𝑨𝑳𝑫𝑨𝑬𝑹𝑨 - plain old wild horse rp - closed

For roleplaying regular/real-world species with real-world limitations, e.g. cats, dogs, wolves, lions, bears.

top ten anime deaths: the end of wolfie

Postby grapejuice » Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:16 pm

Lex || Stallion || 11 || Bachelor || Covered - 0 || Feeling: "hungry", excited || Tags; Night, Anakin, Sun, Erebus

Did he have a death wish? Perhaps. Why else would he be prancing up to the daughter of such a scary stallion so boldly and seemingly without a care in the world? While he'd seen the look Erebus had shot to him and his brother, the intimidating little "show" he'd put on to protect his daughter, Lex knew he had to try. Heck, the old man had no use for keeping his own daughter around anyways. It wasn't like he could breed her, and not like she could provide the herd any protection like a son in a lieutenant position. Unless, of course, he was just that protective and wanted to select her mate. In which case that seems a little... old fashioned.

But the white stallion continued to move the distance, despite the growing anxiety in his chest. The closer he got, the more he realized just how large the older bachelor was. Just how fearsome and terrifying he looked. Lord knows how he'd react to Lex's little interruption. In that moment, though, it was as if the gods were smiling down upon him, as some unfortunate mare seemed to lure in Erebus' attention, long enough for Lex to at least approach the young black mare.

"Hello!" He nickered in greeting, slowing his pace just a few yards off from where she stood. The last thing he wanted to do was spook her, and then get his tail kicked for creeping on the other stallions daughter like that. "My name is Lexington, and, uh..." Honestly, he didn't think he'd get this far. For a brief moment, he turned his head, eyes scanning his surroundings. His brother and that mare had disappeared from where he'd left them, and for a moment, Lex felt a sting of panic in his chest. He didn't like when Anakin wasn't within his sights, it was something that made him quite uncomfortable and more antsy than usual. On the other hand, he also saw Erebus in the distance, snaking a mare back to where he currently stood. With Night. Alone.

Gotta think fast if you don't want to be gelded, man. And he turned his head back towards Night, a nervous smile on his face. "Hey, uh. Let's say you and I get out of here, huh? Have a little alone time and chit chat of our own?" He side-stepped awkwardly, hoping to convince her to follow him. "And don't you worry your pretty little head, I won't let anyone lay a hoof on you." Although, he was hoping to lay a little more than just a hoof on her. But that wasn't worth mentioning right now, not with the possibility of him getting completely annihilated on the line. That would be so lame.

Kraken || Stallion || 5 || Bachelor || Covered - 0 || Feeling: curious || Tags; Lucia, Vi, & pretty bachelor band

This wasn't exactly how he'd planned things. One moment, the fiery chestnut was surrounded by other young bachelors and the next, they'd all left him to go flirt with mares. He rolled his eyes, grumbling slightly to himself as he snatched up a mouthful of grass. "Traitors." Kraken spat, the pain of being alone beginning to settle on his nerves. It's not that he didn't want to go talk to girls himself, heck, he'd managed to mate with a few in the past! But it was never easy, and every single one had been ripped away from him so quickly by some older, brutish, generally meat-headed stallion. [Lex *cough*]

As Kraken's eyes began to wander, looking for literally any distraction to stave off the boredom, his gaze fell onto two sights in particular. The first was a mare, older than him and heavy with foal. She was drinking from the stream not too far off, and for a moment, he wondered if she could hear him talking to himself. Kraken shuddered at the thought, finding it too embarrassing to even imagine. She'd think you're a nerd... or just so cringey. What mare wants to get with an idiot who talks to himself? And he shook his head, forcing himself to snap out of it as he looked towards his second point of interest.

