1X1 with arvanien

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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:23 am




Juniper bit his lip as he watched the goings on of the hospital, his deep purple eyes filled with worry. He was trying his best to stay positive and optimistic about their situation, but even he was slowly losing hope that Celeste, Arion and the Captain were going to survive. From where he knelt on the clean tile floor beside Basil, he had a clear view of all three of their hospital rooms. Arion room was so covered in blood that looked like some sort of horror film, as did Hawthorne’s. But, what was far more painful for Juniper was looking into Celeste’s room. Though there was no blood, Celeste looked as pale and still as a corpse despite the doctor’s best efforts. The young Howler boy swallowed hard and looked away, glancing down at Basil, who was still passed out in his arms. “I’m sorry about this Miss Basil,” He murmured quietly. Juniper slipped off the jacket he had borrowed and tucked it under Basil’s head before getting to his feet. He quietly went over to Celeste’s room, but was hesitant to go in because he didn’t want to get in the way of the adept doctors and nurses.

It pained him to see the strange machines Celeste was hooked up to and all of the doctors and nurses hunched over the bed as they tried to resuscitate her. Juniper’s heart ached badly to watch them poking and prodding at her even though he knew they were only trying to help. The young Howler obviously didn’t have much if an understanding about Quell healing magic or medicine, but it seemed to him that whatever they were doing wasn’t working. Juniper flinched and gave a whined like a frightened puppy as he watched the nurses administer the shocks to Celeste’s unconscious body; strangely, he could feel her pain somewhere deep inside his chest. He desperately wanted to be by her side but he didn’t want to be in the doctor’s way so Juniper stayed firmly planted by the doorway until he saw Celeste’s heart monitor flat line. “C-celeste!” He cried out in anguish, his voice breaking with emotion.
The entire world seemed to slow down to a crawl as he rushed over to Celeste's beside. The young Howler boy couldn't see anything but his soulmate's still body lying on the hospital bed. He was completely blind to everything except Celeste’s pallid face. Even so close to death, somehow she was more beautiful than Aphrodite and more precious than any earthly wealth to the young howler. “Celeste… I know how strong you are darling. Please just hang on" He whispered, silent tears making his voice break just a bit. Very gently, Juniper took Celeste's pale, delicate hand in both of his as he knelt beside her bed. I'm so sorry bunny... I couldn't protect you. He thought miserably. Shoulders quavering with barely audible sobs, Juniper gently rubbed the back of her hand with his calloused thumb. “ Bunny… bunny please don’t leave without me….”.

After a few minutes, Basil's eyes fluttered open slowly and she was surprised to find herself on the hospital's cold tile floor with her jacket under her head. She pushed herself up to a sitting position and rested her back heavily against the wall. For a moment the green-haired Quell sat dazedly with her arms wrapped around her knees protectively. Basil was too stunned to move as her mind played over what had happened earlier. Images of Arion, covered in blood and laying still on the hospital's bed and her brother's pale, lifeless body hooked up to life support plagued her thoughts and made her blind to everything else going on around her. Hawthorne is dead. And Arion is dying. And Celeste is nearly dead already. She thought numbly. It seemed impossible to process; in mere minutes, she was going to lose every single person she had ever loved and cared about- and it was entirely her fault. Basil's small frame shook in painful anguish as she began to sob. " I'm s-so, so s-sorry." She whispered hoarsely, " None of you deserve this.". Tears blurring her vision, the green haired Quell looked over to Arion's room with fearful eyes as she heard his scream. Her heart nearly stopped at the sight of him writhing in pain on the bed. All of her wanted to rush to his side and tell him that everything would be okay, though she felt completely frozen in place.


"Matcha is perfect," Lyra said appreciatively, giving a small nod. The blonde she-Howler leaned back on her soft mat and made herself a bit more comfortable as Endymion prepared the tea. Humming a bit to herself, she began braiding her waist-length blond locks into a complex braid to keep her hair out of her face. Finishing the braid, she looked back over to Endymion and was a little surprised to see him clearing off her table and washing the dishes.

Lyra found a hint of a smile tugging at her pale pink lips as she watched him for a moment. “You don't have to do my chores, Endymion. I’m perfectly capable of washing my own dishes, you know" She said, something strangely fond sparkling in her coffee brown eyes, “But thank you nonetheless.” Lyra couldn't even begin to tell Endymion how much she appreciated all he had done for her; his unquestionable loyalty and attentiveness was something the alpha valued deeply, though she couldn’t quite understand it sometimes.

Lyra peered around Endymion's lean form to see who was at the door and was almost unsurprised to see Miri standing with the large crock of broth in her hands. “Hello again Miri" She said with a wave and slight smile,” Beef broth? That sounds delicious. I’ll have to thank your mother when she comes back.” Lyra said absentmindedly. The alpha couldn’t help but wonder where their mother had gone and if she was alright. Though she normally wouldn’t have been worried, the recent human activity made her just a little more on guard.

(( So sorry for the short reply <3 Classes started back for me last week and it has been a little hectic getting back in the swing of things! lol ))
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Fri Aug 31, 2018 4:45 am

{You're good! Your replies are always so concentrated, it's honestly impressive 😊 School has already started for me as well and I get 20 mins top each day for writing replies}




Kyran stood transfixed, his mouth dry with horror, but he couldn't stop staring at Arion's bloody, writhing figure. He swallowed numbly as his fingers dropped the pump, the small device rolling under the table. He hadn't seen a sight as ghastly as this one since the Howlers had massacred the Quell in a brutally clever operation. He had no idea why Arion's body was rejecting the drug — the doctor's insistence on its usage was rather disturbing. The surgeon and his assistant had no choice but to tie the thrashing red-headed Quell down, so they did just that. For several minutes, Arion struggled futilely against the durable cloth restraints, gasping and vomiting blood everywhere. Despite his frantic efforts, he eventually gave in to exhaustion and lay helpless on the table, pain eating him alive. The only emotion reflected in his lifeless eyes was pure hopelessness. Kyran immediately decided he just couldn't watch Arion's suffering any longer. He snatched up the pump and wrenched it from the tube in his wrist, stopping the flow of medicine. The surgeon was too busy working his magic to notice, but the tightness of his face relaxed slightly as he noticed a shudder of relief pass over his patient. He kept up the flow of magic without so much as a flicker in his concentration, whereas his assistant's magical stamina was beginning to falter.

