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For roleplaying regular/real-world species with real-world limitations, e.g. cats, dogs, wolves, lions, bears.

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Postby Animals65 » Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:10 am

Kayla wakes up hearing a voice and looks up to see it was Lenora, her mother. Yawning, she stretches before walking over towards her. "Good morning mother!" she greeted with a smile. "Thank you for waking me up!"
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Postby Bronzewing » Fri Oct 16, 2020 7:11 am


The black male awoke, gazing at her through the corner of an eye before he realized the sun was coming up. "Good mornin' mother." he mumbled before scrambling to his paws. Rubbing his head and running a paw over the scars on his face, he looked up at Lenora with a soft smile on his face. Getting stable on his feet he stretched one last time before getting ready to face the day- the sun coming over the trees was warm, after all, and the prey was likely running well.

Ruba wasn't the most observant of wolves. He didn't hear the weird symphony of the earth or the song of the wind and trees being slightly off tune- everything seemed fine to him. The whistling of the birds and the warmth of the air only signaled prey to him- something to catch, something he could do easily. Anything out of the scarred male's comfort zone was something he didn't want to hear about.

Yawning and pawing the sleep from his face, his eyes met that of Lenova. They had always woken them up- why did he feel as if this time was different?
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Postby carotid » Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:09 pm

      x ─ ─ 𝑰𝑶𝑳𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑯𝑬 ───── x [ mood: waking ] x [ location: the river > the pack ] x [ tagged: open :-) ]
      indentSleep was gradually coming less and less for Iolanthe.
      indentMaybe it was paranoia from every time Lenora warned the pack about the earth's mumbles or maybe it was the increasing number of gunshots that rang out and echoed throughout the mountain ranges, but Io found it hard to fully close her eyes and enjoy a good night's sleep. She wasn't sure how the others seemed to be unfazed by the steaming river or the sharp smell of sulfur that came and went, but she had a bad feeling about the whole situation- and she always trusted her gut.
      indentAnother night of light sleep and startling dreams led Iolanthe here, to the same river that stank of sulfur where it should smell of nothing but mud and fish and water. She knew better than to sleep out in the open, but the lull of the river's stream put her gently to sleep beside it, and any wink of shuteye was one she appreciated. It felt like no more than a blink when she awoke to the dawn and the lazy rising sun. By now, the rest of the pack was surely waking alongside the rest of the world. They probably wouldn't notice her disappearance; none of the others ever brought it up to her, anyway.
      indentRising to her feet, the wolf shook out her dull silvery coat and went on her way back to where the rest of the pack resided. There wasn't much time before they would start asking where she'd been, and Io never was one for confrontation.

      x ─ ─ 𝑶𝑹𝑰𝑶𝑵 ──────── x [ mood: sleepy! ] x [ location: with the pack ] x [ tagged: open! ]
      indentWhereas Iolanthe was struggling with sleep, Orion was basking in it.
      indentThe lazy male had a den just a little ways off from Lenora and her offspring's, but the short distance was not enough to muffle the sounds of waking. Even from his peaceful dreams and content slumber, the gentle sound of Lenora's wake up call, followed by the drowsy voices of the kids, was enough for the male to peep open one of his eyes to the sunny world. He then focused on waking his whole self up as he stretched his stiff limbs and yawned loudly, opening his eyes fully and squinting against the light as they adjusted. He flexed and unflexed his paws before rising onto shaky legs, wincing as his front left ankle protested beneath him. Back in his prime, he'd used to be a leading warrior for the pack, but with a wrongly healed injury came his retirement and moreso of a medicinal focus.
      indentNevertheless, Orion didn't let his injury get him down. It was nothing but a couple minutes of limping in the early morning before his bad leg got used to movement again. He left his den to enter the common area of their pack, sitting contently as he awaited the others' company. He breathed in the morning air; while otherwise crisp, there was definitely something going on with the earth, and he'd known ever since his most common herbs started dying off at rates unseen in previous years. He wasn't worried Lenora would boot him from the pack if he had no purpose, but with the increased tensions in the area, he wanted to do as much as he could for her and the pack. The wounds of mourning were still fresh.
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Postby Gypaetus Barbatus » Sat Oct 24, 2020 1:21 am

Alexander | Subordinate male

There was something off about the earth beneath their traveling paws. There had been something off for a while now. Something that Alexander hadn't seen before. A new smell had joined the air. Something was wrong. And it had him sleeping less and less for a while now, too worried about possibly figuring out what was happening. But it seemed the earth was keeping its secrets hidden for now, making sure that they were left to wonder what was going on as it rumbled from time to time. These were worrying events, especially now that they had lost a valuable pack member.

Alexander raised his head and turned it towards Lenora, their remaining leader. With her mate now gone, he wondered how she was doing. It couldn't be easy to lose a mate. But he wouldn't know. He gave her a quick nod, before watching most others of the pack awake and greet their leader. He wondered if things were ever going to be normal, so to say. Probably not. Losing a leader was difficult for any pack.

But they had to move on. Staying stuck in the past wasn't going to help any of them. Alexander knew this, and he was certain their leader did too. Times were changing though. With a seemingly new threat to them, they would have to change along with it. And that was going to be the most difficult part. Alexander didn't necessarily like change. He embraced it when he needed to, avoided it when he could. He liked knowing how things were going to end. But life was full of surprises, and not always the fun ones.

