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jasper // 64

Postby molotov » Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:11 pm

    𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑 ─────
      he slowed his attempts to preen as his attention settled on the hunter, lowering his arms to his sides.“given it was so apparent. keeping it to myself wasn’t one of my sharpest moments..” he chuckled, letting a sheepish smile briefly fix across his expression, eased by the reaction he was receiving. it was hard to deny that sebastian had a calming presence about him, maybe it was just the gentle way he spoke, or perhaps his smile, whatever the case, his anxiety seemed to wane a considerable amount. a slight frown replaced the timid smile soon there after, wondering how long he had been standing around with dirt on his face. if he hadn’t asked, would sebastian have stayed quiet about his current state? he watched the other turn to the stream, a look of disgust brought to jasper’s face now, watching the man dip his sleeve in the running water. he wasn’t about to clean his face with that, was he? the amount of runoff that stream probably collected from the previous rain - more than likely, it had accumulated plenty of disgusting debris, none of which he wanted anywhere near him. his question was promptly answered, as in fact, that was exactly what his intentions were. jasper scrunched his eyes shut, as sebastian gently wiped at the side of his face, though he began to relax as he let his eyes focus on the other vampire. he was right, this sort of thing could easily be brushed off as merely a show of their training, or an encounter with a monster, still, the repercussions by mere rumor alone, it could be an issue, and context hardly mattered to folks prone to gossip. he let out a small sigh, frustrated with his own actions. “ah, fair point, i suppose my anxieties clouded my judgement some. the notion of my reputation being besmirched by dirt of all things, is beyond humiliating.” once the hunter had finished, jasper slackened, feeling a little better knowing there was nothing too apparent across his face, nevertheless, he’d definitely be keeping to the shadows on their way back. “thank you, i’m sure we’ll have no trouble going unnoticed.” he dipped his head, appreciative of the assistance. simple of a request as it was, it was refreshing to have someone by his side to help him out, one that wouldn’t judge him. he observed the other man once more, hyper-fixating on the dirt that had accumulated on him, not as much, but still enough to catch jaspers attention. it was hard to believe anyone could be content being covered in dirt, without having a strong urge to take a bath, then again he was a commoner, he had been told they weren’t the most sanitary of people - it must've been nice, not to have as many expectations placed upon him. “i’ll make a mental note to hire us a tailor, at the rate i am losing clothing i am due for some new attire, as are you a wardrobe of your own.”

      as their conversation turned to weaponry, jasper couldn’t help but let his mind drift to sebastian, wondering how long he himself had been training for, he had found himself impressed time and time again by his quick thinking and combat, just how long did it take to get that skilled? before he was able to ask the question, sebastian beat him to it. jasper blinked, realizing how his own question may have implied interest in bows, “me, with a bow?” he laughed at the metal image conjured up by the question. “heaven’s no, what purpose would that serve someone like me?” he waved a hand dismissively. certainly, archery wasn’t a foreign concept to a nobleman, some took it up as a hobby along with falconry, a means of hunting for sport, and training raptors to hunt pests on their orchards and fields. nevertheless, jasper had never found an interest in participating, he wasn’t adept with aiming, and animals had a tendency to dislike him, so getting near a bird of prey with claws like daggers, or shooting pointy sticks, had never been a particularly appealing idea. “i merely find it impressive is all, that sort of precision has never ceased to surprise me - i mean, i’ve gotten shot in the eye before.” he pointed to his left eye with the mention. “that said, i resent them. as you’ve witnessed, they’ve caused me my fair share of misfortune, and i have no desire to wield the very weapon that has almost cost me my life.” he said with a huff, pausing a moment as he tapped his fingers against the forest floor, a thoughtful gleam in his red eyes. “frankly, i don’t even know where to start when it comes to weapons, claws serve their purpose, but their not exactly something i can go showing off around others.” he raised one of his hands to observe his nails, frowning at the sight of dirt caught within them. swords were an obvious choice to most when it came to training, but he couldn’t say he was too fond of the long blades either, he preferred the swiftness of his claws, striking quickly without the weight of a large blade in his hands. he supposed he’d have to make an exception if he wanted to keep up their guise, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to learn.
      the mood was growing serious each second he lingered on the topic, stating he had no intention of leaving clearly implied far more than he cared to straightforwardly admit to, nevertheless, he was hoping the man would just move on, push aside the dark implications of his words in order to preserve the light atmosphere they had started with. instead he began to stammer, which in turn caught jasper by surprise. he wasn’t sure what to make of the hunters words - at first - brows furrowing in concern as he glanced over at sebastian, promptly softened as he finally managed to speak. for a moment he eased, an odd comfort settling over him in finding someone who understood what he was coming from. alas, that moment was a fleeting one, overpowered by frustration, as the other man continued. his jaw tightening in an effort to force himself to stay silent. good intentioned as sebastian’s words were, he struggled to fully listen, mind stubborn and clouded by argumentative thoughts to combat what was being said to him. as if it had never occurred to him that things would inevitably end with his demise if he stayed, it felt like an insult, as if sebastian thought him an idiot who hadn’t considered the long term consequence. no indication of this showed on his face, save for the glint of agitation in his red gaze. it ebbed some as he continued, a look of uneasiness replacing it. he couldn’t bring himself to accept sebastian’s words, not when he time and time again proved that he wasn’t capable of changing, he lacked any reason, any desire to keep going if he lost his birthright. jasper realized that things had grown eerily silent, and he fidgeted awkwardly. in admitting his stance, he had affectively talked himself into uncomfortable territory, but he couldn’t avoid it, not when he had been the one to bring it up. “i was hoping you wouldn’t go there, but, your assumption.. isn’t entirely inaccurate.” he answered, finally returning his gaze to the man who sat beside him, he shook his head. “i am not a fool, i know very well what’s going to happen to me.” he continued quietly, a coldness tracing his words. the certainty in his disposition was far from the truth, so much inner conflict was brought forth with the thought. nevertheless, he crossed his arms, and forced himself to maintain a look of indifference over the matter. “but with all due respect, you and i are nothing alike.” his voice took on a slight sternest, not yet angered but veering in that direction, he was desperate to force a divide between the two of them in any way he could. something to warrant why his decision pertained different circumstances, nothing a commoner would understand. was he just expected to abandon his estate, his wealth, everything he had, when that time came? as if he hadn’t disgraced his family enough times, even in death he continued to disappoint them, continued to hurt people. he had betrayed the very ruler who once sought his lineage worthy of their noble blood. his social standing was built upon foundations of loyalty and honor, something a past rosenberg would pride themselves on maintaining under their monarch. he had not only torn down all his family had built, he had successfully ensured that all they had worked for would die with him, how very tragic. without fully realizing it, his calm features contorted into evident agitation as distressing thoughts pushed themselves to the forefront of his mind. “who i am now, is a horrid, self-seeking, leech.” his words were a low growl, seething with hatred. “that hasn’t changed, just because i desire to help you.” getting a hold of his anger he let out a small sigh, he slowly easing. “i wish nothing but the best for you, sebastian.” he spoke softly, slowly turning his head back to the other vampire. “but, leaving isn’t an option for me, i can’t just abandon the only life i’ve ever known, there’s too much keeping me here.” he dug his claws into the soft ground, trying to keep his breathing steady, though his chest prickled with dread. “i.. wouldn’t even know what to do with myself, i would.. cease to have purpose, i would have nothing, no one.” loosing grip of the last threads of vague humanity he still had left, gone within an instant, and with nothing left to hang on to, what would he do? wander from place to place, homeless and bloodthirsty for the rest of eternity, hoping he wouldn’t be consumed by thirst. jasper covered his face with a trembling hand, and shut his eyes tightly, forcing back the wave of emotions that threatened to spill over onto his expression in that moment. self-criticism struck him like the claws of a beast, relentless and overwhelming, and he could do nothing but bare the blows as he tried to silence his thoughts and force himself to stay calm. once the feeling passed he allowed his hand to rest back at his side, and let his eyes fix across the stary sky to avoid meeting sebastian’s gaze. he was saying too much, he was spilling out to this man and making this worse, such weakness reminded him of his child-self, which was enough of a reason for him to push back. “i mean, you said it yourself, if this had played out realistically, you would’ve finished me off and moved on. so why do you care what happens to me after we part ways?” he forced an uneasy smile, his eyes pertained a bleakness to them that was harder to mask. behind the veneer, uneasiness plagued his mind; dread, uncertainty, fear. his emotions were all over the place, but he kept up the guise regardless. “frankly, it’s not something you should fret over. i’ll be here as long as you need me to be.” he reassured, he once again turned away and let his smile dissipate. recalling the nights sebastian looked to him with hatred burning in his eyes, utter disgust dripping from his words for a monster he was set on killing. now, they sat together, under the starlight, and the man who use to look to him as a beast meant to be slain, now seemed intent to keep him alive, but why? why did he care so much? he was desperate for this conversation to cease, but he struggled to voice it outwardly, not wishing to dampen the mood anymore than he already had.

      catching the dissatisfaction in sebastian’s tone, jasper’s eyes sheepishly swiveled to glance at the lush scenery of the forest. “technically, that book i gave you this morning would classify as prohibited.” he admitted quietly. sure, it was a work of fiction, a mere hero’s journey by first look. nevertheless, people took issue with the writer themselves and their depiction of a supernatural, casting what should’ve been a frighting ravenous beast in a redeeming, gentle light, which was a risk in the eyes of many of the ruling class, among many other stories with similar stances. it was a shame really, if the public was more informed of the supernatural, more normalized to their existence, perhaps they would be a little more accepting of them. why, if a handful of willing humans were generous enough to give a vampire some extracted blood, they could live in complete benevolence among society. even then it felt like wishful thinking to consider, no man would offer his blood willingly to what they perceive as a thing of utter malevolence, assisting a beast who feared the cross and evaded the light of the sun was not exactly the best candidate when it came to sparking pity or a desire to aid it, more innately would prey wish to flee or defend themselves from a predator, than ever provide it sustenance.
      as the weight of the emblem left his hand, jasper gave a small nod. he had just entrusted a spellbreaker to represent him - his family - and yet, oddly, he wasn’t discouraged by that notion, rather, a proud feeling passed over him. he placed a hand over his heart, a warm smile across his face. “i am truly indebted to you, i want to make it known how much i appreciate all you’ve done.” he knew the risks of giving sebastian his emblem, but, given the man before him had spared his life, he didn’t much care. lowering his hand back to his side. he nodded once more, learning manners would be a breeze in comparison to everything else they would have to cover, then again, sebastian had never come across as the uncivilized and uneducated commoner he was use to hearing about, granted, he didn’t seem the least bit bothered by the dirt. it wouldn’t be that much of an issue, just so long as he didn’t intend to drag that mud through his home like a dog. “i wouldn't leave my own instructor unprepared, i assure you. we’ll have plenty of time to go over staff etiquette.” he assured.
      a guilty expression coaxed it’s way across his face with the admittance that followed from the commoner. “-and, you’re the only monster hunter who’s treated me like a person.” he offered a smile, as an act of reassurance. this was all so circumstantial, it was difficult to admit that to the man standing in front of him. it was nice, a having someone he could be himself around, but, sebastian was an exception to what he would otherwise ignore, or at the very least acknowledge in the instance of official business. he wasn’t sure how else to act, it felt inappropriate to be any other way than a manager in front of them, if he didn’t play the part of the noble than how could he hope to gain respect from those beneath him? “there’s no need to look so embarrassed.” he poked sebastian’s shoulder playfully, albeit gently with the addition of claws, he didn’t intend to hurt the man. he leaned back, returning his view to the tranquil night sky. “it’s true, not all of us are bad. granted, i’ve seen a man stuck to the ground for looking at a noble 'wrong.' so, i would be quite the fool if i denied the flaws of my own ranks.” his brows furrowed with the thought, parting his lips as the inclination to ask just what sort of noble dealings sebastian had gotten himself into, overtook him. blue-bloods weren’t without an arrogant air to them, that he knew from experience. their position necessitated it to some extent, they needed to ensure their social standing evident in not just their show of wealth and authority, but also in the way they held themselves, no one would very well assume the timid or meek worthy of such a position. nevertheless, there was a difference between confidence that commanded respect, and the hubris nature nobles often times adopted. excessive pride and self-worth, looking down upon commoners as if they were mere tools. “that said, being an opportunistic creature at heart, i can’t help but wish to utilize our circumstances. criticism is a concept all too foreign to most nobles, so i wouldn’t be opposed to hearing a commoners perspective.”
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Sebastian || 65

Postby Rosario. » Sat Aug 06, 2022 2:09 am

. 𝒮 𝑒 𝒷 𝒶 𝓈 𝓉 𝒾 𝒶 𝓃

      For his part, Sebastian had no clue about the other man's disgust over him using water from the stream. Doing so was only natural to the hunter. When he needed to get clean during long travels a stream like this was ideal. Cold, but clean. Enough to wash away grime and smells, allowing one to get comfortably clean and leaving an earthy smell he could only ever describe as comforting. To the hunter unaccustomed to easy access to expensive soaps this was just fine. If anything, the scent of some soaps were actually quite harsh to him and he could only imagine others grudgingly enduring them for the status they implied.
      As such, when Jasper tensed and scrunched his eyes shut Sebastian could only assume that the other was tensing from the cold and trying to keep it out of his eyes. He smiled, glad that his reassurance seemed to have worked, assuming his sigh had been one of relief as he relented on his fretting and shook his head with Jasper's self-deprecating statement, "I think I can see where you're coming from. As a hunter I never had to worry over my appearance - expertise was all that mattered. Your role, though, expects you to maintain an image of untouchable refinement at all times." He decided not to mention his thoughts on such a restrictive lifestyle. Not as if he really had the room to judge it considering what his own had been like, "At any rate, I'll do my best to avoid this in the future - choose better routes whenever I can find them - so others don't even have the chance to question it." He did his best to offer his assurance but this time, unlike before, he was less certain of his ability to deliver on it. It was never something he'd had to account for before, not just the clothes but Jasper's apparent inexperience traversing forests. Just the thought of spending so much time cooped up in towns boggled Sebastian's mind and he couldn't imagine how anyone could do it without going stir crazy. He supposed he would just have to hope that they could keep necessary forays into the woods to a minimum. Though the idea of feeding their.. prey.. to wild hogs was incredibly unsettling to him he knew that realistically they had no other option to keep suspicion down. A growing amount of woodland graves or occurrences of fires deep in the woods at night would raise alarms in the minds of even the most stoic and unsuperstitious of guards to say nothing of what those who kept an eye out for these sorts of things would think - the church and any offshoot independent hunters in particular.
      He was caught a bit off-guard with Jasper's mention of hiring a tailor, that is, in particular he was surprised at the mention of a wardrobe for himself. While it made sense that Jasper would need to replace all the clothes that had been, undoubtedly, irreparably damaged between their fights and the travel tonight the idea of having a wardrobe of his own was about as foreign to him as keeping delicate clothes in one piece. Up until this point he'd always, for the most part, only had around two outfits. One that was sturdy for traveling and fighting, and one that was comfortable for sleeping - even then his sleepwear rarely saw much use as since the destruction of the spellbreakers he'd rarely found a moment where he was comfortable letting down his guard like that. There had been other situations when the spellbreakers were together still, things like cold weather gear which he'd never been able to afford in the time since - not that he'd have a good way of carrying such bulky gear with him even if he'd been able to - but fringe circumstances like that aside he traveled lightly and his clothing choices were sparse.
      Frankly, sheepishly, he worried it would just be a waste of coin on the other man's part to bother. On the other hand, though, he supposed it may be important for their rouse. Was this normal for a noble's staff? He had no way of knowing. The interactions he did have during his work never left an opportunity to get know any of the noble's staff and even then the interactions undoubtedly would have been very surface level and not conducive to his understanding now. A look of sheepish confusion was written all over his face as he considered the other man's words for a moment before asking, somewhat hesitantly, "Is that normal for a noble's staff?"