Kyran squeezed his eyes shut and slowly let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, running the tip of his tongue over his chapped lips. Arion was going to be okay, hopefully, as long as he didn't have that yellow painkiller coursing through his veins. Kyran really couldn't be sure — he was only a medical assistant — but he hated seeing anyone in needless agony, even someone as cruel as Arion. He dared to peek over at Celeste's room, and his heart sank to his knees. A lump of tears rose in his throat, and he took a shaky breath and clenched his gut. "No! Celeste..." His hands traveled back up to tug at his hair, an anxious habit of his, but he had had to put one of those hospital hairnets on. This hadn't been the first time he had seen Juniper begging Celeste to stay with him. Torn between making sure Arion was alright and being able to comfort Juniper, Kyran stood helplessly before the surgeon, the now useless pump clutched tightly in his fingers.

The nurse tucked an lock of wavy magenta hair behind her ear and gently cupped Celeste's face, willing her healing magic to expand and intensify. The ethereal violet glow waxed until the entire room hummed with it. Celeste looked at peace, as if she were merely napping and not on death's threshold for the second time in two days. A bead of sweat ran down the nurse's doughy face, her plump little hands steady and gentle despite her quivering lips. Suddenly, the flatline on the black screen gave a weak pulse, then faltered. The assistant was about to pick up the electrical paddle in hopes of keeping up Celeste's heartbeat, but the nurse shook her head firmly and waved him away. "Please. Technology is never going to replace magic." She really wasn't sure if it was within her own magic could revive a stopped heartbeat, but she had to. A new pulse made the line on the monitor jump, then another. They were very far apart and unstable, however — to unsteady to be safe. Celeste still didn't stir. The assistant clasped his hands and let out a choking sound, praying fervently for that pulse to get stronger. The nurse remained still, keeping her concentration on Celeste's little body. She'd managed to somehow pick up the heartbeat, now it was all a question of endurance.


Endymion smiled back at Lyra. "I know you can. But I'm also sure that you wouldn't want to do so in your present state, am I correct?" He inclined his head towards her, a shadow of a smile falling across his face. Endymion set down the earthen crock pot on the kitchen table and turned his attention back to the tea, leaving Miri with Lyra. After sifting a few teaspoons of green matcha powder into a chunky ceramic mug, he took the kettle off the hearth, poured the hot water into it, and began to stir.

Miri happily sat down by Lyra's sleeping mat and began to preen her feathers. She hadn't bothered trying to transform out of this half-avian, half-humanoid form, which she'd stuck herself in since this morning. "I hope you're feeling better, Alpha. Endymion didn't bore you too much with his arcana, did he?" She chirped.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:54 pm




(( Im so sorry! I could've sworn I replied a week ago! I must have accidentally deleted my reply or something! My mobile keeps doing weird stuff like that <3 So sorry for the late reply! ))

Completely focused on Celeste, Juniper barely paid attention to the nurses working around him. He kept desperately checking for any signs of life in her face, but her face remained still and her eyes closed. “Come on, bunny. . . I know you can pull through this. You’re stronger and more brave than any person I’ve ever known.” He whispered softly, his voice cracking from silent tears. “ Heck, y-you’ve already beaten death once already since yesterday.” The Howler boy gave a breathy, slightly choked laugh though it couldn’t hide his despair. Affectionately, he stroked the back of Celeste’s soft, delicate hand with his slightly calloused thumb, “Please open up those gorgeous blue eyes of yours, darling.” He pleaded softly, peering at Celeste’s face with hope shining in his deep purple eyes. Though she appeared to be on death’s doorstep, Juniper wouldn’t give up on her. He truly believed that Celeste could pull through this even though things looked quite grim.

Basil never thought things would end this way, that her beloved Arion would be bleeding to death, strapped to a hospital operating table. Nothing could have prepared her for seeing the one man she had ever loved covered in blood and dying in front of her eyes. It was all just too much for her heart to take. When she had met Arion, Basil had honestly believed that the two of them were going to live out the rest of their lives happily by each other’s side. The young earth Quell had hoped, perhaps foolishly, that she and Arion were going to spend all of their days together, doing things like going on coffee dates and cuddling on the couch. But, now she realized that it was all too good to be true- life was just too cruel and unfair for something as wonderful as a romantic relationship to happen to someone like her.

Miserably, Basil hugged her knees to her chest, her dark green hair covering her tear-stained face. She had finally stopped sobbing, but her grief was even worse than before. The painful ache in her chest had been replaced by an unbearable feeling of numbness. Basil had felt this way just once before; when she was just seven years old, on that fateful day when she had witnessed the murder of her parents and sister. The terrible mind-numbness was exactly the same then as it was now. But, at least back then Basil had Hawthorne to comfort her and tell her that everything would be okay. She never would have survived her grief-filled childhood without her dear, cranky brother’s support and love. Even as a young adult, she still depended heavily on Hawthorne's comforting presence. Basil sorely wished he was there to tell her that everything would be okay because he would take care of it all and to hug her tightly (in his slightly awkward, but caring way) until she felt better. But, obviously, Hawthorne was in no shape to be comforting anyone. He was still hooked up to life support and lay entirely unresponsive on the bood-stained hospital bed.

Hawthorne had always believed that he would die heroically on a battlefield somewhere, bravely sacrificing himself like a martyr to protect the city and people he loved. He never imagined that he would die in the hospital, killed by a single lowlife Quell. It was almost dishonorable for a powerful guy like him to be taken down by a lowlife Quell half his size.

Gasping for air, Hawthorne writhed on the bed in an attempt to get up but it seemed he had barely any control over his own limbs. Grunting with effort, Hawthorne tried to push himself up off the bed with no avail. What the bloody hell happened to me? Howlers....? He thought groggily. Bleary-eyed, the captain turned his head slightly to see the tangled mess of tubes and wires connecting him to various machines. Hawthorne gave a pained groan and settled back into the pillow on his bed with half-closed eyes. He was all alone in the cold, sterile hospital room. The only sounds he could hear were the rhythmic beeps of the heart monitor beside him and the strange little puffs-of-air noise coming from the oxygen concentrator. Hawthorne squeezed his eyes shut, disoriented and in pain. He couldn't remember what exactly had happened during the fight; the last thing he remembered was shouting at Arion, though he couldn't remember exactly why. It was probably something stupid anyway, The captain thought, falling out of consciousness once again from pain.

Basil couldn’t bear to sit uselessly in the hallway, bawling her eyes out. Hesitantly, she looked between her fingers at Arion’s hospital room. From where she sat propped against the wall, Basil could see directly into the room. Seeing Arion writhing in pain and covered in blood made Basil’s heart shatter all over again. She desperately wanted to do something to help relieve his pain, but it was all in the hands of the surgeon and his nurse. Though, even if Basil couldn’t do anything to stop Arion from being in so much pain, she could at least be there for him when he woke- if he survived the emergency operation. Using the wall for support, the green-haired Quell unsteadily got to her feet and made her way over to Arion’s room. Looking past the surgeon and Kyran, her grief-filled emerald eyes rested on Arion's pale, lifeless face. " Oh darling...." Basil gasped, hot tears rolling down her cheeks. Going over to Arion's bedside, she took one of his hands in both of hers and sobbed quietly," My poor Arion... I-i'm so, so sorry, darling. You don't deserve this. You never deserved this " She whispered. Delicately, she cupped her hand to Arion's cheek with the utmost care and stroked his cheek with her thumb. " I'm so, so sorry darling...." Basil repeated in a barely audible whisper her voice filled with grief.


