oh caroline, (nuna & luna) i want to get it right this time

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Re: oh caroline, (nuna & luna) i want to get it right this t

Postby ~AlwaysLoveLuna~ » Sat Sep 02, 2023 11:51 am

MireClan ⋆ Deputy ⋆ she-cat
Location: rocky outcrop in the river

Looking to RiverTeller DuneHeart, HeronFoot gave a friendly nod. “I’ve be assured that LilyWater will be the first one up for my dawn patrol tomorrow.” RiverTeller flicked her tail “I’ll speak with her as well.” The wind howled above them, seemed like the weather was only getting worse as the night went on. “Alert MireClan to say their goodbyes. We’re leaving.” RiverTeller declared. With a nod HeronFoot gathered the clan up, not that many were left lingering. Everyone gave their final goodbyes, then HeronFoot also made her way over to the riverbank to join the rest of her clan.

She must have been looking glum as RedStripe's tail landed on her shoulder. "You alright?" he asked with a hint of worry in his words. “Yeah.” HeronFoot sighed with a shake, a few droplets of snow landing on RedStripe as she did so. “NewLeaf will break sooner than we know, the river of ancestors will run once again.” She turned back to watch the last few GroveClan warriors leaving the rocky outcrop. “GroveClan will be the least of our worries.” RedStripe gave a nod of understanding.

HeronFoot stepped back onto the ice towards MireClan territory, finding no trouble to keep a respectful pace behind RiverTeller. The snowfall had turned into a light storm and the wind blew through Heronfoot’s fur like she wasn’t even there. Innocuously falling back a few paces more, she walked beside RunningClover. Sheltering the young warrior from the wind, if only slightly. Suddenly the young she cat attempted to stop HeronFoot reaching out with her claws sheathed. “What?” HeronFoot questioned.

Suddenly HeronFoot’s paw struck a puddle in the ice. In shock her mind raced. What? Water? This river is frozen solid! she thought. Squinting her eyes to the frozen floor below them she saw a distinctive crack in the ice as freezing water oozed out. RunningClover looked to HeronFoot terrified. HeronFoot turned back to the clan but all that seemed to catch her eye was a black spot in the distance, tumbling across the ice. Unable to process that right now HeronFoot studied the expressions of her clan mates, they seem to not have noticed the split in the ice. She must warn RiverTeller… they could take a detour, but it’s so dangerous crossing the ice they’d be safer just to take the shortest path.

Immediately HeronFoot signalled the clan to halt with her tail and called. “RiverTeller!” Hoping the wind wouldn’t take her words she yelled again. “The ice has cracked here! water is seeping out, should we detour?” In that moment the storm angered yet again the snowflakes felt like sharp stones slicing HeronFoots face. Please let her hear me HeronFoot preyed.

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Re: oh caroline, (nuna & luna) i want to get it right this t

Postby Nunavik » Mon Sep 04, 2023 8:42 am

    The snow had kicked up by the time Duneheart led her clan away from the gathering spot. The trek across the river was a long, spillery one. She had saw and heard the occasional splash of water when they first arrived, but with the snow, the she-cat had figured it would freeze up shortly before the meeting. Unfortunately, that was not the case. It felt like their ancestors were against the mishap of the gathering as Heronfoot's voice roared warning through her ears. The cream-and-white she-cat at the head of the pack whipped her head back, watching as the moon reflected light at the cracks in the ice before it altogether vanished, coating the cats in darkness for the remainder of the night. Heronfoot suggested a detour, but Duneheart was used to these waters. The river was dangerous and the cracking was loud, trembling underfoot. There was no time to reassess and redirect. "Hurry!" Riverteller Duneheart commanded, her voice a steady force against the wind. "Everyone get to the riverbank and off the ice!" The she-cat stayed on as MireClan warriors galloped past her. She would remain on the ice until everyone was clear. "Heronfoot, lead us back!" She would take the rear and ensure everyone got to safety.
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Re: oh caroline, (nuna & luna) i want to get it right this t

Postby ~AlwaysLoveLuna~ » Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:13 pm

MireClan ⋆ Deputy ⋆ she-cat
Location: River of ancestors: Frozen over.