      The hunter was bit surprised by the other man's quick rejection of the idea. While nobles didn't really take up combat as a means of self-defense in his mind it came off as a simple 'hobby' he could learn 'for show' that might diversify his fighting tactics if he came to need it but as Jasper waved off the idea Sebastian's initial doubts about offering the idea surfaced once more and he refrained from elaborating on the idea. Instead, he shrugged, "It never hurts to be prepared for whatever may come." The hypocrisy of his concerns continued to weigh heavily on him. The only way he could imagine to alleviate it would be for the other man to make his own goals clear - but Sebastian could hardly ask that of the man who was already taking on a huge risk by taking him in. Beyond that he feared what his answer might be.
      A horrified shiver ran through him as Jasper elaborated on his misfortunes with archery. The hunter had come through some rough situations, fights and injuries of all sorts over the years, but that was an unimaginable extreme. "Right. I can understand the hesitation." There was a strained note to his voice as he eventually managed to answer. He took a breath as he attempted to settle his thoughts. He was certainly glad that, despite all the fights he'd been in over the years. so far he'd managed to not end up quite so unfortunate. He knew that was the optimal aim for hunting deer and other prey animals as it preserved as much of the pelt as possible but to manage a shot like that on a supernatural creature was either an amazingly lucky shot or an extremely talented one as supernatural reflexes were far above that of any animal. Of course, he decided not to share that tidbit with Jasper, he couldn't imagine the noble would like hearing that the tactic that had been employed on him was one that was usually used on animals.
      As the horror of the experience Jasper shared began to wane Sebastian considered his next comment, "I suppose the closest to claws would be a knife or a shortsword - depending on how much of distance you want between yourself and your opponent. Either can be devastating in the right hands." He suggested, "Those were about my ideas for our lessons, at any rate. Though, a sword would better fit with the noble image. Longswords in particular. We can see how well the styles work for you as we go, whichever fits best." If anything, just learning about it could offer Jasper a more conventional way of defending himself should he find himself needing it. Though, for Sebastian it begged the question: Just how did he manage to go for so long without learning one? Skills like that were common among commoners, nobles, and even royalty. Things like swordplay were general knowledge. Whether a commoner with numerous reasons to be ready for anything or highborn and putting on an act of fearing nothing - in the end they all had common concerns to deal with in the nefarious sorts who might seek to harm them - supernatural or human. In Jasper's case, he'd have assumed the reasoning to learn such skills would have been even greater needing to deal with hunters.
      Unfortunately, though, status made it a bit difficult to freely chose a combat style. Even if Jasper would prefer a shorter blade Sebastian couldn't help but worry that his position more or less necessitated trying out longswords first. Most nobles Sebastian had come across seemed to favor them and the aesthetic of a long, thin, blade. That isn't to say that longswords weren't well suited to fight - in fact they were Sebastian's preference. What wasn't suited for normal combat was the generally showy way most nobles used them. It was more performance than actual combat and seemed almost intrinsic to some noble social circles.
      A creeping feeling of trepidation crawled over him in the silence that followed his impassioned words. Off of so little, he'd just assumed that Jasper meant he intended to give up everything in the end. He couldn't have been more presumptuous if he tried. Sheepishly, he didn't look at the other man.
      So it was a shock to hear that he wasn't entirely wrong, he turned his gaze back to Jasper as he spoke and felt a deep pang of empathy as he verified that his plan was, indeed, exactly as he'd assumed. Even as the other man denied any similarities between them and degraded himself Sebastian couldn't help the thought that the other man wasn't being honest to either of them. Horrid and self-serving? To begin with he'd never heard of someone with that mindset actually admitting it - especially to someone they could take advantage of - and he certainly couldn't imagine someone with that mindset accepting such a grim fate - and as much as he denied the similarities between them Sebastian knew the fear of leaving behind everything he'd known. The fear of losing purpose, of having no one - Sebastian had felt much the same. His whole life from the moment he'd been taken in had revolved around the spellbreakers. He'd had no time for anything different and even if he had it would have been too much of a risk to befriend outsiders. It would always be different between them, their backgrounds were inherently different, but the expectations placed on them and rigidity with which they'd had to lead their lives with no room for error.. he couldn't help but feel like it was all far too similar. The tone of his voice and slight tremble of Jasper's hand as he covered his face made clear the other man's state even if he refused to admit it. He let out a humorless chuckle when asked why he cared. As much as he wanted to discuss the matter the thought of pushing the other man further, especially at this moment, felt cruel. "I suppose I'm just a sucker for being treated nicely." He admitted. Really, that was what it came down to, wasn't it? They hardly knew eachother, certainly had minimal in common, and were formerly enemies seeking one another's destruction. Yet the kindness Jasper had showed him certainly had it's way of softening opinions. "Realistically.. you'd have left me for dead. You took a chance on me that I could never hope to repay. So I.. want to help you, too." All of this ignored a deeper underlying feeling that he still wasn't quite sure what to make of. A bubbling infatuation with someone he knew so little about - for someone who'd never really concerned himself with romantic pursuits it was an odd feeling that wasn't quite easy to parse. It was one thing as a human to have contemplated settling down with someone in a wish he'd known full well was unattainable and something entirely different to be filled with concern for his former enemy. "I shouldn't have pushed you on it, though, and I'm sorry for that." There was a harsh pang in his chest at the thought of just walking away at some point and letting Jasper accept fate but he knew that it wasn't his place to try and change his mind on it. Jasper had, undoubtedly, had years if not centuries to come to this conclusion - Sebastian couldn't even be certain of how he'd be feeling about his existence with this affliction in the coming days much less over such a long time. He couldn't begrudge wanting out of it, especially not when his initial reaction had been exactly the same - wanting out before he could do any harm. "I would.. like to offer the same to you, though. Support you, if I can - we are partners, after all." He made the offer with a sincere and gentle tone, his gaze settled on the other man who's eyes in that moment searched the stars instead of meeting his own. Slowly, he returned his gaze to the stars as well instead of pushing for a response with his body language. Yet the glittering splendor above felt so cold. The stars he had once been able to count on to, at least, lead him home could only remind him of the place he would never return to. Yet another loss that burrowed deep in his chest radiating deep and unforgiving pangs of sadness through his entire being.

      His dissatisfaction turned to curiosity with Jasper's mention of the book he'd lent him. It seemed like such an odd, ultimately harmless, book to ban but the longer he considered it the more he realized how true that likely was. A monster had hidden itself away from a world that had looked upon it with disgust it's entire life. An ultimately gentle and good-natured creature, it's crimes were having a frightening appearance and 'enough strength to fell a small troop of the king's soldiers unscathed'. The protagonist had not sought out the creature, nor was there any grand spectacle of a fight scene when the two crossed paths that would set the already legendary knight to a further soaring notoriety and yet more feats as the story progressed and instead the story described how it became clear to the knight that the creature had no desire for conflict. Flinching away from the brandished sword despite towering over the knight and having claws just as long as his blade. For as terrifying as the monster was described to be, ultimately it was afraid and lonely. The fights that were later on described were actually against the troops of different highborn families that sought to slay the beast and take the fame for having been the ones to organize it's demise. Having been so determinedly focused on the fighting tactics described, though there were unfortunately few that really stood out as being new to him, he hadn't considered the deeper implications of rebellion and defiance. The knight was, ultimately, a traitor to the crown. Of course the royal family and the nobility would ban it for the wider population. They couldn't have people feeling sympathy for monsters and they certainly couldn't have people becoming inspired by a story of rebellion. In their eyes, it was far from the harmless impression it had given the hunter. "That's unfortunate. Despite the themes of rebellion - which I'm sure were universally despised by those in charge of that decision - the story is sweet and speaks a lot on sympathy towards others and not judging off of appearance alone." Frankly, the message was one that could be used among people just as easily, "Granted, I haven't finished it. I can only assume it becomes more of an issue in their eyes as it goes on." He said with a shrug. Concerningly though, if this book were to represent the bar with which books were judged by then his chances of being able to access any new information normally would be slim to nonexistent. If something were banned just for the themes then anything with real utility was likely treated even more severely - no question about it. To put it bluntly, he could only imagine what he hoped to find would be an impossibility there barred by bloodline and status. It was this impossibility that gave just that much more importance to Jasper's gesture. So long as he could conduct himself properly - avoiding drawing attention to his searches not being for Jasper but for himself instead. He supposed that much shouldn't be too hard. Would they really question a noble too harshly on his reading habits? On initial consideration it seemed such an odd line to draw, the nobles with more means being granted access, but it wasn't necessarily about means. Commoners outnumbered them and did the majority of the work that kept the kingdom thriving. If it came to rebellion having an understanding of tactics would allow them to rather easily diminish the power the highborns held over them.
      It was a surprise to hear that Jasper felt indebted to him, realizing that it seemed they both had similar thoughts towards the other in that regard. Largely he'd assumed his presence to have been something of a blight on what must have been at least a relatively straightforward life as a noble - straightforward in terms of the ease with which it enabled him to hide his vampirism among a town of people, at least. But he supposed that there were things he had done for the other man. If he hadn't followed this lead, or failed even more spectacularly than he had, Jasper would still have had to face Nori who certainly never seemed to share Sebastian's sentimentality. She wasn't heartless rather she was very good natured - but she was headstrong and convicted with a nigh on unshakeable will. Even if Jasper had shown the same demeanor as the monster in 'Sword and Claw' she would have still struck him down just on a hunch that he might prey on humans. He supposed, in protecting him from her and saving him after her attack that perhaps he'd earned some appreciation yet he still couldn't help but feel that the risks that followed him in all he did outweighed any benefit prolonged contact with him might provide. Even so he couldn't bring himself to reject the sentiment when he was so happy to hear it. He smiled, though it felt somewhat bittersweet, "The feeling is mutual, in that regard." Far from the first and far from the last time he would ever make that admission, he was sure. As the way he saw it Jasper had far more at stake by taking a risk on him. Though this time he made sure to draw a certain line in expressing a mutual feeling with the other man, seeing how he'd seemed to dislike Sebastian's comparisons of their circumstances previously he did his best to subtly reassure the other man that he wasn't trying to make comparisons between them again. Even if he did feel that they had similar experiences he wouldn't force that line of thinking on someone who so clearly not only disagreed with but even seemed distressed by the thought. He nodded with Jasper's confirmation though he'd be lying if he said he was necessarily excited about the prospect. As much as he was interested in learning about the etiquette the highborns conducted themselves by he was worried about how well he would manage it - learning it was one thing but having to go right into implementing it.. "Thank you. I'll certainly do my best with it." He was hesitant to make any promises on it though his nerves surrounding the idea were probably about as unfounded as his concerns over interacting with 'fragile' noble items. Undoubtedly, his concerns all had to do with upbringing. To grow up constantly being told both directly and indirectly that something so simple as the circumstances of his birth made him unable to even hope to compare with even the lowest ranking noble - even though he staunchly didn't believe it the idea was so deeply ingrained that he couldn't shake feelings of a comparative worthlessness. Those feelings only grew deeper with his struggles in adapting to living with Jasper, unreasonable as it was being that he'd only been living with him for about a day, but already having to request space from the maids because he couldn't give up even simple threads of self-sufficiency and being unable to do something so simple as not destroy the fine clothes he'd been gifted certainly pushed his thoughts in that direction.. It was a largely subconscious struggle that he did his best to push to the back of his mind though it continued to reach it's dark tendrils to the forefront at even the smallest prompting.
      He offered Jasper a sympathetic look with his admission. As much as it stung to feel his personhood was rejected by any noble he'd come across in the past he couldn't imagine the way it had felt for Jasper. At least he had the solace of others closer to his own rank. For Jasper it had been countless years, centuries, treated as a monster by any who knew what he was. Certainly those who didn't would treat him better, in that reserved and often grating way that nobles seemed to hold most 'friends' and 'acquaintances' at arms' length he would still have had to deal with the knowledge that if they found out even the shreds of care they offered him would be gone in an instant.
      At least he was thankful that Jasper knew there was no malice in what he'd said and he couldn't help but briefly chuckle with Jasper's good-natured call out of his embarrassed expression. Though it didn't last long with their discussion on the sometimes grim nature of the relationship between nobles and commoners "After a while I came across enough of it, or even just heard about enough of it, that it became hard to remind myself of the kind people among nobility." He admitted. His voice held it's usual gentleness with those words but a faint look of anger lingered in his expression with the thought. The things he, and others among the spellbreaker's ranks, had to deal with all while remaining stoic and chivalrous festered a resentment that was usually uncharacteristic of him. A quiet seething that his instinct began to slowly prey upon - interrupted suddenly with Jasper's question that snapped the hunter out of it almost as soon as it had started. "My.. perspective?" As simple as it had been to think that he could just tell the other man about what he'd experienced a part of him actually hadn't expected that he would actually be interested in hearing about it and for a moment it felt like his heart leapt into his throat just imagining trying. He cleared his throat, trying to get his thoughts in order and calm his nerves a bit "That's.." he tried to speak only to trail off, unsure exactly what he meant to say or how to say it. His eyes narrowed with the surfacing memories and resentment, the treatment he hadn't been allowed to react to "I couldn't handle being treated as nothing more than a weapon in their arsenal." He finally said, his voice quiet. "They looked at me as if I were expendable - replaceable - and they treated my allies the same." his words grew more heated as he continued though they also remained quiet "How can anyone manage to command respect - hiding away in their tower like a coward while also treating the people who'd save their life as if they were beneath them?" He took a shaking breath, closing his eyes for a moment as he got his emotions back under control. Trying to stop his ranting and respond in a more rational manner. "..Most I came across were incredibly disrespectful. We meant about as much as pawns to them. If it wasn't the disregard for our lives it was them mocking us behind our backs for not being versed in noble social norms - as if any of us had any way of knowing them." He shook his head. "I couldn't handle it. I couldn't take that and manage to be respectful towards any of them. Nearly lost my temper with one and I was deemed unfit to handle communication with any nobles." He shook his head again before finally looking at the other man, "Which about sums up my criticism of most nobles I came across: far too many, it seems, fall in to thinking that anyone outside of noble ranks is inconsequential. That our lives hold no meaning if we can't somehow serve them. Grating, at best, but at worst so indifferent that it borders on maliciousness." He took a deep breath as he turned his gaze back to the stars. "I'm glad that you aren't like that. You carry yourself with a sense of refinement that sets you apart but that isn't inherently a negative thing. It's just how you're expected to be, isn't it?" He glanced back at the other man as he asked, genuinely curious. "The way I see it, a truly respectable leader would acknowledge the risks others take on their behalf - even if it seems minor - as no one wishes to risk their life for someone who couldn't care less about that sacrifice."
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jasper // 65

Postby molotov » Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:13 pm

    𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑 ─────
      ‘untouchable refinement’ was such a far cry from his current state that he almost laughed aloud, he could be thankful his company wasn’t the judgmental type, much as there was a lingering feeling of insecurity that tingled in his chest, sebastian’s point of understanding was quick to silence any doubts he had. he supposed if he was going to look disheveled, it was best in the presence of a commoner than a noble. it was funny though, for someone who’s appearance wasn’t his top priority, the hunter was by no means unattractive, just earlier he had been taken aback by how well he had cleaned up, but even now, the feeling hadn’t really changed any. “that’s very considerate of you.” he said with a grateful dip of his head, exhaling a sigh of relief, not having to fret over anymore expeditions through the woodland was a comfort, he appreciated the thought more than he cared to voice, fearing his complaints might hurt the man’s feelings if he was too vocal.
      he hadn’t expected much thought to go into his mention of a tailor, it felt so normal to him. he was keen to move on, and yet, the man before him almost looked sheepish over the idea. jasper raised a brow with the question that soon followed, staring at sebastian as if the answer should’ve been obvious. “no, i just like you that much.” he responded, voice thick with sarcasm. he rolled his eyes, a reassuring smile spreading across his face. “a clever nobleman will take advantage of any opportunity to display his wealth, that includes how his staff dresses.” he stated, raising his head in a proud manner. “think of it in the context of precaution, if you will.” granted, the fabric wouldn’t be as fine, albeit certainly more durable, and the color and design limited, but nothing close to what a typical commoner would wear. a difference between their classes must be reinforced in some manner. they’d get the wrong impression if he kept lending the hunter his clothing, or dressed him with the same prestige, jasper certainly didn't want anyone to assume he was playing favorites, that would spark all manner of controversy. he raised his thoughtful gaze to meet the hunter’s. “furthermore, it’ll solidify your cover if you allow me to get you a proper wardrobe, it’s a benefit i give to all of my staff, they work hard to maintain my estate, the least i can do is provide them with the proper attire. you’re no different, if you intend to stay here, you’d need to be prepared for all occasions. that convenience is essential for us, and our nightly ventures.” messes would be unavoidable, blood wasn’t so easily washed out, and there was only so much they could excuse as a result of training, having the spare clothing would just avoid them the trouble later on.