“ I suppose not,” Lyra said, offering Endymion the faint, but striking smile that she only ever gave to him. Normally, she would have been offended if someone had done her chores for her, but the young alpha knew that Endymion wasn’t trying to make her feel incompetent. Though the alpha was extremely independent, she still truly appreciated all that the dark-haired Howler had done for her. Endymion always seemed to know when she needed help before she even asked, but he also knew when to let her do things on her own, which she appreciated even more. Lyra couldn't have asked for a better, more attentive companion than he was.

“ Oh yes, I feel much more like my usual self” Lyra said with a nod towards Miri. The blonde she Howler chuckled softly as Miri mentioned her brother’s arcana. "I always find your bother's company to be anything but boring" Lyra smiled slightly, her sharp gaze following Endymion's every move. As the alpha realized she had been staring a bit, a faint, barely noticeable blush crossed her cheeks as she looked away to 'fix' her loosely braided hair.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:53 am

( You're totally fine! I reply late too so don't worry about it ^^ )




Upon hearing the slow, steady beeping of the cardiac monitor, the magenta haired nurse sat down heavily and started crying for joy. Her assistant wrapped his arms around her and pulled Juniper into a hug with them. "Thank goodness!" "We did it again-" "I can't believe it!" The nurse tearfully looked up at Celeste's pulse on the black screen as if it was the single most important thing in her life. Celeste herself remained pallid and motionless, oblivious to everything that was happening around her. All the disturbance had left her hair in a soft, disheveled mess that covered the pillow. Her cheek rested listlessly against her shoulder. The nurse took a deep breath before pulling herself together and standing up and looking back at her patient, who was still unconscious but alive after all. "She will be fine, but please don't disturb her," the nurse addressed Juniper. She wasn't snobby like some Quell would have been, but she wasn't exactly warm either. "I can see she means a lot to you." She smiled wanly. The nurse crossed to the other side of the room and began writing something on a clipboard. Meanwhile, her assistant carefully draped a blanket over Juniper's bare shoulders in a rather awkward way to comfort him. He didn't seem to be as outgoing or suave as Kyran was, but he was just doing his best. "Hey, uh, are you okay? That was a really stressful operation," He chuckled nervously. He was a rather pasty young man with round eyes, a soft mouth, and impeccable amethyst hair. "If you don't mind me asking, what the hell happened?"

Upon seeing Basil rush into the room to Arion's side, Kyran quickly turned away from the door and hurried with her to the table, almost slipping in blood. Unsure for once how to comfort her, he gently draped his arm over her small shoulders and hugged her gently, as if to remind her that he was there for her. He would've given anything to spare her from seeing this sight — why, oh why hadn't he drawn the curtains? Kyran chewed his bottom lip anxiously. He watched numbly, gently rubbing Basil's shoulders in an attempt to comfort her as she sobbed. He couldn't really help the surgeon right now — it was entirely up to him at this point — so he'd do his job by sticking with Basil.

The surgeon kept on working without missing a beat. Now that Arion was securely tied down and motionless, he could go back to closing up the gaping wound in his chest. Arion lay helpless under the nimble hands of the surgeon, his fingers twisted around the sturdy bands of cloth holding him down and straining against them so hard, his arms were shaking. His expression was no longer glassy and corpselike; it was filled with terror and twisted with agony. He kept repeating something over and over through gasps of pain, but the doctor was paying him no heed. Arion couldn't remember anything hurting so much. Not even his last visit to the hospital during the war could compare to this. Despite the healing magic, the sheer magnitude of the pain was tearing him apart. In a daze, he turned his head the best he could to look over at Basil as she cupped his face, his face tight and panicky. He stopped talking and shakily managed a tiny smile for her, but then promptly succumbed to a fit of nasty coughing, his eyes wide open and filled with tears. The surgeon finally glanced up and noticed the absence of the pump from Arion's arm. "Where's the drip?" He demanded sharply. "Damn! He's been been able to feel the entire operation because you neglected the anesthetic!" Kyran's chocolate brown complexion turned ashen with horror as he took in the full impact of the bloody sight before him. He let go of Basil and dropped to his knees, fumbling for the neglected device lying under the table. He attached a new, sterile needle and carefully stuck it back into Arion's arm, bracing himself for a scream that would surely follow. But instead, Arion looked away and shut his eyes. He was completely focused on just taking his next breath, which came in shallow, ragged snatches. The yellow liquid surged back into his bloodstream, but strangely it didn't burn as badly as before. It seemed like he was trying to say Basil's name, but it was lost in his coughing. The surgeon, his face colder than stone, closed up the last few inches of the wound and immediately began to clean away the blood from his patient's body. Arion shuddered, worn out just by coughing so much. He wanted so badly to black out, but he wasn't sure if he would ever wake up then.



"Oh, you're going to be back to normal in no time!" Miri smiled with relief. "Aw, that is so sweet." She chimed, turning to smile innocently at Endymion. He had just stepped out from the room divider, holding the cup of steaming matcha tea. He shook his head at her in exasperation and offered the cup of tea to Lyra. "If you want to have some time to yourself, please let us know. Give us the word and we will be on our way." He said crisply.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:18 pm


(( Thank you so much for being so understanding!! lol My new college courses have got me running around in circles so I barely have time to write out a decent reply most days. ;~; Thankfully I have Fridays off so usually I can write a lot then! ))

Juniper’s bright purple eyes shone with hope as the nurse announced that Celeste would be alright. “Thank you, ma’am.” He said gratefully, unable to find the words to thank the nurse properly. A simple “thank you” didn’t feel like enough to thank her for saving Celeste’s life. He wished he could tell her exactly how much he appreciated the nurse and her assistant, but the young Howler just couldn’t put it into words. Without hesitation, he hugged the nurse and her assistant back tightly, his heart feeling as if it would burst from pure joy. “Thank you both so much! I’m forever in your debts for saving her” He said fervently. Juniper pulled away from the two Quell gently and turned his full attention back to Celeste. Though she still looked very pale and was still unconscious, the most important thing to him was that she was alive and would be alright.

The young Howler boy smiled softly at Celeste, an undeniable fondness sparkling in his eyes. Even though her hair was mess and her face strangely drained of its color, Juniper still believed that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid laid eyes on. To him, Celeste was gorgeous even after having such a close brush with death.

