had really alarmed her was the horribly acrid stench that accompanied them, poisoning the fresh air of the forest. She could see them again, gathered around the waterfall that was a heavily guarded entrance of Solodin, like a group of hunters cornering a wounded animal. It was sickening. She jumped to her feet, tearing her hands through her hair. "Argh! If we Howlers are able to coexist peacefully with the earth, then why it so hard for humans to do the same? Are they this ignorant and shortsighted and selfish, or are they just so evil that they were going to feed off the earth like a parasite?"
Last edited by AquilaFuga on Wed Jan 02, 2019 5:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:39 pm

(( Yeah I did really well on all of them, thankfully! :D And that's so cool that you bought gifts for everyone! I think that's so sweet!! <3 lol If we did know each other irl, I bet it'd be a lot of fun to exchange Christmas gifts! 🙃 ))


Hawthorne lay on the bed unmoving, staring up at the hospital room's white ceiling. His usually vibrant green eyes held a deep sorrow in them as his thoughts wandered to his sister and Arion. Fragments of foggy memories surfaced in his shattered mind; that stupid smirk Arion always had whenever he was posing for a picture. How he'd always clap the captain on the back after they'd survived a battle. The cute little habit Basil had of crinkling up her nose when she laughed. The way she used to hide behind his legs when she was younger, tugging on his scarlet colored cape. Hawthorne would never forget how tiny and skittish Basil had been when she was a child. All his life, Hawthorne had done everything he could to make her feel safe and protected. Despite everything that had happened, he still loved her more than anything in the world and wanted to keep her safe, but the captain hadn't realized that she no longer needed protection from him. Basil had grown from a child frightened of her own shadow to a young woman who would fearlessly destroy any obstacle in her way to protect the people she loved. Back in the forest, Hawthorne had seen the way his little sister had so fiercely protected Arion from being injured by Reed's dagger. Basil had caught the steel blade in mid-air, crushing it as if had been nothing more than tissue paper. And Hawthorne had also seen how she had obliterated those human's machines- in a matter of seconds she had twisted the horrifying machines into a hauntingly beautiful metal sculpture.

Hawthorne had never known that his little sister was capable of such things like that before, as such precise control over metal was a very rare talent among Quell with earth magic. Earth Quell lucky enough to have control over magic often trained for decades to successfully master their talent, yet Basil had been able to stop a dagger hurling through the air in the blink of an eye.

In all honesty, Hawthorne was quite flabbergasted that his sister had even been able to do something like that with her earth magic. He had always believed that she had been one of the unfortunate Quell who had weak magic. Even after years of tutoring, Basil had always struggled with her nature magic- even as a young adult, she could barely summon a harmless daisy on command.

Hawthorne had foolishly believed that his sister was next to powerless and would always need his brotherly protection, but he realized now that Basil didn't need someone to protect her. Perhaps she couldn't summon a few flowers, but she could easily rip apart a building by it's metal infrastructure if she wanted to or render nearly all metal weapons useless. Hawthorne felt as if a hole had been kicked into his chest as he realized that Basil certainly didn't need her big brother around to protect her anymore. She wasn't that frightened little girl who hid in the folds of his cloak anymore. Basil deserved to be treated like the independent young woman she had grown into- yet, Hawthorne had realized this far too late.

The captain swallowed hard, fighting back a strangled sob as he screwed his eyes shut in mental agony. He had been a fool to drive away both his best friend and his only family in one day. Hawthorne desperately wanted to find Basil and Arion so he could apologize for how he had inadvertently hurt them both. All he could do was beg their forgiveness and hope that they'd forgive him with time. Hawthorne had to get to them before it was too late, yet... he couldn't even manage to sit up on his own at the moment. How was he supposed to go and find the couple like this? They could have been anywhere in Solodin by now.

The captain's eyes fluttered open slowly and he squinted up at the far too bright hospital lights. He swore he could hear the faint sound of his sister's voice, though he dismissed it as just one of the fuzzy phantasms running through his brain. As someone walked into the room, Hawthorne's gaze snapped to the newcomer, hoping for a moment that it might be his sister, but the turned out to be a nurse he vaguely recognized. Any other day, he might have been able to recall Kyran's name, but Hawthorne was so disoriented from the painkillers surging through his veins that he was lucky to be able to recall even his own name.

" H-hi..." The captain wheezed breathlessly in greeting. He attempted to shift a bit so he could see Kyran better, but quickly gave up as a sharp stab of pain made stars appear before his eyes. Once the pain had subsided, Hawthorne looked over at Kyran and was pleasantly surprised as the nurse sat down beside his bedside. It lifted his spirits slightly to know that the young nurse cared enough to keep him company. A tiny smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he looked over to Kyran, " Tea?" The captain murmured hoarsely, cracking a dry smile." Whisky would be better" He murmured with a faint amusement in his eyes " But I'll take earl grey if you have it." Hawthorne wanted to push himself up a bit, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to regain control of his limbs. They seemed to weigh more than steel bars as he lay helplessly on the bed.


Juniper saw how Celeste's expression changed, knowing she was blaming herself for what had happened. It pained him to see how shaken she was from by being away from her injured brother. He desperately wished there was some way to bring them together, but Celeste still seemed too ill to be moved just yet. Juniper very gently rubbed Celeste's back, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek. "Darling, I'm sure you'll be well enough to see him soon" He said gently, trying his best to reassure her. Juniper hated feeling so powerless to help Celeste. Desperately, he wished he could just do or say something that might help cheer her up.

A faint, but hopeful sparkle returned to the young Howlers eyes as Celeste laughed a bit. " Of course!" He said optimistically, giving a warm chuckle " I know everyday with you will be a marvelous adventure, Bunny. Together, we'll explore everywhere and read every single book in the Solodin library and cook both Howler and Quell dishes until we're both wrinkly and old!" Juniper beamed crookedly at Celeste, his bright purple eyes holding a familiar mischevious sparkle. " It'll be a lot of fun to do it all together, don't you think?"

It warmed Juniper's heart to see how Celeste seemed to relax from his gentle touch and soothing words. Nothing made him happier than seeing his beloved Celeste looking happy- the joyous sparkle in her gorgeous blue eyes never failed to make him feel lighter than hair. Juniper smiled at Celeste, feeling as if his heart would burst from pure joy. " Really? A scruffy Howler like me, brighter than an educated Quell? Impossible!" He chuckled warmly, beaming at her with a crooked smile. Something about his cheeky grin showed that he knew he wasn't just a "stupid" Howler. Juniper had always read every single book he could get his hands on and he loved learning new information. He knew that he had at least some intelligence, even if he had very little formal education. Though, obviously Juniper wasn't conceited about having a bright mind, he was simply grateful that he had someone as intelligent as Celeste to learn from. He had never met anyone quite like Celeste before. It was wonderful to meet someone who loved to learn new things just as much as, or perhaps even more than, he did. From their first meeting, Juniper had been awestruck by how clever Celeste was and how well she could hold a conversation. Juniper had always been told that Quell were little more than dull, mindless killing machines, but Celeste had shown him that Quell were so much more than that. Perhaps they had very different cultures and looked a little different, the two races were essentially the same in the way they needed the same basic things like love and affection.