      voicing his misfortunes in archery seemed to do the trick in dissuading sebastian from pressing any further, though perhaps to an extent that unnerved the poor man with the mention of the injury. he could sense the uneasiness in the hunters voice, nevertheless, he maintained a relaxed demeanor in hopes to bring some ease. “the hunter looked just as shocked as i was when she made the shot, so i have to assume it was sheer luck on her part.” he chuckled, giving a small shrug of his shoulders. “you get use to those kinds of injuries after awhile.. they are no more concerning than a mere scratch if you have the means to sustain yourself.” he assured with a smile. of course, it didn’t make them any less unpleasant to endure in the moment, but a vampire could recover from just about anything if the circumstances were right.
      he perked up some at the mention of a knife, though promptly forced a neutral expression across his face as sebastian continued. he realized how absurd it was to even consider brandishing a weapon of that kind in his position, much as it was the closest thing to a claw, a measly little knife hardly instilled a sense of authority, much less gave off the presence of something a nobleman would ever wield. he supposed he’d simply need to embrace the elegance and refinement of a longsword. preference hardly mattered when they were intent to put on an act. he nodded, albeit somewhat sheepishly “right, i suppose it makes sense to stick with what is expected of me.” there was a weird eagerness to try new things in the presence of sebastian, he supposed he had merely gone so long without change that the very notion of having the capability brought out a great deal of excitement. he needed to stay grounded and realize it wasn’t an option, even when it came with weaponry there was few selections in what was expected of him. “i don’t claim to know much, but with your help, i trust i can grow acclimated to wielding a sword, even if my preferences lie elsewhere.” it didn’t disappoint him too much as he considered it, it wasn’t like he was offered much freedom in self-expression in any other context either, following expectations and obligations was just apart of being a highborn. he had already received his fair share of pointed comments from others when admitting his own lack of experience with a weapon, as many of the men in his social circle were quite fond of sparring and hunting, jasper’s lack of either skill set made him something of a bore in their eyes, and apparently warranted off-handed remarks of fitting in more with the noblewoman because of such. the truth behind it was hard enough to explain, his circumstances had simply sought him without the experience, far more pressing matters had being going on in his life at the time most boys began to learn swordplay, and even when he had finally had the freedom, when defense seemed the most essential, it was never a desired thing until now.
      he couldn’t be anymore thankful in how the other man decided to take it, the relief that washed over him was almost immediate, and the dread easier to mask. he pursed his lips a moment, staring over at the hunter with an unconvinced look, before he sighed and turned away once more. “why, if i would’ve known kindness was all it took, i wouldn’t have acted so vile.” he grumbled under his breath - disregarding the fact he was very much intent on draining the man of his blood when they had first crossed paths. his confidence was minimal in those words, far to easy was it to imagine being stricken down regardless of how he chose to act, his previous run-ins with hunters were merely a painful reminder to why that wasn’t an option.
      the apology that followed made jasper shake his head. “it’s my fault for steering the conversation in that direction.” he muttered, quieting down again as he picked at the grass. he wasn’t sure why he felt so inclined to confide in sebastian, other than the fact he had been starved of opening up to anyone for so long. he’d need to get a better hold over that, he should ensure their alliance remains somewhat professional, how could he hope to gain respect over whining about his issues?
      he exhaled, shutting his eyes a moment. “i.. appreciate that.” he knew there was some form of hypocrisy to be had, if not a mess of contradictions that came with admitting what he had; afraid to die, but much to afraid to leave the town who wanted him dead. wishing sebastian to live his life, while he himself had given up, but again, they were entirely different people; a hero and a villain brought together by circumstance. but like all the good tales before it, the ending would be the same, the hero would move on, and the villain would perish.
      even now, it was still a bit of a shock to consider how drastic their relationship had changed over a few nights, from seeking each other’s demise to sitting side by side in the peaceful ambiance of the night, something far more for lovers in a sappy romance book than unlikely allies. he let out a weak chuckle at the thought, his brain not so much jumping to the awkwardness of romance, rather than the fact the hunter had invited his monster to stargaze, an all around humorous change, albeit one he appreciated nonetheless. he’d darkened the mood, so it was only right he tried to cheer things back up. “-never would’ve anticipated this being how things turned out, huh?” he was eager to move on, and perhaps that was evident, it was hard not to address the drastic change. “i feel like i am in some silly romance novel, sneaking out someplace secret to lay beneath the stars.” he went silent a moment, listening to the water of the stream churn, the sound of frogs croaking nearby, and the light breeze that passed through the forest. it was peaceful, but jasper was not without his underlining feeling that at any moment a bug or other creature might find it’s way on him. nevertheless, something about being this far away from town was oddly liberating, if not a little frighting. “if i didn’t have to worry about all the things crawling around out here, i could almost fall asleep, it’s so peaceful.”

      a part of jasper was just thrilled to hear the other man talk about the book he recommended, and the sides of his mouth twitched in attempt to hold back a smile. though he hadn’t brought the subject up to rant and rave about it with the only person who cared to read it, he couldn’t deny the inclination was there. “it’s a tendentious read for certain, without spoiling it, the ending is what really gives it a bad reputation.” it was a bold move on the author’s part to push themes of rebellion against the crown in the first place, it was a whole other ordeal to find the ending going all out in its portrayal of highborn and royalty alike in the same unsavory light as a monster, yet the book managed to execute it’s message shamelessly and proudly. while it wasn’t the type to be confiscated on sight, it was particularly difficult to find ever since they had stopped any new copies from being made, not that it had stopped jasper from getting his hands on it. “it’s not a valid enough of a reason to outright ban a work of fiction in my opinion, but higher powers would argue otherwise.” he sighed, shaking his head. “you’d be surprised at the sheer number of books being prohibited as of late - not that it’s ever stopped me from getting my claws on a few of the confiscated works when i am able, i have a whole pile of banned books i have yet to read, or even alphabetize, haven’t the slightest clue what they’re even about, just that it was enough to draw concern.”
      the pangs of guilt that overtook jasper’s chest promptly intensified in what followed. yet again, his curiosity for the other had inevitably caused himself to be roped into uncomfortable waters, the hunter’s initial hesitant reaction was enough of an indication. it was hard not to feel responsible listening to the other talk of the mistreatment he had suffered from the hands of nobility, those who shared his position treating commoners as if they were an expendable piece in a game of chess. it was more than jasper was expecting to get from the hunter, moreover, the evident anger that overtook his partners features before he was able to compose himself, it was clear from all angles that the treatment he had endured bothered him quite a great deal. “i see..” he mumbled, trailing off as the other man continued. the regretful look ebbed some in sebastian’s acknowledgment that he didn’t fall into that same category, nevertheless, it was hard to shake the feeling that he shared quite a few similarities, albeit less extreme mindsets to what sebastian was describing and the thought alone made him feel terrible for trying to act as if he was above it. concerns brought to life in a mere instant with the realization; is that how his staff felt? as if their worth was determined by how much value they had to him? in only acknowledging them in the times he needed them, was he apart of the problem? being described as refined was a bit of a relief, given he felt far from it at this current moment. “our positions necessitate it, to some degree, yes.” he answered, expression neutral although he still refused to meet sebastian’s eyes, feeling if he dare tried it would be clear that he felt responsible, despite the hunter’s clarification. “you make a valid point.” the noble acknowledged, pausing a moment before adding “it’s a predisposition, in some manner.” a pensive look overtook his features as he thought over his wording carefully. “it doesn’t excuse their behavior, but, i can see how such cruel mindsets would manifest in a noble upbringing.” jasper continued, head lowering ever so slightly. “makes me question my own leadership, to some extent.” he added, hand over his mouth, a gesture somewhere between thoughtfulness and feeling guilty for admitting it. “regrettably, being myself around you, is just a product of circumstance - i see now the fault in that, and how it may be misinterpreted as a cruel disregard for how lowborn are only valued for their services.” he shook his head, meeting his companions gaze with a frown. “it’s not right, after all, commoners are the pillars by which our kingdom thrives, to damage and disregard the very foundations that keep us afloat as if they were meaningless is to ensure our kingdom’s downfall. such actions not only reflect badly on his majesty, but tarnish the very oaths our families made when we were entrusted with such power.” the more he talked through it, the more he began to share the same frustration sebastian had shown moments ago, it was difficult not to when thinking over the unjust treatment of a man who risked life and limb to help others, how could one consider him expendable? “alas, we’re so desperate to keep ourselves above it all, that we diminish the value of everyone else around us to stay on top, we fail to appreciate the hard work and risks others take for us, even when without their aid we would have nothing.”
      his thoughts started to drift some, thinking over how greatly vampirism had humbled him over the years, by stalking his prey alone he had witnessed things to make him question much of what he assumed of lowborn. on the nights he hunted by a tavern, or near the outskirts of the markets, he couldn’t help but observe and listen to the conversations that came about. just how different a commoners interactions were from what he was use to in his own social circles, but not in a bad way, in a way that felt all the more.. human, relatable, real. they always seemed so joyous, so unrestricted, free to go about and enjoy the little things with no judgment. he wanted that, he wanted to feel what they were feeling - not the drunken sensation of the tavern goers, but that happiness that seemed to overtake them, their lives weren’t perfect, some barely had enough gold on them to buy a second drink, and yet they still seemed to enjoy their short lives far more than he ever had.
      a loud croak startled jasper out of his solemn thoughts, the sound much too close for comfort. squeamish, he flinched away from the noise and grabbed a tight hold on sebastian’s arm in fright, staring down at a large toad, which sat a few inches away from him. how long it had been standing there, he hadn’t the slightest clue, he was more so surprised by the sheer size of it going unnoticed until now. equally startled by his sudden movement, it promptly hopped into the tall grass that lined the sides of the stream and disappeared. “moreover, you’re use to living in conditions i wouldn’t last a day in, how you manage to camp out here without worrying over every little thing is beyond me, but quite impressive all the same.” whether or not that came across as a complement or an insult, jasper wasn’t the least bit focused on, as he stared over at the spot the large amphibian had retreated to with a look of repulsion.
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Sebastian || 66

Postby Rosario. » Thu Sep 29, 2022 7:15 pm

. 𝒮 𝑒 𝒷 𝒶 𝓈 𝓉 𝒾 𝒶 𝓃

      Jasper's demeanor was becoming notably calmer, the anxious preening coming to stop and it seemed Sebastian's attempts at making amends were helping as well. The other’s grateful sigh only furthering that belief. He was thankful for it, and knew he'd have to work hard to ensure he stuck to his word. The 'carefulness' of adhering more strictly to more commonly traveled paths with less underbrush was simply something that didn't come naturally to the hunter. It was rarely something he'd needed to pay attention to outside of, quite literally, hunting and even then the carefulness came in the form of avoiding twigs or things that would snap underfoot and alert whatever it was he found himself hunting.
      Clouds were slowly starting to drift across the once clear sky, dark grays signaling the rain soon to come, as was the nature of this area. Some called it ‘the blessing of the god of the harvest’ - one of the gods of the pantheon - abundant rain and fertile grounds saw the area with good harvests.
      Jasper’s teasing response was, thankfully, quite reassuring to the hunter who chuckled softly as a blush warmed his cheeks. Before he nodded, his expression becoming more serious as Jasper continued. It came to mind that he’d seen exactly what Jasper meant previously - his first run in with one of the maids - she was clearly well put-together such that it set her apart from other commoners. It was a symbol, not only of Jasper’s wealth, but also of her higher class and important job. He could only imagine that this also set her apart in the eyes of the guards. While it wouldn’t necessarily exempt her from their gaze, not many would be interested in stepping in the way of a noble’s work. ”I see.” He shook his head with something of a sheepish expression, ”I’ve never had much chance to speak with a noble’s servants - so I’d never realized.” Clothing as a symbol. It showed him there was a certain extent to which his general lack of interest in fashion impeded him some - it was simply something he didn’t pay much attention to and it seemed that lack of attention could see him missing the nuance of some situations if he didn’t amend that going forward. Jasper’s explanation made sense, this was the best way for him to blend in - to be treated as the rest of the staff, and surely they might notice at some point if he kept borrowing Jasper’s clothes. Though his confidence in his ability to keep those clothes in good shape was another issue all it’s own. ”I just..” His sheepish expression seemed to intensify before he sighed, ”Well, frankly, I’d just hate to see you wasting gold when there is a potential for repeats of this” He said finally, indicating the tears and nicks in his clothes. ”Perhaps some training gear would also be a good idea? Suited for real combat or not and he knew the answer was ‘likely not’ given the general make of training gear and usual extent, to the best of his knowledge, of the showy noble arms training ”-it would certainly be more durable if we found ourselves in need of it.” He offered the suggestion, hoping to spare the other man some trouble in the long run. Of course, he could only assume the gear would better serve their cover beyond that - while neither of them were at any actual risk of injury from training he couldn’t imagine that most nobles would go into training without some sort of gear.