Very gently, Juniper reached over and affectionately brushed Celeste’s long hair from her face. His still trembling fingers lightly brushed against her soft cheek and he flinched a little, as if he were afraid of hurting her. Looking over his shoulder at the nurse, Juniper offered her a small smile in return, “ Yes, of course. I promise I won’t bother her.” His small smiled widened a bit as the nurse mentioned how much Celeste meant to him. “ She’s my everything, ma’am.” He replied, smiling warmly at Celeste. Taking Celeste’s pale hand in his, Juniper delicately stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. He knew holding her hand probably wouldn’t help anything, but he wanted to remain by her side, no matter what.

Juniper was surprised as the nurse’s assistant draped the blanket over his shoulders, though he couldn’t help but smile at the purple Quell’s unexpected kindness. “Thank you,” He said sincerely, pulling the thin blanket more around himself with one hand so he didn’t have to let go of Celeste's hand. “ I’m doing okay.” Juniper said with a nod, his tone serious for once “ Yeah it was. I dunno what I would have done i-if. . .” He trailed off quietly, not wanting to even consider what would have happened if the nurses hadn’t been able to save Celeste. Juniper pushed the negative thought from his mind before answering the purple-haired Quell’s question. “ Well. . . I’m not exactly sure how to explain it all entirely, but we were attacked by a Quell and a Howler in the Aboveworld forest. Arion and Captain Hathorne were badly injured when they were fighting them so Celeste teleported them here to the hospital, but I guess something went wrong because she had already overused her magic. That’s why she’s here like this. . .” Juniper finished sadly, looking back at Celeste’s pale face, “She really is a hero. . . she risked her life to save her brother and the captain. They would have died out there if she hadn’t gotten them here so fast.” Juniper couldn’t help but be awed at Celeste’s selfless deed all over again; it made him realize once again how wonderful she was. He still couldn’t believe how lucky he was to be with a person as amazing as his beloved Bunny. Juniper knew he didn’t deserve to be with her, but he was going to make d*mn sure he was going to treat her with the all the love and respect she deserved.


Shoulders shaking, Basil remained by Arion’s bedside in total silence, her fingers tightly gripping his hand. She paid no attention to what the surgeon was doing nor even Kyran as he rushed into the room. Her focus was completely trained on Arion’s face as he writhed in pain and terror. It shattered her heart to see him like this, but she couldn’t seem to look away until she felt someone touch her shoulder. Flinching, Basil looked up at Kyran with grief-filled eyes as Kyran put his arm around her. She appreciated his attempt to comfort her, though it didn’t seem to help. The only thing that would stop the unbearable ache of worry and sorrow in her chest would be to see Arion completely healed. Basil couldn’t stand to see her beloved Arion like this; it was torture for her to see the pure fear and agony in his eyes and not have any power to help him.

Basil looked back down at Arion, anguish clearly etched on her face as he struggled futility against the cloth restraints tying him to the bed. Her gaze finally rested on the surgeon as he worked, her face going white as a sheet as she suddenly came to the dizzying realization of how horrifying the bloody scene in front of her was. It made her sick to her stomach to see the sanguinary mess she was literally standing in. Staggering as if she might faint again, Basil squeezed her eyes shut and clung to the hospital bed, using it to keep herself upright. Her entire small frame shook as she sobbed hysterically, though she tried to muffle the sound. She knew it was unbecoming of her to sob like this, but she was unable to keep herself from breaking down into tears like this. Basil still believed that her brother was dead and knew that Arion was on the verge of death himself- and it was all her fault. “I-i’m so sorry, darling” she gasped through sobs that shook her entire frame. Hiccupping and still sobbing miserably, she fumbled for Arion’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Basil didn’t know what how he could ever forgive her for being responsible for his near-death experience.


“ I should hope so,” Lyra gave a short laugh. She couldn’t wait for her leg to heal so she could get back to her normal routine. The young alpha wasn’t the type who enjoyed wasting time by laying around; she absolutely loathed having to rest while her injured leg healed.

Pretending to ignore Miri’s remark, Lyra smiled faintly as Endymion offered her the cup of matcha tea. Lyra’s fingers lightly brushed his as she accepted the small earthenware mug, “Thank you, Endymion” She said before taking a sip of the rich, complex tea. “Mmm” Lyra murmured contentedly. The aromatic matcha tea somehow warmed her chest and made her feel much more at ease as she sipped it. As Endymion spoke, Lyra lowered her cup smiled at him a tiny bit, " It’s fine, you both can stay if you like.” She said, a faint warmth in her coffee brown eyes, “ Truthfully, it’s rather nice to have the company. "

Lyra’s gaze wandered over to the window, noticing how low the sun had gotten on the horizon. Soon, it would be sundown, which meant that the villagers would be gathering for the evening meal and she would have to make her usual announcements. She was dreading going up to speak to the Howler pack; how would they react to her decision to place Endymion as the male alpha? How was she going to break the news about the humans invading the forest? Frowning just a tiny bit, Lyra fiddled with the mug in her hands before setting the still mostly full cup to the side. The nervous-feeling in her stomach made her unable to swallow any more of the aromatic tea.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:43 am

(Same!! Even my little sister is taking college level courses now. My English class in particular is a time-eating monster. 😂 So, no worries at all!)

Nurse + her assistant I feel bad for leaving nameless

The nurse looked up from the clipboard to smile back at Juniper, the corners of her eyes crinkling slightly. "You're very welcome, young man! Just be sure invite us to the wedding." She said almost playfully, brushing away a frizzy lock of magenta hair.
"Moooooom," the assistant groaned. "You can't ask for wedding invitations from every single couple that comes through here!" She laughed and waved her hand at him. The tension in the room, which had been stretched to the breaking point, seemed to dissipate almost immediately. Returning her attention to the screen, the nurse tapped her pen against the clipboard absentmindedly. The heartbeat hadn't gotten any stronger, but it was steady at the moment. It didn't seem like it would stop again. Putting down the clipboard, she went to adjust the temperature settings in the room.

"Oh, heavens." The assistant glanced away and involuntarily the looked towards Arion's room, but Kyran had drawn the curtains. He really didn't know what to say to that. Juniper looked so small and forlorn, he had to resist the urge to pet him. Apparently not all Howlers were as large and fearsome as the warrior Quell would have you believe. "Well, that makes sense now...I was just wondering what would have caused this." The amythyst-haired boy looked back at Celeste, almost wistfully.