Though he didn't quite understand the significance of Celeste's Quell blessing, Juniper rather liked her affectionate little kisses. A faint blush crossed Juniper's cheeks as he smiled over at her. Very gently, he leaned a little closer to her and pressed a gentle kiss to her soft, pink lips. He had kissed Celeste before, but Juniper knew that he'd never tire of the way it made his heart race and his cheeks grow warm.

His tail wagging happily at Celeste's laughter, the little pup gave a joyous little 'yip!' and nuzzled closer to her. He was very mindful of her wounds as he snuggled into her cozy embrace, careful not to accidently hurt her. A pleased rumbling sound escaped the pup's tiny body, melting from Celeste's affectionate head rubs and the comforting warmth of her chest. After the hectic past few days, it felt heavenly just to relax for a while like this. For several moments, Juniper felt quite content to stay in Celeste's warm hug, happy that she was able to relax for a moment.

The little pup nearly let out a surprised squeak as Celeste suddenly tensed and squeezed his furry body painfully tight to her chest. Juniper felt shattered to his core as he heard her miserable sob. Giving a tiny whimper, he wiggled a bit closer to Celeste and gave her cheek a slobbery lick. With a little huff, the pup nipped Celeste's sleeve - careful not to bite her accidentally- and gave her sleeve at light tug to get her attention. Moving so he wasn't on top of her, Juniper shifted into his human form before wrapping his strong, lean arms around Celeste in a comforting embrace. " Bunny, it'll be alright." He murmured gently, kissing her forehead, " Just let it all out, okay? I'm here for you, darling." Juniper hugged her to his chest and stroked her beautiful pastel-colored hair gently.


With her pulse racing in her chest, Basil shyly met his breathtaking golden-eyed gaze for a moment before shyly looking away from his face and to their intertwined hands. Her cheeks flushed bright pink as she watched Arion laced his long, lithe fingers through her much smaller ones. Basil absolutely loved his shapely hands and thought they were quite attractive despite being bruised and lined with scars. She adored the way her delicate hand fit so wonderfully in his and the gentle way he always held her hand, as if it were made of porcelain. To her, Arion's hands were perfect in everyway, just like the rest of him. A little bashful smile tugged at the corners of Basil's plump lips as she delicately ran her thumb across the back of Arion's hand.

As the doctor spoke, Basil tore her gaze away from Arion and looked over to the doctor." His mother?" Basil repeated, her emerald eyes shimmering with faint amusement. Her plump lips twitched a bit as she tried not to chuckle at the Doctor's apparent mistake. " No, I'm most certainly not Arion's mother. I'm his girlfriend" She said without any hesitance, looking to the doctor with a small, but friendly smile. " I don't believe we've meet before, doctor. My name is Basil Maonaigh. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir" She introduced herself politely before looking back to Arion, smiling at him with that same amused sparkle in her eyes as before. Basil was still quite painfully shy when it came to talking to anyone but Arion and a few close friends, but she seemed to be quite relaxed being around the doctor, simply because she was completely focused on worrying about Arion at the moment. Nothing else seemed to matter whenever she was around him. Happily, Basil would have spent hours just chatting with Arion and letting herself get lost in those breath taking eyes of his.

O-oh my goodness, how is he so handsome? It's almost not fair!, she wondered, blushing like mad at her silly thought. Basil felt much like a school-girl who was holding hands with her crush for the very first time. She was quite convinced that she'd never get used to Arion's gentle affections and the way he treated her like a Queen. Blushing madly, she couldn't help but smile down at Arion as he rested his cheek in her petite hand, " Of course I'm okay, darling." She said gently, tracing her fingers lightly through his hair to soothe him. As Arion pulled away from her and tried to sit up in panic, a slight nervous squeak escaped Basil's lips. " Arion! Please!" She said worriedly, putting her hand on his shoulder to keep him from trying to sit up, " You need to rest a bit longer, darling. " Basil looked to Arion with a frown, her bright eyes clearly giving away her concern. She was worried about him and terrified that he was going to injure himself beyond repair. Giving a slight huff, Basil looked to Arion and crossed her arms over her chest. " So help me, Arion, I will tie you to this bed by your ankles if you so much as move a single muscle to get up." She meant every word, determined to make sure Arion got enough rest so he could heal. Basil's expression softened a bit more as she leaned closer to Arion and pressed a kiss to his cheek. " I'll go check on Celeste if you like?" She offered, knowing how much Arion wanted to check up on his sister.


Lyra allowed herself a small breath of relief as she finished her small speech, her expression never wavering for a moment, even as the villagers erupted into cheers and shouts. Seemingly unfazed, her gaze wandered across the crowd in hopes of spotting Endymion somewhere amongst their familiar packmates. Something in her gut screamed that something was wrong as if there was something she had failed to calculate in her plan for the Howler tribe. Had she made a mistake by appointing Endymion as male alpha? Worries plagued her mind, though the only hint of her self-doubt was in the way her hands shook ever so slightly. All of the rowdiness amongst the crowd seemed to be taking a toll on the usually imperturbable alpha.

As Endymion silently walked up onto the platform, Lyra looked to him and her worries seemed to fade away for a brief moment. His unspoken steadfastness was something she found herself depending on, especially with all of the chaos and excited shouting in the village. With the slightest of smiles and a grateful look in her tired eyes, the blonde she-Howler took Endymion's hands in her own. Her lightly tanned hands were undeniably strong from years of hard work, yet they weren't rough in any way as she liked to use lovely scented oils to moisturize with. Her fingers were very lean and long, with perfectly tapered, almond-shaped nails that were quite akin to her dangerously sharp wolf claws. With one flick of her wrist, she could easily cause a nasty scrape with her fingernails that deep enough to make someone bleed, yet not fatal like her claws were. Though obviously, Lyra would never dream of hurting Endymion and she certainly wasn't foolish enough to accidentally nick him with her fingernails as they were hand-in-hand.

" Endymion, " Lyra murmured, just so he could hear, " Thank you...". She smiled up at him for a moment before her expression returned to it's usual slightly stoical look. She couldn't risk letting her emotions get out of hand once again, not here in front of the entire village. " Would you help me to stand?" Lyra asked quietly, though confident in her abilities " I can walk if you let me lean on you." Using Endymion for support, the blonde she-Howler stood, placing her full weight on her good leg. Pain shot up her injured let as she shifted ever so slightly, a white-hot pain running from her ankle to her hip. Dark spots danced in her vision, but she was fully determined that she would walk the few steps across the platform. Pure stubbornness and determination kept her from passing out on top of Endymion.


" Well, I'm sorry! I didn't know you wanted to come with me" Gilly gave a warm laugh at Miri's feigned anger, his bright hazel eyes sparkling with merriment. " In all fairness, I did come by your hut earlier to check, but I guess you were busy or somethin' and didn't hear my shout. Ah well, I guess there's always tomorrow!" He chirped sunnily. With a warm chuckle, the gangly teen leaned back on the sawn-off tree stump he was using for a chair, stretching out before putting his hands behind his head. " I'd love for ya to come with me to find that tree! It'll be a lot of fun and together we'll get twice as much honey" He remarked in his usual sunny manner. Ever the optimist, Gilly was sure they'd enjoy spending the afternoon in pursuit of delicious honey. He always loved hanging out with Miri and pretty much anyone who could stand his constant chatter and occasionally annoying over-friendliness.