The cracks shot out from under HeronFoot’s feet like lightning dancing across the sky as she took the lead. Trying to choose a path with the strongest ice she led a zig zag pattern for the warriors to follow. The storm raged above them and HeronFoot could only beg for the dense grass cover of the Mire. With only a single fox length to the shoreline, a new burst of adrenaline shot through HeronFoot and she couldn’t help but launch herself the remaining distance in a single bound.

Paws on solid ground, relief washed through HeronFoot with more intensity than the icy wind clawing through her fur. Turning around in a flash, HeronFoot now realised her grave mistake… from where she leaped the ice had more than splintered, water now gushed from the prominent split. Watching RunningClover lower her haunches to do the same, HeronFoot blurted out “wait! Jumping only makes it worse!” Unfortunately, her warning landed on deaf ears. As the young warrior went to copy her; the now slippery ice has no grip to offer, and her jump was sloppy leading to RunningClover crashing on the desperately delicate ice and sliding to the shore.

The scene had shocked AmberEyes who was next in line to make the final push for the riverbank. RunningClover had recovered quickly from the shock and was clambering up the slight overhang to safety. HeronFoot grabbed her scruff to help pull her up over. Fully turning her attention back to AmberEyes, HeronFoot assessed the situation. Fortunately, with her new slightly elevated position the cracks exact locations were now far more clear, unfortunately HeronFoot was now also acutely aware they were spreading by the second.

Calling out to AmberEyes HeronFoot instructed. “Make a slight detour to MY right, do not jump!” The She-cat followed her instructions and safely made it to the bank. “Alright now next one slightly to the left.” One by one HeronFoot instructed her clanmates to safety as the nights storm howled onwards. Finally, the last cat appeared in the line, “Alright RedStripe!” HeronFoot’s eyes darted around the bank, water was seeping out everywhere she looked, and she tried to hide her worry for how he’d ever make it.

When HeronFoot’s eyes landed on the path she took to the bank. Yes, the most delicate part of the ice was straight ahead but it was relatively clear afterwards and she made up her mind. “Straight ahead RedStripe, the path is clear after that first little splinter.” The tom cat looked to her with worry and confusion. “Little?!” he exclaimed while assessing the damage she’d left in the ice. “Have trust in your deputy and your sister!” HeronFoot called. Just look at me and walk forward.

RedStripe took a breath and met her gaze, as the two of them were too nervous to look anywhere else. The wind took away any creaks or pops the ice made as he almost casually walked up to her. With a calm demeanour he made it to the bank and jumped up as if there was no danger in the world. “Oh, thank the ancestors” HeronFoot exclaimed. She didn’t get to enjoy the relief for long as it may have been the end of the line, but it wasn’t the end of her clanmates. LilyWater and RiverTeller were no where to be seen.

HeronFoot and RedStripe called out across the frozen river. “RiverTeller! LilyWater!” Worry drenched HeronFoot nose to tail. “RiverTeller! LilyWater!” They called again. They stood calling for what felt like far too long. She couldn’t leave her warriors standing around getting frostbite. “Alright everyone listen up, Redstripe go up the right side of the bank a little ways to call for RiverTeller and LilyWater, AmberEyes you do the same on the left.” “WhiteFang lead the rest of the clan back to the camp.”

Then HeronFoot was alone, calling for her clanmates as the storm furiously fought on. There was no measure of time as she stood there calling. HeronFoot so desperately wanted to rush out onto the ice again to find them, bring her clan back together. However, she was determined to stand strong, the clan didn’t need even more lost warriors.

Finally, AmberEyes called “HeronFoot! Redstripe I see them!” She turned with a desperate smile and bounded to her feet. She raced over to AmberEyes with Redstripe not far behind. As she arrived AmberEyes pointed into the blizzard. “Right there!” Squinting as much as she could, HeronFoot couldn’t make them out. “You sure? I don’t see anything.” Almost offended AmberEyes confirmed. “Yes I definitely saw them.” Feeling somewhat mouse brained for asking HeronFoot nodded. The small patrol raced along the side of the riverbank to reach them.

The wind had pushed RiverTeller and LilyWater far more than HeronFoot expected but it meant they were now on far stronger ice. The second HeronFoot saw sight of them she got onto the ice to help the duo make the last few crawling steps across the frozen river to the safety of the shoreline. LilyWater looked terrible, she was shaking almost violently, her nose had icicles hanging from it and her fur was frozen in place. RiverTeller looked far better in comparison despite being the one who was taking the front of the wind. She was still shaking and frozen, but her expression was strong and HeronFoot felt reassured they’d be okay.
“Lets just get back to camp” she sighed with relief.