"Hey! Where are you going?" Arion demanded, stumbling forwards heavily. One leg dragged uselessly behind him.
"Stop following me! Just go away!" Celeste shouted over her shoulder, pressing one small hand to the cut over her eye. She was eight years old, hungry, and exhausted. The annoying, red-headed boy just HAD to be visiting the human city at the same time and place she was. She'd already met him once in Solodin, and they had not gotten good first impressions of each other.
"Would you just listen to me?" Arion snarled impatiently, brushing his striking red hair out of his face. He was covered in dirt, blood, and cement dust, but the twelve year old boy still had plenty of fight left in him. "We just outsmarted human police together, and you're just gonna leave like this? We made a good team back there. Our powers literally match perfectly!" His bright, golden eyes blazed with frustration.
Celeste edged away from him. "I don't want anything to do with you, after you killing in cold blood like that! You're a monster," she spat. Arion snorted and wiped his hands on his pants. "That's not the first time I've killed. Besides, what was I supposed to do? Politely ask them not to shoot us down?" He sneered.
"They wouldn't have seen us at all if you hadn't been so clumsy. A blindfolded elephant makes less noise than you do," She grumbled, wiping at her forehead with tiny, blood-smeared fingers. Her wispy white hair was stained with the stuff.
Arion brushed her off impatiently. "Shut up. Neither of us are in any shape to survive on our own. You look like you've been chewed by a bear."
Celeste rolled her eyes. "No thanks to you."
Arion glared at her. "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry. They have really good croissants at this diner with literally zero surveillance in Solodin. Eat first, argue later?" He suggested, noticing how starved-looking Celeste was.
Celeste immediately forgot her anger at the prospect of food. "Croissants?" She had no idea what those were, but they sounded delicious. Maybe today wouldn't be such a rotten day after all.

Celeste let her skinny, bruised legs dangle as she sat high up in a large oak tree, leaning against its trunk. She pressed a paper napkin with a restaurant logo on it to her forehead. Next to her, Arion lay balanced on a thick branch with his dirty face turned up to the foliage above, his eyes closed. He'd barely managed to climb up the tree with his injured leg. Celeste had felt bad enough to actually help him. It would only be a matter of minutes before the yellow and green haired baker realized his batch of freshly baked croissants had vanished. The two children had devoured the small pastries eagerly, but they still felt hungry. "I guess you're not all that bad," Celeste said aloud. She licked her small, buttery fingers before wiping them on her torn shirt. Arion opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her, his feathery red hair flopping over his forehead. "Oh, really? I thought I was a psychopath." He snickered. Celeste sniffed. "You're still a nasty boy. I just don't hate you as much anymore." Arion gave a hoarse laugh, his hazel eyes glinting. He was already quite attractive, even as a grimy twelve year old boy.
"Whether you like it or not, I think we have a better chance of surviving together." He gave her that annoying, cocky grin of his. Celeste shrugged like she couldn't care less, but couldn't stop the small smile spreading over her pale lips.

Celeste slowly opened her eyes, looking disoriented and listless. The nurse's assistant quickly moved to tilt her chin up and make her comfortable, but it was like trying to get a scarecrow to be comfortable. She tried to look around, but it seemed like she couldn't see anything. "Arion?" She whispered inaudibly. Celeste looked so tired and frail, she could easily pass out again.



"Miss Basil," Kyran begged softly. It was doing her no good to see the operation carried out in front of her eyes. "It's going to be okay," he wrapped his arms around her and patted her shoulder soothingly as she sobbed. "I'm so sorry. I wish I could do something..." he whispered, half to himself.

"Mr. Lindheimer, you are a prime example of what happens when you do not let yourself heal properly." The surgeon said calmly, bandaging Arion's torso with a long piece of thick gauze. Arion groaned with effort, his muscular arms straining. The tough cloth restrains finally gave way with a loud ripping noise, the force shaking the table. The surgeon smacked Arion's bicep, frowning. "Stop that, now," he snapped. "Now, Kyran, please stop bothering Miss Basil and clean this mess up. I don't think you're helping her." Kyran reluctantly let go of Basil with a parting rub on the shoulder, looking dejected. He started to clean the nasty mess and disinfect the room, as the surgeon helped Arion off the table into a bed. Arion was barely conscious, as he unfortunately was awake during the entire operation. He closed his eyes once his head hit the pillow, completely spent. The blanket on the bed had fallen victim to a bloodstain, so Kyran had to remove it. The surgeon readjusted his hospital mask. "Now please do us all a favor and go to sleep." Arion didn't need to be told twice. He was out cold before the surgeon was finished with his sentence.

The surgeon turned to Basil, his expression becoming a bit more gentle. "Are you alright, Miss Maonaigh? I'm sorry you had to see that." He gently led her over to a chair by Arion's bedside. Under normal circumstances, he always shooed family or friends from the room when he was operating, but Basil's grief had managed to make the cold-hearted doctor feel a twinge of pity for her. He sat down next to her and rubbed his temples, worn out by the operation. But he couldn't lose his clarity of mind now. The anxious way he watched Arion clearly implied that he didn't know whether the red headed Quell would ever completely recover from this kind of trauma.

Arion slept quietly, his cheek resting against the pillow. His matted red hair covered his forehead in a tangled mess. His expression looked so peaceful, it was hard to believe what he'd just gone through. With his shirt missing, the scars that covered his arms and torso were clearly visible. Some had gone too deep to fade, others were beginning to disappear, but most were barely healed. The doctor had pieced him together nicely with his healing magic, but he still looked little better off than a corpse.



"You're very welcome, Lyra." Endymion smiled. His fingers were warm from holding the cup of tea. He sat down next to Miri, who promptly snuggled underneath his arm.
"Did you have fun today?" She grinned. Miri knew Endymion had been dying to spend a little time with Lyra lately, but he'd done nothing but translate spells in his free time.
"Of course I did. We talked about all sorts of amusing things while you were working." He smiled, looking up to meet Lyra's gaze. His sapphire-blue eyes sparkled good-naturedly, not something Endymion was usually capable of.
Miri laughed, her fresh, innocent face lighting up. "Amusing things? You?"
He snorted. "Of course! Things like the paranormal and the human threat that could possibly wipe us out make a very good conversation."

Endymion's eyes flicked to the mostly full cup that Lyra had put down, then to her face. Her frown and her unease hadn't escaped him. "If you like, I can get you a different serving," he offered, but his tone implied a double meaning, that he wanted to know what was troubling her.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:44 am

(( lol Same!! The English Lit class and Film class I'm taking this semester has taken over my life lol XDDDD ))


The young Howler gave a warm laugh at the friendly nurse’s request, his cheeks and ears flushing pink, “ You’ll be sure to get an invitation, ma’am”. If he ever worked up the courage to ask Celeste to marry him, that is. In all honesty, Juniper would gladly marry his precious Celeste in an instant, though he wasn’t sure if she would want to marry a Howler boy like him. He didn’t have a home nor any money nor anything to offer Celeste besides his unquestionable love for her and perhaps his cuteness. Still, Juniper knew that Celeste loved him just as much as he loved her and he knew that he really did want to marry her. When the time was right, he’d gladly ask his precious Celeste to become his wife. Though, at the moment, Juniper wasn't really that worried about weddings and cake; he was much more worried about whether or not Celeste was going to recover. He wanted to make sure that she was okay before he worried about anything else.