      ‘A mere scratch’, Sebastian didn’t want to consider what all Jasper had gone through that left such an injury amounting to only a mere scratch. It was hard for him to think of it outside of a human’s viewpoint - an injury like that, if one survived, would still lead to a lifelong scar and blindness in that eye - yet here Jasper was, unscathed. It was a huge contrast and Sebastian was certainly not fond of the consideration that such things were inevitable when you lived for so long as a creature others were intent on hunting down - even worse with the mention that such things were trivial so long as one had the means to sustain themselves. An injury for them meant death for another. It sent a chill through him with ever worsening unease yet he didn’t voice it. He shook his head, ”Right. I suppose that makes sense. It’s bound to happen after a while - at least we’re better equipped to deal with it.” He did his best to force an even tone, though he certainly couldn’t force a smile or even just nonchalance. The best he could do was to at least mask some of his unease and keep the horror out of his voice.
      It was unfortunate about the limiting nature inherent in the appearance Jasper had to keep but perhaps it might not matter too much if Jasper found the longswords comfortable to use - even a shortsword might be passable if he became skilled enough with it - in the grand scheme of noble circles it was all about being showy, anyways. Though.. It would be a shame if neither suited him, but in that case how could he get a shorter blade? He could only imagine some fancy or otherwise specially made one being passable within noble circles but even then simply ordering something like that would probably come off wrong for him. He supposed it was senseless to even be considering it at this juncture - first things first they needed to see how well Jasper handled the other blades and they could go from there. ”For all we know you might find yourself enjoying it. He said with a shrug. ”Certainly I was far from a natural at archery but I came to quite like it once I got the hang of it.” He attempted to reassure the other man with a gentle smile. It was easy to declare a preference for a particular style when you hadn’t tried many others, after all. ”..and if not I’m sure we can figure something out.” Perhaps it was a bit of overconfidence, but Sebastian felt like he could figure out a solution that would work for Jasper if it came to it. There was a certain amount of fun as well inherent in figuring out a fix for a low stakes problem. Though, Jasper’s demeanor indicated to him that what was low stakes in his eyes meant a lot more to the other man, and though he wondered just what was on his mind he decided not to ask.
      Jasper’s unconvinced reply sent a chill through Sebastian as it left him considering his words. There was definitely more to it. His explanation carried no weight, he realized. Had Jasper acted kindly from their first meeting, simply enough Sebastian would have assumed it to be a trick and struck him down. Then, he supposed there was power in the contrast to his behavior? From having acted monstrous to clearly repentant later on. Though, even then would he have spared Jasper if not for having reflexively protected the then seemingly broken man from Nori? He didn’t like how hard to untangle his actions were - and it certainly didn’t help that at the time his mind was boggled by the vampirism that was threatening to overtake him. He looked away from the other man, training his eyes on the stars as if that would help to hide his uncertainty. ”I suppose there is also some power in the contrast letting me see how much I prefer this side of you.” He chuckled awkwardly, though more from nerves than anything else. Unsure if that comment would be perceived as rude and his cheeks were flushed with a sheepish embarrassment. Weighing even more heavily on his mind was a question this brought to the surface - had he become too callous in his years of hunting? There was a necessary level a hunter needed to be, smart enough to not be swayed by perfected tricks and creatures acting as if they felt remorse when they didn’t. He’d needed to be able to ignore it - all of it - and complete his job. Otherwise he’d have probably met his end long ago, sucked in by the first, faked, sob story and have been turned into a meal by whatever monster deemed him good enough. He knew how necessary it was, but at the same time had his wariness become too much over time? Had he become so disillusioned that he wouldn’t have recognized real remorse if he’d seen it - had he decided at some point that they weren’t capable of it? It was hard to say, especially looking back with the experience he had now.
      Sebastian frowned slightly, even with Jasper’s refutation he still felt that the fault was more so on himself for having pushed too far. The other man should be able to open up without him trying to analyze everything. He’d thought only of his own desire to help without regard for everything Jasper must have gone through. Though this time he thought better than to argue the point and to instead just keep it in mind going forward.
      He cheered up slightly as Jasper accepted his sentiment. It was nothing more than what Jasper himself had already offered the hunter, more so a promise to support the other man in turn for the help he’d given him. It was still bittersweet to consider but he supposed that in the end it wasn’t too different from being human - life came to an end at some point and it always hurt to see but it was simply how the world was and one simply had to make the most of the time they had while they had it. For Sebastian who’d fought so hard and for so long to simply survive it was a wildly different situation to find himself in - especially to even consider accepting a life as the very thing he’d fought so hard against.
      For a moment quiet settled between the two. A somber atmosphere in the cold night as the sounds of the thriving swirled around them yet unable to break the dreary yet peaceful mood of accepting the fate they’d been dealt. Jasper’s chuckle, though, did and Sebastian looked at him with confusion for a moment before he continued. Giving a soft chuckle of his own with the thought. ”Please, lord noble, meet me under the stars for our families would never approve if they knew.” He offered with an exaggerated, forlorn and longing tone as a slight, teasing, grin played across his expression. It still felt bittersweet but it was an improvement to before. It was hard not to be cheered at least a little by playful banter.
      He sighed softly before stretching and laying back in the grass. ”I have before. Most things don’t find humans too interesting, I can only imagine even fewer would be interested in messing with a vampire.” He offered in an attempt to reassure the other man. ”Though.. I suppose some would be so indifferent that they wouldn’t care who they were crawling over.” He clarified. He didn’t even want to think of what Jasper’s reaction would be if something started crawling over him when he least expected it - especially if he’d inadvertently led him to believe it wouldn’t happen. For many creatures he could only assume they were predators even more so than humans, for others they were something to not pay much mind to, and for others still they were simply part of the scenery to be scuttled around or over as needed. Certainly Jasper wasn’t wrong in that it was unpleasant to wake to a many-legged ‘visitor’ regardless of how benign most were.

      Sebastian couldn’t help his interest as Jasper alluded to how the message would develop later in the story, rolling over onto his side and propping himself up on one of his arms as he listened intently before eventually sitting back up. Though he had a preference for literature that he could learn from he couldn’t help slowly being drawn into the story and his curiosity being piqued like this was only making him long to read it some more before getting some rest as he settled in to sleep through the day. ”Well now I’m looking forward to continuing even more.” He said, ”..and that pile of books sounds quite interesting as well.” something of a bittersweet chuckle escaped him, ”There is a certain thrill to the idea of having access to banned books and reference material - though it’s a shame it’s become such a problem in the first place. Though, I wonder why they’d be banning more than usual.” It was odd to hear about a sudden uptick in books being banned. It was hard to imagine just what would be behind it. So far as kings went the current was roughly above average - having yet to commit any gross abuses of his power and status. Though Sebastian’s formal education had been lacking he was aware, at least, that the current King’s grandfather hadn’t been so just. With an oppressive reign that left lingering tendrils still felt to this day in the more impoverished parts.
      Yet they had come a long way since then and the current king seemed to be making some efforts to improve the living situations of citizens. Certainly, rebelion was unlikely during his reign.
      Sebastian didn’t like to live a life filled with resentment and vendettas against those who’d wronged him. It did lead, in some cases, to him burying thoughts that were bothering so as not to acknowledge the festering pains they brought - like the uncertainty that surrounded his biological parents. Had they simply abandoned him in that alley, or had something happened to them and chance found him wandering there himself? Something like that was hard to think on without at least a hint of pained resentment after having barely managed to get by back then.
      The issue with the nobles in the past struck a similar cord. Though every now and then he needed to remind himself that not all carried the same horrible mindsets it was hard not to feel horribly wrong and look at the whole social class with distrust. As he vented those repressed feelings boiled up once more but in this case the outlet felt appropriate and Jasper listened politely as he poured his heart out. It was.. Frankly it was a relief to get it out. How long had he carried that with him, silently bearing the pain of being treated as if he was disposable? It was certainly nothing he’d felt comfortable to speak with the other spellbreakers about. So many of them fell in the mindset that they must be unshakeable at all times - to air grievances like that would have painted him as unreliable and in turn, being the leaders child, it would have painted his father in a bad light as well - so he had to keep it to himself and away from even those he knew he could trust.
      It was hard for him to really tell Jasper’s thoughts on his experiences from his expression alone. He’d kept a very stoic expression, he wondered if it was for his benefit - though, noticing how the other man wasn’t meeting his eyes gave him pause and frowned slightly as the other man continued, ”Well.. I’m not sure about how you lead your staff - but the fact that you care at all is already leagues ahead of those I’d met.” He gently offered the sentiment.
      He chuckled softly with what Jasper said next, a somewhat exasperated and regretful sound, ”What service am I offering you, really? With past troubles following wherever I go, interrupting the life you led.” He shook his head ”I only offer the services that handle the problems following me.” His tone was sheepish and bittersweet. When he wasn’t traveling and seeking out monsters he knew that his presence served to merely draw in any that had a vendetta against him. The fact that the witch they were facing seemed to have already been established in this town felt rarer than the chance of something that already disliked him seeking him out. The fact that Jasper saw himself as doing anything other than a huge favor for him was absurd. He frowned again as Jasper’s speech grew impassioned, ”Unfortunately, those who would ignore their oaths are usually either those with one foot in the underworld and enough connections to silence opposition in any way possible, or those with enough money to buy their way out of any trouble any misuses of their power might see them in.” Indeed, it was unlikely that the king even knew about many of those types among the noble ranks, and even for those that they did find out about finding enough proof to cement the claim was an issue all it’s own. Acting too rashly could reflect badly on his leadership. It was a situation that was unfortunately difficult to handle without someone inside that circle to gather proof and it was unfortunate how many nobles chose to turn a blind eye to the corruption within their ranks. While Jasper seemed equally bothered by it, Sebastian couldn’t help but think that for his sake it was for the best that he didn’t involve himself. In digging up information on them it could easily lead to the same being done on him in retaliation. ”Of course, there are outliers, I’m sure some don’t act that way intentionally - though I’m not sure I’d come across anyone like that.” At least the ignorance wasn’t quite so grating though that didn’t make it excusable, either, at least he could acknowledge that if they’d grown up that way with no reason to question it, and those around being too intimidated by your position to question it they might not have any other reason to think anything of their own behavior.
      Unbothered by the croak of the visiting toad the hunter was surprised by the other man suddenly grabbing his arm. On instinct his free hand went to his hip, brushing the hilt of his sword before he fully realized that what had startled the other man was the toad itself only able to get a brief look at it before the startled animal made it’s escape - surprisingly agile for it’s cute, plump, body. He couldn’t help the slight smile on his face as he watched it leave. Just a cute little critter - though it seemed apparent that Jasper didn’t share that opinion. He moved his free hand away from his hip, feeling somewhat embarrassed and hoping that Jasper hadn’t noticed. Perhaps a helpful reaction for an actual threat but a bit embarrassing when the threat was a toad.
      A cold feeling of unease went through him with Jasper’s comment. He didn’t assume he meant any harm by it but certainly the way Sebastian had become acclimated to living in sometimes inhospitable environments was far from pleasant yet he did his best to shrug it off rather than speak of parts of his past that he’d rather forget. He shook his head with a gentle smile, ”It just takes practice. There are certainly worse creatures you could be woken up by. Most a toad wants to do is snack on some bugs and find a comfy place.” he chuckled ”Especially nice in comparison to being awoken by the howls of a hunting werewolf. he added with a teasing note.
      A cool breeze rustled through the trees. Looking up he noticed the slight shift in the color of the sky - it seemed they’d lost track of time a bit, though he wasn’t sure just how many more hours of night they had left before risking the sunlight. He was thankful that he could just follow Jasper’s lead on this one. While time was incredibly important as a hunter as well in ensuring you chose the best times for your safety and advantage he wasn’t used to having such an inherent need to know when the sun would be rising and it put him a bit on edge.
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jasper // 66

Postby molotov » Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:15 pm

    𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑 ─────
      in an amusing turn of events, just as jasper’s sheepishness began to subside, sebastian’s only seemed to grow, his worries persisting over the notion of wasting coins on clothes that would inevitably be ruined. the way jasper saw it, providing a man with something as basic as clothing was far from wasteful, regardless of what became of it. “you needn’t worry over gold, it’s not as if i am lacking in it.” he assured, waving his hand dismissively with the concern. “we’ll find you a durable fabric, something lightweight, breathable and easy to clean. sure it might not be as luxurious, but it’ll hold it’s own against clingy foliage.” he explained with a jesting smile, hoping to ease sebastian’s concerns over the topic. training gear was definitely a necessity to keep up their ruse, while he was aware of a few wooden training swords stowed away somewhere in the cellar, he doubted bringing it up was even worth it, with how long they had been down in the dank and rotted cellar, he favored the idea of ordering a higher quality set of training gear that really pushed their act. “certainly, i’ll see to it that we’ll have all the proper training gear available to us.” he concurred, making a list in his mind as they went along. “if there is anything else you’ll be needing personally, don’t hesitate to let me know.”

      a part of him could tell his assurance had failed, but there was no use in trying to push it. mortals were easy to break, so of course it would be hard for a newly turned to comprehend surviving something so gruesome. luckily, at the very least, sebastian seemed to take the information in a useful context regardless. best he know now than later - perhaps it was smart to withhold on telling him all the other horrific injuries he had been dealt over the years, much as it didn’t bother him so much, it took awhile for a new vampire to get out of that human mindset.
      while he was still not overly thrilled over a sword, he tried his best to nod along happily with the reassurance, long since use to faking a pleasant mood. he certainly didn’t want to be perceived like a spoiled child unsatisfied with his selection of toys, in the grand scheme of things it didn’t matter. like he said, they’d figure something out, he could only remain hopeful in that handling weapons would come as naturally as using his claws.
      was he wrong for remaining unconvinced? approaching sebastian as he was now would’ve resulted in his demise, even if he chose not to fight back, he had been around long enough to know hunters cared not if the beast chose to fight or if they cowered, the end result still sought them dead. he wasn’t some tragic victim in this process, he was well aware of that. by nature, a vampire was a creature who’s tactics of hunting relied heavily on deception, their natural allure and vampiric power revolved around pushing a human into a false sense of security and infatuation. to be mistrusted just came with the territory, prey wouldn’t be so quick to trust a predator. he had learned to accept that it was just his reality now, nothing but an empty, bitter feeling enveloped his chest with it. catching the awkwardness in the other man’s sheepish response, a humorless chuckle escaped him “i would hope so, if you preferred my evil persona it would draw some concern.” jasper shrugged as he continued. “unfortunately, deviating from a hunter’s presumptions rarely ever comes with its benefits.” he added simply, a dreary note hung in his voice. it was a method of survival in some regard, an odd defense mechanism that saved him the trouble of trying to explain his situation to people who would see a monster regardless of what he did. this was an unusual exception to that, everything had clicked perfectly in place to see to it that they become comrades, unfortunately the inner cynicism that overtook him couldn’t help but pose the question ‘would it last?” the thought swiftly left the forefront of his mind.
      jasper stifled a laugh with the performance sebastian put on of a forlorn lover, matching his act with an equally longing expression. “run away with me, my darling, for my love for you is as boundless as the night sky, not even our families can stand in the way.” he broke character midway through, struggling not to chuckle. “gods, that sounded sappy.” he shook his head, letting out a small sigh as he contained himself. he eyed sebastian curiously, flashing a impish smile. “that was a surprisingly spot on performance, if i’ve ever seen one - suspiciously well done.” he teased, not that the material had much substance that it required time and dedication to master, nevertheless jasper was not one to miss out on a playful jest to keep the mood light. if anything reading love stories was one of the best sources of escapism, the foreseeable plots and overused tropes were oddly comforting in their predictability, it was certainly a guilty pleasure amongst nobility, forbidden romance was outside the scope of possibilities for someone who was betrothed at an early age, obligation to sustain a bloodline and keep up political alliances had no room for thoughts of running away with a forbidden lover, not only was it unrealistic, but beyond irresponsible - so of course a noble would have their interests peaked, jasper wasn’t an exception to that, granted, he read just about anything put in front of him.
      what started out as assurance promptly ended in confirming his fears, jasper couldn’t help but stiffen, letting out a small “ah..” the nobles once relaxed demeanor turned to one of discomfort as he shifted his weight in the grass. there was a moment he became keenly aware of all the small sensations around his body, worriedly wondering if something had managed to crawl on him without his knowledge, all those legs, those pincers and stingers. his mind conjuring up nightmarish images of all the possible insects that might just find their way onto him. a shiver went up his spine with the thought. “if a creature bleeds, they certainly have a reason to be wary of our presence.” he spoke, trying to get his mind off the creeping feeling he could be attacked at any moment. “granted, i have never had the best luck with animals in any context, domesticated or otherwise.” he admitted, shifting once more as he nonchalantly tried to search the grasses for movement. “on the other hand, some vampires pertain the ability to draw in certain species, and even influence their behaviors, if experienced enough.” try as he may, he remained fidgety over the notion of unseen horrors lying beneath the lush grasses.