End of Prologue.

ooc we never really discussed the nine lives situation for Rivertellers, do you think we should keep them or perhaps they have another ability? Open to ideas.

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Re: oh caroline, (nuna & luna) i want to get it right this t

Postby Nunavik » Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:10 pm

    Dawn had come and gone by the time riverteller Duneheart woke with a start. Her head banged against the brambles of her den, rippling a hiss from her maw. The cream-and-white she-cat glanced upwards at the ceiling. Beams of light flickered in, tingling her fur into a golden color. It took a moment or two before Duneheart came to her full senses, the feeling of ice and the pelting of snow against her coat finally disappearing. It had been a little over a month since MireClan's riverteller had nearly lost her life saving Lilywater as they crossed the river after the gathering. Heronfoot has been amazing leading on, but the pair had been left behind. Lilywater too distraught to pick up the hustle. Despite the annoyance Duneheart had felt, she had nearly fallen in and lost herself to the current beneath the waters. Thankfully, their ancestors had been with them. Cold and her heart thundering past normal, the riverteller had been willing to allow Heronfoot to led on. Even a month later, the she-cat still had nightmares. The she-cat huffed a sigh. The pitter-patter of paws outside her den eventually encouraged her to get up and return to normal duties. Today, she'd join a patrol.

    ooc: I think rivertellers having nine lives is fine, but do you have a specific power you were interested in rivertellers having?
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Re: oh caroline, (nuna & luna) i want to get it right this t

Postby ~AlwaysLoveLuna~ » Wed Sep 13, 2023 9:31 pm

MireClan ⋆ Deputy ⋆ she-cat
Location: MireClan Camp

The deep claws of leaf-bare were finally beginning to loosen on the mire. HeronFoot admired the way the melting snow glistened in the morning sunlight as she sat in the middle of MireClan camp ready to assign the morning patrols. HeronFoot yawned and groomed herself as she thought about what needed to be done for the day.
Extra hunting patrols, plenty of creatures would be desperate for food now at leaf-bares end, probably still too early for fishing but the ice will we very thin. She should ensure Riverteller reminds the clan that the ice crossings on the mire are no longer safe and we'll have to stick to the trees to cross.
As HeronFoot continued to ponder, a warm pelt caught her eye. "SiltCloud." she nodded her head in greeting to the medicine cat. "You're up early." SiltCloud flicked her bushy tail in annoyance. "Indeed." Gesturing towards the nursery she continued. "LilyWater insisted on being checked before the dawn patrol." HeronFoot glanced towards the nursery. It was somewhat cruel she had to be cooped up in there for so long, alas it was the warmest den. Not that it stopped Riverteller staying in the Tellers den the last moon as she recovered.
HeronFoot replied light-heartedly "Well you said they needed to rest for a moon and LilyWater does owe me a dawn patrol." SiltCloud nodded and meowed. "I'd best check on Riverteller while I'm here, seems she is up already." With that SiltCloud wandered off. "Thank you!" HeronFoot called.
LilyWater emerged from the thick reeds of the nursery; her recovery had been inspiring to HeronFoot. The large she cat stood proudly and determined and HeronFoot smiled as she strolled over. "Ready for dawn patrol" LilyWater meowed. HeronFoot couldn't remember the last time she'd seen her up before sun-high, LilyWater became a queen not long after becoming a warrior and has been raising cubs ever since. "A moon late but I'll accept it," she joked. A few more sleepy faces emerged from the warrior’s den to face the day.
“New-leaf will break soon! I can feel the suns warmth heating the ground and the trees.” HeronFoot commented while lowering herself to stalking position. “The prey will run again, and we shall have beaten another leaf-bare.” HeronFoot stands as AmberEyes walks up to the now small clowder. “I’m excited for some fresh fish, I’m tired living off voles, shrews and rabbits.” RunningClover overhears the conversation and jumps in. “And frogs! They’re my favourite to hunt.” The young warrior demonstrates the pounce on a lump of snow and the clowder chuckles. “Urgh not me.” RedStripe opposes. “I’ll stick to the trees and grasslands looking for birds.” Rolling her eyes teasingly HeronFoot sighs “you’re such a drypaw.” RedStripe seemed to take it more as a compliment than a weakness.
Moving things along HeronFoot began to assign the patrols. “Regardless of the moons to come right now, RunningClover I think you’re ready to lead a small patrol to the woodland boarder. Take WhiteFang and AshClaw. LilyWater, AmberEyes you’re with me to the marsh end.”
As HeronFoot pondered who to send hunting RiverTeller and SiltCloud appeared in the camp clearing. “RiverTeller how are you this morning?” HeronFoot questioned with a respectful nod.