As Miri waved her cookie in the air and giggled at his attempts at cooking baking, Gilly couldn't help but laugh along with her. Falling into a fit of warm, rumbling laughter, the young deer Howler nodded in agreement at her comparison, " Maybe they do look a little bit like dirt clods, but at least they don't taste like it!" He protested good naturedly, his eyes twinkling madly. " Remember my first batch of brownies? I'm fairly certain those did have potting soil in them!" Letting Miri shove him back, the young Howler gave a bubbly laugh and happily dug into another one of the honey-almond cookies.

Gilly's cheerful expression turned to a slightly melancholy as Miri mentioned Juniper. The two of them had been as close as brothers for a long time and it was apparent that Gilly missed his best friend, yet he was still happy for Juniper in a strange sort of way. " Yeah, I'm gonna miss him too. He was a good guy, ya know?" He said quietly, giving a soft sigh " I hope he's happier where he's at now." Gilly looked to Miri hesitantly, lowing his voice a bit more, " You don't think he's really dead, do you? I mean.... I can't help but wonder...." The dark-haired Howler shook his head in disbelief. Gilly was quite shocked as Lyra announced that she was appointing Endymion as their second leader, but her next piece of news quickly made him forget all about his slight mistrust of Endymion.

Gilly tensed as Lyra mentioned the human threat, his gaze flickering with both fear and anger. As a healer's apprentice, he had seen first-hand what the human's noxious chemicals could do. They were slow, but sure killers. The disgusting chemicals poisoned Howlers, leaving them agonizing pain for days before their bodies simply gave out. The most frightening part was that the Howlers had no cure for the poison and could only ease the pain as Howlers lay on their death bed. Only Quell healing magic could seem to combat the human's poison and even then, it took a great deal of magic to heal someone affected by the poison. Gilly scowled angrily, not paying attention to Lyra's speech anymore. " Filthy humans, those beasts are killing themselves along with every living thing here on earth!" He spat angrily, jumping to his feet as well. " I say we drive them away from our forest and back into those disgusting cities of filth they live in! Let them poison themselves until there's not a one left" Gilly was normally a very peaceful young Howler, but he knew what monsters humans could be. He was certainly going to join the fight to stop the humans from invading their forest.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Sun Feb 03, 2019 6:15 pm

(Yeah it would! Sorry for the hideously long wait 🤧 School and the tournament season both have me by the throat, but I'm doing my best! Thanks for your patience!)


"It's okay. I'm here for you," Kyran reassured Hawthorne earnestly, gently taking the captain's stiff, rugged hands in his own soft, warm ones. His dark skin was smoother than the inside of a chocolate truffle and twice as warm. His quick eyes scanned all the equipment, making sure that everything was still functioning. He hated seeing Hawthorne in so much pain, but at least he was awake from his coma. Maybe it wasn't the best thing for someone as soft hearted and empathetic as Kyran to work in the hospital, but he sincerely cared about every single patient that ever came his way. Now the only thing he was focused on doing now was to drive that bleak, hopeless look out of those green eyes.

"Whiskey?" He chuckled, "I think our wide selection will change your mind quickly." He grinned. The hospital food broke all stereotypes; its menu of comfort food was deliciously exquisite. "Anyhow," the nurse continued brightly, "A nice cup of double creme earl grey will make you feel miles better than any anything else can." He smiled again, lovingly rubbing his thumb over Hawthorne's knuckles. If touch could heal, Hawthorne would have made a complete recovery by now. Without rising from his seat, Kyran turned and happily selected some items from the floating screen to his left. Within moments, a steaming cup of fragrant earl grey complete with a straw rose out of a cubby right by the bedside. The familiar fragrance that wafted through the room was tinged with subtle notes of a elusive scent not unlike a healing potion. Carefully placing the straw by the captain's mouth, he gently cupped the side of Hawthorne's head. "Does that feel better?"


"I really hope so. It's my fault this happened to him. But, I have to believe he's going to be okay." Celeste said softly, suddenly feeling very soporific. Her head drooped and suddenly the blue veins in her neck and eyelids grew livid, as if they wanted to burst out from under her skin. "I…guess I'll just have to stay put for now." There was something she was supposed to be worried about, but she couldn't quite remember. Or maybe it was just the weariness. Celeste reached up and rubbed her palms against her bruised eyes, trying to shake it off.

Her eyes softened at Juniper's warm happy prospect of their future. "That's a future I wouldn't mind to have," she agreed. She shook her head gently and smiled up at him. "Aww, Juniper...you sound so happy." She pressed his hand fondly, her soft, fine features glowing slightly. Truthfully, Celeste was grasping less and less of what Juniper was saying as she became more and more unfocused, but what she was able to comprehend sounded lovely. Under other circumstances, Celeste would have responded in a much more enthusiastic manner to Juniper's cheerful words. That was exactly the future she dreamed about as a child, and it all was coming true. She should have been excited beyond words. Such quiet indifference was markedly strange. Celeste gradually slumped back on the pillows, her expression a little dazed. Juniper was talking happily, something about his being a scruffy Howler? Celeste was a little confused, but she loved the sound of his voice. It was a reminder that she wasn't alone.

She squeezed his hand languidly as he kissed her, not having the energy to pull him closer or even kiss back. Juniper was so close, she could feel the warmth radiating from his face onto her cold skin. It was a nice feeling, like stepping out into the sun after it rained. It was almost enough to wake her up. "I'm sorry, darling, what were you saying earlier? I…I didn't hear you very well," Celeste admitted faintly, looking up at him dazedly.

Celeste's eyes fluttered shut as she allowed herself to melt into Juniper's secure hug, not even noticing that he'd shifted out of his puppy form. She drew a slow breath, her panic swamped by a thick blanket of drowsiness. "I feel really fuzzy. Like the poison—I thought it was all gone."


Arion's eyes glimmered happily as Basil referred to herself as his girlfriend. Okay, this was the kind of validation he lived for. He watched her fondly, his gaze lingering on her deliciously plump lips. To be honest, he really hadn't been sure what she made of their relationship, although it was clear he'd already fallen hard for her. "Mhmm, can you believe how lucky I am, doc?" Arion gave a wide, cheesy grin that contrasted starkly with the tired lines creasing his face and the dark circles painted under his eyes.

The doctor arched an eyebrow, eyeing the couple critically for just a moment before his features returned to their normal cool expression. It wasn't a secret that Arion was a major player who went through new girl nearly every week and slept around all the time. He was never unfaithful, but his history with other girls was not exactly reputable. The doctor found himself almost feeling sorry for Basil. But he didn't say anything. Instead, he turned and smiled pleasantly at her. "Basil Maonaigh? Solodin's Most Beloved? Yes, I know you." He nodded. "Call me Nero."