Juniper remained by Celeste's bedside, watching carefully for any signs that she might have been coming around. He stayed by her bedside, making sure not to disturb her because she needed rest. As he saw Celeste beginning to stir, Juniper's heart began pounding just a little faster in his chest. “Bunny..” He breathed softly, stroking the back of her thin, pale hand with his thumb as if it were made of glass. “Darling, it’s me, Juniper” He said quietly, “ I dunno where Arion is, but I’m sure he’ll come and see you as soon as he can. Just rest now, okay?” Truthfully, Juniper had no idea if Arion would even be able to come over to Celeste’s room. He had completely forgotten about the fierce red-headed Quell because he had been so worried about Celeste, though he knew that Arion had been severely injured. In all honesty, he didn’t know if Arion was going to survive, but he did know that it wouldn’t be a very good idea to tell Celeste this. She had already been through so much- Juniper didn’t want to add to the trauma of it all by telling her about her brother’s condition.


Basil’s petite frame shook violently as she sobbed, her fingers loosely grasping Arion’s corpse-like hand. She no longer cared what anyone thought about her distraught sobbing and paid no mind to the others in the small hospital room. Wracked with grief, her gaze never left Arion’s pallid, yet still attractive face.

As Kyran wrapped his arms around her, Basil flinched just a bit and looked over at him forlornly. She was grateful for Kyran’s effort to comfort her, even though it didn’t begin to ease the unbearable ache of sorrow and guilt in her chest. Gently, the petite earth Quell wrapped her arms around Kyran and hugged him back. “D-don’t be sorry, Ky. It’s not your fault” Basil murmured quietly, her voice a little thick from tears. Mustering up a half-hearted smile that didn’t reach her eyes, Basil gave the nurse’s arm a gentle, reassuring squeeze before he pulled away from her to clean up and disinfect the room.

Basil chewed her lip nervously as she watched Arion fall asleep against the pillow. It was wonderful to see him looking so peaceful after the pain he had been through during the operation, but she couldn’t help but still worry about him. She could tell by the way the surgeon anxiously kept looking over at Arion that the odds weren’t good that he would completely recover. Miserably, the green-haired Quell held her head in her hands, desperately wishing there was some way she could help Arion feel better, but she knew there was nothing she could really do besides be there for him.

Numbly, Basil let the surgeon lead her over to the chair without protesting. She didn’t know exactly how to feel anymore, her chest feeling strangely hollow with grief. As the surgeon kindly asked if she was okay, Basil hesitated, unsure what to say. Truthfully, she wasn’t doing ‘okay’ at all, knowing that she was responsible for nearly killing all the people she loved, but she obviously couldn’t explain that to an almost complete stranger. “ O-oh, yes I’m quite alright,” Basil lied easily, mustering up a small, feigned smile, " And no need to be sorry. None of this was your fault, doctor" She murmured quietly before turning back to Arion. With a soft sigh, she wrapped her arms around herself protectively, her fingers pale, delicate fingers clutching the soft fabric of her jacket. Turning away from the surgeon, she looked over to Arion as he slept easily on the hospital bed. A bittersweet little smile tugged at her full lips as she watched his peaceful expression, finding it strangely adorable. Though, Basil couldn't help but frown a bit as she noticed all of the scars covering his chest and torso. Her heart ached badly as she saw them all- it was painfully obvious poor Arion had been through so much already. Hesitantly, she reached out and took Arion’s lithe hand in hers without disturbing him, gently running her thumb over the back of his hand. " I'm so, so sorry about all of this, darling. You never deserved any of it" She murmured in a barely audible whisper. Basil's gaze rested on her and Arion's limp hand, her heart feeling as if it had been shattered into a million pieces then haphazardly glued back together.


Lyra's heart felt a little lighter as Endymion looked up to meet her gaze, his mysterious, strangely attractive eyes drawing a smile from her. " Oh yes, the paranormal is always quite amusing" She agreed with a warm laugh, her coffee brown eyes sparkling madly. Chuckling softly, the young alpha tucked a loose strand of pale blonde hair behind her ear and looked over at Endymion with her familiar alluring smile.

" Oh, no thank you, Endymion. This one's perfect~ " Lyra said, with a slight smile. She knew that Endymion had noticed her slight nervousness, though she was unsure if she could explain why she was so worried without inadvertently embarrassing herself. “ It’s just… nerves I suppose.” With a soft sigh, Lyra’s gaze wandered over to the window, watching the sun just beginning to set. Already, the mouthwatering scent of the Howler’s evening meal was in the air and the sounds of laughter and conversation could be heard from just outside the hut. Lyra dreaded going out there to speak with the Howler tribe, but she knew that she was going to have to face the others eventually.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:14 am

(Wow! A film class sounds really interesting though. Btw, the new picture of Juniper you put up is so precious!)
{I am so sorry for my super late response. 😖 I hate keeping you waiting! }


"Juniper....?" Celeste was barely audible. She looked very confused just for a moment, as if she didn't remember. All of a sudden, the past ten years of her life caught up to her. She clutched Juniper's hand as relief flooded her tired expression. At least he was okay. "Where is everyone?...Arion?" Celeste tried to look around without much success. Her head swam dizzily, but felt heavier than lead. Celeste shut her eyes unhappily as Juniper mentioned Arion. Arion had always been the person holding her hand whenever she woke up, and she with him. Something had to be terribly wrong. Celeste's face went slack with horror as she remembered just how badly he had been hurt. "Arion....no..." Her head sank back onto her chest in hopelessness. Celeste didn't know why, but she just couldn't bring herself to ask Juniper to go check on Arion. Just the way Juniper spoke about him made it clear that he didn't want to bring up his condition. What would she do if he died? Celeste refused to think about it. Arion couldn't be gone. There was too much left of him with her—his sleepy hugs, his clear laugh, the way he caught her so securely every time she went flying off of the uneven bars at the gymnasium, and all the nights they spent dying of laughter because of something stupid he did. All of that couldn't be gone...could it? Celeste swallowed dryly, opened her eyes, and tried to speak again. "Wh-what about Hawthorne? How is he? Please, tell me he's okay." Her voice caught on the last word, thick with desperation. Despite being weak with overexertion, Celeste tightened her grip on Juniper's hand almost uncomfortably, as if he were the only thing anchoring her to this world. Her head was spinning, and her tight, worried face was a sickly shade of green. Celeste had honestly believed that her days of waking up wounded in a hospital—their days—were over.