Ooc: nope we can keep 9 lives sounds good. Also please add the new characters sent pm.

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Re: oh caroline, (nuna & luna) i want to get it right this t

Postby Nunavik » Thu Sep 14, 2023 5:47 pm

    As riverteller Duneheart exited the teller's den, she came nose to nose with her sister, Siltcloud. With a surprised gasp, the she-cat leapt backwards, landing on her rump. "Siltcloud!" The she-cat hissed softly. Her heart galloped before finally beginning to settle as the full effect of who had faced her came into full view. "Don't do that." For the past moon, her sister had essentially grounded her to the four corners of MireClan's camp along with Lilywater. Since that night on the river, Siltcloud had been the only one to know just how close to death Duneheart had been. A moment longer in the freezing water, Duneheart wasn't quite sure if she would have made it that night. Thankfully, both she-cats involved had, but their warriors duties had been stripped until the medicine cat of MireClan had deemed them otherwise. The riverteller remembered calling her sister a busybody and that she had no right to strip her of her duties when she was leader. Thankfully, the pair had had this squabble in the privacy of the teller's den and Siltcloud's quick hiss had shut her up. Despite their rankings, Siltcloud always held a bigger say over her sister.

    Now face to face in the piracy of each other's company for the first time in what felt like forever, Duneheart twitched her whiskers. "You're not going to tell me I have to stay off patrol for another week, are you?" The tan-colored she-cat brushed past her, essentially ignoring any response she may have said in quick response. "Because I'm not so you can shove it." The riverteller bounded the small stones that led from the den to the clearing in a few leaps and bounds. As she reached the clearing, she could faintly hear Heronfoot began to gather patrols. Duneheart was grateful for Heronfoot's steadfast loyalty to the deputyship. Her ability to take charge had made taking the moon off a tad bit easier. "Good morning." Duneheart murmured, dipping her head in greeting to Heronfoot. "I'm doing well, thank you. Do you need any help with today's patrols? I'm free if you need an extra paw."

    As she spoke, her eyes glanced towards the warriors' den where Ashenheap and Goldenfur had exited. The two toms quickly gathered, offering quiet hellos to their fellow warriors.

    ooc: added. i've also added some npcs myself. also, in regard to the map, I LOVE IT! I'm sure we can add some extra landmarks as the story progresses.
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Re: oh caroline, (nuna & luna) i want to get it right this t

Postby ~AlwaysLoveLuna~ » Sat Sep 16, 2023 12:46 pm

MireClan ⋆ Deputy ⋆ she-cat
Location: MireClan Camp and marsh end boarder.