Arion immediately regretted his rash movement. A sharp flare of pain ripped through his chest, forcing a ragged gasp out of him. Dark, blurry spots swarmed his vision as he became painfully aware of the sound of his own horrid, raspy breathing. As he coughed and trembled, the doctor grasped his shoulders to keep his body from convulsing, his hands glowing purple. Arion's coughing fit slowly dwindled to a hoarse, wheezing sort of breathing that rattled his ribcage. The healing magic worked quickly, but it barely managed to pull him back. His whole body shuddering, Arion dropped his head back. His eyes squeezed shut with agony as his lungs crumpled to the size of a gumdrop.
"Stay still or you'll never move again." Nero said pointedly, still gripping the wounded Quell's shoulders. Arion's impulsiveness never failed to exasperate him, but now his health was at stake, and still the brainless redhead showed no sign of curbing his stupidity.
Arion wheezed painfully, his head still tilted back. Yellow spots danced before his eyes as he twisted the crinkled and sweaty sheets, his teeth leaving bloody marks on his lower lip.

"Go to sleep." Nero put a finger to Arion's temple. He was one of the few healers who possessed the rare ability to make a patient fall asleep on command. Arion was out cold the moment the words were out of Nero's mouth. Even as he slept, his face was still tight and his expression strained, as if he were still in pain. His skin was covered with a cold sheen of sweat.

Nero sagged wearily, suddenly looking much older than he was. It was a small wonder, as he'd been dealing with Arion. "Miss Basil, it would do you well to leave the room for now," he said crisply. "He will be like this for a while." With a flick of one slender finger, Nero pulled up a floating, translucent screen and selected a contact. "The Teakeeper" appeared at the top of the screen as he proceeded to type a quick message. Nero gave Arion's limp body one exasperated but worried glance before hitting send.


Grasping Lyra's hands firmly, Endymion slowly pulled her to her feet and secured an arm around her waist. "I understand you want to walk. But with all due respect, Lyra, it is my belief that you should try to walk again after you can put any weight on your other leg." He said quietly. Lyra looked like she was going to pass out, but was simply too stubborn give in. After quickly tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, he lifted and secured her in the same way he had earlier. His movements were a little slower as he could feel the tight, hot tension radiating off of her. He quitted the platform and strode back to Lyra's hut, moving slowly and gently. The careful, precise way he walked made it seem like he was treading on the air an inch above the ground. For the first time, no one took any notice of them as he glided past the crowd away from the agora.

Pushing open the door of the large hut, Endymion stooped a little to admit both of them. He gently settled Lyra back on her sleeping mat, carefully holding up her wounded leg just a moment longer. "They are getting restless. You're the only one they will ever heed." He settled opposite her, fingers laced. Not a single line of his face betrayed any emotion he might have been feeling. "Are you hungry? I will get you something to eat."


"Yeah, we can go anytime! It will be a lovely afternoon," Miri agreed casually. Her midnight blue eyes glimmered with good humor. "Things are always under good order in the household. I don't have any reasons for not going."

"No one had any valid reasons for disliking him. Yeah," she sighed quietly, "he deserves to be happy wherever he is now." Miri agreed softly. She wondered how Gilly could remain so calm even after seeing his dying best friend being snatched away by one of the cruelest Quell warriors, no doubt to his death. Juniper really didn't deserve any of it, but it was his own fault, falling for some Quell and valuing a beautiful stranger above his own family. Miri didn't say that aloud, though. She only felt a twinge of regret for him. Her doubtful gaze flickered over Gilly, "Wh…what do you mean?" She was pretty certain Juniper was dead. Seeing how he had defied Lyra and that their last glimpse of him had been his unconscious body slung over Arion's broad shoulders, Juniper was good as dead. But Miri knew better than to doubt Gilly's gut feelings. "I really don't know," was her only reply.

Miri rubbed her temples with her palms in anguish. "I'm going tomorrow," she decided, her eyes flashing resolutely. She looked around the seething crowd, familiar faces mingling, the noise blurring the air. No one seemed to have an appetite, not with the the bad news gnawing at their stomachs. She glanced around, then suddenly dodged under a large heavy arm and streaked out of the plaza.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Sat Mar 02, 2019 4:10 pm

(( No worries! ❤️ I completely understand! Honestly, I don’t mind waiting at all! So please don’t stress over replying quickly! ^.^ lol Your replies are always worth waiting a bit for anyway! I always really look forward to reading what you’ve written XD And on a completely different note, OMG I TRIED CREME EARL GREY FROM A LOCAL COFFEE HOUSE AND I LOVED IT!! 😍 lol I didn’t know this was what I needed in my life rn XD I haven’t been feeling well lately and drinking it seemed to help lol))


Hawthorne smiled just a bit as Kyran rubbed his hands, his heart warmed just a tiny bit by the caring gesture. A small smile tugged at his dry, cracked lips. “ Thank you,” He murmured gratefully. It was obvious that Kyran’s kindness meant more to Hawthorne than he could really say. Despite his gruff exterior, the captain truly did have a very soft heart. He truly appreciated that Kyran was staying by his side instead of leaving him alone in pain and miserable.

As Kyran continued to rub his calloused hands a bit, Hawthorne felt himself relax a bit more. His entire body ached with a dull pain, though it was almost comforting in a way. Feeling the pain meant that he was alive and was slowly healing. Hawthorne honestly believed that it was far better to be in a bit of pain than to feel nothing but the strange numbness he had experienced before. Though- he was quickly reconsidering his philosophy as he fell into a agonizing coughing fit. The captain’s muscular frame shook hard enough to shake the bed as he coughed and wheezed until he could manage to take a few breaths. Exhausted, Hawthorne laid his head back onto the pillow and shut his tired eyes for a moment.

As Kyran praised the hospital cuisine, the young earth Quell couldn’t help but crack a small smile. “ Yeah, the food here at the hospital really is excellent. The vegan alfredo is almost good enough to make up for being injured!” Hawthorne joked lightly, giving a warm chuckle as he looked to Kyran. The captain’s eyes usually vibrant green eyes where still quite glazed and hopeless, though slowly, a faint hint of life was beginning to return to his chiseled face.

Hawthorne smiled to himself a bit more as he caught the heavenly scent of earl grey filled the tiny hospital room. Somehow, it made being stuck bed-ridden in the hospital just a bit more bearable. “Thanks, Kyran” Hawthorne murmured, taking a long sip of the fragrant tea before resting his head back. He wanted to grasp ahold of the cup for himself, yet he didn’t seem to be able to use his limbs properly just yet thanks to Rocket’s poison dagger. He was afraid of dropping the cup and spilling hot tea everywhere. Hawthorne despised feeling so helpless, yet he knew enough not to push himself too far. He had to get well so that he could find Basil and Arion; he’d never forgive himself if he didn’t have the chance to apologize for what he had done.