Kyran braced himself against the wall, hugged his sides, and screwed up his face, willing himself not to throw up. He was accustomed to gruesome sights, but it had been almost too much to see Basil crying over Arion's corpse. He couldn't understand his new friends. What did they do in their spare time? How did this happen? Kyran had so many questions, but he wasn't really sure if he wanted to know the answers.

The doctor discarded his soiled gloves for a pair of new ones and watched the readings on the black screen hanging above Arion's head, his eyes narrowed. He'd singlehandedly accomplished in thirty minutes what would have taken normal team of surgeons at least a few hours, but instead of being proud, he only felt uneasy. The readings were good, but they only implied that Arion was going to live—not necessarily that he was going to make a complete recovery. The surgeon knew what a ruthless fighter and brilliant gymnast Arion was. Despite his cold, sharp personality, he felt a wave of regret at the thought of those qualities lost forever.

Arion's eyelashes fluttered. He slowly opened his eyes, registering the hospital ceiling. His mind swam through a haze of pain as he tried to remember what had happened to him. Arion stared dimly at the ceiling as his brain attempted to put together a coherently thought. Everything seemed to be moving through a thick, opaque jelly, even the bed he was in. Yet, he felt a dire, abstract sense of urgency gnawing away at him, but he just couldn't put his finger on it. His chest felt like it was being stabbed repeatedly and there was an awful pounding in his skull, as if someone was drowning out his vision and hearing with a hammer and chisel. Arion tried to move his lips and was greeted with the nasty taste of old blood in his mouth. He hated that familiar taste and he wanted to spit, but he could do nothing but lie there and concentrate on how he would take his next breath as he tried in vain to blink his sight back. Even without moving, he felt so sore from being sewn back together that he gave up on trying to move, unable to brush his hair out of his face or lift his head. He had one last hope left, one word he could remember. "Celeste?" He rasped, his voice drier than paper.



(Quick question, is Lyra pronounced "Leer-ah" or Lye-rah"? I've heard both pronunciations so I was just curious about that.)

Endymion nodded silently. "Nerves won't be a problem." He directed his gaze back to Lyra, "I've known you from birth and I can tell you: your face is an iron mask." Reassuring people wasn't Endymion's strong suit, but that did not stop him from doing so.
Miri grinned widely. "That's right! I have no idea what you are thinking about right now." She wiggled out from the crook of Endymion's arm and scrambled to the window at the scent of food. "Come on guys! Dinner is almost ready!" She chirped. Endymion put the fingertips of one hand to his temple, a gesture that made him look like a tired father. "You go on ahead. We'll be right with you."
Miri ran out the door, her wings fluttering happily. Moments later, one could see the figure of a small kestrel flying up to one of the large treehouses.
Endymion looked up at Lyra. His deep blue eyes were weary but held a somewhat fond look. "I'm ready when you are, alpha."
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Wed Nov 07, 2018 5:09 pm

( It is pretty interesting! lol I've just finished up my film and I'm going to my university's film fest in just a couple days! It's really exciting to finally get to see how much our work has paid off! ^^ And thanks!!! I'm so glad you like it! I thought it was just too adorable and fit Juniper perfectly! XD)

{ No worries about late replies! Don't stress over it! <3 I completely understand!! Really, I've been super busy for the last couple weeks from preparing for finals and working on my film for school, so I haven't been able to roleplay much lately <3 I'm going to be super busy for a little while longer, but then I'm going on break really soon! <3}

(( Speaking of being on break, I'm going to be going on a week long hiking trip Thanksgiving week, so I might not have wifi that week! <3 I'm super sorry about that, but I'll let you know when I come back! ^^ ))


Juniper held his breath as Celeste seemed to not remember him, his expression filled with worry. How could she not know who he was? She must have been even more injured than he had thought before. Juniper anxiously peered at Celeste's ashen face, gently caressing her hand until her expression suddenly shifted to one of recognition. The young Howler let out a small relieved sigh, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. " Bunny~" He murmured softly, his tone as affectionate as ever, " Just take it easy for a bit, okay?" Juniper was terribly worried about Celeste; she had already faced death twice in 48 hours. She probably didn't need the extra stress of knowing about what happened to her brother- but, Juniper respected Celeste too much to lie to her. He couldn't hide what had happened to Arion and the others from her.

Falling a bit quieter, Juniper's gaze rested on their intertwined fingers. " I'm sorry, darling.." He murmured gently, " I don't know much about Arion's condition. The last time I saw him... he was still unconscious, but the doctors were working on fixing him up. And Basil's with him, I think.". Juniper offered her a small smile, trying to stay optimistic, " Arion's the second toughest Quell I've ever met, after you of course darling. He'll make it out of this, I just know it" Juniper said, gently stroking Celeste's cheek bone with his slightly calloused thumb. As she inquired about Hawthorne, Juniper shifted his feet uncomfortably, hating to be the bearer of more bad news, " The doctor said he was still in a coma. They don't know if the Hawthorne'll wake up or not" He finished in a tone just above a whisper. Juniper looked to Celeste once more, his bright purple eyes taking in every tiny detail of her tired, yet still beautiful face. A tiny smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he met her gaze for a long moment. Oh heavens he was so grateful to see Celeste's lovely blue eyes once again!


Basil sat silently by Arion's bedside, holding his limp hand in both of hers. Hot tears threatened to spill over as she watched his lifeless form laying still on the bed. She patiently waited by Arion's side, her gaze trained on his attractive face, searching for any signs of life. As Arion's eyelashes fluttered, Basil felt as if her heart was going to pound right out of her chest. " Arion~" She breathed, almost unable to believe that he was coming around. A whirlwind of emotions hit her in the chest hard as Arion rasped for Celeste. Of course he wanted his sister by his side after everything that had happened! Celeste and Arion needed to be together and they needed to know if their sibling was okay or not. Basil chewed her lip nervously, her gaze darting over to where the door was, as if she could see through the curtains into Celeste's room. She honestly had no idea if Celeste would be able to come over any time soon.

Quietly, Basil gave Arion's hand a gentle squeeze, unable to find the right words to say to comfort him. " Arion...I'm..." She murmured quietly, her voice breaking before she could finish. Swallowing back her tears, the petite Quell looked to Arion with a watery smile that didn't quite reach her dull, tired eyes. Very gently, she leaned forward and brushed the loose locks of bright red hair from his face. How could he look so devilishly handsome, even inches away from death? Basil wondered, a tiny, half-hearted smile tugging at her full lips.