Another mare, dark in color, making her presence very well known. Tail streaming out like a banner behind her, a melodious whinny erupting past her lips. The stallion nearly choked on the grass he'd been eating just seeing her. And watching the way her sleek body glided past, muscles rippling ever so slightly beneath her black coat... well, it was enough to make him shift positions, and determine that he would attempt to speak to her. Kraken began to move out from under the shade of the tree, the sun's rays lighting up his chestnut coat. You'd almost think he was on fire, with how boldly he stood out in comparison to all of the lush green. The bachelor picked up his pace and began to canter in Lucia's direction, letting out a neigh in response, hoping to catch her attention the way she'd captured his.

Hawks || Mare || 7 || Lone Mare || Heat Stage 2 || Feeling: grateful || Tags; Wendigo, Levi, Nikki

The two were still bickering when they'd been interrupted. Hawks was about to tell Wendi off for the hundredth time about what a meanie she'd been to the pretty golden mare, for absolutely no good reason, when the stallion approached. Hawks had also been bracing for impact, knowing at some point in this argument, Wendigo was most likely going to nip her again as punishment for using the nickname she hated so much. But Nikki had unknowingly saved the day, and Hawks was thankful. Her attitude changed pretty much instantaneously. She'd gone from whimpering and whiny to excited and friendly in just seconds. "Interrupting? No no no! Actually, you're doing me quite the favor. You see, Wendi here is a bit--" And Hawks squealed as she was nipped once more, side-stepping away from her friend. "I was going to say Wendi is a bit cranky today. Not call you a female dog, even if it is true." She muttered the last part under her breath, before turning to smile at Nikki.

"I'm Hawks, and this lovely lady is Wendi." Just as she'd introduced herself and her partner, another stallion appeared. This one was golden in appearance, and seemed to be a little stiff. Hawks wondered briefly if Wendigo's rage energy was making the two uneasy, but then again, both bachelors were pretty young in comparison. With a flick of her scented tail, her eyes moved to Wendigo, who she'd allow to lead this situation. If Wendi decided this wasn't worth their time, Hawks would follow suit. Safety in numbers and all that.

Wendi || Mare || 10 || Lone Mare || Heat Stage 1 || Feeling: snarky, annoyed || Tags; Hawks, Levi, Nikki

It was a miracle that Wendigo didn't lunge at Hawks in that moment. Between how annoying and whiny the golden mare was, and how uncomfortable Wendi was due to her heat was enough to make her implode. Just as she was about to hurl another insult at the younger mare, her verbal attack was interrupted by one of those bachelors she'd spotted earlier. And Wendigo let out a sigh of disappointment, and rolled her eyes. Oh boy, here we go. The dark colored mare had become less tolerant of young studs over the years, and found them to be more of a nuisance than anything else. Their mind was only ever on one thing, and to make it worse, their lack of experience just made it so cringe-worthy and uncomfortable to deal with. The interactions were rarely ever worth the effort, and Wendigo was ready to turn and walk away.

But of course, Hawks just had to open her mouth. The little palomino mare, too polite and chatty to turn down a conversation, just launched right into it without even thinking. Clearly. Wendigo's mouth opened in shock and horror, not believing how Hawks was just so comfortable with entertaining this... this child so willingly. And something in her snapped, as she leaned forward to nip her friend on the withers, hard. Wendigo's ears lay flat against her scalp, nostrils flaring and glare boring holes through her counterpart. It was wise of Hawks to step aside and not crowd her, especially not when she was so heated from hormones and sheer anger. Forcing herself to take a few deep breaths, she returned her attention to Nikki, only realizing that now, he had a friend with him. Oh joy.

"Greetings to you both. I apologize for my friend here, she's a bit of a birdbrain, in case you couldn't tell." She smirked, casting a glance at Hawks. "But my name is Wendigo, and I'd prefer you address me by that instead of her stupid little pet name. Lest you want to feel these teeth on you as well." And she winked, before stepping back to, rather obviously, look both bachelors up and down. They were handsome, she'd give them that much, but Wendigo wasn't sure if they would be worth the time. After all, young studs like them rarely stood any chance against the more experienced stallions in the valley, and her patience was already wearing paper thin.