      jasper continued to rejoice internally, hoping the book’s ending would live up to his praises in sebastian’s mind, there was a small joy to be had in having the means to share a book he loved with another, who actually pertained an interest in it. “you’re welcome to look through them, for all we know they could be of use.” he offered with a shrug, he didn’t see the problem in giving the other man access to the prohibited copies, it wasn’t like they were going to be read often when he finally managed to find the time to categorize them and store them away with all his other books. jasper let out a sigh as sebastian let his curiosity be known. “i can say one thing, his majesty had no hand in prohibiting books, alas, seldom would any authority question the dictates of the church, their word is sacrosanct.” there was an undertone of sarcasm in his voice on the topic of the church, followed by a more blatant eye-roll. “in regards to the affairs of timbervale specifically, my best guess is - that the recent effort to pull away certain material from the public, stems from how much the churches and the city guard’s authority has been put into question - that is, following their continuous lack of success to rid their town of it’s monster.” he flashed a guilty grin, dissipating in to a sheepish one as he continued. “diminishing faith and a town starved of justice will consequently lead to a mob breaking out if they feel they are not being protected, it’s happened before, i assume removing material of the supernatural and themes of rebellion are but a inconspicuous way of trying to prevent it.”
      jasper glanced up with the sentiment, still hesitant to keep eye contact. “caring only goes so far, it’s not like i’ve made any efforts to change.” he mumbled, more to himself than sebastian. the more he thought about it, the worse he felt. he had thought he was doing them a favor, acknowledging them as little as possible had inadvertently established he only needed them when they pertained use.
      his gaze once again fleeted to the forest floor as sebastian voiced pointed out his lack of services in this situation. jasper let a small sheepish smile cross his otherwise serious expression. “right, i suppose i’m the one providing the services here.” he could only hope his services were up to par in handling whatever enemies they might encounter, he didn’t have much to lose at this point, and he would stand by what he had promised so long as sebastian needed him.
      disregarding sacred oaths for the sake of maintaining one’s own self-interest hit close to home in jasper’s mind, he had lived with a person who fit that description all too well. knowing he could do nothing to stop it without effectively putting a target on his back was frustrating as is, he really couldn’t afford to direct that kind of attention on himself. “i know of the type.” he answered simply, brows furrowing in aggravation, he ran a hand through his messy hair, exhaling deeply. “all the same, i don’t really have the right to act like i’m above them, i went against my families oaths the moment i began taking the lives of the kings people.”
      in contrast with his partner, jasper found the toad’s beady soulless eyes and chubby warty frame well warranted enough to be looked at with utter repulsion. “i can appreciate them for their appetite, i suppose - much as i don’t understand how anything could find a bug appetizing.” he muttered, sheepishness not helped by sebastian’s mention of a werewolf, he wondered how silly his reaction must’ve looked to a man who braced true horrors on a daily basis, here he was frightened over the croak of a toad. his pale features burned a bright red, letting out an awkward chuckle to try and mask his embarrassment. “that’s certainly a far more frighting notion.” realizing he was still grabbing sebastian’s arm as he turned back to face him, jasper promptly released, gentle as to make sure his claws didn’t graze the fine fabric, nor the hunter’s skin underneath, much as the cloth already bore it’s fair share of nicks and tears. he wasn’t sure why his first instinct had been to grab the man next to him, he was certainly capable of defending himself. if anything, maybe it was the notion that sebastian was the more knowledgeable one of their environment, it made a little more sense, but not enough that it had at all felt warranted, making contact like that was inappropriate - but apologizing for it would only shed more attention on the fact he had done it. pushing the thought aside completely, he attempted to continue the conversation without making his sheepishness anymore evident than it already was. “though i surmise a werewolf wouldn’t be as keen to involve itself with a vampire.”
      jasper turned his head to the sky to observe the clouds that began to envelop the sea of stars in a gray mass, a slight change of coloration to the east. he could feel small urges to flee, the desire to escape from the open sky to somewhere cold and dark, not intense enough to draw concern, though it was enough of an indication daylight was nearing, and once that vivid color pierced the night sky the sun’s obnoxious light wasn’t far behind. “color me impressed, seems our conversation was so engrossing i lost track of time.” he mused, raising his head. the subtle sent of burning wood traced the cool breeze, followed by the earthy aroma of coming rains and damp moss that blanketed the ground around the ancient trees in rich greens. “this excursion has been fun, but i would suggest we prepare for the walk back.” he advised gently, keeping his demeanor calm and untroubled as to not cause alarm. “giving ourselves ample time now will rid us of the stress of a hasty trek back later, moreover, i’d like to return home before the maids wake so we can get ourselves cleaned up.” slowly rising to his feet, he subconsciously began to try and dust off the dirt that refused to leave his clothing, his efforts weren’t any less fruitless than the first time. dusting his hands off now, he glanced down at sebastian, offering a soft smile and hand to help the other man to his feet out of politeness.
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Sebastian || 67

Postby Rosario. » Tue Nov 22, 2022 4:04 pm

. 𝒮 𝑒 𝒷 𝒶 𝓈 𝓉 𝒾 𝒶 𝓃

      Jasper certainly raised a good point there. Beyond simply being a noble he'd had years to accumulate his wealth - to say nothing of the family that must have preceded him. He still didn't like the idea of being wasteful - having spent so long making the best of the resources he had ever risking running low or out - but he supposed that if there was ever a time to ease up on fretting about it now was that time. "Ah, right, that is a good point." He chuckled awkwardly, his cheeks tinged with his blush. Though this sheepish awkwardness was abated some as Jasper continued. Bewildered by the criteria the other man listed, some of which he hadn't even known were options - at least not options for something that could handle travel.
      He chuckled, much more relaxed now, as Jasper joked about the foliage. "That's a relief to hear." He said, his tone warm, thankful. It was one concern off his shoulders, at least, unused to trying to keep fragile clothes pristine and despite living with Jasper for the time being he could hardly say now was the time to learn how. He was actually quite relieved that it was necessary for him to have a better suited wardrobe. His interest was piqued as Jasper agreed on the training gear. "I'll be quite looking forward to that." He said with a smile. He wondered for a moment if Jasper would be wanting his input on the gear, but he supposed that Jasper probably had a better idea of what was available than he did - even if the other man hadn't had arms training in the past he doubted that noble circles would have missed an opportunity to gloat about their own training and perceived prowess and superiority.
      He considered Jasper's offer, though off the top of his head he couldn't recall anything in particular he was in need of - unsurprising given the events lately - he hadn't had an opportunity to take stock of what supplies he had left. "I'll check through my gear when we get back and let you know." He said finally, "In any case you might want to stock up a bit on salt. I hope things won't come to that - but it would be our last line of defense if the witch decides they're done with us." It was a grim thought, but there was no denying it. They could prepare for future ventures all they wanted but they still needed to acknowledge the gravity of their current situation.

      It was a struggle to shake off the discomfort at the thought. Would he ever, truly, be able to shake it off? Would he be able to forgive himself if he ever did? The questions plagued him, the conflict between his morals and current situation weren't so easily amended in his mind. Even trying to reason, as Jasper had, that they were simply a predatory species as any other one might come across. His upbringing had painted vampires and other supernatural beings as cursed in the eyes of the very gods he'd been raised serving. It was far from easy to turn his back on everything he'd grown up with.
      Jasper was handling his limited choice in weaponry well, at least he didn't seem too bothered by it. It made Sebastian wonder if maybe he was worrying too much about it. If Jasper wasn't bothered by it then there was no reason for him to fret - and he'd likely do just fine with the swords, anyways. Still, he kept it in mind that Jasper would prefer a shorter blade.
      It was far too easy to forget just where this partnership had stemmed from. How determined he'd been to slay the man he now allied with. Their partnership defied reason and it was only chance that saw it happening to begin with. Could they really keep this up? Could they continue to trust eachother? It would be just as simple to let wariness take over - setting one of them on the other. It was a tenuous relationship regardless of how well they seemed to get on despite it. "Yeah.." He murmured. Unable to even feign lightheartnesses with a rueful note to his voice. He didn't meet Jasper's eyes. Horribly, he could barely remember all those he'd hunted. For each of them, at the time, he'd felt justified in hunting them down for one reason or another. But how many of them were just victims of circumstances outside of their control? How many desperately wished to avoid unnecessary bloodshed - or even sought a cure? Not as if his situation had much more freedom, though. What else could he have done when his entire upbringing had been focused on dedicating himself to eradicating any potential threat to humans? His father certainly wouldn't have had any patience for him loosing his nerve like this - would he have lost the only family he'd known just as easily as he'd lost the one he'd never met? The thought was gutting, and he had to force it from his mind lest his desolation show in his expression. He shook his head and stretched slightly, as if he was just trying to brush off the awkwardness that had risen between them - locking away those thoughts for when he felt better able to deal with them.
      Jasper's response made him laugh so abruptly that he snorted slightly, and he grinned with Jasper's subsequent teasing, "Ah, it would seem I've been caught. My experience as a damsel in distress simply can't be hidden." He chuckled with the thought - he would make an unimaginably disappointing damsel. He certainly wouldn't settle for the first knight who showed the barest amount of competency in a fight.
      Love stories had never been much to Sebastian's taste, though to be fair he'd never really sought them out to be sure of the preference. Always seeking books he could learn from, and with limited free time, it wasn't uncommon that he'd give up on reading one that he felt he could glean nothing useful from. He'd certainly read enough to be able to pick up on the trope, though, and he'd never liked it. Letting an arbitrary show of strength determine your partner. Even if someone was saving your life, 'freeing you from your tower', that didn't mean that they were 'the one'. It didn't take much to much to make a fighter, it took much more to make a warrior and even more than that to make a good person. All the prowess in the world couldn't make a bad person good if they had no intention to be.
      Jasper's reaction made him realize that his attempt at reassurance fell short, and he felt bad seeing the other man's clear discomfort. Perhaps he shouldn't have said anything on the matter. He hadn't wanted to lie about the chances - though he'd also done his best to clarify that the risk wasn't too bad. He supposed that the idea in general wasn't pleasant for him. "I've always got on quite well with animals, aside from dogs that is - they always remind me of werewolves." He chuckled softly, sheepishly, though his expression was rather forlorn, "Though I suppose that won't be the same anymore." He murmured. Animals were generally wary of vampires - if not outright hostile to them in the worst cases. He doubted he'd be graced with the luck to draw them in - something like that seemed so rare, at least in all of his experience he'd never heard of it outside of theories regarding bats and wolves, or the instances where'd they'd come across vampires who'd managed to gain the trust of horses. It certainly wasn't something he'd seen much of at any rate. Even Jasper who'd lived among humans and had a good façade of normalcy still scared Ana with his presence alone. As much as he'd hope for a different outcome he could only assume things would be the same for him.
      He was glad to have the go-ahead to look through Jasper's new books. Anything with helpful information was more than welcome at this point - going against a witch with almost nothing to protect themselves. As a human he could have at least relied on aid from a church in this case but now.. They were both on their own for this.
      "Ah, I see - that makes a lot more sense given his majesty's work up to now." He answered with a nod, the attitude towards the church rubbed him the wrong way, but he let it go - Jasper had every reason to dislike them, and, frankly, now so did he. It made even more sense that the bans were more so specific to Timbervale. The woodland town was relatively small and pretty well out in the middle of nowhere, bordering one of the nations larger forests - the note reminded him that historically the forest had played host to covens of witches - suffice to say though it would be easy for books coming in to be regulated by town guards without higher authorities specifically mandating it to them. With the suggestion of the local church backing it it undoubtedly came off as the best course of action given the state of the town. He sighed softly, it made him uncomfortable to now be a contributor to the problem he'd set out to solve, and even worse brought his mind back to his initial comments on moving and Jasper's vehement refusal to. The reports he'd come here on had been bad enough, if tensions were high enough to warrant a fear of uprising then certainly the days Jasper had were numbered. He fought a tremble that threatened to run through him with the thought of unrest breaking out. "I suppose you can't blame them. After a while it makes you wonder about the church's incompetence - or perhaps negligence." Though he said it in jest with a playful note to his voice that did bring to mind his interactions with the local church. The one who'd shared the most information of what was going on with him, and who'd spearheaded most of the information that circulated about the town's plight, was not the head of the church - in fact Sebastian had never met her. Too busy communing with the deities, beseeching them for divine aid to speak with him.
      The man who'd welcomed him instead had been one of the newer acolytes by the name of Jenssen. He was an older man, who's face and hands were gnarled with wrinkles from age and the scars of a life well-traveled. Indeed, he was a pilgrim from one of the larger cities, having decided to stay and integrate with the church here when he saw how the town was fairing. He was a good man, well spoken, kind, and gentle. Yet somehow had yet to be fully integrated to the priesthood here despite his knowledge and experience being more than sufficient. He'd speculated that it would have been related to the head priestess being so busy communing with the divine - yet it was still odd that no move had been made to properly induct someone with such experience to their fold. Surely, at that point any new perspective could have helped - even potentially being a subtle push of the divine aid she prayed for.
      However he hadn't spent much time questioning it, even now the thought was merely fleeting. Though many groups worshiped some of the same gods there were many varieties of worship. They just did things differently and it wasn't his position to say if it was better or worse than any other. These things simply couldn't be measured in standards like that since none of them could presume the desires of the gods. It was on the gods themselves to bless the worship they wished to see and admonish those who practiced in bad faith.
      "..could also prove the devastating skill of their quarry - thwarting them at every turn." He added with a slight grin though it still felt bittersweet. The end result of Jasper’s actions would be bad regardless of who came out on top. Would he have moved on from this town by then? Would Jasper have to face it alone? Would he be able to bear standing by him if that end came before he left? His fleeting thoughts of Timbervale's faith passed. It wasn't particularly pertinent to them now, actually rather beneficial for them to have the church distracted though it did bring the concern of divine punishment if the gods felt so moved to strike them down. A fear that still plagued him since having rather blatantly renounced his years of service to the pantheon the moment he decided to try and keep living as a vampire. ”It is reassuring though to know that these bannings aren’t widespread or the work of his majesty. Last thing we need is a repeat of the past.” He finally added in earnest.
      Sebastian shook his head, ”Had you any reason to question your leadership of your house before this? How would you amend problems if you didn’t know they were problems to begin with?” He asked. It wasn't fair to assume someone would be able to fix a problem they didn't know existed. If he had no insight into how commoners saw things, or more specifically insight into how his staff felt they were treated, how could he hope to do better by them? He shook his head. "Beyond that, my opinions are based on what I dealt with. Your staff could easily have wholly different thoughts." He shrugged, then smiled slightly. Hoping his words were reassuring - at least more reassuring than his earlier comments about wildlife.
      Though that attempt at a more upbeat sentiment didn't last long with Jasper's mention of his own oath. He frowned slightly and shook his head again, "Even if you had spoken out against it - it would only have made you a target in turn." He sighed softly, a rather bitter thought coming to mind, "..anyways, I'm certainly more fond of someone who hunts out of need rather than a coward sacrificing others and still complaining." He muttered. The bitter words were uncharacteristic and defensive, even surprising himself with them and he realized that he felt defensive not only of Jasper but of himself as well. They hunted because they had no other choice - the nobles who used their position to enable their deceit and cruelty though had every chance to do something better with themselves but chose not to. They were 'monsters' but they weren't 'monstrous', he supposed. Like in the story Jasper had leant him - sometimes it was humans who were crueler.
      Jasper's comment on the toad's diet felt rather ironic. Just a couple days ago Sebastian had thought similarly about vampires - not understanding how anything could find blood appetizing. "Just their instinct, I suppose." He suggested. He calmed down from the startle quickly, while the other man held onto his arm awkwardly long, yet he didn't say anything about it - not wanting to embarrass him. He already felt embarrassed as it was for having immediately assumed they were in danger, no need to make Jasper feel the same. So as the other man gently let go of his arm, saying nothing about it, Sebastian returned the favor. "Depends on the situation." Sebastian said thoughtfully, "Wolves are pack animals, and werewolves share the same mindset. A lone one, or a small pack would probably rather leave us alone. A bigger pack, though, would try to drive us off of their territory - if not worse." He explained before grimacing with the thought of them. "Packs are horrifyingly efficient in a hunt. Not the most dangerous on their own but if you don't keep an eye on their numbers you'll regret it." He added gravely.
      Though he spoke grimly on werewolves, he'd actually known one for a time. He'd been a part of the spellbreakers and while many had contested him being there his prowess in combat and ability to track down a quarry had earned him a place. Sebastian could only assume he'd been run off or killed during the attack on the spellbreaker's base - a lone wolf fighting spited supernaturals - he could only imagine their vendetta against him in particular must have been awful.
      He was a bit relieved when Jasper confirmed his thoughts, his rising nerves then must be his instincts calling for him to flee. "I'm glad you're here. I'm not used to tracking daylight so closely." He said, shaking his head as he looked towards the sky. Unintentionally his voice carried a wary note as he tried to parse instincts he wasn't fully used to. Peeling his eyes away from the sky to meet Jasper's, he nodded, "Right. Best they don't see us looking so disheveled." He said with a nod. He couldn't imagine Jasper often let his staff see him looking roughed up like this, namely guessing from how stressed he'd been - but also considering how much he had riding on keeping a guise of normalcy.
      Certainly, Sebastian wasn't used to stresses like that. As a hunter getting your gear torn up - while an annoying, and sometimes expensive, hindrance was an expected consequence of the job. He did learn to tend to at least some of the normal wear and tear of his gear but he was far from an experience blacksmith or leatherworker - best he could manage was patching things up and keeping them fit for a bit longer - though he could make some minor things in a pinch, arrows in particular.
      Caught in his thoughts briefly, he was surprised when Jasper offered his hand. A warm smile touched his expression "Thank you." he said as he accepted the other man's hand gratefully.
      Jarringly, as he stood he found a startling lack of stiffness in his joints despite having been sitting on the ground in the cold. He still stretched briefly, out of habit more than need, amazed by how limber he still felt. Even with his training little aches and pains like that were more or less expected. Surprising as it was, this was certainly a change he couldn't say he disliked - though it carried that same and inherent nervousness as did anything else regarding his change he could at least how useful this heightened endurance would be.
      He started off back towards Timbervale, the path to take now rather obvious - the foliage they'd walked through earlier was still mostly parted, going through it a second time would certainly be easier than it had the first, though this time he took the walk slower - paying more attention to Jasper's pace as they walked.
      The scent of smoke on the wind had died down considerably, he could only imagine that this indicated his setup had been adequate in containing the flames - leaving the pyre to consume it's fuel and die out peacefully. He hoped it was a sufficiently honorable tribute for Nori, despite what he'd become.
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jasper // 67