" Darling, what happened wasn't your fault at all," Juniper assured her, running his calloused thumb against the back of Celeste's soft hand. " You shouldn't blame yourself for it. Besides, it's all in the past now. You have to focus on getting better, honey bunny. " He said softly, pressing an affectionate kiss to her forehead. As Juniper noticed how distant and ill Celeste looked, his heart began racing in his chest as he began to fear the worst. “ Celeste?” He murmured worriedly, cupping his hand to her cheek, “ Darling, just rest awhile, okay?” The young Howler’s tone gave away his fear despite his attempts to remain cheerful. It scared him to see how suddenly Celeste had grown weak and dazed. He knew very little about Quell poisons, but Juniper knew that Celeste’s condition was most likely serious. He had to get a healer or a nurse before it was too late to save her. Furrowing his eyebrows together, Juniper studied the screen beside the bed until he found a red call button for a nurse. Careful that he didn’t disturb Celeste, he shifted over and pressed the button in hopes that a healer would come quickly. Juniper was scared for his precious Celeste and he was unable to do anything to help her. All he could do at the moment was stay by her side to comfort her.

Very gently, Juniper pressed an affectionate kiss to Celeste’s forehead and squeezed her hand with the utmost care. “ Darling, we’ll have a wonderful future together.” He promised softly, “ You and I’ll spend the rest of our lives snuggling and going on adventures and reading books and cooking Howler/Quell dishes together.” Juniper smiled down at Celeste with a deep, undeniable fondness in his eyes, very carefully brushing a lock of cotton-candy colored hair from her face. “ I love you so much, bunny. From the moment I saw you in the library, I knew that my heart belonged to you.” With a tiny smile tugging at his lips, the young Howler rubbed Celeste’s hands as he tried to bring a little bit of warmth back into them. His chest felt painfully tight from worry, though deep down he knew that Celeste would be able to fight the poison in her system. She was, without a doubt, the strongest will of any person the young Howler had ever met.


Basil hadn’t shown any hesitation to call herself Arion’s girlfriend- after all they had already started dating and had even kissed a few times before. Obviously, the two of them were more than just close friends or acquaintances. It wasn't hard to see that Arion and Basil loved each other simply by the way they acted when they were together. It was rather sweet how the couple almost behaved like lovesick teenagers as they held hands and stole loving glances at each other before shyly looking away.

Basil felt her cheeks grow warm as she smiled back at Arion, resisting the urge to laugh at his dorky grin. Her emerald eyes shone brightly as she gave his hand a gentle, loving squeeze. “Ha! You’ve got it all backwards, darling. I’m the lucky one to have you” She declared with a bubbly giggle. Leaning over closer to the bed, Basil very gently kissed Arion’s perfectly chiseled jaw. The cheeky grin plastered on his face made Basil’s heart pound just a little faster, giving her a glimmer of hope that he would survive after being so severely wounded.

A tiny frown pulled at Basil’s plump lips as she doctor looked the couple over with an analytical, almost disapproving expression. She didn't appreciate how he eyed them like that, though out of politeness she didn't say anything about it. Nero could have whatever opinion he wanted to have about Arion's reputation with women. Basil, of course, had heard about Arion’s various girlfriends and such from the gossip columns in the Solodin magazines. The papers always loved to spread juicy stories about all of the famous Quell around the city, especially when they were handsome and wealthy like Arion. Basil had, of course, read a few of those gossip columns before, but she knew that most of the stories had been embellished quite a bit or where half-truths at the most. Even if the things she had read were true, it didn’t really matter to her if he had a reputation for being a player or not. As long as he still treated her the way she felt like she should be treated, Basil was quite happy being in a relationship with Arion.

“ Solodin’s Most Beloved? Oh no, you must be thinking of my brother. Captain Maonaigh ” Basil said, her chest suddenly aching painfully as she mentioned her brother's name. She still believed that Hawthorne was dead and that his death was entirely her fault. Grief weighed heavy on her shoulders, yet, Basil couldn't bring herself to cry anymore. She felt so worn out both physically and emotionally from everything that had happened that she simply had no tears left to weep. The young earth Quell smiled a tiny bit at the doctor as he introduced himself, her smile not quite reaching her eyes “ It is a pleasure to meet you, Nero.” She said politely before glancing back down at Arion.

Though Arion seemed to be slowly getting better, Basil couldn’t help but notice how tired her beloved Arion was. It frightened her quite a bit to see him looking like a half-dead corpse. As he suddenly sat up and gasped for air, Basil's eyes widened in fear. " Arion!" She cried, biting her lip so hard that it began to bleed. Oh why did men have to be so stubborn and foolish sometimes? Did he not know how injured he was?! Basil thought, on the verge of panicking. Helplessly, the young earth Quell could do nothing but watch as Arion struggled to take a few wheezing breaths and as the Nero began to heal him. Even though she knew it wouldn't help anything, Basil held Arion's hand delicately the entire time, even as the doctor forced him to go to sleep.

Quietly, Basil looked up as the doctor spoke to her, momentarily snapping out of her anxious thoughts. " I'm going to stay with him" She said decisively, leaving no room for debate. " Though, could you possibly have a message sent to the Quell Guard headquarters please? Someone... someone will need to take my brother's place in leading the guard." Basil fell quiet once more, turning her attention back to Arion. It almost physically pained her to see her beloved Arion in so much agony, even as he slept." You have to get well soon, Darling. You promised me another coffee date, remember?" She murmured softly, pressing a gentle little kiss to his fingers. A soft yawn escaped her lips as she rested her head lightly against the bed, not realizing how exhausted she was from the day’s events. She hadn’t had a decent nights sleep in what felt like days, though she couldn’t rest yet. Basil wouldn't let herself fall asleep so she could stay by Arion’s side in case he woke and needed her or wanted something. Not to mention, her crushing guilt made it almost impossible for her to even think about getting some sleep. Arion wouldn’t be dying in a cold hospital bed if it wasn’t for her. Celeste would be safe at home with Juniper if it wasn’t for her. And Hawthorne would still be alive and well, sulking about something or other.


Lyra gritted her teeth as she used all of her willpower to stay upright. She wouldn’t allow herself to show any weakness by losing consciousness, despite the agonizing pain running from her ankle to her hip. The young alpha never showed how much pain she was in, not even for a mere second. Though, despite all of her stubborn determination, Lyra’s knees threatened to buckle out from underneath her until she felt Endymion suddenly pick her up with ease. " Thank you, Endymion." She murmured quietly, her pulse quickening as he brushed a stray ivory-colored lock of hair from her face. Lyra was slightly caught-off guard by his gesture and found herself smiling just a tiny bit before she caught herself.

Without a single protest, the blonde she-Howler let Endymion carry her over to her spacious hut, grateful for how he moved so deliberately so that he wouldn’t disturb her already badly injured leg. Dark, scarlet colored blood once again stained the bandages tied around her leg. It was easy to see that she had inadvertently caused her wound to re-open when she had tried to stand. Though Lyra was neither foolish nor stupid, the young alpha had pushed herself past her own body’s limits and was stubbornly not allowing herself time to heal because the pack needed her guidance, especially with the recent threat of humans. The young alpha would never be able to rest properly until she knew the people she cared so dearly about were safe.