Desi || Mare || 13 || Herd Mare || Foal Heat || Feeling: distraught || Tags; Erebus, Eury, Nahiri

All good things must come to an end. At least, that's how the saying goes. The dark bay mare was dozing off, the warmth of the sun's rays cradling her comfortably, the sounds of nature and the valley around them like a white noise machine. Everything had been so peaceful. She felt her foal moving beneath her, and murmured softly, "Shhh, back to sleep dearie. It's been a long day for us both. We'll have plenty of time to play later once we're well rested." And her voice, coupled with his own exhaustion, put the colt right back to sleep. Little did she know, that later would never come.

Within moments she heard the thunder of hooves, growing closer and closer by the second. She forced one sleepy eye open, only to see a figure barreling towards her. Alarmed, Desi's entire body jolted into it's awakened state, and she leaned down to nose her sleepy colt. "C'mon baby, nap time's over." And then the stallion was upon them. His head low, sending them both running. The dark colored mare tried to keep her pace slow, she tried so hard to force her colt ahead of her, but it was no use. He'd tripped over himself, too afraid and unable to keep his balance in an effort to chase after his mom. Desdemona so badly wanted to stop and push him back up, reassure him that everything was going to be okay--

But the dark stallion had grabbed hold of him. And while it was over quickly, the sounds that had escaped her colt would be forever burned into her memory. Her heart welled up with sadness, and while her movements faltered at the sting, she kept on going. Through the tears forming in her eyes, she spotted two mares off to the side, and beckoned to them with a heartbroken whinny. She appreciated their condolences, and prayed they would never have to experience something as heart wrenching in their lifetimes. Desi went in the direction the stallion had been pushing her towards, a prime location just beside the local watering hole. It was bustling with life, and she couldn't help but feel oh so jealous of all the happy families that were parading around. She'd had her own, just moments ago. Tiny and broken, but it was hers.

As she came to a halt, the mare could finally catch her breath and take a moment to properly grieve. She knew this was the way of nature, the way it would've ended up regardless, yes, but she couldn't help it. She felt so guilty, having promised him playtime later on once she was rested again. Once she was ready to. How selfish of her to assume she'd get the chance. And as if a cruel taunt from mother nature herself, Desi could feel the familiar sensation of her foal heat coming into effect.
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Re: 𝑨𝑳𝑫𝑨𝑬𝑹𝑨 - plain old wild horse rp - open

Postby lynettetan1 » Fri Oct 16, 2020 4:17 am

Meeting at Sunset
Sun~6 Years Old~ Heat stage 0 (Just birthed)~Lone mare
Mentions: Anakin, Lex, Erebus, Night
Tagged: Anakin

Had she simply imagined his weakness from before? When the dark stallion had looked over, the white stallion before her stood tall, making her figure less prominent amongst the two of them. His eyes were blue and cold, but he issued no challenge, simply showing the other what he would have to contend with if it did come to such an end. The best would have been to avoid such situations entirely, but Sun felt herself agreeing with the way he chose to handle the situation.

With his brother's errant behaviour, however, the white stallion relaxed, letting out a soft chuckle as he didn't stop him from returning back into the fray. Or perhaps, he knew that there was no stopping Lex. Though Sun had only known the other for all of a few seconds, and even then didn't really know him, Sun was quite sure that Lex was not a stallion that could be stopped with common sense.

But strangely enough, the interaction seemed to have settled the other stallion completely, none of the desperation from before showing on his features. Sun watched him curiously as he looked down. Was it now okay to leave the other alone? He hadn't shown any remorse nor want to retreat, and Sun was a little confused.

Still, that meant she didn't have to make good on her offer to bring him closer, and though she'd been ready to do it if necessary, Sun didn't bother hiding the breath of relief when he refused. Hearing his suggestion, and the implicit offer, Sun found herself agreeing. The memory of the dead would stay with her even if she washed the blood off, but at least she wouldn't attract predators any longer.