Postby molotov » Wed Dec 07, 2022 8:32 am

    𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑 ─────
      jasper had compiled a fairly simple list of things to order; clothing, training gear, and salt. though the final request might raise some eyebrows, he wasn’t too concerned, precaution outweighed the judgment of a few lowborn, after all. he already had his fair share of eccentricities, for them to assume him superstitious for requesting salt was fairly harmless, and made sense with all the odd phenomena taking place within the town. all in all, there was plenty to fall back on, enough not to draw concern.
      noting the lack of eye contact, and the hint of guilt that traced the simple utterance. jasper dropped the subject, feeling it best to deviate from the topic. the awkwardness that hung in the air was left unbroken for a long while, jasper ignored the creeping sheepishness as he tapping his claws together. if he was going to be honest, he had no intention of laying a claw on sebastian regardless of what transpired, there was no reason to resort to that by this point. even if he tried, he was dealing with a vampire whose experience in combat exceeded his own, the chances of survival were minimal at best.
      jasper grinned broadly, soaking up every moment of their pleasantries. talking to sebastian was refreshing to say the least, nothing close to the disingenuous and stale conversations exchanged between those of his own social ranking. he chuckled, picturing sebastian as a damsel was all too amusing. “worry not, fair maiden, your secret is safe with me.” he had been around long enough to know when to appreciate the little things, one had to learn to silently cherish the small moments of happiness, at the very least, take advantage of the fleeting company. for once, he felt like he was forming a friendship, or at least, what he assumed to be the start of one. their partnership may have been built on unsteady foundations, but what then was pushing them to banter like close friends. acting like this in any other circumstance with someone else was unheard of. perhaps, he was allowing himself to grow overly sentimental over nothing, acting as mawkish as the love stories he had just teased.
      sebastian’s attempt at assurance had inadvertently implanted the thoughts of being surrounded by all manner of nightmarish creatures. nevertheless, he somehow managed to keep himself from jumping to his feet. “not the worst opinion to have—now that you’re a vampire.” jasper reasoned. trying to pass as human in front of a dog was a difficult task, if not an entirely awkward interaction. canine’s were particularly vocal creatures, after all. noting the troubled look that had overtaken the hunter’s features, he realized how saddening of a realization it may have been for him, knowing animals would innately distrust him, most people enjoyed their companionship. “who’s to say for sure, our kind differ from each other in many ways.” he commented with a shrug, hoping to lighten up sebastian’s expression. “i knew a vampire who’d earned the trust of a few stray cats, only took him a month or two. all he had to do was bribe them with food.” he let out a small chuckle with the bittersweet memory, a melancholic smile across his face. “if your ambitions lie in winning back the trust of animals, you could very well do so, you’ve got the time to do whatever you wish, take advantage of it.” he desired to be as truthful as possible when it came to discussing vampirism—bad as it seemed, there was no reason to fill him with bleak thoughts. focusing in what couldn’t be done, clouded the possibilities for all the freedoms that came with a life unending. if he could leave sebastian with anything, he wanted to show him the light at the end of the tunnel, with hope, that would be true for him in whatever form it took. be it a family, companionship, exploration, innovation or discovery, there was a broad scope of life’s to live—if only.
      the topic of the churches own negligence brought an inquisitive glint to jaspers eyes, smile returning with the mention of his own skill in evading their efforts for so long, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride over it. not for the lives he had ended, but just for the sheer fact he had managed to remain in timbervale for so long, it was by his own effort he had survived, and that felt like an achievement in some regard, it wasn’t like he had many other notable skills. “i can be quite elusive, or so i’ve been told.” he remarked, proudly, albeit jokingly. it was odd to consider; timbervale hadn’t the faintest clue what was causing all the killings, last he checked. though his loss of control could’ve very well changed that fact. a slight shake of his head accompanied the thoughtful expression that washed over his features. “it can’t help but strike me as odd, all the same.” he mused, brows furrowed in thought. “no supernatural should be capable of circumventing their efforts for as long as i have, i’ve been at this for so many years.” he mumbled, a hint of curiosity in his voice. “that’s not even considering all that has transpired upon your arrival. you’d expect them to have taken extensive measures to strike the problem at it’s source.” it made no lick of sense when he truly thought about it, two hunters presumably missing, and a string of casualties that caused timbervale to go into lockdown, clearly the effects of his thirst had been been felt, and yet nothing had truly changed.
      the impact of the current king’s grandfather, king barristan, was a time he had not yet forgotten. his tyrannical reign had certainly left it’s impression, the current still cleaning up the aftermath of a once oppressive rule, his demand for control had lost them alliances from neighboring countries for a time, and nearly sent their kingdom into war. suffice to say times were tense. jasper’s respect for his current majesty was bountiful in that regard, the kingdom as a whole had shown a great promise ever since his inauguration as ruler, much as their was still a long way to go. “that’s certainly not a time i would like to relive again.” the vampire agreed, somewhat quietly.
      jasper’s gaze slowly shifted to the forest floor, sheepish. “i suppose i haven’t.” he mumbled. the hunter was right, the thought had never really crossed his mind up until now, so how could he have known it was a problem? he supposed he could thank his propensity for self-criticism to be the cause for not considering it in that light. jumping to the conclusion he was in the wrong, even when he wouldn’t have the faintest clue otherwise. the fact he was trapped into silence for fear of becoming a target was another vexation entirely, not even the simplest of criticism was free from making enemies within his own social class. the foundations for which he stood were already crumbling as is, it wouldn’t take much to ruin his social standing.
      jasper’s surprise in what followed was brief, swiftly replaced with a warm feeling of gratitude, bringing the trace of a small smile to the corners of his mouth. he was hesitant to try and justify his actions, after how abysmal his last argument with sebastian had gone on the streets. of course, the hunter was in his same predicament now, which is what he assumed pushed the defensive nature of the words. nevertheless, it was nice to have someone else come to their defense—at the very least acknowledge that there were far harsher people out in the world.
      the noble clicked his tongue, staring in the direction of the tall grass the large toad had taken refuge in. ugly, and forced to consume something so revolting, it sounded like a nightmare. “what a pitiful existence.” he stubbornly refused to acknowledge the parallel—much as it was apparent. the day he compared himself to a frog, was the day he took a peaceful stroll in the sunlight. “can’t help but feel bad for the poor things.” he muttered. jasper exhaled a breath he didn’t know he was holding. fortunately, sebastian had no intention of acknowledging the awkward contact. as he proceeded along the conversation as if nothing had happened. a glint of curiosity was brought to the vampire’s eyes as he listened, somewhat unnerved by the notion of a pack of ravenous beasts stalking them within the depths of the wood. here he thought he had nothing to fear, suffice to say he wouldn’t underestimate one, if he ever crossed paths with the mongrels. “i take it, you’ve had your fair share of personal experience with werewolves, by the sound of it.” he inquired gently, not wishing to push him on a topic that might bring about discomfort.

      the trek back had been a fairly quiet one, although it wasn’t something he was particularly bothered by. he didn’t interpret it as awkward by any means. in that moment, he merely took advantage of it and allowed his senses to scour over the unfamiliar environment with unspoken curiosity. the scents of the forest were far more pleasant, cleaner and merciful on his senses—which was ironic given how much of a mess he had become from it. jasper’s crimson gaze remained rooted on the forest floor for a time, treading gingerly as he followed in sebastian’s footsteps, hopping from one place to the next with a newfound determination. at the very least he was keeping up with sebastian, who’s pace had slowed considerably. he would not make a fool of himself again, he had experienced his fair share of embarrassment for the night, he could do without anymore complications if he could help it.
      jasper was half-expecting another misfortune to befall him and his new partner, and yet, nothing of the sort occurred. a sense of ease washing over him as the scent of rose traced the morning air, and soon after had they entered the safety of the estate without issue.
      house rosenberg was a dark place, it didn’t matter what time of day it was. the only light that graced these halls was that of candlelight, and even then he could manage fine without it. the few windows that dotted the house were hidden behind heavy curtains—not a ideal situation for human company, harder still to explain away his odd preference under the excuse of sensitive skin. suffice to say, complete normalcy would never be achieved in this state, but he did what he could to maintain a human guise. scanning the silent entrance hall, he took a moment to listen for movement coming from the direction of the maids quarters, when he found it silent, he proceeded. “once we’ve gotten ourselves spruced up, how’s about i give you a proper tour of my home.” he offered, following it up with a smile. “i trust you’ll be comfortable introducing yourself?” passing by a large mirror in the foyer, jasper’s eyes caught his disheveled reflection, the smile wavered a moment as he stopped dead in his tracks. his efforts to look orderly had certainly been in vain; his hair sticking out at odd angles, faint traces of dirt still caked across his face, clothing torn to shreds; he looked as if he had fallen down a cliffside. granted, he wasn’t sure what he was expecting, wishfully, he had hoped it wouldn’t be as bad as it felt. clearing his throat, the noble straightened his posture, he maintained a look of indifference, even with every fiber of his being screaming for him to flee to his room that very moment. he didn’t want to offend his guest, he was truly thankful for their time away from town, just not use to the mess. he exhaled, brushing his bangs away from his eye, as he pulled his gaze away from the mirror and proceeded. in his internal panic, he failed to notice the green caterpillar that was inching it’s way across his shoulder. “i’ll handle the explanations as to the purpose of your arrival, of course.” he continued, as his pace quickened, so too did his voice. “so long as you can provide a full name, and refrain from making breakfast out of my staff, things should go swimmingly.”
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Sebastian || 68

Postby Rosario. » Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:24 am

. 𝒮 𝑒 𝒷 𝒶 𝓈 𝓉 𝒾 𝒶 𝓃

      He was grateful that Jasper was so quick to agree about the salt. While it would normally be a fairly innocuous item given the events as of late it probably wouldn't be hard to realize why someone would suddenly want more of it on hand.
      Though, on that note, it was likely also a fairly good cover for the time being. After all, someone likely wouldn't imagine a supernatural to be overly afraid of such things - not unless they had knowledge of some lesser known afflictions - that being, certain curses. Though it wasn't as if Sebastian could say much of the topic, either. It was rare even for a hunter to come across them. Witches usually would have tight reigns on those they cursed - generally using them almost like an extension of themselves. The most he really knew of the topic was that certain tricks used to ward supernaturals could also be used to some extent to manage some curses. It was limited, but better than nothing, and it was certainly something that he wouldn't expect the general population to really know of.
      To that end, the salt really would only help their cover. People feared being hunted down in the streets so it was only natural that someone with the means to would seek to defend themselves, through arms training and whatever protective implements they could find.
      Sebastian was grateful that Jasper let the subject drop. He could easily imagine that his reaction - his inability to say what was on his mind in that moment - could be considered concerning. Even with his efforts to hide the true extent of his feelings he knew how easily bits could slip through, his silence and inability to even feign nonchalance alone were rather blatant signs of his discomfort with the topic. Given his occupation it would have been understandable for the other man to have been curious or perhaps even wary when greeted with a topic that left the hunter struggling to speak - he knew he would be if he was in Jasper's position. Yet his fretting over his past had left a pit of desolation in his stomach such that he didn't think he'd be able to express those thoughts even if he was pushed to. How exactly could he easily summarize questioning all of his life choices and the realization of how little choice he'd really had? He'd spent his life learning how to hunt and to fight - never having had reason to question what he'd been taught, and even beyond that there were certain aspects of his past that he'd rather remain unsaid. His time alone and his struggle to survive were experiences he was glad to have escaped from, even if what he'd escaped to hadn't been much better, it was long behind him and he'd rather not think of it. What didn't occur to Sebastian was Jasper's outlook on his skills in combat. Sebastian couldn't imagine Jasper as anything other than stronger than him - it just felt like the reasonable assumption to make presuming that Jasper had been alive centuries longer than him - unwittingly it was a thought ingrained from his life as a human which largely didn't account for the skills he'd dedicated himself to learning which his instincts seemed keen to make full use of as well as how he no longer had to worry about compensating for a supernaturally fueled gap in strength and reflexes. Though, it was also this line of thinking that helped him relax at least somewhat, the perhaps naive hope that Jasper would be able to stop him if he lost control.
      He grinned with Jasper's response, chuckling along with the other man. Their playful banter was a welcome reprieve from his rather hopeless thoughts - and it was nice to be able to poke fun at a rather common trope as well. He'd never really had someone to talk about books with; the only time he ever had was with other hunters and it was solely focused on tactics - definitely not anyone who'd laugh over something like this. Rather, in that instance if anyone would have been laughing it would have been them at him instead of with him. Most of the hunters had always seemed to have a very single minded focus on their goals, which did differ a bit between them but the gist had always been about the same. Whether it was a case of rampant posturing or not he wasn't sure but the result had been that the culture of the hunters highly frowned upon lax attitudes. Joking around, outside of 'funny' hunting stories over a few drinks absolutely would have been looked upon badly and he realized just how nice it was to actually relax like this - letting his guard down and making up some nonsense scenario. It actually had him wanting to give books he'd once passed up another chance - even if it was only to poke fun at cheesy and repetitive tropes with another person. He supposed that this was probably the closest he'd come to a 'normal' friendship. Not driven as some competition between peers just two people who happened to be able to be amicable with one another. While there was still the nagging question of just how sustainable this relationship would be in an odd change of pace for the somewhat stubborn man he chose to ignore that wariness which had preserved him through countless hunts and to instead appreciate the situation for what it was for as long as he could. If he would have to make inherent changes to how he viewed life as it was then he should accept the good moments just as much as he fretted over the bad.
      He chuckled softly with Jasper's response, "For once. Others used to call me cowardly for it." He admitted sheepishly, a faint blush tinting his cheeks. Certainly instructors, those with higher positions, and naturally the animal trainers had felt Sebastian's fear was an impediment to his work. It was a largely unfounded take as he'd still managed to accomplish his jobs all the same - the only difference was that he would avoid coming into contact with dogs - owned or strays. Perhaps the bigger reason for the judgment was that the trainers felt Sebastian would have otherwise been a good candidate for working alongside a dog - and perhaps they were right, certainly the dogs did make hunts faster with their ability to seek out the scents of supernatural creatures as well as aid in combat, but it just wasn't going to happen which left Sebastian to deal with the, thankfully, largely playful jabs about it and the off and on judgment from hunters higher up.
      A feeling of hope sparked in him, though, with Jasper's reassurance - especially with the mention of cats. "That sounds pretty typical of cats." He said with a lightly playful tone and a slight smile managing to break through as he regained a semblance of hope in the idea. Of course it was still only a chance, but a chance was better than none at all. He paused "Perhaps that's why they're usually the go to as a witches' familiar - they're definitely quite in tune with the supernatural world, and fantastic at evaluating perceived threats." Perhaps his adoration of cats was showing a bit in his voice, or maybe how he'd actually snuck in research about them when he was younger under the pretense of researching supernatural familiars. It must have been one of the only times he'd ever 'slacked off' and even then he did still glean some useful information. Some vampires kept familiars, too, but how it worked for them was unclear. With witches it was assumed that the link between the two was inherently tied to the witches' magic - which would empower their familiar to an extent largely based on the witches' own skill. In turn the link gave the familiar a heightened understanding of the world around them which allowed them to aid the witch - creating a mutually beneficial relationship.
      It seemed that vampiric familiars operated in a similar way though how the connection worked was unclear - at least it had been to the author of the book he'd read - though it seemed that vampires usually favored more imposing animals, ones which were a bit stronger and with more predatory instincts - including the varieties of supernatural animals - which made sense as animals like that would be less bothered by their master's prey. Beyond that, however, there wasn't much known about it. "I'll have to give it a try at some point." He agreed with a nod though he wasn't sure when exactly 'some point' would come. As nice as it was to know that the chance was there it didn't change how much he needed to be on the move, and it didn't feel right to try and drag an animal along on that. He supposed it was one of those things that would stick in the back of his mind as something he wished he could do should the time ever come where he didn't feel a pressing need to be ever on the move and ever wary. Even now concern nagged at him, extending his stay in this town only made it more likely that spited creatures may catch up to him and he didn't want anyone else to be roped into his problems. This was something he'd started, and it was on him to finish it.