" They have good reason to be restless" Lyra murmured quietly, wincing as she pushed herself up to a sitting position on the sleeping mat. " And for once, I am not sure how to ease their fears". The blonde she-Howler rubbed her eyes with a pallid hand before looking to Endymion with a tired, half-hearted smile. " You don't have to get me something to eat. You need to go and have dinner with your sister and mother, after all tomorrow will be a long day for all of us." Lyra was quite hungry- she couldn't remember the last time she had eaten- though, having dinner was her least concern at the moment. Very gently, she put her hand on top of Endymion's and gave him a small smile. " I've stolen you away from your family for too long now, anyway."


Gilly nodded quietly in agreement as Miri spoke kindly about Juniper. " Yeah, the little guy did have a heart of solid gold." He said with a warm chuckle, thinking fondly of all the memories he shared with his best friend. The two of them had gotten into so much mischief as children (though most of the time it was Gilly's fault they had trouble for it). The two of them had been almost infamous for their light-hearted jokes and pranks. Gilly sighed softly, resting his stubbly chin in his hands, " I dunno. Maybe it's silly to hope that he might still be on this side of the dirt, but still..." The tall deer-Howler looked around before leaning closer to Miri, " Before that red-haired devil took Juniper away, I asked the little Quell he was with for help. I know you can't trust a Quell, but... just maybe they took Juniper to a healer down there in Solodin. The way I see it, Juniper might still be alive if they got him some help in time and used their freaky healing voodoo on him. " Gilly made a strange gesture as he mimed what was most likely supposed to be healing magic. He knew that it was a long shot, but he wasn't entirely convinced that his best friend was dead.

As Miri suddenly dashed away from the crowd, Gilly was quick to jump to his feet and follow her out of the plaza. “ Hey! Wait up, Miri!” The deer-Howler called, gracefully shifting into his deer form mid-stride. His powerful hooves moved silently across the ground as he bounded after Miri. The one thing Gilly was good at, besides getting himself into trouble, was running. Almost effortlessly, the lanky deer-Howler caught up to Miri and gave her a questioning look, as if to say ' Why are we running?'.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Mon Apr 22, 2019 9:55 am

(Thank you so much ☺️ I'm glad that we're on the same page! Omg you're so sweet thank you!!! 😊💗 Good to know I don't disappoint 😂 I really enjoy taking in what you have written as well—your writing style is both clear and straightforward and elegant; it is so pleasing! It's great that you got to try it!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 That stuff is heaven in a cup! I'm glad it made you feel better 😉)


"Aww. You're welcome, honey." Kyran's smooth, gentle countertenor voice was even softer than than his hands. As Hawthorne fell into a coughing fit, the young nurse immediately leaned forward and grasped Hawthorne's broad shoulders in attempt to stay and soothe him. Kyran was scrawny and not the strongest, definitely not compared to Hawthorne, but he had dealt with convulsing patients before. He squeezed the captain's shoulders gently, watching him anxiously as the his coughing fit died away.

As Hawthorne recovered and even made a lighthearted comment about the food, Kyran's nervousness dissolved and he smiled again, neat white teeth gleaming against the smooth brown of his skin. His heart beat a bit faster as he noticed the glint of light coming back to Hawthorne's green eyes. Kyran had been so scared by the captain's condition, that seeing him come back like this made him feel like a load of bricks had been lifted off of his chest. All he wanted was to see his captain healthy and happy again; yet, he could feel that something was amiss. Even after Hawthorne took a good drink from the cup of tea, there was a sort of lingering sadness and restlessness about him. Moving his hands back over Hawthorne's knuckles, Kyran directed his gaze back to him. "Do you want to talk about whatever is bothering you, or do you want me to distract you from it?" He asked gently.


"Yes, yes. You're right." Celeste's eyes fixed themselves on the ceiling as she plucked absentmindedly at the IV line embedded in the back of her hand. "I have to get better. Just...don't shout, okay?" She pressed Juniper's hand briefly and released a heavy, shaky breath, her eyelids slipping shut. Her bones were made of lead; the room was underwater. Everything was simultaneously too loud and too quiet. Celeste's mouth dropped open slightly as her head lolled back on the pillow, the light in her eyes more brittle than a glass ornament.

Upon being pressed, the red button gave a soft humming noise in response. A message flickered to life next to the button on the flawless glass control panel. Your help is on the way. Almost as soon as the message appeared, the magenta-haired nurse pushed open the door and stepped in. "Why yes, what's the matter?" She inquired, noting Celeste's still, white body lying peacefully on the bed. "Oh, it's just a side effect of the medicine that's taking effect. Strong poisons call for strong measures." She gave Juniper a soft smile, her eyes twinkling with motherly tenderness. "You look hungry. Have you had anything to eat?"


Nero's steel gray eyes blinked duly at Basil as she referred to Hawthorne instead. "Did I stutter? You aren't the Captain of the Guard." He said flatly, turning his attention back to the screen. Nero always knew what he said and he said what he knew. No one could argue with him on something he said.

"Very well then," was his only reply as he turned back to the floating screen. Arion's medical records and history flashed across it, a long and complicated story in fine print. They were absolutely outrageous, dating back from the very first one, a forearm reattachment at age eleven. Graphs tracing his heart beat, oxygen levels, stress and pain levels, and brain activity pulsed and glided along his left, along with an incredibly detailed, 3-D diagram of the ruptured wound ravaging Arion's body that rotated slowly and ominously. Without missing a beat, Nero got rid of the whole mess with one crisp swipe, and began to write brief and nondescript message that only conveyed Basil's request and not a single detail more. He didn't even bother looking it over before sending it.

Arion's bruised eyelids were sunken shut, thick red lashes resting motionless against his cheek. His face was so drained of color that the fine freckles dusting his temples and cheekbones like stars were visible. His frigid fingers were stiffer than chopsticks even after Basil kissed them, like a corpse's in rigor mortis. The dried blood and dirt caked along his nails stood out as starkly as the torn, half-healed flesh on his naked knuckles. Despite the mechanical ventilator now attached to his face, his breathing refused to even out, hitching or stopping altogether every few seconds before a sharp inhale. The sound of the machine breathing with him was almost too loud in the quiet room. Nero glared down at him, arms folded across his bloody, besmirched coat. For some reason, Arion could never stay asleep for too long, not even in critical conditions. They could probably expect a second awakening soon, even in this state, but he said nothing to Basil.


"No. You will, only if you change your pace." A muscle twitched under Endymion's left eye, something that only happened when he was truly distressed or disturbed, but his voice continued calm and quiet. "Your body is not at its prime. Show it mercy—for your sake, and for the pack's sake." He opened the woven bamboo box at the foot of the mat and drew out a long piece of bandaging cloth inside, shaking free dried herbs that had been tucked among its folds. With quiet intention, he unwrapped the soaked bandages clinging to the wound, working the soiled cloth free with a fine, gentle hand before quickly and carefully binding up the gash with the clean material infused with the properties of healing herbs. "You cannot rest while the pack is endangered, I understand it. But how can you continue to forge ahead when you are killing yourself?"