It was a sound suggestion, and Sun nodded in thanks. She was in his debt once more, it seemed. "That sounds good."

Stepping toward the treeline, Sun heard the stallion's footfalls before he strode next to her, seeming to want to travel with her without wanting to hurry her. She still wasn't too sure if she'd imagined it just before, but either way she appreciated the situation. The situation before aside, Sun still wasn't in the mood for any running unless absolutely necessary.

All the same, was the stallion really okay with this? She wasn't due for foal heat for at least a week, and there were definitely many other, more available mares. But then again, it wasn't like he was blind, so Sun batted the thought aside. He'd clearly made his own decision, and perhaps because of his demeanour, Sun found that she didn't dislike the idea of his company, though she had been sure she wanted to be alone.

The presence of an older stallion would definitely decrease the chances of her being bothered as well, and as such, she walked beside him agreeably, a ear flicking toward him as he started to speak. Whilst she'd known the other's name, it was nice to have it confirmed. "Nice to meet you, Anakin. I was named "Meeting at Sunset", but you can call me Sun. It's less of a mouthful."

He was a handsome one, to say the least. All tall limbs and gentlemanly manner, and Sun had to remind herself to keep at least some sort of a guard up. It was too easy to relax around him, it seemed.

When they reached the stream, Sun went further downstream so the blood wouldn't contaminate the water he was at should he want to take a drink. The water was cooling, and Sun felt her own mood lightening slightly with the cleaning, making her feel good enough to stretch a little, feeling the water rush over her shoulders.

Reveling in the water for a while, Sun found her gaze shifting to the white stallion. Letting her snout touch the water, she flicked her head up, sending a light spray of droplets toward the male with a whicker. "Do the two of you travel together as a herd?" She'd heard of multiple stallions leading a herd, but she'd never seen such a sight for herself. It was incredibly rare, given how often stallions getting together just lead to continuous conflict, but his behaviour before made her feel like with those two, it was very probable.

Midnight Jewel
Night~2 Years Old~Heat stage 1~Erebus' herd
Mentions: Erebus, Lex, Wolfe
Tagged: Lex

Stumbling backward, Night couldn't help but watch with wide eyes as Erebus stepped before her, before rearing. His hooves slammed against the ground with finality: 'stay away.'. Night couldn't help herself shying away from the display, looking away to hide the disappointment that fluttered briefly in her eyes.

This was what she'd hoped for, was it not? Some direction on what to do? Still, the heat in her stomach simmered lowly, and Night dropped her head, relief and confusion coursing through her. The message was received, and her father's word was final.

But then he was stalking off, and Night's head shot up immediately, ready to follow after, a closer shadow than the one at his feet. However, a snort to stop stilled her hooves, a stronger commandment than any of her own motivations. Though her coat was unscarred from others' hooves, it was more due to her own conscientiousness than Erebus' leniency. Certainly, her blood often stayed his actions, but Night held no illusions. If she stepped out of line too far, or on a bad day, she wouldn't necessarily be spared.

That done, Night dropped her head to graze, taking a soft breath to try and calm her nerves. No matter her heat, no one would approach her after that display-or even the one that was continuing. Looking as Erebus' teeth closed round a colt's neck, Night closed her eyes, mentally sending a small prayer to the tiny life.

But then a soft nicker, and Night looked up curiously, wondering who was calling to her.

She saw a coat of fine white first, before she recognised the frame from when she was looking at him earlier. To be fair, when she was looking at him earlier, he was a lot further away. And now he was... Close.

With that realisation, the burning heat was back, and Night felt as if her heart was beating out her chest as she tried to pay some sort of attention to his words. Lex, was it? And then he was smiling at her, and her ears flickered back and forth, a gentle nicker coming from her own throat and stepping forward slightly. He wanted to talk to her? Alone? His attention alone was already making her blush, and the thought of being able to get to know this new stallion was one that had her excited. "I'd... like that, I think?"