He stood and stretched his paws, a yawn accompanying his movements. He was still a little sleepy. But he would have to make due with what rest he had gotten. The start of the day was important, and soon the pack would be full of life and movement.
name's alec. legally an adult and thus paying bills. they/them or he/him pronouns have my preference.
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Postby Bronzewing » Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:03 am


Stretching out one last time he turned back to his mother with a smile. Brushing back against his mother in greeting he hopped about, waking up his legs- a hunt would be good for them. He still wasn't any good at the art of the hunt... in these scarce times he feared some day he would mess up a hunt and the pack would go hungry for a day. "A hunt would be good." he eventually spoke. "It would get our legs moving, at least! Then we can travel more efficiently." Laying down he rolled over into some sand, getting it over his coat and masking his scent for the upcoming chase.
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Postby Animals65 » Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:07 am

Kayla smiles as Lenora gives her a gentle lick on the cheek, wagging her tail as her heart is filled with love for her mother. Upon hearing her ask the pack if they wanted to hunt now or later, she thinks about it before giving out her answer. "I think we should hunt now." she replied. "That way, no one would complain about having empty stomachs on the journey."
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Postby melancholia. » Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:22 pm

indigo > no tags, open
    indigo sat alone in an open, small clearing, taking in the sight around him. he enjoyed how beautiful the trees looked from how different they all from one another. some trees still had life in them, their leaves still holding on, vibrant with their color change. other trees were almost naked, their leaves scattered on the forest floor while the ones on branches seemed like they were clinging for dear life, as some would fly off during a gust of wind. indigo always enjoyed being in nature. well, he's a wild animal, why wouldn't he? the dark brown male finally stood and began to weave past trees, slightly blending into their bark. the bitter air felt empowering each inhale, but in reality, his sinuses were just beginning to dry up.

sage > no tags, open

    sage was curled up alone, enjoying how the gusts of wind felt on her pelt. she was tired from doing nothing. sage craved to get on the move, but she felt glued to the ground, almost like she was anchored. (same) she would sigh before opening her eyes, flinching due to her not being adjusted to the daylight yet. she glanced around her before stretching her front legs. sage than sat up, and began to take in her surrondings, before drowning out the sound of nature by talking to herself in her head.
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Postby azhefa. » Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:20 am

i. sam & rory ii. 8y & 3m iii. male & female iv. both loners v. father & daughter vi. both single, no interests

    it's been a rather draining past few weeks for the older wolf, being a single father wasn't something he had planned for when he met his mate a year before. but life seems to enjoy throwing him all kinds of curve balls. sammael huffs a long deep sigh as his pup once again scares away possible breakfast. rory hadn't meant to, but she just couldn't sit still long enough for her father to get into position so he can grab the prey. the pup folds her ears back guiltily and flops herself onto the ground under the disapproving gaze of her sire.

    sammael huffs once more before shaking his head and leaving the hiding place. rory stays back with a sigh, knowing if she leaves she'll get into even more trouble. but it's so boring to sit around and wait for something to happen. for such a young pup, her attention span was short and very easily distracted. she does try to behave, it's just something that is a work in progress. sammael moves farther into the brush, but still within line of sight to his daughter, knowing she doesn't like being left alone and also knowing she will easily run off if not watched. if only his mate was still alive, she was such a great mother and easily kept rory occupied while he hunted for their food.

    it doesn't help that prey was starting to get scarce, the herds were leaving and the smaller prey was starting to run out making it that much harder to keep himself and his pup fed. luckily for them, this area wasn't claimed by a pack so he has claimed it as his own and has already run off a lone male last week trying to encroach on his prey. sammael can't allow anyone to hunt in his claimed area, there wasn't enough food to sustain more than himself and rory. besides, having unrelated wolves around him wasn't something he desired. he doesn't know how they would react to his pup and he wasn't about to put her life in danger, not when he was still living.

location; out hunting x mentions; none x tags; each other
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Postby Gypaetus Barbatus » Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:50 am

Alexander | Subordinate male

With the hustle and bustle of the pack waking up, there were decisions to be made. Did they move on or hunt first? Although, they could also cover ground with a hunt, of course. The pack needed its strength if they wanted to continue on. And he supposed most were hungry a bit. He was, for sure.

"A hunt sounds good. We need our strength," Alexander spoke up, shaking his fur. A hunt would be good for them. They could stretch their legs and eat their belly full. A hunt was also exciting. To him, anyway. One of his favourite activities, even if he was getting a bit older nowadays. He wasn't as fast as he used to be, but his nose still worked fine.
name's alec. legally an adult and thus paying bills. they/them or he/him pronouns have my preference.
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Postby melancholia. » Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:23 pm

indigo > lenora, open
    "huh?" indigo muttered under his breath, stopping in his tracks after hearing his name. he drowned out the outside noises, completely zoned out to the outside, focused inside his head. he looked around in front of him, not seeing anyone before turning around to see the cream colored female. "oh, a hunt?" he asked. "i suppose you're right, a hunt never hurt anyone." he smiled

sage > lenora, alexander, indigo, open

    sage looked up at the pack leader, smiling. "yeah! a hunt sounds good right now!" she cheered, nearly drowning out indigo. she than looked over at alexander, looking to strike a conversation. "how have you been?i don't think i've talked to you for a minute."
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