Endymion blinked placidly at Lyra, pressing her hand between his. "Lyra." His voice was unexpected soft. "I've never had to do anything for you. I only want the best for you. Now allow me." He got up and walked out, the door swinging shut behind him. After a few moments, he returned with a carved wooden bowl containing a thick, creamy stew and a spoon. He resumed his seat on the ground before her, gently setting the bowl into her hands in a careful manner.


"Well...say he lives, and they heal him, do you think he would try and come back? They have no reason to hold him hostage; the war is over," Miri said thoughtfully. "Lyra may have excommunicated him, but Juniper's loyal. He always finds a way. Right?" She glanced at Gilly, waiting to see his reaction. Miri was slightly bemused by Gilly's account. Maybe she'd even go find out herself.

Hair flying as she dashed out of the plaza, Miri jumped mid-sprint, shifting into her smaller Howler form in the air. The kestrel bird swooped up to the window of the upper story of the huge oak treehouse, landing to perch on the sill. Transforming back human, Miri jumped to the floor and looked up. As she'd sensed, a graceful, feline figure was silhouetted by the wall against the dying light, loosely braided hair falling over her face and clawed hands folded over each other. "Mother! What took you so long?"
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Mon May 27, 2019 11:20 am

(( lol Yes! It definitely is heaven in a cup! XD I'm completely addicted to crème earl grey now! lol What's even better is that I made a friend of mine try it and now she's hooked on trying new teas. My tea addiction wore off on her! 😂 Though, I'm pretty sure its a good thing lol :P))


Even though Kyran was so scrawny compared to the Hawthorne, his efforts to ease the captain's coughing fit seemed to work. The young earth Quell felt himself quickly relax just a bit as Kyran held his shoulders. Once the coughing fit had passed, Hawthorne offered the nurse a tiny, but sincere smile. " Thanks, Ky" He murmured, reaching over to give his soft hand a gentle squeeze. The young nurse was so different than Hawthorne, even down to their hands, that it was almost amusing in a way. The captain was a grumpy soldier whose hands had been roughened by hard labor and whose heart had been tested by a lifetime of war and grief. While Kyran was so cheerful and was pleasantly soft in the best way. He had a huge, caring heart and a gentle spirit unlike anyone Hawthorne had ever met.

The captain cracked a small smile, his heart strangely warmed by Kyran's soft, caring tone. The kind nurse seemed to bring a small spark of life back into the captain just by being with him. " I believe I'd rather be distracted" Hawthorn murmured, his smile widening just a bit. Very gently, the captain ran his calloused thumb across the back of Kyran's soft, warm hand before looking up to the nurse quietly. " I know I probably sound like a broken record by now, but thank you for staying with me..." He said, shifting a bit to make himself more comfortable, " I really appreciate you hanging out with a soldier who had his a** handed to him." Hawthorne said sincerely, a warm smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.


" I won't shout, darling, I promise" Juniper murmured to her softly. Very gently, he gave Celeste's hand a reassuring squeeze as he gazed at her face worriedly. His expression clearly gave away his fears that the poison was taking a worse toll on her body than he had feared. As Celeste's head lolled back on the pillow, Juniper leaned over and moved her head to a more comfortable position with the utmost care before gently kissing her forehead. " I'm so sorry about all of this, bunny" He murmured softly. Fondly, Juniper brushed a lock of Celeste's cotton-candy colored hair from her face. " Darling, rest well. I promise, I won't let anything happen to you ever again" He murmured softly, kissing her forehead gently.

Hearing the nurse open the door, Juniper looked over and breathed a small sigh of relief. Even if Celeste seemed to be doing okay, it made him feel much more at ease to know that a nurse was taking care of his precious Celeste. " Oh? That's good to hear that it's just the medicine!" He said, offering the nurse a warm smile, " I guess I was a little panicky... So sorry for troubling you, Ma'am" Juniper perked up just a bit as the magenta-haired nurse offered him a bit of food. " No ma'am, I haven't had anything to eat all day." He said, his mouth watering a bit at the idea of eating Quell cuisine. "Oh! Do you think Celeste will wake up seen enough so she can eat too?" He wondered hopefully, wanting to share a meal with Celeste if it was possible. Juniper knew how much she loved good food after all the talks they had about cooking.


Basil held her tongue as Nero spoke to her bluntly, not having the energy to argue with the competent doctor. " No, I'm not the Captain of the Guard" She murmured, a frown tugging at her plump lips before she remembered her manners. " But.. I appreciate the compliment," Basil said politely, offering Nero a small smile, " I haven't been called Solodin's beloved in quite some time."

As Nero turned his attention back to the floating screen beside Arion's bedside, Basil found herself looking over at the screen as well before frowning deeply. Arion's medical history was obviously a grisly story at best, judging from the first glance she had gotten of it. It was easy to see that poor Arion had been through so much pain and misfortune over the years. Basil chewed her bottom lip as she fretted over Arion, very gently running her thumb over the back of his pallid, corpse-like hand. It genuinely frightened the young earth Quell to see Arion looking so helpless and... well, fragile. It was so unlike the fierce warrior she knew and loved so much. Arion had faced so much in his life- even more than Basil could even comprehend- yet, he had always come out on top one way or another.

" You... you really are too hard on him, Nero" Basil murmured quietly, looking over at the doctor with a frown, " None of this is his doing. I know that Arion may be a little reckless, but it's really not his fault he was hurt." She said, her tone quieter than usual, yet her tone didn't waver " So, don't scold him for it." Basil looked up at Nero, her eyes glinting with the same undeniable stubbornness and determination she was so well-known for. Though she was just a tiny bit over 5'2, Basil could be just as intimidating as her older brother when she wanted to.


Lyra couldn't help but notice how Endymion's eye twitched just a bit. She had known him long enough to know that he was stressed, even if his outward demeanor was calm and collected. Endymion's words cut deeply into her chest as he spoke so softly and kindly to her. He was right, she was killing herself inadvertently by not allowing herself to heal properly. Yet, Lyra had no time to rest. The pack was in danger and it was her duty to protect her pack from every possible threat. The young she-Howler gave a soft sigh, rubbing her eyes tiredly. " There will be plenty of time to rest when this human threat is taken care of. I can't take time off to rest now, not while the pack is in danger. Besides, even if I did rest now, it would be like admitting defeat, wouldn't it?" She said quietly, " It's an alpha's job to remain strong for their pack. If I show any sign of weakness, then... who knows what might happen to our people?" Lyra's actions may have been a little skewed, but her heart was truly in the right place. All she wanted was to serve her pack and protect the people she cared about the best way she knew how.

Quietly, the young alpha's intelligent gaze followed Endymion as he moved over to get the box at the foot of her mat. She knew what was coming next, yet she didn't prepare herself for the white-hot pain that shot up her leg as she moved it ever so slightly. Lyra clenched her jaw, refusing to let out a single whimper in pain as the dark-haired Howler began to clean and bandage her wound. It took all of the young alpha's willpower not to cry out or wince. Once Endymion was finished, Lyra let out a small breath before looking over to him with a tiny smile. " Thank you, Endymion." She murmured, reaching up to cup her hand to his cheek, her fingertips just barely brushing his jawline before pulling away, " For everything, I mean". Falling quiet, Lyra watched as Endymion stood and walked out of her home before returning with the bowl of stew. She couldn't help but smile softly at him, once again touched by his unconditional kindness. With a silent nod of thanks, Lyra held the bowl carefully in both hands before taking a small bite of it. " Your mother's cooking really is some of the best in the village, Endymion" She murmured, a contented smile playing at her lips.