      As Jasper had confirmed animals did tend to be more wary of them. They could sense the danger. Dogs in particular were a threat as their loyalty to their owners, or to their pack, would at times exceed any sense of self-preservation. Worse yet was that a dog's ability to sense the supernatural was well known among most people. Perhaps the only grace they had in this instance was that there were surprisingly few dogs in Timbervale. Even strays which could usually be found in most rural towns were largely absent with the few that could be found usually going between the edges of the town and the woods. He'd caught a glimpse of them on his first night in the town while he was out seeking information and they were thankfully quick to retreat to the woods at the sight of a stranger. He'd assumed this to be due to the threat that plagued the town back then though he was less certain now on exactly which threat it was that had driven them off. One vampire was usually far from something concerning enough to drive away dogs. The witch on the other hand.. perhaps it was something they had done - it would certainly make sense. Dogs were notoriously sensitive to and wary of magic.

      While Jasper's response to his comment was playful there still wasn't much in the way of alternative answers - either he was too elusive for them or something about how the church was going about their investigation was severely failing them.
      Where Sebastian had been quick to brush off the oddities surrounding the church Jasper's curiosity caught his attention and he frowned slightly. "The church is certainly.. different to any others I've encountered." He murmured "I assumed that it must be related to their variety of worship." He shook his head, "I didn't consider it my place to ask, though - not that I was given the chance to at any rate. The head priestess was too busy to speak with me - communing with the deities. But at this point I can only imagine that she's hoping for some sort of full scale divine intervention." There was an incredulous note to his voice as he mentioned it, and he shook his head again as if he hardly believed his own conclusion - not that someone could blame him for his surprise - something like that was incredibly rare and was presumed to happen in only the most dire situations. It was to such an extent that it was widely accepted that clergy needed to put in a certain amount of active work to solve the problems they faced. The divines they worshiped would offer guidance and aid to those who worshiped earnestly but were unlikely to fully shoulder the work. It was odd that they hadn't struck out on their own - less common sect or not surely they knew or had at least heard of the wider beliefs. Everything else about the church, though, had seemed largely normal. Those who practiced there were both wise and skilled, though the seeming lack of intent to try and spur the head priestess to action was odd - with Jenssen seemingly one of if not the only one deciding to reach out despite the head priestess' seeming refusal.
      He felt a slight chill creep over him with Jasper's response, hearing that the other man had lived through that reign. What other horrors might either of them have to endure living as long as they did? Watching the rise and fall of empires - perhaps a historian's dream but for Sebastian he could only imagine the fighting, the kingdom's resources all being put to that effort leaving the people largely vulnerable and in need of people like him to protect them - and he still wasn't sure if he could even do that anymore.
      "Exactly. Perhaps it would be a different story if you'd known, but there's no sense in blaming yourself for something you were unaware of." He shook his head, "Even if you had, it's not as if you're short on time to make up for it." He offered with a slight smile.
      He appreciated that Jasper made no mention of his defensive words. Though his situation had changed drastically since then it still left a lingering feeling of sheepishness to be so defensive of something he'd once sought to destroy. Just something he'd have to get used to, he supposed.
      He held back chuckle with Jasper's reponse - deciding against mentioning any parallels instead he offered, "I wonder if they feel the same about us. They live simple lives, peaceful hidden away in the forest - small enough to not be appetizing prey to most larger predators and in some cases poisonous enough to scare others off whereas we have worries in most aspects of our lives - bound to complicated rules and standards every aspect of how we act needing to be managed down to the finest detail and fitting for our station." He shook his head, a disgusted look crossing his expression briefly with the consideration of stations - his mind flashing back to what he'd come from - before he got his expression back under control, acting as if the flashback hadn't happened. "All a matter of perspective, I suppose." He certainly had enough experience in a vast change of perspective to understand the feeling. Certainly he'd never have expected to have his horizons broadened so much to be able to put philosophers to shame over a discussion about toads.
      A slight shiver went through him as Jasper asked about his experiences with werewolves, the reaction both wholly involuntary, and undesired, with the mention. Despite the claims of some of the spited higher up hunters over his fear of dogs he really was far from a cowardly person, all of his wariness having been formed from experience and his fear of dogs in particular had come from experiences with werewolves. Perhaps those accusations stuck with him as he really hated the implication of weakness his reaction would undoubtedly bring. "Multiple." He murmured softly. "I mentioned the werewolf I lost my compass to, which certainly was a rough one.." Frowning slightly, he sighed before continuing "What really stuck with me, though, was an experience early on in my time as a hunter. I think I was only fifteen - about a year too young as a hunter since the usual minimum age was sixteen," He didn't consider as he said this that it might lend some indication to his upbringing as he instead focused on the story. "I was in a party of four, my instructor and I as well as a couple of other hunters. We'd cut through a forest on our way to a town where we'd been getting some mixed reports of supernatural activity - something was definitely preying on people but descriptions were so inconsistent that it was hard to tell exactly what it was. The trip was long and the forest was difficult to traverse - we ended up needing to set up camp in the woods." While his expression didn't give away too much his voice had taken on a tense note, "With four of us we weren't too worried. We knew the steps to camp safely and we felt confident in defending ourselves but nothing could have prepared us for the sheer size of the pack that had attacked." He paused before continuing, dreading to say what came next, "We lost half of our group to the pack." The situation wasn't quite as simple as that but he wasn't going to elaborate on it. "My instructor kept me safe - he really taught me a lot about how to turn a situation to your advantage. We'd only just come through victorious - even with the pack dispatched we ended up abandoning our camp and part of our supplies since there was no way we could carry it all with us." Something of a hopeless chuckle escaped him, "..and even after all that we still had our hunt in the town to handle." He shook his head, "I've had more than a few rough hunts, but that one really stuck with me - and my luck with werewolves never really got better, either." He wasn't really sure why he felt the need to tell Jasper the whole story when a simple 'yes' would probably have sufficed. Perhaps it was because he'd never had the chance to talk to someone about it - at least he'd never had the chance to tell it to someone who seemed genuinely sympathetic.

      Taking the walk so much slower this time Sebastian found a surprising amount of serenity in the dark depths of the forest. Even as the sky slowly grew lighter and his instincts were set on edge he couldn't help but enjoy the experience his heightened senses gave him of the woods around him. He could hear so many small creatures as they nested and moved about, enjoying the scent of the trees and the gentle brushes of the wind. He'd enjoyed the forests before but it couldn't compare to the experience now - enough that it made him want to stay forever rather than return to the town which was, comparatively, foul and grating.
      It was the relaxing scent of roses that told him they'd returned to Jasper's home and he sighed softly with relief. After having spent so long by the stream it was easy to become wary that their adversary might have been setting up an ambush in the meantime, yet it seemed their foe was patient and biding their time before the next confrontation - which was even more foreboding but for the time being he couldn't worry over that. They had other things to focus on. He nodded, "I'd appreciate that." He answered with a slight smile. Besides avoiding getting lost in the large estate, having a better understanding of the layout may help him come up with ideas for defending it if it came to that. Jasper's next question made him a bit antsy, but he steeled himself and gave a resolute nod. "I think so." While his words themselves offered some uncertainty his tone did not. Did he really have that much to worry over? Though he loathed to think of it, how it had cost Nori her life, he had fed recently and the scent of the roses eased his instincts that much further - even more than just this considering he'd be sure to use Jasper's rose soap as well. He couldn't imagine any way to be more prepared than that.
      Sebastian likely wouldn't have paid the mirror in the foyer much mind if it weren't for Jasper stopping short in front of it. The reflection that greeted him really was quite a sight. While Jasper was certainly the more mussed up of the two of them Sebastian hadn't escaped their trek in the woods unscathed either - at least his clothes hadn't, and on closer inspection he noticed the dirt that coated his pants as well, and while his hands were mostly clean from having dipped them in the stream earlier there were some stubborn patches of mud clinging to them. Things he'd been too preoccupied to notice either. It wasn't really new for him, though he did usually try to keep himself a bit cleaner than this so he didn't put too much wear on his gear but these noble clothes really just couldn't handle as much as his gear could and where the material of his usual gear kept some of the grime off the flimsy fabric of the noble clothes seemed to pull it in instead. He pulled a twig that had gone unnoticed from his hair and felt at least a bit more comfortable, the rest would be easily cleaned off in the shower. As they turned to continue towards their rooms and Jasper continued speaking Sebastian noticed an odd green spot on the other man's shoulder. He quickened his pace to catch up to the other man as he reached out and collected the caterpillar from his shoulder. "Sorry, twig." He said, as he presented the twig he'd pulled from his own hair, carefully depositing the caterpillar in his pocket to release outside later. Jasper certainly didn't seem the most fond of them and he decided to spare him the reveal of what had actually been crawling on his shoulder. "..but, yes," he chuckled, "I may just be able to handle that." He answered more confidently than he felt. His name was something he hadn't considered. Of course he'd need to provide one, but could he really offer the last name of the man who'd spearheaded the spellbreakers? There was a certain amount of notoriety that came with the name - even now that the group had met it's end it was hard to miss the tavern gossip and tales of the hunters that used to keep people safe from supernatural threats and there was certainly no way he could offer that name while keeping just who had raised him to himself. No, he realized that he would have to give a fake name, which he supposed was probably normal among vampires as much as he loathed having to immediately adapt such precautions.
      Their idle chatter seemed to dwindle as they reached their rooms, it seemed they were both keen to get cleaned up. Certainly, an uncomfortable chill had come over him from the lingering bits of mud and these clothes were far from warm enough to have been trekking about like that.
      He stepped into his room with a soft sigh as he approached the window. It took a moment of working with it, the fixture seemed a bit stuck and unwilling to budge at first but it finally gave way and opened with a rather unpleasant creaking. He tossed the twig out first before he retrieved the caterpillar from his pocket. The insect, for it's part, had taken to some incessant wriggling once it had realized that it was trapped - not that he could blame it. He held it for a moment, allowing it to crawl along his hand, occasionally waving it's body around as it sought higher ground. He was lucky that there was a tree close to his window, it was a bit of a reach - clearly well tended to keep it from constantly scratching up the sides of the estate - but with a bit of effort he managed to reach out to a flimsy branch allowing the caterpillar to crawl off onto it.
      Content in having helped the small creature, he closed the window and finally headed off to shower.
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jasper // 68.

Postby molotov » Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:56 am

    𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑 ─────
      out of all the words to describe the man sitting next to him, cowardly wasn’t one of them. he had certainly sensed the fear in him the first night they’d crossed paths, but so too had the man remained intent to fight him despite his racing heart. though admittedly, he found comfort in knowing he wasn’t the only one with a fear that some might deem laughable. although, between bugs and dogs, one felt a little more irrational than the other, after all, dogs still retained some semblance of danger. jasper’s dislike of canines stemmed purely from their ability to detect that he wasn’t human. while he could be fortunate timbervale lacked many dogs, greyhounds and hunting dogs were common pets in noble households. it made visiting certain homes a pain.
      his words seemed effective in bringing a hopeful glint to sebastian’s eyes, leading to an unexpected interest at the mention of felines. it was clear he held a fondness for them, the way in which he spoke of them made that evident enough. it was endearing, and it reminded him just how much he missed company like this - lacking formality or ulterior motive, they were simply talking. by fault, the path of a vampire was a lonely, unending road. however brief companionship might be, the company of another life form was something of great importance. in the case of animals, their lives were a fleeting light, but a light nonetheless. he supposed he was contradictory in that regard, knowing all too well some extra company might do him good when he inevitably parted ways with sebastian. the thought may have lingered but his commitment to trying was little to none.

      it was getting harder to hide his cynicism towards the church the longer it remained a talking point. further still when sebastian himself seemed to disbelieve his own reasoning behind their lack of success. “if their relying solely on the gods to do their work for them, they’re wasting their time.” jasper mumbled, just as unconvinced as sebastian sounded. “like they would even care to intervene in something so trivial.” it sounded harsh, but in the grand scheme of things. divine intervention was typically a large-scale and extremely rare occurrence, certainly nothing he had ever experienced. “by that logic, you suppose they’d smite down every supernatural who has meddled with human lives.” he sighed, some spite laced in his words as he spoke of the gods. shaking his head he let his eyes trail to the ground. “it’s not like i have a better explanation, regardless.” by nature he held an aversion to items of holy significance. churches - that is the buildings themselves were a mixed bag when it came to their power over supernatural creatures, in the end it all came down to the specific deities the churches enshrined. even still. jasper found himself some leeway in the few times he had been called to speak with the church. even so, something about timbervale’s house of the gods was oddly off putting. he wasn’t sure when it had truly started, but every time he drew near, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. it felt as if something was deeply wrong, enough the put him on edge. alas, he could never pinpoint the exact reason as to why. vampires were highly sensitive to holy items; crosses emitted an unexplainable discomfort, silver burned, so too did holy water. most churches gave off that same unexplainable sensation of mild discomfort. the church of timbervale was different, it did not feel holy in the way other churches did. it was no easier trying to explain it, than it was trying to discern why he felt that way. “perhaps it’s simply a predisposition of mine, to overanalyze the churches decisions. waiting for their next move, as if we were playing a twisted game of chess.” he decided it best to shrug off his suspicions as just that - he was an ungodly being the church was keen on destroying. of course, he felt a natural opposition to every decision they made - even when their incompetence worked in his favor he found himself rolling his eyes.
      jasper blinked several times as he processed the sudden depth of sebastian’s words. “that’s certainly a unique way of looking at things.” he responded, an amused note in his voice as his gazed drifted to the stream. “still, there’s some truth to that. our lives are needlessly complex in comparison - the more complicated things are, the more restraints are set in place. our roles are established in such a way that deviating from the paths paved for us would inevitably lead to disaster.” he was speaking more on his perspective, perhaps without truly realizing it. “it’s simply the burden of the human experience.” he continued thoughtfully, a playful glint in his eye. “though the toads could do with learning some manners, as to not spook me and damage my pride in the presence of another.” he wouldn’t typically bring light to something that made him look unprofessional, but he supposed it just went to show how comfortable he felt. he appreciated sebastian not acknowledging it, and the philosophical nature of his words over a toad couldn’t help feel amusing.
      the hunter was full of surprises—not just in his combat, but in his conversations, it seemed. jasper was quick to catch the mentioned age at the time of the tragedy. far too young to be involved with the spellbreakers—or so he would think. granted, youth were trained into knights and soldiers at much younger, but it didn’t remove jasper’s concern any. training to aid the king in times of conflict, and actively hunting down beasts capable of massacring droves of people, were two different circumstances. “quite the tragic turn of events.” jasper finally spoke. “-at age fifteen no less, you were practically a child. i can’t even begin to imagine.” there was no curiosity in his words, just sympathy. much as inquisitiveness lingered in the back of his mind, jasper treaded carefully. he shook his head with the thought of experiencing something that young. all things considered, having the hunter open up to him about the massacre felt like a big deal, but he wouldn’t acknowledge that fact. “i guess there is respect to be had. that despite the devastation, you all still managed to press on. recovering from that couldn’t have been easy.” he was under the impression that on some level, sebastian hadn’t had a choice but to move on. just as he had after the destruction of the spellbreakers. as a whole, sebastian’s ties with the fallen group of hunters seemed to go a lot deeper than a simple job. even still, jasper held his tongue, feeling it better to approach from a place of comfort rather than question. “i certainly wouldn’t call your aversion to dogs cowardly, in that light—nor any light.” the noble reasoned, his brain jumping back to the plethora of hero’s journeys he head read in relation to the topic. “fear is but a precursor to valor, so long as you have the capability to face what frightens you. my perspective might not mean much, but coming from someone who sensed your fear amidst our battles, you’ve demonstrated your courage to me well-enough. a dog may not frighten most, but all the same, most would never have the capability to face a pack of werewolves without being overwhelmed by fear.”