“An offer I’d never refuse.” HeronFoot replied cheerfully with a flick of her tail. “It’s looking to be the first sunny day in moons, prey will be abundant.” LilyWater looked up to HeronFoot as she spoke. “As will the foxes.” HeronFoot caught RunningClover and AshClaw rolling their eyes slightly at LilyWater’s word of caution. “You’re absolutely correct LilyWater.” HeronFoot defended. “We must never forget we aren’t the only hunters that roam these lands, especially your patrol RunningClover, as you are headed up to the forest were most foxes live.” RunningClover looked to her paws sheepishly for a moment before responding. “Of course, we will be on the lookout for any trouble.” Satisfied with her response HeronFoot nodded.
AshenHeap and GoldenFur trotted over to join the clowder, GoldenFur asking. “I’d be keen for a hunt. We haven’t been deep into the mire for a while, perhaps that’d be the best spot?” HeronFoot nodded. “Great idea, take AshenHeap and I’m sure you wouldn’t mind leading the patrol RiverTeller?” The slender she-cat nodded and with that the clowder dispersed just as the sun left the horizon.
The perpetual low hanging mist hung on the floor of the mire as HeronFoot, LilyWater and AmberEyes made there way down to the bog. The air was still frozen from the evening, but it didn’t take long for the patrol to warm up as they kept a good pace towards the boarder. The jagged rocks, dead trees and thick grasses carved a path through the puddles of mud and pools of ice, edges just starting to melt. Leading them to the mires edge. HeronFoot sped up her pace as she noticed AmberEyes and even LilyWater finding the terrain no trouble to traverse. The Mire seemed to have crafted the patrol a perfect path for them to enjoy.
They made great time to the inclining hills that surrounded the mire and drew the boarder for MireClan territory. With a powerful bound HeronFoot ascended the mound, then to the first branch of a white cedar then to another higher branch to look out beyond the territory. HeronFoot took a deep breath of air but recoiled as she did so. The air wasn’t musky and sweet as she was expecting. It was fowl and smelt of smoke.
“Everything okay?” AmberEyes called from the base of the tree. Unable to reply HeronFoot could only look on in horror at what she saw… monsters. Monsters everywhere, more than she’d ever seen in her entire life, combined. “What in the river of ancestors...” she muttered in disbelief. By this time LilyWater and AmberEyes had joined her on the perch of the tree, equally horrified. “What are they even doing?” AmberEyes questioned to no one in particular. Taking a moment to recall the few trips she’d taken beyond the boarders HeronFoot was stumped. “Well, we all know there is a small twoleg den beyond the tree line. But the ways of the twolegs are known too only themselves.” Then the three of them stood in silence, letting only the wind speak its wisdom as the she cats found no strength to cast their gaze from the monsters that roamed the rivers edge.
“Well,” HeronFoot muttered to break the silence. “At least they are not on our territory, in fact they are quite a distance away.” This seemed to calm the others somewhat. “We must report this back to the clan. I’ll ensure that more patrols are taken to this border to monitor any monster activity. The camp is completely safe the mire has always and will always protect us. Our very ancestors run through this water.”
HeronFoot leaped down from the perch to somewhat escape the fowl air, LilyWater and AmberEyes following quickly after. “Then what are we waiting for?” AmberEye’s meowed. “Let’s get back to camp and warn the others!” HeronFoot was a whisker away from agreeing. “ Wait, No.” she replied firmly. AmberEyes and LilyWater looked to her in slight disbelief. “We will stay to mark the boarder as thoroughly and quickly as possible. If the monsters have any respect, they will not cross a freshly marked boarder.” Ensuring to keep equal eye contact with the two warriors HeronFoot continued. “There is no immediate threat so it’s too risky to split up.” Somewhat begrudgingly the two she-cats nodded.
It was sunhigh by the time the patrol reached the opposing borders edge, fully marking every bush, shrub, and tree as they did so. Climbing up the final particularly tall mound covered in bare spiralling vines the three of them sat to rest for a moment. With the sun having burnt off the last of the nights mist the patrol had the best view of the monsters so far. LilyWater now seemed particularly curios. “Are they building something?” AmberEyes pondered for a moment before replying. “I suppose it somewhat looks like they’re laying a tree across the river.” Taking the time to fully address the situation herself HeronFoot noticed the monsters laying an even greater siege to GroveClan’s side of the river. Thinking of OliveBranch HeronFoot felt her stomach drop. “I hope GroveClan is okay.” The conversation seemed to be taken by the wind as the small clowder then sat in silence as they recovered from the trek. “Ahem, regardless” HeronFoot muttered “Let’s get back to camp, and I’m sure I don’t have to remind you to keep this to yourselves until RiverTeller can address it to the clan formally.” With an assertive nod from LilyWater and a tail flick from AmberEyes they were off.
The patrol returned to camp as quickly as they left it, bounding through the lowlands along rocks, branches and even having to trudge through some cold mud but nothing slowed down the she-cats. Even still, HeronFoot couldn’t help but feel it took twice as long for the patrol to return. Entering camp, HeronFoot dismissed the patrol and immediately began looking for Riverteller. Surely, she was back from hunting by now.

ooc: Great thanks for doing that! perhaps we should also add the map to the first page?

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