(( I pronounce it Lye-rah! Though either's fine ^^ ))

Lyra smiled a tiny bit at Endymion's attempt to reassure her, finding his compliment almost sweet in a strange way. " I suppose you're right about that," She chuckled, " And it doesn't really matter if I'm nervous or not if I at least look composed" The young alpha added thoughtfully.

As Miri ran out mentioning something about food, Lyra felt another wave of worry hit her as she was reminded about having to face the pack at dinnertime. But, this time she was determined not to let it overwhelm her thoughts. Pushing her worries away, she looked over to Endymion and smiled just a tiny bit. It was rather amusing how he seemed so much like a tired, grumpy father as he rubbed his temples.

Lyra met Endymion's gaze for a long moment, her heart fluttering in her chest at his fond look. The blonde she-Howler felt her cheeks grow just atiny bit warmer as she smiled at him. Her deep coffee brown eyes held a deep respect and fondness that Lyra had for him only. " I'm ready" She said softly, her jaw set with determination.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:46 am

(That is so cool! I hope you have a great time 😀)

{Ahhh same with me! Aside from everything else, the speech and debate tournament season is going to be busy as hell this year. I want to qualify for nationals again. Best of luck for finals!}

(( No worries! Have a fun and safe hiking trip! You could always reach me over Instagram too))


As Juniper kissed her forehead, Celeste gave him the best smile she could muster, a sad shadow of her usual cheerfulness. She was grateful for his comforting presence, but the heavy lump of dread in her chest only grew the more he spoke. She remained silent, her eyebrows furrowed and her lips pressed together. Everything Juniper said about Hawthorne and Arion felt like a stab to the chest. It wasn't possible that Hawthorne and Arion, two of the most powerful Quell in Solodin, had been taken down so quickly by a sassy lowlife and a mangy mutt. It just wasn't possible! Her face, which had been completely blank while she was unconscious, was now filled with worry to an agonizing degree. "I-I can't believe this." Celeste managed at last, numbly. "It isn't real." But it had happened anyway. It was a reality even worse than the ugliest of nightmares. A few pink and blue strands of hair fell over her face, but they couldn't hid the pain in her eyes. "Arion...he always joked that he'd haunt me after he died," Celeste whispered, half to herself. A tear glistened on her cheek as it rolled down her face. "He said he'd follow me around and leave doodles on loose paper and play stupid piano songs in the middle of the night, and..." Celeste trailed off and looked away. Scalding, bitter tears rolled down her face as her shoulders heaved with broken sobs. "H-h-he can't. N...not n-n-now, please," she choked out through sobs, turning away from Juniper and covering her face with her hands. Her worst nightmare was about to come true. Arion was still recovering from a previous injury that had nearly killed him, and taking such a heavy blow before he was completely healed could prove fatal. Celeste wanted so badly to do something, stand up, get to Arion, wake Hawthorne up somehow, but she felt so tired, so utterly drained, she couldn't even think straight. The only thing on her mind was her idiot of an older brother. Her chest felt like a hollow shell as she cried harder and pressed her hands to her face, muffling her sobs.


The mess of nauseous yellow spots and stars in his vision soon faded, leaving Arion with a hazy image of the hospital ceiling. He groaned in pain and slowly turned his head, squeezing his eyes shut. The small movement made him realize just how sore his body was—every single one of his muscles felt like it had been smashed by a meat tenderizer. Arion muttered something under his breath that would not be very suitable on a PG site. He gingerly wiggled his fingers and felt two soft, delicate hands wrapped around one of his. Although he was falling in and out of consciousness, the gentle feeling of his hair being brushed away from his face and the soft sound of his name being whispered brought him back to reality faster than anything. He opened his eyes and spotted Basil by his bedside. She looked like she had been crying, but Arion swore he'd never seen a more beautiful sight. His lips moved as he tried to say something, just to show her he was alive, but no sound came out. Despite that, he managed a weak smile for her. His golden eyes remained a little glazed and he still was clearly in pain, but Arion was fighting just to keep his eyes open.



(Cool! That's also how I read it tbh ^^)

Endymion drew a long, relaxed breath, his eyes glinting as Lyra held his gaze. "Good." She was ready. He didn't need to say anything more. Coming closer, he put his arm securely around her waist with unparalleled meticulosity, after carefully making sure she was okay with it. He slid his other arm under her knees and smoothly lifted her off the ground, his arms forming a sort of chair Lyra could sit on, so she could still have command of herself while he carried her. His hand curled around the knee of her injured leg in an unspoken gesture of respect—or maybe he was simply trying to secure her. Endymion was sure carrying Lyra bridal style was not an option here. He rose and made his way to the door, walking as if he were completely unburdened.

Miri closed her wings to her body and gracefully dived through the window of their huge, sturdy treehouse, dropping into a front roll and fully transforming human as she stood. There, where she'd left them, were the venison chops of the butchered deer, a fine mesh draped over the that kept out even the tiniest speck of an insect. They were dressed with rosemary, garlic, and a few nameless spices Endymion had brought back from beyond the mountains. She wasted no time in taking up two large, heavy laden platters of meat, bearing them downstairs, and out to the central plaza around the bonfire. The wonderful aroma of the cooked meat mingling with those of other dishes was absolutely heavenly. The corrupted crystals that dangled from the leather cord around her neck pulsated slightly as her arms burned with the weight of the plates, stiffening the muscles in her arms and reducing the strain. Miri set the plates down at their place and rolled her shoulders, looking around for her friends.

Already, several Howlers had brought out their dishes and were talking. Some of the older women were reviving the fire until it was blazing as strongly as last night. Even though they mostly spoke in lowered voices, Miri could make out their conversation with near perfect ease. Almost every single conversation was about Lyra and last night's events. Some were confident, others worried, still others filled with reverence, and still others expressed their surprise at Juniper and a sort of awe for "the Quell with the sunrise hair". Some of the girls had spotted Arion as he came to take Celeste and Juniper away. A group of them were either whispering admiringly of how breathtakingly gorgeous he was, or discussing what a terrible menace he was. Miri did not join their circle. She had to admit, Arion was very beautiful, but he was a monster. He had torn their family by killing their eldest son and plunging both Endymion and his mother into deep bitterness and grief. Endymion had spent countless hours unsuccessfully trying to find the body of his brother, only to find that he'd been burnt to cinders. That was unforgivable. Miri had been a child of around five, but she would never forget. She didn't want to talk about Arion, much less think of him.

Shaking off those thoughts, she resolved to find someone who would have better things to say about last night. She skipped to the other end of the plaza, her milky brown hair flying, avoiding the spot where Lyra's and Celeste's blood stained the stone. "Gilly!" She called, her high, birdlike voice carrying. "Where are youuu?"
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