      though they had long since entered the safety of his home, jasper’s nerves peaked with the realization he had been content looking so abysmal in front of another. it occurred to him just how embarrassing things must’ve looked. his quickened pace slowed to a stop, his sharp senses picking up on sebastian nearing. he cocked a brow at the hunter in slight confusion, swiveling to face him. briefly he had caught the other grab something off his shoulder in his peripheral. for a moment, whatever it had been seemed to squirm, and jasper gave sebastian a wary glance before he presented the stick. the vampire let out a small sigh of relief, the brief tenseness in his muscles easing with the sight. “ah.. much appreciated.” he could’ve sworn it had moved, now he could only assume he was letting his fears get to his head, and a shiver ran down his spine with the thought. he promptly nodded in gratitude, and once more with sebastian’s confirmation. “splendid.” he answered quickly as he slipped into his room and shut the door without another word.
      “you look disgusting.” jasper stared at himself in the bathroom mirror drearily. the time alone gave him a moment to recollect on all that had transpired - despite the mess, a small smile couldn’t help but creep its way up his features. despite the ups and downs, seldom would he take for granted just how much he appreciated the new company. it had been nice to feel so at ease, without restraint in front of someone so nonjudgmental. then again—the amount of times he had humiliated himself was needlessly high, regardless. ‘why?’ is all he could think to ask. after so many years he felt quite confident in his ability to emulate the prestige and grace of a proper noble, yet back there, he was about as graceful as a newborn fawn trying to take it’s first steps. shaking the embarrassment aside, he turned his focus back on the shower.


      the wakeful chirps of birdsong sounded outside, as the sun sleepily crept over the horizon. though the light that warmed the cool stone wouldn’t reach the interior. the voices of the maids rang down the hallway, their distant chatter just as lively as the songbirds outside. their voices grew distant as they began their daily routine. jasper had thrown on one of his more casual forms of attire. observing himself in the mirror several times, before he finally felt presentable enough to step out into the hallway. his nerves had settled quite a great deal now that he knew he wasn’t so disheveled. meeting sebastian out in the hall, jasper greeted him with a nod. “now then, let’s get you acquainted with house rosenberg.” giving tours came easy to him, he knew his home like the back of his hand. though admittedly, he felt the need to cut back on his typical overblown explanation to the significance of each room. luckily, putting on a showy facade wasn’t necessary around the hunter. “we’re currently occupying the west wing, you’ll find this entire hall is made up of bedrooms, six in total.” moving to the the entrance hall, he gestured to the set of doors to the north of the home. “you’re familiar with the kitchen. you’ll also find the reception hall, dining and ballroom, as well as the servant’s courters down that way. i don’t feel it is essential to familiarize yourself too much with it, given it’s lack of purpose to us. though you’ll have the freedom to explore on your own time.“

      pressing forward he moved to the hallway to the east, the noble continued. “when our time isn’t occupied by training, the east wing is going to be the focal point of our endeavors.” jasper explained. “first door is a sitting room, second is my study-” he gestured to each as he passed the open doors, coming to a stop at the third door to peer inside. vials, beakers and test tubes full of various liquids and plants lined the shelves. a calming fragrance traced the air, the room had remained untouched for quite some time. though clean and orderly at first glance, traces of disarray came in the form of disorganized papers and books haphazardly stacked about the desk, and sticking out from the drawers. “-this is my laboratory of sorts. it’s usage has changed over the years, but i still have some old journals and notes that could be of use to you.” he continued to move down the hallway, glancing back at sebastian. “i suppose, first and foremost, we should keep our focus narrowed on researching our current threat for the time being.” opening the double-doors at the end of the hall, he stepped aside to let his guest enter the library before him. rows of colored spines adorned the walls in a magnificent array of color, grand in magnitude. a large table sat in the center of it all, illuminated in the soft glow of candlelight, topped off by a cozy sitting area and an unlit fireplace in the far back. hanging above the mantle was a shield engraved with the rosenberg family crest. the windows were large, and would’ve added to the beauty with roses that adorned the outdoor grounds, if not for the fact they were covered in thick heavy curtains. designed in such away that they took some effort to open. the display of ink coated riches expanded to a second floor; two spiral staircases on either side leading to the balcony above. like most of his home it carried a sense of grandeur, but also a great comfort. “impressive isn’t it?” jasper’s red eyes drifted to the hunter, somewhat expectantly. “my family spent generations compiling most of these, some of them are older than timbervale itself. even then, i myself contributed to quite a large quantity of them over the years.” a smile traced the vampire’s lips, gazing proudly at his life-long collection. “i can only hope house rosenberg’s efforts to obtain so much knowledge will not be in vain to our.. particular branch of research.” witches had never been a focal point of his interests before, so it wasn’t unreasonable to assume that he may have overlooked a few books relating to them - somewhere.
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Sebastian || 69

Postby Rosario. » Tue Mar 07, 2023 4:59 pm

. 𝒮 𝑒 𝒷 𝒶 𝓈 𝓉 𝒾 𝒶 𝓃

      Sebastian could hardly blame Jasper's reaction to his experience with the church. While Sebastian had been around enough churches to have adapted a non-judgmental approach to the varieties of worship even he struggled to understand the reasoning behind the church's actions. He sighed softly and shook his head, "Perhaps I should have asked more questions - I'm not even sure which god they worship." He admitted somewhat sheepishly. Usually such things were rather clear but in this case it wasn't, and frankly it felt embarrassing to admit that he'd somehow been unable to tell - he'd assumed it to be his own preoccupation with his work, though, as he couldn't imagine the clergy and priests being so dedicated when they didn't even know who they were worshipping - and Jenssen had seen them as trustworthy enough to try and help them. He chuckled softly, "I think I'm the exact opposite in that regard. The spellbreakers worked so closely with so many churches I learned not to question the different types of worship." He frowned slightly, sighing again, "I should probably start to look at them more like you do, now." As a vampire 'overanalyzing' the churches was probably the safest thing for them to do. Jasper's comparison was accurate, like a deadly game of chess between them as each waited for the other to make a mistake that would spell the end of the 'game'. While he wouldn't assume a church to look at a battle that put the lives of innocents in danger as 'a twisted game of chess' at least from his perspective as a hunter the comparison captured the feeling of the fight perfectly. Regardless of what side one was on, their strategy needed to be perfect to ensure survival. Perhaps that was why the church was so insistent on godly intervention - a lack of confidence in their numbers and abilities as well as complete uncertainty as to exactly what they were facing maybe even fearing that Jasper was either a demon, or a cult worshipping one. He still doubted their chances of succeeding but could understand their hesitation in that case "Perhaps they haven't realized that what they're facing is a vampire, not a demon and it's followers." He offered. He supposed that if such was the case it would at least work in their favor - up until the church had a strategy in mind for dealing with them. In any case the church was certainly the least of their worries for the time being - as much as the thought of their struggle still pained him it left the two of them with one less enemy breathing down their backs.
      For a moment it seemed as though he'd caught the other man off guard with his perspective on their lives, and of course the amusement of looking far too deeply into the lives of toads. He smiled hearing Jasper's amusement before being surprised himself when Jasper responded in earnest and, seemingly, lived experience. It felt quite somber for a moment before Jasper continued with a playful jest. Sebastian chuckled, "They really are quite a rude bunch, aren't they? So uncivilized." He said with a wide grin.
      Despite the jovial nature of the conversation he couldn't help but feel wistful for the luxury of a simple life, it seemed even more out of reach now than it had been in the past, yet that didn't stop the desire for it. Maybe one day he could find a way to manage it.
      Sebastian squeezed his eyes shut for a moment as the memory ran through his mind. The marksman and the elderly tinkerer, both had been incredibly skilled in their own right. The marksman who hadn't had a chance to fight back, and the tinkerer, bitten, and set upon the remaining pair in a sudden burst of bestial rage. Not yet transformed as he'd have needed a month for the cursed blood to take hold fully but perhaps he was just particularly susceptible to the bestial influence, or perhaps the bite had unleashed a rage held deep within him.
      In any case Sebastian had frozen up, unable to raise a hand against his former ally. It was his instructor who saved his life in that moment, taking on the frenzied man that was once their friend. Through some reservoir of strength Sebastian managed to pull himself together and aid in the last of the fight - at least as well as a new hunter could hope to. He'd had training, of course, but nothing could really prepare someone for truly fighting for their life - especially not after watching two people he'd looked up to perish within moments of one another. He could still remember his shaking, it had felt uncontrollable. Yet his instructor didn't mention it, perhaps to spare the young man's dignity or perhaps too busy contending with his own thoughts in that moment - Sebastian would never know as the man was never the open and conversational type. Mentally, he thanked him regardless as he wasn't sure he'd have been able to keep his last shred of composure otherwise.
      He took a breath, trying to push those thoughts from his mind. "It was.. definitely a lot to recover from." He murmured. He shook his head, "I couldn't disrespect their sacrifice by just giving up. Though.. one of them, an elderly inventor - he probably would have scolded my instructor and I for pressing on 'without an inklin' of a plan like a couple a fools'." The admittance brought something of a half smile to his otherwise somber expression with the memory. However he wished things were so simple as him pushing on for a stubborn dedication to his craft and his companions. The reality though was that there was nothing else he felt he could do. Despite the horror of the situation there was nothing else for him out there. The hunters were the only family he'd ever known and if he'd left he'd have been right back where he'd started - alone on the streets with nothing to his name. Grimly, the thought came to mind that even his name was of his adoptive father. Had he left, he wouldn't have even had that.
      "In some regards I can understand their frustration." He admitted, "It certainly caused some concerns logistically - especially at first until I proved that I could work through it. After that the irritation was purely from a strategic standpoint. I'm sure you can imagine, animals are a great asset when hunting a supernatural creature - but I couldn't be paired with a hunting dog.." He shook his head, "..even slight movements from them would make me flinch." He rubbed the side of his neck, a sheepish look on his face. However, the noble's reasoning brought a warm smile to his face, "Some would say that in a line of work so dangerous if you aren't at least a little afraid, you aren't understanding the situation. It's something we all have to learn to deal with, to temper with reason. I suppose it's one of the things that drew me to research with so much dedication - fighting fear with knowledge."


      The coldness of the water had given him a sense of familiarity, something easily lost among the noble finishings of his new surroundings. Like the clothes Jasper had leant him, all made of fine fabrics with small intricate details that set them apart from anything he'd ever had in the past and who's fragility was something he felt out of place and almost anxious around. Even so, he carefully picked out the most casual among them - hoping that it wouldn't look out of place or raise any eyebrows among the maids. It would be hard to explain if they realized he was wearing clothes Jasper leant him.
      He checked himself in the mirror, and felt content aside from the fine, near imperceptible hairs that had started to poke out in his face as his beard started to grow in. He frowned, he usually would let it grow until he deemed it annoying as the maintenance was time consuming and not always something he had the resources for but this time he rifled through the remnants of his gear until he found his hunting knife. He gave the edge a quick check to ensure the blade was still sharp enough and upon seeing that it was he went ahead and trimmed everything back down deciding that it would probably be for the best for their ruse for him to keep well-shaven. That, and being able to do so apart from when absolutely necessary was a luxury he hadn't been able to enjoy prior to this. Beyond that, he was, for better or worse starting a new chapter in his life and he may as well try something new now that he had the chance. It felt nice to be able to do something out of a desire to rather than necessity.
      He gave his face a quick wash after this and straightened his clothes out a bit before stepping back into his room.
      The heavy drapes had fallen back into place through their weight alone, looking untouched as if he hadn't pushed it aside earlier while releasing the caterpillar. While no sunlight could peek through he could hear the cheerful morning birdsong. It felt odd to him, after a full night of work he felt like he should be exhausted but his new form prevented that. It was jarring, something he'd have to get used to, but at the moment it just felt like his internal clock had been shattered. He took a deep breath, trying to soothe his nerves somewhat, before he headed out into the hallway.
      The hall was empty, it seemed Jasper wasn't ready just yet. Off in the distance he could hear the maids chatting as they went about their work - far enough away that even his sharp hearing couldn't pick out what they were saying. He remembered a couple nights ago, the maid - who Jasper had called 'Thea' - who'd come across the pair when they were embroiled in an argument and promptly fled in terror. He wondered if she was among the group he'd heard chatting or if she'd chosen not to return to the manor after that night. Frankly, he wasn't sure which option he'd prefer. Either case would have it's deficits and he could only hope that they'd have a chance to settle her concerns and avoid any nasty rumors floating around the town. The last thing they needed was more eyes on them.

      A click of the door across the hall announced Jasper's presence and the hunter offered the other man a smile and nodded in turn. The other man had cleaned up well, the mess from their foray into the woods now a distant memory. It seemed Sebastian had made a good choice with his attire, best he could gather at least. He was dressed similarly to Jasper, but the style was toned down a bit which he hoped would suit their ruse. He supposed he probably didn't need to worry too much, undoubtedly Jasper had leant him only the clothes he felt would work for their needs - but it was hard not to when so much rode on this.

      They started on their tour, Jasper seemingly well-acquainted with the task with clear concise descriptions of the locations. The amount of rooms made the hunter's skin prickle with unease. He was already wary of speaking to the maids, but it was clear that the house was suitable for hosting other nobles - as was typical among noble circles due to the lengthy travels between cities. He tried to reassure himself, though, as he couldn't imagine too many nobles being too keen on staying in a rural town known for mysterious, supernatural, deaths. It actually made him wonder how much use those rooms had gotten in recent times. Of course the 'mysterious deaths' would have been a problem for as long Jasper had been here but word had been spreading about it more as of late thanks to the effort of people like Jenssen.
      He nodded with Jasper's description, though he made a mental note to explore the servant's quarters later - just to be sure he had a good idea of the layout should things come down to needing to defend the manor. He could mention it to the other man later, as it may be unnecessary to be thinking of the worst possible outcome so soon. For now they just needed to gather information and he'd explore the area once they took a break from their research.
      "On that note, where will we be doing our training?" He asked, breaking his silence for the first time since the tour had started. His best guess would be the courtyard but for all he knew Jasper could have somewhere else in mind.
      He peeked at the rooms curiously as they passed, each was fairly normal until they came to the laboratory. "Amazing." He said, his voice soft and awed. The longer he looked at the room the more he could see the signs of it's use and the more the calming scent wafted over him. This was clearly where Jasper had done his experiments with roses in the past and Sebastian felt excited by the possibilities the space held. Maybe he truly could find a cure? Problems were still cloying at his mind, his past was an ever present threat in his life, how much time would he have before he needed to move on? Even if Jasper seemed keen to help him with whatever may come he couldn't put the rest of the town at risk like that. He nodded as Jasper continued, though, "Agreed. We've more pressing concerns for now." He said as he followed Jasper to the last door and nothing else in the house could have prepared the hunter for the sight that laid behind those grand doors. The most impressive collection of books the young man had ever seen took his breath away as he traced the rows and rows of high shelves with his eyes and the spiral staircases that lead up further into the library. The area may have felt imposing and unnerving if not for the comforts it also provided. The warm candlelight and the cozy sitting area which seemed to not only welcome but invite him to spend all the time he needed researching to his heart's content.
      "..it's beautiful. He said softly, his voice barely above a whisper before he shook his head and cleared his throat - now was not the time to be so distracted by the beauty of the space, he needed to focus on the task at hand. "It is," he said with a nod, "With so much time spent on it there must be something that can help us - even if just picked up by chance." He couldn't imagine the odds of such a large and presumably old collection managing to have nothing relating to witchcraft. "Which section would you recommend we start in?"
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