Oh, but. Wasn't she supposed to stay there? Also, wasn't he supposed to not be here? In that second, Night remembered the display just before, fear flashing before her as she remembered the very explicit directions. "Oh, but you shouldn't be here!" She said in a hushed whisper as she came closer, as if Erebus hadn't communicated what he wanted to Lex directly.

Night's tail swished about her in her panic, unknowingly spreading her scent more thickly through the air as she thought about other things altogether. Her thoughts were a muddle, but she was sure that she didn't want the white stallion before her getting hurt, especially not on her account. But he simply sidestepped, and Night's eyes followed, her attention not seeming to be able to leave him alone, despite what she said.

Night looked about her quickly, about to say more, but his next words made her pause. He thought she was pretty? The words all but short-circuited her thoughts, and she let out a soft whicker as she looked away, embarrassed. Wanting to protect her though he was the one at greater risk here...

Erebus had made it clear in no uncertain terms what his preferences were, but just a talk wouldn't be wrong, right? To get to know the kind stallion with the coat of white. But... "I... I would like to get to know you," Night professed as her hoof dragged a line through the soil, not wanting Lex to think she had no interest. "I really would, but..." Not knowing how to finish, Night looked up, before she found herself lost in Lex's eyes.

A warm hazel, they looked kind, and she felt herself drifting, unsure of exactly what she wanted to say. The feelings from before boiling up in full force, Night let out a low whicker as she drew her muzzle gently to his, her train of thought utterly forgotten.

Velvet Violence
Vi~11 Years Old~Birthing~Lone mare
Mentions: Kraken, Asvaldr
Tagged: Open (reserved for Kraken)

A sharp stab of pain broke Vi's concentration, making her pause. Gently drawing her nose to her stomach, Vi breathed slowly through the pain, trying to stabilise herself, sides twitching. Was it time?

The contractions had been coming more and more frequently, and she'd had enough foals to know that it was time. Waddling away, Vi shifted through the woods before finding a hidden grove to lie down. Stomping the grass on the field to flatten it and made it more comfortable, Vi lowered herself unto the ground, before letting out a sigh.


Vi licked the afterbirth off her newborn, a task made more difficult by the colt wriggling about all over the place and refusing to keep still. Pushing her aching legs under her, she got up, letting the him suckle. He was a reckless one, stumbling over his feet to try and get to the scent of the milk, shying away from her tongue as she tried to clean him to a satisfactory degree. "You certainly go for what you want." Vi mused with an amused snort, letting him drink his fill as he leaned against her for support. That was good. He certainly had a lot of fight in him, and as a colt, he'd need it. He had her long legs, a relatively sturdy frame and seemed to be in good health, which also gave him more of a fighting chance.

Thinking about it, Vi cursed the situation she was in. It was one thing to have a filly, but a lone mare with a newborn colt had more reason to be vigilant than anyone. She had to search for a strong herd that wouldn't harm her colt, and somehow make it till winter.

Full, the colt looked at her, bringing it's tiny nose toward her. Blinking, Vi brought her own face closer, let his muzzle gently whuffle against hers, tickling her whiskers. It let out a tiny cry, and Vi felt some of her jaded nature warm at the sound.

He'd need to fight for what he wanted, but that didn't mean that he shouldn't want, didn't mean she wouldn't fight to give him the opportunity to want. "Violent Delights." Vi finally decided, looking at him. "You're going to have to keep up." Deli whickered once more, stepping around and testing out his legs, and Vi let out a soft snort, looking about her warily. Perhaps a small stream nearby, and then somewhere to hide, further away from the valley, till Deli could run and keep up with her. Starting to move, Vi kept her pace constant and slow, letting Deli totter after her as he figured out how to use those long limbs he'd been gifted with.