" Yeah, he'll probably find some excuse to come back to the village." Gilly said with a warm chuckle, scratching at the scruff on his cheeks. " Heck, knowing ol' Juniper, he'll probably come back in search of those honey cakes he likes so much!" He joked, despite obviously being worried about his best friend. He couldn't help but wonder if it was worth it to go try to find Juniper in Solodin- though he quickly pushed aside the thought as he raced after Miri.

Gilly wasn't even out of breath as he made it to the base of the treehouse Miri had flown into, thanks to his love for sprinting (and his deer Howler genes). Gracefully, the young man transformed out of his deer form and dusted himself off before scurrying up the rope ladder up to the house. Though, out of politeness, he didn't just barge into the treehouse after Miri. " Knock Knock" Gilly called, rapping his knuckles lightly on the door frame. " Can I come in?" He asked, unsure if Miri's family was at home. The last thing he wanted to do was to barge into the family's living room, just to be faced with an angry Endymion.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:23 am

(That’s amazing 😂 Keep spreading the love!)


Kyran bit his lip to hold back the smile spreading across his face. You could practically see the stars in his eyes; he was fangirling that hard over Hawthorne. He’d always admired the members of the Guard and all that they did for Solodin, no matter what the cost, and even at their lowest—which he had seen many times, being a nurse—he never saw anything to despise or disdain. They were all noble, praiseworthy, and deserving of the highest admiration. Although he’d never spent a day as a soldier, Kyran knew that landing in the hospital was terribly dampening to any warrior's spirits, which was why he wanted to show them as much love as he could, even in the face of cold glares and outright disrespect.

“You don’t have to thank me,” he beamed. “I love hanging with my patients, especially when you want me to.” He covered Hawthorne’s hand with his own, relaxing himself and preparing to ease the captain’s mind the best he could. “So, the other day I read a study that showed how physical touch can significantly alleviate stress and promote a more peaceful state of mind. I think we can try it out like this...” Kyran’s fingers slipped between Hawthorne’s, his brown skin warm against the other Quell’s calloused palms. His soft, gentle touch felt like sunlight itself. Gods what am I doing? I’m probably just creeping him out...or maybe I could lull him to sleep again? He looks like he needs it...


The nurse's hand flitted over Celeste's for just a moment as she regarded Juniper. “That’s all right. I understand your worry, but I assure you, she is safe and steady.” Her mismatched red and gray eyes glowed warmly as Quell’s did when they used their powers. “I’m not sure when she will wake, but it will be a little while before she can ingest anything, so we must be patient,” she smiled gently. “Please, go ahead and order something for yourself.” Drawing up the virtual screen on her right, she sent it floating over to Juniper’s side, where it hovered gently as it displayed all the menu options.

Casting a quick but sorrowful look at Celeste’s marble-like face, the nurse watched as the machine monitoring the IVs shut off, the maximum substance level within the white haired Quell’s body met. This medicine was the best poison fighter and pain reliever the hospital had up to this day, but it always left its patients spacey and somnolent, in a deathlike stupor. She understood why Juniper seemed so worried, but maybe the food would lift his spirits.


“‘Too hard on him’? Well, perhaps you would understand too, if you knew him for longer than a single weekend. Judging from his physical state, this entire situation was completely avoidable.” Nero remarked tartly. His face suddenly softened as he realized how sharp he sounded. The last thing Basil needed was more of his cynicism. “If you’ll excuse me, ma’am.” He turned as a slight, sudden movement caught his eye.

A muscle under Arion’s right eye spasmed as Nero spoke, as if the he was having a fit just by hearing his doctor. His lips moved slightly, but whatever sound he made was muffled by the oxygen mask. The machine gave one last pump and stopped, just as Nero leaned over and loosened the straps of the mask, lifting it off Arion’s face. His eyes opened slightly, but he didn’t stir. Beads of sweat shone on his ashen forehead. Without a word to Basil, Nero dipped a cloth in cold water and placed it over Arion’s forehead, his expression cold again. Arion’s eyelids sank closed again as the cold material settled over his skin. Everything had gone distant and fuzzy again, as if he were underwater. Arion seemed like he had no particular desire to wake up, which was rather unlike him.


“In what universe is resting yourself equivalent to showing weakness? Or remaining strong to overworking yourself to death?” Endymion’s lips tightened stiffly as he finished re-bandaging Lyra’s leg. “Even with all of Brother Benjamin’s skill, your golden hour will only last for so long. This timing is unfortunate, but you’ve faced worse.” He paused, then looked at Lyra as if he were looking at her for the first time, intense blue eyes bearing steadily into hers. “Why do you insist on being alone in this? Leadership isn’t a pedestal; it’s an influence. This struggle rests on each of our shoulders, not just on yours.”

Endymion looked away as Lyra touched his face, his expression hardening just slightly as she mentioned his mother. “Some things have not changed.” He acknowledged, before falling silent.


“Mother? What’s wrong?” Miri hurried over to the older woman, who bore the signs of a long escapade and was still half-feline.

“I knew peace felt too good to be true,” was the raspy answer. “Humans wreak havoc everywhere they go, and we’re all in their path this time. Not even the Quell’s subterranean sanctuary is an absolute haven.”

“So you know already? But there’s more! You’ve missed so much since you’ve been gone, Mother. Juniper brought a Quell into the village, and now they’re both likely dead and Lyra wounded! She had to assign Endymion as a male alpha. And we have to investigate the human activity before it gets out of our control.” Miri clenched her fists, her earthy brown eyes flashing fiercely.

Miri’s mother laughed in disgust, revealing a mouthful of brutal, gleaming fangs. “I take it he’s enjoying himself?” She remarked, sarcasm dripping from her voice. Her sensitive ears pricked as Gilly knocked on the door, already knowing who it was just from the acoustics. Crossing the spacious, oaken room, she opened the door and stared evenly at him, dark blue eyes stormy, even at someone as amiable as Gilly. Even at her age, Miri’s mother was tall and wiry—she appeared to be pure muscle twisted around bone. Her silvery hair, plaited into a simple braid, was draped neatly over a bony shoulder. “What do you want?”

“Mother! Don’t be like that,” Miri protested, stepping forward nimbly. “Gilly! Sorry for running off, I just had to follow my nose. Ah, mother, do you need anything—?”

“No, both of you can go,” the elder Howler woman gave a dismissive wave at them, the claws on her hands beginning to shrink back into more human-like, but still sharp, fingernails. The vertical pupils of her feral blue eyes were beginning to relax and dilate slightly, though her fierce, knifelike teeth remained prominently. Frowning to herself, she turned and disappeared up the stairs to the second story of the treehouse.
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