Mountain Blossom
Blossom~4 Years Old~Heat stage 3~ Lone mare
Mentions: Asvaldr
Tagged: Asvaldr

Frolicking as she was, Blossom took a while to notice the sooty stallion approaching. When she did, however, she paused, looking up. Where she was of a sturdier, enduring stock, he seemed to be made of something graceful, tall and limber and quiet. Yet, there was a physicality to the stallion, muscles that rippled under that shining coat and hoofsteps that pressed one's presence into the grass below. Yes, even though he had not said a word, he had Blossom's attention.

Approaching steadily, Blossom had turned to face him, about to give him a whicker of greeting when the large stallion tripped and fell flat on his face. As Blossom stared at him sprawled on the grass and trying to bring himself up, she had the briefest of thoughts that it would be rude to laugh.

Of course, that never really stopped her, and the young mare was chortling as the other brought himself up, his features very embarrassed. At his greeting, Blossom nodded, bumping his shoulder in a friendly manner by way of greeting, especially since her mouth was full with her laughter. Her joy was loud and hearty, which might have been seen as rude (and was, by many other horses), but if one got to know her, it was clear that Blossom never really laughed at anyone more than she was laughing with them. If she liked you, you would know, and if she disliked you, it would be plain as day. She had never been a horse to hide her emotions or use subtlety to mask her intentions.

"You looked so graceful for a moment." Blossom admitted freely, pausing as she really took in the stallion's full height. Lords, was he tall! Enthralled by the new discovery, she stepped forward, brushing her chest against his as she reared slightly so her muzzle could touch the tips of his ears, trying to see how tall he was. "Have you stopped growing, do you figure?"

But she was probably too close, and a lifetime of mares trying to teach her the basic modicum of personal space had Blossom backing up. He was interesting and all, but most horses wouldn't appreciate her circling them like a curious shark (as if what she had just done wasn't bad enough already). Though, now that her attention wasn't solely focused on the other, Blossom felt the urge to run and play in the joy of spring. But then, why couldn't she have both? Shooting the other a forward grin, Blossom cocked her head. "Are you up for a run?"

Dancing on the Moon
Classic~ 16 years old~ Heat stage 1~Lone mare
Mentions: Shiva, Erebus, Lex
Tagged: Shiva

There was an itch on her rump. At first, Classic had ignored it in favour of stocking up on the fresh shoots of grass, simply using her tail to whip across her rump every now and then. However, the itch only got more and more prominent as time passed, and Classic found herself trying to nip at the spot that stayed irritatingly out of reach.

When she was left with irritation and a very sore neck, Classic stepped a little closer to the valley, trying to scope out a friendly enough face, or perhaps a low enough branch. This was driving her insane. A stallion would not be ideal, though a younger colt might be cajoled into thinking they had a chance before being kicked away. Any mare presenting their rear end to a stallion in this season would be misunderstood, no matter which stage they were in, and Classic was at the age where she needed to be doubly cautious when picking a stallion to father a foal with. She was a stout, hardy thing, that was for certain, but age was something to be well considered, and she was no longer quite as fast as she was before. Her senses had not left her yet, but it would be best to find someone to buddy up with. It was nice, to have another's presence and another set of friendly eyes and ears about. Horses were not meant to be alone.

That said, one's companion often mattered a lot, and Classic didn't want to join herself to an annoyance only to regret being unable to outrun them later. Someone solid and sensible would be nice, and with her age and experience, Classic knew that the other would get some good out of the situation as well. If it was a vain, competitive mare, they would also rest at ease, knowing that Classic wasn't setting out to impress. Even if she had been like that in the past-and she hadn't-her priorities had settled with age. The valley was chock full of horses, and there would be a nice position to scout out the other horses.

The first horse she spotted was a dark coated stallion facing off a white stallion right in the middle, near the watering hole. Ah, yes. Spring had well and truly started indeed.

Water sources were often places for contention, especially in spring and summer when mares were in heat and stallions were all showing off. Looking at the dark and white pelts and the muscles and movements rippling beneath them, Classic paused for a moment, admiring the two's agility. No matter how violent or bloody, there was something to be said about the fights between stallions. The speed and strength was truly something to behold.

Still, she continued looking. No matter how strong or beautiful, she was looking for more of a listening ear, the type of companion that could be counted on, and possibly a little more quiet. As she'd borne foals for many stallions, Classic had come to prize thoughtfulness and attentiveness above all things, more so than an impressive physique.

Also, both did not look like they would be free to scratch her itch.

As she looked over the valley, Classic caught sight of an appaloosa mare grazing quietly near the outskirts of the meadow. She looked relatively experienced, but the way she kept looking about her belied some of her anxiousness. If the stallions weren't too fixated on the next pretty young thing, they'd probably have snapped her up a long time ago.

But she didn't necessarily want to go into the valley, where whichever stallion that would end up getting her would just be the one that pounced first. If the situation called for it, Classic could see herself getting cajoled or forced into a herd with a stallion she did not want, but at least for the start of spring, she wanted to have the freedom of choice.

As such, Classic let out a low whicker toward the other mare, hoping to catch her attention and draw her over without too much trouble. Hopefully she'd guessed right, and the other had been hoping for some company. If not, perhaps she'd have to go back to searching for a low enough branch.

Whiskey Dagger
Whiskey~13 Years Old~Uninjured~Bachelor
Mentions: Mask, Echo and Dal
Tagged: Mask, Echo and Dal

As the mare greeted him, Whiskey bobbed his head in greeting, slowly making his way over. The mare called to her own fillies, the yearling coming up to him to greet him as well, which had Whiskey a little surprised. Most younger ones tended to hide behind their parents, so having one be so forward without being pushed behind their mother was a new development. Still, he stretched out his nose, exchanging scents with the yearling.

They didn't seem to smell of a herd, which strengthened Whiskey's suspicions. The youngest filly looked at him curiously, but Whiskey kept his distance. Though this mare seemed relatively willing to let her fillies interact with him, it was best not to push his luck.

As such, Whiskey headed toward the black mare, reaching out with his muzzle in an offer to exchange scents with her. She was a young one, to be surrounded by so many young ones, and though it must have been a handful, she seemed kind. "My name is Whiskey Dagger, Whiskey for short." As he introduced himself in his quiet baritone, Whiskey kept a lookout for other threats that could appear upon them. It was always good to be alert, after all. "What's your name? Are you and your daughters alone?"
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Re: 𝑨𝑳𝑫𝑨𝑬𝑹𝑨 - plain old wild horse rp - open

Postby KestrelTheFirecat » Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:13 am

Captian|| coverings -0|| Fresian||Stallion|| tags open

The handsome black stallion holds his head up high and whinnied at the top of his lungs. He takes off running through the meadow and into a lush forest where he slows and admires the lush foliage. Captain looks a round and smiles as he sees the season to come to life.

Coal|| coverings -0|| Gypsy vanner|| yearling|| tags opn

The blue roan foal runs with his whole might. He throughs his head back and whinnies a loud trumpiting neigh. He takes off to find an colt to play with. Coal looks around and wags his small tail.

Masquerade (Mask)||heat-0|| Fresian||mare||tags dal, echo and whiskey

The young black mare exchange scents with the stallion and says “i masquerade or mask for short” she looks around just in case. She says “how are you this fine day?” She looks up at the stallion

Echo||Heat-0|| fresian/apoolosa||11 months|| filly||tags dal and Mask

The filly whinnied with joy as the stallion exchanged scents with her and she says “I’m Echo and this is dal” gesturing to her sister. She swishes her long tail and flips her mane.

Dalmatian (Dal)|| Heat -0|| Fresian/apoolosa||4 weeks|| filly|| tags mother and echo

Dal looks around and whinnies in greeting to the stallion. She trots after her sister hearing her mother saying ‘not to be rowdy”p’ she looks at her mother and says “ok mother” she takes off after her sister
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